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ft -I Hi" Nr 4 KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement find tends to jtcri-orml enjoyment when rightly HHxl. '1 h- many, who live bet ter than y:)icrs.'in'l enjoy lilt- more, with less wpomli'.u re, In- mote promptlv tIt" world's hen product- tr tin: uct'Ji of physical tx itig, will attest the value health of the pure liquid •laxative principles embraced in the medv, ,Syrup of Kips. It- e.TC'-flenre is due to its printing in the form most acceptable and plea.^ ml to the ta,te, the refreshing and truly lcnefiei:d properties of a jx-rfret lax ative effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers «rid permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions ,'irn) met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and IJowels without weak ening them anil if is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for .sale by all drug gists in 50c and SI bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Pig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER7! HAIR BALSAM ar,rt tvx'ti-n'4 h/iir. i'ioin» I.-8 lux man? grjw!i. N-*ver Fails to n?Rto'rc Cray Hair to K« Youthful Co J'/r. Cur va. f. fmir tu.. n^. .Vv.&ftrl 41 Hi Writer jjrup.rial? Th« Consumptive and Pecfcle and *11 *hr rutTerfwm exha?i»ut.»r /ui«1 u*r Parker'n Ginpcr Tonic. Itrufv»th« v«t.v ''*•«»»«*t. *v?«tion. Keni*if w^akr.^o. u.i.. «*c. l». '^INDERCORff) nr- tr t„rC-,r,:u ttiops all pulu. I KEEP COOL inside, outside, and all the way through, by dunking --w HIRES'™ TIiIh irwit 'I nin'"-:in"e drink ia u.A tic.uiu.ii,, .s jt. i.s piuuHuut. Try it. W/HJTEH SALESMEN To represent If /in uUi US in lh»r sale ol our Well known hard} and ehuice Nursery stork for the North and V.Vst. Local or ThivmHuk Work evury «fJiy in the year. hpeelrd Indueements yto beginn(th. stork ood pay ifiwiwkly. apply fpih-k. iiJu« aw* and obtain fjood terrlton. hT. usi:uv :. SI. piml. .Mitiii. MRS. MYRA ». LEE, TEACHER. OP Vocal and Instrumental Music, (/or. hiuihoru JtJul lSotvl!e. rtts. South SIIo. ol HohIoii and t:iilc ujo r'ihM'ciiHis win be glvwi. V. ST. I», M. & O. riRIS CAIM). THA1NH AllltlVK. MltclnWl 1(1:1,1 [i. tft.daiir 45 p. iu. .Sioux J*iijls r, ir) p. 1)1. daily Chicago »:l!ni. in. dally iiKi-Aii'r, Mitchell Ki-.fXi ilatly hiiliMn... 1^:10 |I. III.dally hlimx hiillH -i-.v, p. in. dully ClitaiKu n.iHi i. in. dally Dally Ma-pi Sunday EOGb r(JK HATCHING I JtOM White, Brown and Buff LEGHORNS. Our I'uliKs hitvc not iiitsstMI a day Hlmr \as\ )riol»i«r to usukooiI MU||ily of ouks. Ullf ItiUl J'artridm- Corhln ln-u. Ml and i'lyiiMiiii ft Itio-Us, TlyloMilih. niaklii&s th thrco bn'iMlh for tth'trkd fionirryor iftothT $1 per KHllllu. Tllos. tt.\ STHY, K. K. Ml. Vffttttu,South Imkotu. AttOllH'J COLLINS MUOS., REAL ESTATE AND MOTRGAGE BROKERS Karin landu and i*Uy projisrly iKmuht. sold and ex cliatiK'd. Farm niortKa«os n*4K»iUatJ'd Insurance wnui-n. nk'« In /). K. and M. IdocJt .Milf lM-l), S. J. S.J. MOOItK. J. (t. Alc\UtTNKY. I). 1. S MOORE & McGARTNEY, DENTISTS OKriCK ovtili FtHST NAT/ON W. JUNK. Ali kinds ol CROWNS, BKIDUtS WITH P0RCKA1N FACFL) TEETH AND METALLIC PLATES. fo'~ fc» W A S O S Livery and Boarding Stables, I"-, FARMERS'SHEDS, g:«" Corner Seoond and Lawlur St,a. .Our 1 ivory outlifs iin-. Iinm ui-w unil lir.-L cliuiS in evury iiarticuhii'. Horses Clipped at Reasonable Rates. Mitchell, South Dakota. jffcv iSKJyk 1 CHANCE FOR A RACE. I.lllotl Will Mi-«-t Kr| «ril, Kilt On iJIfTer ent TeruiM. There has been rnor« or Jess cmtro \errij hiii'-e the tournament over the abilities :ia UulderclimTiersof Karl Roo- crh and (. lark Elliott, which was started bj a minrepre^entation of the Aderdeen Newb. and to liave a thorouuh under Miandinu'of the matter Tilt: Hkpubli publishes wliat Iiils rieen said by the- [»ai tie- concerned. Tlit* iiiitfO^«*. Alcrdeen New.-. In the champion ship la/Jderman» contest Hogers of Mitchell took lirist prize, tune-jJ we ondrt. (JKlhott and Kvano of Madison di vided second and third money. Elliott did not attempt to get first by reason of the fact that last year he won it three times in succession and huldsthe world's eeorij for ladder clnrming, tune sec onds. and the championship of South Dakota. Kuitok Xkh's: We wish to make a correction in above record, Elliott's time as winner of championship badge one year ago was Hi seconds. Rogers's time this year was seconds. We claim Kogers the champion ladder climber of this state. Elliott entered into the race this year to beat and held honor as one of the champion lad der climbers of South Dakota. He was defeated in from to 8 feet in every heat. Rogers holds lirst place and we claim Elliott an ex-champion of this state Now Elliott must climb or shut up. We will back Rogers against El liott for money from $00 to $200 to run either race known in S. I). F. A. as Eadderrnan's Con test''or "Novelty Lad derman's Contest,'' race to take place some time during the Corn Belt Expo sition in this city. Starter and judges to be selected by runners and to l« run under Sheflield rules. This challenge is understood as not connected with the S. I J. I-'. A. Challenge open until July 1st. E. A. C!£AFT ULWNI.S'I Tf:.\M. Mitchell, S. U. Illliotl's Krply. I-UjITOK Nk\VS: In answer to the challenge of E. A. Craft's running team of .Mitchell, which appeared in your columns yesterday, desire to say a word to remind Mr. Craft's running icam that they overlooked some parts of the Mitchell contest that are inter esting. They say jtogers won every heat from to ti feet. They evidently forget that in the second heat started three feet behind the mark and ran a dead heat in seconds, then gave him the heat without running off the tie. The last heat they bank on altogether: it was won by about three feet. Now as to the championship badge. My badge represents the championship of South Dakota and has the world's record of 0 seconds on it. It was won by me in Sioux Kails two years ago. Mr. Rogers's badge represents the champion ladder/nan only, and was won in (i, fiH and ft seconds, respectively. I'lease average time with my former time of fi, ii.}, and "ij seconds, respec tively. They say they ,vill match Rogers against me in either novelty of nO foot run. and slate time and place also. As a rule the challenged party has some thing to say about such tilings, but it scoins I am not in it with these porkers. Now. Mr. K. A. '.'raft's running team, if you will picase show the color of your money with your challenge, as custo mary in such cases to prove it is no blulT, I will run Mr. Rogers at both novelty and fid foot run and climb, (the ladder to lie best two in three) ladders to stand side In- side in both races, and Mr. Rogers can name the amount to SsTilJO, one half of purse to be on each race. JJeing the challenged party 1 have the right to name the place, and will now name Aberdeen at any time during the Orain Palace or Stale Kair. 1 will also give a badge to the winner to represent the world's champion, and will make the race open to the world: 1 liar no man. I propose this herd ecu Daily Ne ws or I'Mrst National bank of Aberdeen as stakeholders. M'. R. E/.UOTT, Champion ladder "climber of the world. THE KINSMAN FAILURE. M.ine N.-i-.miih II. COLLINS. Notary 1'nhllc. AlK'KrtlimiK AkiiIiikI Hell Known IVoplc. A i-gas-Leader, 2.!: Deputy United states Marshal Krank Key returned yesterday afternoon from Chamberlain where he served napers an import ant ease which has been brought in the Lnited Stales court this city The plaiutlll HI the aetion is the Mann I'Yaser company of Minneapolis and the defendants are Thomas Kinsman of White Eake. D. II. Henry of Chamber lain. E.idwig l.oevmgcr of White Eake and the Hank of Chamberlain The complaint charges that. Thomas Kinsman of While J,alio became insol vent on May 2'ith and turned over all his property, including grain elevators, gram, lumber, merchandise, real estate and book accounts to Henry, Eoevingcr and the Hank of Chamberlain, namim' V\(Hl(l as the eousiderat ion. 11 also sets forth that no money was ever paid to kinsman by the Chamberlain parties Imt that it. was a scheme on the part of all four parties to defraud other cred itors and establish a priority cluim The r.niount claimed by the Mrnn I'Yasor company to be due them is secured by a note of $1,0(10 drawn in their favor, and a note for 4' -SI, 39, which tbey purchased from the Mohr-Holstein Commission corn pan of Wisconsin. The plaintiff make^j the assertion that D. H. Henry, Ludwig Loeyinger and the Bank of Chamberlain, whoarebold ing the property of Thomas Kinsman, as trustees and not as real owners, are all insolvent. The plaintiff also claims if they are allowed to hold this proper ty in trust, the plaintiff is liable to lose all chance of recovering the claim, by the failure of the trustees. A request is therefore made by the plaintiff company, that a receiver be appointed to take charge of all the property of Henry. Loevinger and the Bank of Chamberlain together with the property of Kinsman which they have in trust: also that the court void the as signment of Kinsman's property to the Chamberlain parlies. The plaintiff de mands that a judgment issue against Thomas Kinsman for $2,G39. The case will be tried at the Septem ber term of the United States coui A Itrexth From Itoston Boston, June 1ft. To the Editor: Though 1 am so journing in the land of cheap newspap ers, where for a penny one gets each day enough reading matter to last until the next day. your daily sheet is very welcome for it tells of home and home interests. I was sorry indeed to read of the calamity that has again fallen upon the business circles of Mitchell in the death of Hon. A. M. Bowdle. I am also pleased with the success that the fire laddies have had in carry ing out their plans for the tournament and in securing for themselves so many of the prizes. On my way east I stopped at the World's Eair a few days. The impres sion that remains with me now that the h&ad and feet have got rested, is its im mensity. immense, not, in the slang meaning of the word, but its literal meaning: immense buildings, immense displays and all. But after all this im mensity there is nothing new: nothin but what most of us have seen hundred of times. As for its beauty, one must have a strong imagination to see any in the dull, dirty color of the buildings and the coarseness of the ornamentation under the open light of day, but when viewed by the beautiful electric display, then indeed it becomes the "dream city" of which we read. 1 have many questions asked me of the resources of my adopted stale, and you can be assured that 1 tell it all, with perhaps a few embellishments. I have always been very proud and happv to claim connection with intelli gent Boston, and when I was asked the other day if we in Dakota had bicycles and camels. I wa-i struck dumb with admiration for the intellect that could ask such a profound question as the latter, and could only stammer out •'what would we do with the latter?" and have scarcely recovered my breath yet. I am enjoying my visit to the^utmost, fresh and salt water exercises, theatres, flower shows, lawn parlies in the woods, etc., but shall soon be at home again to resume all my duties and interests, and my visit will lie but a pleasant memory. 'Emma T. Robinson. MIK-Iii-II Will 11 live a Itund. Kor the past two years Mitchell has been without a. band and more than once have her citizens had cause to re gret the absence of such an organiza tion. Two fr three days since a quiet but energetic movement was started to arouse the latent enthusiasm of the musicians. How successful the effort was was most manifest by the presence of eighteen at the mooting held Thursday evening, at which time an organization was effected. The band will be known as the "Corn Belt Exposition Band." with officers as follows: Manager, Krank A. Baughman leader, Frank Mashek: secretary, Geo. .15. KIIse:tieas urer, C. W. Downey: drill master, •lames A. Brown: committee on music, C. G. Rath bun Nat Bennett and Homer Sampson. The instrumentation of the band is as follows: Krank Mashek, Eb clarionet: Homer Sampson, solo Ab corneL: ffm. Broad oent. El cornet: C. G. Rathbun. Bbcor net: .1. A. Brown, Bb cornel: Krank Mashek. jr.. 2d Hb clarionet: Wm. Ben nett, solo alto: .1. H. Johnson. 1st alto: Krank Conant, 2d alto G.eo. Klise. Krencli horn: Ted Williams, 1st trom bone: John Broadbenl, trombone: (!. C. Moulin, trombone .Nat Bennett, bari tone: C. W. Downey, tuba: C. C. Ilal phidc, bass drum, and lid Meyers,snare drum. Quite a number of business men have ollered to contribute toward buy ing several new instruments on the un derstanding that the instruments pur chased will lie the property of the city and loaned to the baud as long as they remain in organization and to be re turned to the council when the band breaks up. Such an agreement the boys will live up to without any doubt. The hand hopes to be able to giye ail open air concert soon which will be a feature during the summer/ I1m« Idiilii's' Itdiinliuu: fet'lioof. Work on the ladies' Catholic fceni: nary is being pushed with all possible speed lo have it nearly ready for-occu pancy by (,lie opening of t|ie fall term. The lirst story is about up and (jnclosed and the second will be finished by the middle of tins week. THE BICYCLE RACES. The Outlook Promisine tor an Interesting Tim*. The lcM/al wheelman who have the Fourth of July races in charge report that a number of speedy wheelmen around the state have already signified their intention to be present at that time and t.est their speed with the local flyers. Our speediest locai riders are out each evening now, preparing for the races and from the quick way they are getting in shape fast time will be made in all the races. Geo. Bomgardner. who made the famous five mile road ride a year or so ago—the fastest five mile road ride ever made in this section will be one of the competitors. Lera Buidj, who is practicing daily and who is going "great guns'- for the longer distances, will make his maiden attempt at racing on the Fourth. W. J. Healey. who has made no preparation for the races in which he has entered during the past few years, is practicing for these events and is riding in something like hisold form, having beaten the state record for a mile the other evening. Lee Ivreidler, who has ridden consider able this spring preparing for the races held during the firemen's tournament, is quite a speedy rider. Ed. Champeny. L. K. Long, Will Hailowell and J. D. Kress will also compete. The boys are all out for recreation and health and expect to have a lot of fun with t'iee races as well as furnish lots of eneiting amusement for the onlookers World's Fair Hull.-(in No. i- To AOKN'TS: Nearly all of our sleeping cars are now in service on our regular lilies to Chicago and are being filled to their utmost capacity with World's Kair ex cursion travel. In another two weeks sleeping ear berths will iiave lo be spoken, for days in advance of their being used. There are no more sleeping cars lo be had. The rush of people to the World's Kali has commenced. Day coaches will soon be all that can be furnished to care for the crowds yet to move. Urge upon your friends the necessity for starting now, while there are yet comfortable accommodations to be se cured on the trains and in the hotels and boarding houses in Chicago. Aug ust and September may be too late for those who can come before then. The Kair will be open every day in the week, including Sunday, until ]l,) p. m. The "special feature" days are ev ery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Geo. Ii. Hkaffokd, Gen. Pass. Agent, C„ M. & St. P. R. R. 0|»-ii1i)k- I lie World's Fair on Sunday. Rev. Geo. Williams preached a forci ble discourse in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning against the opening of the Worlfl's Fair on Sunday, His cental thought was that all lasting prosperity had its foundation in obedi ence to God's commands and he quoted from the history of the nations of old to show that whenever they departed from right paths disaster and ultimate de struction overtook them. He urged strongly that all Christian people forego a visit to the Fair if Sabbath desecra tion were persisted in. and said that much as he might desire to gaze on the wonders there exhibited he would rath er his limbs became paralyzed than that he should sanction such open viola tion of God's commands by his presence. Huron flu* a ZftA? Hurun was visited by a $15,000 fire Saturday morning, burning up two res taurants, a grocery store and an agri cultural implement house. The fire originated from a gasoline stove which exploded in one of the restaurants. The War is Over. A Well-known Sof dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Indianaoontnbiilud her Ihousandsof Vrave soldiers to the war, and no stale hears a t»•!, tor record in that respcct. than 11 tines. In it at re it is a pi unviable niace. In war and iNi-'aioie Holomon Vow oil, well known as a wn.-r as "ftjol," Jias won an honorable position. .r Intf the late war tic was a menilier ol o. A), 2d. N. Y. Cavalry and of the Ml fndiana »:i "antry Volunteers. Ke«ar(iint,r an impon.i/if (remnslanee he writes us follows: "Several of us old veterans here :ue w.n« Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine?, Heart re and Nerve and Liver Pills, all of them id at is a on In a ha used remedies that compare with them. *l the Pills we must say they are the best n. binationof the ijuaiities required 111 a pi*j) arutloj] of their nature we have ever Lho\ n. We have none but words of praise for tlum. They are the outgrowth of anew priiinpV Iii medicine, aud tone up the system wonder fully. Wo sSy to all, try thesw remeoas. —Solomon YeweJJ, Marion, Ind.. Dec. r, ls-.)2 These remedies aro sold by all ui ujr^is.rt mi a positive guarantee, or sent direct h.y tot Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ind.. on re ceipt of price, SI per bottle, six bottles w", ex* press prepaid. They positively contain ncithet opiates lor dangerous drugs. Occupy a Store 24x14*^ ii-., bo found Everything 120 Main Street, Mitchell, S. D. You SHOULD KNOW .A FACT. THAT TAH^SA^K & Co. ©F CHICAGO MAKE THE CHEROKEE MARBLE WORKS Manufacture all kinds and styles of monuments, tab copings, etc., from the best quality of American. and foreign marble and granite. In fact all kinds of cemetery decorations, including fences, grave guards, etc., furnished 011 short notice/ Main office and works at Cherokee, Iowa. Branch office at Mitchell, S. D. Address all correspondence to .T. O. HOLDEN, Mgr., Box 393, Mitchell, S. D. LAND ATTORNEY and. INSURANCE Real Estate Loans made on Choice Farm or City Property for terms of from 1 to 5 years. Largest List of Farm Lands for sale in the state. Boom 2, Champeny Block Notice to Breeders. Now is your chance to breed to the young trotting breii. stall ion, CAL KOTCH, :21,488 RECORD, 2:30. iiy California -11.'!-, the sire of Cal Kotch, 4 years old, Lodina, .1 years old. 2:_7i: Winona. 2 years old, 2:-lUJ: Monecha,'2 years old, 2:4-1: Calla Lila, 2 years old. 2: Hi, and many more young ones. California 41112 is by the great sire, Sultan lfil.i the sire of IIU trotters from 2:07A to 2:.'i0. The horse with the 2:07.} record is Stamboul, the greatest living stallion ol the day. The dam ol Cahfor fornia is Minnehaha, one of the great est dams of the age. She is the dam of Beautiful Hells, the greatest brood mare living at. the present, time. She is the dam of seven with records from 2:I!U to 2:,'W: the dam of Bel) Bird, year ling record of 2:2iJ: Hell Kknver, 2 vear.s old, 2:24i|, and Bell Hoy, .'I years, 2.1!tj. All trot young and fast. The dam of Cal Kotch is Mary. She is by Bloomliold 4011"): lie by the great, stallion, Swigert lifil). the sire of .'14 trotters and 2 pacers with records from 2:18i to 2:.S(I: also the sire of the dams of many fast trollors-—Vic. H, 2:i:U Carl, 2:2.'H: Hon Angus, 2:2.!, arid any: more. Bloom field 4515. Dam is Lillie Rat tler, by Signal .'M27. He is the sire of ?. V- ASOAp "WHICH HAS HO £CWAL. STANDARD QUALITY^V(IGHT Grocer (t. fflSiSft L. O. GALE, DBMST, JEWELER. BOOKSELLER Headquarters jor ALL PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, ETC, 'S* THKUtri.MI AWAV TIMK certainly, thals what we are doing, and if you watch us, you'll discover an op portunity worth embracing. There are watches and watches—night watches and day watches. Our watches are both, and go well all the time. They don gain time, however, although they iiu fust: that's because so many buyers arc making pure buses. Make yours today. Without a time piece many pieces of time are lost Lose no time in getting a correct time piece* you'll gain time if you do. You'll not only gain time but you'll be secure against loss of it and that's money. and in Many DepartinentH will usually kept in a First-class DRUG, JEWELRY, BOOK AND MUSIC STORE Best l*i ices and atost Complete Stock iu City. Mitchell, S. D. Mew Goods Latest Styles! Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Filled Watches, So/id Gold Jewelry, Chains, Necklaces Etc., Fine Clocks and Silverware Just Keceived by- A. H. PEHRSON, Remember tliat I make a specialty of Watch and Clock Itcpairiug and guarautne to give satisfaction or refund your money. Eighteeu years experience at the bench, five ol which was spent in one of the largest shops in Chicago. Give me a Trial. six or more trotters from 2:llJ to 2:20 iind breed on. The dam of -Mary, the dam of Cal Kotch, is the High mare. Is a fast road mare of individual marit. Could pull a top carriage, with two persons in, a full mile in three minutes, but we are a to a re in a present. .Now by looking this breeding over, you will see that Cal Kotch is from a trotting family all through, and is a trotter himself. He has the size and style to go with it. He is a rich hay, 1 hands high: weight,. 1,180 lbs. Will make the season of *03 at Tom Tillson's liverv anil feed barn, at Mitch ell, boutli Dakota, from April until .1 uiv 15. -!i:i. Service fees are *25.00 to insure mare ith foal, $] .00 by the season, $10.00 of said* 15.0(1 lo be paid at time ol service. Please call and look this young trot-, ter over before you book your mares, for I .think he will suit you. My brother, will have, charge of Cal Kotch, so make your arrangements (or breeding with him at Tom Tillson's ottice. Cal Kotch will make the stand at Mitchell Fridays, Saturdays and Mon days and at Alexandria Tuesdays, Wed nesdayb aud Thursdays of each week. N. C. KOTCHELL.