Newspaper Page Text
1 ,1 f^ fcf t' 1 Mi S WM you i' I AM NOW A MAN! "riiJ" Ohio .'IKO. Oct. f. 1893. 41 was trouble*! with omissions and varUwolr. ami had been Koxuully weak for uttven years. Purine tho last four year* 1 tried ev»ry r«»m«dy that, WURsold nnd not no relief for any of my troubles until I took CALTHOS—h «'nrt rv*t»»rc«l nit' and I tun now a man." xtr.irl fr.MUONE liuublful Seeds nlouc. 1 I HE WAs. OF UM.IWUHN ol 1. ITrr RFR.II.J Address VOM MOHL CO r.srrsa&saasrtTJMWs: •KsmstsiB& ears. Makes Collections W, G. DAVISON, P' esident. L. DAVISON Cashier. C. W. BROWN, CITY BAKERY and GROCERY Fresh Bread, Cake & Buns' .A-t A.11 Times, jive me a trial Groeory Onler. Satisl'su-tion guariuilcert. Free .delivery to all parts of the City. Tho Im':1 lire easy to ^et.. innl cij.-l more. your ileiiler FERRY'S SEEDS Always ttur tjest. Known 1 every whe re. Ferry's Annual for Uils \u vbat, how, and when to plain. •mmit Free. t^t it. Addro: I. M. FlikRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. Illinois Central R. R. In coimt'i-tl.m vsitli Hit* Southern I'uc-ilu' I"., will, on and alter tln nl^lit ol .Novi-mliei l.ltli. run from Clilrag" I'lilliiian S E E E EVERY tTo Los E S A NIGHT To connect direct at Avomlal* (suburb of New Orleans) wltli the Southern Paeitic new. Itist, soiui vestlbulei11rai 11. lli ••-Sunset Houston, San Antonio. KlPaso. Los Angth.-v «ind San Francisco. This car tor CALIFORNIA NEW ORLEANS Hon, 011 and alter 1 there will be run a I TOURIST SLEEPER W E N E S A NIGHT EVERY Tnuonui W1THOI CllANt.l- trom i'liicago Angles, via Avonda e, by the sa:^ Through double-berth rate nut LORILLARD'S QiflS^Pju^ CLIMAX PLUG. Sols American Agents, Cincinnati, O. 33. HAGER, I A N A N a N S A N E I i"al KslJiU Jin. (I'. on (.THJHV h'unn or 'ity Property for trrms of from 1 to Largest List of Farm Lands for sale in the slate Kii.nn 'J. C'hampeiiy Hlock MITCHELL NATIONAL BANK KPosrrs E E I S E I O I S I'ayy lnterrst on Tinu Subject 15 MUCH THE BEST We will sc nl you Iho vr vcloiis I'tcuch" nrci»arau« CALTHOS frrv, by seal. I nii-i!, and a legal guarantee that CALTHOS will CTHD All DlRchurucH and O I Ur lCniln*lon*, CURE "1"i'*"*v,lr1* RESTORE I....! weo.. Use ii $ pay if satisfied. When buying CLIMAX PLUG, always look for the little round red Tin Tag. It's the sign which you can protect yourself against inferior brands. It is an assurance quality, purity and substance. It rep resents the word and honor of the oldest tobacco manufacturers in Amer ica and the largest in the world. When want a delicious chew, a lasting chew, a satisfying chew, be sure and get LORSLLARD5$ to check. loposits. 011 any Part of the U. S. E." J. GUICLEY, Vice President. SPRINGS RODTE ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO FLORIDA Is a new, tinitrU and direct liiu* ^'llei'live Hoc. 2.1 from riionx City Sioux Kails. Init)iii|in\ KorUlord. I'liU'aKo and intcniicdiati' stations, via O S I N S BIRMINGHAM A N A A N A to Jacksonville and all Florida i'oints, and such principal points South as lilrmiuuliain. Ala.. Ulanta. Aii!?usl i, Macon and Savannah. (!».. ami riiiirlesl'on. S. C. liy it one can leave Sioux City at 3-00 p. m.. dall. and arrive liirmin^ham •'•fill ti m.. Atlanta H:f)0 JI. in the second day, and at Jacksonville 11:55 a. 111.. the third morning after leaving Sioux City, and can make the Jour ney lor the entire distance in a I'ullman SLEEPING ts 1,11 will leave Central Station, bica^o. «it yrmsBasrwir The Only True Winter To ("alllornia. o\\in« to low altitudes, and lh' ab FMiwof Hilow and severe cold weather. Ji-k.-t Rates As Lvw As By Any Otlier Route Ask for Special Caliiornia holder ol 1. IL it- Houte and cimnei'tlog lines er aodles. ln„ A. 11- HANSON. Ci I. l'ass.r Ayent hii ago CAR Sioux City to Jacksonville Willi but one change, and tliat at a seasonable hour, en route, from through Sioux City and New Orleans sleeper to through Jacksonville car on wltieli through reservations can be made lroni starting point. Ask lor Special Florida Folder ol I. C, U. K. issue tliey as well as tickets anil lull Information, can lie obtained of your local ticket agent, or by addressing J. F. Merry, A. 1*. A,, Manchester, la. copyright OAS 1 OBTAIN A PATENT *. For a promi»t. answer and an honest oji:iion. write to 11 INS tV (%4..who have had nearly tlfty years' expfrirnee in the patent business. Ccminunica tnms iru'ily confidential. A liandhooU of In* formal ion eoncerniuj: I'atents and how to ob« 1am tnoni sent lreu. catalogue oi xnccliOQ* ieal anil ftiontilic 1.MHAlso »1:.S sent Iree. l'aietits tauen tbronyh M«nn'& Co. receive ppoeiai not if-it :n tbe Seientille Americnn. and thus biumrbt widely belorethe imblicwith out cost to the inventor. Tins splendid paper, issncj tveekiv. etenantly illustrated, has by far tho lamest cocMi-uiinu of anv scientitie work in the world. S3 a WAR. S.UJIHI^ D",,t copies sent tree. Building Kiition. tnoiitlily, ^-'.oUa year. Single copies. %£. ccirs. I'v-^v iitii:ii» »r contains beau tiful pia^'r. in r«. nu phoio«:ruphs of new hour-f^. V- :h -:ei to j»li«»w tho 1 "St .:• rr=' t-. /.tiiiross x- bkuadway. WHtRt as tea Good liruvinst* CONSUMPTION by of i' nix. l.KONA A. I)1X Di s. i)lx. Dkxtikts, MITCHELL. S. D. i:«i. & SH*** CAS AIIMINISTKUKD. •licit tlie pntroiKitft4 of parties desir Kspi-clnlly ing work Jit the lowest possible prices. All work warrnnhMl to be as represented. Ol'iice mnt M"iu over nninpeny Bros store ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted to City, Village or Country. Needed in every home, shop, store nnd office. Greatest conven ience and best seller on earth. neighbors. Fine instrument*, no toys, works anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for use when shipped. Can be put up by any one. never out of order, no repairing, lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker. Write W. P. Harrison & Co.,Clerk 10, Columbus, 0 TRANSFERENCE OF THOUGHT. relopath.v «|»t us a Cr at raid Fur In ty .Mol apliysleians. No lirld of in vest i^iition so pregnant with intiive.-t has been as timidly aban* cloned to clr.ulnt-.uiH as tho domain of telepathy. Until very recent times it has boen ulmost emitely in tho custody of mountebanks, er.yu'ic.s of the worst type, whose claims to consideration rested on cunning, shrewdness and lack of scruple. If we pause to consider that tho phenomenon of thought transference Loth in the waking and sleeping condi tion was the initial inspiration that evolved the science fit metaphysics, wo may more nearly appreciate how fool ishly workers in the higher spheres of thought have relinquished the keystone of psychology to tho most blatant types of quackery. Telepathy means the transference of thought, feelings, sensations, etc., from ono person to another by somo means other than the recognized sense percep tions ol tho recipient. It is the commu nication betweun mind and mind other wise than through tho known channels of tho senses. Tho first notable fact in conjunction with this class of cases is that wo inva riably iind a keen, sympathetic bond be tween tho "agent" and "percipient" that is either the result of blood ties, as in tho case of relatives and between hus band and wife, or it is cultivated inter course, as between friends, or is tho outcome of a joint aspiration found among those who 6eek a common goal. That this thought transference has taken placo between persons in closo sympathy with each other is an admit ted fact. The following case is selected from tho researches of tho Society For Psychical Research, they having verified tho embodied facts: "Mrs. Kenon Bruce started from Eng land to America to join her husband in Nebraska. On board ship shortly after it left Queenstown she fell ill and be came delirious. She saw her husband lying dead in the middle of a field, and her agony was excossive. On arriving in New York she received a telegram stating that Mr. Bruce was thrown from a horse and had broken his neck, and this occurred at the very hour when she, thousands of miles away on board ship, said she saw him lying dead in the field, as, in fact, he was at the time." In this case tho elements of collusion and muscle reading are certainly elimi nated.— "Travels of Thought" in Bos ton Herald. .Metal Ceilings. Tho evolution in the last few years, in tho preparation of metal coilings, has witnessed the improvement from crimp ed or corrugated sheets to tho handsome and architectural designs that mark tho product of newer methods and improved machinery Tho raised designs on the metal enable the decorator to obtain these beautiful effects of lights and shadows which aro so essentially neces sary to givu life and character to the work, and as tho designs are executed to conform with the many different styles of decorations there is scarcely a limit to the effocts to bo obtained, and at much less cost than can bo secured from otln and less durablo materials They can bo applied to any form of room and aro of special value in churches, courtrooms and theaters on account of acoj.- tic properties and rich oil'eeis, -vliir air obtained at a mini inuin cost Tliey are also of special value uu account of ventilation.—Na tional Tni'der. AN ARGENTINE SENSATION. 4 Dead'r IMiel That Has Cireatly Excited Ilie Southern Republic. The mails from tho Argentine Repub lic bring news of a terriblo tragedy which has caused an unprecedented sen Bation in that country. Dr. Lucio de Lopez, olio of tho lead ing financiers and most, influential men in the repnblic, who was appointed by the government to investigate tho af fairs of the Provincial bank of Buenos Ayres, made a report to tho courts which caused the arrest of Colonel Sar miento, a son of the lato President: Sar iniento, whoso memory is revered like that of Lincoln in this country. Ho was once minister to the United States and is said to have afterward Americanized the Argentines. Colonel Sarmiento was convicted in tho court of tho first in stance and appealed to tho superior co'irt, whero there was a mistrial, two judges voting to confirm and two to re verse the decree of the lower court. He then published a bittor personal attack upon Dr. Lopez in LaPrensa, ono of tho leading newspapers. Acting under tho advice of foolish friends, Dr. Lopez sent him a challenge, and on Dec. 27 a duel was fought at tho Belgrano hippodromo in the suburbs of Buenos Ayres. Dr. Lopez was attended by General Mansilla of tho Argentine army and Francis Beazley, assistant secretary of state. Sarmiento was at tended by General Bosch of tho army and Rear Admiral Soliar of the navy. Shots wero twice exchanged at a dis tance of 12 paces. At the second dis charge Dr. Lopez fell wounded, tho ball passing through his abdomen. He was taken in an ambulance to his house, where more than 200 of tho leading citi zens of Buenos Ayres wero assembled anxiously awaiting tho result of the duel. The wounded man died next day, but Colonel Sarmiento had not been ar rested when tho steamer left Buenos Ayres. Eighty years ago a decree was issued making dueling a capital offense, but it has been a dead letter for many years, although appeals to tho code have been common. The prominence of the parties engaged makes tins sensation the greater, and there is as much excitement in tho Ar gentino Republic today as there was in tho Unitid States when Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton. Chica Record. DIDN'T SM'JB THE PRINCE. The llight Honorable Joseph Chamberlain Is Not That Kind of tt Man. The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, ox-radical homo ruler, whom peers and princes now delight to honor, has been genuinely annoyed by the circulation of a story that he treated the Princo of Wales with great rudeness at the sit tings of tho royal commission on the aged poor, of which both aro members. The tale ran that the prince, on being asked why he did not complain to the chairman of Mr. Chamberlain's be havior, replied: "You see, I sit between Mr. Cham berlain and the chairman, and tho lat ter is rather deaf." Mr. Chamberlain has deemed it worth while to get an authoritativo contradic tion of this libel published. From this we gather that though tho chairman of tho commission, Lord Abcrdare, now deceased, was undoubtedly deaf, he rarely presided at the meetings, owing to ill health, his place being taken by Lord Playfair, who is remarkably keen of hearing, and that anyhow tho Prince of Wales, if offended, would have taken caro to let it be known to tho offender himself. The latter argument is more convincing to those wlic know his royal highness and his emphatic way of let ting his displeasure be known. Tho story also shows a lack of knowledge of Mr. Chamberlain's character. Ho is tho last man in the world to givo oit'enso to any prince, much less tho heir to the British crown. —London Correspondent. A Delicate Distinction. "Did you say you wanted Shake speare's works:" asked the book store clerk. "No," replied the haughty girl "I want his plays. "—Washington Star. Palpitation aa of the HONESTY.] L. O. GALE, All who use it say it is Heart ^II Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Legs and Feet. "For about, four years I was troub-, led with palpitation of the heart,1 shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet. At times I would faint. 1 was treated by the best phy sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re lief. 1 then tried various Springs without benetit. Finally, I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Kerve and Liver Pills. After beginning to take them I felt better I 1 continued taking them and I am now in better health than for many years. 1 Since my recovery I have gained fifty pounds in weight. I hope this state-j ment may be of value to some poor sufferer." F.. B. SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga. Dr. Miles Heart, Cure Is sold on a positive puaranteo that tho lirst bottle will benefit. All druggists sell itat#l, 6 bottle* for 15, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price' by tho Ur. ULilea Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. Ik lleiitlquarterfl for WALL PAPER, PAINT And Kvervthinj Usually Found in a DRUG, JEWELRY, BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Occupy a Mine -Ti.\141i Fret. Fa li Depart inert is Comvlete. Prices low a,s tlie lowest. EED CORN! \Ye have just received a carload of choice, early YELLOW DENT SEED CORN (Jrown in Northern Iowa. This corn has been thoroughly tested and will all grow. Call at the mill and see sample. MONMOUTH MERCHANT MILLS rilE BEST IS, AYE, THE CHEAPEST." AVOID IMITATIONS OF AND SVINSTI TUTES TOR DR. HATHAWAY & CO. The RELIABLE SPECIALISTS Regular Graduates in M, dir.ine, Authorized by the State. 51* National Banks for Financial Reference, thousands of Cured Patients all over tnetUnitedStates as to our professional ability. All business conducted on a strictly professional basis and strictly confidential. Consultation Free at office or by mail. Treatment sent everywhere free from Observation. No interference with business while using medicincs. "Y ... Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility {Spermatorrhea and Impotency) c&wsctl by youthful follies and excesses, producing nervousness, losses, pimples and blotches on the lace, rushes of blood to the head, pains in the back, confused ideas and forRetfuh ness, bashfulness. aversion to socierv. loss of sexual power, loss of man hood, etc.. cured for life. We can stop nipht losses, restore lost sexual power, restore nerve and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weak parts and make you fit for. marriage. that terrible disease, in all its formB and stages cured piUIlof for lifo. Blood l'oit-omng. Skin Diseases. Ulcers,Swel* lings, Sores, Gonorrhoea & CJleet. and all forms of Private Diseases cured. cured without caustic or cuttuijr. pain, Stricture rotxpo^L & n/ ij AC fever and pain In joints—a cure Is bound to take place, bend statement of Ko. 2 we cure those delicate diseases peculiar to your sex, at JL«l.UIC£f your own home without instruments. Many cured ufter I other doctors bave failed. Can give you proofs. i.The Great French Rbcumatic Cure. A SLR1-, CURK. The greatestdiscov ery iD the annals of medicine. One dose gives relief a few doses remove *. /-.r (tflSP. |, for both sexes, U4 pages, with full description of above diseases, the eiter and cure. DUUtV sealed in plain wrapper free. Read this little book and send for Symptom blank. 1 for Men for Women: Ko. 3 for Skin Diseases No. 4 for Catarrh. Take no chances and obtain the best by consulting the leading Specialists in the Untied States. DRTHATHAWAY.V& CO. Cor. 4th & Nebraska Sts. SIOUX CITY, la. YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT A LIVER! DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? ARE YOU WEAK AND THIN? MARVELOUS SUCCESS Dr. J. H. McLEAN The Peer/CSS Remedy OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, FEMALE TROUBLES, RHEUMATISM AND BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Fnr Sale by a/I first-class dealers. PRICE, $1.00 A BOTTLE. The Dr. J. H. McLean Medieme Do., Nothing in This World SKILL HOW'S YOUR LiVER? AREYOUR KlDNEYG ALLRiaHT? DOES YOUR SLEEP RESTYOU ARE YOU DULL AND BiLIOUS? .-.ittei iilei 1 tliej us,t± 01 S JSSfcBALM. for curing ail ai'tmeulH Is so cheap as a newspaper, whether it bp measured by the cost of its production or by it6 value to the consumer. We are talking about an American, metropolitan, daily paper of i'.:: jirst class like THE CHICAGO RECORD. 1! cheap and so good you can't afford in this d.' of progress to be without it. There arc other papers possibly as good, but none better, and none just like it. It prints all the real news of the world-the news you care for —every day, and prints it in the shortest possible space. Yo.: can read THE CHICAGO RECORD and do a day's work too. It is an independent paper and g'ves all political news free from the taint of party bias. In a word—it's a complete. condensed, clean, honest family newspaper, and it has the largest morning circulation in Chicago or the west—140,000 to 150,000 a day. Prof. T. J. Hatfield of the Northwestern University says: "THE CHICAGO RECORD comes as near being the ideal daily jour nai as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores." Sold by newsdealers everywhere, and sub scriptions received by all postmasters. Address THE CHICAGO RECORD, 181 Madison-st. St. Louis, MO, (3)