Newspaper Page Text
ning Telegram, VOL 1 1. NUMBER 100. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 28. 18HO. PRICE 2 CKNTB Grand Rapids Moi STILL VLRY WAR-LIKE- GLAObTUNfc iN fMt COMMONS. II Mwy War te Sot a Hocatty, but Goa on Prwuaring for ina Conflict lA,mi Uifc fctoU Uia M -J f -.. MMw MM i ienai had in Mi tlua upon 4-tet tut a vuto of credit lOOm. i p ration lU A Untioeabl Report. 1.. -a. - - v - Mtr l uti n loll. Uote Coll OuU 1 tft Another Battle m Afghanistan. BuHirir Vkri! .'7 Ihe ttlpeideac t,.u i' i v i. St-i-itofi f ru.ii St. P tor-afanrg Mjtng "There ha beeu a freeh Sght bwtwe n the Afghan and Rumuuw. man An III Omen. Losi-x. V, . !7. 1 he Itily Mm pub Ikbw a telegrmu atmilar to that published m Hniel reportiuglhe ba'T ! iweeti thr Af dtaat mm! HtMMu, in which the latter were defeated. Hvrrying Awiy With Grain. !. . M. i v .rt Iknt MMafc ..,: I i i' p '.ii ...iv- left ki.' Tur in th i ara ha.-um fortnight. Those remaiuing preparation for departure. Honster Celebrate. fa ptitt , April -7 The flags ou the j wid cit offices j () day in honor of limit's i 'thday. At a public meet frig not ri" third of the people i . i. . . '.: :. c ::,! i ;., - We IT made ..ri. i Sen i:..r Mflk.iiald. - i ' rov ii ;m ttfif dun . irrespective of party, for hiui. an it klier ir.-l -it.itexman. ia adopted, and anfuew ord. red to h sent to the (General. Gen. Grant Grateful. Nw Y.ran. :rii 7 At a meeting of the Hoard of Viderinwa. to-di. the following letter. receiveu frmi i'il. V l -i;it. wit read Nw York. April .'7. Thi ifternoon I -! ! . ' . li'li "f -,i!i,it (.it.'",! bj ud I- . Dl tUAT A Buif o Grant. Man I h. pril J7. -A week ago at I ' f C.,. Fred. ( rrant, P - ' .:,,'-r rulptor, ailed at Om. Orant'n ramWMa to aecure portrait bvt of the General. Hi see then he hai -K i - ;fric. tud do th work a.ede osljr few rimhiag Uxiche. It tm of UVuie. one-.iartir lentfth. A military eiMk in draped about the ahoa dr ud the mrf. It wdl be . e A Louisville Celebration. u t a. K . Ainl 17 The irnt l meetiaffwae call te order by (apt. l-r-it d por, nnd pre- took place to ly wtnhippl Hrr. 4 Grtat at Cbicar. f Jen. rnt. rarT of c Fi. iw ae AT WHITEHALL. Death o a WU-Knowrn Lady Marina Mattery ut Interval urrwfaiawaee ef Tu Tai aa H eMraeu.i.1., ila.-tL, Apnl tl. Un. L L 1 houipeuat, veil kiijwu afad uiuwt o-ti . tad died l imr rinidaarw oa itead,tj ;j.oru .nj ifler Ujb i:Ui3M. dtui djUk b cira hL-a. lire. I hoaapaoa area 3a 4r old, abd tirtd rjcti . riaut here for etxtewfi . Hor iUucm iiJ deem were ' j .ii.iuOti..L -I i.ra.'Hr. tt. i-roliauelit f . utupUon. She lave a iijiid ud four rowo-up ctuUireu, aJau h eery Lr ire ut trnud to uiouru her Uj. The fail era! will be hld to-Oiorrovk i.'.iUiu; it thf aoaee ifter wUieh luteruietit Ui Udie place al Muakeifuu. Ihe New foth mdi iUrU iu about a week Vttiu lvke te all buetle tu Uinriue matter. I tc due propeller "Swallow, ' uwued b Murph. Creptu Jt Sou, aud cotu t jr ('apt. F'.atod ha beeu eiteunively repaired tliut wiuler aud improved to llie amootit uf $... Uer Capacity i frou. . to JUU.UU) feet of iuudcr l he freiiit .n.J d'-ratf pro j. ... r K. I bretlam" ha beeu repaired kg rtuuie ct'.ii' '-. I I Vt. r U:t -tii, -t- iuu.and. l'lie prop iier W. Snook."," d h tl ook. .r M.'iit.v. .r r.,t pertia4, Itie reputation uf triu ti.i- iivelieel aud uiul regular btiat uu the lake, aud w- the nr-l leave port llii ea.i i). St tin 1U1 been repaired un aooouut of her fouudenu' lt.-t -.m-..u uear ilolhuid. VttioUrf the ullti,; iJeet. the "A. J. Co Veil," . I . rmou," "fcUla Klleuwuod,' .iud "Miuue haha hare beeu paiuted, and put iu i n'd ahape fur the couiiiuf riwou' work. - The Hbouiuirf ( otupauyn tu, "I'eter UuIium," ha a UeW rUrt teaiu boiler. The power ful tutf, "flue Heald.' ti i beeu eiitit-U re built, at quite a cot. She i owtu-.l ind op erated by CapL Charle Maituiau." The turf " Woi. Kieharda," owncxt b J. L. Sandfurd, han beeu tiled up in tfood -hae. imv i-auot tire fall, aud Ut u dam -wed to the extent of tL.HIJ. The tu "Margaret." owned b 0km. iSuiitti. Sr.. ha. baas adapted to the ferryintf bu w r-. by having a portion of her cabin removed. The hue ttcam i .. : l " aj u. i h1u terry ..n ttu- hike m aou, sue 1 now expected et ery day to put iu an appearance, having beeu doiu btWUe- it .-w rU'ai. ti 1- . a t.-r. h l owned by StapeleK A CoveU. 1 he -uuiller bwali "ttray," 1 Hiv.d," and "White Swan," have been put in better hae fur service. VII the?e toalH are owned by people on White lake, .aid 'n.-t if them ply thi port aud in the lnuibe trade. The News at Manistee. ''leiice .f Tuic TKl Ktiava. M vMiMTEa, April HV Mo-it of the mill will start up about tht find uf May. when - SI ek will hSo S. j !; into opera tioii. turning out from ."..) to -, JU barrels per day. In speaking in i-onuection with the location of the Soldier' Homo in Michi gan i fw day s since, i 'ot.-rt --;n m Cutcheon eprsed a preference for the selection of a -ite uear Nile, or ome place in the South ern part of the State, by which means both Michigan and Indiana could rec ive the ben efit of it. The climate would be agreeable ind the location accessible fnnu ,ill pu,irter. It is aid that Armour t ().,of Chicay, will soon beirin the erection of a lare bnck refrigerator, for the stormy of m at. poul try, etc., in tin city. - -The Goodrich and r r P. V :..-- tre now ( ijuuoi;uai; t-i-betweeu thi- citj ntid Milwaukee. e Accident Near Chase. rrwiiilorirw of I UK I m koKam. Ukxo Cut, Midi.. April St. Yesterday ift.-rnoon Jacob L. Brown, formerly pro prietor of the machine shojs here, in at tamptm to board a F. .t P. M. freight train H If Chase, was thrown under the cara. His rlgM f'ot wis crushed, making amputation .r. 'iud hi left letf 'H- hrok.-n in two place above the knee. He i iUut .V. years old and the injuries are considered v.-ry atwioM if not fatal. The Seventh Game. N lew York. April J7. The eveiith trame of the billiard tonrnment was played to-night at Irving Hall before a small audi ence. The contestants were SchaefT-r and h Ihon. lth mn made some brilliant breaks but it was evident from the first SchaefFr had it hi own way. The score was; SchaefT -. ."; largest run, h, average, i I. I.'., J". Ihoti.J-.'i. a.. J". i-..r iK-.-. ".. !., 14. Time of gone one hour and forty minutes. The Fastest on Record. Crjwm,rt. A ril Ibout persons nt out to Chester park this afternoon to itn the prmt race between H. M. John son. of New Yrk. and Geo. Smith. - f Pitt- . for AI.ilH) and the ohainpienship of the I r. . .1 ite. The distance was fj J rtnson won the race by five feet, looking over his -boulder. The time ivu waa 11 3-f seconds. teating the tet record bf nearly a second. Smith was never de featel I s' fore in a Dl yard race. - Dath Fronn US'na; Chlorotorm. Pun pr;I j7 Mrs. K.lhn Shay, of 121 Weal Jackson street. whil in the dental oalee of Dr. Day. in the Iare block, this iftemoon. was s,-.jd with stasn,. The loetor hal alminister!t chlomfarm to i.v.d, n'he tarn ww kaiwM mi mwmm racted The par x i - tin .-d and - n dical I vi ild he of any -ervice f--Shay lied. I he 'oroner will hold an inquest O or B'-rci Schemes. Viemwi. prtl 77 Kprentativ of the rerm in liberals ir actiTpla 'jrorkitirf in v - . ajajMially in M . " -e-n- the fusion f advance and middle rrman parttee at the approact i on Rismsrr nvi,Miint. A Hospf! 8umd Th nn!d -y vm bnrne ye- terday. Tiss. l,"a..fV m rter works cot lap d hmldina wm th merr The : patient wer nwwn and wn senr - S,a;ii s-,nn wro injured. ttly. and the O . d"--l o r Dcta'-i '. aa C-e Wants 00 000 awa, April ff. Mayor Ram nesii i" kamt the f'i MIDDLLTON'S REPORT q HIS ACCOUNT OF FRIDAY 8 F IGH T Four Dead and Thirty -Two Wouud ed on the Canadian Side I he Number of Rebola Uuanown rnm, i Hit., April 27. It Minister ot MlllUa hae receivesl the following ulhcial stateuieUt fruiu OeUeral Mlddielou uf Maj battle of Friday F . in an. i! lie- north of Clarke's Croiug, Nurthwewt Territory, Aprd -1 1 j have had an r?air with the rteL at lhu j pot, uu the east bank of tiie river. My ad j vauoed oout Were tired upon from a bluff, j bat we managed to hold our uvvu until llie ! uiaiu Ixaly arrived, wha I took measurer, to ! repel the attack, which was uver at about - p.m. W e tiave captured a lot of their pome and ! ha' three ur tuur, apiareutl Indians aud j half-bceed , m the corner of the bluff, who ti-tw ioiie a reat dealuf michief, U-:nfc' ev idelltly thelt bent shots, and. lam UUVilll Lug to Uhjph- more men iu tr tufc' to take them, ) I have surround-d the bluff, and. shall wait UUtll the) have elpelided their ammunition i to capture them. U.rvt Mt i'und joined ine a ""!! he etiuid from the ot.'u r side uf the : nvt rwitti Ihe Tenth Royal- aud VViuuiietf I lialf battels, but the affair w a over la-fore I they arrived- A- most of this art of the I left column i thu across, and as it is a work of difficulty t . - 1 have ordert d the re-t to follow and sliitll march to-morrow with the unitd torce on Hatouche. The i troop- lehaved very Well iu thi. their tirt I affair. The killed and wounded are, 1 re j rfrt t to sji , Phi numerous. Here follows a list of four killed and thirty -two wounded.. I do uot know what the lo of th enemy was, but I doubt not that it BJ relt eere. though, jadginc from the advantage of their position and mode of tiyht iug, it mitfht well be less than oura. I hall ... 1 to morrow, after bur lug the dead and -ending the wounded back, M iark. ' Cttttkng, My UMIviM UJ' thi- -iile I lo-e the laitajiapk line, but I -hall keep up coii-t ant communication by way of Clark's Crossing if poasible. I regret very much the wound iugof my two aides d imp. Capt. Wiae'l horse was shot to his la mg wounded. Signed. Fio i' MniMJrjoav Major -general cxnnmanihug the new field force. The Excitement at Toronto. ToiioNio, April '7. -The excitement over the news from Kiel's rebellion is intense here. Two paper issued -pi-cial edition- all day Sunday and the other two printed full extras. Prayers were olT red in all the church. for the u c - of the government troops and comfoi i for the frieuds oi thos. killed. A Convent in Peril. Mom ukal. April .'7. apprehension is felt for the safety of the nuns in the convent on Nun's island, above Victoria bridge. About twenty nuns live there, and there i- no com munication during the time the ice ill the river is breaking up. The island is com pletely submerged, and the water appear to be up to the second story of the convent tmilding. The rushiug torreut and huge ii , m i . : I ohmjks oi uoaiiug ioe prevent jiuuiuuir tion. ;md the -iter of the congregation to which th. nun tadoug fear that iater has tieraile" tneui. Praying to Have a Judge Removed, Coia Mi l , h, April 27. Assemblyman Thorp ' sented a petition iu the House to day praying for the removal of Judge Harvey U ylie. charging him with having, on aawaaaJ oaaaaions during his term of office. leen guilty of drunkenness and groaa negh ct of duty. Without Ui king action the House r. ferred ttie petition to the Commit tee on Judiciary. A Singular Accident. Dknvkk. April 27. The stage from Iead ville U Aspen last night was -truck by a rock, throwing Un ilnvor down a cliff fifty feet. Mrs. ireenwild. of fjaillilla, 08 the drive.-'- eat. w a- also thrown out. Edward A. Holden fell under the hor-e- feet and the stage ran over him. It i thought he will die. The French Fleet. I'akis, April IT. The French fleet ha leen ordered to r nih v u- off I'tralu, a seaport of Greece. It i believed this action has been taken with a view to a demontra turn off Alexandria iu the event of the Kg ; -tian goal mnient refuing to make the amen.l-deinainled by Frani'e for the sup preion of the H i ff r. EgypUen. Secretary Lamont Seriously IN. VaamwTOa April 27. OoL Lamont' condition doe not improve as rapidly as desired. It is now given out that he will not be able to resume hi official duties thi week. He is -uffering from malaria and prostration, re-ulting from over work. Hi fnends deem his illness puite serious. - An Ea-thqu ,ike in Tennessee, hwivii i k. T tin.. At ril '7 I here wer twosbs-k- of an earthquake felt in this cit) at oVlork last evening. Window iane rattled and dishes tumbled to the floor m many houe-. whih tks house thMnselve sh'sik - Arrested for Forfry fin vft, Mich.. April 27. This morning L n Mack, alias Hlne. was arretsl for for gery. He stole the pay lssk and recci ' 4 Jrsph Sorian. a mine b,, took it to the office in Soriana' name, and procured th pay of a number off man. signing reo-ipt-for them Th Cbebovea" Strk. CaapoToxa. April 27. The strikers are holding out. with no indication of giving and a row may occur. Th S- B--a Awiiy raawvroxK. Mirh . iprl I The iee bcksiu ft"es milos hos hes anl is rlrift o? pajj at Cork - t a meeSiDg of wtpOrd - TH aaaapw laTherapsT -.1 n DICKSON ACgUlTTID He Bring Suit tor L.L-el Against E-Atturney-General Brevwbter Vs A.aitiaoroa. April Vt ui. ihcaon, on trial tor alleged corruptly influencing m jury iu ihe Mar huute oaj-ca,. was to day acquit test Ue jury iu lite cane being out half an hour. Dickson, after hie acuitUU, entered a libel Mill ttgaiust ai Allurusry General Brewetri for oaing ttie following Unguage to rssjrl4-f of P'.iUkde-iptua . ou tla Sird lust "DickisHi sold ttutt trial. Bower was a had man. too. nearly a bad a Dick sou, nd thai i saying a great deal." 1 hrough ihu utteramv Dickson claims he has -offered in his rei .t.,i . .ii 1 e writ tv- pladed !U thr Mn'-!,a. - h.Uid- t' .l ti.e ,le, Uty fttllod to bs-i Ve It letore linrW-U-r left Washington for Philadelphia. A Railroad Accident Si Lol l, April .'T. lta alternuou tle regular daily excursiuu train tu Moutemanu Springe aud a -pecial car, ou which were the lelaa I'aCifK- J.rtstor-oU a tour of in apectiou, collided twenty milen below this city. Ihe engineer- jumsd for their live F.ugineer Uilliam Stevenson wan aarioaall injured; lxuis Christ, fireman of the sjkhuhI, was killed: Phillip lxiland, uepliew of (leu. M'isters, one of the directtiry party w ki!ld. Ihe remain Wi r shlp esl U Phila delphia. Fx (lovernor John C. lirowu, oue of the direetor. had h - right arui broken in two place. Half a doen others. uff rtsl injuries. The accident is charged to train dispatcher can 2 riies-. An Attack on the British. Si vmm. April L'7. The rebels in and around Uao commenced a heavy tire on the advaucv column of the llritih last evening and kept it up long into the night. The) were out of range, however, and very few of the shots fell within the British lines. mly three suldlers were wounded. Hotel Registers. Ai Swkm'-.---J. W. Moon, Read Davis, Muskegon: R. A. Inid. Chicago; R. H. Smith. 1'ittsburg; Jas. lowle, (ir.enville; W. K. Bellow, Reed Citv; Wm. Conn.-r. Roclu -ter. N. V.; Jtio. U. Cloomer. lui ?Uw;0. P. Hazard. Detroit: J. C. Rlanch ard, Bois Blanc llaiid; I ho. Pit ajffhr tfl I -wego. N. Y.: J. M. Studebaker, South Bend . W. Moore, Chicago: W. C. Carja-uter, Bo ton: L W. Atkins, DetroiL At The MohToN. W. 0. Cnrs'iiter, Bs koai; Jno. w. Failey. fmtainapiilav w, L. Davi. Muskegon: F. A. Johnson, Jackson: ('ha. F Rej nold. S.m Antoiiio. Tex.: ('. L. Dean. Detroit: Philip Holt, R. S. Williams, Goodrich, Out.: K. R. Collar, Loaajli; Jo. S. H ut. N. w York: W m. B. W :lon, Mu-kegoii: K. Barnes and wife. Traverse City; A.J. Dorel, Mam-tie. Jno. W. Gray. Luditigtoii: A. J. Browne, Hastings; J. K. Ford, 1'hicago: EL B. Anderson, Trculon, N. J.: T. F. Mc (iarry and wife, Ionia. law - B. S. Jackson, Alit-ka: C. F. Par ent, Chioag6; Arthur Low. ;;. lot K. P. Fletcher, louia: A. J. GlUon, -billy: Chas. Riciiard-on, Chicago: R. Bryan, siug; s. W. Bush. Detroit: Aaron Clark, Dutton City ; D. K. Reeme. Kalama 01 . At thk Ratiihi:n. -X. S. Dtau. Nichol. N. V.; J. Auseuan. Detroit; (,'. L. Mcv'lurg, St u juis. Mo.; A. P. Vi)er. OhtCagOS W. H. Laum. Howard Cit): C. H Bhrader, Ionia: K. H. W heeler and wife. Matuvlona: C. T. Barnard, Battle ( nek: C. T. Rich mond. Denver, Col.; D. K. ifcpbinaon, Tola Sue Deserted Him. Henry O-wuld asks the Superior Court to grant him a decree of divorce from his wife Anna. He says they were married in Sagi uaw in IMO) and iu January. l-SI, -hede-ert ed him, came to this city and took up her re-idciice in a sjKirting hou-e, o called. H followed her and has tried to induce her to abandon her wicked ways without success. They have no children. Notes from the "Lumberman." 'The Bay De Nouue Lumber Company baa a summer resort hotel at Nahma. Delta county, Mich. The new cooper shops of the North Star Barrel Company , at Minneapolis. Minn., are ready for the machinery. TRADt AND FINANCE Chicago Markets. Orricx ok f, . IAylok. Banana Btaak, ( (iiivM) Raiuds. Auril Si. lsaT. S Cabhw Wheat and corn dull and anchaxxsed. lnsols in points luKder. Ot-'n. High. how. Closed. Wheat May.. W 8PH Vv June MUi Ul Mi1-, il July V2 M HIS Maj 47 v 4sj 17 47 N )iits Mny 3V a; tt ST.'.-, P.-rk May. ill VT. II 7". II U 11 7". Lanl Ma, (DM I I ;-'. I r7 j New York. Nr.w York April Z7. Wn!l -r t ( i.-inrf Moti") . .:,;. ,i l , lr i'-iit. l-.x.Hinr" r'.o-.-ii ! i--o-i rat. $4 7(a 4 v. actual rat. 4 -. I ' -ix da)-. $4 s-tzl ., for demand. (ovnrnnient chisorl firm; currency n 127 hid.4' osi pons bid: d IH hid. Pa ifie railr.svl U.uds cosd as follows: Unin liaai. lllMdlHH laaafOaaaaa, Han bid: -inking funds. 11-4W1 J bid. ( enfrals. ImWWbL. Nrw York. April 77. Flora li-illhut firm, tin.' $2 'Vofa.i nir rin- A-S round hH.p Oliio, U"Mx,HW fcp. LmuU sxtra. $X lOUfl 3U ia there flour -iuit Kiwi). rMinmi'D t. rlmic extra. ilXr. V. Wht.u OpUnaawwre onwttied nnd fwvenak eleaing etraoa and at a alight ud wmm "i. thanm nw- Si-- rat eiewffd ftna tl ahaaN Hatardaf,ii prie. Hj.i -h1i ..f im?fn.ll wii.'.t -11 '7 ,e. N". red winter. 9le; No. ; rd winti-r. al 'So l in I V. red i , N Z red winter May. $1 . do Jon-. $1 i tt if.' h td ar.d irrstr-;' m sftT h ' Hf A lots erl T! rsj.' BffOH J miil . - tJA P Ma-. Ma Nfa4. THE COMMON COUNCIL HALL BONDS AT A RRFMiUM Numerous Bids Received and Opct'eu Last N.'t Electric Lihi Matter Postponed Routine Work lo legular meeting ut Ut Common ( oUUCll Sfl- hriJ lttr-1 Ulgl:l WIlL M)v.r Bc-lkuap m lite chair. nd all member pi we i v.-jt Alderman Uuuirrc. The ownere of property on Buchanan street remunst aled agamsi tite improvement of that r-lreel thi -tn-'U Fib.i Ihe globe il Compauy a.-ked permiMilou tu build an oil tank at the railroad crunsing un ttuodrict street Re f I to in. Aldermen of Ihe First W fcrd w ith powoi to act. I he time for commem t:.' v. k ;:.e Cable Street Railway wn i it. nded until June 1. Residents ou Miller street asked foi the impiuvemeut of that street. Committee ou Streets. The londs of the city ofhiv t- elect were referred U- th City Attorney. The Clerk presaaiUsi deed fro.n W . T. Powers and wife, and ( Comtak and w.fe. for land foi approaches to the propoiMni Sixth strts't bridge. Irdered re-ordi-d. Claims and accounts to the an. out of about f l.Vm were orderts.1 itid as recommended by the Controller. A com munication from the Board of Health rela live I.- !n-n-iijt- --o v . ii't t- vt- refetred to the OOanuilttoe on Irdlliaii oer.. The ietl tiou for the impixivemeut of 'Third avenue was referred back to the petitioners, becaunw it did not represent a majority of the prosrty on the street. In regard to the hay aud wood mar ket. the Committee on Street reported m favor of allowing it to remain ou street for the present. Alderman Yate sug gested that n would be a good plan for the Council t( refuse to lioeu-e saltsiiis in the m ighhoricaai uf the market, especially thae with female attendants. Aid. Grady moi l to lay the report ou the table. His motion was not supported, and the rejsjrt was ad opted. In answer to the aditiou of the So ciet) lot the Prevention of Cruelty to Aui maJs. the ( 'ommittee on Streets res-rttd that a -land for express wagon- could not be designated without interfering with the bus iuess of citizens, and that the projsir place for such a htand would be on the hay and wood market when permanently located. A telephone was ordered placed in the Marshal's office. 'Tin Committee on W ay and Means rejsyrted in fa vm -of buy iug twenty-five feet of laud off llie south side of Dr. Bodcluck' lot on Ionia street, for the purpose of opening an alley next to the City Hall lot, at a co-t of V'.'Ui. The report was adopted. Aid. Peirce, chairman of the Committee on Lamp. rejKjrted that his committee had concluded to make no recommendation in regard to the projsjsitiou of the Grand Rapid- Fleet t ic Light and Power Company U "K"l Ule WtfcJ wtti .nmnu,;, ... . msa allow the matter to go over ti the new ( 'nun cil. Aid. Xester said that he wa disap pointed at the action of the committee, and proceeded to make a few farewell remarks in favor of the electric light- and the tower sys tem. The special BOannitleO OA the L)on street -ewer from Ijtfay et te street east. wa granted a week's further time to rejort. and parties interested are requested to meet t ie committee at the Council room- at 7:' Thur-day evening. The icses-mant roll for ti e -ewer m West leoiiard street and Alpim avenue, was laid on the table for one week, for the puriose of hearing apeal. The Clerk reported that he had received -everal bid- for the $i:i...iM in City Hall bonds. The bids were ordered opened and read. They were from parties in tins citv. Chicago. Indianai-ili. New York. Bo-ton ami Portland. Maine, atd were made :n -ur-u a manner as to make it difficult todetermme which was for the best interest of the citv to BjM pt. Mrs. H. F. ' atman, of this city, offered TjfJwftlff for one bond 0B$1,(--'- The Kent County Savings Bank offered to take (tt-MI at par and pay a premium of from '4 tu l1- per cent, on the balance. divided into lots of ...( and flu. 000. The National City Bank offered to take the whole amount m instalments as required by the Council, at a preminm of 2 j-er nt. Several of the out-ide bidder- did not com ply with the terin of the advertisement and some of them made several different bids. Apparently the higheet bid wa- mad DJ C. H. Venner A Co.. of B-t-ton. tmwmg I premium of '.' per n-nl. upon the condition that the lsmd" tte delivered all at onct flal July 1 next, and that this bid ds- not con thct with other bid" by the same firm, in other words that this bid doe not raise their own bid. ( rther bids wer made oondi tionallv. and Alderman (tilttert tated tl it woulo te necessary to examine them closely and i-rhai require me explaii" tion frim the bidder- m onjer to det-rrnio-which l- the lest bid Pi armeiit. Itt- n,t1T was referred to the Committee oti W'ay and Mean- to report at the mertmg thi- evening Md W hitny offe-ed a resolution instruct mgthet ity Attorney to disnrmtinu nit aam1 Nicholas kkr for violating the !o,n ordinanc. and tats3 he offered the resvolntion lscn. i kkr wa indaned In violate th law b tl. lIvisi of s . . wa a or man who wa unable to upsrt hi" family properly. Tit May- ' tn: tl . I ' P' .ther" alri-uwi i ikker to Ttolat ' Mrs Pitdl PlwSwtMMMl L N Ftcr,. At M-. !g. - who te kfk1 i ai th ' - j i? g w 'Hoi, ye.- na wa adjwdnwd iierfr-atlf aaaaa aa aaaaxy her ronftremaat ia ana!?) a pv of a eona;irar It wa qurt -ndetit M- I 'tr. wa rrr.wht - i.. . ,.: . A Cor"pl!o-.rt fr M' S&flajra. ,-ak- ; - , vrr, -,r. - iu aajafteer of ana Haaan thi vf.s:sr. rk hang abnt nay rotne Mr MaatB w4diat th. kffl if h - . faawwaJ ati-rfactKm. w4diag the 'J with a aaweh and afcffl m rf h T Hfc TAX TITLES A Ptoapact o Legislation aVhtch Shall Provide tor Tham tapaalan-4u-i u im inxx lxtaiao pu, I'tw rwuttU ro ;.!.. . .itg, of a ooUtHi rreiil ie-oi..n a lni iesuvin ttu i-rsnal joint ootumities un Uixaiioi. by ed ding our rwnabur and IWu ie4Jt-seutati v Noli" l I .. today had rvMila auo urdtNTtd prinUsJ a out-ntituU fui all lb lax bills U ton li a N ull It partly adoya Uu W isconsin law and cxaitaiu- uiu.y adiuiiai n .-ion. A lite prutint law ha- Umi. dts-ia led unuuxidiintnal soineUung inut la done by pitment iegisialurr and Ud rultsti tut st .i i . , .'it h ? adopti. . 1 . H .- commute of U.e atn it pas-ws: .. f-. i ti tui (-Klatdistung a mining schism IL l'..r I pprl Pel. insula. . . To f igbi the Superv laora. i- u II. In i I : taa Biu hiuiH, Marel. 27 1 wu Ihunaand dollar- hhv htH-n rMsed hy ti. .-itir n of Mecosta village to ixinUwt th actluu of thr Suis ; -or- irgaidiiig tin buildina 1 1 oourt houar. lite claim being that a two third vote i Ueoeeeary U. appoint huiid ing ouinmitte. luatead of majority vute. Kt a Estate Trnstera. hurnisind daily ttuiii in. r! W. R. Kcribuer real estate dealer. Mon th) Ajail B. J Bainnd u Paataaa lot I" t t f N, f lla.el Henri M . r. i. P 1 J iieikltMJ' t WI ft "I i . "-i .' mm a Feme nod $ i s. lt. M nn i harat J ' h'l.l sU. i :,x ( atliaiiUB W - onius l Luey A. Mayhew a S fief lot r,(uimiis r Mil ! I hHi!- J iiu.l i ...ort:- V - f,r( ... ,,i Lnelilt W. M.H.r.-s . v , ..t ati '.'I and n H n w V of ec 'Jh Tyruaa. '. Andrew , Rs vt and lon.pkiui to J..ii J.-lili 'J' ni i Hi n w . ..r of as II Wtalkel i -M, kapla A. ('late to tiaorgx K Ssii. , i. n w ', of s s- l )ion. j (joj, S' O,. h 1. I eiov 1, 1 l ,f.,ii:.. I note in u w cor t w n w : of at 1 layaana auti Nathan J Aiken t Adoniyafi Landun Hj - e .f kc,- 7 an. I vt , 4 .,f imw- Ada. 7 is Lemira A. lLllt. to Jo.lsou M. IWw lot !. olton K auh. 1 iu- lo n.iii, Ihils n. Aleian ief M luu lot 14 ( 'olUai'asub. liT LemimA. C Bill t Tritm adalat ( !o lion mh aj Martial.. Kark tu ! M aad reward tlTJonnell a w S lot 2 blk 0 ( aiupaa piat ft flQO Amelia A Sjui'.f to lnari A. War.l lot ji Waaabnrn'a anh '- Lorei;7.o N. Is uis.ri t.. Frank B. Ldlaoi lutM(ena n f t HmnauV i aaM Sstrta arj John H. Elisor. J.. H.ujk II rh..n s , w lt of sor 2 Alpn.. arid lot 11 IlimnauV Jtl add Strta 7 i,' John ( Baaaa aad Joha Bail t.. 1 ran. H. Kb) !"t- B Mel blk i Fisher ' ald ax barlaa It. Baatei to N)l.-r p Hurl bur lotsWan.l lohlk ft Wiadaaax'a add ' hu Frank 11 Kdison to John 11. Kaiiaoti vt s w o-xi-. pt in a in ii ni of s, Walker ir7'. N. hi. rkdj ,,, Willi- H. , llt-;i Jrtui .,f hit J s.s- J4 WuJk.-r I o Mar) F. ' hap-ll h) trunnlian n. rj. : M Itoaeti w iart ti w la of mt- 7 Walkat I ou. For the Ladies. The place to get ewing machine- repaired is where the repairer ha no in: -e-t at -take inn oe- , - .. , .... .e.o WOiailin&t, not where they would rather sell yiu a new on. . Agents' repairing as a rule doe uot give satisfaction. Adjusting is a trade. After twelve year- exx rienoe 1 am p repaired to do work that will give icrf-ct satisfaction. I do not -ell lew machine or work for any comiany, and have but one oltfect in v i w that is do work that will build up for me a gtsxl trade a- a repairer of sewing machim -I will call at your -hop or house, examine y our machine, tell you what can la- done, what it will cost free of charge. 'Then you can diH-ide whethf r you will have if done or nt. All order- received by isatal will reoi iv. prompt attention. I rebuild, readjust, clean and repair all kinds, have part, attachn.. ni and neesiie for all. Shop at 110 Summit -Ire. " I H S Ri ai.xai.. Sewmg Machine Repairer Be Bora ;tnl isit C. S. HARTMAN'S FINE ART GALLERY. fHrlrff vmrtli f Atwricati Art now !in Kllllbltl -ti ( pi'ii I r;til frin 9 ;t ni t.i j m AND Tuesday. Thursday & Saturday Evenings COMPETITION IS THE LI F E OF TRADE If i mw- kata ..f n.s-a kJ .... T pw . TV. at. 1 h oney. whit "h-.-. v TV e ggv Uf.Ud and Hwtwt M'y' " Vn o atrrHal. r lhw for I7fl M JBJ I kt-kad fWra 3fk aV fn'l lit of WmM th Mae mWtm Batiruit a M o. v- b" i-' C ltrwwt f Wm- Hotter. h'n sit-- Ti a. i HKu j; 4 M I j j ; - aaaani ' ' rr Haw u. tin. lute ket the olup tall W l!ele the" M 111 ' i I. IN. A .'Ml ,V W a: are fully daaomnnaal lhal the pajo pie, f Michigan ahaii la.v-raefli inftiran- sl W hel t I pui . sal Car jasl Mas A 4 oMfakl Thi ( iraii'i I'.'V, p ,f ci last to it- ixmtimiod until hirtnr nxatkav 1 l.e iag.vl .. , .1 U-nito, the ) tent gxaaB km l t. the trade, the m -1 aet. . . . TaraarB! -,. .-. i. . . n.. Is-tU-i gtatd P Im ! limy Wm m I HatlAV, f 1 M, fl.lo. 1'hl line exmprue tlte laH .psudltie to he found IU auv tnarkot VBLvrm fl.fTM , f I , l.YflJrt. V elvet aft the .i,; , , l4 never eold f-- miujv of thi make on ao oouut of tiaa astraana low prion. MiHvrrrrK, (. ti.iiiti cb.'iiv p, II. i us m-i, -lav ' onp. ti.i:.. ti.-A UM IMI iMOKXlNs J o. .' . . 4 . 4 rk. tKk-. t.'a- 'Tt ; . ,;. all tile illfferollt .ptlhlltie. a vi . ;-st gvaals luauufiM'turesi an I i a anrprian to all. HPKiao .v t sMram Curtain and D'apenea Iu everv vanetv . Iut. I I aoe Ntjttutjfliaak. aa well a mmip ilraperiee in 11 iik(. . Natin ai, i 1 raa-i ie. h tlie vard.n bv the anir(Mft4 all f7wwd at lower 'p'""- th.,-. .-..i !- h. id .Mac w liere - i i ( .Mi'XKf . We ! 1. enumerate all (!i differoid ani.-ii-s u, nr l-t. .re Worth v . f Mttel.1 I- u. IfMVW Mt- lr ii i mm ji ii ii i wmi f Mt-n-haiidiat- ujk.i ..ur -h. i.s and (vitititer that is . itiimatiditig grwd attol tion fnun cuHhuii. f : ' a well a nti7ria ' plv Mtm HfIiCetjl f " Me delliailil. It our dej.;.'1ro. 1t v . . . ueVH fs well suppiie-l Sri, is.. A C'.MPXirT. The Itest Kind 'Hipp- a to "lot I h patt iiMMit - in ti iin'l iielj' tdmkii help saying that ho Uht of what is that hind -toTII 'nj'iilar Itld I th mtvt mxJ-? ;t i j.t .' - tr r Milt lit TI UjtlFlir- n ' (;ktiTitH Mid '1 pup-i rih FINE TAILORING GREAT WARDROBE it 'j. E. S. PIERCE MkaV her i.rnm a ewini I haa at ana - j mtmm an