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I ... -«$i 9 if Si, SfJ i:ii ife ife mM H3 III 6 issiiiMs veTOJ Rerommrnili'il iw Ihr llml. IX IiH Mahh, IMyimmth Oo la., Muy, ISSi). I tn(TorHl from Uun)Mmry ttpploN»utttf from owrwiirk for two yoar«, for which I utuHlPiiato? Kocml|i*n Nwvo 'Ionic, aikI can tveotmuoml muuo Uio boat modiuluo for Ntmllur trouMoi*. lSDUNIiOUKT. HICKMAN, & It NoK, Ootoluvr, l&HX Atfout four ywirn nfjo our now iXkyoar old riftuuhtttr hntl tut |)Hoptto tit uftor nIio luul ro tirtM ami atnutt tv vmr Inter i»lu» liud luioltuxr tuicU at tnck wo oouM tuutlly tmllovo tlukt* who had thin Uwrlhlo illHontuv "KpiU'pny." but whou about thivo immUm lutor who had a t\t wo vrurt* fOi\nsi to boMovo tho fact hut tho dmuhni malmty hm! fimUMunl u\on hor, and as wo huj« JHtntsi a \Uwoam» without a kmjwu nuiuHlv. tboot- thin Unto wo voad alnnt l\v*tvr ooiiIk N«rw nml wownohulod to try i*lot.tUi God bo tlnuikivl. tho Is onnnl Ml aiul MK& l^KSOINU, Valuam* Hook an Nemtu _. w»nl (hH to anv address, •nd |HHr patients can Also obtain thin mctlifittp ftw of charg** FREE ~fti, ttita mmodr bM Iwn vnuuuvil by Uio Kevorond 6mw iv •onw. ot *Vrt «•«, lad- wt\c» lSJv\ ana idow ptvpaivu under Uis dtnvuou by Uu KOCNIG MED. CO., Chicago, It!. $oklby ItrUffirfM* at SI per ltottlc* 6fbrS& tArgv SiMS 1.75. Dottle* tor S!. TREATMENT BY INHALATION! 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. For Consumption, Asthma. Bronchi tis, Cnrtarrh. DyspopsUi. Hay Fo vor, H«a%*u1ieho, Debility, Rheu mAt Ism. N ovir \l {.'i, AND AIL CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DIS ORDERS. has Nvn use more than twenty years: thousands of jvaiiouts have Kvu treated. and over one Ihou^re'.a physi cians have useu it and recommend it a very significant fact, it is sui'.waMo. There is naus»\r.s t.-vsk\ ov aftor-: su. or siokouiuii «uoll. 'Wmjvmui O\yo-!i -its Mcvio of AoUvv.i a ui Kos.s'.ts" is tho f.tio of a l\vk of -W1 ti. i.lisho\i by Ore, Starkoy I*»«»«. \vhioh srivvs'to ai »h mhv\-s fuil •. »?oru'.a:soji as to this r\-~ marfcalvo os:rativv a:„ a iwvrv. of s«r{\ris'.tv^ o.'.rw- itt a ~s:is v- ot ohrv»»to oases? a:iy of 5ho tt afior iviof a!v-4i'.o.oiit\i to oho '\v othor physioiatss, 5v tua:.U\i :'t\v to uiy ao.vir\-s^ ou Dr. STARKBY & PALEN. 152^ AnA Si.. PfeilsdeJ^k. Fa. ISO Satitf Si.. SdB Fraa*m Cdl. I1*!.* :xx". y^ vr X' s-c. icCkr yvc r.*r tvv vxtr Vv'«-cdkc* of *WPCT ^.vvss- *.t5 xaajjffu^srrrd «ac, aKsvv^tsAs-feNrv* 2W IKsewissw i^N-VJV ^-trr-^4:^ M\i **acsi i?rsf t^vOss. ^vxts iVT ^vvis ttics. vX?.s fcSC SN'Ws. ^vV'Wv. ^vxt^ias. SiK.vwr'. W \vi-s, i« tTvVs vVV.^ jccc CO: sii XSTr ^v ifet -..isirs' ,S *2.V,vawi vrvirMs»f'jwrsv su»f •"•a T« v»*te^ ~-irT •ftsuKCKvii^: 2h" vK'iWif "htysc. TEY i»i i-.xvs VJ n,\ ^ves -syj "J* ri-rctts- vc A. KX«tT4iy 4 cw. TCC jirwv. H'.. WE WILL PAY A, akifcr* $4?- vc it s» fr fwr?" fcxs vtf ic tnwjuftfcjciT'ft??* w-csw, ».« 4.V7 jrxvj'V vesa. Aprr^t v5fci*. ."K"Xjf v:*t s«u At. "rpes^i aC Arc «»v A C\X S2S*oiK3 sr«w Oicauj^vini. fAlNS V:'T^r rat (y in i!-r Back rvn»- «f ^wairartte Taa»p«sv flEME.P^R ^,^u^£ »X).. hwfctf J, K. UTEB iS KID XEY BALM ..•: *vtt -».• *%tw" BE-tfte rfc^sts! J2V5 v*VVf^ JVC ftv£ sifcwiT ftrXvit lev -JJ I-*,* cu.rtf' cissiTrrtx* .v£n*7»i}^Tv TNE OA. J. N.MCCEAfc »EO. CO ST. LOU.S. .N«0, \.' T. li. :k -.i"**.'.,. iHI,. "fsva! -ers.-c^ i-.yi-c-jio.'e i«. ^wraCTfi^.-. iV W-.w"s A S-SW ?iv 5S8?iST« K«.v«i 43sS WOJjnfc. in p*r«tf W Cb£^.v-&. %^mii watt A sdu x*wvt ?«*c Vl«tt Sv«m' ctlxnir S-? v"2aaa^fii. iil^ IhiiH. Ofcxvr-u. Chikl pen Cry fe Pitcher's Castwia. flfc X' 1 .-Bs CT.'KESSS®5 ik \,,M l*itt AVleklu'm Altroiitl. Sioux l^alls Argus-Leiulov: Pat Wtekhum, Mio fmiious nistlor of Alcx midriii, spunt. t.lio ilny in tho city, look iuy: over politics niul tullviiij with the bovs. His surpfisliijj fiu'iul likonoss to Dnyui li. Hill oortniiily oovoivs a politi oal ostuUniosy ami si.ooossful onofgy not iiuliko llio rottl Now ^'orkoi-'s. Pat hius tiuulo llanstm county Democratic— a rare foal, in tho ilakotas, ami if he is ohoson iv ilolotrato to Chieftfro. tlio state nomocracy will have no abler represen tative. Tin* sivnrn Torliunlni'H of tit*. Inquisition What caroil thoy for the {iroans of the victim as he lay stretched upon the rack Yet people whose hearts- arc neither as hard as the nether mill stone, nor whose fortitude is excessive, often have no pity on themselves—vol untarily incur lifelong torture by tiejr lect. Rheumatism, the most agonising and obstiuateof complaints is, jterhaps, more frequently n.'trlocteil in its incip iency than any other, the preliminary twinjjes Kmul sot down to the credit of "a cold in tho* Wines" which will pass away of itself. Singular fatuity—fatal delusion! llostetter's Stomach Bitters is a potent safeguard ajrainst the terri ble inroads of thin insiduous aud dan gerous malady—ilantrerous because of its pi-oneness to attack the heart, the seat of life. Xouralsria is also effectual ly oounteraetea and tvlieveii by the Bitters. Malaria, kidney complaints, debility, indigestion, biliousness, la srripjv, !,ss of apjotito aud the inabili ty to sleep are amotisr the eouiplsuuts eradicablc with this srenial wriwtivo. duil. spiritless and stupid: if your bU«-l is thick and slugsrish: if your appetite is capricious and uncertain, »u tKHsi a Sarsapjtrilla. For best results take IX' Witt's. L. O. GAI.K. tVr Owr Fifty Ytvur*. An old and wvH-triod remc\iy.—Mrs. Witislow's SvVthhi^r Syrup .has boon usou for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their childtvts whiie le*?th uur. with jvrfoct sikw^s. sashes iho child, softens the srums, allays all jvvin, cures wind ivtic, sad is the tess retuevvy for l"»iarrhaa. Is pleassiit to the taste. S^xtd by dnysrisss in ewry {»rt of the wwrid. Twcnsy-Sve cojsts a IwtUo. Us vaitie is incaleniahSe. Be sv aiui ask for Mrs. WinslowV ixv-5h st Syrc.o aati lake :ve other kisd. Is is a. trath iu r.:evik-ire sfeas 5be smaitws tKw thai tvj-fv*mss :k-e cciv is the Nss:. IV Wtii's U: ie Ssrly Kistfrs sre she sr.-.slfes: jiiiis, wlij ivr- fvv:ii sh our*- szsi ske I_ O. Gai^. Sptwimen S. H. CiifToird. Xo* Cia«ie. VTk. MOSEY SATED IS MET SABEJ tras :r\viec wija XxHiraegii sni StOC-S^T: -is liver *rxs atSivitW ?o ir. 5e-i aira^-. saj be v-st ssrriiisy iwc-jctxi is se.c s3?sr^i.. sa&aii^r. ristvi 5irv« cvcifes o-' HSsNSrtc 3£tssrs sni se-nsii. \-x cC A S^'T»5. &Z]C if '[*?nr .-—i• •weC."., Sc*3iteir. Oisvvja^ Oii-x "JIC ."IT. IX"- Jisrs saii i»f w»s sssarsirfe. Ctej bjcit Siscsra: SSsasrs sn£ ^ia? cvj: ^.IN-I-T -. Ar^ka ii-n. S ic &. E. aVafcDsr^ ir^acSaDct- tc ini. 4u»K.t sf- r%»f vS sii»-irJc£L r.isi toz iifms ic ibi st-jfsv" Sfc.: v- 's?i iis£ 4 —IrEji Vx:-ly lias TTi&Ci^ He ssi lecscc- aoxi I_.«. Xw HT TSass. .-."Su r."w: 2uti2Mr tmr sn^ T''H. -•3r T»alx U- .'C mpr ^-,'iiiHh? ?si Trtr.—rxt- fc -iEis Ttr. Einri 5^«r £& jar Cimsmrrnciin.. Claris mf C.:ucf i- rnErsnsei ii ~SsL or "v— 7a-1 "5tc527sz5 —J. 2.Tmi£ it r.-'-r -juuiar is ass- aai 4 s«a£j- to 'ivs i. ssnciir aacsir i-cemse cut iatci iar j-'nir-SEi" tis: if. 5a asks* r^-x Sotlats crx^saci.. ut tut :soi «i- wasr Sisso 5.*- 3a»t -aus. watraC. Jtc..Tr»**«rCL TTTTTtHr irttf Vtxw ifwow iu-CW J| Xi:^:. -^u niCi an*»i "^'r- v-_ -VH&: iTiT :u~ ta: xo.^c "jj- s:uc »ii v'i^'2. ^crx^r cV.ut .Vc Jo*i ii lr 'i iai£ i^v xvtfic U-VT ?:vc soiaii fwi »wr W«-aic~i. rl-i jjnt iJuaihiii: ssfcl 'MK Z^55ii- 3^ sa«--*?ie- jttswp r.-ism tjua ^cs. jiVis 4 A-irtrs "V W-^r« M.-suiii-_o, *SS 3W&« jv«ti«A. «tonee^ --"-J- o. if Chlktren Crjr for Pitcher'* Oa«to#ia. Wlmt Harrison K1H« DOUV for N«W York. St. Louis Globo-Democrat: What are the New York Republicans sulking against Harrison for They have leon treated with a good deal of considera tion by the administration. Two of them—Winriom and Tracy—were taken iuto the cabinet, ono of them—White law Vleid—was given a first- class miss ion, and another—Frederick 11. Grant —was given a second class mission. On others of them other important- posts have boon conferred. The New York ers have no cause to "kick" at the way they have been used by the -president. »tOO Krwnrtl »HM1. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system, thereby disproving the foundation of the disease, aud giving the patient strength by butKiing up the constitution and assisting nature in do iug its work. The proprietors haw so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for Us* of testimonials. Address. F. J. Ceksky 5s i\ resur&r^&bue Co.. Tolv«o Ohio. ^"Sold by Drtwrgists. Tfv. AraKi* The Salw iq fihe for Brui^os,Sores' Tio?^ SaI: FVv*?r Sore^ T^* er. Chilblaitit^ And tiouss aoa jxxsiiuwiy c^nes W 2^ p^y ivqiurvxi, 3v porfeo sa^lsc'^ioa. or Price 25o per Mx. Sv H., ScsuUn. I« is 4^i4 y*f ricwrthorc fsir^wsr^ ISi£ 5C' -JC cvmos sbeir ervp? vlib Ope vf :&.«£ in ii ti UliSSd tVf o^Ur it sitf- ^iainiL ia iS5£333^e2 r' TT^ji- o»f Xt^Oozr Oiix, TTbssft: luiailusir -rtrciiix ininrnucimr imf twt iszmit1.: juwKiiiHr foe* & sOwXbssrr htma.. Sara- Jiissrs. Ssr^v jl&n-s. 2ai~.* 5i»r liti 7tinoit ifesfe miis- in- raji «£i cjoasinssit nnf 3KC-TWOSCKS5^ 'T Iliii* I stsrs- os ais «tr ,-c" eirii JLll Hcmnjis: Sliss Lsmpsiaf na=r ^rme ir ijicr titf Wir-cmni: wnrc. ir Suhs. Fsjjs.. J.'c ii'v C5ivi. anc iaf at "ait "mi"'it "Jtn^ttvr^ mmam.* gr lar ihs: Kani 5nr waa^s. Ht ^aif These WTHISC je urcwcr nt tjsrxi ir pax el. & .ht .tsfc uftiiET- ac ~u pai- tcni. aaar. s. hiirt—isftE iiiL rrw aoosi. irr. i^iwrc ahal. &&•. ihrmgrL *rttsisr_. rarriirr-m-iirT u- enin-2zzier3tizi: oaoEiar anniiaEixES: tcr -szmsr fiL rt sain do^vi. xc I'hi: ,T.v -FiEf-.rr_i.CiJK iar in-ffeKigaiiiK. je= •flo iBr 31 smjcliy suaTsis^ y&az isbb- umi: HarrsBOE or- CfiL T5r ^*2TSn IT. JZIfiar £.. r-rn •&: coS— lt- isa- cr- zc*5L TrtiiiiaxT .ist £2invdtsa^t c: TSs: -rarr-^r- .& £tBS JiUcLTT .22Srr^22-r55r SC23L ^"1 i-rflrrT ESTHSfe "atSu EZit •=i'rri£lT ^rrrv- Wlrrlit*^ ttFf 12fc *y^TV." i- ISr'-tf"-rTVT£r- aaos: c: ixini^nmrb ,Tr»e.. scint 'AT 2a*ia Diiil. Cctiji \2j~a JQui vr«TTi*»n ^hur -4fcr Cr tliti -lliinihnimttiw :»ni t»ch^rs in^rniiiL :u iail. -m .111^ *ad i3i)CTiiii .JF 'jjr-iiii- iua lumrs» a r^aneviy th^t pi ^2imi7Si.v auon Is merits* and ~eed :u rt»ut vy. cuix all ^ir^cic mc Acutv* coii^hs» As*tkm«k i^LC OvUUSUmptivUl. A/T.c ^t. Every Month I auay frvsv Evc«#«iv« jr I Sttios tAy Vn^xr -st coaito* i* |Mv.fver •ai ctfiaafiftt m*3is Nat try vz Bradfield's Feaale Regvlator SwuiHu PWWSC r«WM, KMTt.SiiW«ESSEa IKWMtlVM UENSTRUATION. si woatAX" R»»v «s»svvn.M c«X. «•. s-at LEVEES BREAKING A lMsastrons Crevasse Opened a Few Miles Above the Oily of Now Orleans. The Greater Portion of St Charles 1 ar ish Will lie Flooded Thereby. The Irtmer Portion of New Orleans Will Be Overflowed by the Hack Water. Nkw Ow.kans. May 17.—At 2 o'clock a. ui. Bonnett Carre levee, thirty-fliree miles from the city, gave way and indi catjoits are that a most disastrous cre vasse will lie the result. From the best information received so far, the break is is in the Bonnett Carre levee and in the extreme end of St. Charles parish, about thirty miles above the city. The crevasse is 1X feet wide and was wash ing at a rate that means a width of 400 fee in a few hours. The depth of the levee is seven fee-t. Major Kielurtlson. chief state engineer, states that the water will tVvyl a gTeat jiortion of St. Chark-s parish in its ivurse to Lake iVncchartrain. Tlie city will lx affectetl. »s the water will till Lake Pontchartrain «a0. will t«cs up into the basins, which nwtui? an overflow of the rear portion of the city. THE HIGH WATER. A BmI Kr«ttk i« tht? Mi«l.viippl Near K:\xt St. LintU Sr. Lor vs. May lu.—Near East St. Ux» a bn»jt w» ntade in the embank ra«:5 oif sfe# Cologne raihwul. a local evisfitsy. Thi? caitstxi a torrent to rocr &rocgc_ d'.v-oias laruxing lands to #a-»fr.5 of by three miles. The w«w- i£s£ sxj eccer -ho main part of Eass Ss. Loess be i.voec some of the '.-ctiytac sc^crcs. The East St. Louis jvvifa?*- Cti trsck is rmder ten feet of •«ri5sr. iaii A'L-iid'?r^bZtf ciScciry was ixjwrwcj.'wi i?. sat-eg a tiuiaber of i!.-rs:s. so sciiZfo. the rash of the •K-ilcC 1 so«ih si «i*c. xn. 4^ stoc.ihorc civsjioc o! 4^ Rsilros^ vnhis lise 7^1 s?c VjMjrtf. a shiC- —lifecv "crth of East St. Lcttis. dcccwL The inhabitants it:*" •ar-sifin«si. ,'olg the levee which jr-josres ?r-.vKvra. another village, so aaa v^arr amy at cif chrec^jti. tha: •5.'wi. ia imteti ^rutr-i. or dfty men is jtr ae nnjiaajiitiritic raarizog the levee. Skkj .ifer j' -icck ilweHin^rcame hj vvn shf sc^jam wtth. 1 —ami stmck jik jc rte jfitaaienns jt she it-irvhann? JC3CK- 3r 'v-5s- car a: ~vjj is aeaciy as £&- 'istisrt ih* Kxsd 3£r.. f. AsJtGSStj:* 3-4j»stai£ric SiSfikwciT^ mmriiiJtiKc: 'iSxucOiOT:^5ium /Reefers" "in Shxit ^mii ""Fxn&esrs' or "s- 'rs jitii jea iune ^vith. a cir .-Ti'iir ss'.v. The jr-xc~ is beats: ?ar p.Ti.*i TJ 4 •nranBmiu.ns sjrain. njtn an anssssaie Jwrr-iianitmHir -jf aeavy ielrris. loss jraw dtrtsmi ami jeisam rnnucir h)\ra *.£ ~iit? rjy- in? ^rriar Jvoil nnjm ?amjvti 3iaiiE5.. Ai. T-jiijek r:it* vaitt- ~n m. iiaiifisB sa'.L -juatiesj. istsse*! "hrriui^r 3j& *rrrh. 2- -ras iet ipwiirti siiu :nnm inti. iiati 1 tin: 71 n. himircst iter Jtiuvv -ins zhasri1- jijjecr 1. jii .. L.i uanrr atc-^ cmn Tin^r aSit —i"~- ,-i --i !,..I ?*si -TTiir unsBt lisck:..tar-:OTii-iip •hj- "DTr. -r u! smsabajr nsj.a :is oicxrmijumt-x aiiMte: a£ "nisasiicrama. .'.e :i^r Ihi43s2i. 3r—iiiir^on b&l •1 irr2z. ~h?r- -ttg^z :i ii- T71.T "nv satruxiuv. cr aK-3i ^r SI5"sni -arjffi -m ..-,^1 JT Ecsifr -fesai_ ~y- -TOTEsr arrminr ES7S7L XT "32rr r&T. -:~-i ..'^tlTFSTB V5 -i G: iicxszi trails ~sn "^sir zi*ir -iiffid i5i3S. ?w*e«i£ xweH=_rw c~ i^^ar =nsa: se _* all^n eieCtrnC 11 2s£VTtSniB£T JtrsnntceaBsrta*^ or -xtt*'•X«sa«ar fetsti. f:'arp*c: ss 5un» li 2ft Sauteef' -«»eeiirt iSST OT iJE aita&- STTS. -HXilif i-. _i.i TS1S. _l*c et f'yjt "ry l£Sr ^Ii£KiSiGG=-!3" t5Sr=t:'a2X. LL JSSUIUiit. tT«sratc: nar i)ilxcwp±ti 2': tzz-n OESX: nTTT«rwxfnym*r &jrSh£ZL *cin. n=: ~B5iciac.. ii ai_ .inair ISn^OsSIIilirr" T£r "in- ioluiir m-nu^i-Tv- m.' iv .11 [nmi '•'mle-r -itsjjtf 3|je, -.-"rfcLir- —1" a&tV"' 1 HIV It1IILT ^hstr ~T-r T&ti 3SJS1 -iil'-Viy mirri T:ir^t -J1 iae.a±asra»(s. TiiisitisriMii ir one sr.ii.~ jjzt scycEET sn jixnr juil Ttien ^iowlv re- rZi^ iite" 3 ainv 'vtrhin a tew sffi if Tie .n'ji TVTiiEr irf ami it •m1L is- anr trr uj down be- txo l—-isf mns! im bsnrre she arrival ot" iiir. ."ime will atad de swell -afe.jjaar raa «np» htxsom land of ^7^nftni_ ."illif.* The J"one rise, ztt!nx niie tni.-ltiiur snows of iifc zniTLmumir. lias .liremiy st:irt\l. aud wal 32iii!i. dns pcini: ta. less ciiau fifteen usva. .utitr nomiiii con»iicious. \ -hii Tfnsers jr» low. tlie Jane rise gvies mr ir she banks, and with the stit^v aac ir aetwasisT mctst exist in fifteen UiVH tzrjni. now chere will tie an v^vi^ttlv'w waiuis. bids iisx to sorptwis all others. ttow Vwrsuus Wescou.. the house of liivcgv Cijumbs. which suv«.l tw\uty t'ro( fwiui uhe eilav of the b«nk. went into I lie wuwr dttrrng the tii^rht ,'«ui it is t\\v*msl tuiac three of the inuu»t^ wvtv dt\wm\l. Fear miles further down the river the uit of a tishoruuui naiuevl Nelson wettt into the water tunl the owner and fauwly eecabpt.Hi after drifting until vlay%ht. The lowlands alou# (he Kuw *-hvar up a? far t»s La« tvnee have lnvn «ulMmn,u\^l and the Sanl.t Ve tnuus haw Ihv\' \*ui l»?Uevl to use the Union Pav iUo tntelw. The tuvmetttry low of this tWd fnr «s e»Iculatevl in the immediate vicituty of K«!W^*» City is over LU't-vn. Mity 11. mv««\ \i »vty iw the Anaconda vuitte lu\»tsi thevot.e'sof thtw of (he uupvt-.\H\(\l uiuo'V-n. HKNXKTT UKXMS. 1(ot i\uut- iti£ the datna^v t\ ftttius which havw been \\ndetevl «wle» for the time beinji, Mt»ev« Vhe metv wiv oujr.vssl in wnoxn^tA-xn, but ttteir w\w\ls v\*«ld *\\l Iv disthvsv.Uhed Uvw vv'tvM iut«4l(iib\v (vt,Mv-ow Iv ob tmurtl thettt. KtVvMt* at t\v^-ne U»v« leon CittojwKV MJ^V 14 Vltc vvf lh» Ctw^v* vlt»lrict at th^r \s\uv^*tion *t A»vt\*r*» VUM a v\k*,vi»\nwv ,\t» miuA^ttiK the cpI«v»p »\t W, K»«4»v of tVe vSs*o u-(\sl rioter*, A vvwwttttteo wa* *S». *nd ivwtrwot^st i, U^»w- »otiuk\j to hk vvAr«»». J- A Well-Timed Move. The citizen who seeks a Waterproof Spring Overcoat should come in time to secure one of those Mackintosh Coats. True he may not save his life, as does the agile gentleman in the picture, but he can save money and health and mon ey and health make life worth the living. Smith & Conyes, Clothing, Hats arid Gents Furnishing Goods. A Starter! $7.50. Tley Are Beauties. Gall and See Them. Fac-siiilie of the Baby Cleveland Cab on Exhibition. Write for Cuts and Prices. [if"I Pay Freight to any Town in S. D. GEO. E. LOGAN FRANK L. MOYER, Mitchell, So. Dak., "t IFARMERS' SHEDS.] Boarding Driving Horses a Specialty. Colts Broken and Trained. Best Accommodations for Livery in the City. v^5 %'.#£vi'?-"v/yitsv LARGE FEED BARN. Rontombev the place: Cor. rd and Lawier Streets. WALL PAPER! Ijsu*g»at Stook, Latest Patterns, Iugrjtin Plit.tQi* Combin.&tioii Specialties. \l ITCH ELL PA1XT ,\xn PAPER Co. Tho only exclusive wuut and ivatx-r hintso in the oily A conipioso stock e' all kituis vf l^tittts. Otis, arntshess lrvu?hcs. das*s. Putsv sue l^aintej-s Supviuvs. t\M-.tractors t-nrpk.%* Stj t\, Kals.»«\ir.iR}:. c.. o. PAPER HANQINO A. s^T=»Kr- at.'PV JrxHs.. ..the positive cure. MITCHELL NATIONAL BANK. litrh^lL So. l)ak. posits ^S\iljoot to Cli*?clc. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. Makes Collections on any Part of the U.S. W.Q.D*VISOK..F*Ma6*Kt. E. J»OUIQC&V> VW Pnttkot. N\L DA\T$OX,