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i.. GIGANTIC STRIKE. Is Siiitl There Will lie One ('lilcusro »itliln the X»\1 Few llnvs Willi-?* Will lVM|sc Anylliiiiir of the Kluil \et Attempted S« itehuicn l.mi'liicciiiisr II. Those on Twenty liomls Ken (I) to «o Out OClrliils of Various 1'nioiis Nul to ll»« Consulted. Ciin-Miii. Feb. ".—A mormni! jwiper omtnnis ill1 tollowinu: 'Dark shadows ot mi impending strike are hovering like nightm-ire* over many of the rail road line* enterimr t'hiiMjto. On author ity trom several reliable sources it seems more tlum probable that within ten (liivsim attempt wilt lie made to tie up everv hue the eity ami paralyse the traffic ot iniiiiv thousands of miles of trai'k. ••So apprehensive have the officials of one of the esiern trunk lines become that it is reliable reported that the trouble starting with ilie unorganized switchmen the disatbv.ion lias spivail until, it is claimed, the various branches of unovirauimM employes will unite ill one ol the most determined strikes ever known railroad initial*. Ikeinaml a lti Aitvanoe. "The switchmen of (.'hieaico have de cided to demand an advance ot 5 cents per hour in their present pay, and to strike it thev do not uvt it. This im portant action was taken Sunday at a meeting o- committees ivpivpr.'sentint tue lwent v-even railroad yards in this citv. ••The lU-mano.s will made on the several ria.i meriti: here as soon as petitimis c-in circulated aniom the men or the iv»i*vuvo yards and a ma jority ot sinner* secimsl. "Hie (Kvuliar feature' of the move ment is that the regular orsanixations Ait the switchmen are entirely ignored in the new mow. and that it is a sort ot 'fsseneral movement on the part ot the it* men. »m»s)*vuve of the heads of the old orpmu'.ati'Mis. ,\i a New l'liinsr. "One ot the men represent^ in the mow slid: 'This is not anew tiling lv anv means, but we have been verv u'arvtul that owr aims and objects have not bo*onu s.euertdlv known. »li has •sy-lveti criouslv .-unsideivd owr iiu-e the 'ft tailuiv ot the luftah. strike. After tlmt atfair tin1 men to talking among themselves that their organisations weiv laibiiv* owuii. to the way they *wew conducted. Strike after strike had to le a tailure through misunder standings and mistakes of the head men "S-oJ our ro»msations» and it lecame «:=s general talk anions the men that the ionlv wav in which men evmld ewr im pnve their oouiV.tion would lt\ a l'opular I'prisinj concluded to make an etlort on our own hohuh without the or assistaiuf ot the unions at ail. I don UKviii to sav tiist iinlivtdnal iu-m lers ot the unions will not sup vrt us. Une« ire kepi out of the union because «*f the arbitrsrv rulinjrs and tines im pn«««d bv theis*' well-{vaid orticials. The men to a man aicre» that w:i^vs v: rail rwid men «•. uerulty arv to 'ow. and thev als e»press a wiiliiisrnt^ss to cvv into a popVu.»r movt ineut to s*vare tlfe1 same and uevvr ve up until they se ctirv tt. The i:n v. iner.t start*-.! oti tiw Oiicjww Uu«f»»k»v a St. P»al rail rvsid mkI now itn hides th« lii' ever\- vard the city. Kej't the Movement Mum We ha\ek the movent.-::: as uear':y ^ as \s.-»uie !\c severtil r«4sntis. We did r.ot cat* to hav» either th» ts'l rv«d vr the union know what osir idea was W^- hsv- v.o bi^ Iefeier^ Mow twtr lura tor polt:i«*I swhl I other eftect. Kvvu the chairmen or our mwti&j? are c. a :i»t a: evt ry wvtiaj Coiistspwutlv no Mr. tVv^: :it. nor Mr s*c»t*rv ha* any tttdnoeitM'nt to ^-this name xn juiiil a the author of sum very startlm ut*ws "Ttw sttvo te-t efiorts law i*vu mad* to n'.'t '.1 v. hoio uioveru'tit Evtukl swri't. And in this the men luivo to a crvat extent Iwu thiiy a tew virtue ::xtits tesievl o«t. »#J thewf pv* nsf t» mil sv-jrts of minors. b::t uattf Sunday nnvtins aixhiti^ resliy vWatnte wis snowa rv^srvHaxtee- bj«^t ot mv'vvi'i- iit. Ketu^nj IVri^haNe Ktx'tjht. •-Teivscrjius trottt :h? liue oi" the Winusvivania railroad iuo.k'sw slia! lass ooi'jtvatty e^ ects trvxiluf at ia Mjriv late owr tlw of wra^vsv AS *bey tov r^t-ased t*?rishabfe treiatht at rainy jsx-tits t. Citt rtjjji aad taf Ksabari *a«i kVn Wsc i'Jive decluW -u •"^•xkw sach :r-'irfci- as tiwy Ktl.T.KD FOt'R REDS. The Miiriliwpt Shot by Indian Police in At tempt Ina: to Escape. R.trtn City, S. D.. Feb. 7.—Late in formation goes to show that the mur ders at the Humphrey ranch were tho work of a hand of Indian cattle thieves and not the outcome of any rebellion or discontent anions: the redskins. Mes sages by telephone from Fort Meade state that ih- corps of Indian scouts did not leave While River and that no troops will lie sent to the asconcy. Everything is quiet oncemore. Charles Ford. a oowliov employed on one of the White River cat tic ranches, brought the news of the murder to Buffalo Gap. He ,found the cattlemen murdered and ter ribly mutilated. Ford whs unarmed and diil not dare to remain in the vicin ity lonsf. but at once mounted and rode to Buffalo (Sap. in The murdered men were well known in this region. Their names were E. X. Calkins, foreman of the Humphrey ranch Keminery Royec. ciHk. and two men named Hathaway and Bennett. It is now supposed that the 'Indians killed Calkins and his associates in re ventre for their reporting to Agent Brown the theft of sttvr from their herd oe.rlv in the wivk. Sergeant ,loe Bush and his men found the Indians who had killed the iMw'i-ys on White river ill the vicinity of the b.vf eamp. and. as they would no surrender all "took good aims." Their name.-, wen* White Face I Horse, Two Strikes and two of Ilia sons. ,i. sTrr.t.i\ moijtov Netir ka Itlicatis Say Tllcy Will Klcci llini Senator. IaNtoi.v Kcti. 7,—The Republicans mniouiiivdin the senate that they would K**t tojjviher and elet .1. Sterling Mor ton as Cuil^l States senator. The Dem ocrat^ and Independent-" tri«Hl to pre vent them I'nun leavius the chamber for that puriKvse. Imt when tliev found this a hoju'le.^ task, tliey went to work I with a will during the abenco of the Hepubliean senators and adoptedand re jecttsl ro^iorts by eouunittnes at their I own sweet will. Everv bill fa\~vralile to the Republicans was indefinitely pv»stponi\l. and it will take a week for the Kepuhli wi- ty find out 'whilt has I become of tin iv ]t measures. A rt^so I lntion objecttns to the ivpeal of the Sherman silver \uirchas' ait and re- 1 tpiesttn^: the Nebraska representatives! in congress ti vote a^s i^'St the proposed rt'jval was adopt hI uuanimov.dy amid jvll- Numerous Pro^rMiv. OVKI.AM". Ids.. Feb. T.—Mrs. Jerusha Black died her\ Saturday at the ad vaucvd asv of 99 vim She was the mother o: tw»-nty-eisiht children, nine uvn of whom are still livins. She also had eighty-four smindchildrvn Seven of lier s.ns foujr'ut side by side in the late war. isiid only one of thetu was killed. Her husband. Colouel Samuel Black, was a private in th-' Continental arm. stationed at Wastuuiriou. during the w\r of iS iThey tnoved to this county in .!-s-hi ul A History ot" Hanking. W .vsiUNt» t* Kel i.—Copies of Sec retary tht- Treasury Foster's report to the »enaii" under the Sherman refill tiou ot July last are in demand. It is one of tli mo-t valuable statistical re ports published by the gvwernmeut. and when completed will iMntaiti a sum mary or vinline ot the banking history the gvn-er::uient frvuu its formation with a full and coinjilete history the state and national bank- S*t«'ui trvm 1S32 to June t. !?Vi. 1 *.n the contrarv. they vciil help us. but thev wsll rot out of it when ordered to do Si bv the otKcials of the unious. In other wonts, it l«wuues nevvssary or us :o strike, it will not done by .xrvler of the union vifticia's. nor will their mandate K' eft'e -tive in ikvlarins* j0wn such a strike oS Th rank ami file ot' the men are heartily sick the way stnke tiaw hvu^l and to take a haiui in ti prv bl 'iu in a luorv deuuvratK' wav in the t'uturv. We have h.-ul l.mle Ion Mui'li I nioti in one dircs.-tivm and not enough in th^ other. Theiv is tu- 'ack of officials drawing u.vnes: x: '.e a crvat uiajor nv ot ttie lueu engaged in the various rx-tv"-'- joubfc' oa tiwtr Uae with taeir ajsa •eps' iiitiuuer Kjre.: Fk.xnjLV.\ Or.. Fwik. t. —Tfee »w«uaer W irotr. Pu^ret st«aad with a cjiryo Utiie. is bartutxs siae euxVs "oe Js.»* here. At iatst iav.r.v: ouly her lifseestssie retaitued sstssdia^ SiSSi Jail IVliver Frustrate*! ):r Tl'SKiiANNiVS. Pa.. V'eb. 7.—Sheriff Knapp li-iMtis a prviiionition that all was not well in the Wyoming oumty jail, maile a search of the eells of Rosen wiirc and lliank. the condemned mur derers of Marks. It was f«.mud that an 1 iron slat had Ivvn broker., and that the prisoners vvr' asiu^ halt a slat digjang out the br:ok iu the walls surrvniiuiini: the air pipe Iv: w.ei- their ivlls. Tliey w«* further at-art. ttuiUtiu^ N^w Klevstt'rs. csT. Lol. Feb. 7.—F. H. Peavy has made arrac^m-.'uts to e^tsliitf. a bu: bu-bvl elevatorar.d a e'-'arii iiandliu^ and drying rfevati^r O.VV»' bnyheU eajvxcity. St. Loais parties art-j interested ai the entvrvnse. Plant. I {»v!P.K-sittoa* »ist evntravts t«*r :ae i« trtvst.r-.-s will b- made, and it t- ei-j-vr^L th^t the will rv re»iy t^r busiv.^s Auc. 1. s^'. In the Kami-'if \e^r» Moo. Nkw v'KibAN-. Feb 7.—The Kcs «us:oii 5.vvial »ays: Marstial Tt-en-'t i..i- miiwi a teiecram frv.«sa| Staffot\V tVt-rti. ia L'ourt Ben-1 c^cr.ty. .ttkiuj: for sstyiaj: the S.uth em iSu'Ui-.- i-..: wis tr. the hand* «.• an aruie«l iu -b iiearoe»'*rtn «H»f p.vias: to ivtwU th- a^vnt. The officials the {mtjs^asi-'r twtu to io»fc oat. 'or ".lie tu »o A \e« Mivnt^ua (Vwntr. Ki'j-i'i •.. Feb. t.-TV bill •reams? the tt«»- co-mty of Fiathesiii oa le*-u fa\Miratiy re}-'"—! Utfc U-tv- .*l" the le^nsiattire iC-.l this pUv I'.itr.ed as ^K'.nty The -w ,\t\r.ty will have sn arwt oi ".n*' sijaarv •jiiies, or tive tttaes ten- siie ,'t jhrr i^ase of RskxI- lsJanL tvi^c Kr-n»-n ai llutHHttte. Drst•*"»'-. i--- Feb. Tsr VtabBviut Xtltkj: owifmuy. viht-ch coatrvCj the IvKir Ife-»• wui at once- ervct a t^.'.Vru :.»tewery ak&£ssd<e ,nf 1,..- ,\ wert amous the ni-st settlers in this section of the state. STEVENS QEtS ONE YEAR. Wonderful Unlns. Dr. Miles'. Nervine not only cures all to One indictment and nervous diseases, headache, blues, nerv ous prostration, sleeplessness, neuralgia, tie PleaiU (iuUty the Krai are Quashed. The Stevens eases came to a sudden termination Friday evening. The jury .o also builds up tlic liody. "I am pleased had been out 48 hours and reported to e-v. u\elv UIJUH^,'° defense had received a proposition from the prosecution to the effect that if Stevens would plead guilty to one of the ten indictments the rest, would be withdrawn. The proposition was ac cepted and Stevens pleaded guilty to the indictment wherein it. was charged that he had received deposits at his bank wheu it was insolvent. The sen tence of the court was that he bo con tlned in the state penitentiary for or.e yeai at hard lalxir. and Sheriff Dwight took the prisoner to Sioux Falls Satur day morning. en and it has given pet-feet satisfaction in every instance." It does uot dry up a cough, hut looseus and ivlieves it. It will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. cent. ."() cent and *1 bottles for sale bv S. H. Scallin. Nothing so distivssing as a hacking ?ough. Xothing so ftnlish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if al lowed to eouumte. One Minute Cough Cure give simmediate relief. tie rati- njsfcd tracis at a cos: c-i a ullLLxxi iK'llar. Kire»t Kenvilhe. R?jsvuJ-S'- Mine-. Feb. 7,—The toi iowitij: **vre termed ixit a: tuis piace dttrin.i the early mi-rtiin-r- A. Korthof. dweslus^t Mr S. X. OJsoc.. d*eliiiss aesi uiiUtcery-. Hoitoc Bros., betefcer sh.p \Y. H. Croid Jt Co.. Inriber Mr. JO&.obocl shw shopv L»iss. I.. O. Gauk. Rand. McXallr 'o..Adams St.. Chicagxi. 111., desire a local manager toj take the mauagemen: of the sale of their new Universal Atlas. Any one desiring a pleasant and profitable" iwsi would do well to write them. Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet temper, ail result from the use of De \Vill's Little iuarly Kisei-s. the famous little pills. l„ O. Ccaie. St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria, but lo sav that after years of intense suffer- ins with nervous disease, headache and agree, and tliej were discharged. 1 lie prostration. 1 tried Dr. Miles'Restora tive Nervine, and in two \teeks gained eight pounds iu weight. I could not lie down to sleep, hut now sleep perfectly easy, and am still improving wonder fully. Cannot say enough for the Nerv ine.—Mrs. L. B. Millard, Dunkirk, N Y." "One customer used Nervine and gained fifteen pounds in flesh.—Brown & May bury. Cortland, N. Y." Trial bottles ail# elegant book free at S. H. Seallin's. I Success in everything depend largely upon good health. De Witt's Little! ».i. .i.. .. ... *.•«,« Karlv Risers are little health producing AtliititU'tl th»« ... Xewspajx:!-editors have to be verv "Early Riser." L. O.'Gale. caivful in ojieniiig their columns for statements. Hut aware that the Dr.: ivmaie Weakneiw positive Cure. Miles Medical Co. arc responsible, we To Tni: EDlTOR:-Please inform voiir! make rorm for the followin&rtestimonial! .1 from K. MclXmgall. Aubuni. Ind., who relu'ers for two voai-s lit it iced a stoppage or 'or 'le thousand and one ills which skipping of the pulse, his lert side o-ot 'arise fi-oinderauged female organs. I| so lender he could not lie 011 it, his It tells the cost of getting there and how to go. It tell what to do abotR baggage, about places to eat and sleep: Pay rel how to get tti the Fair Croumts. and it! perfect gives many other itcni if nsful infor- ^*"9?. niation. Send your addre.-^s with a two-cent stamp ami ask for a •"World's Fair Folder." UBii. H. HKATKORn. titiu'l I'a^s. Agt.. Chicago. ,0 two heart fluttered, he was alarmed, went ivmedy free to any lady if they will toditTereul doctors, found 110 one bottle irf l)r. Miles'New Heart Cure Vom-s resiiectfully. Dr. B. D. M,\R ouivd him. The cdcgiuit liook. "N'ew t-'Htsi. I tica. X. ^1. and Startling facts." free at S. H. Seal lin's. It tells ail alvmt Heart and Ner vous Diseases and many wonderful cures. Mow to Yi»it tlu* \VorUI\ Kair. This is the title of an illustratea "folder" issued bv the Chicago. Mil waukee & St. 1'anl Railway for the benefit ol all Western jviple who in tend to visit Chicago fi-om May to Oc tober. ISttt. *ltuckleu'» Ar»lr» Mtlve. Witt Witch Ha/.et 5aUe will cure lnem- k*! Imported direct from England by the old, reliable and established firm of •A Better Car of Horses Never Came to the State,'' -5i« ri is ma (climax. if. not (ct.! MA H. that I have a positive remedy slmU ^lad bottles of my relief, but Sln(^ their Kxpress and P. O. address The wind from the north biows sharp and keen, and bad effects of eo'.ds are seen. One Minute Cough Cure so safe and sure, will quickly perform a won derous cure. L. O. Gai.k. 1 The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soros. Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaiues. Corns and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no required. It is guarantee to give satisfaction, or money refunded. 25e per box. For sale by S. H. Scallin. A gentleman in Union cojnty. Mo., who is too modest a man to have his name meutioned in the newspapers, was cured of rheumatism by Chamber lain's Pain Balm, after trying other mediciues and treatments for thirteen rears. "i0 cent lxttles for sale by S. H. Seal lin. A good record: "I have sold Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for ten years." says druggist. E. B. l-egg. of Vail. la,. "and have always warranted it and never had a bottle ivturr.ed. During Piles of people have piles, but De the past iX days 1 hare sold twelve doz-'-rr-j,,.. ri.o„i,.^ „. If a man i? dnr^y S la the dar Umei after a c. night's sleep, there's tnuge*- tioa azkI stomacii BEECHAM'S DT rvm^viUiT the waste matter which is in? the w»ll eurc all BiUou and IKerrmis Disorder*, will rttitt* tick Headarke. •«h a Tut«t«$t tfi^ IChairs, Tables, u. uall. WOBTB A GUINEA A BOS." Sleepy. ev Seteble Coafe^. I Of all droPri« SS cen® box 3f««• Depot. 36S Can&i St STALLIONS FOR SALE! W. M. FIELDS & BRO. un LEWIS Livery Barn, Mitchell, South Dakota, iiSSH ftp n.iivoi ne choicest icuf, a 1 i: a roinul red lin rat dot's not (cumax v, «®y 4 pills. See the point? Then take an! Like ui but sweet enoii^li, .ai 'Mr iiiMvl red tin tas.'" lik Farmers, Look Here! Lounges, Just in. A great chance to select useful and beau tiful Christmas presents. Call before purchasing. JOHN HAVLATKO, And Would Appreciate a Trial Order troin my Former Friends. I My Bakery Stock is Complete and Prices are as Low as Consistent litn Good Wort. A car load of fine, Yery choice Shire stallions, can now be seen at u££ars2gt«l W. M. FIELDS & BRO. tills, (CUM this.(CUMAX: irces" in the mouth, roti.-v..! red tin tag like LiltS. (CUMAXJ like roa '. .••—i. •""•"'•'•A /.'•""V, /f"*S CUMAXI ICUMAX)CUMAX!(cUMAXi(CLIMAX] (CUMAXJ (CUMA VtoV v*te*' ?tuV VftoV \?iuV W. KRESS & CO. Now have the best stock of farm harness 111 Mitchell. No factory work but all made by themselves and of the best oak leather, and the only shop in Davison county that don't use factory team harness. We don't keep them, therefore can sell them. We guar antee every stitch and every strap Ve also have a tull line of Whips, Trunks, Valises, Grip Sacks, Blankets in all Styles, Nets, Robes, Collars, Lines, Bridles, And a full line of Turf Goods as cheap as can be bought. Call ami see us. Mam ami Second, opposite First National Bank. FURNITURE! A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF 1 Bed Steads, Etc, N. J. NEILSEN, GROCERY AND BiKEEY. One Door North of Koch Bros. 1 1 bave just put ill a NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES 1 SS&.SS