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8M5 I Zii Zijte. *?"?t$JlA. V. .:. j-.i.'.-.'jiv 3UT£//M ,'r IRVRR^ K* .. 4- A ti-.\ /A--, rt./Si .% j: --if. ""'I" 1. -U, 1,-*1 fW" Vi'i ''1 &< '•-,(%. ini- O'l I r-u ,r,j -u,', WiTO! lowva In'. irittVS. jCW.^/UV-c'-'i -.•*• iinv: i-.iv' 5tt»-.x» V*. TArt. /-r-rtr' Of iaVW-4 W, VS. k'u'yfi-1 "fi. 1-1 •*,'"•/ %. 1 i',A,r **s ,'/'\ '.. V, '-v iv.ivc 'if VM .".Tr, ,•/ .-„.? v,,i i/Ti/ 'jZ' P-" tXtt-'Wfn V, '(•?'*?. Vide- 3311\ •*••', .j r.i' ir-i 4-ui y*v -Vv v, o- in.Is 4.*,-. xist'.f IA hi ,yy*"»i v* a.'u .«st/f»5(uw.'» AVJJW,!*. ,-.'V- '.l*,' -V- ,"7 11 7 A!' ', ", i, "j,/' Vj-- ', 7 /. r.w•.*. t'f.••••? '*,*"./• 11CT f* s*» 'WJ-V 'l- ,, fi, -.'/ S_-V r.c, y.'-f v,'. '."-A =•. J'', v-n r,!tc,"v "A '-ti-V. .** %*, -,v "i'.I j• -.f-/ '•V.'V, *•''. ,• '.s,: .c /.-C '•, ,e- f-'? i/'j'f.t ,ir,f. /*R «. .,/••/ P', »i •/V f/( I Wf,' 1,- V.' ^, ,' ', '/.. .. 1 .,/1 t,i .'*(,* *?.,.+if'A.'.r, a,' ",Al v- f.'s Sue,/ !•. f. -i ,v •. '.:r-L 1 '/',•- u.i\*. i,', 'r„.- 1*1 1, /1..1 ... f,«/ (/. .?//! ft5/ 4 '/J 1 ',t -,,/•„ FI-VDF. '.«.!(./} ?/, n'r,' ifrxxf-'l o-.l "'.r tu-.t ?«}. f, ,/ -arn,^U-A. Ut. -sui/ '/ftUi hf, 1,/S Wis,/,. 'i./i/i'f, Ivi »r(/ V/ ,'fifj.-:fi latt'i. t.ut.'iyt,. itti'1 lt,'lit] ,f-UitU ftt-.u-. '/t h':r 17 a r. ,ir I ,=. A. 1 h-y •/lit. If '•X I,' ,' sf. tr/! »tfillf/7: lin-f. yrun 4 if, rfl':, ftff ,f, ?,}/.'!, I'.fi j. I.tii ff)',f(: •/, .fit: •H 11 Maty '!ii»f,» I W'! ••.!'•. r.nn if ..fif'-'J :.*/'• ffi/-' ", /111' li'.fi ifivf: ••/•!,•/. ./,'.u w:t I, n')'... ri' !',///:ml t/, 'J fi".fi .. put, iif'.'ifi'l Hr/ lit-/:/ fill, ah'] i«. II'.fi'f, y, "I''..'i f. ,'i -Vll'i I ilfl'l puilifiX Ir.' l/,yyty h' iiffii--. ij. «•. •.'!. ,(« if '/,llf ...' f, 'il'lfi' (.llffi Ml! ...', f, i.||./, I /'.i--, ii'ii,:'- nut! -/".ii.'lri'l. f/ifi/J ),. I.', ifi '-f.l/iii/'.rd'.fit. uifl t.tiiit.. .,f ",ii ..'., f.f f., .• I),'-, jit.y.ii 7i. i... Jiiiir ',•,•/ ii" (ill'"I tur ir/.j '/i i:: ,ifi'/l,h"f 11f).!'-. v/i!i, i|.. !i i, 1,1.1', ffi.ii iii 'I w.rn in (,:i'l jk-r, ||.| I.', t.ii|. fi'l t.i.iris/.: II fj«- II. ''.f'.. I I-.HI' W,r.\ /(|.| IIII..!, I I ,'I i, ,/| 'I --. ri ,1) 'f.i f' n/J -.r i' 'li'lrrl. Ii '.viih lulu. I.ill..-.iii- //nurl. '1 r/'.if./.| in.J ii.i'l I liiil. KI'I 'if Ji f'• '-.'.idf'.f I it,|r- f'lillr/ //llh b"f l.liill, II J/i ui f|.,f-. vi". v/liMi he iili'l. hr f/h'' I' 'I I'.j it'.j... •.,., 'III!.- Ilil'l I.' Ml /.,!li(' (,|| |(,I .,( .,, r,( 111'itr. V/ti'-li 111' Iiiyhl. ill. |,.||| li'-i ir.-l», l.liC (f,ifl'.|i. ill'- y/:i I',.,I )lr I'.l.iiliiiifitf .Ki'I I Ii'- iiui'iii .. !/,-,!. Ili^ i-.l.iminfi(f. iifi'l 'if i-.',iif .*.'• y/i- j/f,). I., l.iillilliif 1'iV" iiill ji'.'-l.('/ iili'l it I Mi ,! iili'l I iii -lil.ljr i,uf in i-.'iii|i I.) 11K ,-S)I" :'S3e A l.iiiri'-'L iJ I jff'iwi n«p iaww "xv&fiMr *^51«». jff'iwi "k/sr la^rfU: & a 4 II 4®rj. ri."!.. —T ,jr »^-TT^ v-n,. tiatjissl r.' jtAl P3-330AW- at, -i»»r rrtw ^mozwt aw IMSSC i/Lli-1. -cA'/-- ,x', i-r .'t IA »4'"-- «IJi«i! wa%3«s'vl 5&<v V.'V.", f.'.r y, •/. M- 1 s', ...Vv ?,.» '/••"ft. ,v K' ".V-" .'*4 Vt ',7 /. •'7 •','/ r,.. ,' ^-s. j-,' fr.-.- iVl i. ff/. "c ,4/' ,f '1! .'S. t' »f,/ -, v- ./,/ ,t, f't.u ,(, f,/ u IS '.i ,*,! 'Ws, i',. anrt iri, w.twvtti' "./I/iRC!IT AV~\. '!li* -U/'^ .'• -!fein ir!'• -S4V. "V, riy, ilr ru». U:'M" *•4,ta rriy i4j."7ii/-T- ,T1 ,»r, i?VfS- Klrt S. .«vwr .4ft«' ~jvh' H!H- tvuttn •», tViiS. -till', JSirt if a.Uizr *iUi MA wn "jr.v-i, Cvir.jr.-^- -,r -.-.tin"1. iic-v IMt irtrwji. il/i'i ss«A». .irtrt. -VS:* :atrl 1!JW uvi 1 ii-. 11— *i«ss" ituL .13"1 '"i' .H'ti" r.-j' r- ry iiri: ciaa fit ^iirjtUrl irw: tr in ^wsfesMiin •l- iW'\ •/, "'if, »a«i jn ao au». g»v XifiP.n fe an? 3»?5?sec«7' Swr, •i'lfinirt v. S'rtf '.SW, "a*y jHA'Ur', rgr.n 5S/» »«rt Tim ste-r r'« .'.sr 7*nwa?3«2|. vi is»idiies *vi 'M *n*e~j -*-4? the ?5W,rt?sryrin jsias .law iiis 'iass^jirt r/ "T^'-fU5C*)rtr4SU/*,i 6t A»v«:«v»A4i* iitwirKt "0^ «•, s*r-/ Tlw iwdi'Aiy *'ntwn. "jv. '.rri\r. .wftr, rjiiv JArt '1 5S:7J. "j .* XXA «art 5ivr»7 "jvUitvm. -x.vssiVt! vHitnett 4f% 3»wjp lw' *//. 4«ni •/*. frtrriw- •ffr&K T.n*w. nwrrffft vama WCA f-'r^. -tR* 'A j-nAin ir 4 ".vnfJtss 4 UfXSA*-. *A,a, i. wa in'tj- **r s.teis 4?n 3«?5wi7 '/£*, 'J&Kfmai-rfu f,(S#r 44.?«faii S«.'»!--Sr, «mv Siii»£? '.T'l.-jgr, I f/i (ewMiiw r,r.ft'ir J»fl«i.i5u«. 4r,l *,!. i&ei viWfAtAt.r^ •',? fr 'WXirwj/sA W7?a I /t.-vi ''K^y 'Titsw. "fa* I ^n^r ^iv- tY.&if 'S- S-Jv: fc.ftSf,1. ?4vr, A •'.A 'T: •/'.? V, *'.- =W«5«i« 1! fSyw.XKi#t •»,".: 4 i*r-, 4/a{ T.H,. ife 4 fcri«^5 ,1 ",/% .- -.If!'. '. ,, if iSMtont p'-A '£.15': 1^* I'i- i4(STif« riirr^ rt:wfw:. fxam-fffd tie**##,. 7-A UXMK mite «rfss .**4/5. r.'-s/t XXr, fitririft .*- S JV, AC* C,/h r,f rS'.tfii'fty JiO "wy"w" V'(, -iM' fu rami, '*Sr* .'• W.f/lS:rw/,| WirV. «v? «f'.'f 4?n. H: steunvftMUXA 4?.' 1' w*. V:.',lV.r!. JC,.'' :/-,v, l.iih ifii '.* .W'! 'A-ij^r^a f.hfi .7. mfOftUA, rM'-A Hi-, Aty* t-s' WtifJ !.'/•/* (if,4 r/stnr.i ',1 A','. h/.:VA p'iS OJ, Vi-rftrtf.y.ffjft sap, ",»• j}).. f.i-jp". f/, r.ftf. I'•'! I.M.J, r/f pi's/i':) pr^jsy^.- rr.-^r t*f,-ihrn rjyf/} pAs.fs-.r tar-.. f,* i/tHhe/t •:'n-,! %tA fc vw.rzl r'4?A ^r5f, jr. 's^fLiy »/,(• 4 frj/ fi. f.hs tttitw.t'flr* di.f.Usa 'HU\(U, itf. /-(•Iftf, UK', hut. tiKift, Th/--. f.'iar, *cpx//f/J ?/.- r/j &riw ff-A. J")*v#v jfAf-t t-rnrif sirl4 :j ...y.i) U,:u, t/, rt** '••!. it':. an A r.tif'i If,?', t/j ift/ ff,r/-,f» f/ 'Jii-./sh-'if^'^, !.(•,/ /,f, ij/,ft, V/'illii-li r,f t-.r,tMi r/:- ur/fir/.-. ,', fi.,' jfifj v:t.'/,\' -J.v/i aiffin?. f.r'i,'fir.iif U-'.?/ fi/i fiOt, IIV 'nw:y 'f h' f" iss V/'ithnt$'*. y./:i:ii'AUV': in ri'-.iir ,ii fiif.i/iH. ,h]t,t'i!ii::•. y/i:i f-.ifi/,'/" j/rf-.a-./: ?riff! Jk^ ir /,[,)ifi. '(j,'- v/ifj "i it./-.- in fififioiifj' ,-w 1 'J y/':'7,.' l:rr!:*. '/!•,uaily f.ak': y/jf.h t.'ficrn t/, f,h"if fi'.'// iii,it,e.*fuU ».i(pfiy/,f hf.uv: lirnii 'I hh t,fifj". .!fionl'J a.Uri'J it. I.hf left of t,h". l/fifl'-.^f'/'fo 'iiifif,j/ t.hf: ffi r riii/'-. tvtf.iti'itiy. '/ills. :ih'/lll'l fl/,1 !/i out. 'kivifiif fill if ii A III-1. ^ll,ipln flKr,*|. I mi, ii if ti I., iiiul lli'.fi .'.lut 1','ilti'l nl. mi. I/, l-lilil. if I Will" C'/I'l y/ y/',ini.|, liiiu- r/li'-li l.ln-y tut: K'4ii/ I.', '-,|iiin^ f-.( »f ,i-IJ11 fit/, '.lulin.' all I't nil", liiiv" 'i'ij111• I h) (I (r I 'I l"ll '/'ill (I «llf|il I'ii-. "Now, I llill.1- Mil |ll |H"«, l-H|l|.|-iil|ly VHHIM-ll ".III |ll I'SI-ll, I lllilllf ll/l I I It, mil li.i I, I II" I/I'l II/',ill WiiM i:nmlin 'I'm.'M ',f I Inim'-li... i|| ill uiiki'iiii"-.:". "Mi" Kni llttli fllwuis"." St 11',111,1. I.liiil. II why II, II HI, I' I ii in N'-v» V"i,! cil.y 'SA'-'atL .-siisfeifa. li-^r WIL -T'^J 7! J*-'V'Ji "gti •'~iwtiBui -inilsust -rf ^w-%otaiA^r'« •n.Wi-7 -riwrft 'if in .tan -,JW«IO3C rlt 31m. t&L piac:na .n ij 15S..'! T.urn 3L SJ IA RJT« Tttfji 7-I)I. II»!AAJID r-U-7 1 -wniurf .ss«- s-A^nwr?^. m. **.\t urSsvM? XT, 'wxw^'tsa.iy sty in.' Ssw. iv-.p/i Sfiss tiuax trui M.vxf-, aa.55»ns5jnen3 .1 -aft -fj/s. wTut Iwrs -w yv ia35M»i-i»:««n.iiwT W*?- }!&*."> •'JVTBIN. '.F -U» ,ISA -K^I 3100.157 SI YIA -miv Sift 'SUgir, ifjsu "in ivrnfs -ii»74 2a .'aw. ~iut !'-"iiiivim ~v-^ 4,,! ar i/T»%r' »«*. r.^17, r&fe ir, t&* v,^ Vr fc«tra.y k.' V, S-i!. fAk': f.f,ft kftys wh 0 Vi.-.i!. ill. Mi':ir h'.ri.':' h" y/i'!',y/,:',f f'fc.Hirl'snU Gf.ifil. ifif| 0 ifl!':i'l uf. ili',y/"'J t/, i.i f,i t.h'-ir lliilii ffial.l.i-.f ff':' If j/rtt.fijif [„-j.'Ji':i.' II',til': J'.HI fliil. DIM .VJ«NF. (MUNIIIH FFRSVINRP, 'III'- lll',:l. 'Ill.'iil,,': i^. y/,.|l ,., |/,f,||. liii •-.f.'/ if li'/...i'..ry y/|iii:|, j... y, |,i. fluid') ill If if: •/f.ll'U'iiif.-. t, Ki',1.': y/1,1, '''/Ml!. I.Iii•: if,':Ili ',f f'ill,-'Jf".,i. i|. if l.ti" lii'i-: I, iifi [,'ji I.ii nl. ,,,.. |,f„. t.rif,':'l l«if I,ift(i' i11 "rnijf ',!(|m'•'), ni,|,nf i| y.','.:, Iiii.i ii ii'-. iil.r j,'---., bi',ri/y: (liiiiiiiii'l v/i-.i'/i\ tiiiihf.t /1.-. I.': 11 iinil l.l.ii:':') •••' li, Mi". I ii.t:i (',, i:vi:11iiiw" ir. VVIi'-n IVIII fminr. 'I'l, milk': y.-.ili liiiii'l^ y/lul.M, ,|,|.||, "ii'.I.ii" .I'liip iui'l ii'ii) |ji.t.jf- v/ I'"i ruin" i-.lil/ in,') i:l.|, in 11i.t,|, "iiiitii'in in l.iii". il, W Ii': II itlilfi({ •.nil II.III'I'I fill, in Mii... |ir".j, inil,j,in ilfl'l illl',y/ il, I.'i !M!i j.)n fi-.W ill iII lit,':'!. II, lil I'. ',111 III" 'lilt. ill) wlllt.'-il'i Mill ".Idii in mi,.,I, i.'.l,(,ril.i)niii/ iy. I,"I: IIIM". Ifi-!i, ynii I:ii',w. lL J:'/,. rw£mg-$f ZT'ZZ. «ft iawooa iianT-. '^psa»e: 2?*tue*. -Sum 4tnpia?«i .17- an?-. Xr.?rt{a i}i»ipa«t -sucLu^ 3«rv ta 43.7 SB^AITUTI: 2«RT. -ROTT IIFT. IF aaww? *w ara5»r -Jia tia 2S«adB4iso. 5JW :'r.:I..7 -V'TF-RI TT- SR/IM awrf iim «Jtc% -rf "3i« MffiMy»4Trnmf &••-.!» Cuiiiuura, Xvrr i*A niui j-vi !9WR »HA!«V A6W7-. anrt. ^SR? *UTT IF I \& TiJtwt ^sic .'ftn.yaite{. f«XS(«l aaii SXXOMGC*: V-TZ &V&. VtXL •y.w.v. -jiiir. ,r iar. iia wjirr TK a*.5 4 iMirtetanyi. yiffjCjjjjfcr Sua suwu%. ^i_rn~ aj» ^5AHm»r.r: *14 5tu« ^,*4 ..-: -rr.-,r« •nc 4 ivsa- au».»5 -v'iutt! *t« a "i.=-ar aa.J .^iru'ia^ Sisiaa^ca anw gotnauw^ Ban ?bip« 1? aSut v*lsvtlsez. zai\ -vfruiiv pm*r-*ri Sis' «vaf^ inwDtiMsii if sSwr .W.U5A. *e njws Suwrt 5*i ?Ui3«t 17 ?-?.ws .uv: "y^rrica^ '*'a«R M^r aa. :vri« r%4i' sart 17 ?«as. v, »hi %»yia .r. ivi 7h.» aj"-iar..iri I a T:«« ftV4y' f/, ^A"*- 4»VJ ar^4 Tit V, hMl, «3rt'. 2t&iC,tl:T 4 Tira* 1Xtrr.f^.' *••."'-7 at^ '. ii4n.r U" rVa "J.r^:i.:Ui.^.i".c. fc hia par*ji«r. • 5JW: ".tvo sv.iinir».i« tp-.W M? a-w-^wl v, 4jr» r*ixe.n *&<i ftMtsmr.r* an mi^ 4ir«f V, sCKV.n. -*Si«r4 tij- arjui 1 "jrAft.X. ia 4 .17 ais a«^r.'. »Vi riA.: 4.-ra^iy. s-jjj. 7i» m«a *'4* V/«i i? «hJM- by stoR- «wt ft* "cntSrx^rl rhm 7 if '.•*?( I -.-'-lifti-.wiiri4^-. .. r th4SI-4\ #«.•:? 4«i 4-iivr. /"»4S:n.«.-s's s-vr.. iaew- efce .^w»«t6is. rc% ys-te*?- '&ts w«'v.{ 71-,.'. 4 a "itrtrx*. I •***. ?i-rfs/::. .7sS. ii-J "'4-.*r I ftA.f r^».B. pn-wu-.y ajyvj? I '.£«, i.v» 1 fcai lis r-rr^xst .' r^Tf.vt v, tc.-j ?*«*«•, :f. ir.^-x -.r^w. texie^t? ,:, fi« Lifxi'ft V-'JT, TTiifv h.f. T.:-.r,y,'-Wis^iriA a*.' ilio.. av: t7 for. r.iA prt'»4% J4. V^-.vf :•. -jri 4r.r: **7». «s»a^ Jir -iui 1»s-t Hi'/. 4 ai a 4,7., rwib'iir rj S4»? iu .L'«i, '.nr liif. hisr »«K ?y, tiAKr'r^ri '^Jrl^ Wi.rii, tfeA 6r^, My ?«s 5js*a "ate 4R. 7jr£^ ym _r. ii la g«n^-r 'a: JC-TI .a. jJE»r il ^.oc. I i=i. -,r ^iisr itui i- ^/L.r ~"r _if- nr Tlifr sUL iftririfsaait. :«r«rSr« uiftsSr.iisvi 3.^id iarriaiT. Stic nniufci T'iiir :-r r-. --i- 3wnnx -»4ir -iiirtifort. sBSiyr iar. scsi' r^/rr" 7 -tf- ?xc5)a't iqssas. T-JJI .1 ii .- .- i-nia rhj TUiaiarsite prater, -rai aim -JJ vir.R:E Svas? «a'» ^KSKUSO,. "iaut fi37 3tt ia- iii' Sail &«a<tert 11 -««.=•-- -ssr j»nrT"* .tsoaef.. -mx -rti. a»giafta Soman.. '.TV^- ji iit .H7 "^r-H 2:fr zinril^r"' rjr -var. «£«_ I» 3I»- :S IS -a—i- 7iU- iie Ti7 ''-'T"' 'm -v^a- "Ta«a. -wittn. 'Vwfc-.wst USSk «f« Jask -'5 "Sbt- augajiif ?3w- aner£«r- i£*t Sat Itss: th« i*simu!Bfiaz tz* vi—~ ii a a ii ii 1 I 1 »SJ& 5i» SKS^ST. -Ir-ir, 2jivi.Esisijp.WHTT «sac*u aim .in.i? iiunsarut .,.,.„ 1 %'MSr st.^ i«r siV.t I rJT ""t 'A jy.y iv.taif* 4t*xii, r/i^ry ttri HI v, f-ratf, an/J '.'«AIC», ?ir I iu r.KWi, 4f..1 tfc/ffir r/lt5fh* ylUx-.t -f r/^4f.s ti f^tti-r. fft/t- f.ator. after my re turf, to the ftity, .^.,tb': ... myviif to biff), arifj he carried a into to rthCTJt halways iii/ty,v/Jnk':'l her a*- to my real f:har,v:ter, afid thuo w,fi her aym pathy. Khc :lr,' erely thought. wan rti',r: -'.Jfifie'] af alf,..t t.har, fiif.nlrig. "After t.haf. Mariofi met. rti':. but fche bft/l b':':fi t.faik':'), afi'l */i #::ape a fJeto'.-Uv':. Of,': fili/ht fiot lofi^ I ehar,':e'l U, be at. the ho'iae of Mother KII.O*., '//ben I iliH':ov' ri:'J( mneh to jny :iir[,rlK:, t.nat. Marion wan a primaer in a rear room there, I'/,known to Mot.h'fl Kit.',-., iiti/1 ju.f, liberat.e'l her, ar,'l V/BK aboui, t/, lend her nil, of i.hat. bon.He, when you aj,[.eared, Mr, J'aztori. "I iiii'J told Marion that, 1 y/a^ a fugi tive, a' ':iifte'l of a erirr.e v/bi':ii 1 had riot. ex"':iit.ed, and, an look (.he moit *olerrirj oal.b t.liat, y/a-i irtr,o'.':nt., nlie irriplleltly bellev.'! me. K)I", ':,'!you F.he wblnpered an nbe i'.nateb'id a revolver from rny blind Tie':, I'll prevent, hla following yu.' Then It, way that nlte uorifrot."') you Iri the door, v/ll,li t.)ie revolvnr .ieveled v/)ille enei,[,e'l Uirou^h a rear exit. "After my en':aj,e, tried In valri to learn v/bat, bad l,eeome of Marion. VI -vs: za jii T.^K _TL i£rvijEvs-: eil jixzirr.r ~Z , gtiatt ai- a«is 1 iusul br^tisr if C'rrT.. ,'^1 I'.ri ir.: ~.i -.-1^ «»i in. 017 jierfc-.a. rwc ^ut fi«i:7 Tiiin •'.•tutiMin* •iz&irid la* iaz*r VlUlti. but \ui~ -jsui -A i^inn.: 4 *S»«a a* -ajTrt .a^rux aart ia«W7 aiiki«c«£ hin jrss sr.- ir.+ I i.-..i.. 3.^-7^r fr,i* =ri lift 1? ix:r.? ifc a»ir=«i. warta is ^aas rai, iz* ?&&<. amc, iiti .-jiztz ••.&>* i3ii :av, ihstir. '.'J. TF&Zl 14iit *h--. -'ui'irtaiiii -/tr- .v '^WSa^v.rr^v-.a.«« "vi-.Th, -.n,-zsni tr„ v*1 ^-t. L. .-.2'-'^-:^ isa tea 4.—%sc. Stssr 4.-I.1 '"V^aa Ljli v^fjavl rSsxr. urn. snc v, -initn ..'ir Oaitjim laji Gs.rr:^n.'^an-.a^y. la*A!ni £»s? T-.a. -.i* oioriry v, :ae •»4». r» .Oia iissi* sa.f.-_ irt ii-j-i" H- 4.-.-a^- I «as«&i>}e s&ii .T n,: aa m-- ia' x-.riw? .-: •rM sa i* MS sfeAr% 4fe»r i* -Jw '.a:®, ^.va^.i a •.hA x-v-i i-Ji ZM&H7. i.vZ*r -inaii. Oz. -'A 'I 4jsi ri'-iiyf. I ar.i 4r. I 4 547^- ^-.• i_i,: r.-s«s._i i4-w U^"~. r»2«=:« t&ea. '..-7 TT^-r- i.- C.VT% '^r. v.- .. I "iA-r*. i«p« Z.l 4 .-.^':'.-l tilAT I 14,1 -j.r^r a. Ur?» iir.i ii ^,-.^7. 4-, rha.- is -ts. «7 iiwU Mj -~x.T~r wd ise tsts/iittgi. 1 *f.: so, v.- k-i-i !h::» awf-ii is. •sr.-k "4A V. 43 SECFTFE? -:.4-. S. I iv- .-..r fe43«r a spi-^asa r^satfcx. 7?.:. .1-4"i? ayw saci':.* r- -*r4.» tfcaa h-r nriLi ir.. r%3W)dfc«r tis wirrfa. Tr.^r. .is 4 p«t aA-t v, wr.«. I •wasefcerf hio. fit'SMfcisftaiy. 4.1: -,a,i 6A,t4'' t"k~ rift isj ..'. r.4r^i r,' ri'- P-*-~x'- •'*f:4rr".^'l 7". 7-.:. r..-^ J4?s, wftfe W&c»r» is art Tivatly UintSv". la^" & *M f^i/.'i/.'.'x'^' v,7 if of toft bar.,5 1C c? tie purtol Jr- rut thAf. f'r'.'.f. 4f 'J V/,rek.^f fiA/J f/.ft Ahivlr/werj to t.h: f}jp.. graph*/! my 'J^^.iripTji.i ahea/J, *A'!0f». ray 's-.rr'-.'.t. withn ?. ?:eftr/iif,7 f, ,,,.,,, f.air, Jfiatlsfaf^J it. 'eir. the r.f^».itr ?K', ,'1-f ar, if,.ff ,:')iar/: ',( ^«tf,f/.e, )u "''Ul" af.l y,a. -«-»y, v/r,y apyrwrtaf^i ffar- ~, I,J11? iaf. I iftft W:hif'l. :r. r^ir.^Ac,"' ~~r i-» n.,-f. 4f.ri TrAfrri she cirxifc. 7.-.e ~±.-_ &-J. riif&t. ap, 4:i.-! I was aV.K i.-. as--J il:.i4rei hirs, wt^A HE tireic IIT-T." tr.e p7ii yj-.jiwjt. "lajsafraM." saw that hfc A,"s- rr." •.'l-r.l zrj 1 xt'f.: *r.4t he pa.-:e^ the rv,oi fir rr.--/ Wlti fvatt s.f'.')'v/..ek?. /Vm r,otV£J/* J,1!/ he intended to aWueted while uneorlselois "from Wirt'or,,, ,.„, ,.bowht toffip^ ^-iir to the *om? aa*sth«ic wM,h had fceea ad vmlf) IfiO'iiie t/, itf.tray me, re'veaieri y?**'"'1'- 1 JJefore I knev/ t.bat. ri,oney paid to I'raM, and \WekH by my father v,a« marked, «ave Marlon a t.eri-dollar note from the money I ha/1 reeelved from t.hi. men who betrayed me. "HyJjevI^e I bad prevloimly frit Marlon a photograph of myHelf, taken while I in (IIK^UIH"., KO t.liiit nbe would knew me when we mel." WIUi tliIK Held Oakbiirn v/nn Bllent. The myntary of M/M IO/J'M CORIIHTFTIIOIT wJth t)i« MuppoH'-rJ ivkuhhIu, :-.tnl /ih to how ttfif tiiLini: \iy the innrko'l no1.i which /ili5 ha'l change'! w, Lh»: lltllo "'•aA rvier. rir mo- *^e o£ce. Ait*.- rii.:ea2t2 -he weac^.r. f, A:^f,j, I yttitmtii' 1'^.%^:'! *'fl7 1**^ °P —7 zr.jz.'x, I ~er.: .• .-.£'i aid vC fror.-, a ti wfcow! T^ "r^- Th^ 1? f,rjrir:a.-. f.4/! -it ?-.... '. •a"5 —iii:-! I lieo-niei way f/, AtW.y It to I ™?oz. fh« K'-e rnv iiniceiee -iei I kww I TIX" vfi,- vai™ I. ».prfxri% lorvrnrti and .wur-'i th^.- pa p:r which h': h^J for I surmi^r] it. was a HtftU'.rri( rit hn\cAU-.. Th' /J I ft th: office a« I hfj/J frnt.#:r^d it, t.ftkin-X r:{ir': lose it," said Kredge. :i. ^^Trr-: ±.tr 'Mrrr-'r- "T-fe. 12." 2-Z .Z iZ •'".utt'irz. :s £tf is 70 a tA" rcit- i~ ra-'t n^.T. .-r7 rnm lisin-iuir. mil *2'i:: ic.a^ir *a- n-. ?i(-r7 r'Tvt-r Trn -n *i-ri i.vT'tr "ii:*r- -jiriiHaait. ii'L- ..irs :f .r. in:i .5 iiii 2r .s#i£* 7*"j5i M- "ikt -'i niir. I.'"!! ir-*" I xfe'ui ziiLi.- i. '-..irzn.ii tizz. 1 vzr.r.'. "li -srtmr 4rnrnir- :tz. 7—^ -ir ^.-,h.n. OitaVjim ^nurttir -r.mfi "5 T-iiir iy-n&m sz." "Z«: aunr .Lawa:" ',a me T' teari. i_-x iixrn -^r wtn«r» 7w iiuari. 317 zruzks. -I'M'- '.-1~ ^jlAT .1 r' fic. 3HiC*7 _i iiii iaii •iarf .la^sur lunu.-rir^ _z_-1 xu^tar. 1.1 -iri oaii --ar^r^: sin ifi.-* iiriaj sp«a. "iit itlOiia iart ruaia^- iiii -vui.i:w* «3»t i»a«t roe jafe as^i 10 i&XZZ. yJ3K -Vr I J.Li: iV'lUli iir. v.11 *T*? zi&i V, i-rs- T^-1- "IJ. IN ,!1 21^ -VIRI!! iZii 'ZZflT-i it siir.r" 5A.It. 7 :^. ^17 cizz_.-rti 7'iM iHrrm^-rr. I "iA.-1 .r.' ie rfpiir-:'.-i. tai: i*z rr.mcrid^ii zj rcAi^u .r-T s» c. tiin. t-rnir in.--? iincs^c. ~y Tr- -f ^i^trrr'-r-^ri^i^ MATi-.a- r^3_.u:7 1 ii~ :ri::i.f? "nirtu T'liP inf r.rr in."*-* ,r.:rr jLir^:a rr-:' '~-r. ft:/".]! Li-f iiJi T'u -r-v: V. V.Lfl 1-L.l *.C ^i.-f sri~ ~-^r:-£3. .1.M -.•J Lr:^\ ~"=••'. •^I'T ~irL 1^-1^^^.1.1.4 ~i:,s :-f 7"- nr vr. j-:riz 1a.Z':.^T 5 rT" *.»r rh-ri-d-*-!. y^n 7:1: sz-ir 'jinz in izr.ricr^iz^i ••irr.2«:£L'5 2n c.-:7 i^t v---*-•* 5:—. 7 -1* '^llz lti r%: .i« 1.1,: r^r. ricC ei i.~- air^rtf?r^:..' 7-—-, zz.i-z Lit-r 2~~ I "-r^. 7 "JI i-1, 1 :i-r I J!' i.V~l'-r :^ri:-l.. I i.z -I-. I'.I IAT- I.-^R.'R.- 41^: -±,-i.-.A,-A •':,•.ijrs i^nirjinr .j 4ai --:7«. ir-— 'O-m z'un -j -rtl C-'t ••. '*:ar..-'K rr. p^-e- .* ~.r.^ c«iO'iT .5.^: 'z o"5 -i =-r:^'-z zr, ~c~ tr.vr-r, -.17 c-t-:.-: 1:4 '.-7'"^. Irr-. -.A.'t*:-*„ *Ai. isiri^r^- fcr vrr.4 Uc«. ^unfr ~°rt':A •Jfl' 4i ?...-., v^vfe I'll 11- s. .-ft •k'-'Z. le ::^.i v. r.e: •:..: w.ii. a -71 ha-re ifi5i?e, 4tit i^arc iiia. rzy r^— 4?-: I sre .„T*i i^r. a- r. 7 t ori.i. e,i ii a ii-. -::', -.i^r "^mrv ahiairf be re~erel. 1.14-. Bii~l.i '.-i-'-l •.--'-. lie ---7 .1 i- i^4r:v pr.zel. 7• !S 4.i .i ji-^i "Xher. I reii^i:irr« he pUv/., se- .^"er. ir. -io.^ inir. P*?* -•',?-her lie en.^^i 70- k-.-.orc. if tie ps-roi ^narien-es _rie. I QW as be .ir^-^, s. r,•'ft. r'----"' ii '.'oi-ifi fi--. •ior.^^rr-Z. r^^h: h^ve r.*rv* to nii ^7 dea-.h. -s-^ hf 'YT'Z'T, 1 .'Wt- iT', Tr»«.i },* tooit «p th% piato! or.i«s more,. tr ''''"I"/ y.r_/-. *./' /{'tr r. »./( »/., ... VI ». .• .. A*"k'"* Ata "IMPAIR**, WH,6 I C-^OV-R^ l"* "alios ^7 '-'-5,1.. ice proee— r,r .17,-.- U* r'° UftfS'* -Whiie'he :-ept. f1 ^eaj^r, ,r, a f,ra':fcer. at the &i!. &o nj^r. hav% .i a 1 th(: wffrrjow and th'j hlind o'.-hind f/H h^d an id• tha.t t.h? Hulcid^',-i iagt writu-n word* might h#: of v/ijuc t'y nf in oaH' I wa- ?*ua and the r:ault proves that I waa right, Kr:d^'« CIIAI'f KI: X.X VJ. At, last the secret of John Oakhurri's fate was revealed. The unfortunate man had riot been murdered, but he had committed suicide. "In proof of the truth of what. I have told, I'll show you the paper Oakburn wrote just before he shot himself. Will one of you gentlemen loan me a knife? U,7,i t'hVre wbe^Twi Xp.Tdo1 I sewed the document, up in the lining hind a brick from the aper ure in of my eoat, w, that I couid not possibly Marion had concealed t- i?t, The contents of the paper read as fol. lows: To 11,y beloved daughter Marlon arid my rv.aj)WiU}\ employer, .lason JurrJson To my only -.on from a crutsl fate, jmlJ l).a mom:/ I draw from tho hank to day. to I'ratt Ac Wi:r:]s. Intending to niplacis It wJth tho monfty which have Havfsd, juj'1 which )»ad locko'l up in my private iaf«. After thun appriipriittlDi tho money thai, lild 1101, Ixdou 10 me. I found my Hai'e had heen rohl.ed, and »11 my money taken. cannot iivo lo face my disgrace. -s )r ,v Hariri tnai, I r,ec«me eosv th,.£ 'r- 77 f7r.,'-!i the portent of th- -u"-f':T 'r—--'e there ha/i been ^7 iates.t.o.-,s, I think, fir the cS?ht I '^".p an/] eon 1.1 his har.'j f-^.e t.-.e resolution that 1.1 the follow- ^nXiC sisitv, I r^,ivw vi SW -er^ wouici ootuf for^'arc ^\:L ar, air n.n.x^r'-A wnen I sl^pt. and xhen I reP"rt' fny ha !N«iator, Marlon, for „,e. '-ft I'll ''"uy ,VJro,J''r'th% ^lled Mother -Hh" ha/1 always heef. felr.'l to ff.e, ar.d tab" °V5r- ^^JVvhln,: ^!i«'i:s ^wolte I »our,d myself a primmer ia the 1 dragged baek to the pnsoa-rooia from he had li'oerated me, I secreted which my father's ia,t message, whieh was that he had eim- eineealed in rnv bosom, in a hole in the fire-plaee. M-z- mornin.', wall of the Iire-r/l after a troubled sleep."! Lok^rU^ pap'.-r and it *.va- Thua Mar .,n ».-.tplainf d, and. further «-:onfirm-d K^id's Htaiein.rnt that he had dfto^ived h.-r a^ to hU r-al charac ter. Jhe lovers conversed tend-rH- for' some time, arid at last Stuart W"t the bedsid'-of the fair invalid, and south'.' ax ton the detective, and gf-thi-r the? I proceed e'i to the house of Mother Kitts he lire-place in the room where M*arion had been imprisoned was demolished, down be- 1 J'ar.tori gave him a pocket-knife, and, ripping the lining of his coat, he dre forth a written paper and banded the detective, who read It. message was discovered. Everything was clear now. Of courle the terrible letter w^ich Paxton had re it to calved from Judith Kredge puqiorting to be the confession of the murder fcafle by Marion.was a forgery, and that it was such Judith Kredge subsequently ac knowledged. snowledged Htanmore now revealed himself in proper personality as Donald Wayburn aid since he had the proof that he was an honest man, his fiiends of other davs welcomed him home again. Marion would not consent that tho inan whose deed had driven her father to suicide should be allowed to go un punished in consideration of his ie- v, it iix^: •iiiYl \t iij:**..... ._. Jr-iia "'•".-i-a. sm ssait aiac rr 'ip I..S1 "1lfr 1 ^.1^-T Llir'-'HT-'- .^.-^ ItLr"^ia loUoyi -.- -a:n.»7 "^^nia aa,14.^-.,-^. ./~ .43li Jiii Tlr^ Z-Tur. i.ii: ijifx .i:aacr,«.ir ."- 'Slew Sciar-: xii? s:r-,,?:^iJiirtC.. inii icr.c -, ^r ^.H Trn^— inr^L7 r.f«r=fT »!as» tait li-ii rasa "v-i ia.7^ diSTn. JLS iiin.rsisr^. 1 UT* j-arrj?ciL "vtls ^rr-. i-r ..ia. icaiumiri :n= 2»r-%r iirjcc -ift i^rr-Jy^. 7T- "4 -wjcir jj=. 17 fcaafe if -f. ini: i: sraajfirn. ii* idi'mi :L •SJT iiciaii KisfjrJc. l^SllC. 1 X*^ -. , —-T Z-'.C..-7 17 *7* 1' i- ~~Z iivar aiwiassrji^ xaa.7 5«r2=. Si niggm^fifffi-'-rV* aia iurv£* Kit Xiritai'3 i:raa« Tia r^ss-.r^-" isr. •U2iias iii.: ^rgw x^,: ^s -"X u^'-iarrf'i i-i»: ru r."-^ :p zi'.i Hir.~-. 'T"i i.-.tviz —.nr.' ?a:a. 2 i^in. .-if=: XiraiU 1_ U-rT. "j»? z~ -tui ac«s 3sae»a^il i_— -r:.-.'_ R-iti vsd z*rZ*vz lazyginf^s- TL: iz.—.Tix.'. '.i jLirjic 42ii ier ici: ui:i]'-~ :.~r am ,.y"r ii-ir i. zr^K i»saccLT». nrz^-JZ ZL.iztrj^' 13-jsi u.: i, !nu_-ai ier. "riE* i-n." Tie ioncy Eis:« Wn-«Eu -7 7 rri iazhcc oi 'Sk .iL-is K^s&er.' 'The wora ii-" i:ar Sefets 1 lit:!.- lilfisi SETS. :c izraK I was aiscsrif-ai ":t -riLiZ rn— f2 vizziZ^s ii ir-V-is o£ 2j pees. r. :cce-i io -iid Ic-otai a.- ii~_ 5^ 2iMsi cf -so athes i^-7 ioi end2r«.' irn :c-:i.r i!s Tzz&tzl axes ofi sasr: oj 5 5a.— -e iiii -Wnai: ir i-"i —tirii' i'jy H«•* 3-prsas«r 3" —--.rr. iL -*ri tG3* h-e a 7 -j.^rr and bai: -iir^ico* of 145 miles. .nr "zyzn. itanei cg. a —:aj =--:r- r. Hi 7-izczz^z ~.z-. fiil-z-wirr MooidaT iw.-rt'-r the docblr 'o-^ :i -irtj ni:r.r-a5 ie« ztzz thr yil-.iX'i th.CS •a~~r'--:ri'l- r^i ".•:•--s. Ti-J Saari»l«yc» TTr^C/rrie^. T-^- p-ir:-j.n ^-7,-5. who .L^r.-::!. ~-re cr^s-Ij addi'rtei -.. :i..:. r: iivf^d. the pri-rtice 707 r". —^.-.2 that tTca. these itrait ..i.:w: :t«r*r^r? 7:' tits-? aad Kaj-i-z.? i.:nz-ill7 i=ivie«i in. ohcrch- This :'i.^- c~ ^-•.:i ••y^zs^d Terr.coasi-ferablc %zz-:-\'o.n. ai the religions sxercU-s wir& rr^atiT -listcrbed br the cliEk* tr.j c-f 5t*iU aad fiats aad the ciocds iu is. charch. P'ipriLitl of Fraac*. i-e of population :z mi-K- ii.r:22 the last 3ve rear: ha? an7iir.-.7C to oair cne-hai of 1 re: it. The popclatioa of the gresr. /t-ti-rs increasing aad that oi the 'i-i'ri -tVdeoreaiinir. i- T-l'I- ii: T-:Z,'z -lr'1. a a arcc.:to:ts ha~e claimed that the dr tzi"£~e trie of commercial architect ure ha.i been, found ia what is kn.o»n -r "••I'i "Chicago systera." name!/, s. frat£:ework of steel forming P--ars. t-y.-T Joists, aad partition?, .-"-torsin^: the roof and upboldim: r.n-rtare without aid from the exterior walls, which arc a mere T-c,-rer oi brick, stone, or terra cotta. ^"'.w. however, comes Gen. Sc»jy .-aiir.a. hlsnself aa engineer of the cii'hes* s«:ieati2c attainmeats. aad dec.2r-~ that the steel or iron frame- ::i::.-t he discanieii and solid ^toae pillars substitated. if absolute safety against are is sought- It ii e'ioer:t that ihe adoption of Gen. wraith's suggestion would greatly de crease the available area in a fcuild '•zs. as the size of the columns neces sary to support a given weight wii greater in stone than if they are maae of metai. And as owners seek tLe maximum amount of income producing space it is likely that the "Chicago system"1 will be adhered to cespite this scientific criticism of irs ouaHties as a fireproof tvue, of con struction. methods have at last been applied to the work oi raising raoney for the Grant monument in Is'ew \ork. Had this be-^n done seven years ago the monument would now be iinished, and a pride to yew 'iorK instead of a disgrace. That city gave as freely to the fund for the relief of Johnstown as any other in the country. There wa- method in the management of that fund. There were committees to solicit sub scriptions from all departments of trade, arid a large amount of money was rais in a verv short time. The same method is to be applied to the Grant monument subscription, and. if it be thorough, the different com mittees ought to raise the .money necessary to complete th") monument in a few weeks. dL .Vow that she knew him she despise him, and a fi.rree desire that be should be punished for having indire.-tlv bf-n the cause of her beloved father's doath ^?X.KS Binghamton promises to exhibit at the World's Faif a scale made of mahogany and alutoinuni. It will be gold-mounted and other wise got up without regard to ex-, pense, and anybody who knows Jones knows that he is able to pay the freight on it. .' 1 in whie-i concealed it. John Oak- it, John Uakburn's EVERY year a layer of the sea. fourteen feet thick, is taken up into the clouds. The winds bear their1 burden into the land and the water comes down in rain upon tle flslds, to ilow back through rivers. REV. JOSEPH COOK has been struck With agleam of common sense. Ha. saj's. Sunday newspapers arty publishes to make money.