Newspaper Page Text
MINOR MENTION. A Week'* Resume Carefully Compiled for the Capital Reader*. Fresh hulk oysters at N. J. Xeilson's. Miss Morgia Moore has gone to Min neapolis for a visit of a few days. A. B. Hager has gone to Iowa, and may go further east, for a few days. H..C. Greene went to Letcher with liis surveyor's instruments to do some work. A considerable number of live pork ers rode into town from the country this forenoon. We had no.less than four kinds of weather Monday—sunshine, rain, wind and coid. Mark T. Halphidn, son of Dr. Hal phide, was elected county judge of Hutchinson county. John D. Wood has been seriously ill with malarial fever. We hope he will soon be out again. J. C. Purdy is building a house on the south side, 25x50 feet on the ground and a story and a half high. L. H. Richey and family, who moved away from Mitchell some time ago, have located at Hartley, Iowa. Mrs. E. P. Robinson returned Monday morning from the west, having been away looking after W. R. C. matters. H. C. Preston went to Salem to ap pear in defense of Zimri Parris, Bridgewater, who is charged with em bezzlement. J. B. Wolgemuth and family, who formerly lived on the South Side, hare moved into une of the J-sioan houses on Sixth street. Rheumatism is primarily caused by acidity of the blood. Hood's Sarsapv rilla purifies the blood, and thus cures the disease. The University Musical society met at the home of Geo. H. Ball Monday evening and enjoyed a very pleasing program. The contracts call for the completion of the south side school building by December 1st and the High School by January 1st. It is reported that I.. McCurdy has severed his connection with the Gazette and will leave town, though his family will remaiu here. .1. K. Smith has moved his real es late office to the front rooms over Scal lin's drug store, which is certainly "a favorable location. Henry Koch is making good progress with his Main street building and if his activities continue as they have begun a new front will soon show up. The artesian well men put their drill through a huge boulder and are now driving away through quick-sand at a depth of eighty or ninety feet. D. Webster, of the firm of McCaul, Webster & Co., Aberdeen, was in town today. He went to Parkston. thence to Chamberlain this evening. Mrs. Lukins, assistant inspector of the W. R. C., went to Ethan to inspect the corps at that point, and will visit the one at Yankton and other places be fore returning. W. H. Helwig and E. E. Wagner went to Hartley, Iowa, to take deposi tions in a case which comes up this week. They represent opposite sides in the matter. Wilson Grift'eth and wife returned on iuot Tuesday from Elm Creek, Nebras ka, where they made a short visit with Mrs. GrifTeth's parents. Alexandria Herald: Doc. Moore, of Mitchell, sends word that everything has gone Republican, except Texas, Hades and Davison county. While we have no intimation a* to the date, it would not be surprising to hear of the order opening the Yankton reservation being issued at almost any time. Chas. E. Roe, an old G. A. R. man, is lying ill with inflamatory rheuma tism, at his house on West Seventh street. No doubt he would be pleased to receive calls from his comrades. 11 is reported from various sourer" that improvised saloons to the number of four have surreptitiously appeared in various places known only to those who are solid with each other. The work on the new concrete side walk, on the east side of Main, progress es and it certainly would be a pleasure to see this commendable enterprise ex tended for several blocks on both sides of the street. Mrs. Augusta French, who came from Chicago last month to attend the fun eral of her father, David Hammer, hav ing visited some time with her mother and brothers and sisters, started back home Monday. Clemenger & Williams, the artesian well men, have for the last two weeks, been dropping tbeir drill on the side of a boulder at the bottom of the well, but patience has had her perfect work and they are now expecting to go down. Jack Foster, one of the most courage ous officers whoever got upon the trail of horse thieves, bad Indians and guer rilla half-breeds of the western plains, was in town Sunday. He was accom panied by I\ F. Wells, of Pine Ridge Agency, who carries a scar upon his nose which serves him as a reminder of the Wounded Knee battle in 1890. The fwo were en route to Sioux Falls. J. Sykes Wilson was in town from Mt. Vernon township. Davis & Daniels are finishing the ex terior of their'lumber office. H. Louis Pfaff and E. P. Winsorhave purchased the C. E. Perry $• section in Perry township. G. G. Cowhick is at work on the school houses, painting the interior work and the roofs. Fred Widmfinn's ice houses are near ing completion, Work on the roof is now in progress. The show windows of L. O. Gale are up with the times in the display of or namental designs. We observe a good deal of poultry on the move from various points to Sioux City markets. Miss Lou Reeves, of Letcher, spent Saturday and Sunday with her school teacher, Miss Lillian Teall. Mrs. James Smith, living on north Sanborn street, is reported very seri ously ill with consumption. We call attention to the new and al ways skillful advertisements of the W. J. Healey Hardware Company. The new tower begins to loom up on the High School building, which lends finish and symmetry to the structure. S. Wilde is unfortunate in having sickness in his family, making it nec essary to close his shop for the present. Aberdeen News: Champeny Bros., with headquarters at Mitchell, removed their stock of cloaks to Webster last night. Ladies and gentlemen of the Episco pal church presented their pastor, Rev. J. H. Babcock, with an elegant fur over-coat. John Cook, sheriff-elect, is preparing to move to town and it is reported he will occupy J. H. Green's place, in the north part of town. The grand jury is still grinding away and judging by what may be heard we judge it has before it a considerable amount of business. Thanksgiving services have been par tially arranged for. Rev. N, S. Bradley having been designated to preach the Thanksgiving sermon. A persistent pain in the back indi cates trouble in the kidneys. To stay the progress of disease, use Dr. J. H. McLean's Kidney and Liver Balm. The Geo. E. Logan Furniture Com pany has just gotten in a car-load of new goods, which almost completely fills the available space in the store. Geo. A. Johnston and Louis Levin ger have brought in a stock of clothing from Iowa and are opening up in the Adams building on lower Main street. Strayed—To my place, one and one half miles north-west of Mitchell, a red heifer. Owner may have same by pay ing charges. HIRAM WKST. Local foot-ball practitioners have laid out grounds east of town, where they meet every afternoon at about 4 o'clock for a little indulgence in the heroic sport. The A. O. U. W.'s will give their an nual entertainment December Uth. Committees were appointed last night and they are making preparations For a big time. The Baptist Ladies Aid Society will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Shepherd on east Second street. All members are requested to remember the date and place. For the present the switch engine has been taken from the Millwaukee yards and the freight men will have to do their own switching. This is one of the legacies of a poor crop. Miss Kitte Whalen was married last Wednesday, in Sioux City, and she is now Mrs. Coats. The newly married couple visited last night with the fam ily of James Gormley in this place. They went to Sioux City this afternoon. Will Scallin is the designer of a min eature base ball nine in operation in one of%callin's windows. The "Brow nie" figures of wax are all in position and their stage presence attracts the «,! trillion of t.hc populace. Hou. A. Boy ton hau purchased of Mr. Walter, the Everett property on west Third street. He contemplates occupying it within a short time. J. H. Walter, the former owner, expects to move to Philadelphia soon. The Sioux Palls dispatches which appeared in numerous papers, stating that Phillip Wells had been murdered by Indians while on his way across the reservation, were mere conjecture. The writer saw Mr. Wells here Monday. Prank Styles, well known to old tim ers, as a former hotel keeper at Mitch ell and Chamberlain, now a resident of the staked plains of Presho county, was bound east with a lariat and picket rope in his valise. Like the water that ever drops from the mountain sides, the work for the education of the Indians goes contin ually on. Group* of young Indians go east regularly, looking dirty and dis heveled, but always come back washed and combed. H. T. Banton. who lived successively at Chamberlain, Pukwana. Plankinton, Mitchell and Sioux City, and who has returned to Waterloo, Iowa, passed through having been roundingup matters on the reservation west of the river. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Blendon. G. B. Kelsey is putting in a stock of groceries. Leslie Slade will commence to drill for an artesian will next week. W. M. Smith was out looking after his interests in this part of the county this week. Joy Stevens is moving from Hiram Kilborn's farm to the W. M. Smith's farm this week. P. A. Craft, of Mitchell, was out Wednesday, in the iaterest of the Sing er Manufacturing Company. Mrs. Sue Locke and son, Clarence, started for Olney, 111., last Thursday. And Rev. J. R. Locke left Tor Decater, 111., on Monday. A. H. and Harry ex pect to have oceans of fun batching- for the next month. Hadger. The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Tyler last week. There was a party at Mr. Young's last Tuesday evening. The high wind of Monday afternoon reversed some wagons loaded with corn fodder. Messrs. S war tout, Young and Forbes have built a barn at the Peck school house. Miss Flo. Burke now has an even doz en pupils. So many going away makes our school small. The young people talk of having skating parties on the lake formed by Mr. Jacob artesian well. Our fine weather experienced a chill Saturday and Sunday, but we were treated to the views of a rainbow. THK CAPITAL says that Main street went Prohibition. Better late than never. Long may it remain so. The Badger and Butler ball clubs were billed to play at Letcher last Sat urday, but we did not hear which was victorious. The sewing circle meet with Mrs. O. D. Stearns Wednesday afternoon of last week. The young people meet in the evening- at Mr. E. D. Watkins. BenlAtk. Fred. C. Schrader has erected a new windmill. It is one of his own make and he claims it is a good one. Mrs. Frefi Chappel has recovered from along spell of sickness. She is quite weak, but is so as to do her house work. Mr. Anderson, of Mt. '.Vernon town ship has rented the N. Noble farm in Beulah, to which place he moved last week. Election is over now and all the pol iticians are taking a back seat. Now we feel too bad about the ones who got defeated. Mr. Bushnell, who formerly lived on the Noble farm, has moved to the C. Raymond place in Mt. Vernon town ship, which he has rented for the next season. The election seems to have had rather bad effect on Beulah citizens in the way of sour faces, torn oft' buttons and lost capB, but all things will come out pleasantly in the sweet by and by. Mr. Bingham, who left a few months ago for Missouri, has written to friends that he is on the way back to South Dakota and will arrive in a few weeks. He thinks that South Dakota is better than Missouri. Itetliel. E. E. Dean marketed some hogs Monday. Miss Carrie Stowell spent Sunday with Mrs. Bates. Miss Bertha Bennett Sundayed with Mary Hubbartt. It is said that Mr. Gregory is going to live with Al. Hillxnan this winter. Meadames Pringle and Sanders visit ed in Hanson county one day last week. Several of the young folks spent Tuesday evening with the Misses Jack son. Mrs. E. E. Dean and her mother spent ona day last week with Mrs. Sholes. O. A. Bates went to town on the evening of election day and did not re turn till Saturday night. We£ ai'e looking forward to the ''County Seat Social" at the Sanders school house next Tuesday evening. Quite a number of our young people attended the debate at the Bayley school house last Saturday evening. Seven of our women braved the north ern wind last Saturday and attended the L. A. S. at Mrs. S. W. Rowley's Mattonlc Election. Kesurgam Lodge No. 31 met iu regu lar session and, besides going through routine work, elected the foil wing olfi cers for the next term: John J. McDougal, W. M. T. J. Spangler, S. W. Geo. A. Silsby. J. W. W. Abbey, Secretary. H. R. ICibbee. Treasurer. We saw a letter today from Charlie Weller, who is attending Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. He seems to be iu exuberant spirits and explains himself with diagrams and free-hand drawnings. 'V\£e should judge he of a root- something -ballUt. Wool sale*. We quote from the Boston sales of wool for the week ending Nov. 8, taking only those of territory wools: 6,000 lbs. tine ter 8.Vc 25,000 lbs. fine med. ter 10*c The Grand Jury. The grand jury was called this morn ing and was charged by Judge Haney. The court's charge, while being general in the main, made special reference to matters pertaining the conduct of sa loons in violation of the state law. New Time Card. We understand a new time card will be out on the 18th for the Milwaukee road and that passenger trains No. 1 and No. 4 will be taken off between Mitchell and Chamberlain and a mixed train will be run instead. ilutchinnon Neirn. Herb Adams has returned from atrip to Hutchinson county. He reports five new artesian wells on the road between here and Parkston and that the Russian thistles are flying over the country like droves of wolves. He reports the burn ing of a hardware store in Tripp a few nights ago. A New Building. Henry Koch has purchased the lot and building on Main street, until re cently occupied by J. K. Smith, for $1650, and he has already commenced operations for a new building. The old building is to be moved back and veneered, against which will be Iwilt the new stone structure, one story high, 30 feet long, making the entire building about 25x00 feet. I.ike Will the Wisp. For about four day sa luxuriant (lower, called a hole-in-the-wall, flourished on Lawler street, in a small building next to the referendum blacksmith shop, but the sleuths of the prohibitory law were apparently closing in on the camp, whereupon the alleged oasis on this cold and forlorn desert vanished thia Monday, but probably to break out in some new spot. le utructlon by Fire. At 12 o'clock today the fire whistle sounded and after a little skirmishing the fire was located in the house of Charles Fetch, in Hammer's addition, north of the Omaha track. The burn ing building was beyond the range of the fire hose, but the firemen and others did good service with barrels of water. The goods of the family were about all saved, but the house was practical de ft troyed. An Old Rhyme Reset. "Affliction sore long time she bore Physicians were in vain." At last one day, a friend did say, •'You'd soon be well again" if you would take, as I did, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Rrescription, for that is the cure for'all the peculiar ailments of women. It is a safe, simple and sure remedy. It banishes those distressing maladies that make woman's life a bur den, curing all painful Lrregularlies, uterine disorders, inflammations and ulceration, prolapsus and kindred weak nesses. As a nervine it cures nervous exhaustion, prostration, debility, re lieves mental anxiety and hypochon dria and induces refreshing sleep." She took the advice and is well. "Fav orite prescription" is the only remedy for the delicate derangements and weaknesses of females, sold by drug gists, under a postive guarantee of curing in every case, or meney paid for it returned. last Asthma cured, newly discovered treatment. For pamphlet, testimonials and references, address World's Dis pensary Medical Association, Bvffalo, N. Y. THE MACCABEES. Tbe Ga/.ara Teut of Maccabees Instituted At U. A. R. Hall—Mst of Ofttcei'ii. Under the guidance of Deputy Su preme Commander Smith, a new tent was planted on the figurative desert, to be dwelt in by the ancient, but chivalrous Maccabees, which has been named Gazara. The following are the names of the officers: Past Sir Kingbt Commander, R. T. Robinson. Sir Knight Commander. Geo. A. Clark. Lieutenant Commander, C. G. Nichols. Record Keeper, Chas. Boggs. Finance Keeper, H. P. Beck with. Chaplain, Rev. N. S. Bradley. Physician, Dr. B. A. Bobb. Master at Arms, Henry Leiberger. First Guard, James E. Babcock. Sentinel, G. W. Munger. The tent, thus far, shelters about 23 Knights, good and true, from the bliz zards, simoons and mosquitos of the desert. The Court Cstlauder. By reference to the court calander for the November term of the circuit court, we note that the new criminal cases are the State vs. W. W. Petty, of Mt. Vernon, charged with embezzle ment, by Fuilerton Lumber company: and the State vs. Ray Hurley, on charge of seduction. Tbe new civil cases are those of E. T. Hagaman vs. C. W. Gillis, involving a land transaction: Nelson Morris & Co., vs. the D. P. & M. Ins. Co., to recover insurance: Nel lie .I. Walker vs. J. K. Smith, involv ing title to the May hew property and E. H. Whittock vs. Alex. Mclntyre, really to recover salary claimed for ser vices as professor in the State Agricul tural College. It is supposed all these cases will be tried here when court con venes next month. The case of R. H. McBride vs. John D. Lawler. which had been continued to this term of court, has been dismiss ed by the court, on motion of the plain tiff. Application to ReliKne Building. Mrs. John Michels, as the owner of the building closed by injunction, today made application to have it released. The court decided that applicant was one of the dsfendants in the action and the motion was denied. Mr. Pftrrift Acquitted* H. C. Preston returned from Salem where he defended Zimri Parris in a case against hin on charge of embez zlement. The trial resulted in Mr. Parris' acquittal. Thanksgiving Will soon be here biggest dinner Day Have You Everything in Hardware. MITCHELL DRY GOODS CO, A series of dances will be inaugurat ed on Friday evening of this week, to be held in the dining room of the Alex Mitchell, under the management of Mr. Prank Baushman. It is a continuation of the Social Hour Club, which gave so many pleasant parties last winter. The Mitchell Parlor Orchestra will furnish some splendid music. AugustAbrahain, who came from Marion county, Iowa, and purchased the south west quarter of section 18, Tobin township, last May, is sinking an arte sian well upon his place. He is taking hold hopefully. Almost Fire. A lamp was upset in the plumbing establishment of J. R. Brown, about 4 o'clock today, and for few moments there was a threatening blaze among books, papers and othet^ desk append ages, but by prompt action it waa put out. The fire department responded and a big crowd gathered within two minutes. The excitement of the oc casion drew out a dog fight, which furn ished a few minutes of amusement for the crowd. The damage by fire*was small. Low Kates to the South. On November 20th, December 4th and 18th, the B., C. R. & N. Ry. will sell excursion tickets to points in the South and West at EXTREMELY LOW RATES. Tickets will be sold to the following territory: All points in Oklahoma, Texas and Indian Territory. To points in Southwestern Missouri and Eastern Kansas, including St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth and Kansas City. Tickets are good 20days from date and stop over will be allowed. For further particulars call on station agents or address J. MORTOX, G. T. & P. A.. Cedar Rapids, la. Heavy Snow Storm In Indiana. POET WAYNE, Ind., Nov. 18.—There was a big snow storm dnring the day between Plymouth and Liverpool, which was pronounced the heaviest that ever fell in Indiana this early in the season. Snow began falling aboutS a. m. and continued until 8, the fall averaging from 8 to 18: inches. Railroads were blockaded, and at one time a dozen Pennsylvania en gines and three Erie trains were snow bound. or way elections. CHRISTIANA, NOV. 18.—The returns from the storthing elections are oom pl'ete except in the case of two seats The result is that the Rights and Mod erates have elected 58 members, and the Lefts have elected 59 members. At the last election the Rights and Moderates elected 48 members and the Lefts elect ed 64 members. The two seats yet un reported were last represented by Bights, and it is assumed that thia party has succeeded in retaining them. What about tbe Turkey and the other good things for the Of the Year? Of course your wife will attend to them, but are you certain thai her stove is all right and can cook the food to suit an appetite that most cer tainly Is Coming? If you are not hadn't you better ask her about it? And if she tells you the old stove is played out and she wants to Get anew one, wouldn't it be a good plan to come right down to our store after telling her to fire out the rattle trap Bought A dozen years ago, look over our big stock of goods and then go back and tell her you have ordered what she has long wanted— A Garland Range? W. J. HEALEY HARDWARE CO A GREAT DROP IN UNDERWEAR For Tlxis Week. Men's Shirts, worth 50 cents for 31 1-3 cents. For cash only. Men's Shirts worth 95 cents for 57 1-2 cents. For cash only. Lay in .your winter underwear now. Don't miss this Great Slaughter Sale and kindly remember that it is an absolute Dealers in New Goodn. Agents For Thompson's Glove-Kitting Corset*. Agents For BiUterlck Patterns- 5