xni. VOLUME Hanging Lamps, Beantifnl Vase and Stand Lamps, And tbe -A.t Prioea Aatoniatiingly Low. CALL AND EXAMINE. S. H. SCALLIN'S, DRUGGIST, JEWELER AND BOOKSELLER, 3 One Door South of F. O. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, WALL PAPER. MY STOCK IS OOMPLiHTB. "BEST GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." LOGAN. The Furniture Man, Has Received His You are Invited to call and See Them. If we may believe the several candi dates' claims the next house of represen tatives will have at least five Speakers. The St. Paul Globe has a great deal of gall to expect us to compliment its elaborate Thanksgiving issue when its tirat-page map of the universe shows every other town in the state except the best one—Mitchell. The rumor has started the rounds again that Mr. Blaine is about to make a formal statement with reference to his intentions toward the presidential nomination.- For the sake of the news paper correspondents who will thus be cruelly deprived of a most fruitful topic we hope Mr. Blaine will not do so The Alexandria Journal will give up its semi-weekly edition and enlarge to a six column weekly quarto. Just what advantage there is to a publisher in running a semi-weekly we have never been able to understand, and the Jour nal shows its good sense in abandoning a plan which caused added expense without any extra returns. John Ingalls says the following, at tributed to Lincoln by the calamityites, is a malignant and,clumsy forgery: As the result of the war corporations have been enthroned and an era of cor ruption in high places will follow and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by work ing upon the prejudices of the people, until all the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed. The admirerB of Doane Robinson, whose literary star both in prose and poetic effort has risen very rapidly of late, have arranged a "Recognition" to be tendered him in Watertown on the 8th inst. Mr. Robinson's rising fame is certainly cause not only for his own gratification but for congratulation to the town and the state in which he has done his first work Verily in hi3 case a prophet is not without honor even in his own country. The fact that the Republicans have, prior to this, done the same thing in Indiana does not atone for the present inexcusable injustice. condemn whether practiced by friend or foe, and I hear-with pleasure that the Ohio leg islature will not take ad vantage of its Republican ascendancy to redistrict the state in an unfair way for partisan pur poses. if this be true, it is to the ev erlasting credit of the Republican party. His remarks were drawn out by con templation of the situation in his own state in which both parties are closely LAMPS! Host Gorgeous Banqnet Lamps Ever Shorn in Mitchell, matched, in votes but where, the' Demo crats have eleven congressman to two Republican. Politics is the only game in which underhanded and, dishonest methods are considered legitimate and smart, to the shame of both parties be it said, and until a higher plane is reached and adhered to there is little hope for permanent reform. A case im mediately in point is the existing situa tion in New York state where the Dem ocrats are doing their best—or .worst— to steal the legislature after the Repub licans have elected a majority of its members. Another instance nearer at home was the summary theft of the seats of several duly elected Repulicans by the combination in the last South Dakota legislature while the arbitrary unseating of southern Democrats by the last house of representatives, while it gave the Republicans a temporary ad' vantage, has worked in the end1 to their detriment. It were far better to re verse results and correct abuses at the polls in a subsequent election than to at tempt to overturn the judgment of what appears to be a majority on the face of the returns. Isn't it remarkable that the rabid In dependent organs feel impelled to at tack every enterprise of a public na ture? According to the Aberdeen News: The national organ of the Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, published at Washington and called the National Economist, has a furious onslaught on the government irrigation inquiry, and denounces irrigation as a scheme of plunder and speculation. While the Knights of Labor, Father Haire's paper, attacks the World's Fair commission in the following savage fashion: .The plunderer's pow wow committees will soon be down on Brown county, to get A newly elected Democratic congress man from Indiana expresses himself as opposed to partisan gerrymandering of a state, no matter by which party it is done. He says: the people here to give them some money, to build a plute loafing place at the Columbian World's Fair at Chicago next year. Don't give them a cent is our voice on the subject. Why? First on general principles. Second, we are trying to get a beet, sugar factory here in Aberdeen that will use up 75,000 tons of- beets and leave at leabt $«i00.000 with our farmers each and every year. Sugar factory before a plute loafing at Chicago every time. You bet. The wonder is that the sugar boot enterprise receives any consideration, either. The Pierre Free Press protests against the continued discrimination against tne capital city in favor of Sioux Falls in the matter of holding terms of the United States court. The Free Press says. In one matter at least the patience of'Pierre is ceasing to be a virtue. This is the semi-occaaional farce we see ex­ hibited of holding a term of the United States court in this city. MITCHELL, SOUTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1891.—TWELVE PAGES. Dry Goods, Were Thawing Dynamite. CORRUNNA, Mich., Dec. .2. —While workmen at the. Kincaide coal mines, two miles northeast of here, were en gaged in thawing out dynamite cart ridges, they, exploded with terrific force. The shed in which the men were at work was completely wrecked and Michael Caster was killed and two- of his assistants seriously if not fatally injured. Wrecking Tug Destroyed CHEYBOYGAN,. Mich., Dec. 2.—The great wrecking tug Lepant has been de stroyed by fire.: The wrecking Of the vessel will probably never be equalled. She has been handled bv skillful wrecking masters and has made many fortunes for her owners. The fire is supposed to have originated in her bunkers while the crew was asleep. Mill tturned at Ovratouna. OWATONNA, Minn., Dec. 2. —The Owatonna roller mill, owned by H. M. Hastings and J. M. Diment, burned -to the ground about 5 o'clock a. m.. to gether with 8,000 hnshels of wheat, three cars of flour, and several tons of bran and shorts. The fire was caused by a lantern exploding. The loss is $30,000, with no insurance. The Inmates EM apod NEWBHRG, N. Y., Dec. 2.—The Pro tectory building connected with the con vention of Sisters of Mercy two miles north of this city, burned to,the ground during the morning. There, were 210 children sleeping in the building, but all got out safely. The structure was a four-story brick. Loss about $40,000. Four Scholars Died of Diphtheria* DULUTH, Dec. 2.—The Jackson ward school, which has been closed for ten days because of a diphtheria scare among the pupils, has been reopened after a thorough fumigation and reno vation of tbe plumbing. There were tour deaths from diphtheria among the scholars. Gould Out of Wall Street. NEW YORK, NOV. -7 —Jay Gould stated for publication that he is out of Wall street forever, so says an evening paper of this city. "I am out of Wall street and am not interested directly or indirectly market quotations." Mr. Gould'said that he was feeling well and growing stronger dailv. Boots The new firm says they do not want to take a dollar's worth of old goods so in order to close out in so short a time we must make some great sacrifices. We begin .Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, and Close Out Everything. This will be your chance to get a Cloak if you have not got one yet. You had better take advantage of this Change of Business Sale and get anew dress as you enow we always keep the finest in the dress goods city. WILL EVICT SETTLERS. Great Northern Sorring Notices on Farm ers to Vaewte. FARGO, N. D., Dec. 2. —The agents of the Great Northern are serving -notices of eviction on all owners of odd-num bered sections within the twenty-mile indemnity land grant limit. The notices order farmers to Vacate prof^ erty Dec, 15. -The railfoad claims in clude the richest portion of the Red river valley lands that have heen duly patented by the government. Attorneys assert that the railroad company has no qlaim to. the lands filed upon by settlers prior to 1877. I V* ,'•i -I hJ -5. r* v- "The ~~.f* *VVS#'f£«.J itchell CCap ital. The firm of C. C. Champeny is going to change hands the first of the year and everything in the way of and Shoes, and Must Go Prior to that Time. QH/SDC ndUUlkululIiulDi llnflf*r*Ult*nn %/tlUUf VwUUl C. C. CHAMPENY"'S. HEADQUARTERS FOR BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS. A Receiver Appointed. READING, Pa., Dec.- 1.—A receiver has been appointed for the Alliance Mutual Fire Insurance company of this city. The receiver was appointed, on the, application of J. R. Jones, of Phila delphia, who claimed that the company1 was insolvent because it did not make good a claim held by the petitioner. The officers of the company admitted that it could meet its accounts. ROYAL Best Baking Powder The Official Government Reports: mm The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the ROYAL BAKING POWDER to be of greater leav ening strength than any other. (Bulletin 13, Ag. Dep., p. 599J The Canadian Official Testsj recently made, show the ROYAL BAKING POWDER highest of all in leavening strength. (Bulletin 10, p. 16, Inland Rev. Dep.) In practical use, therefore, the ROYAL BAKING POWDER goes further, makes purer and more perfect food than any other. Government Chemists Certify: Royal Baking Powder The The some ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substances. EDWARD G. LOVE, PH. D." Royal Baking Powder reliable baking powder offered to the public. 9 Royal Baking Powder strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. i^5sTwr*M?' •?«*•'r3 ?'. ,\ *V?",''A OIlUC5. Closing Sale. HaiullrawhiafQ We can show you the finest line in Da- A Train Derailed. FARIBAULT,' Minn., Nov. 30.—As the train on the Iowa and Minnesota divi sion of- the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway *which left St. Paul at 4:15 p. m. was crossing the switch at the Walcott side track the locomotive, tender, baggage car and first passenger coach were derailed and a considerable amount of damage was done to railroad property, but no one was hurt. NUMBER 12. Now is the time to buy them at this Great k0ta and this will be the greatest op­ portunity for you to buy a dozen or two for little money. .w^\ y°u the greatest bar- gains in this line you ever had. Mnelinc And P.fllif'AQ still have a lot of these lllUollllb (llIU UUHJUD.We goods at the same cheap prices. Damomhor Everything goes from a Silk ncIIlt/II 1 UtJI Dress to a bunch of print. An American Tessel lSurnea* NEW YORK, Nov. 80.—The World's Valparaiso special says that the Ameri can clipper ship Rappahannock was burned to the water's edge on the night of Nov. 11, while at anchor in the har bor of Cumberland bay, in the Northern part of the South Pacific island of Joan Fernandez. Captain Dickinson, hia wife and the crew escaped. They will be sent to San Francisco. is composed of pure and whole­ is undoubtedly the purest and most "HENRY A. MOTT, M.D., PH.D." is purest in quality and highest in 1 aW-V WM. MCMURTRIE, PH. D.'' J1 (p* it i£t m: