it 'i-
ike ^eefclj Capital
urrcBJSLij PEnmsG oo.. pr*
The I opoLac« of Rfo Janeiro Bom 1B
Hebeliiofl asd 10 One Dar the Dictator
Forced to Resign— Ihe Futwre is
Tire opposition to Fo&seea. the Dictator
in Brazu, gatnered sufie.ient force to brea£
thr_u?n tt« bitrr.er-. ar.d make itself master
C- tne Sit-uation. Fonseca considered it im
possible longer to maintain the ascendancy
ano surrendered his authority. Ic *"rfc
ing, as he called it, be declared that he
Cid so JaTy? of Floriano Piexotto. the
V,ce Presiaent- or Vice Chief of the provis
ional government of which Fons-soa ttis tie
nead. WnckSvr tne opposition will be con
tent to allow Psexotto, about whom little is
i-nown, to a&?time the leadership of the
country is cot knows- but it is not believed
he wjii be permitted to act as cblef
executive, even temporarily. uzles* In »y?r
patny w.th tne revolutionary movement.
Eio Janeiro is & state of great excite
ment, iut reports go sot indicate mob law
or serious aisorder. The cpri^icg. however,
had tie effect of putting a stop for the time
to ail kmas. of business. The news
tn*t Fonseca hao resirred spread through
tne Cjty 2Ake WiiGfire. and was everywhere
received Witn eaia»«f^*t:c cheers and ex
clamations of *a :*factios. The provinces
h«ve cot yet been ceard from. bat it is te
l.eved the new^ of the Dici-ato-r's downfaii
^Ttrywiiere &e recrived with the s-az&e
a.? at the capicaL The revola
t:oa at E.u Janeiro ctiiy broke oat In th«
tccttuhz, a^'i it-s work *i5 qtiickiy acooca
pushed before n:rtjt of the s,aise dav.
Over o.OOO People Killed and 200,000 ar*
Estimated to lie Bomele«-.
A severe proloczed shcck cf earthquake
occurrec tee of October *?. la Ja
Pas. Tne jrea:?st dama-ze to btiiiciafs acd
loss of Life occurred is the prefectures Gf
AichI ac.Q Gifn. -d which nearly i.&tt «eople
were killed o*jtnrxtt asd the sanse numbs*
seriously wounaeL In these two perfec
tures 40,&r*0 hotise» were totally destroyed.
Tee cumber cf provtcces throaghout which
the dittiroa.nces were felt numbers thirty
ooe. Two nunared thousand people wer
reud*r*d comeless. Up to Xovest*?r S
eartcquaies continued to be felt, but the
interval* hirtween tuiem rradually increased
ana toe intensity of the shocks diminished.
Frvm ti*e coramencemert of the disturbance
up to teat case it is estimated that there
were VA shocks.
The Bepnblican National CoBTeatioe to
We Hald In the Northwest.
^Tce next BepuoLcan national conventios
Will be cela at Minneapolis June 7, !$$£.
Txxis was tne cecision made by the National
Committee after a lively though not pro
longed contests Seven ballots w^re taken,
in wmch Minne«5pt.Iis Jed from the start
one ca.me out a cecided nner» with Cin
Ciunati snowm? up strong at the close. The
committee elected J. S. Ciarkson, of Iowa,
as Cnairmais Garrett A. Hoban, of N^w
Jersey, Vice Caairinaa. and W. G. Bar tour,
of N'. Tor*. Treasurer.
Destructive Storm in the East
is. p^rt of the Tnii-ec nates
a.-s f^r west as Ohio was visiter c-v a
oeatructive wina stom. Koaeroas acci
Qe^^ art Tl-.-c and the damage is great
On accvuet of me crippled condition of the
teltrjrapQj.: servi.,-^ news concerning tie
,i at.G great cea of aarca^e was done, par
I'c^rly ai'-t. ti railroads. The "itora
hai r.- -fT'ct upoa the derricks In
to- P-be-v -. oil fields. Oid as well as
crw cerrjc*^ were olows do we. and ali the
fW-u-iCte witeun fifty miles of Pitubuis »uf.
a j--r less exiett fro^ the
a -h^
wrre wh-clly cr partially ce
oua&er of persons hurt, bat
--r ^stv. frv:., i.aly fatally.
•ii J°dre E.a-. .f .C^iie-i riates Court
-^e setcje car. tad failed to tries rain
.iVaec requisite by tne sri'M to do so and
,«vas conaeisaeo to ceath.
:t: A Koagh Voyage.
The White Star line steamer Britannic
ta= arrived at New York, after one of the
tui.? jest voyaresthe vessel has experienced
In ner seventeen years bu*eting the waves
on the Atlantic. One sea boarded the ves
tet. =wept over the deck and carried away
Qaartenna&ter Tnomas Kenzie.
Germany Seady tor War.
The German war oSce has ordered a
large number of portable tents manufac
tured for the use of the eastern army corps
Wita a view to the protection of the' troops
from inclement weatcer in the event of war
vntn Etissia.
Bade from Chilian Ports.
Tne Unites States cr*.iiser San Franciseo
with Admiral Brown has arrived from Chili,
The Admiral says in an interview that the
conduct of himself and United States Min
ister Egan has been entirely impartiai-
Maiing Laws 10 Germany.
The German Eeichstag has reassembled.
A bill providing for the suppression of the
slave trade In the German colonies was in-
Boycotting the Celestials.
men. re'tv.-r:.--. ..«j
It :s known, however. Presii-:-m is r^:-j-z rre^ier
thai it was severe at poicts East and West," *TOIC the fact that be is a Kea:b»r
io tie oii men are
rtugiiiy e«t:tsateo at SSS.t'K'.
A Cycl
in the South.
A cyci:
j, r. boi:
-e swept over Lawrence, iftis.'
Horrors of Shipwrect
.K,A rw v.
aea a.a
others *d(, employ Chinese jn
Tbe beads cf families sre requested* no
employ Cnmese as coks cr servants. Xbe
phi promises to be 3 hard t-nv. There are
eve: 4 "*0 Chiin Montana. s: l.Cv
BUT -. ijjEe.
eeedins Province Prepare* to Meet
the Dictator's forces In the Field
The late dispatches say tbst :he jeal
ousies i^rfsrrt-3 the Snsurrenta of the s«ec«3
inz Mate. Bio Graude do 5tiL hare t»ee.a
silenced and a provisos*! rorercaest has
t^een a,rreed en x. prosecuie the -war arainst
the Di.rt.a:or, Foss^-ca- Th-*y tssde ooe of
r'L.zti^ Dt-
c-t'KES 3D'3
f'itbe' a^r"
.umlsh t&e Junla wi ampJe funds tc*carrv
forw&rd the plans that may be decided
upon fos xcaint-slainr: the iadependence cf
the State. The c£eers sest by the Dictator
to t^ke places of those who cs.n their for
tunes with the ins-rren Kz? Gr^^de do
Sul haTe arrived at Mvste Vide^? &sd pr
p:ise to prteed at once to their cevtinatioa.
Taey aj^sert that several sr-en-of-war are
2v-w on. their way to Sco Gr^nfe and ethers
are beinr nace ready to follow. The refu
gee* from Bio Janeiro who re-a-^hea Monte
Video express the c-piEica ifeit Fee
wa3 sot i« teas t-? Mawlfj parrr tili
His cause toss. t2*y *»y. Oo3y tte ieir usdf of "si.
Jc,"'7^-1~ Irlv Jl''-£":'w
1*7 shlpj«d lt.l« barreii. B:*!o*
I--Ter oos to ex^rt^rs are v3 she
tne demand there is
p.y scd increasing cotsiantiy, is the
merits of the American apple become fully
The People's Party Claim to Have Cap
tured tiie Alliance.
The People's irty cliizj so have
captured the Alliance as a restji of tie
p—-—! ec-.ios for cSc^rs ai Trii^r.y.-fa
P-j'k wasirc-aaisaooilT rt-elec ei.-
si L. Lcucks, of S-uih Dakovj. was -ibos^s
Vi~ Prvsiirai: J. H. Turner re-eie^-.-ei
Treastirer. ar,d J. F. WtUeits.
of Kansas. nati-ne2 ie-riarer. Mr. Tclk, la
fcis acdreis Tutscav
severely cfcSe=r ej ii.e oid plr :es" zzi ~y
stroojly Indicated bis tcade2».':ef to tie
People's party rt-'-Iec
tion is rejarded as a i-re.ii -T f,y~ -2cz
Peop:e* party. Tte eiectic-a Mr. Lc-acks
Bet^iis have arrived of the v-^-kirr
the ..-Odica Isiaads, Japan, of she AiL--i
car. ship Kifssp, of ran Fraacis.ro. fL,
or ailure to Bring Rale.
Asre.e-. Cij.. has s»alecced three
,,1 us.a InQ.a .i to eie^:t ied for ihe
tr--i.l ^.-o. o* an oid medicine
-son ricnihs a?o.
Binding Twine Trcut.'
A local paper Chicaro assorts that th«
u-i.-jnal C^ra are Company, or **ind ns
tr^st. ua.i purchased the entire
binCisg twue plant of Wiiijani Deering 4
Co., of toat ctty. for SZK.m. This pur
tnase, is is sa^c. jrives the trust the a tire
control of tie
Prizes Go tp Higher.
ihe In-tependence L'riv:nz Park AsKk-ia
ti has increa^eii ::s -??tejate purse from
to 52M,friO, a sunt
Tork State.
A severe tornado which formed in ~p*
Jersey swept across the palisades and then
up the river to Long Pier, where it did
tnous&nds of dollars" worth cf damage to
tne property of the Erie Eailway Company.
Co sa»—Caeh
The NatinaaJ Exwrntv* Committee 3*«ne*
*a Addre»« Aanoootisg lt-e!f ic tie
The Nati-caal Exescuiivc- coian :t':'?€
«?aec a^: ad cress to the jswpie of the coun
try fr:m IadianapoUs which fir- that The
Pe^rpie p-arty will have a .ci.ad:cat-e for
Prudent in the field fc-r lr?~: tJhat s-:- ic
Sue-oe of the old j»2it.:.ril :Tr.as.iratic-z 5 or
ai^re^aied c-apitAl can pr?vest a hearty
ssid unanimous coaiitr tore Tier of all
later forces o* the couztrj. whether en:
ployed in tbe war* shop, t^lne or fana
"Til? ^7:e have Debejd." sij^ -jrhii
al-rra cc^nTin^ai adrizi'^ oyz.
-Lr:Tj-rta? .-.'ur-.rT every iur-
Minl««r of »her i«r j'rsm ice pT5a{iptes"4d"tj4Si-
i-- -..ire iTt befar taita to Uoas of lie foaadere sj» Ifa-paKte *no
increase lite S Bearer tie ar-r® Ss esc ie o^,-
rfifirctT «.r she
o. :se Bjo Gnci«. Jb« praifip»l riverrf lie start «raatii» sad aasicfcr Ii f,-
»».iras«tsinct«d by «aka=f two »hipc ibe pcrjose of ttrisc ft-e iastiiW-on. br
in lite channel, as-d
by besvy aniliery.
cc^trol of ali ii«
_prc-i«ct«d the pe.5..refai iastrasmirHhits at
iae is is fell tioo ari the baliot ti«* the PeopJe" par-r
«t«-« —a ,v Sa 12* I b«» be«= vxnr»aj«d." Tie a.Sd«s» deiW
r»ji»e a.na of the roteraL'—
asiki^s Jcocitk-af if *»r. The pr:-riaclal
^ian£S and pr Ta per^oas ar* ojeriar 10
for sosse fpsoe 10 ibe 5-x.rlar of raUirciaa oor
P^-si--cc-mip-t }er25l£H2T»es. cetAi^ciie-c
Juries i=d ucre«, ass baokftij a«s«Si.
tiOE? =.*kesr wreck as titir :ase«st»
di-ni.i- ^=3 says tie Ciily r^irtjisper
press Lii i-^oc ctsr«« iy t.u^iceir
i^io ix-'c-zninr t,e rv^^y Lr^iru
ti»e strfoojn oc
tie 2SK cf frw jwopi?-. cenfeie Ute-r
m^Mis by sophistry. £13 their e-ars with
falsehtod- uph^d evcrythixr destracsji
^.^ers z*izz
tt. l»s.^u._4ea ai tse aoo of toe press. iS.i5 ,ik» ew,.,
B~«sliaa- capita: ir -ra a,re!r. -te-g ics^nst -aj-T
Markets. ~'K" y^^- *isiie
Tie bni^MM 4 exporter ai-.ks I
ii iAi-= qz e.
tii5 o:«ui-try to £urope» tbourh o* ccc^p^r
ativeiy re-cent rrowt^j. ts ye^r!v t^^zjiinr
more lmp.rt.az:t. Upto Ncremb^r 7 steam
ers frcm Asnerlras port« hid carried to zhe
n:ted S.ir.rcom atoct barrels of
appie-s since tie season teran L^t year
barrels Tere sent vhoui
oc-OEirv io t-^TOoe, tbc--= T-? e»=iOir-sd rover cf Ic-ii sbe oi-i
ar.s -e'- vv- v^sres."
barre*?-, to be acctira-*e. ws-as
erp:L Giasrow
a_c L-JECCZ 4.-..f- Ctan^Ls. v_--
tarred hare Ssss tilpped to Eis:^
Tne frt r"-: Live—is aboci T: cs=is~a
-ilea. With ti« low prices p^r^l-
of sae Saticnai oocaiitw-, «f tie People's aad aaKher Itaiiac was
party. Tne fact that a 5i.-?e iombtr cf
AL:aiice delegates are
otoer inauszrial or^oizatutsi sad »..rklnr Special
tosether would icdi-raie that t..
tseir action was to nciSc&tfcc
the dirtctiac of ic•-j,-:-r...
s.-^sa of
ii in
an uninhabited islard f^r
jver twl-re the
*a.-iaat ever before offered by arv
The Featherweight Champion I
John T. Griff* won a pur,e of f. «.
zoo* from James F. Larkin the
champ:on :n a four round contest
to£ote tie
O'ymp:.- club a: NewOrleans.
Actor Florence JJead.
Wm. J. Florence, the famous actor, died
at Philadelphia after is was thourht he was
on the way to reccrery.
TH£ 33AUKtT.
H«jS—sniptlnj: 's~adea
SHEEP... .V.'".
t- .o a
—tVthst^-rn d^lrv.'!""]
Tn* labor organizations in Butte, Mis
Eoala. Great Faiis and other cities of Mon
tana nave commenced a strong fight against
the Cnicese. ,\li the members of she vari
ous unions will not patronize the Chinese
and agree to boycott all merchants, saiooa 6IS—Weslira
.Cattlz—C-^mnivn to prime... HJO
Eocs—Bbipptrs 555
ctirl&a aiire. yismj xsd
tweoty-eirht days, iivia on hard biscuit
a&d casiaed meat, saved fron: the w^efc. .- »*. ^.«ais| to per cecs.
is uiiK xjs tw^aty-foar ralies distant ciea.-ir ?s. as wired ei -isisiveiv tc
^rv=* the laaiclaad. ihe SiMttis and t-eat 3radstieet"s. are fr.jm sixty-,!* cities'this
rave out and ihe Ken subsisted on crabs 5 weei^ The to.tai. 51.-15i.lit.f^jaTsf^I
a-' spec:es of snaie. The captain aad cilies is the Ur. e=i Ssatos. is IS.
I""u. i&ea Saaiiy rowed
and ail were
ih-e in.aiaiand cent, less tbac in
j^en o3 ty
cinamr twine Industry la
main nn
tVashington Stale .LiHaace Men.
The Farn.ers Alliance conversion cf -.Le
state of tVasainrton ad .jmed afte
storey session. A motion sM&t to i» «,
three deieraies to the State thirtj. party
convention, their eip^-n-ses to be paid bv
the Aiiiance was riiied out of order by
Prfcident Sutws. On appeal the Presi-
was overruled and the raoiion pre*
Viiie-a. Pres:ctni rutton declares that he
Wii! expose the Alliance for its jcuiica!
»fee public rc»:»d ®^?d criish er-erythicr *-J oiher *.
*hsz would help tie peop-Ie. As & ssrikinr-I
cf the c=:c«sal
rith which Us«t
irv say:
lie vote
the People"?
tils COQBtTV.
'fee frcss iMsrepresenti-
Fc--Aca. =.——=* j-a-^y ^Toac ±Laz #a±^ tn.ss year feiS
EXPORT? OF APPLE.- iscrea^r^ abcort 315* per
S a or it a S
Immeiue «oaBTtri* Goiss to Cwomu
tr. eopic
Jar?' ca='t
5o J(»
ice Peer-
T1™2 ®-w cf de-
The Dearer tisijeg Cors^rrt-s?
Favor of Piesty
The cr-mm5ttee -co
^Inr Conrre^i
ise cer
t-fc. —ice bas-.-es* a ?roiiiK» c-~ to 1 ig-
la the am week ot Koreaber
-•^.^2. and Hcntreai 4i.C»W, a *r-*5.a- of *«*a.t ro*v ar^ airier .aw Oi. wno msde and tr^- thi ^ari
against 1-S.t^ fcr the weik ks ^T- -T rlriu. aad Serves us as a nation
The Ta.r:et'-es p.-JL ,. m-cse»Ary p-r^:»rtse*s. an.d s»r* t*-at end tt d*— "'By tne Oovernor.
Kings. Gr^n5r« asdsloW 2ep3r^
greater than the sup-
•1- I
with gold a~i'tc-hart ^v
mo^euary power, ix that tbey
Workmen in Brooklyn EnjralSed by tfe«
MidleB C-oJiap^e ot a Coctmlt.
Italians, ccv only cv s^^bers. were 's?
Tbe state of Trade
te-e^ratss to Bradstrees's r?on
calder. ^:c. in s^ice iisiai.-is. wialer
""i has tbe i.a .U
(,iltaTT clot&Ss?. WCsieas. c=dtrwear.
I n- '-:---y nn co&ts ino sb^-s. thoii^h
1 prf&rfpaay at retail. xOJ
la r?e Eastern cities has ezperiecced *Ey
in iieriai increase: ic tie voicrse of disirihu-
srade. It is cot --ntU one reaches Cii
caro that a distinct jj {4^,4. ,5^
crease of ciearisr tcere over the iiie
we^s a v-iar a^o a^o-^asiar to
Bsjar ciea.-tr ?-s. as wired ex
tnan in tne like *eei :4*.
is larreiy aoe to the decrease
ai Sew York City, a Philadelphia sad at
Boston. Out of sixty cilies reported twestv
ejsrbt show decreases. Genera! trade haa IKS
teen relatively quiet at Boston. Phiiadei
phia. Baltimore. Cincinnati. Pittsbur'
Kemphis, St. 1^,-ois and St. Jo^pv.
iuccessfol Train Eobberv
wo masked mes entered the Northern
Pacific Express car on the Missoula 4
Cceur Aiece Eailroad and at the point of
ihe runs made Express Messenser Ciie
op^n she safe and give up all the money it
cocniced—82.53S. The robbery r.rcurretl
between Dorsey and Julian, near the Mon
tana and Idaho iine, a wiid mountainous
The Democratic Committee WUI Meet,
secretary Sherrin. of the National Dem- W
o.rratic committee. :has by direction of
sioux crrv.
•X 'Ji
4 "O
KBBja sua
issued a caii for a meeting
Inocniation lor the Swine Plagne
Experiments of inoculation wft-, cvine
plarue preventives are to be becun near Ot
tawa. Ilh, under the direction of the Bureau
of Animal Industry of the Agricultural De
Foar Thouiand SUners Now Ont.
As a result ot a miners' meeting heid at
Wasnlngtoa, Inc.. 540 more misers have
brinrs the number of miners
on a strike in Indiana up to ab^ut 4,CC*0.
Physician* as Burglars.
-5:-! Two prominent physicians of Gardner.
caught burglarizing a ban
-V They are believed to have cocmistej many
Threaten to eiz« Some Cities,
As China neglects to make amends for
the recent outrages apoa foreigners, the
powers tnreaten to seize some Chinese
French Misers to Arbitrate.
€per!&l AEttl EI rod S^rs Big Foot and
HI? fiud L«anied Too Co*tJy a Le«an
I^»t Tear to Invite War Again Verj
lesson ia.st,winder to again try the
of the jVesicent oI to* Vnlied I
xre-is^ry cf hc«mes and sSang them with joy and
Lstises is 2. s^fe ind .:uz.-d enrreaey gladness. G.ve praise that the scourges
a^jc sas c»ren^ap^rovt.c iy ti-e 1hz\ droughty aci p^Siitence have tea days, and
we *^r«t a^csmal C%nrrsrss is us^- asse2 tis by that the hearts of the favor of plaintiff
v.. \a* °z «-Bet- }***& treawc. 55 and costs. Excepted to br 'all pVrtiM
between the ares of ana 2t. Accord-
-e" "aw the are
e-io-1^4 a-ctber bm was 55 sow from 6 to 2ii, and sc
P=.n aly buried, acd before be be cordins :o the Land Commissioner's
re^rc-ed aiosber lo&i of saad caved Li" o«s tier? are vl.iT6 school cai'drea*
Ci--:.-.: hici ia: of sirfct While sae res- This qaite an increase over
c-er were ai work izic-.'-r care-_i.
c-rc-_rre yeareve^ wzien it is taices Into eossid- I ewcSneer and fireman of the thro-sh
__ -.<p></p>L^r t-rst!Orj 7 h-
eration that the are of school children freight escaped bv iumpinr. The wreck
has &een iowered one year. took ere and burned.
f'i? 55
1x9? 14
r?A rS
5!^ 5*5
1J2& £6
1.IS5 fij
:-5? ii
511 4}
513 24
1JJI5 c6
!.$»« iedout.
ur4 co
42? -c
ehah^ 2.T%
Sr4 44
Sr4 24
LT4 Oi
Corn Jfot Meeting Expectations.
THE following concerning South Da-
kota's crops is from the last monthly re
port from the Agricultural Department
at Washington: "The yield of corn is
not meeting expectations. The fronts
of August ii and 23 killed the blades'in
I nearly every county, but the ears—
then in the milk—were apparently un
injured, and it was expected that they
would fully mature. Harvesting show*
however, that the grain which was not
glazed or beginning to harden did not
mature, and the result is the crop is
very disappointing in both quantity and
Quality. The entire crop will be needed
for home consumption. Potatoes are a
satisfactory crop in every respect. A
large percentage of the hay is made
from wild or prairie grass." In the
southern counties timothy and clover
are raised to some extent and further
north millet is sown. The yield per
acre of native grass is not as heavv as
The delegates of the striking miners in
France have agreed to submit the questions
ia dispute to arbitration.
Huge Deficit in Gennaay.
The German imperial budget W 1SS2-C3
shows an estimated deficit oi 159,Q$Q,0GG
v-"rLs Ocrtua'"
that of the cultivated varieties, yet the
feeding value is nearly equal to that of
millet. The millet crop was less this
year than usual. The entire hay crop
was secured in good order."'
A Question of Jurisdiction.
JUDGE EDGEBTON. of the United
States Court, has fcnally certified the
case against Ticmol.nj Voice to the
9* uimLMslu-kLj
10 hasUly decide. The question
is wht'ther lands aliotled to Indians aro
vc-t reserration lands and whether tha
Unsized Statrs or South Dakota h&s
jansdiclion over offense-? committed on
them. The certipjk is considered
rir:ua!!v to sust&in the- defendant'!
DC/^ition that .South Dakota has juris
A Vipomas *-poator.
THE Springfield artesian well
thrown up twenty tons of mud
stones within the last few days.
Slow Farias the 5i**eton Fund.
&. H. Elk o. Special Unne-d Slates
Dlsbursicg Agent, has ve about SI20,
000 todistribuie among Sisseton Indians
*o: on the reservation, out in corern
inent service as s-:«lcier5. scoots, etc,,
and located at points in North Dakota
and South Dakota. Nebraska and Min
nesota. He has been delayed in finish
ing the Tvork of paying out* the $.03,000
5€*i apart by the government for the
Siss-eton trite on account of the diS
cuItT in getting the Indians to unde,r
^tand that they mnft a^raii their turn
€.nd at mej dates assemble at such
£'ace as he may designate to receive
Vheir money. As to the sensational
rumors concerning re-stle.ssne.s5 amocg
liie Indians at Cbevenne and Pine
£jdge, 5r. Elrod says there is nothing
to indicaie that the Indians aredesiroc-* 3c-ku&! vaiue anticipated is not
of again making troable and that his notwithstanding which we still
±-oot and his followers Jearneu too costl? "ave
Corn a Z.Ittle
Best the State Krer Bail—Other Fall
TEE "oiiowing is from the monthly
crop bulletin on the condition of crops
in Nebraska: Quite a percentage of new
corn has been fed and cribbed. The
wisole crowing season was rampant and
protracted to an unusually late date.
When the ripening season set in the
weather was no favorable, and like the
plant erowth, ripening was too rapid
and imperfect, and as a natural result
sane tiling the present season—or at I ^ePort? generally as to Irish potatoes
corn crop beater in total results
before produced in the state,
»HANK& BY DAKOTANS. I larger than was anticipated. Hay is
reported eiceptionally favorable, both
Cov. Xeiierue is^ne* a Very Appropriate as to yield per acre and quality. Apples
rfcaots^iriac rtc.iamation. are gathered aud results are better than
Gov. MTZ.Z,sttz- of SoutJi Dakota, growers expected. There is a large de
has :ssued nls Thanksgiving proclama- for this fruit and prices are rane
tX'2 as follows: from 50 to C*0 cents per bushel for
**In accordance with cuszoni anc the ^an^*ICiCe^
the best, both as to quantity and
I Quality, and indicate a crop much
States. I hereby designate ThursiayJ PROTECTING TAXPAYERS.
*oveat^er -u 1*^2. s.s a cay of praise
ind thankgiv:ito Almizhtv God zor Ga«t»n Makes a Forcible Entry is
the spe-cia! busings of peace, health
.iv._a^i :aw:«ssse». o=t leaain -ots! acd the public in zeneral. and especial-
I'? 'r raT? «i 2f«5oa. and Sy the taxpayers who foot the
-A. C. MCL^E
'•A. O. Eiyos2C2 S re a
S'SEb^r of School Children In the Coca
tie* of South iHkota.
Four latorers. in-d j.:as seve-, *tre school children in the Stat*
Case an
and prctsix'ritv bestowed she in- 3ge (taslix, at Wilher, Neb., un
nabztanis of So'utn Dasoti during the burdened his mind about the libel case
.a?i. ~a.. L.e* thr day &e apart £.s Meiissa iloeiler against Edward
on zor new
piaintia remit
r^ai sustained unless
2.S70 from the verdict
Forty days to settle
bill of
*o Trains Crash Togetbar at Fremont
-The "Wreck Burned.
innv sj _.vt tra:n was de racked. but a brakemaa
i^?r Sow »he caboose, in
Bsxow is pnclfshe
tie s?«ot aad SO in each coauty and which were twenty people. Eli Hul
cooaty propc-i ,5oa of the aEO'jn ben, the c-rakeman who i--f: ihe switch
re.re.ved .ros ssteres and 5eas:cs of open, was workins in the second car
t-:.'-11* p^ .«ar. This from the caboose" anloading merchan-
to c*e increa=ed in diie and was crushed iuto eternity
tme to cose wtta sale of the Site's SL Barahotise. conductor, "was baili
Tai-.^.- ^cat!! ands, so that st wj en- Eacgled and died within an hour.
A ojEdcit ene^si-jE ur ir-r ccmse- of oe
str-c-rti-ia I- 3rc..-t yc t-jrst a^c scisasrred
acc&s«ro£iabK9». To add Kt&thw- ®rel? i=?Port Use ?abile schools of the I E. Hardy, an" Omaha traveUne man"
r.j.r a iape ras pipe, rsnaiaf jaraliej States _Ace&ratae to the report of the was wedsed betw^n «m.. 1
tae-ssaidtst. tetke. S2it5 tie place wiii M»» s-jperlcteadeBt lass year there
Oxnard's \ew Idea.
H. T. OssAjBD, the beet sugar mag
nate. has been in Lincoln conferring
with a number of loesi capitalists. Mr. r—
Oxcard has a new idea. He has become £S2?OU3
—""the dislike ti him en-
Eailway Gong at a EiUwa
1-414 4
l.m :T
1,07$ C»
WT 44
Fire at Ui
L«S4 0
flMT'j 32
FIRE destroyed the elevator at Hick
man, together with the coal house ad
joining, thirty-one tons of coal, about'
1,500 bushels of grain and one coal car
The cause of the Sre is not known. Tha
extent of the damage is about $6 000
with insurance of S5.500.
on the Sioux Reservation.
LASD on the Sioux reservation, be
tween the Niobrara and Missouri res
ervation west, was opened for entry
last week. Many are filine at Niobrara
oefore the clerk of the District Court
and Lountv Judge.
For Criminal Astaolt-
__ Louis EHSLICH was found guilty at
seward of criminal assault on Mary
Swartz, 14 years old. denied a new trial
and sentenced to the penitentiary for
five years. Enrlich has a family.
Plow Factory at Blair.
A COMPJLST has been oreanized with a
capital of £50,000 for the purpose of
starting 3 plow factory ai Blair, it is
expected to give employment to from
150 to 200 men.
Salvation Army Tragedy.
A DOUBLE tragedy occurred at a Sal
vation Army demonstration at Omaha
Cadet Nettie Biedler fatally shooting
Capt. Hattie Smith and committing sui
At a Ripe Age.
R. Bsowy. aged 75, was
married at FairSeld to Mrs. Rodgers
aged 72.
A Down or More Firm,
ruing. The fire tar
ted in
bat tb«
Co., c!othing Charles T. f.auie, cloth
tag L. Volking, boots and shoes iieo.
gendered in the bosoms of the citizens
of the south Platte country by reason
of his ignoring that section in locatins
his factories north of that ancient di
viding hne. He now proposes to erect
lactones at Lincoln. Fairbury, Hastings
and Me Cook, conditional however, on
the restoration of the 2-cent bounty. He
proposes to make the works at Lincoln
the centra! ones for his Nebraska sys
tem. and has a very nice plan all^tud-
As electric gong which announces the
approach of a train when it arrives at a
point within 1,500 feet either way and
rings until the train has passed, was
put up at a railroad crossing near Neola
last week. Several fatal accidents hava
occurred there recently, and the com
pany had to do something—it couldn't
afford to pay a man to stand there with
a clab.
Flgbt Made by FlremCn_Karrow em
of Several Twu Plerctnf Cold-Jn^
a polls AJUo Scorched.
Two million dollars vest qd in
at S». Loula, and three of ?he ,S
««ty and a ltif
8^!,e^ bnlIa'°«
GenU««, corner of
arenoe and BroMwav 1
thi«i .1. _.
second and third alarm were
within fiftaen minutes. aM'the^almo^
complete force of the fire deoartm,
responded. The flames apread^?
rap rat?, the material which
eing of a highly
character. A strong west wind
character. A strong west wif*
blowing at the time, which
the work of the firemen perilous and for
a time fruitless. Within half an boul
lbZ ZrSaj7 !2°1?
Store of
^nnenfe d-
whlch adjoined Penny & Gentles',
*Sre, and the flames were workine their
way to the Famous mammoth «hoa
house on the corner of Broadway and
Morgan street. Four firemen' were
caught In the Famous Building and wem
overcome by smoke. They were resnled
by their companions. The weather was
bitterly cold ana the firemen, hosT
wa*on and ail matter not in the irnme'.
diate vicinity of the flames was covered
with ice
Within an hour the entire block od t'
west side of Broadway, between Frank
lin avenue and Morgan street, was a
maw of flames, which were beine fanned
by a strorg wind, and, beinj^ carr ed
across the street, threatened destruction
to the immense dry-goods house of
Crawford Co., and the furniture storo
of Koppleman itCa The firemen poured
their streams of water into the fire
biindiy. as the smoke was so dens and
the odor of burning ribbons, feathers,
ciotn and shoes so su-ong that they
caught by the failing of loose
biieks timbers
tne Ttraict of jury withia b»d!y hurt, and were carried to the hi s
ld consent to a judgment in pitel in an ambulance. The watchman
miia aeasnst ae.endant for Socnenfelds" eiUblishment mis
establishment is miss
ing, and it is feared that he may be in
the rains.
Acrosa from Penny fc Gentles' on
"••Kiln avenue were the establijfa
Two freight trains collided at Fre- tTdo^U^h gre^Tucce^6
mont, causing a frightful wreck. One
was we3ged between some trucks and ft
coai store, where he was compelled to
stay until a hole was cut throush the
s:de of the car. through which he was
eitrica:ed. His recovery is doubtful.
.' and F. A. Cornett are
oaaly sred. An Unknown lady had
her co ar cone oroken. and several
others were badly shaken up. The
Grierson A- Co., hatters, Ed F.
aohl and a drug store on the corner of
Broadway and Franklin avenue. These
plaoei were badly damaged by smoke
*nd water The wind had died awav
., The
wnoie block on the east side of Broad
way, between Franklin avenue and
Morgan street, including the establish
ment of D. Crawford «fc Co, was dam
hy nre and smoke- It took hard
and active work to prevent the flames
rrom going down Morgan street to
rourth, as all the buildings were old and
When control was gained, the block
of buildings, which before was Slied with
holiday goods, was a mass of charred
timber, and the main part of the walis
had fallen. The stores of Sonnenfeids,
Penny & Gentles and the Famous Shoe
House ithe largest shoe house in the
West) were wiped out by flames. On
ranklin avenue, opposite Penny .v- Gen
tles establishment, was a block of retail
Mores. These were seriously damaced.
The occupants were O. W. Hever. dry
goods Grierson A Co .hatters: Ed F. Bohl,
catter .P. H. CoulkanipA Co., clothiers
®t- Louis Tailoring Company C. Beemer
dry goods: Franklin saloon
and Halser A Co., dry goods.
A close estimate places the loss of the
convinced that the- prime cause of the f^'P00' insurance, $400X40. Penny A
repeal of the susar bountv bv th" la«t 1^®°"®?'loss S1TS.OOO: insurance, S100,-
as foliows: On stock,
Sonnenfeld's loss, $li'.,c00: insur
$75,000. The other losses will
make the aggregate losses reach nearly
'two millions of dollars.
On the east side of Broadway the
Weinman House, a four-story brick lio
teL was completely destroyed. The
"square Deal Clothine Companv," E. B.
stow & Co., grocers M. Toblin. milli
nery G. Thai A Co., clothing the New
iork Millinery Company, and the Kop
pelman Furniture Company were so
badiy damaged by smoke and water that
their lots will be tota!.
The origin of the fir? is unknown, but
It is supposed to have been caused by an
overheated stove or a defective flue.
Four firemen were compelled to slide
down the hose pine from the fourth story
of tha 'Famous* store during the fire,
out all escaped uninjured.
the Minneapolis Glass
Burned Utxt.
At Minneapolis the wholesale house
of the Minneapolis Glass Company and
Lindsay Bros., agricultural Implements,
were burned. The total loss will be
nearly 8200,000. The losses and insur
ance are: Minneapolis Glass Company
•110,000, Insurance SI
11,500 Lindsay
Bros. £75,000, insurance §21,500 Barclay
Cooper, on building, 515,000. insarauce
TVlse Saying*.
NIGHT brings out stars, as sorrow
shows truths.—P. J. Baiiey.
A PRTXCE who falleth out with laws
breaketh with his best friends.—Saville.
A SIXGL.E grateful thought toward
heaven is a most effective prayer.—Les-
Tine gem cannot be polished without
friction, nor the man perfected without
HE who has not a good memory should
never take upon him the trade of lying.
THE true danger is when liberty is
nibbled awav for exoedients and by.:
MODERATION is the silken string run
ning through the peart chains of all.
THE sufficiency of my merit is to
know that my merit is not sufficient.—
Saint Augustine.
THE following wash will prove effica
cious for purifying the breath: Chlorate
of potash, 2 drachms rose water, ti
ounces. Rinse the mouth thoroughly
or six times dally.