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THE MITCHELL CAPITAL. THE MITCHELL PRINTING GO. Props. A K. DEAN. W. A. SCOTT. Hutsiifss Manager Editor. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. £1 «K1 copy, out yuar, in advance uiic cop. »i\ inohllif., v:» Une copy. 1 lirce months. .j'« Wo club with all the leading puhlii at inns in the country. at the lowest dub prices All subscribers wishing heir address changed AMOUM give iheir tornicr AS well AS iheir I.-\v address Correspondenceshould be a the nilH" a* ^arly as Monday Papers sent to parlies outside ot the Matewill dlscom iuued at expiration ot time paid tor. TO ADVERTISERS. Advertising rates givon i»n application. and ill In* found reasonably bus. Business ('ards. tu»t exceeding six lines. $ per year. Kaeh additional line, £l.oo. Business Locals, 1'lve cents per line. Legal Advertisements at Statute Hates Cards ot Thanks, Ten Cents per line Marriage and Death Notices published I re*' of charge. Obituaries. Resolutions of Hespcct and Wedding presents. Five Cents per line. FRIDAY. KKiiRCAWY I. 1 SUA. We have received a circular announc ing that the spring term of the State Agricultural College begins Feb. Jo. John Jiiuu's Irigails announces his de hire to succeed in ''.Mi ho man who knocked him nut in Inealls would he a good man to have in the senate in l^'.'T. He would add siremr!h to the Kepuhlieau silver sen', men t. in that In id v. I'resident Cleveland, in his special message, neglected to keep in mind the fact. that, the one thing which has been the matter with the government while lie has been running' it. is that the income hn been less than the ex penditures. The things he speaks of an: poser.-, hut if there were a big ,\le Kinluy -1 larrison surplus piling up the gold reserve problem would be easier to hand ie. Till-: I !l-.rt'm.I('AN' would call tention of its reader.- to the fat yesterday's issue contained the dent's message in full, while' the City .lournal and theSioUN Kail contained only a synopsis of it. he ut that presi Sioux lailies it. It will lie noted, too. that our news service in funeral, from day to (lay. is as full and as timely as that which is obtained from out-side papers which' reach here the same day. Very often we give our readers news of some important event twenty hour.- in advance of the time it would reach them in outside papers. ur general new.- is made up in St. I'aui every eveiiinu'. stereotyped and forwarded to ns by express, and it reaches us the following day at lu:!!t.i a. m. It tinds its way into our columns the day it is received. When it reach es our readers it give- them the news of the previous day and that is precisely what the same day's Sioux City .lournal and Sioux Kail.- I'ress furnish them. The point we wish to make is that, so far as the general news is concerned. THK KKI'I HLK'AN furnishes such A re liable and complete resume of it that persons taking no other paper need not Teel that they are missing any import ant news of the country and the world. The American I'ress Association also furnishes us direct wire service up to p. m.. before we go to press, whenever there are e\ent.- transpiring of unusual imiiortanei*. I: \II.I:OAI I.!:I ISI. I KIN All will admit that, a- the -Late of South Dakota "rows oMer. wealthier and mo uniformely prosperou- the necessity will come for bringing the railroads undet regulation- that will reduce transportation chai'ii-'sand make them uniform to and from all point.-. Hut it. must also be admitted that there is some ijue-l ion about the ad visa Id 1 it of rigid regulations being put into force under present conditions. The com ltallies operating in the state are .-bar ing with other people the losses result ing from crop failure and general de pression. They have been compelled to reduce expenses, but perhaps have done so with as little inconvenience to the public as possible. Tliev have shown a generous disposition towards the people of various sections. by furnishing through eoenty commissioners a largo amout of coal free of transportation c,barges. They have paid to the state the amount of their taxes two months in advance of the time they were due. These things are worthy of just consid eration by all our people, ami while they should not be instrumental in barr ing out just regulations, they should have some weight in the premises. They should be taken as a reminiter that regulations which would be all right under ordinary conditions would seem unjust, under existing circumstances. The intercuts of the shippers, the pro ducers and the. people generally, as well iistho»e of the roads, should be consid ered. however, in the enactment of a new law. licriy Kleeted .senator. LITTLF. ROCK. Ark.. .Tail. :i0.—in sep arate sessions ol' the houses of the legis lature. the balloting for United State:, senator resulted: Semiti—.Tames H. Berry, Dem.. ail: W.M. Fishback, Deiii., F. K. Reinmel: Rep.. 1. House— Berry, Fishback. 14: AY. B. Parks, Pop. !). search I'or Possible Survivors. CHICAGO, Jan. .'SO.—Tile tug Dickinson of 6he Independent Towing company, left Chicago to search for possible sur vivors of tlie wrt ck of the Chicora. The tug carried a crew of seven men and will cruise in Mich. Junior Kndcavor Social. A social gathering of the children of the Junior Kndcavor society, held Tues I 11ay evening at the Congregational church is said to have been a very plear-anl aliair. It was in charge of r. liradley, ,\1 r. Met. 'orniiek. and I da ('ol vin. it ii .In-v I 'iankinlon Herald: An artesian well ha* li'-eii 1 ruek in I'ou'e i.e.* n-hip. 1 i-iii• comity. which nrove.- to he the het in this section of Soinli ll.tkola. It ir- a c.-im*li well I.our, ,.p iilmvr I he ea-ing. alH iirmvf a Mi'ram avr :i inehor- 11 1 ion. l'ntil further notice we will noil all meats at auction at our market on Wednesday's between 10:.'!0 and 11:00 a m. and between 2:30 and J:00 p. in., and on Saturdays from 10:.'!0 to 11:00 a. m. and from "J:oo till 00 o'clock p. m. WAIitliV Wit.MAMS. Conrl in I'hiukint nn. I'lankinlon Herald: Judge I laney and court .stenographer. Miss Mall, we're up from Mitchell l-'riday taking testimony in the ease of tho defunct Chamberlain National vs. the defunct l-'armers and .Merchants of this city. .1. l.oshe Thompson, receiver for the Chamberlain batik claims the bank here owes hir concern $11,000 cash, loaned by Hart, while Mr. Sullivan claims a larger amount due him. on notes di.'posited as collateral in the, National. Attorney Martin of Sioux Falls represent Mr. Thompson and \Y. M. Smith of this city for Mr. Sullivan, •ludge Hatio.v continued thi hearing for todays to allow defendant time to prepare evidence. Aid ir Nebraska. 11. K. Francisco, representing the Ne braska lielief ('ommittee. of Maaon City. Iowa, wa.- at the Sanborn house last uignt. Me has with him two ears of provision and clothing which lie is -hipping to Armour, from which poiut the goods will he hauled across the river to Butte City. Neb., where he says there are sixty families indostitute circumstances. Mr. Francisco says two more cars of suppiels are to follow him for the same place. Butte City is in Boyd county, Xeb., which borders on the reservation countic- of South Da kota. rtaiti t'otatocs. The commissioners of this and other counties have taken steps to buy seed wheat and seed corn for spring planting and we understand the railroads are readily co-operating in the matter. This action is right and proper, but we wish to call tho attention of all con cerned to the importance of furnishing potatoes for planting. We believe that in this way some encouragement, might be given which would in thcie being a larger acreage of potatoes planted than usual. There is no surer crop than potatoes and no crop yields better returns to the acre than potatoes. They are marketable at home and abroad ami arc an article that takes as important a place in the culinary de partment of the household as any (it her. Our soil is well adapted to potatoes and many fanners are so situated that they are able to oiipply their potato patches with irrigation if the season should short on moisture. We hope the com missioners will consider this matter and prepare themselves to furnish seed potatoes, as well as wheat and corn. io those unable to otherwise supply t.hem -elves. It is worth while to encourage tliv potato owing business in Ibis sect inn. Catarrh In Its Worst Form Life Almost a Burden Clorlous Change Due Solely Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. C. King fjpnevn, Ohio. Catarrh Is a consiiuiiiouul disease, and there fore it can only be cured by a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparillu. Head what did for Mrs. King, concisely expressd In her own voluntary words: C. X. Ilood & Co., l.uwell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: —1'rnm a grateful heart I writ* Trhat your grand medicine, Hood's Sarsapartlla, 1 has done for me. 1'ivn bottles cured m# of catarrh In Its worst form. I think It was only a matter of time, when It would have ended in Bronchial Consumption. I 1 ran scarcely realize wherein a few months pants $ 00 overcoats Mu*rirt"« Nolicr of.Salt*. ss. -late of South Dakota. urWi .Tull Ui I'ircuii. Notice is lu-reby given that by virtue ot an eeution to me direcvtd ami delivered, and now in my hands, JSMIMI out of tiu* Clerk's ottire »t the Fourth .1 iifltria 1 Circuit Court. .State of Sout ti Da kota. in and lor the county of Davison \\\»m a judgment rendered in said court in favor of U.o oialnfilV. First National Hank of Mitchell, D.. •ml against the defendant, M. M. Smith. I ha\e 'evled iifon the following described real projiertv of said defendant, to-wu hot No. two in block eighteen *1\. Hailr ad addition in the City of Mitchell. Davison County. South Dakota. And thiil I shall on Monday, the Fourth day of March. A. I. lol)5, at the hour of ten uVloeiv A. M. of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of Mitchell in said County and State, proceed to sell all right, title and Interest of th-above named M. SmltU in and to the above described pro erty to satisfy said judgment and costs, amounting to two hundred and forty two (21'J) dollars and ninety-live cents, to gether with a 1 accruing costs of sale, and inter est on the same trom the 5th day ol .January. 1M'.i:. at the rate ol seven percent, per annum, at Huhllc Auction, to the highest bidder for cash Datedat Mitchell, St .January 7. MX ,h»HX Co 'K. MieMll of the Co\:nty of Davison. South Dakota. A. K. HJICHCOCK. DJaintilf's Attorney. THE DUL'JTH AND WINNIPEG. liiiiid OrdiM'ed nhl t'lilc-s (,'erDtin DelHs Are 1'aid. Dl'l.l'Tll. .Ian. :1.—.ludjee Kelson has made an order ap}ointiu W. F. Fitch president, general manager and receiver of the Dulutli and Winnipeg, as master in chancery to make a special report on the company's alfaiis. He has also or dered Mr. Fitch to sell the road unless it pays to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit company within five days tVie principal and interest on sSy.UOO.OOl) bonds on which it lia.s defaulted, fo geth affidavits in which the riglit of timber culture entry is based. Under the laws now in force governing the disposition of public lands, such requirements differ and Secretary Smith is of the opinion that they should lie uniform, and that the affidavits should be permitted to be made before any officer authorized to administer oat lis in the district in which the land is located. ago Ufa was almost a burden, sick and discouraged, now I am Well ami Happy, gaining flesh wul a ni'\v lielng. And all owing to Hood's Sar- Hood s5v.Cures aapanilsi. I will m-vrr be without it. Yours jjr.iiufiiily. Mi:s. (.'I. UIK KLNG, (Jeneva, Uiiio Hood's Pills ciii-h li'.i'r ills, Jaundice, bi till' vicinitv of Sr. Joseph. I 1 l6usj"ue «!ck lieaducbe und c-juatiuatioii. 2&r.. DIIIHUJUI'** Now Telephone Kxchun *:. An Americ ui l'roinolei-. 1JX1OX. Jan. :SI.—12. H. Ross, de scribed as an American and company promoter, was in the bankruptcy com for examination. Kis liabilities were btateil tu he £111,1S7. and assets none. Nina 11 I CHAMPENY BROTHERS Will sell their clothing* for 40 CTS. OXT THE $1.00! Read our Prices as Follows: CHAMPENY BROS., Davison In the Circuit ('own within and county First N -lional Bank of MJichP.L tur. vs. M. M. ith. De1tj!nlani. I'lalu- $3 00 overcoats $1 20 5 00 1 GREAT DECLINE IN VALUES. I •hriiiKajje IVrCeni in the Value «*f Live Slock lor the Yesir. 'JIK ,\( o, Jan. :j I. —1Thf lxsnlt^ of a t?mtpirt' i'.oiisun fiii'm nn.nmls con l»v lni Orange udd .Farmer, and cuvr:-ii»^ cvi'.-y in lie country, uDlM'ar. in vliis issnc. The de cline in values the past year is very heavy. \}i a.u^i'e^afe vahnMif all classos boin^ against a a^», shrinkage of 15 por cent. Tlio total number of horses tin 1'avms is ji'iveil ai vahted at 807,000, a (Undine of §115,000.000 in value: mules. 1.000, value, $107, 574,000 cows, 17,451.000, value, $387, 570,000 cattle. 'J^.'UiS.OOn. value, ^458, 303.000 .sheep, •"!!,810,000. value, 738,000: lio^s, -17.001.000. value. S^O, 500.000. IM't'CHM' (»r MilHi IHVS, cows there is a small lll milch AN APPEAL FOR AID. vners of Wisconsin Cranberry Marshes Are Destitute. M.M:SHI'1I:I.J). Wis. .Ian. An ap- with the costs that have accrued, l"' ''lbeing sent out from Oran borrv Center, a station on tho North nifiiriiiity of .\m.luvit„. western railroad, for the relief of am ASIIINM'ON. .Ian. :il.—The g-. n«T ilies of owners of cranberry marshes land office will soon prepare the draft of which were dostroved by forest tires a proposed bill making uniform require- last fall. The owners of those marshes, ments in the exercise of all preliminary who a few years ago were well-to-do! have by the failure of their crops, and loss of marshes and buildings been re duced to poverty and are now in desti tute circtimstances. A cold winter is tipon them and they are hungry and un clothed. The territory burned over is in the counties of .Juneau, Monroe, Jackson and Wood, extending from Valley .'Junc tion to Grand Rapids, a distance of about -10 miles by several wide. It in cludes the best marshes in the state and DUBUQUE, la., Jan. :IL.—At a meeting lands that were formerly worth $10',I an of prominent citizens a local telephone exchange was resolved on, ill accordance with the plan of the Harrison Inter national Telephone company, by which it is expected that a saving of one-half the present rates will be made. A com mittee was appointed to draw up articles of incorporation. can no,v be bought for $1 per acre. oal Drops a Notch. CI.KVKI.AND. Jan.: .).—At a meetingof Massiiloii eoai operators it war. decided to reduce tlie retail price of coal on Feb. 1 to per ton. The price has been $:i.25 since tlie cud of the strike last. fall. S oley I'ays I' p. •ST. PA I .ian. io.--'J'. 1{. Foley, again-t wlioin the slate secured a judg iiu .•"•') i'r I.inherent from sec tion Hi, to\v:iriiip 5,\ range 2 tlie amount of the judgment. 2 00 8 0 0 3 2 0 2 00 suits 80 4 00 1 60 5 00 2 00 6 00 2 40 7 00 2 80 Less than one-half price at this King of all sales. Doors open at Daylight. Cliampeny Brotliers are A Curious use. TOUONTO. Our., Jan. "M. llnbiMi Ili'in-y Botliunt". niaini^cr of rlic Doniiiunn tiiiiik. has IH-HII (.•inilini'd to liis home since Friday. The hank offi cials arc mysteriously reticent about:, his condition. Ii is said, however, that at a meeting iu the Hank of Montreal he sat for nearly an hoar with oue lej thrown carelessly over the other, and thai when he attempted to rise, he found it im possiblc. Two or three bank managers tried to force the leus ajmrt. but were unable to do so. Finally Mr. Betlnine was conveyed home. The attending physicians cannot yive any reason for the phenomenon. Midwinter Kxpo.sit ion Finance*. SAN FKANCISCO, .lan. !iJ.--The linan cial statement of the"midwinter fair lias been made public. The total receipts durinj the entire exposition amounted to &S1J,<(:5.1 r. which with the $49!), 100 crease in numbers, while the number of subscribed by citi/.ens made a grand hogs show an increase of 110,000, but ill all other classes of animals, there is a decrease in numbers. The heaviest loss in numbers is in sheep, the decrease be ing 0,:!!)(!,00!), or .15 per cent, while tlie aggregate value of this class of animals lias decreased $25,803,000, or 80 percent in a single year. In the surplus hov states there is little change, so far hogs are concerned, from a year ago, but the values arc about $1 per In a:l lower. total of SI,'-'(io. The total gate receipts were S!50:!,50?.!)-l. Concessions, privileges. etc.. brought $271,278.34. the total cost ol' the exposition was $l,l!i:j,20.' o. The donations to the park of the tine arts building, royal pa vilion. statuary, etc., are valued at $121. 21S.5I. sirikM** Wilt Issue lSoiuls. NI'.w YOIIK, .lau. :il.—Iu order to go on with the trolley strike, Master Work man Connelly, after consulting with several linanciers. has decided to issue bonds on the credit of his organization to the amount of $100,000. The denom ination will be small—S2 probably—and Mr. Connelly has been assured that the OLNEY'S LABOR BILL. House out in il I ee $ 8 oo suits $ 3 9 oo k' Will Ui[iort It With ail A iiiriiilmciit. AN .\stiiNt TiJan. :l.—The house labor commiitee has agreed to report favorably to the house the labor arbitra tion bill pre]tared by Attorney General Gluey, as amended at the instance of the representatives of raih'oad employes now in the city. These amendments iso late principally to the manner of choos ing the committee ,f arbitration, and prohibit the issuance of injunctions re straining the employes from continuing the strike and putting the railroads tem porarily in the hands of receivers for operation. The committee also agreed to report' a bill for the issuance of labor bulletins by the bureau of labor. Don int I.ieiileimnt C*ovcriir. OI.YMIMA. Wash.. Jan. 81.—By a vote of 50 to 2-1 the house decided to' abolish the office of lieutenant governor. Tlie salary is 81,000 a year. The senate will undoubtedly kill the bill. paid 3 6o lo oo 4 oo 12 5o 41 5 oo 15 oo 6 oo 2o oo 8 oo 25 oo lo oo 3o oo 12 oo New Clothing Store. BROKE THE WILL. ver Millions to lie Divile«t KquaMy Aiumi}* His Children. C'KU.Ut IIAPIDS, la., .Fan. :.J1.—The su preme court of lnwa has handed down a decision in the Bcver will cast', affirming the decision if the lower court. S. C. Bcver of this city died in this city in 1S!)2. leaving an estate worth more than $1,000,000. To his two daughters hi left about $50,000 each, and to his three sons the balance of the estate. The daughters contested th" will on the ground of men tal incapacity. Tlie trial lasted seven weeks and wa-ibittcrly contested on both sides. It attracted much attention and resulted in a victory for the daughters. Tli- Norton's Funeral. ST. LOUIS. .Jan. :J1.—Extensive ar rangements have been made for the: funeral of the late John W. Norton, manager of the Grand Opera House,, who was killed in the Vandalia wreck Monday last The funeral will be held at the Southern hotel, the whole parlor Jioor having been reserved for that pur pose. OIIIIJIWH bonds will be quickly taken. Many S ditional appointments tradesmen have offered to accept the notes for provisions in lieu of money. Friends ot Mr. Connelly have offered to dispos of the bonds in various parts of the eountrv. RIGHT Over Spoil*. PKHRY, (. T., Jan. :J1.—A priest, who has just returned from Sacred Heart mission reports a battle between two gangs of outlaws near there over the distribution of some spoils one gang had stolen. A terrible tight with knives, pistols and Winchesters ensued for sev eral hours, at least one man being killed while several others were badly wounded. I Some Additional Appointments. ST. PAUL. Jan. :1.—The followingad- were made bv Governor Nelson, all of the appoint ments being renamed for their respec tive places: L. Powers, commission er of labor S. G. Conistock, member of the board of directors of the State Nor mal school Benedict Anderson, dairy commissioner. «oc-ivcrliip for Ilu WlitsU.v Ti u»t. CHICAGO, Jan. :!0.—At tlie residence ot Federal Judge Grosscup. on applica tion of New York stockholders of tlie whisky trust representing about i3^i,000. 000 of stock. Joseph B. Greenhut of Peoria and 12. F. l.awreiice of Chicago were appointed receivers for the trust. Opposed to Sunday a»i. .1KFFKKKOX ClTY. Mo., Jail, ill. —By a vote of JitJ to »'i the Missouri house went on record as indorsing a bill to prevent Sunday baseball and football. The bill provides for a line of *50 for each of fender and places such games on a level with Sunday gambling. Alleged Lynchers Arraigned. O'NEILL, Neb., Jan. 31.—The prelim inary hearing of the alleged Barrett Soott lynchers began Tuesday. The prisoners pleaded not guilty to the charge. Tlie prosecution is in charge of Attorney General Churchill.