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Sbc Weritlg •'IlISJ N fclli Wsi ftstlS :.R iSi teSSli •iflS MITCHELL. SOUTH DAKOTA. •ITCHELL PRINTING Cu.. PCM COMPELLED TO FIGHT. NEW DETAILS OF THE AFFAIR AT HONOLULU. A at Midnight Hetwopii tho Amorl ciuis unil the Combint'tl Korocs of llu' .••••r liormitn ami KnifUsli—l'our «crmuus A* iM-o 1\ tiled. A Midnight lipht. St. Paul special: The i-had iSlobe puVUstied rui interview with K. J. IvimUerly of Hono lulu, who was present there during the recent I'hause of Government, which oou tains many new details. Kimbnrly ia« en route to Kncland, and will deliver to the ^Kr.slish Uov eminent oine import ant pa •"..ijiers. cjvinc some new facts iti eoune'etion sew it the new tioveniweni at Hawaii, from :,.n^ Untish representative in Hawaii. 11 re\pla»ned taut Kn^land hail been making attempts to trot possession of the island* for some tune, and would have succeeded not been for the unexpected oxecu tion of the American?* plans. He .ys that on the tiay of the execution oC the new i«overnment there were not more than a dozen men WJJO demanded the chance, lie further asserts that the German planters, who for several years have been trying to have the islands annexed by their Uovern nuiu. are very angry at the organization of the new Government. About a hundred Germans and ivatives started to drive the ••American volunteers" away from the pv lice station and palace, Mr. Ivimberly continues: v/Kni:land 4*Thero were a number of Englishmen who sided with the Germans view of the hiijh-handod prv ceedms of the Americans. To show how strong popular sentiment wa« against the Americans, nu-n armed fro'm Uio Germau and Knclish ccnsulates moved up to the palace at muinislu in a solid body. They made a demand for the surrendev of the Americans, and when they refund to com ply rtiey shot at them. Tue Americans ran at tnom with loaded ?uns and deliver atoly shot hack at them. l-Vuw Germans wore killed. The American- threatened to shoot them all if they continued to inter fere and the men discretly retired. Tbe American- allowed them to carry away the de..d bodies of the men who hud been shot. Wo afterward had a consultation over the matter, but the German and Knsriish Con suls declined to take any further steps in rhe matter. The Americans claimed that the men were killed in a street tii Uc with each other, and 110 otticial report of the mutter as made. 1 do not suppose the Amvricans would sive the islands up to now. but there will be a protest .aj:ixiust their continuing in possession." \.( 1TKMV NT KMH'GH IN WYOMING. Kuue Kxpelled. Haiti* Hvprimandotl, mid Mt'mboi?. Gunning: for Kaeli Other. Cheyenne. Wyo.. special: With two mem hers of the. late Legislature armed and hunting for each other with a view of light tug to a tinish, and the senatorial game. througn the failure of the assembly to elect. ou in full blast, there is no wanting for pc htical excitement. In the las hours of the Mate senate. James Kime of Tander ru expelled from the b'.'dy and Seuator KubN was reprimanded. The pretext for unseat ing Kui.e. whose term does not end for two years. was that he had been unable to en tirely rid himself of the postmasterhip at ins home. lie resigned as soon as he learned of his election to the Legislature. Tne department declined to relieve him im mediately. and he turned the office over to h's bondsmen. The Kepublican majority had papers from Washington to the effect that Kluxe was yet technically a federal othce-holder. Kabis was mixed up in the alleged po.soninj: and attempt to ibducv Kime at .k critical stage iu the senatorial content. He vras tried by a committee se cretly and at no time was allowed an op portunity to defend lumelf. He and hi friends declare the whole thing is a con spiracy to punish him for refusing to vote for a certain senatorial aspirant. The fact that Kabis was not a hold-over was the only thing saving him from expulsio n. He was censured for practices dangerous -to a republican form of Govern men:/* Tue men wno are icok.r.g for each other to cattle to a tinish i»re Kepn-sentatives Nat lui%er of Converse and J. S. Harper vf toon, lvakt-r punciied Harper's face ten OaN aga Harper now wants sat faction. and Katie? is willing for tne meeting. I needs are trying to ad u*: ti»e affair. At this nn.e the contest fort he senatorial appointment is betweiM. Gen. Charles :Thompson and A. X.. New. The friends of both are \erv active. Thompson has the Popuhsts with him and the pre-jige bav ins: lea the vitinc. New is the letu-f jKi't«c»an of the two and is ma'Kiug a huro tight. Gov. Osborne has said he would make a selection within three day*. lO MSPKND S1LYEK Tl KOt! ASKS. A Conference sit Which a Compromise Bill 1" Agreed Vpon* Ntw \iri, speeiui: A dispatch from Washington to tue B'urM says: An impor tant step toward the reopening of the ver question before this Congress expires t\a ad.-ised a: a secret conference held at tne residence of Mr. Carlisle, the next -secretary of the treasure. Representatives of both the free silver and anti-free silver factions were present and a free expression of views as to the posibliitv of passing a compromise bUi was held. A proposition, wnich did not come from the anti-free sii vr men. was tinally settled uptii. This sct.vtue is to suspend the silver purchases under the Sherman act until the seigrorage Si»\er shail be coined at tne rate of So.fcco.'* 1*00 month. Mr, Carlisle took no sides in the confer ence, but simply explained the effects of loth propositions on the Treasury. Befort tfce conference closed Mr. Cox of Tennessee, speaking for the silver men present. id t»at while be was no: stroneiy jn favor of the proposition he tliougat that perhaps it wa the wisest action tbu: could te taken witn so little time intervening between utv aco the close of the session. It is understood that a bill carrying out the compromise will be introduced by Mr. Liv lu^iton. and .t tooks now as if an attempt would be made this week to get :Le biil ibrocca the 3ic-u«\ Attorney's Fees of 35.000. Tar.s, M.,ss.. special Several member* of tiit- hoctjiw council were here ard «tate that the f«-e to be paiu to their toruey. Orr.CK, is .5 per cent., w&wb. on toe total .purchase of $2.t*4,\ will be $735 They say tne fee i- utraceous- but was necessary to the deal to get their money. Urrick is partcer of Secretary vKoblew 4 r^- rttoMisi-:.* rrx IN CIIIXATOWN. Collector (Mij ni rropartMl to St»ml CO.OOO hinesc from San I'mneisco. San Vnincisco special: Collector Qulnn of tins port is preparing his dray net to ccop iu about SMitfO Chinese ou the 5jh of next May, when the Geary exclusion sict provides that, those coolies who have not been reg stered shall be shipped back to China. The Chinese by that date will have been given a y*»ar' in which to have their photographs t.tkw» and be tegistered. Of the 30.000 in this city. Oakland, and other places in Collector Quinu's district, .iust s^ixty-one have registered. If they yere nil to decide, to register at once, not one-tenth could be accommodated in the interval. The Chinese merchants laugh at the law. but they won't smile when they learn of ^mini's preparation-. When the sixty dep uties appointed to register Chinese were discharged, the tir.-t of the year, the Chi|silver nese thought the iaw had collapsed also. The Collecior. however, has made all plans for the biggest round-up of Chinese on that May morning ever seen in country. By hiding a large force he will arrest simul taneously several thousand Chinese. Those found without passports will be-bundled into express wagons, with their baggage, and taken to the wharf. There four tugs will convey them to Goat Inland iu the bay. directly opposite San Francisco and three mile* away. There temporary buildings \N ill J. he iter them fill they ran b? shipped on the China steamers. The tugs will be provided with an armed auard and a tug tilled with crack riiie shots will patrol around the island. In ihU way it is esti mated that 20.000 Chinese may be comfort ably house on the i-iand at small expense. Collector Qulnn said: "The moment the Chinese see we moan business they will lose no time in getting into the courts, for we propose to slwip them out of the country as fast as possible. There i- no question about the cons-iitutionality of the iaw. That has been decided in the District Courts of Mich-' igan and Louisiana and aUo by Judge Me Kemu of tne Circuit Court here during the trial of the Ctinese who were Mivugirled in Monterey. 1 do not think the Chinese have a foot left to stand upon. A large major ity of them will have to s:o back to China, and if they were to start in to register to morrow the work could not be finished with one hundred deputies working ten hours a day. We still have on Land %M.:00 of the appropriation, and with this amount of money we can do some good. 1 think. The American war ships can be brought into teiiuisition iu the deportation ef the men. and it will only be a matter of time when the country will be free from the Chinese. "Made Doctor* to Order. New York special: Alfred Hooth, a boges .IcctoK head of a mythical medical college which he calls the E.xcelsior College of Medicine of Boston, was arraigned in Jef ferson Market Court charged with violat ing a recently passed state law restricting the issue of medical certificates. ••Doctor" ttcoth lived in a room at the Altaian House. 07 East Tenth street, where he sold the degrees of M. 1. and Ph. D. for small amounts. When a person desiring one of these degrees went to him. Booth, after satisfying himself that he was no: being entrapped, gave out a printed Latin degree with an imposing seal on it. Avouugman. having recenUv obtained the degree of M. i\ after a week of maneuvering, brought the "doctor's*'methods to the notice o} William A. Purrlngton.. eouu»e! for the County Medical Society. i)r. Booth wus arrested and held in $2.50v bail for trijil. He said that he bad been giving cm de grees for ten years and was unaware that he was violating any law. Yessel* Will 1*1 Old Glory. New t»rleans special: The Southern Pa ritic Kailtxnid aunr.imces that the New port News Shipbuilding and Pry Pock Com pany is making preparations to build two 10.000 ton steamships at its pluut. The site is now bcinc piled for the blocking to carry the immense weight of the vessels. They will be beauties iu desigu and their water lines such as wi.l insure speed They ate intended to p!y betweeu New Orleans and Liverpool, forming a new line cf steamers in connection with :he Sunset Koute, and will be a nucleus out of which will grow a fleet of Auiericau ocean beauties unex celled in modern marine architecture. Every appliance that ingenuity can devise for speed, comfort, safety, and security will be in their makeup. The hulis will be constructed of steei. The engines will be triple expansion of the latest type. Starved to llcath in a Cellar. l'ittsburg special: The death of David Conway, aged T5. in ih* cellar of an old hou-e on Brownsville Avenue. South .Side, was reported to the coroner. It is ceitain he had beeu dead we:ny*fo-3r hours before the mattvr was reportt-u. In thv cellar Conway and his wife have lived for years. It is not more than eight feet broad by ten feet long and six feet high. The in quiries of Coroner Officer l'»obnelly into the case, together with the appearance of the old man's oiy. leaves no doubt that he died of starvation and neglect- The neighbor* say that the old couple had nothing to live on except what the woman besged. and of late she has been spending money she got principally for drink. Kemarritnl After Thirty Years. Muscoutah. 111., special: Tb rty years ago Situon Haves was marr.ed *to Miss Klizabeth Hay ward, the daugbt -r of a St. Clait bounty farmer. The couple became estranged soon after marriage and the hus band went to the war. He fought iu the Third Iowa Regiment. WL.S desperately wounded and reported ac.osg the killed. His :fe bel'.evct him dead and married again. After tne war Hayes went West to seek his fortune. Re returned from Utah a few days ago aua found that his wife bad been married, "M -t husband had beeu dead some years. There w*« a joyful reunion and another marriage a: Belleville. The Fear ef Anarchist*. New York special: A dispatch from BiN limore, Md.. *•. local paper says: Con sul General Spiess. of the German Imperial Commission for the Wcrld's Fair, who has beeu in this city arranging for the trans portation of tne exhibits to Chicago, was askeo whetner any member of the imperial fam,iiV n..^ht be expected to visjt the Fair. Ills answer t\a*, a prompt mid decided neg ative. Wuen prxsscd as to why the Ger man Emperor would not visit the Fair Cou *nl Spieas sold significantly. "Aaarchists.** tiisas REPORT OF THE MINT. THE MINT DIRECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT Shows the Value of th» Gold Product of the nited States for the Year ISO'J Is &j t,OOtMMM. About with the Average of Keeent Years. Mint Director's I'eport. Washington special: The annual re port of t-tie Pirectorof the Mint for 1802 shows the value of (hti gold product of the United States for the year is S33.000.000. about corresponding with tba 'average of recent years. The product- of silver is 5t.00I.MM0 ounces, c-f commercial value of §50.Ti)0»000, a falling oiT of UO,OCO ounces from the preceding year. The amount of purchased by tlu* Government dur ing the. year was 54.120.S2? fine ounces, costing an average of S71 «i cents per line ounce. Trom it ti.33'J,*Jifi silver dol lars were coined duritjg the year.* Imports of gold affsrreiiate and export* STU.? »5.5D2-. a net los of SaS.5tO.5US. Silver imports were cttt,4o.».9tlS, and experts £'17, ii-cltoOl. The amount of money in circula tion (exclusive of the amount in the treas ury) was Si.Gil.1*21.?5."J January 1. an In crease .»f ShsD2.\324 during the year. There wa* an increase o! over SlS.OOO.OCt) in tin? gold product of the wor.d during the last calendar year. Of this §3,000.000 was from Australia, and over i'0,000,00(1 from South Africa. The total "silver product of the world increased about 7.650.009 ounces, occasioned chiefly by an increase of 4.000. 000 ouuees in the product of Mexican mines and 2,400.000 iu xVustralian. THE OVTFLOW IIMINlSHIN"jV Only $*.000,000 for the Work Instead of llie Anticipated $0,000,000, New York special: K. G. Dun & Co."s HVrffti/ i?£Wcic says Exio.-ts of pold will not be cG,00..000. .s it was at one time ex pected. but probably not more than ?2.0«0.- gold shipments. Business at Chicago is better than last year and collect ions are satisfactory, i'tars of a ra'ilroad strike and doubts abuut oid make the banks conservative. At Kansas City trade is satisfactory, with good re ceipts of grain and liberal receipt* of cat tle. Business at St. Louis is better ai-d money eas -. The speculative markets have been com paratively quiet iu view of monetary un certainties and are somewhat weaker. The financial outlook depends largely uj on the fact that exports of the principal products in January were?2i.(»0o.uou smaller than last year, while in p.r at New York alone were SlT.QPO.OOO larger than last- year. This indicates a considerable excess of im port* for the mouth and explains the heavy outgo of goid. Iu February thu far experts froru New York have been but little below last year's, though at cotton port* they were very much smaller, and meanwhile imports show an euormous increase, over 30 per cent. But those who dread ci'astsr may well re member the ruje that the pauij that is ex pected never comes. Business failures for the last seven days were 2S3, compared with 266 last week. For the corresponding time last year the fig ures were 2.»\ Clearings in the principal cities last week were Sl.2o2.252.'.^7. a decrease of 10.1 per cent, ftom the same time last year.-v.. Brave Officers Thanked. Atlanta -special: Gov. Northen has issued a proclamation extolling the bravery of two men who saved a negro from Lynch ing. On the night of the 13th iust., at Gainesville, a criminal assault was made upon Miss Alice Shadburu by Marion San ford. colored. He was arrested and placed in jail. That night an armed mob attacked t-ne jail, but the prisoner was gone. They boarded the traius for fifty miles out, both ways, to intercept his escape, but failed. Deputy Sheriffs Wilkes and Thompson had taken Sanford from juii. through the wil derness tifty mile# to Atlanta. The two men are thus publicly thanked by the Gov ernor for saving the state the disgrace of another lynching. Terrorired By an Vnkuowii, Kingston. Out., special: The town of Gananoque has a sensation. A few nights ago a man named Wtddy was chased by a somewhat substantial apparition in feminine garments, carrying a large kuife and a burcher's steel. He escaped by run n:i:g into a store, but every ni^ht since I He Heads AH Language*. Little Kock special: The little colored child who has been creating so much ex citement among certain classes :n this sec tion u*t. now from bis wonderful knowl edge. readin-- fluently c.ll the dead l.-,u guases and being perfect in hi* knowledge of the Bible from Gene-is to Kevclations. reached this c.ty en route to California, lie is 5 years old. and is named Ben Frauk lin Coleman, his father being a Louisiana farmer. He was never taught anything The child told the T^p^rx-ir that Gt«d had intended that he should expiaiu teveia tlon to the people in Hebrew in two years, and he would not let him sead that language now. lie as black as ink. some citizen has found it necessary to dis play his sprinting abilities in crder to escape the strange and bloodthirsty night prowler. ••It" was located in a barn in the outskirts of the town, but not a man in Gar.auoque dare enter the building. There are numerous wild .theories as to who and what the mysterious being is, but the most reasonable one is that it is an insane man. Half-Breeds in Revolt. Roll a. N. D.. special: The Turtle Moun tain half-breeds, who were cut off from the ration list by Commissioners sent here last fall to settle Indian claims to North Da kota lands, are in revolt. They threaten to break into the storehouse. Extra po lice will be sworn in to quiet the expected outbreak. Fixing the Hanging Dates. Jackson. Miss., special: The Supreme Court has affirmed the death sentence of Ben McCoy, one of the Copiah County gang nf negro robbers ana murderers. The day of execution was set for March 22. The death sentence of J. Terry, another of the same gang, was changed to the same date. The Retrial of Graves. Provideuce. R. I., special: Rode Island witnesses in the case of Dr. Graves received telegrams from Denver, the. tenor cf which indicates that the Government is preparing for the new trial. THE MARKETS. CHICAGO. Wheat—Cash Com—Cash Osts 1 Ky* e*5.fe I Cattle—Common to prune 4.25 Hog*— Shipping grades.. Sheep. s.0J a. -S T3S •41* -3d ir::s Bariev. Flax.*. Butter—Western Dairy .16 j&. i-ggs —Western SIOUX CITY. Cattle—Fat Steers 4,2a Cattle—Feeders Sa.0 HogS 7.G& Sheep 4_4~, Wheat Oats Cattle—Common to prime S.C0 .45 OMAHA LIYE STOCK". S 2.2S Kogs—Shippers sLCtt NEW YORK PRODUCE. Wheat Com 4.00 l- Oats—W estern ^3 JOLLY TRAMPS AT THE HALL. Tvo Effect mi Entrnnee at a Window and Pas*-. For Maskers. New Ycrk special: Two touch-looking tramps wandered about-among the dancers at the Arion Ball at Madison Square Gar den. Their dothes were very ragged, their faces very dirty and their noses very red. As they passed by, walking rather un steadily. people turned to look at them and j»a«d: "That's a capital make-up. Did jou ever see a better representation of two play-out. trampsV When the high kicking began the unkc-mpf pair became very much interested. In every circle of spectators surrounding the kickers they were to be fcutul in the front ranks, cheering on Handsome Sum. New York special: Ex -Congressman Johr COO. and the treasury le erve, over SlOO.- Adams has written a letter to Corporatioc 001,000. has not been diminished. More- Counsel Clark suggesting an attempt to re over. quite large purchases of securities on cover back taxes on Jay Gould's persona", foreign account are reported, and it was estate. Tne difference between the assessed wired to cano» 1 i.e.ivv adverse me:chan- value of personal estate and its real valuo and ts that extent prevent has become more apparent through the re- Cent statute compelling an affidavit of th*j vaiuo of an estate to te filed with the peti tion for the probate of a will in order to assess the collateral inheritance tax. Mr. Adams' letter quotes the affidavit of Jay Gould's exccui-ors—Geo. J. Howard and Eiwiu Gould—that Mr. Gould left personal property of an estimated value of $TG,000. 000. He goes on to say: "Thus $70.000.00C is the executors' sworn estimate ^f the per sonal estate at death, which is to be com pared with £50.1,000. the assessed valuation for the preceding year. The assessed val uation represent .tions made by Mr. Gould in person and under oath to*the Commis sioners. I write you thus, believing that Ir. the Hands of Drunken Indian*:. Peer Kiver. Minn., special: Several hun dred Indians have beeu rioting here for several hours, using knives and club?. Many of them are wounded and probably two or three killed, though nobody at the agency dares to go near them. -Ther^ are rumors of a massacre, and none of the whites will sleep. T. L. Vance, the post trader, has lost all control of the savages. A week ago the Indians were notified that they would be paid by the government here at noon. When the Reds appeared and found that no agent had appeared they were furious. The explanation that heavy suow stortns had prevented the agent froru reachinc Deer Kiver did not satisfy them, after filling up ou bad whisky they took possession of the town. lias in Arkansas. Brinkley. 4rk., special: Great excite ment prevails here over the discovery of natural gas two aud a half mile-: west of town. Tne discovery was made by an old farmer while driving a well. The piping was blown out of the earth. This happened in the evening and in fixing the broken pipe it was necessary to use a torch. While pass ing near the well the gas was ignited and a flame shot up tbiuy feet in the air and burned for six hours, after which time the flame fell to eight feet and has been burn ing at that height ever since. Experts are at work making examination, and it thought ibai i: will prove a rich find.' Nevada May G.» Duikrupt. Ccr on. Nev.. special: The Legislature isdevoiing much lime toward the passage of laws cutting down state expenses. It is proposed to abolish the Supremo Court, which action wi save t'ie state Sli.COO per year. If present Inch salaries eontiuue to be paid Nevada will be bankrupt in a few years, as her population has dwindled be low 50.£00 people. .Mid her mines are com paratively idle. W itbout some protective legislation for silver her case seems W hopeless. The few people now remaining are being pauperized by high railroad freight and passeuger rates. Klees with a Widow. Milica, Minn., special: The Kev.'#J. J. Waymer. pastor of the Methodist Church here, the head of an interesting family of a wife and four children, lias eloped with a widow «.f Eoyaltcn. Mrs. M. M. White, who was a few days igo the recipient of £5.QC?, the amount of an insurance policy en the life of a brother killed at North Town Junc tion in October, Mrs. White is forty years old. ana Waymer over fifty. The ruuaway paar lufi at R'.yalton and bought tickets ^0 F«iUJ and ttieece tj San Francisco. A Storm in the Pacific, Apia, raaoa. special: A hurricane as severe as that which destroyed the foreign war ships in the harbor two years ago, last' ing sixty Lours, swept ©rer tye island of No'u Dec, 30 and 31. Many native and European bouses were destroyed, all the bread-fruit tr.-es blown down, and the na tives are without fc»L BUmood Bobbery in Cincinnati. Cincinnati special: The show window of Simper Bros." ewelry store was robbed of *2,000 worth of diamonds. The thieves broke the plate glass window with a brick, seized the diamond tray, and disappeared. Ten Thousand Houses Were Burned. Sa.n Francisco special: The Belgicbrings the news, according to a Yokohama paper, that a great fire occurred in Pekin Jam 7. in wh^cn ten thousand bouses were burned and many iives lost. The Monetary Conference. Rome special: The Minister of Finance says tbe Brussels monetary conference will probably ret reassemble in May, as the European Governments are convincec that nothing would come of it. Twenty-Seven Miser* Suffocated. Madrid special Deadly gases in the Im pensada Mines, xear Cartegena, suffocated twenty-seven mem TROOPS CALLED OFF. KANSAS IV.-li.ITIA WITHDRAWN FROM THE STA TE-HOUSE. Republicans Submit ft Plan of Compromise to Gov. tewoUlnjr—They AKrrP to Submit Test CHSCS to tli- Court—The liovcrnor Takes the Case I mlor Ailvisomriit. TllP Strlfi- at Topokn. It seems now ^uito proli/iblf1 that 1he Kansas legislators' unrivaled specialty perforinanco of burlesquo lei»islfttion is not to terminats in red horrent war. The comedy feature will lo kept up to the close. It red omin a ted on the performers with admiring comments. Tilled with the spirit of emulation the two tramps jumped into the circle and began to dance. Of all the wild dances that were footed at the Arion ball the dance that Mike and Bill danced was the wildest. They jumped, they leaped, they waggled their heads, they waved their arms, they kicked right and left, up and down, east and west, north and uih they whirled and twisted and cavoited. they stamped their feet, snapped their lingers, and clapped their hands: and all the time they yelled with astonishing vigor. The crowd went wild with joy. hen the dancers paused for breath there were thunderous demands for more, i-inally Bill turned a series of handsprings, while Mike walked around ou his hawls. knocking his feet together in the air iu time to the music, L'nfortunately Biil did not observe that Mike's body had inter sected the arc of the circle of his last hand spring. Therefore, as Bill's feet whistled through the air, completing the circle, they lauded fairly on his companion's stomach. Then they fell to fighting and were arrest ed. They confessed to being tramps and effected their entrauce to the ball througt a window. BACK TAXES OX GOVL1PS KSTATK Chance for New York to Kccover Ouile Thursday. The Gov ernor, in his capiie ity a- tirst oilif-i.-r of the State, ordered Itis miliiianien out to protect the Popu list cause, but the militiamen, though SPKAKKR Door.uss tliev did appear on the scene, gently but lirniiy de clined to protect. They v. ould home first. Later the liovernor war politely requested by t!i" Sheriff of Shawnee County to feeep hi^ hands otT. "I sh to inform you. said the Sheriff to the Governor, "that your action is without my consent." 1-imhng that his soldiers wouldn't obey him, a: that the Shawnee SlierilT simply bade him get hence and be hanged to him, th- Governor has called his fore away from the House of Kepresenta*.ives, where they had been laving siege to a group of republicans, bereft of light, heat and food. Wherefore the Populists will content themselves with hiring a hall down town and hold their legisla tive sessions apart from rude and inter fering foes. It would seem now that, with two bouses of representatives in full blast, several armed farmers, .1 few troops, and the Sheriff o: Shawnee, ansae ought to le able to take care of her self. And then sho has a Governor, too, albeit is a re a S festly disinclined to •. be governed. It is not likely that blood will be shed bv any' general collision,Kr.rnr.5EN-TAXIVf VAV whatever may hap pen between hot-headed individuals, A correspondent says: "The spectacle exhibited at Topeka is disgraceful. The Populist party lias defied the pence au thorities of the county and resisted ar rest. The lif-publirans have thrown themselves irtto an active a,-id open de- ii Mr. Gould's representations to the Tax Commissioners can be shown to be materi ally or substantially erroueous the amotint of the loss resulting to the city can be re covered Iron: the estate for the past six years." Vis' &- Attorney General Little said that no attempt would be made to remove the Republican© from KeprcsentnUvo Hall by the Governor. "The Sheriff has or ganized a mo sal.1 he. "and threatens 'u«™ the militiamen in tofamKembttaR "'ic'^rrV-.i'r^'.'r'tk'.-' &xs mis Kinu t^lere temnt is mnaV,em were asked what wt i"i lass House to be a local right to interfere. In the ire« t»nt hu,Do.uS- and both replied thatfhev w^n't /^V-11.1' by the decision of the eoiirt Th "b'-ip sjsted, however, that the onri ullsts and fifteen Kopubiieana TT°V" claimed that the House co'rsUts a Imijo Tlio Populist "House" declared ifc, Kepublican usurpers not ent.:t)(.,] suits, and seated the contestants I their own side of the hall. This w* gave the Populists sixty-thr.-.e mo'inu on their side, with only sixty on liepublicau side. But the Bcpub!i»„ I In dispute still sit with their side rote. So each wing has an quorum. The rival houses have b» making faces at each other ever sin their organization, but up to TuCS(i»e 110 blows were struck. It was announced that thousands Republicans from various parts of th State were rushing to Topeka and J* lie in the ranks defending the Hcputi can House. Along with this came til information that trainioads of p0,Vil)jt were expected. Another report is".'3 the effect that, the Republicans chal lenged the Governor to submit the lees! points at. issue to the State Scprci,-, r» GOV. DWELLING. Court, and that he replied, in substance that lie v,o )ld submit nothing to a lie publican court. On the other hand, it is reported that he challenged t'h.: Republicans to await the passage of a* appropriation act, and ttven test its validity in the courts. This was dc" elined. In the meantime the Populist Legislature appropr.ated money io: cur rent expenses and the Republicans 1 THE ST.VTK CAPITOL, TOPEKA. fiance of the highest authority of the State. Speaker Duusmore said that the Populist House would continue to hold sessions in the basement of the Siate House and later, if the trouble is not settled soon, another hull would be hired. He said the House had no longer anything to do with the scheme to recapture the hall that was now wholly in the hands cf the Governor, and what he proposed to do nobodv knew or could know'. The serious por tion of the controversy may be regarded as ended for the next twenty-four hours at least. The Governor has gone home to sleep and so has the Sheriff. The commander of the militia being no longer in it and being even without a base-ball bat, has nothing more to sav By to-morrow the cruel war will all be over. The Populist House, in its session in the basement, formally resolved against t^6t)Aeijer~CinrTi0'? vim'.vinK provisions to the Republicans upstairs. The whole letter-carrier force of Topeka was em S-frTe«n the work- 'flK! "ion, with well-filled baqs. would appear in their gray uniforms and demaii 1 .'..linitiuitee to the state-house. United Suite* Dis trict Attorney Adv and the States Marshal we're loth see that they were not miHesfed^rtL'ir duties. They were nor nt duties. They were not, of course, but it Is BO secret that their bags contained provender. In fact, the letter-carriers make no secret of what thevweredoine i-n- joined the State Treasurer from making payments. He is a Populist, and said lie should disobey the injunction. Stir, he and his bondsmen did not like to as sume the responsibility, and he has not yet let any of the money go. The county treasurers are taking advantage of the confusion, and may refuse to par tax collections to the State Treasurer, l'effer Sa.vs "Starve the Rebel*." Governor Lewelling has been deluged with telegrams from Populists in ail parts of the State tendering assistants in the way either of money or men. Among the dispatches received were the following: Guard the State safely. Starve the rete ont« a11 W\ A. PEFFEH. JOHN DAVJ.S 1 ittebatfr (Kan.) is readrvith 2,000menu sustain you In standing up tor Kansas. CITIZEKS* COMMITTEE. call on Jewell CouAty for men or moncr. ready. 5, m. Boss, ,. M. B. BUTHEBLAND. anonta the exigency require, Montgomery tounty will fumlgh a regiment of 1.C00 raentf sustain you in enforcement of law and order. ... B. P. KEBCHIVAL. Allaml County is with you: stay wltUtbeuu W. T. SMITH. Chainnan. Briefletiu GAMBLIXG houses at Little Eock Ark., have been closed by the police. NATVHAL gas has been di-covc-red nt Brinkley, Tenn. 'The find is thought be rich FIRE at Xewton, Kan., damaged the Hichardson general merchandise stwi: SlO.OJO. COL. DAVILA, who captured Ku'.ia, has committed suicide in Comayagua. Honduras. DICK TORMAN, a negro desperadc. was shot to death by a posse near Grenada, Miss. BOSTON- capitalists have formed ajlfl. 000,000 company to control the gas ifc mted terests in New York. Js A GKANI) jury at Bangor. Me., has in- v...^ dieted 1 etwi en i00 and 3U0 persons in illegal sale of liquor. A c.EKEHAL snowstorm prevailed I" ©UOW&MjriU pie«tturu esteni Texas, Southern iCew Mexico and Northern Mexico. IT is stated that Mgr. Satolli *ii' make Xew York his headquarters io* 6tead of Washington. THE Supreme Court of Mississippi ^®^ined the death sentences of x' and J. r'^"" cu *2! nothing to precipitate it sheriff mob is armed with guns and firms were burned oui MI J' 1 IS no telling what thev Hud" jT*Terrt"oTthe "copiat aaisRSi&sf-ffi! "ob"""*"" SEVERAL, firms were burned out 1 wul do if they should HKSHUU ,i.„ ^ort Smith, Ark., by the destruction ot 1 will do if they shoiild assault the'mil? t&ry. The Populists will do business in I the 'NYvman Rloet Th» tntai loss 1 the ^"ymau Block.' The totai loss' s:5 Ssed to'nroteetthe,,niilit"r)- will be 000- As oro if BIly on and has m" no the Senafe cWi.-^Tlw,"^ 6 engine and seven cars on tbe- at- Atlantic Koad plunged down Governor wm /hs,turbu «'em the mWkment 10 feet high, at Waiters hazards e.end them .at all Mountain. Tenn. Engineer Allen •Z killed. The accident was caused hy Representatives Itaweon mid iruble wash-out. LLOUS,) A'TEUD- TOA O'CONNOB was sentenced that sixty four T, They said prison for life eight vears ago at Stii. a quorum wer« ,,r „l °,l,u' !uoroth"» raler- Minn- 0 of thom 80(1 on the Supreme Coun 1M ?''1° IN CNSE a He wis subseauently n- condition that be leave "i?"1110'- tbe HE FALLED TO meet the cot- been reincarcerated, Cl!!LDBEN" claying near the village HU1- A!»- tlnR murder. Mre AT"ELI 1 sixty-four Republicans tlftv nln„ ''ynsideiable celebrity by alleged curtf is a a 1 ballot it is clniined^ there aro eightv four Populists, seventv-nino cans and t-wo ileitioerats. The lieimb" heans have ,.it quorum in the House Hm »i aU^" four epub! lieans who were defeated „t polls procured certilleates of through fraud and holVl se ?'1 Eepublioan s:de Chffi skeleton th» whioh had been crushed, show It develops that the beuf of James Knight, a l°", Wh° di6aPPeared ten -rcflLS"f£ THOMAS ADAMS, of Breot '-xn- '^e suspended priest who oehie ef sick people -which he claimed io effw' by the use of 'holy relics, has beeu re stored to the priesthood by Bishop IHinnell. ol Brooklyn. A H'I VE-KOOM frame cottage at apoiis was torn to pieces by ar: i1 V„ Rion of natural gas. The four were tlirown outward and1 |.-ortloijs the debris were hurled 300 rards. cottage was occupied by Mrs. 1 orngo, widow, who was slightly jwred.