Newspaper Page Text
REGULAR SESSION Of The Board of County Commls ioners. Monday, October 1st, 1894. Board called to order at 10:.'$0 A. M. Members present, A W Davis, L. W Lewis, W Collins, .M Lnwrence and W Dougherty. Bills allowed: Wm Johnson wolf boun ty.... $18 00 A Kings, witness Circuit Court 1 Mitchell Printing Compa ny, publishing etc 11 10 Halfhill, six days work on well at conrt house GO 00 Schlimgen, wood for court house 7 40 Brown & Saenger, sta tionery na Wm Duncan, drayage 50 Bras, stationery 2 George Barnard, sta tionery .*{ 10 O Gale, stationery 9" Green, labor on road 4 50 Hovt, labor on road 37 W Adams, repairing at poor farm 70 E Schlimgen. merchan dise for poor farm OS Momsen, merchandise county poor .'5 00 ES Johnston, salary as county judge for Sep tember ye 67 A refunding order was issued to A Crawford on a valuation of $75.00 and $1.00 dog tax, year 1893, as sessment city of Mitchell. School poll tax $1.00, Ludwig Ruthardt of Baker township, for 1893. was abated, he being under age. A refunding order on a valuation of $97.00 was issued to correct error in assessment of the North West Quarter of Section 7-104-62 for the year 1893. Adjourned to 1 P. M. Afternoon session called to order at 1:30. All members present. The petition of residents of Rome township for annexation to Ethan Bchool district was referred to the co Superintendent of Schools, the com missioners not having jurisdiction. W Dougherty, county commissioner and mile age 4 60 H. Mohr, salary States Attorney 66 66 Tatman, salary, county Physician 25 00 Mt. Vernon News pub lishing, ctc 16 35 Prescott, feees jus tice of the peace 5 70 D. A Seott, by attorney, applied for an abatement of 1893 tax upon his land in section 15—103—60 (be ing 60 acres unplatted) claiming ex cessive valuation. Application re jected. Report of R. D. Prescott, city jns tice of the peace, read and placed on file. Cox, pasturing four horses for poor farm,.. 8 00 Jas. Lyons, merchandize poor farm 4 55 Jas. Lyons,merchandise.. 75 Frank Knox, witness be fore grand jury 8 00 E. Snow, salary supt. poor farm 50 00 The clerk of the court having made requistion for 44 jurors to replenish the jury list required to be kept by office. The board apportion the number as follows: Perry township 2 Badger township 2 Blendon township Mt. Vernon township 4. Beulah township 1 Mitchell township 2 Prosper township 2 Lisbon township 2 Union township 2 Baker township :$ Tobin township 2 Rome township 4 City of Mitchell 15 Total 44 Mitchell township being unorgan ized the board drew the following named persons: A Brackett Helwig. A refunding order was issued on a valuation of $78 to correct excessive valuation on NW. 35-103-61, year 1893. Fullerton Lumber Co., lumber for bridge 45 64 J|E Wells register of deeds 227 20 E Wells expense ac count 11 40 W Abbey fees Justice of the Peace 26 35 Bjodstrup repairing bridge 11 00 A contract was awarded to Messrs Hubbard & Palmer to furnish the county 40 tons (mors or less) Iowa nut coal at $3 85 per ton. S Dwight, sheriff jaileretc 196 65 Johnson clerk, of court fees 26 95 Voted to fix the salary of states attorney at $400 per year. The following was adopted: Whereas, acting under authority of an act of the legislature approved February 21, 1883, the board of 'county commissioners of Davison county, by resolution authorized the issuance of bonds to the amount of thirty five thousand dollars, said bonds being made payable in twenty years, (optioned at ten years) and Whereas, of said issue seven thous and dollars have been called in and redeemed, and Whereas we believe the balance of said indebtedness can be placed at a lower rate of interest. Therefore Resolved, that refunding bonds to the amount of twenty eight thous and dollars be issued for the purpose of redeeming the balance of said issue said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six (0) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the county tre.'isurer of Davison county, S. 1)., and to bear date of November 1st, 1S94. Chas T. Green, road work 19 37 Lawrence, county com missioner and mileage.. 4 00 A W Davis, county com missioner and mileage.. 4 20 W Lewis county com missioner 6 00 Robinson, salary 100 00 Robinson, for assist ance in office 20 00 Adjourned to 9:00 a. in. Mondav, October 8th. ADJOURNED SESSION. Monday, Oct. 8, 1894. ("ailed to order at 11:00 a. m. Present, A W Davis, W Dewis, W Dougherty. W Collins. Law rence. The following judges of election to be held November 6th, 1891 were ap pointed: Perry Township Precinct: \Vm Herbert, superintendent. Wm Thompson, Sr. John Dondelinger. Badger Township Precinct: Calvin Sanders, superintendent. Byrne. Davis. Blendon Township Precinct: Olson, superintendent Clapham. A. Schlund. Mt. Vernon Township Precinct: Dougherty, superintendent. Bert Thompson. Reynolds. Beulah Township Precinct: Nick Schneider, superintendent. W Mason. S DeWitt. Mitchell Twp. est Side Precinct: Helwig, superintendent. Hall. Millard. Mitchell Twp. East Side Precinct: A1 Hammer, superintendent. A Brackett. Wm Creed. Prosper Township Precinct: Alf Carlson, superintendent. John Parker. French. Lisbon Township Precinct: Ciarence Welch, superintendent. Moses Farrow. E E Pelton. Union Township Precinct— W. F. Hoop, superintendent. W. W. Illingworth. Claus Grimm. Baker Township Precinct— G. Y. Stover, superintendent. C. H. Hedden. A. Gerken. Tobin Township Precinct— B. E. Barnard, superintendent. Jos. Schoeufelder. Wm. Plotner. Rome Township Precinct— Chas. Donk, superintendent. Dan Donoran r. W. B. Toby. City of Mitchell, First Ward Precinct— J. H. Simpson, superintendent. John Hattcnburg. J. J. AlcDougall. City of Mitchell, Second Ward Pre cinct— W. H. Bloss, superintendent. Jacob Koch. Jas. MoKinley. City of Mitchell,Third Ward Precinct— 'I/bos. Grace, superintendent. R. P. Hall. f. R. Stowell. City of Mitchell, Fourth Ward Pre cinct— L. W. Lewis, superintendent. Chas. Burnside. H. Swartz. J. Knapp applied for abatement of tax assessed on personal property in the city of Mitchell 1893 assessment, claim ing excessive valuation, not allowed. Frank Wright witness liquor pro secution $1 10 Guy W. Corbin witness liquor pro secution 1 10 Adj. to 1 p. m. Afternoon session called to order at 1 p. m. members of the board all pre sent. The register oi deeds was instructed to have a new floor laid in his office. The auditor was instructed to issue a warrant in favor of H. E. Snow for $24.41 being half interest in stock sold from county farm. On motion voted to rescind the re solution of April 2nd 18lJ4 whereby the salary of states attorney was placed at $600 per annum, also tne resolution of September 3rd whereby the salary of same office was placed at $300 per an num. On motion voted to issue an abate ment order in favor of B. Davis on a valuation of $1050 being assessment of lot 18 block 13 original plat of Mitchell, the building on said lot having been destroyed by lire since assessment year 1894. The report of superintendent of hos pital for insane for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1894 was read. The following in mates area charge to Davison county: Elizabeth Stolp $48 00 Michael Curran 48 00 Woolfjay Schutsman 48 00 Total $144 00 A refunding order for $1 was issued in favor of Mrs. E. A. Comfort to cor rect error of assessor Blendon township 1893. Refunding order on a valuation of $100 issued in favor of Mrs. A. C. Bras to correct error of assessor of city of Mitchell 1893 lot 5 block 3 Hammers addition. Andrew Gannon witness insanity case $ 1 10 Bjodstrop labor on bridge... 101 25 Wm Creed labor on road 2 09 Geo Barnard blank book 1(5 00 Widmann ice 10 00 Bennett jjlums poor farm.. 1 00 Kershaw meat poor farm 5 00 Champenv Bros mdse poor farm 2 75 (j 00 Kershaw meat county poor... JO 00 Robinson com. on loans 47 73 Miss S E Hall stenographer cir cuit court 10 00 .John Michaels mdse county poor 3 00 John Michaels mdse county 1 10 Stewart meat poor farm 4 25 Jennie West county supt (G 67 Gazette Pub Co publishing etc.. 16 05 W Murner wolf bounty 2 00 J. A. Gheen applied for abatement of personal tax city of Mitchell 1883 as-j sessment claim excessive valuation. Referred to late city assessor T. W. D. Orswell. On motion voted to Instruct the county treasurer to receive taxes as-1 sessed to S. N. Norton without interest. W Lewis county com $ 3 00 W Collins 9 00 A W Davis county com and mil. 4 20 Geo Dougherty 4 (30 Lawrence 4 00 Minutes of session and adjourned ses sion read and approved. Adj. sine die." R. T. ROBIXSOX, County Auditor. I, R. T. Robinson do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true and correct report of the proceedings of the board of county commissioners of Davison county South Dakota, at the regular session'held Oct. 1st, 1894 and of the adjourned session held Oct. 8th 1894. R. T. ROBINSON, County Auditor. i£iifeinesg Improves. BALTIMORE, Oct. 6.—The Manufac turers' Record of this week says: Spe cial reports from all parts of the Sonth show that the general improve ment in business continues. Bank clearings and railroad earnings continue to show a large increase over the earn ings of last year. South Dakota Presbyterians. PARKER, S. D., Oct. 6.—The annnal meeting of the South Dakota 6ynod be gan in the Presbyterian church Thurs day. In the afternoon a sermon was delivered by the retiring moderator. A. Z. McGogney of Huron was elected moderator. Anti-Option Convention. VICKSBURG, Miss., Oct. 6.—TheVicks burg cotton exchange and board of trade at a large joint meeting of their committees, called an interstate con vention in the interest of an anti-option bill, to meet in this city in November. MARTHA WASHINGTON COOK-BOOK 320 PACES. ILLUSTRATED. One of the best Cook Tiooks published. It con tains recipes for all kinds of cooking. Also depart ments on Medicine. Eti quette, and Toilet recipes. Indexed for hand refer ence. Write for list of our other Fine 1'romiuraa. Wo have many valuable Pictures, uls» a Knife, Game, etc., to give away. A beautiful Picture Card is in every package of LION* COFFEE. WQQLSON SPICE CO latal Railway Acclilenl. EAU CLAIBE, Wis., Oct Nelson of Altoona, an employe of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, died, as the result of an acci dent Wednesday when both of his leg* •were cut off by a switch engine, which he was trying to board while in motion. Suit For Infringement. TRENTON, X. J., Oct.J.-Suit has brought in the Luited States courts here against the Eastern Rubber Manufacturing company of this city tor the infringement of patents for P11™" matic tires. The suit is brought by Morean & Wright of Chicago. MWholesale Real Estate Loans made on Choice Farm or City Property for terms of from 1 to 5 years. Largest List of Farm Lands for taia in the state. Room 2. Chamoenv Block Your Merchandise Retail at Prices. Send your Uip And Address and We ill rlnlulj send you one of our Xew Cata logues Free. WOOLF CLOTHING CO. MERCHANT TAILORING! ~hJLv Stools: of FALL and WINTER GOODS Is now complete and I am ready to do business in Fine Tadlor-IMIeicie Olotlxes With People that have the cash, at prices you never heard of before. I have a larger stock than ever bought at the lowest prices possible. I care not what competition I may have I will not be undersold by any one that is a maker of fine clothes, CORRECTSTYLES AND GOOD KIT Always guaranteed. I still continue to make $5 pants. Step in. order a pair and be convinced. C. W. ADAMS, The Tailor. C. W. GILLIS' CASH STORE. LADIES' FINE SHOES, We carry the Curtis & Wheeler fine shoes every pair warranted to hold its shape until worn out. No spreading out, no flat look but will hold its shape af ter it has been worn 0 months. We have these gcods in the latest styles: Con gress, Square toes and Razor toes with five bnttons. Ladies we invite you in to inspect these goods even though you do not purchase. UNDERWEAR. We are not going to carry this line after this year so every garment must go. We sell all wool, finest quality for 75 cents: colors Scarlet or Natural Grew Then our one-half wool sells for 60 cents. Children's from 10 to 50 cents. lie member this line must go and we are making prices to move the "-oods. OUR TERMS. Positively no goods sold only for cash: we have established the "'Spot Cash" business and cannot possibly give favors to any body. It makes no difference if you are worth $25 or $25,000, we use you all alike. You will confer a great fa vor on us by getting our low prices then see for yourselves if Spot Cash cannot save you lots of money. NEW GOODS. Our store is full of new goods just in for fall trade no old rat-trap stuff that wc bought 8 and 10 years ago but goods that have arrived since Sept. 1st. ADVERTISING When we advertise that we are selling everything cheap we mean every word of it. We do not say we will meet other people's prices but we say we will sell you goods cheaper than any other firm in this city. COMPETITION. Many advertisers claim to be closing out at cost but we tell you and can prove it that every day parties come in and laugh to us about some of these bogus clos ing out sales. Say do you ever think for yourselves or are you letting people pull the wool over your eyes, wake up from this dead slumber and get our sledge hammer prices that knocks competition endways. You will then realize that new goods can be bought for less money than old rat-trap, rotten thread goods that have been shipped from Dakota to Iowa then to various towns in that state then returned to this city. These are facts but will be denied. There is "blood in our eye" and the fight is on either the Japs or the pig tails must quit this tomfoolry. We are tiere for business and bound for an increase. Just watch this apace for the smoke of our guns. SHOEMAN GILLIS Madison & Halsted sts. Chicago. Ills. ED. F. wmSOR. INSURANCE Office Over Kershaw's Meat Market MItolaen, South Dakota EVERY Home Seeker, Should read the pamphlet recently published bv the Passenger department of the Illinois Central Iiailroaa. entitled "Southern Home-Seeker's Guide for 189-4." It contains over ."0 excel lent letters from Northern farmers now located in the South, and other authen tic and valuable information. 1-or a free copy, address the undersigned at Manchester. Iowa. J. F. MKRRY. Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. ELY'S CATARRH CREAM BALM Is quickly absorbed. Cleanses the Nasal Passages Allays Pain and Inflammation. Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane from Additional Cold. MAILED FRE.E, In Exchange for 20 LARGE LION HEADS cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2-cent Stamp. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. it wnjToufiE. Huron & Oak Streets. I TOLEDO, OHIO. A. B. HAY-FEVER A particle is applied into eaob nostril ami Is agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists by mail, regl.-tered, 60 cents. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street, New Yoik. LAND ATTORNEY and. INSURANCE abore'termsthat of Company's office T1IK EUSEBCD No. 20. DO YOU WANT A HOME! 8 IHOMBSENTTOANY^'BEAUTIFUL 'ADDRESS-F0R-50 CENTS ^NDTHECERTIFICATEPRINTED BELOW, THK TWILIGHT Cottage, No. 15. Tli's 7-rooni frame cotta^a can be built for $2,500, the price var mg slightly according to locality. Our readers will be pleased to know that we have secured authority to offer the complete plans and specifications of the Twilight Cottage, No. 15, on tile alx)ve terms, 50 cents and the certificate clipped from this paper. A set of these pluns contains live sheets, each sheet 14x25 inches, blue-printed, such as are used by architects, engineers and builders. Sheet No. 1 consists of side elevation and perspective. Sheet No. 2 consists of side eievation and interior sectional views. Sheet Xo. li illustrates different Moor plans. Sheet No. 4 shows various details, sections of porch, door frame, window ranie, stairs, etc. Sheet No. 5 covers full specifications, itemized estimate of cost of all mater als used, cost of labor, with full particulars ard advice regarding division (f cost for various lines of materials, instructions and suggestions to builder, etc. Anyone interested in cheaper cottages can use the certificate to cover the Pansy Cottage No. 12, Rosebud Cottage No. 20 or Evergreen Cottage No 22 shown below, the plans which are fully as complete and elaborate." These are engraved on line paper, and will bo supplied by the Mitchell Printing Com pany on same conditions. Two plans will be sent prepaid for $1 and two^certili cates from this paper, three plans $1.50 and three certificates or all four plansfoi' $2 and four certificates. ij®'"This Certificate when accompanied with iH cents will entitle the holder to a full and com plete set of Plans with Specifications of either of the following cottages: "PANSY" Cottage No. 12 "ROSEBUD" No. 20 "EVERGREEN" No. 22 "TWILIGHT" No. 15 All plans are under the supervision of the Universal Plan Co.: they are drawn a scale an are mechanically correct and guaranteed ready to build from— e\erjtning can be furnished by a competent architect being provided for. wrapped ton arC^-teCt woa^ 'i1 0Ui^s a vol nn\,l t.i,„ llJE oom sHe-liti" Ck 101 in pasteboard tube and sent post-paid to any address OD require upwards of $25 for furnishing plans with all thede- readers of this paper are thus afforded an opportunity sel l'-\oryone is interested in building to some extent and with the sitate to wauuiug LU DU111C CAltTUL ttilU WltU I information given at a minimum cost you should not hesitate SeDd ^0rders m,i ''yen' asked way. Plans and specifications WOrth tw,,,lt' tlm*s 'ity. Tnls is iust the tiprwrmu nf ifc 'wvaiuy. 1HIS IS JU51 ine 'f?,? lur 1'ersoiiB of moderate means and none fur ri B, 7? sh0',1111, hesitate to send 50 cts ficatlons and elaborate plans and specl- i' VNSY COTTAGE, No. 12. c°tta&,e, *1,700' Printing direct 10 the THE ROSEBUD COTTAGE No. 20. Iih cotagte can be built for tf\e Mitchell Printi price varying slightly locality, A marvel o? corn- the l,rlce THE EVERGREEN COTTAGE, No. 22 Jhis 3- room cottage can be built for $750, the price varying"slightly "ac- looa ••••S3 THE EVERGREEN NO, besides attic room aud bath room, may be or iu slightly according to locality. for $1,400, the price varying