Newspaper Page Text
Bapids Morning Telegram, vJI 1 OullL VOL. II. NUMBER 1. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1885. PRICE 2 CENTS THAT SETTLES IT. :A Phrenologist Says Cleveland is Made oi the Proper Stuff. Am: an t, l) 1. Cleveland wa? besieged ; by caller- to-d.iy, especially by autojraph : s-w ker, b LrlieYu the few remaining dij will b the K-t opportunity to secure hi RittT:;itur r. In the afternoon a phreuoio ; k'i-it t.)k iM!--ioa of an otliee ehnir, and ; for one hour studied Cleveland intently from ! a remote torner of the room. Afterwards 5 l.ecxprew.-d hi conclusion.- that Cleveland IM-.-d marked exeeatie abilities, hU irt?- ' dii;iinitin traiU of character btin will ax; 1 rr.-iitin iower. "Qualitie:," he added, ' "which tha politician of Wa.-;hin'tou will try p;iekly nd out to their chagrin and divippointinent." Cleveland, between the turnr of 12 ami - o'clock, will receive call- ri at the Fxecutive. chamber. He will be i nMted by hi -j military itaff in full uniform. I After tho executive chamber leTee, the Governor will entertain the taT at dinner in tiie executive mansion. A RAILROAD WRECK. Narrow Escape of a Large Number of Passengers. ' tu.-tcT Cut, N. J., Dec, What mitfht hnve been a riou di.ater occurred this morning 1tx the New York division of the Ftunsylvaiiu railroad upon Hackensnck meadow. There wa a deiic fo at the time, and the lVhih Valley train which left Jersey City at $?2 wa stopped by a black signal shortly after crodnj; at Hack enack. The track were cleared and the train liad started aain when the Phila- ddphia etpre., which left J-)rey City at suddenly loomed up through the fo aud crashed into the rear car of the Iii'hih i Valley train. The ia.s.-eri:erH of both trains j were thrown from their seat, but none euf ; fered seriou. injury. Charles a Snyder, tire- man of expres train, wa badly cut by f broken ,'la, but wa able to proceed to hU ; home in Philadelphia. 1 he engine of renn ; sjlvania train wa badly wrecked. 4 A MICHIGAN STEAMER DAMAGED. i One of the Flint & Pere Marquette Boats Nearly Wrecked. Milwaukee, Dec. 31. A i-cial from Lud inon, Mich., say: The Flint fc Pere Mar- juttte steamer No. 1 ran into Harbor 8 thw morning while a heavy utile wa. prevailing, and h ink in water fourteen feet deep. A lariM hole wa stove in the side of the -team er and the caro i entirely under writer. The carro wa from Milwaukee for the t,a.t and ; i a valuable one. When the hole whs itove in a st earn piie burst, instantly killing Jo- aeph Slicer and a man named Crist Le. Oth er were badly scalded. The explosion caused great confusion. The gale i beating the boat badly, and he may prove a loss. Ihe : tn).it i the projK-rty of the Flint it Pere Mar quette. WEST VIRGINIA LAWLESSNESS. Strangers Driven Out of Town and Threatened with Lynching. Fulton, V. Va., Dec. 31.- Excitement continues over the recent robberies and out rages. Late last night after the vigilance committee visited the liquor tore and escorted all supiciou and unknown persons out of town, with orders not to retain under penalty of death, an attempt was made to enter the resilience of Charles Kraft. About midnight the old man was held up, severely injured and robbed of everything he had. H veral rnall thefts are reported to-day. Fifty armed men are now guarding Fulton and lynching awaits the first man caught .stealing. Australia. Alarmed. ' Mr.LDouKNr, Dec. 31. The Premier of tori a, in a letter to tho Governor of the $ny beseech.1- the Latter to join in the ( d protest of the Australian colonies p ?t allowing Germany to seize portion? $v Guinea. He warns the Governor that reported action of Germany prove to Virtually been taken he does not care to r for the course of the ictoria ieop!e. uest the Governor to telegraph at the home governor for authority to ?very other available island of Ans 1u The Government of Now South t refused to join in the protest. 1 VThe Courtesy of the Pope. yYouK, Deo. 31. A cablegram from laj: The Pope intend. to confer a Lrk of distinction upon Miss Mary fo!t f.f hor ofYVr of fi fl trt 'atholic University in this country. inn said to-day: "There raut be r in the reported action of His The church know of no signal Utinction which can ha conferred Th Pope may, perhaps, end o graph letter as a t)kcn of his ap- of her offer. A Daby-Killing Crank. r Col., Dee. 31. A coroner's n in. has bepti invrstigiting the mys 1 nth of two infants at t .- "Taber- m-h1" Fo'iudiings Homo, kept !y William', have condemned the recommend th-At the remaining takpn frtm W'illiain. Tlve thirtl today. William i a crank who i i Chicago and etahlihtHl a pi icf babies. Ihree of thim died yV-fftk. Hi rpi-,t for burial per- r.u'ted Vo attention of the anthor- (rorninj; the Uid Tear Uut. '$ ''enx, Dec. 31. Tlie lower part or ;wry. usually deserted after dark, wa 1hI at midnight as it evr was at y Nearly ev ry pletaria had a tin T din made by th intrimfnts ir.'ling. When iruvity cl hk toih-tj ,i ti chimr i'ia to onnl grpat Wa rai'l by t?je ptpl. Nm aftrr tirn'Vl homeward, aivd t:; econvl tf t! Nevv Year f.und th trt as aid q-iiet as nJ.d. . Tir Coriir to r v-o. M., I..c. :U.n, v. i (K Ni- a Finnish prt.t f th Hforml .srrird hr n lK pol)T5o-i.ri y I'!.' ob;vt f hi viU to tMi?i- e,ia ?ia a CiUnjf of r nroh I A Urti? rjrircir. V. .it,- ll.e J.t:r4 f:.1tts THE DISTRESS IN SPAIN. STILL SHAKEN BY EARTHQUAKES. Two Thousand Persons Killed Fifty Five Towns Destroyed Great Suf fering and No Medicine. Maikii, Dec. 31. Reports received thii morning from the ditricU in which the earthquakes were inot severe further in crea. the number of fatalititts and the amount of damage done. Albuquerque, a town of h,00U inhabitants in ltremadura, ha. been completely destroyed, and 15J0 bodies have been taken $roin the ruin. At Nerja, a town of 5,0m) people, 27 miles east of Malaga, the earthquake was followed by a hurriciine which completed the destruc tion of many houses. At Malaga the patient in the hospital were so terrified they forgot their maladies and tied to the open air. The couvicts in ihe prisoner refused to enter their celL and remained all night in the court yard. The wall of every church in the city were cracked. Many persons were killed at Cauillas. Ihe old Moorish town of Alhama, of the "warm baths," in Andalusia, twenty-six miles sooth west of Granada, and which had a popula tion of 7,0tA) people, and the adjoining town of Santa Cruz, are completely destroyed. Soldiers are clearing up the ruins in search of corpses, over 1U0 of which have been found, many of them horribly disfigured. The numln-r of persons killed is unknown. The search for bodies in the ruins of Alhama is proceeding slow ly, owing to fresh earthquake shocks, which cause the men to fieo from their work and seek open spaces. Other joints report earthquake shocks, and the the telegraph service has been reieatedly inter rupted by them, causing the news to come in very slowly. At Albunuelas 200 persons were injured. From the ruined houses 100 bodies have been recovered. Sixteen houses were destroyed at Laujaron, Granada, and numer ous houses demolished and lives lost in other villages. Fifty corpses have been found at Ventas de Tain Arranza. At Zatfaraya fifty jKLTSons perished. At the old Roman town of Loja (lf,000 pop.) twenty-six miles from Granada the barracks were ruined. At the ancient Roman and Moorish town of Pri ego, 30 miles from Cordova, the shock came while the theater was crowded with people. A terrible panic followed. Many persons jumped from, the galleries and from windows upon the crowd below. Two were killed and forty more or less seriously injured. King Alfonso has subscribed $4,000 for the relief of the sufferers. The -Madrid newspapers have opened relief subscriptions. Dispatches received this aftsrnoon from many points in Spain report that earthquake shocks are still felt at intervals. The indi cations now are that 2,000 persons perished. People who fled from the towns to the coun try upon tho reenrrance of the earthquake shocks, 6till refuse to go back to their homes. A very distressing feature of the calamity is the Jest ruction of almost all medicines, making it impossible to give proper treat ment to the sick and wounded. For this reason and for lack of food the mortality among the sufferers is frightful. The total number of towns reported nearly or wholly destroyed is fifty-five. The university, prison and hospital are greatly damaged. The river Jorbena has disappeared from its bed. JUD CROUCH TESTIFIES Concerning His Experience at Hol comb's House. Jackson, Mich., Dec. 31. Jud. Crouch took the stand yesterday afternoon. Wit ness slept with Foy at Dan Holcomb's house on the night of the murder. All went to bed early. About 9 o'clock he and Foy were disturbed by a cat,, which they drove down stairs and out of doors, hav ing nothing on but their shirts. When the boy Bolles came and told of the murder he insisted on Dan Holroinb going to town with Hutchins. Picked up two shells at the Crouch hoase, but did not know anything about the mat ter of calibre. Neither did he know anything about bloody clothing behind a chest, as sworn to by Klla Shannon. He denied all the conversation sworn to by Harrison Snow, when the latter was on the stand, as to the ill feeling between witness and his fathe and White and wife. Everything was entirely friendly all around. Daniel S. Holcorab sworn: Am fifty-one years old; am a farmer and own fiOO acres; bought a revolver in Lansing October 2; took it to William's and lost it in the woods; I didn't know what calibre the revolver was: shot it up there where Baker and William found the shell; never saw the witness Frank Mason till on the stand here; was up to investigate a noise at e o'clock that niht; Mrs. Holcomb heard the news of the murdar from Nettie Snyder; I came to the city at Hutchins' solicitation, and supposed the vic tim had their throat cut and didn't want my wife to go there. DESTRUCTIVE FLAMES. A Dry Goods Store and Other Build ings Destroyed. Evavwille. Ind., Dec. 31. At 7 o'clock this evening fire broke out in the rear of Miller Hrr. store, the largest dry goods es tablishment in Southern Indiana. The tlime soon spread to C. C. Fennev's store. denier in hats and cap; Charles F. Schmidt' mnsic house. Geo. o. Sonntair t Co. s hard ware, totally dr-trovinsr tho buildinir and contents, and also damaging Herman Fend rick, tobacconist, Mr. Deochet, milliner, and the roaJ-olUca of John Ingl i Co. The total loss will reach $'.X0.0ro. Joe Roe, of the fire department, ffll through an ojpen hatchway into Geo. S. Smntag's store, badly injuring himself. - A TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. A Tug Boiler Bursts and Kills All on Board. Cntcuw, Dee. 31. At half-past six to-night th toilrr of the tug Admiral of the Union Towing Company exploded in th river near ITalsteriJ strrt bridge, killing all on Imrd. They ?r H. W. H-al, Stqnnen lnt of th company; Andrew Orrn. rrbair; Jo(iqh, engineer, and W. M. llowman, fi re man. Ilowman' rnntdatrd llr was found ttfro hundred fret from th scr.e. The rther lbs are not jrt recovered. C'liptairi 4. Grant, if th -h'ifief ri'inri, which wa Trvo, nar by, va tirnrtl the fif. h' IwmIt was thrift fivehnndred frf ntrf nT7i'vr pile f ?t y fpt MiS Tb-ef Mo to trvf With. f,s?i-:. Mrh., i-, i..-lh fJ.Tfjvf hn paf'b nJ fro't? f ! Hi 4 t ifTl t A. f'-ukf, enl fmm ltty rrT!f jr l-f rt'r T-r3 fr b-ifj'a-;: p.t'rlrV 3, !.;!, ac7lt frTa H iff r '; x 't55 ll, f.r Ur f" f.-lf (1-s; If- r-ja f, ?!-iM. fr, f Yi vfeniar yrft Af Tl! 1. 1 ilr. IMs is 'd pTj-eIr f?t ho fi l,x? nf i.' 1. , a t6utonicdi8turbance. Charles Engelhardt and George Stein- bracher Have Trouble. Charles Fngelliardt is a youthful Teuton, fetill in his teeiu,and works at Kusterer's brew ery. So did George Steinbracher, another German, until Tuesday, when for some suf I ticient caue he was given the grand bounce. Though Cliarles is tili a callow youth, he has learned enough to know that there is nothing in life half to aweet as love's young dream. Consequently he called for Katarina, who helps to manage the kitchen depart ment at the Bridge Street Houe, la?t night, and with her took a walk over to No. JQ West Broadway, where her mother and "sec ond father" live. Now, it ho happens that George Steinbracher and his bride., whom he made las own by permission of the Police Court a short time eince, reside in the rear part of the same building. Dur ing the course of the evening jCharlee and George got to talking brewery matters over, and it is presumable tliat George in some way connected Charles with the grand bounce he got the day before. At all everfts, the meeting of these two Teutons, came very near bringing on the tug of war. Charles said, the more be talked with Steinbracher the madder he got, until he finally drew a revolver and threatened to shoot him (Engelhart.) As that wasn't what Charles had taken Katharina walking for, he jumped out of the back window and ran to police headquarters for an officer to arrest Stein bracher. He told Clerk Hurley all about it, how he had taken his girl out for a pleasant time, was disappointed and how as he ran when a quarter of a block away, Stein bracher fired his revolver. When told he would have to come in the morning and get a warrant, he declared he woald have to go back for his girl anyway. It is to be hoped he got safely through the dangers of the night, win his Katarina and teach Stein bracher better manners than to spoil an evening's entertainment. Real Estate Transfers, Furnished daily from the office of W. R. Scribner, real estate dealer. J Samuel White to James Scholz, lots 11, 12 and 13, blk 2, White's 2i add Estate of Adam Frey to Magdalina Frey. s .$ 925 50 ft w lot W2, Kent plat 1,700 Emerson li. Roe to Henry 11. liobinson. lot 84. Silas Hall's sub 400 Polish Nat'l Benevolent Society to Polish Nat'l Ben. Society, pee land on sec 26. Walker 200 Henry R. Emmons to Christopher Em mons, pt ofnwHswH of feec 18, Al gonia 175 Charles A. Renwick to Charles BronsoD, . , pt of e t s w hi of nee 29, Uowne 125 Lawson A. Paine to Wm. M. La Barr, lot 14, Paine t Anderson's add, Snarta 800 ItusRcll P. Hibbard to Barbara Bvlell, lot 25, sec 33, Kent City 200 A Shipwreck. Philadelphia, Dec. 31. A dispatch from Bird's Nest, Va.. says: "The bark Lena (Norwegian), from .South America, for. Philadelphia, with a cargo of sugar, strand ed, December 27, on Hog Island bar, during ji ' i n rT' 1 l t t i iniCK weatner. ine vessel oroxe up oeiore assistance could be rendered. Eight lives were lost and two saved. The vessel and cargo are a total loss." The Orphans Proyided For. Rbookltn, Dec. 31. Four hundred orphan boys, driven from St. John's Home by the recent fire, moved into the east wing to-day, that part of the building having been fitted up for them. TRADL AND FINANCE. Orrici or F. V. Taylob, Sweet's Hotel, ) Grand Bapids, Dec. 31, 1884. J Cables on wheat to-day quoted a much stronger feeling and an advance of Is per quarter on red winter wheat. Corn strong at former quotations. Yesterday's exports in wheat and flour from three seaboard ports foot np a total of 131,500 bu wheat. The year of l&l winds up with considerable better tone to the general markets than we had reason fifteen days ago to expect, and although extreme figures of to-day were not maintained, the general feeling is firm and prophets are for higher pricee. Chicago receipts to-day include 152 cars wheet, 262 cars corn, 73 cars oats, 19,000 hogs. Wheat Open. High. Low. Cloeed. January 76 76 75S 76 February.... 77 77 H 76 76 S May 83V4 83V 82 W Pl Corn January 8RS 85 Vi 34 S 344 May.. 3U 38Vi 37 J 37 H Oats May 28 , 23 . 28i 28?4 Pork February.... $11 12V4 $11 25 $11 10 $11 20 Lard February.... $6 72 $6 72l,i $6 70 $6 72' i New York. New York. Dec. 31. Floub Was very dull and closed without chang: miperfine, $2 fW2 90; round rump Ohio, H5i 5 K; Minnesota extra, H3 25. Whet Options unsptttal. chicg ahont steady at rest erdAy's figure. Sit lota dull and a trirl lo-vrer. Srt saI of nntmvlM winter rd a 121 Me; ungraded white at Mc: No. 2 red winter H6Ie; No. 2 red winter January, 85fcc: An February. 87 l4r: do Mai-cIu 3'4c. (Vrs Options irregular; IWembor hicher. Othr months lower, the cl boing firm. Hiot lots 'iffle lower. Spotalesof nntrn.leil mlxol ati,i52e, and nnsrraded yellow at No. 2 mixeil Jannary, 4Sii43Sc, anl do Fmary, 47Sc. Oat -Opt Inns irrcnlar, define hatyand dnll and S!4e lo-wrr. Hivt lots heavy bnt nnctantiri. Sjiot sals of N'o;2 whitts1e at S'f;Wl4c: and No. 2 mlxM do at 3V; No 2 mlxol January, 3tSe bid: do Fehmsry, 8it4He. Hnt-Dull: Western 59i62r. BttL?.v-Nominal. Pobk-IMI; new n. $t2 '. liinn-Kirm at a liht adrancc; $7 t rAh; 95.rannrr; $19.M-ti 02 Fbmar . BrTTTii-Firm bnt quiet; State, 1V'2C"; Wr. em. PfitlV. HmAR-Dnll; fir to pnn. rf,ning. Ifil'jr. Firm: HatA. Western. .T2. Nttw York. lw. si. The Ut diy ff the )mf mm rlrAtel on the rodfl.- -trl flrigby a ri tt srvm, rnetc snd incin. nr-dr te n(ipjr of th mmbr. Frrrr t W to !" r"ciUf hrxif ft rlirg tl r tnt no !nln whtrcr d-n. t Intoft-n tir?rf entirijr drotnl to p?nTe. MoTiy rliM t n t'-i tt ctit. FxrKri(r r d ill nt I.6; -etr rU l.&H for ST? iUt; nd 4 4't t.sji f, trand. IV M, t't'a'di U bvt. pn. irt H; tl U-.. bid; do ,-- Jr-st f nv, 10 M WHi ( .ntnU. jir-4 to lit. - - f. r-tn! r"t i t?-' -.1r ht r Va mitt h'j'n e"fjre, ft-V-t." t ".v ! Cit th tyif rr!i-?y -- !..- j-n?ftf h a i if r t r r:?: it C - jnrt trf ;: it ! !frt '.'." t ? C . ftl-4. rr-i'1""'" i i r. ? i . "cc " i j A GLANCE AT THE PAST. HISTORY OF A YEAR'S DOINGS. Record of Notable Occurrences, In cluding Deaths of Prominent Men - Ghastly Catalogue of Crimes. Another leaf in the book cf Time lias b-tu turned, another whirl of the wheel of Pate has been made, the old year is dead and a new one born. The old year wits one of Ieace within our borders and with other na tions. Houutiful harvests blessed tlii land with abundance, and although speculators were not specially prospered, the year lM will be calendared in the Book of Ages, as one of plenty. The -newborn year come freighted with brighter hoiies and fonder anticipation of greater advancement and blessings, than 'has been realized during the existence of any of its predecessors. Hut befo the battle of life is renewed it is well to pause and cast a short retrospective glance at some of the events the past twelve months brought to the sons of men. Many sad dieters by fire, Hood, storm and earthquake, make up the mishaps and misfotunes of the year, and tho benefits and blessings realized, it is fair to suppose were proportionately greater. Of the long chapter of the year's events ome of the leading and striking ones occurred in the month's named, as follows: JANUARY. The od, 4th and Tth days of the first month were noted for the coldest weather ever ex perienced, especially in the Northwest. Twenty-seven men were killed by a railway collision at Toronto, Canada. The Egyptian Ministry resigned, because of the advice given the Khedive by England in relation to the Soudan rebellion. The Spanish Minis try resiirned. Henry B. Payne and E. K. Wilson elected United States Senators Irom Umo and Alarylanu. James iutt ac quitted of the murder of N. L. Dukes, at Uniontown, Pa. "W. H. Allison re-elected U. S. Senator from Iowa. Fred Douglass married to a white woman. Thirty-two nuns and pupils in the Roman Catholic Con vent at Belleville, 111., burned to death. Two hundred Chinese lost by the wreck of a steamer. Railway train caught fire from oil on the track, near Bradford, Pa., and eight persons fatally burned. Steamer City of Columbus, from Boston to Savannah, wrecked in Vineyard Sound; 100 lives lost. Judge Nelson Poe, a cousin of the late Edgar Allen Poe died, also the following: Mary, seventeenth wife of the late Brigham Young. Charles Delmonico, famous New York res taurateur. Ex-Cong? essman S. Bridges, of Allentown, Pa. Mrs. Valeria Stone, of Mai den, Mass., who had distributed $1,600,000 in educational endowments. Wm. G. Weed, a prominent lawyer and politician of Albany, N. Y. In London, Earl Grosvenor. aged 31. In Lexington, Va., ex-Gov. John Letcher, aged 71. In WTashington, 1). C, Hon. E. W M. Mackey, representative from South Caro lina, aged 38. In $ ew York, Dr. Edward Lasker, member of jfie Parliament, 'in his 5Tit h year. FEEEUABY. Died: 'l'homas Kinsella, editor of the Brooklyn Eagle and ex-member of Congress. Hans Larson Martensen, famous Danish preacher and theologian. Mrs. Dix. widow of the late Gen. John A. Dix. Thomas Chenery, for seven years editor of the Lon don Times, A cyclone sweeps over Georgia, Mississippi and the Carolinas, killing up ward of 400 f people. Floods in the Ohio River. At Cincinnati the water was over seventy feet deep. The bill to restore Gen. Fitz-John Porter to the army passed tho National House. Mr. Morrison introduced his tariff bill. British Parliament meets. Mr. Bradlaugh excluded from the House of Commons. A horrible massacre in Tonnuin: one Driest, twenty- two catechists, and f15 Christians put to death, and 108 mission houses destroyed. J. C. S. Blackburn elected United States Senator from Kentucky. Gen. W. T. Sherman placed on the retired list. England dispatches reinforcements to Esrypt, The mysterious murder of Mr. and Mrs. Willson, an aged and wealthy couple, near Chicago. The Laskcr sympathy resolutions returned by Bismarck to the German Minis ter at Washington. A negro family mur dered near Cincinnati, and their bodies sold to a medical college. The McPherson bank circulation bill passes the United States Sen ate. MAIiCU. Died: At Washington, Hon. Kenneth eighty-three. In Santo Domingo, General Baez, ex-President of that island. At Rock- ford, 111., Colonel Norman Curtis, tho oldest Freemason in Illinois. At Boston. Dr. Ezra Abbott, noted for his great Biblical and hi torical learning. Napoleon Joseph Perche. Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of New Orleans. George W. Iane, President of the New York Chamber of Commerce. Wendell Bollman, a famous bridge bnildtr of Baltimore, Md. Dr. L. P. Yandell, of Louisville, Ky., who had a national reputa tion as a physician and medical writer. Richard H. Home, English ioet and essayist. Henry Brown, of Niagara I alK formerly a slave in Virginia, aged 121. Mrs. Annie Key Turner, of California, daughter of the anthor of the "Star Spangled Banner' In Omaha. Neb., Right Rev. R. H. Clarkson, Bihop of Nebraska, agedf8. George Crairin. of Utica, N. Y., one of the founders of the Oneida Community in l'. Onehnndred and fifty-four hrelot by an explosion in a colliery at i'ocahonta, a. Thirteen ieople buried by a snow avalanche in Utah. 1 uteen people killed, by a similar accident in (V)lorado. The Supreme C-ourt of the UniUd States affirmed the conven tionality of the legal Under act of l7a. The British (Government presented to the United States for the nse of the Orr-rle y re lief ett-editinn, the steamer Alert. The des perado, Frank Rande, makes a murd front aAnlt npon the otTWrs of the Jolkt Peni tentiary, A bnt of the toet Ionff llor -un veiled in Vf"stminter Abte , Ixm Jen. New lOTk enacts a l.w prohibiting th mak ing of contracts for the la?or of contict in the Stile irijnt. Frank Rande. th rotd deperndo, cvn,rmi uicide in theJolift Prion. Vn -rlfli-m of the f rt rAi!"fty line connecting the Arcn- enn ritie with the Cjtj ,f Mftitv. n Thmrpnn and King Fih r, two noted oV prd. killed in a nJrr st Sn Afdrr,jo Trt. The Frrnrh defeat th Chinese in Tonnuin nd cftptnn lUc-Ninh, Orr;n A. Crpp-rtf f j;r,i!TfHl ftt VUrJ-.r;rc. 1U.. f,r the mnrdf r of ni Rnrnt. iMvid 4. n-rvr. of fin, tv-.inll Jrj'l rf t e Fij-th 1 Fpter-!il Cirmu, to r,ir, Jrt McCrnrY S-vtre rrth'jn,.5 tv: at rHn FrJ?.ri,rK I ni.-ty trt in tV1 rif j- -f CmTi'!. in I fit ilre.Tf U. l;irn.T,rt. C.f r a tTl t-f Vi'T ) W tr Vi i t : . . ) r V F rf r - faiuous dsrntvr, Kged nj. At Ixiiidun, Ck-trlcs liede, Uie popular Ijjgll-h liOVilt, age-i 70. M. Jean Baptise Dumas a French litterattur and fr-tMc-man. Ei-Lieuu-Gov. JhUz i-itclu of Ohio. Emanuel GtrbeL (lerman it- Jem Ward, the oid-tiiue Engli-h pugili?t. Alf. liuniett, a tiotcd hu morist, of Cincinnati. 'Ihe British troops vitlidravn frojn John Jay Knox resigns the Comptrolk liip of the rrefusury. Tiie Quten of Tahiti makes a lour across the continent. Sjanish troop? m i-una attacK a banu or lorty-tvo insure ents and kill thirty of them. JVm- Lt issues an encyclical letter denouncing secret frocittieb. rranK james, tne bandit, &c- QUitUxL The town of Oakrille, Ind., destroyed bv a cvt lone. and five tersons Villb rf the steamer Daniel Steinmann off Hidifax; rJi people drowneil. Many jieople killed and maimed by a fire and panic in a theater at BachHreL Collision between steamer State of Florida and bark Ponema. Both vessels lost 13o pierons drowned. More Uiaii forty-persons killed by the falling of a train of cars into the river nesr Cindad Real. Spain. Explosion of jowder magazine of San Antonio, near Havana: tuvntv-onft rr- hiuj Kiiteci and many wounded. MAY. Diexl: At Bodon, (ieorge Mountfort, kou of one of the celebrated "tea party" wtiich was it prime c:.use f the revolutionary war, niret eiL'hty-wveu. At Iondon. Kir Henrv Bartle Frere. Governor of the Cane of Good Hope. At Prague, ex-Empress Anna in her fignty.nrst year, in Constantinople, Midhat l'a-hi, agei rixty-two. At rsantuciet, Mass.. Charles O'Conor, aged eighty. In Chicago, Cyrus H. McConuick, aged seventy-five. in .New iork, Ci.-liop Benjamin Bosworth Smith, of Kentucky, agtxl 10. Dr. Willard l'arker, un eminent surgeon of New York. Col. Thomas H. Hunt, treasurer of the W orld s Exposition at New Orleans. Judah 1. Benjamin, formerly Senator from bmii. iana and Confederate Secretary of War, at l'ans. i wo tuousaud men, w omen and chil dren, many of them refugees from Khar toom; massacred by Arabs in Shendy. The failure of the Grunts. The Methodist General Conference elected as Bishops Rev. . A.'Nmde. J. M. Walden, imd I. Mallahen. The Greely relief ex pedition saila; James It. Keene failed. The French brig Senorine foundered off the great banks of Newfoundland, the crew and passengers, numbering sixty-two, perish ing. The British ship Syria wrecked on the Fiji Islands; seventy passengers, all coolies, were drowned. , JtTXE. Died: Samuel S. Shoemaker, ex-Vice President of the Adams Express company, and a prominent citizen of Baltimore, aged G3. Henry G. Vennor, the Canadian weather prophet, at Montreal, in Ids 40th year. The Republican National Convention was held at Chicago, opening on the 3d. On the (Hh, James G. Blaine, of Maine, was nomi nated for President on the fourth ballot, and John A. Logan of Illinois, for Vice-President, without opposition. The cholera made its appearance in France, many deathsoocuring at Toulon and Marseilles. General Iglesias decided constitu tional the act of the Legislature making it a felony to keep a gambling house. . Emperor William laid the founda tion of the new German Parliament build ings at Berlin. News from Greenland of the loss of the Danish brig Elena and ten of her crew. Two Americans and twelve Mexicans killed in a railroad accident at New Liredo. Several persons fatally injured by the wreck ing of a train on the- Burlington and Mis souri railroad. Twenty-five persons killed by the breaking of an engine axle on the Manchester and Sheifield Railway, England. Forty persons overwhelmed and drowned by a waterspout in Russian Turkestan. JULY. Died: At Cliioago, 111.. Allen Pinkerton, head of the detective agency, aged tdxty-one. In Syracuse, N. Y., ex-Attorney General Daniel Pratt, aged seventy-eight. In Prince ton, N. J., Rear Admiral George Emmon. aged, seve-nty-five. At New Orleans, Paul Morphy, the famous chess-player. At Waterford, Me.. Mrs, Caroline E. Brown, mother of the humorist, Artemus Ward" (Charles F. Brown) aged seventy-eight. The Democratic National Convention was held at Chicago, opening on the 8th. W. ft Vilas, of Wisconsin, was chosen immanent chairman. On the 11th. Graver ClerrUnri. of New York, was nominated for President on the second ballot, and Thomas A. Hend ricks, ol Indiana, for ice-President, with out opposition. The Nat ional Prohibit inn Convention met in Pittsburgh on the Sid, and nominated for President ex-Governor St. John, of Kansas, and for Vice-President William Daniel, of Maryland. Congress adjourned on the 7th of the month. The President vetoed the Fitz-John Porter bill. The Greelv rrliff exfiedition returned from the artic regions with Lieut. Greely and six of hit surviving fellow explorers; Seventeen others of the expedition perished from starvation, and one was lost while hunting fieals. The corpus of twelve of the party were brought back, the remains of the other five having ocen swept out to sea by me winds. a r or st. Died: At Brii'htom Knrland. Arthnr Richard Wellesley, second Duke of Welling ton. Arpd seventv-sevrn. At Altnn. Til.. In. derson Riley, a former slave, aged 111. Rev. Dr. John Brown, who delivered an address of welcome to Lafayette at Newburgh, N. Y.f in 124. Dr. J. J. Woodward, one of the physicians who attended Ireident ( Jarfield in his lat illness. At. Huntville, Ala., Gen. I-tfroy Poje Walker, who gave the order for firing on Fort Sumter. Henry M. Stanley, (he African explorer, returned to England, having completed the work of establishing atisfactorT trading stations filong the Congo river from its mouth to Stanley Pool, 1,40 miles by river. Utah county elections renlt in the fuot of of the Mormon tickets all over the Terri tory. Cnpt. Payne nd hi hand of invader exe!Jed from the Indian Territory by United States soldiers. A gale on the Ne-wfnundland 'exat caues con.iaVrble loss of life. pW ren rrf n killed by an explosion in a coal-pit at Paisley, Scotland. Ten men belonging to rton's circus perish in a burning sleeping. car near Ore ley, Col. twrTTMnr.,. Died- Commodore Tboma S. Fille brown, com merrier of the Brfwklyn Nnvy Yrd. John W. Gin? tt, the veteran rul-ay man arr. ftgd - RoVrt Hoe, knovrn throngb--tthe world for hl il'TtlotTnent rf the printing pre, ft.g'-sl 7. ("nited Stp.tee ; S, nntor Henry R AntVmy, of RhMe Island. ; Hon. Cl. 4. Folg r, Srf tsry of th-Tres. I nrr, vgfy CX j Jnd-e Grehnm, of Indiana, appointed i Scret-iry d th Treer,rj. Grand Rnpids MftiTi Tit rrRM f-ssMiihA!. rrom t or; break of the cK 'e in Italy to S"pt. & l.t-.X iTn re Jf.ttftekfvl ftud diel, A rf rrnft grMM, in the rtsme frf the Gf r- ' rrir-n F,t pi rr pfcn of thtrp1 j oistte-f Afno, lft-rfyri tSe flerenth .rvi tM:ty-utK zt rlh Uti'-v:;, tr"t4 Wtrh F-np. A tk id riw in th j TVt 41f .T-cl C-.Tpftr riTfTK ?ctoTifig I ot-f !iHl.?n --nh cf f-TTiprrtj-. Ne j tt'yrn Chr tht th t-.rrTirr of KUng f I v-l Iwrv-rf itirr,i,iei, tnd ty tbfr-r3 i f3Tf i, Vtff i .txrrp lve ,y iy; I r-tri t.-rr,r.i kiTW t:. 1 Kit.:: Cv, S. T i .... c:, r Ws tv dally receiving uvnioiis to our t.lrtaJy large iiotk vt GvuVm tiit SEAL CAPS AND GLOVES, i Which Wo are Celling at rcdurod prices. W also have & fine u!ortmeiit id : t Ladies1 Fur Goods, Slettd tpiilly fur us from one of ihe largest Fur Hoast in the cxiuntry. THOMAS & CRIPPEN, 54 MONHOE STDEET, A THUNDERBOLT , IS THE 1HY (!(HJS CAMP. Dealers Paralyzed - Spring &. Com pany's Low Prices the Prevailing Cause -Read What They Say About It. W prvinine our itrone nd th tlrtmud, t4 vl.o uihjr vit our fr!)rt darir.p it. n-xt tir Drj- (Jmj ui Cwin of evt-r- ascription ht lower piiv thun evtir known. Si kjno A CoiirAKV. We frt ill continue tl.e emit ile ht ihe !wt prio ek-r rrdi, only mark th wonderful reduction. HruiKQ A Cohfavt. Jt) urd pood Yuni Wid Slietini lor oiJf On Dollar. '& m1s rtxid twill Crw-h towf.linjc for One Dtd lar. 16 jards rotnl Cotton Flannel for One Dolkr, KJant tlimerwf in nil colors ouiy iSc tjud Tjc. tetter Koodb dmH you will Lad c Wwhore fir doable tin money. HfHhi C-idicon Jor ordy 4 n.nd S eiit iir i.rd. l'htid Dn (ioodk forocly four mi l ouo4k.ilf cento ier j ard. SrKiso A Coktam 1A yards beautiful Uroctide r)jt Citnt-U tor ( toe Dollar. (iotid White Flannel for ordy nine ctt. (iinghamii for only S. 7 and V tnutf ir ikmL hrajNo A Vxf'AT. Beautiful FLude and excelleiit kav for onW A and 8 centajKT yan.L Worft-Mj DreM Oomw in !utiful bmoiwie pt tern in all the mt f&l Job able rolom fr til one fehillin pr yard. Hi -aino A Comi-axi. Cloaks! Orwt waronHohk! A (rood Chak for . to worth $10 it) 1 U) " ir r " 9 ih () 10 U) - 3i ( 12 (J l!i (I) and o on up to the tt iuality FlnKh hk h vra riare commenceti mmIiek at tlie mimt farf t;J low prumn. , hftiso A C-oJfffAKV. Black Caphmen anii all wool etum f dewription jou can!uy at the mot, t m-tounJ-u? lowpncea, wliich you will mruliiy hoisjhii. XA;n- 1UMJ hriuxi A omi'ani . ev-r known. liood alne at (3 00, now 2 (X). " 4 Ul. " 2 U). .. . - 5 (w .. 3 itx " 7 (M, " 4 IH 4 U ( I I. H (). ) (M. " The f,haln will be all rhi ht thw prin. I Sl'tUNtl A tMl AM. Our ptock of Cloth. IVmo linn Ki'nlhrll Jimna and in fact everjlhirf for nn'n and wuvr, roa will wre lots f inon-y try tuj inr nt our tor. Snein is belieriru?. A Com r a Mr. Cloaking of eTery dcrif tion at tialf the cul price, HrRiN.i A I'enPAM. Wei ave ftrork a KTWit Ik'ira.'n in Ulu k. H,.'!W and ofler from tiie lot a wiin'riiir ou&ljti t t marrtloas low tiriceof niu'tr-fior cnu- ir ur Tliis rilk was made to rt-ijiil for afiolhtrhnd thirty-nve wnts ier jaM. rwl at the liavw marked tbe jrtKtiln will Monih nil. SraiN.i A CowrAfT. W pit nr.tlrtn in ltu Vurrrifrt- tkt, M.-l.. it- to all laliorine mm an! women tlint ortirieo on iry viooiim win (x maiie to m tl lnv ririrwHi tirur.ilinr. rn4 t. f . .. ,1 ,A . !t.... I . for all kind of prtiuc raiMl uiHn the arm. !.: - - j i . i iu tur ftna jvti(TQ jor jotuxM , rT'SlNO l "Ml AM. FlannlR of all d'eri rt ion are nirlvl iltm n t the mt wonderful low tricm. tc Kc. 12c llr, 17c, 'Jtc. 2Tf, Imrirar a buir e2Hrieijr of ux ward of thirty-nre years we Lure nver known urh valaen fr the monry k pr.ii in h Iepart-nient of onr S'ore. Norr.tttr wh,r jtrjr want may 1n in tit1 Drr ((- hnioti will f o.! ererj article maikI crrrrirj(liriir with tt (rrvnt warcity of mony. A tMitK-l f wt..t will pnrchft rDon from onr ItahlmtiTDTit than It erer wonld ire tl fonndatinn of th tnhL SfniiO A tViKi AKT. Plea Let U pi P!rae Irt tip with thin Sn nat ional ' Jhitinr. tht.f-iat Stmt'j.- tcr Huntbtta. Hint. Mrn1rr rlrar ing Oi tttfmlntrf. What nrjrt? tttst alt the ii h iff thr irhilr ihr Ural JVantrobr i ' nffirtn four fttif nrrtit Ctothi tiff i ft tht Ittfjtptf hut Jiftiablr. So Stm'nf' Way that thr Prop-r W,r. Itarjia in OraCOlTS. SUITS. TEDfJEEES, Boy's and Children Clothing; AM) - HOLIDAY OUTFITS 12 S. PIE X - x , 1