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if Your Cistern Is Out of Order or Soft Water is scarce, don't worry yourself for a moment go right ahead and use hard water with KIM'S WHITE RU88IAN SOAP -nd you'll never know the difference. The clothes will be just as white,, clean and sweet-smelling, because the "White Russian" is specially .adapted for use in hard water. JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago. taky Diamond Tar Soap. HK.U" RIGHT'S DISEASE AND OTHER DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS CAN BE PERMANENTLY CURED BV USING OS. J. H. MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM. It is a safe and unfailing remedy tor all Kidney Troubles, Liver Disorders aud Female Irregularities. Price One Dollar Per Bottle'. The Dr. J. II. McLean Medicine Co.* ST. LOUIS, MO., SOLE PROPRIETORS. I A N S TABULES1 REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. ItlPANS TABULES are the best MedJ. cine known for Indirection, BlUoMiieM. Iivaduchei Oonillpfttlon, D7i|ep«t% Chnnlo 0 Liver Troubles, lMcslneM, Bad Complexion, ly*entery, Offieniilve Breath, sad all dl» orders of tho Stomach, Liver and Bowels. 2 Ripans Tabales contain nothing injurious to tli« most delicate constitution. Are pleasant to 5 0 tnke, safe, effectual, and t?ivo immediate relief. J'' Mnr lie obtained by application to nearcrt druifgUU •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a lan1 Ferry's^ Seeds and reap a rich harvest They are always reliable, AW always in demand, always the bust fFERRY'S SEED ANNUAL! For 1S93 Is invaluable to every Planter It is an encyclopedia of the latest farmiug information from tbB highest authorities. Mailed Free. .D.M.FERRYA. DETROIT,, Mich. CANCER •peedlly, safely andeflTectaally cured with out the nee of the knife. Cures- effected tvhen ail other treatments failed. Testimony or those restored to health"I feel it thy duty to recommend your treatment. 1 had a cancer on each cheek bone and oneon my nose.' Ton removed &U three cancers. Lam willing to testify that I am permanently cured.'VBusoN CASEY, Blaine,Wis. Mr. U. P. Brown, Neligb, Neb., was treated by three physicians for cancer on tho eyelid. They thought case Incurable. Dr. Dale** Treat meat effected a cure. The Hoipltal, fitted •with all modern appliances, accommodates sev enty-five patients. Trained nurses in constant attendance. If yon are afflicted with Cancer, rumor or Malignant Ulcers, send 2c. stamp lor pamphlet giving full particulars. Address CEORCE DALE. M. D., lola Sanitarium. •OLA. Waupaoa County, WIS. «nri jlJJ- U»». U. A. R«, st»te s( ^BRUHblfSiJ ll'Iininiki HUwiukce —R. N. Kobrrl,, I1'rtt. Waupm Kat'l Biak, Wi.paem, Wli. ED.F. WINSOR, SUCCESSOR TO A IE. BRAS & 60. INSURANCE & A3S1E REAL ESTATE. Hic« over Scallin's Drug Store. ftPECIA.1 a Pains will be taken with you by W1LTSE, The Photographer, Family Croups and Children's Pictures a specialty. Get my prices on en 'urging before giving your or ders to agents. I will save vou money on frames. illlory Over L. O. Gale's Drug Store. r. 1\ M. si O. TIMR CABI) MltUiell Silliiill Sioux Kails Chicago TBA1N8 ARRIVE. •Mitchell hiileiu Munx Kails UllcUgO- 10:45 p. m. dally 8:46 p. m. dully 6:46 p. m. aptly 8:15 a. m. dully DEPART, .10.-00 a. m. dally .12:10 p.m. dally ,.2:45 p. m.dbUy 6 4)0 p. m. qtftlly Dally except Sunday THE MITCHELL CAPITAL. PAGES 5 TO 8. FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1893. CURRENT COMMENT. The Woonsocket News comes out strong for fusion in this state between the Democrats and Independents on the platform of refor-r-um in the manage ment of slate institutions. We would advise the News riot to press the matter upon its Democratic friends until the federal patronage is pretty well dis tributed. The Pops have been getting altogether too much as it is without asking the Democrats to' take them right into the family circle. And then the News doesn't really bell9ve all it. thinks it does about Republican cor ruption-^ Plankintou Standard: If Johnny Pease should be appointed receiver of the Mitchell land office there would be a sulphuric cloud hanging over the democratic camp. It would be a little tough so far as this particular office is concerned, for it •will be remembered that the Democrats were rather smoothly euchred out of the usufruct-of the same during the previous Democratic admiustration, thanks to Louis K. Church and some of the south ern senators. But we don't see how Pease can hope to be so favored when such thoroughbred Democrats as our own Mayor Welch and Hon. J. C. Ryan are In the field, either one of whom would make an admirable officer in every sense of-tlie term. Hon. James S. Clarkson, now chiefly of anti-Harrison notoriety, is credited with a scheme to push Geu. R. A. Alger for the next Republican presidential nomination. While there may bo no question of Gen. Alger's eligibility and ability and all that, there in great dan ger that-his boom will go to seed long before the convention of 189(i if it is started as early as this, even by so shrewd and skillful a political manager as Gen. Clarkson. There ought to be no occasion to urge the people of this town to turn out generously on next Monday evening, the occasion of the firemen's benefit concert. There is no organization in the community any more deserving of encouragement than the volunteer fire department, whose members are always on- hand when the property of the citi zens is endangered -and whoso services are but poorly requited if they are not met with the heartiest appreciation. More than this the concert itself will be a thoroughly enjoyable affair, as it will include the cream of the musical talent of Mitchell. "Standing room only" should be hung out in the opera, house lobby at an early hour next Monday evening. 5 The movement to enforce the prohi bitory law in' this town seems to. be under way and about the only thing to be' done by those who do not believe in the expediency of enforcement against an undoubted adverse public sentiment is to accept tho situation quietly until it works out its natural results. The enforcement of the law involves an ab stract moral obligation that no. good citizen can dispute. The practical re sults of enforcement under existing conditions can only be determined by a renewal of the spasmodic experiments of the past, but a great deal, of local friction can lie avoided if the matter is left to the parties directly concerned, the illegal sellers of liquors on the one hand and the agents of enforcement on the other. No particular disturbance will result If the general public will but refuse to be drawn into an argument pro or con on the subject and quietly go on about its own business. Burroughs Abbott or Columbia.. Brown county, has been appointed statistical agent for the state of South Dakota under the Agricultural depart ment. The salary will be $600 a year and he will enter upon liisduttes May 1. Mr. Abbott was an Independent state senator who helped to clect Senator Kyle. Major Diggs's Bank of Milbank has been forced to make an assignment, but he hopes to be able to realize on his as sets in time and pay all liabilities in full. His friends throughout the. stale aope that this may be the case. The Minnesota legislature has passed astringent anti-scalper law. ,'^hf It is a most hopeful sign of an improve ment in the times when threatening strikes, such as those of the World's Pair carpenters, the Toledo and Ann Arbor and the Santa Fe railroaders, are satis factorily adjusted without violence or injustice to any interests. These things show that the world is making progress and that a spirit of mutual concession and charity is of far more worth in adjusting the relations be tween capital and labor than all the laws that can be crowded on to the statute books. The Aberdeen News points with, jus tifiable pride to the fact'that its town was never in a more prosperous condi tion than at the present time. And no. town deserves more gooA fortune^ than our up-the-valley neighbor. Once more we are pained to note that a destructive, cyclone has just swept over the states of Kansas and Arkansas. Barring the ilttle eccentricities of April snow storms South Dakotans are still very well satisfied with, their spring weather, thank you. President Cleveland has established the precedent of sending $50 to parents who name their children after any member of the presidential family. He may find It expensive before his term ends, as a great deal of this sort of thing can happen In four ye&ri at a premium of $50. The pages of the Ruralist these days aro chiefly filled with' frantic appeals for help from the farmers to keep the paper alive. It would seem as though a concern that has had the show the Ruralist has.ought to be able to stand on its own merits and not ask for sup port as a matter of charity. The Pierre Free Press exults over the fact that the ladles of the capital city took so earnest an Interest in tho recent election. On the' other hand, the Sioux Palls Press is. scolding away because some of its feminine constitu ents presumed on' their suffrage 'privi leges sufficiently to vote at all. The Pierre Capital makes the follow ing prediction: It will be three years before another president will be nominated by the Re publican party but the Cajntal will ven ture the prediction that Governor Mc Kinley of Ohio, will be the nominee and that the campaign will lie fought along the line of protection. McKinley is the most popular man in the United States today. —f .. The Yankton Journal has changed hands so often In the past two years that two of our exchange editors have wheels in their heads keeping track of Its various publishers. But if the new men, Messrs. Hunt and Thompson, keep up the gait they have started'with we don't see any need of further changes. The appreciative brother of the Ar tesian Chronicle indulges in the follow ing flattering hyperbole: The Argus-Leader. is chuck full of gems that sparkle like frost in the morning sun but like the frost they soon pass away under the power of Bro. Wheelock's pen. That Is, flattering to our pen, but pos sibly not to be so taken by the A.-L. The State Agricultural College. The Regents of Education and the Trustees of this institution desire to assure the people of the state that the sessions of the Agricultural college are going right on, and will go on without interruption, and that all classes and all studies will continue according to the catalogue arid circulars. All young people are invited to come and' enjoy and profit-by tho opportunities offered. •••,€• The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway company, with a yiew to practi cal results in its South Dakota field, has located D. H. Moses, well known all over this state from his connection with immigration movements from 1880 to 1885,. at Sioux Palls as a World's Fair excursion agent. The Summer Term will open May 15,. and continue twelve weeks. Public school teachers, who are busy in their own schools the rest of the year, will find this Summer Term a fine opportunity to review or .to advance their studies. Drawing, wood carving, clay modeling,—useful accompllshtrients for every teacher—elementary algebra, physiology and hygiene, book keeping, grammar and elocution are among the many subjects taught during the sum mer term. Young men can. learn gardening, veterinary »surgerv, blacksmithing, carpentry, the running of the traction engine,,butter and cheese making, as well as a great many book studies.. Young women can learn sewing, cutting aud dress fitting. Expenses are kept at the lowest, and work for pay can be furnished many. J.W.SHANNON, President Board of Regents. E. T. SHELDON, President Board of Trustees. BROOKINGS, S. D., April 18th, 1893. A YER'S Sarsaparilla Y-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula. Salt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S-curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, Indigestion P-lmples, Blotches A-rid Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes I mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A-ll cured by AVER'S Sarsaparilla Prepared by.Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,"Maes. 8oluby airpruggists. Price $1 six bottles, $5. Cures others, wilicureyou r. 1 i. M. BOWDLE, Pres. I. W. SEAMAN, Y. Pres. TALKING ABOUT MITCHELL. Armour Chronicle: Mitchell is mak ing preparations to hayethecor.n palace this year on a much larger scale than last. Yankton Journal: By all means en large it [the Exposition.] Make it big enough to hold all exhibits, and all our people, and all the visitors, and we'll "climb on to you by_ thousands," Bro. Wheelock. Where is the use in paying tribute to outsiders? Let's boom our own bailiwick first. Give us room at Mitchell, and we'll do the rest. Female AVeakuess PosttlTe Cure. To' THE EDITOR:—Please Inform your readers that I ha?e a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise trom deranged froiri female organs. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any lady if they will send their express and p. o. address. Yours,respectfully, Dr. B. D. Marchlsi, Utica, N. Y. -./•j.'-': Card. vVv-i^-.'' '''l We hereby express our profoundest gratitude to the numerous friends who In our recent severe affliction extended I to us. their earnest symphathy and helpfulness. That the blessing of the God of love may rest upon you all we shall ever pray. C. B. CLARK AND FAMILY. There are Sarsaparillas and Sarsapa rillas but if you are.not careful In your purchase, the disease you wish to cure will only be Intensified. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. It is compounded from the Honduras root and other highly concentrated alteratives. Grand Rapid?, Michigan, is one of the most' thriving cities in the United States. It Is best known for furniture manufacture, no-less than seven thous and hands being employed in that in dustry alone. At Grand Rapids, also, are the largest plaster deposits In the world and the natural rock deposits from which Gypsine, the celebrated jfall finish, Is obtained.' Gypsine Is .fast supplanting kalsomlne, as it is not only a better wall finish, hut more economical as well. Gypsine is for sale in our town by L. O. Gale. I.ate Arrivals. "Rob, are you going to the village?" "Yes, wife." "Then don't forget to bring me a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for coughs and colds, the medicine that cured Aunt Mary's cough after she. had lot It run along until she had given up ever getting rid of it. Remember, Kemp's Balsam. You'can get It at any of the drug stores." ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year Ending'December 31, A. D., 1892 OI the condition and aOuirs ot th& D. S. Branch North British and Mercantile Insurance coinjmny of London, organized under the laws of Great Britain, made to the auditor of the state of South Dakota, In pursuance ol the laws of said state. N. PROPERTY 08 ASSETTS OP THE COMPANY. Cash value of real estate 465,360 84 Cash in office 1,469 66 Cash on deposit 111,330 08 Accounts (not over three months old) due from agents 397,022 36 Bills receivable for premiums not overdue 3,457 67 All other assets.... ... .u- 13,297 95 .......•.-.•jaassJe, SPECIAL SALE FOR TWO MYS ONLY. Monday and Tuesday, April 24-25, We will sell SHIRTING PRINTS (or 4 Cents, Also CHALLIES for 4 Cents. Remember the date and follow the crowd and get your summer dresses for less than cost. MITCHELL DRY GOODS CO. Agents for Thompson Glove-fitting Corsets. THE SECURITY BANK Does a General Banking Business. Stocks and bunds owned by the company Interest due and accrued 2,412,961 00 48,055 00 Total Assets $ 4,453,004 55 IYI LIABILITIES. Losses yet unpaid 339,901 64 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 1,878,055 70 Surplus '....- 1,146,355 71 Other existing claims not included ill above 88,641 60 Total liabilities $ 3',453,001 55 IV. INCOME OF THE COMPANY BORING 1892. Total premiums lor year 1892 $ 2,369,177 58 Interest receipts 129,271 61 Receipts trom rents 3.044 90 Total Receipts $ 2,501,494 09 V. EXPENDITURES OF THE COMPANY DURING THE YEAR 1892. Losses paid $ 1,648,090 97 Commissions paid to agentB 360,005 01 Salaries paid to officers and em plojes...:. 238,395 84 Taxes and fees to Insurance de partments 57,622 30 Other expenditures 117,727 45 Total Expenditures $ 2,421,841 57 VI. BISKS. Risks outstanding at the date of preceding statement $329,677,728 00 Risks written Bince preceding state ment... 287,794,703 00 Total Risks 8617,472,4S1 lO Risks cancelled dur lng the year 1892.. $ 23,370,!)89 00 Risks expired dur lng the year 1892.. 260,998,976 00 Total deduction $284,369,965 00 Net Amount of risks In force $333,102,466 00 COMPANY'S STATEMENT OF "BUSINESS TRANSACTED IN THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA DURING THE YEAR 1892. Premiums on risks written........ $ Amount Of risks written Losses accrued during the year,... I.naoOfl nnlrl tha fAn«. Losses paid during the year STATE OF NEW YORK, ). County of New York, f8- 11,357 68 479,593 00 3,672 95 3,651 80 Sata P. Blagden, manager of the U. S. branch North British and Mercantile Insurance company being duly sworn deposes and says that the forego ing Is a full, true and correct statement of the affairs of said company: that the said Insurance company is the bona-llde owner of at least one hundred thousand dollars of actual cash cap ital, invested In state and United States stockB and bonds, or in bonds and Mortgages of real estate unincumbered, and worth double the amount for which the same Is mortgaged, and he is the above described officer of said Insurance company. SAM P. BLAGDEN, Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of January, 1893. [SEAL] J. A. HILLERY, Com. ol Deeds. THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, Office of State Auditor, Department of Insurance. Company's certificate of authority: Whereas, the U. S. Branch North Britisli and Mercantile Insurance company, a corporation or ganized under the laws ot Great Brltian, has tiled in this office a sworn statement exhibiting its con dition and business for the year ending Dec. 31, 1892 conformable to the requirements dt the laws of this state regulating the business of insurance, and Whereas, the said company has Hied in this of fice a duly certified copy ot Its charter, with certi ficate of organization, In' compliance with the re quirements of the Insurance law aforesaid: H. R. KIBBEE, Cashier. I. R. ATLEE, Asst. Cashier. II. PROPERTY OR ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. The value of real estate is...... ... $ 2,026,327 44 The cash on hand in office is 1,821 53 The cash on deposit In bank-is 339,597 58 The cash in hands of agents and in course of transmission is 106,832 94 Stocks and bonds of United Stntes and all other bonds owned by the company at maiket value 5,003,137 61 Amount of loans secured by first mortgage on real estate 9,255,250 00 Amount,of all other bonds and loans secured by policies, inter est 6 percent..., 491,63044 Amount of Interest due and unpaid and accrued 401,412 41 All other securities 418,252 6G Totalass'ets... ... $ 17,744,262 60 IJ'J: III. LIABILITIES. Amount of losses due and unpaid.. $ 5,394 26 Amount of losses adjusted but not yet due 48,740 00 Amount of losses unadjusted 72,896 63 Amount of dividends unpaid. 41,580 95 Amount required to safely rein sure all outstanding risks 16,472,462 00 Amount of all other existing claims against the company 61,973 87' Total liabilities $ 15,703,047 71 iv. INCOME OF THE COMPANY DDRINO THE YEAR 1892. Amount of net cash premiums re ceived $ 2,793,351 72 Amount of interest received from all sources 814,474 34 Amount received from ail other sources 1,786 99 Total Income $ 3,609,813 06 v. EXPENDITURES OF THE COMPANY DURING THE YEAR 1892. Amount paid for losses $ 983,194 70 Amount of dividends paid to policy holders 201,021 63 Amount to stockholders ..- 24,000 00 Amount of commissions and salar ies paid to agents 533,633 06 Amount paid to officers for salaries and other perquisites 70,276 75 Amount paid for taxes 19,490 06 Amount of all other payments and expenditures -... 737,498 41 Total expenditures $ 2,669,014 61 vi. MISCELLANEOUS. Greatest amount Insured on any one life 30,000 00 Amount deposited in other stateB or territories as security for pol- Icy holders therein, in the United 7 States 174,900 00 Whole amount of premiums receiv ed in or from tne state of South Dakota during the year 1892...... 3,577 88 Whole number of policies issued during the year—6,444. Amount of Insurance effected there by. 12,686,479 00 Total amount of risks outstanding 66.035,602 00 STATE OF NEW YORK, County of New York,'}"8* Cornelus Doremusi vice-president, and H. Cllllp, secretary of the Germanla Life Insurance com pany being duly sworn depose and say that the foregoing Is a full, true and correct statement of the affairs of sakl company that the said insur ance company Is the bona-flde owner of at least one hundred thousand dollars of actual cash cap ital, Invested In state and United States stocks and bonds, or In bonds and mortgages of-real es tate unincumbered, and worth double the amount for which the same is mortgaged, and they are the above described officers 01 said insurance com- pan? Now, therefore, I, ,T. Hippie, auditor ot the state of South Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named company Is fully empowered through its authorized agents, to transact Its appropriate business of fire Insurance In this state, according to the laws thereof, until the 3lst day of Decem ber, A. D„ 1893. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Pierre this 6th day of April, A. D„ 1893. Der, A. I., I SEAL. S 5 (i J. E. HIPPLE, Auditor. ANNUAL STATEMENT tcate For the Year Ending.December*31, A. D.,1892 Of the condition and affairs of the Germanla Life Insurance company of New York, organized under the laws of the state of New York, made to the'audltor of the state of South Dakota, lb pursu ance ot the laws of said state. Organized or Incorporated 1860, commenced business October 1860. CAPITAL. .-'.'v.v'.i'V' Amount of capital Btock actually paldlucasli„. 200,00000 C. DORBMDS, H. CILLIS, Vice-president. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of February, 1893. G. MEIDT, TSEAL.] Notary Public. THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, Office of state Auditor, Department of Insurance, v. Company's certificate of authority 1 WHEREAS, the Germanla Life InsuranceCo, a corporation organized under the laws of New York has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibit ing its condition and business for the year ending December 31, 1892, conformable to the. require ments of the laws of this state regulating the business of insurance and WHETEAS, the Said company has filed In this of ee a duly certified copy of its charter, with corti of organization, in compliance with the re quirements of the insurance law aforesaid Now, THEREFORE, J. E. Hippie, auditor of the state of South Dakota, pursuant to the pro visions of said laws, do hereby certify that the above named company is fully empowered, through its authorized agents, to transact Its ap propriate business of life insurance- in this state, according to the laws thereof, until the 31st day ot December, A. 1893. (,• 1 I" TESTIMONY WHEREOF. 'I have •J SEAL. hereunto set my hand and seal at Pierre, tills 1st day of April. A.D. 189s. J. E. HIPPLK, Auditor.