Newspaper Page Text
VIBRAROR SHOCK CORN SHELLER This Machine is Warranted to shell 2.500 bushels .of Shucked, or 1'ioni l.O(H) to 1,500 bushels of uiisliucke.l corn per day. The unpleasant and expensive tiisk of husking eorn is uvoUleil l\v usiiiy this machine us it, shells snapped eorn as well as when shucked. Call and see this machine and gel full particulars. 1 am Agent for the Five Counties of DAVISON, HANSON, HUTCHINSON AURORIA and DOUGLAS. E. B. VanAlstine. Are You a Catholic? Are you unemployed? Will you work for $18.00 per week? Write to me at once. J. GAY, 194 Madison St., CHICAGO, ILL ufPfLcpeo' luceo 7 0 I Airs.L. .il. Campbell Before. Afar. Loir Arff lt\ Wis.. says: Weight 330 III 'iib Mm. 40 in. 13 lo. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL llartnlfM, tod with no atanlng, inconvenience, or bad effects for partteulara address. with 6 cctils in stamps. VS. 0. W. F. SRYDCR, M'VICKU'S THEATER. CKICUfiO Iti. HAVE SUFFERED from the irregularities peculiar to their sex and found prompt and permanent relief in DR. J. H. MclIAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. It CURES ALL Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs, as Bright's Disease, Inflammation of the Kidneys, •Torpid Liver, Irregular Menses, L«ucor rhoDR or Wluvs ana Kiu-»ey Weakuees in Children. Price $1.00 pev bottle. PREPARED BY THE DR. J. H. McLCAN MEDICINE CO. ST. I OUIS, MO. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY-MADE. save 'ir» to iiU cents' ou every dollar you spend. Write for our mammoth Catalogue, a 600-pagc book, containing illustration and giving lowest man ufacturers' prices, with manufacturers' discount* of every klna of goods and supplies manufactured and imported into the United States. Groceries, Household Goods, Furniture, Clothing, Ladies' aud Gents' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, White Goods, Dry Goods, llats, Caps, Uootn and Shoes, Gloves, Notions, Glassware* Stationery, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Buggies, Whips, Agricultural Implements, etc. ONLY FIRST CLAttS GOODS. Catalogue sent on receipt of 2f cents for expressage. We are the only couceru which sells at manufacturers' prices, allowing the buyer the same discount tl»at the manufacturer fives to the wholesale buyer.*We guarantee ail goods as represented if not fouud BO, money refuuded. Goods sent by express or freight, with privilege of examination before pay ing A. KAUPEN & CO., 12'2Quincy Street, Chicago, 111. WE WILL PAY A salary of $25 to $50 per week to GOOD agents to represent us in every couutv,and sell our general line of Merchandise at manufacturers' prices. ONLY THOSE WHO WANT STEADY KMFLOYMF.NT XEKD APPLY. Catalogue aud particulars sent ou receipt of 26 cents for expressage. A. KARPEX ft CO. 122 Quincy Street, Chicago, 111, HOW A PDZZLEWASIOLYEB. When you want a certain article, you wan. die best make of that article, ilon't you? But how to determine which make is best in what puzzles you, isn't it And when the puzzle is solved for you. by authority which cannot be questioner' you are pleased, aren't you? And you would like to hoar of one puz zle that has been solved for the people of the whole world, wouldn't you? Well, we will tell you about that very puzzle, and its solution. At the Universal Exposition of ISSfl at Paris, France, the best sewing machines of the world, including those of America, were in compel ition. They were passed upon by a jury co»i|osed of the best foreign nieehan lcui experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufactured of France. This jury, after exhaustive examination and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize of fered, the GRAND PRIZE, eiving other companies only gold, silver and bronze medals. The French Government, as a further recognition of superiority, decorated Mr. Xathamel Wheeler, president, of the com pany, with the Cross of the Lrgion of Honor, the most prized honor of Fiance. That is how the puzzle of the best sewing machine in the world was fully solved by tlip most competent authority in the world in favor of the No. 9 and Xo. 13 Wheeler .!: Wilson machines. The No. 9, for family use, and the No. 12. for manufacturing uses, are the best in the world to-day. And now, when you want a sewing ma chine, if you do not get the best, will be your own faille. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler it Wilson machine, and if lie does not keep them, write to us tor descrip live catalogue, prices and terms. Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., X8S and 167 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 111. For Sale By "W. Oollizis ID. MITCHELL. S. 1. Old Papers? CHICAGO'S ROBBER lbs It l*ho accompanying statement of my weight and measure- Bim.... 43 in. 33 in. 10 iu! incuts will show the results OflWaUl.. 4»l«. 3t in. llln. five months' treatment. lHi|n.... Tile Nerve of a Suburb:! Undertaker Proves to Bo too Much for Him. He Abandons Ills Fiery Steed mid and Hies Himself Back to Chicago on -A Freight Train Some of His Mnny Exploits During' the'l'ast Few Days Are He counted. CHICAGO, Nov. 30.—Leaving the terri fied suburbs of Chicago behind liiin, Lakeview's mysterious highwayman, who uses the ,beat of English and a large revolver in enforcing his demands, took a run down to Aurora. There lie met an Aurora man named Corcoran, with red hair, who successfully combines tjie grocery business with that of undertak ing, The horseman met his match for the first time, and, leaving liis charger behind him, he carne back to Chicago in disgrace, riding on the under side of a fast stock car. Mr. Corcoran was fully prepared to meet a masked highway man, an earthquake, or a cyclone. Within the forty-eight hours previous to meeting the pride of Lakeview he had been married and had passed un scathed through a desolating fire. Be sides he was in the undertaking business, and he looked down the barrel of the lone highwayman's famous revolver without flinching. In addition, the lonely horseman was not in good condi tion. He had passed a busy day hold ing up town marshals and other gentry at Riverside and Lyons and had been forced to leave his historic buy steed behind him at Haywood, When he got to Aurora the best tiling he could find in the charger line was a piebald pony which was not thoroughly used to the highway robbery business. So when he thrust his revolver into Mr. Corcoran'* face, incidentally remarking that he would blow the top off his head if he did not throw his groceries and what ever valuables he might have about him down into the street. Mr. Corcoran quietly but firmly told him "to shoot and be eternally goldarned." With these words the spirit of the lone liigii wayiuau was broken. He tied the pie bald pony in front of a neighboring grocery store and took the next freight train to Chicago, the city of his first affection. This is the man who, with liis pal, has been ravaging the suburbs. While they have a posse after him in Highland park he is over in Riverside going through people. This is why the police of Berwyn, Clyde, Riverside, Haw thorne and Lyons have asked that aid be sent them from the city departmei t. On Friday morning one of the masked robbers held up a boy near the Grant Loconiotice works and secured $0.50 00 cents. Joseph Whitney, the son of a Clyde grocer, cuuie along in the delivery wagon. The boy had no money aud he was allowed to depart. Then the rob ber met Groceryman J. M. Myers, of Lyons, in a wagon. When the Illinois Central railroad was reached Mr. Myers saw a form leap in front of bis horse aud a revolver was flashed in his face, with the command to give up his money. Mr. Myers gave aud was allowed to pass oil. Sunday the robber and his partner did business 011 horseback. Fred Sailers and Fred Crow, of Riverside, saw a man 011 alight bay horse riding ahead., of them. When a short distance from Riverside he turned and thrusting a pistol in the face of the two villagers told them to hand over their cash. He got and rode off. Joseph Hellers, a La Grange black smith, was held up on Ogden auenue. He was so frightened he forgot to call for help and gave up what little money he had with him. Wiliiam Kelly and James Murphy, of Hawthorne, were compelled by two me 1 to dismount from their buggy, give up their valu ables and watch the thieves drive away in their rig. Nothing has been seen of the horse since. C. A. Bader, of Berwyn, had to hand over 4b cents and a gold watch to a masked man. The descriptions given by the victims make it appear that all the work was done by the same two men. PurUotied a Liter. ST. PAUL, NOV. California Vote May Ho Divided. SAX FRANCISCO, TO SUE THE GOVERNMENT, Turtle Mouitlnin In.Hnti* Will Try to Col lect- f.»r Ij-.iniiM. WASHINGTON, NOV. 51.—There CLEVELAND, 3D.—Thomas Hauley, who killed Blacksmith Lyon in 1S53 aud was sent to Stillwater in LBSO Nov. 30. -The official count from all the counties in Cali fornia, with tiie ex :eption of Sau Fran cisco, gives Harrison a plurality of 6,42a. The returns from all 1 ut "nine products in this city reduces Harrison's plurality iu the state to 310. It i-i pos sible that when the official vote has been completed upon individual electors the electoral vote may be divided between Harrison and Cleveland. DaltotiK Not All Head Wt. MUSEKEEGEE, 1. T., Nuv. bo.—Will iam Dalton, a brother of the notorious Daltons, shot aud killed Deputy Mar shal Chapman iu a quarrel. The affair was over horses Dalton bousi'rt or claimed to have bought from Chapman before the Coffeyviile raid. William Dalton is not an outlaw aud lias always been considered a peaceful citizen. is pros pect of a gt'em ih a. ui 1 rouble overt lie claim of tho Turtle Indian's. The commissioners' wiio have been in North Dakota invusl.igaii .g this claim are about ready to report. It is said they have decided to recommend the payment of a large sum to the Indians to liquidate their claims. Congress is expected to refuse this appropriation and the only course open to the Turtle Mountain Indians will be to sue the government. If they have become citi zens they will have a standing iu the court and can sue. It is said that Senator Teller will fight this claim and that he will easily get a majority in cougress against it. Teller decided against the claim when he was secretary of the in terior and there area good many men congress who think the Turtle Mountain Indians have no valid claim to the 1U, 000,000 acres that they say is theirs out side of their reservation. These con gressmen joined to the economists will make it a hard matter to get the bill through for paying the Indians what the commission awarded. There is no doubt the Indians will sue the govern ment if congress refuses to pay for the land. FOUGHT TO A BRAW. GrecKaln* and Contello It.ittle Eighty Koumts at Coney Is'aud CONEY ISLAND, N. Y., Nov. at). —The attendance at the athletic contest of the Coney Island Athletic club was re markably sliin. There was not wanting any enthusiasm, even though the crowd was small. The entertainment opened with a ten-round contest between Danny McBride and Con Donovan. McBride knocked liis opponent out in the fifth round aud won a purse of $400. Time, seventeen minutes. The event of the evening, the contest be tween Costello of Buffalo and Greggains of San Francisco, came next. Early in the day the betting was live to four on Costello, but towards evening the odds grew less as it became known that Greggains was in good shape. Both men weighed in at 1513 pounds and looked the picture of manly perfection. The fight was a tiresome exhibition all the way hri:ngh and was declared a draw at the end of the eightieth round. IHKitiissrd (tic Complaint. TOPEKA, K.m., Nov. :s0.—At tbe open ing oft lie cue nil circuit court in this city Judge Ryder liuuded down his decision in the Trans-Missouri Freight association case. Tne action was a suit iu equity brought in the uame of the United States by United Slates District Attorney Ady under tne direction of the attorney general to dissolve the Trans-Missouri association and enjoin the railroads composing the i.ssociation from further participation iu it. The court's decision was in favor of the rail roads, dismissing the complaint. The judge held there was nothing illegal in the contract between the railroad com panies' organization, the Trans-Missouri association. The case will be appealed. To DUcuss I'lnns. CHICAGO, Nov. 5$.—A conference pre liminary to the annual meeting of the Western Associated Press was held in the ladies' parlor of the Urand Pacific. The object of the meeting was the dis cussion of the contemplated combina tion of the association with the United Press and the withdrawal of previous arrangements made with llie NJW UNIVERSITY NOTES. Friday night's lecture was postponed on account of the storm. The students' ea^er inquiries as to whether the lec ture would be given or not prove their interest iu tho course. The new students last week were Messrs. Osher, Lucas, Hoy and Brodor: ick. Mr. Broderick will lead the band and by the way since practice has be gun we judge it will not be long until we shall be treated to some fine music. Prof. Duncan has'received an invita tion from the program committee of the State Teachers' association to benresent at the next session of that body and dis cuss the subject "English Literature and How to Teach It." The students are sorry to lose W. A. Barber from their number, but congrat ulate him upon his success in obtaining a position in the city schools. Miss Clara James received a visit from her mother the first of the week, whom she accompanied to Bridgewater to spend Thanksgiving. A party of twenty went skating Thursday afternoon on the river. I11 the race with ono of the town boys Will Snow came out yictvrious. The next Phreno-Cosmlan will appear with a fine new frontispiece, designed and executed by Prof. ShurtlelT. When we remember that we know of other man in the state who is able to do this kind of work we feel that the Univers ity may well feel proud of her professor. Mr. Potter and his family and Mrs. Lee and tier daughter took dinner with tbe members of the faculty who board in the University. A week ago the Zeta Alphas were glad to welcome lo their hall the "old quartette" and to listen once more to the familiar strains of the "Bulldog on the Bank" and "There Were Three Crows." Mr. Will Shepherd was also again in his old place and being called upon responded in well chosen words, giving the society encouragement and good advice. Among those wl»o went homo for Thanksgiving are Misses Clark. Ander son aud Crowhurst and Mr. Saunders. The class ill English literature have finished their work for the, term in tin regular text book and are ready to commence the examination of some o! the great master pieces of our language. The class in i-dvanced German lias al ready completed the required work and is reading from German newsiiapers toi the present. The preliminary oemtost in declama tion will occur one week from tomor row. Who will be the luck,- eight'.' .1.^ 100. $100 Reward York Associated Press. The meeting was held behind cloned doors and those The readers of this paper will bc pleased to learu that there is one -iis ease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fratern ity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the -system, thereby destroying the foundation oi the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith ir. its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails 1 cure. Send for list of testimoni als. Address F. 1. CllKNKY & Co.. 111 the meeting were very reticent in dis cussing the matter with outsiders. In Lovti With Cleveland. O., NOV. 30.— Josephine M. Fields, daughter of a colored temper ance worker of Ohio, says she is iu love with Grover Cleveland and spends much of her time writing letters to him. Mexican Cabinet Resignation. CITY OF MEXICO, NOV. tor life, has been pardoned by Governor Mer riam. The governor has also commuted the sentence of Albert lte, who was convicted of arson iu the second degree and sent to the penitentiary in June, 1881. The sentence was the maximum for the offense named, seven years. The governor commuted it to two years upon the recommendation of the at torney general, county attorney and many of the leading citizens of Cotton wood county. 30.—Sub-Sec- retary of Foreign affairs Aspiroz has delivered to President Diaz the collec tive resignation of his entire cabinet, leaving him at liberty to appoint a new cabinet immediately after his innangn ration for his next term which begins Dec. 1. Alexander Wyatt Dead. NEW YORK, NOV. 30.—Alexander H. Wyatt, the famous landscape painter, died of softening of the brain at 2 a. m., in his apartment adjoining his studio on Twenty-third street. He was 50 years old, a widower, and leaves one child, a boy of 10 years. Arretted the Preacher. DEVILS LAKE, N. D., NOV. 30.—Rev. C. Mason, a Norwegian Lutheran min ister, while preaching at Crary, spoke against the character of a girl who was to stand godmother for an infant to be baptized. The girl's brother wired Policeman Stirk of this city to arrest the minister, which he proceeded to do on the strength of the telegram. Both parties are seeking revenge —the minis ter for the indignity offered, anil the girl for slander. The trouble will likely blow over. There is no penalty in this Btate for slander. Z-tch Henry I'*ad. KANSAS CITY, NOV. YJ.—Zicharinh Hemv, the slayer of five men. died at his home here Saturday. Henry was a bosom friend of Quantrell, the guerilla, Just after the war he had a fight in Kentucky with a father and four sons, They shot him so badly that he was crippled for life. Later he met the father and his sons in a street in irris burg, aud in the light that followed Heury shot six times, killing everyone of them. Henrv was acquitted next day. 1 Henry was well known all over the West. The Reform Press. Lditer Pease of the Alexandria Journal, who passed ilirough town Sat urday to Mt. Vernon, will turn over that paper to anew manager in about three weeks, according to report. L. D. Wait, who is also in town, has run the Howard Advance as an Inde pendent paper for the past year, but has given up the job, and the plant reverts back to its original owner. S. H. Bran son. A11 inquest of insanity has been held. Among the testimony was a letter she had recently written to Hr. Cleveland announcing lier intention to take a bridal trip to Washington as soon as she received $10 from him. One by one, etc. Female Weakness Positive Cure. To THE EDlTOR:-Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged female organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FEEE to any lady if they will send their Express and P. O. address. Yours respectfully, DR. B. D. MAR CHISI, Utica, N. Y. On Her Way Home. Miss Emma Harker, who has been studying elocution at Evanston college, is expected home in about ten days. She left Evanston a week ago and since then has been giving elocution enter tainments in Iowa. At Missouri Valley last Tuesday evening she gave a recita tion to a crowded house. She will visit several points in Nebraska. Prof. C.imnock, under whom Miss Harker st idied, speaks very highly of lier work aid predicts a bright future for her. The I'niversity Won the Katre. The skating race between Arthur Carney of town and Will Snow of the University was won by- the latter Thursday afternoon. The race was skated on the Jim river and was close. ""Handsomest Lady hi Mitchell. Remarked to a friend the other dav it) at she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs was a superior remedy, as il stopped her eoiurh instantiy when other cough remedies had 110 effect whatever. So to prove this and con vince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large size 50c and $1. CURES I I Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I In tima Sold by druggists. WiHIIIMim X3 Toledo. Ohio. t&Tfeold by all druggists. 75c. What is Ciistoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants aud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substancc. II is a harmless substitute for ParegoriCj Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by*' Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, euros Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.' Castoriii assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Cu« toria is the Children'* Panacea—the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." DR. O. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which 1 am acquainted. I hope tho day is not far distant whiu mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in' Btead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending thorn to premature frraves.'" Du. J. F. IVISCNNLOE, Conway, Ark. JOHN H. VOGELSANG & GO. A.* 33. Notice for Publication. Land Olilce at Mitchell. S.'D., October 18.1&)2. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Tiled notice of his Intention to nia'rc final proof in support of his claim, am' that sahl proof will be made before the Register and He celver at Mitchell, tf. I/.. 011 December 2.121)2, viz* NlcolausMutzJger. for the north east quarter. Sec. 19. Twp. 101, N.. K«. JX1. W. I T. C. E. No. 14377.1 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous cultivation of said land. \\z-, Klooil'a 1*H!N cure liver ills, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, constipation. 125c. News About Town. It is the current report about town that Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs is making some remarkable cures with people who are troubled with coughs, sore throat, asthma, bronchi tis and, consumption. Any druggist will give you a trial bottle free of cost. It is guaranteed to relieve and cure. The large bottle are 50c and $1. WTien Baby was sick, we gave her Cantoris. When she was a Child, she cried for turia. When she became ?Jiss, she clung toO When she had Children, sho gave th» ii .una. Children 3ry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. CrEO. P. DIX. LEONA A. DU DRS. DIX, Dentists. Mitchell, So, Dak Also have a "traveling outfit" on the ro ul. OAS ADMINISTERED. CARRIAGES make a specialty of manufacturing Baby Carriages exclusively for '. the BetsU trade to sell direct 1 to private parties. Carriage* Delivered Free of charge to all points in U. S. Catalogue Free* CHAS. T. WALKER dsCO. 199 Em Korth Ave* Chicago, Ilk C. ST. P. 31. & O. TIME CARD, TRAINS ARRIVE. Mitchell... Salem Sioux Falls .. .10:45 p. m. dally ... S:45 p. m. daily .... 5:45 p. 111. dally DEPART, Mitchell Salem Sioux Falls .. .10:00a. in. daily ...12:10 p. m.dalir .... 2:45 p. 111. dailv Dally except Sunday. kV»* Castoria. CantoriA isso well adapted to children thtt 1 vecoramend itassuperiorto&njprMcription known to me/* Ft. A. ARCHER M. D„ 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. Our physicians iu tho children's depot* mont have siokeu highly of their expert* ence in their outside practice Willi CastoriA, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that th»i-' merits of Castoria has won us to look with^ favor upon it." UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY, Boston, Malfciir ALLEN C. SMITH, Pres., Tho C^ntaiir Coraasy, Tl Murray Street, Tttya Tort City. DON'T SELL] YOUR FARM PRODUCTS 'POTATOES. Ar-PLES, ONIONS, ETC.,, Iu car lots or less, before writing ut. We can handle your, products to the best advantage. We refer to Commercial Agencies or will furnish batik reference on application. C11 N. Third St. ST. LOUIS. MO. LAND ATTORNEY arid. INSURANCE Real Estate Loans made on Choice Farm on City Property for termt of from 1 to 5 years. Largest List of Farm Land* for sale in the state. Room 2, Champeny Block. S. J. MOORE. J. G. MCCARTNEY, D. D. S. C. \V. Ottman, Charles Dahler, Albert Sheaben, all of Kthun postoHire, H. D. R. N. KKATZ. Register. If Your House is oa Kiro You pat writer on tlie burning timbers, not on tiie smoke. And if you have cutr.rrh yo\i should attack tho disease in the blood, not in your llcmove the impure cause, and the local e.Teet subsides. To do this, take Hood's Karsnparilla, tbe great blood purUler, which permanently cures catarrh. MOORE & McGARTNEY, ."O H3 KTTIS TiB OPF1CK OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. All kinds of CROWNS, BRIDGES WITH PORCELAIN FACED TEETH AND METALLIC'PLAfES. FREEJME-IBJIfli Young or Old—why wutetim* and money with worthless expensive remedies* irhsn will gladly send you (sealed) r&Uthe prescription oft newly discovered remedy which speedily and FERXA* NENTLY CURES lost or falling power, fmpbteoey. wasting weakness, lack of development, emissions and varicocele. Write at once and be your own phToietso. Address C1MRI.F.S GADS, AfsrthalU Mich. FARMERS! When you sell your wheat go to NELSON'S and. price his Groceries before you spend a Dollar. REMEMBER WHAT WE SAY. WANTED .A. REPRESENTATIVE lor our uHliluU. FAMILY TREASURY, the greatest book ever offered to the pupllc. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT for both old andyoun^ Our coupon system, which wfe use in selling?!"* great work, enables each purchaser to get-ithe book FREE, so everyone purchases. For his first week's work one agent's profit to $138.00. Another $136.00. A LADY has lust cleared $120.00 for lier first week's work. Write for particulars, and if you- can begin at once send $1.00 for outfit. We give you exclusive territory, and pay large commissions on the sales of sub-agents. Write at once for the agency of your county. Address all communications to RAND, McNALLY&CO„ CHICAGO. "Always on rime." There Is nc line e© handsomely equipped Through PasBenger seroce "The Northwssfc wn Line*1—C. ST. P. M. & O- Rf. All well iuui«d traveiers betweea THE Twin Cities and Chicago take this line— parttpo* larly favoring the ''Vestlbuled Limited," wiucti wrled the finest sleeping cars and coaonei STM tui)t, and also all classes of passengers, without mra tares. On the Lake Superior portion ot the tine, between Minneapolis, St, Paula Duluth, ttd St. Paul ft Ashland, Pullman sleepers are run on night trains and parlor cut on day trains. NORTHWESTERN ?a« throuRb tral-is are also ran between Mlnnea aclls. St. Paul HII1 Kannaa Cttv, Via Sioux City, vlth iliron-iti Pullman sleeper* the entire dlt. unce. r't. Vitul to Omaha. Kmigiu Clt)', Salt Lake. 3an Francisco nnd Portland. Dlniu* can joe-run .iu all through trains over this liceMtween Min neapolis, St. Full aud Chlctuto Besides belM '.he best LINE between these principal cities, the Chlosxo 4 Northwestern system (4 hues composed of Chicago. St. Paul, H'.ineipolis&Omaha, Chicago Northwestern ar.d Fremont, Elkborn A Mo Valley R'ys (all advertised as '•The Northwesl' era Line." offers the quickest means of reachloi ill cities and townn in the territory Intersected- W tt. In connection with the Union Pacific the C. St. P. M. 4 C- Ry. also forms a through Una tt the Pacific coast, operated as the Laxe superior. & Paul & Union Pacific Llna All particular!, jrith maps and t'me tables, may be obtained lay station or writ*) direct to T. W. TIMDALA. flw'l PflMsngw imnt. fit Ma