Newspaper Page Text
„IT 18 A DUTY yon owo jroomlfand fnm* 1I7 to ffet the best value for your money* SeoaoBlu In yonr footwear by purchasing W. L. Douala« Shoes, which represent the bes| Tslieior prices asked, as tbonsands KSTTIKE NO SUBSTITUTE. .Mi W. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE at the CEN^lSllflEN. THt BEST 8HOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE NONET. A genuine sewed shoe* that vtiU not rip, fine calf, seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, more com fortable. stylish and durablethan any other shoe ever sold at the price. Equals custom made shoes coating from $4 to #5. and 95 Hand««ewed»flnecalfshoes. The most styllsb, easy and durable shoes ever sold price. They equal fine Imported shoes costing from |l to #12. 8OT0 9yi others who want a good heavy calf, three SO^Pollce Shoe, won by farmers and an soled extension edge shoe, easy to walk in, and will keep the feet dry and warm. CO AO Fine Calf. S2.25 and S2.00 Work- 1 ngmen'sShoeswlliglye money than more wear for the any other make. They are made for ser vice. The Increasing sales show have found that worfclngmea this oot. 12.00 ftnd ntlsaes Tenths' $1.73 School hoes Boys'& are worn by the boys every* The most serviceableshoessold at the prices. wbsnT The most serviceable shoes sold at the price*, Ladies' *2:88 are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf, OXFORD, PA. In Hot Weather a cup of beef tea made from Ucbig COMPANY'S Extract of lieel will tx» found palatable, refresh in? and beneficial. THIS EXTRACT KEEPS FOR ANY LENGTH OP TIME I.V THE HOTTEST CLIMATR. Be sure and get Llebij. COMPANY'S and avoid loss and dlsap]oliitmeiit ESTABLISHED 1850. Nature's Summer iteiueclies "The Lord created medicines out of the earth. And he that is wise wit! not abhor them. .Dr. O. P. Brown's Restora Jtlve Assimilant, LIVER IN- VIGOR AT OR. old Jtellablr rKemetlles. reat tonic, stomact r" 2. yKlHn s« cunvs Epilepsy. Dyspepsia. fk. dysentery and all diseases of tlu ifccCT stomach ami bowels. 2 Cures Bil lloutmess, Liver CompJalnt. Druggists, or Dr. Drown, 47 Grand St, Jersey City*. N. J. PAS&SK'S HAIR SALSAffi! 01cftTL«oj tiil Vutr.sfica the hair. I a iLNu.-iniii growth. I Uevor Pfeils'to Xtestore Grayi ITuir to its *i ou'-hi'ul Color, Cuiti s:.slp iliiMiuts & hair telling. I yK'.onJ $l.iu at Pruggiclii HINDERCORNS. The only rure cure for Cornt. dlpftClS* »t Druautt, or UISCUX CO., A Billion-Dollar Country. Philadelphia Inquirer: The amount of money appropriated by the billion dollar congress in its first session was ¥4u:t.oou,o(w. The amount of money appropriated by this "reform'' Democratic congress in its first session is *507,000,000. The billion-dollar congress up to date has got only been equaled, but passed by $14,000,000. These are the figures of the chairman of the finance committee of the senate, as announced upon the floor of the sen ate, and as accepted by Senator Gor man of the Democratic side. It is all right. This is a billion-dollar country, and the inquirer expects to live long euough to see it a many times billion country. The only thing it ob jects to is the hypocrisy of the Demo crats, who raised the campaign cry of a billion dollars, and after imperiling many of the great public enterprises were unable to do nearly as well as thoir Republican predecessors. Drunkenness, or thel.lquor liHbit, Cored lit llouie 111 T,'n I)nvh hy AriniinlsteHriK Ir. lliiiiiOH* Golden Specllie. It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee, or tea, or food without the knowledge of the patient. It is abso lutely harmless and will elTect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the pa tient is a moderate drinker or an alco holic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases and in every instance a perfect cure lias followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Golden Specific Co.. I So Race Street Cincinnati. Ohio. as daslred. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura Me. The fSiuaboe their eqnalscustom made shoes costing fromf4XX)tot8iXt. Ladles who wish to economize in footwear are finding this out. Caatfon,—W.L. Douglas' name and the price Is stamped on the bottom of each shoe look for It when you buy. Beware of dealersa^emptln^tosub- stltute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob taining money under false pretences. W. DOUGLAS, Brockton, filass. Soldi* C.C.CHAMPENY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 75 YOUNG DNEDDCATED PARROTS. Male Birds. S6.00 each. WARRANTED TALKKRS WIIhciii'm HIj? lilnl Bazaar, Cleveland, Ohio. Philadelphia Crown Caramels FRESH, PURE, DELICIOUS. Made of rich cream and purest materials, if youi dealer doesn't keep them.send 50 cents to the loading makers and get. iwstpaid. a Hand some Pound Box ol the b»\st Caramel? either Chocolate, Vanilla, Walnut, Maple or As sorted. Addregs W. F. PARKER & CO., &uefoaffl?| Dyspepsia, distress after eating, soiir stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coat ed tongue and heart burn are cured De Witt's Little Early Risers, the fa mous little pills. L. O. GALE.' S. Y. It Should Be In Kvery IIouKe. J. B. Wilson. 371 Clay St., Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumon ia after an attack of la grippe, when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Rob ert Barber of Gooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at S. H. Scal lin's drug store. Large bottles, 50c. and, $1. Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch Hazel SH1 v• will cure them. L. O. Gale. Children Cry fot Pitcher'sCastorla. Children Cry for Pitcher'sCastorla. Children Cry Pitcher's Castorla* "Always on Time." Tbare !i no line to bandwmelr •quipped fct riirougti Paananeer mrriee "The Nortbweat rn l.liie"—C. ST. P. II. O. Br. All well ixMtsd tratelen bttweca THE rwt GttlM and Chicago t&kt thli Un®— partfeo 'mill tnorlng th» "Vertlbaled Limited," whlct) untie* the (inert ileeplog ears and coachea erei built and alto all dnnei of r»»wng»rB, wltboat nuafuw. On the Lake Superior portion of tb» l&Dnlath, and run BD NORTHWESTERN tat through trains are atto ran between Mlnnea poUa, St. Paul and Kamas City, via Sloiii atj, with through Pullman deepen the entire die unee. St. Paul to Omaha, Xaniai Cltr, Salt Lake, Haa Franclwo and Portland. Dining can are tin all through train* orcr this line between Mm MapolU, at. Paul and Chicago. Beddes being LINE between Wim pitnelpal dtlee, the Chicago A Northweetem n«tem of llnea eompoaed of the Cbkago. St. Paul, Hlnnaapolli 4 Omaha, Chicago ft Northweetera and Fremont, Elkhom ft MO Valler B'»- (an idTertUed as "Tin Northweit era Line,'' otten the quickest meana of reachlnj all dtlee and towns In the terrltorr Intersected bt It In connection with the Union Pacific the C. St. P. II. ft O. Rf. also forms a through line the PuclDc eoast, operated as the Lake Superior. Paul & Culon Paclflo Line. All particular*. mtb maps and time tablet. m«7 be obtained aar ttadon or write direct to T. w. Tmrou.a. OtB'l Pafaengv icent. fit. PML Kepubllcnns Are Active. A meeting was held at The Commer cial Club Rooms last week for the purpose of organizing a Republican club. A petition has been in circula tion during the week obtaining names of those who would join the club and 151 names are now enrolled, giving the club a good start. The meeting was called to order by electing O. O. Stanchfield chairman and C. C. Bras secretary. Geo. A. Silsby was called upon to make a few remarks in regard to object and aims of the organization and short speeches were also listened to by Messrs. Powers, Watson, Stanch field and Judge Haney. It was decided not to elect permanent officers of the club at this meeting but to appoint a committee of seven to present a list of officers at the next meeting for the rat ification of the members. The commit tee was appointed as follows: Messrs. Silsby, Powers, Watson, Reierson, Hel wiff, Stein and Dean. Messrs. Bras, Hitchcock and Downey were appointed a committee to secure more names to the list. An adjournment was then taken until next Tuesday evening. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure! F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists: 1 •, Iiidigcfclion, Pain, *1 akt in time, Toledo,O. WALDING, KINN'AN & MARVIN, Whole sale Druggists,-Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Why Not Hold Our Nose-.' Kimballite: Mitchell, S. D., has at last reached the height of her ambition and now she can turn up her nose at Sioux Falls. A full Hedged divorce suit will be tried there at the fall term, which will give the Mitchell people a chance to hoar something not very re fining to their intellectual ears. Sir Knight* Entertain. Sir Knights Baughman, Rathman, Wells and Huyck, who have recently returned from the triennial conclave at Denver, entertained a number of their Masonic friends in Mr. Baughman's rooms, and a most enjoyable two hours was put in. An elegant game lunch was spread and around the festal board the hosts entertained their guests with an account of the sights they saw and the adventures they had white in the Rocky mountain metropolis. Mr. Bauglmian had also on exhibition his large and varied collection of Masonic cards and badges, gathered from the thousands of knightly brethren whom he met. Guests from out of town were Sir Knights Wickhem and Brown of Alexandria, Goddard of the Black Hills, Grimm of Parkston, flinds of Woonsocket, and Anderson from Iowa. Electric BitterH. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who haye used of Electric Bitters sing the same son,, praise—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that claimed. Electric Bitters will cure diseases of the liver and kidneys, remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. —Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.—For cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electric Bit tors.—Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded.—Price 50 cts. and SI per bottle at S. H. Scallin's drug store. As a general liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, dee)) seated or muscular pains, Cham berlain's Pain Balm is unrivalled. For sale by S. H. Scallin, Druggist. Played a Cruel Jokii on Him. Charlie Moore is something of a hun ter though not well posted on dogs. He borrowed one of Dan McDermaid yesterday and drove out six miles in the country. Arriving where he thought the chickens were the thickest he took the dog out of the buggy and petted him according to instructions. He shouldered his gun and whistled for the dog to follow but to Charlie's utter amazement the dog had turned tail and was scooting for home with all his dog gish abilities. It now transpires that the dog was entirely new at the busi ness and served John Kress the same kind of a joke last year. It is worth a man's life to ask Charlie how many chickens he secured. During the epidemic of fiux in this country, in 1888. I had hard work to keep a supply of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. People often come ten or twelve miles in the night to get a bottle of the rem edy. I have been selling patent medi cines for the past ten years and find that it has given better satisfaction in cases of diarrhoea and flux than any other medicine I have ever handled.— J. H. BENHAM, Druggist, Golcondal Pope Co., III. Over five hundred bottles of this remedy were sold in that country dur ing the epidemic referred to. It was a perfect success and was the only rem edy that did cure the worst "cases. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In four other epidemics of bowel complaint this rem edy has been equally successful. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by 3. H. Scallin, druggist. It's not very pleasant to cough and hack, To suffer pain in chest and back, Many people could stop it for sure By simply using One Minute Cough Cure. L. O. GALE. Will Increase Their Capacity. The Electric Light company has been pushed to its utmost capacity to supply the demand for electric lights and on several occasions have found themselves inadequate. This they expect to rem edy within the next two months and have purchased the two lots adjoining their plant of C. W. Gillis, to give them more building room. A new engine of 150 horse power will be one of the im provements and a dynamo of 1,300 in candescent light power is another. They expect to have this completed by the first of October or November. For Over Fifty Years. An old and well-tried remedy.—Mrs.' Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers .for,their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes ihe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup and take no other kind. Brule County Falls in Line. C. E. Hinds passed through from Chamberlain to Woonsocket Saturday, where he had been to solicit a $1,000 subscription from Brule county for the World's Fair fund. Mr. Hinds says they will make up their quota of the fund within a week's time. The re porter was shown a plan of South Da kota's building and it is one that will attract the attention of the people. It in nowise resembles the residence buildings of other states. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. Act on a n6w principle—regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa tion. Unequalled for men, women and children. Smallest, mildest and surest! 50 doses, 25 cents. Samples free at S H. Scallin's, druggist. A New Institution. The building on lower Main street formerly occupied by the Mail office will be repainted and repaired, and will be occupied by Manager Campbell of the Iowa and Minnesota Immigration company, which will establish head quarters in this town. Mr. Campbell comes here from Bell Plalne, Iowa, and is a land man of wide experience. Main Street Keal Estate. Geo. H. Ilathman sold the Main street property occupied by the plumbing shop to J. A. Brown today for $1,800, another vindication of the increased ac tivity in Mitchell real essate. There is almost daily inquiry for this class of property, and several more sales are likely to be closed within the next few days. •"T* Mr. John 'Carpenter- "of Goodland, Ind., sg.ys^*"! tried Chamberlain's Colic, CholelV and Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea anil severe cramps and pains fn the stomach end bowels, with the best results. In the worst cases I never had to give more than the third dose to effect a cure. In most cases one dose will do. Besides its other good qualities it iis'pleasant to take." 25 and 40 cent bottles for sale by S. H. Scallin, druggist. Where the Fool Comes In. Omaha Bee: The Springfield Repub lican, speaking of the failure' of the people's party organ in Wichita, ICan., says"evidently it is no fool's job to start a people's party paper in Kansas." We object. It is no fool's job to keep such a paper going when started, but the fool part comes in the starting. VS:•:Xs. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises,Sores' Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaines, Corns and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteU to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c per box. For sale by S. H' Scallin. Admitted the Facts. Newspaper editors have to be very careful in opening their columns for statements. But aware that the Dr. Miles Medical Co., are responsible, we make room for the following testimoni al from R. McDougal, Auburn, Ind., who for two years noticed a stoppage or skipping of the pulse, his left side got so tender he could not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he was alarmed, went to different doctors, found no relief, but one bottle of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured him. The elegant book, "New and Startling Facts." free at S. H. Scal lin's. It tells all about heart and nerv ous diseases and manv wonderful cures. (tooii Fishing:. Much has been said and sung about the delights of gWl fishing, so it is not strange that the management of the Exposition, which opens the 31st of August and closes September 24th, realizing the interest taken in this sub ject, should have secured the most at tractive display of the finny tribe found inthe Mississippi Valley. They will be placed in large tanks of water, artistic ally arranged in grottoes, back of which will be shown life like scenes illustrating the country between Min neapolis and the Pacific coast. The list of attractions this season will be greater in every respect, than of any previous year. Notice to Contractors. Office of county auditor, Davison county. South Dakota. Sealed proposals for building a pile bridge between sections 22 and 23, town 101, range 02 will le received by the county auditor up to 12 m., Monday. Sept. 5th. 181)2. Plans and specificationi on file at this office. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of county commissioners, R. T. ROBINSON, Auditor. Mitchell. Aug. 1. 1802. To Enlarge Their Business. For some time past the Mitchell Dry Goods Co., have been pressed for room but this matter is now overcome. The firm have leased a room 24 x40 in the rear of Smith & Con yes store and cut an archway, thus joining the two es tablishments. This new room will be used exclusively for their cloak depart ment. Wonderful Gains. Dr. Miles' Nervine not only cures all nervous diseases, headache, blues nerv ous prostration. sleeplessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria, bui also builds up the body. 1 p.- I am pleased to say that after years of intense suffer ing with nervous disease, headache and prostration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine, and in two weeks gained eight pounds in weight. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep porfoctly easy, and am still improving wonder fully. Cannot say enough for the Ner\ ine.—Mrs. L. B. Millard, Dunkirk, N Y." "One customer used Nervine and gained fifteen pounds in flesh.—Brown & Miybury, Cortland. X. Y." Trial bottles and elegant book free at S. H. Scallin's. Your Attention, Farmers. Farmers bring in your plow work, corn shovels, etc. I haye the best facilities for doing this work of any shop in Davison county. Look well to your horses feet. I give horse shoeing my personal attention and shoe for the best horsemen in the country, all of whom will testify to what I say. As to prices, every first class horse shoer commands good prices and gives in re turn first class work. My idea of busi ness is square work, square prices and square dealing. R. D. WELCH. Estray. Strayed from four miles north of Farmer, S. D., Aug. 18, seven head of horses, branded "L. O." on left thigh. Liberal reward will be given for any information leading to their recovery. Address E. H. CLARK, Farmer, Hanson county, S. D. The New Furniture Store. A. P. Winters, who recently opened anew furniture store in the Adams building, is about ready for business and will have his stock tastily arranged in a few drys. His line comprises a line of glassware and china that he savs ho is selling at great bargains. It might be well for our readers to drop in and look over his goods. Pure and Wholesome Quality Commends to public approval the Cali fornia liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. It is pleasant to the taste and by acting gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels to cleanse the system effectually, it promotes the health and comfort of all who use it, and with millions it is the best and only remedy. Died, in this city of consumption. A familiar headline isn't it? It's pretty risky to neglect a cold or a cough. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant, safe and sure. L. O. GALE. "I Can't Eat," Is often heard. People who h:ivo taken Hood's Sarsapadlla highly recommend it for loss of appetite, indigestion, sick headache, and similar troubles. This medicine gently tones the stomach, assists digestion, and makes you real hungry." Conmipntion,' and all ti-ouiiies with the digestive organs and the liver are cured hy Ilood'I* PIIIH. Price 2"c. per box. A gentleman of this county who has excellent judgment remarked to us the other day that he knew of no pill so good for constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaint as Do Witt's Little Early Risers. L. O. GALE. When B*bj was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Costoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Costoria. When she had Children, she give them Castorla. FREE! If. COPTMIQMVCO Others May Follow. There is a great deal of satisfaction .in leading and we are still in that posi tion. Rivals attempt to follow our meth ods but find that we lead them a merry chase and they finally give it up or come to grief. Elegance and Durability •Coupled with low prices, is what has placed our clothing in the lead. SMITH & CONYES, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc. To those who ask for it. We have only a few of them but eyery lady should have one. it is a bright little book about good carpet sweepers—about Bissel's Carpet Sweepers That everyone who lives on carpets ought to read GEO. E. I-jOG-A-IST. FRANK L. MOYER, Mitchell, So. Dak., LF-A.R.MHJR.S' SHEDS.] Boarding Driving Horses a Specialty. Colts Broken and Trained. Best Accommodations for Livery in the City LARGE FEED BARN. Remember the place: Cor. 2d and Lawler Streets. MITCHELL NATIONAL BANK. Receives Deposits Subject to Check. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. Makes Collections on any Part of the U. S. W. C. DAVISON, President. E. J. QUIGLEY, Vice President. N. L. DAVISON. Cashier. A. H. PEHRSON, Specialty Seventeen years experience at the bench, part of the time in one of .the largest shops in Chicago. Prices Low as possible, consistent with good work Carries also a Full Line of Watches, Clocks,. Jewelry, Spectacles, Siiveiware, Violins, Guitars, Accordians, Etc. Call ami Examine GOODS and IMtlCFS ItOSN THE STREET KROM FIRST NATIOIU IONAL RANK.