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1 !l: C. M. & ST. P. RAILROAD TIME CARD TRAINS DEPART EAST. Passenger 10:55 a. m., ex. Sunday Freight, No. 00, 7:00 a. m.. ex. Sunday Freight, No. 72, 10:00 a. m., daily TRAINS ARRIVE FROM EAST. Passenger... ... 4:20 P- m., ex. Sunday Freight, No. ».j, 5:45 P- m., ex. Sunday Freight, No i."i, 10:55 a. daily TRAIN DEPARTS WEST Passenger. .. ... 4:35 P- m., ex. Sunday Freight, No. !7, 11:45 a. m., ex. Sunday TRAIN ARRIVES FROM WEST. PassoDger 10:40 a. m., ex. Sunday Freight, No. 9S. 9:15 a. in. ex. Sunday TRAINS DEPART NORTH. Passenger 4::15 p. m., ex. Sunday Freight 7:30 a. m., ex. Sunday TRAINS ARRIVE FROM NORTH. Passenger 10:35 a m., ex. Sunday Freight 7:10 p. m., ex. Sunday TRAINS DEPART SOUTH. Passenger 10:45 a. m., ex. Sunday Freight (5:30 a. m. ex. Sunday Freight 7:30 p. m., ex. Sunday TRAINS ARRIVE FROM SOUTH. Passenger 4:00 p. m., ex. Snnday 6:00 a. m., ex. Sunday Freight.. Freight r:30 p. m., ex. Sunday AM Trertled Alike. When on pleasure or business bound do not fail to call on or address the un dersigned iv.lativo to rates, routes, con nections and any other information de sired, no matter ho-.v iri!liug. Can furnish railway tickets to all points in the United States. Mexico and Canada, and steamship tickets to all points in the world via all lines. Aru also agent for the Fidelity & Casualty, Traveler's Insurance Co. It gives me pleasure to answer all questions and correspondence promptly. Please do not forget that I am, Yours to please. F. K. CLARK Agent C. M. St. 1'. II. 15.. Mitch ell, s. n. You Need ..a Desk! WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF— Desks and all kinds of Office Furniture. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. We want your Business. The Hamilton Mfg. Co. TWO RIVERS, WIS. RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. OMX'- rr» AT Pife CAV ii II iV.'J"1 COPYRiGh CAX OBTAIN A PATENT? For a pronmfc a»sM- ahd an linnest opinion, write to III i. 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Adapted to Oity, Village or Country, deeded in every I home. nhop, store and office. Greatest conven I ienco and best seller on earth. Agents make from 85to85(pcr day. ODD in a residence means a Bale to nil the neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works I] anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for I Urfo when shipped. Can be put up by any one, I never out of repairing, lasts a life utircio. Warranted. A money maker. Write W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Columbus, 0. GEO. P. DIX. LEON A A. DIX DKS. DIX. DENTISTS, frcegpsa, MITCHELL. S. D. UXTTTTTT (IAS ADMINISTERED. Especially solicit the patronage of parties desir ing first-class work at the lowest possible prices. All work warranted to be as represented. Otlice front room over Cliampeny Bro s' store. 15. A. liOBB, M. I. PHYSICIAN"4 SURGEON Calls Answered Promptly. Second door north of Security Bank, second iloor. Mitchell, ... South Dakota. -it. A Stitch in time saves nine. A stitch in the side often results in something far more serious, unless treated at once. Allcock's Porous Plaster has saved many from lung diseases. It is invaluable for rheumatism, and pains in the back, chest or limbs. When Purchastnff do nc* only ask for ALLCOCK'S," bui make sure that you get it." Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and care for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills are of great benefit in cases of torpid liver, biliousness and indigestion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Chi 'a Riomond Brand. iiywwfti PILLS P/«doT\ E rrjplnivl Oniy Genuine. kii riwitn reliable. LAOIES ask insist lor'Chichester English Dia-t »td Hranil in Itcd nnd Gvld nictnllio ''"Old Hrand d.-nicl M»h Wno rii.boiu Tnko 'fse dangerous fubstitu- VJ.v r.tluT. a",' I'fu.-tuud imiuuinns. At Uruggtats, or send 4c. A' stamps fur portlcutura, t?flthnouial3 an 1 ••itof for in letter, by return 'IVsi imoniuls. Fame l'aprr. •. Hquure, Sold by "il LcCii FMIml».T 1'B. PARKER'S HAIR, BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the luuf. Promotes a luxuriant growth. JNever Fails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp dineasce St hair tailing. :We Employ] Young Men luonts in part payment for a liifsli grade Acme] bicycle. Whit-h we sund them on approval. Noi work done until the bicycle arrives aud proves satisfactory. I Young Ladies same terms. If boys or girls npply thoy must be well recom mended. \Y rite lor particulars. I ACME CYCLE COflPANY, I ELKHART, IND. C. W. BROWN, CITY BAKERY and GROCERY Fresh Bread, Cake & Buns -A.t .A. 11 Times. Give me a trial Grocery Order. Satisfaction gfuaraiiteed. Free delivery to all parts of the City CATARRH DIRECTIONS lor using CREAM BALM. Apply particle of the Biilm directly into the nostrils. After a mo ment draw a HtronK breath through the nose, t'se three times a day, after meals pre ferred, and before re tiring. ELY'ri CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflamation, Ortl ItVi MFAR Heals the Sores, Pro- «*ULU fltnU the Membrane from Colds, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm Is ciuiekly absorb ed and gives relief at once. Price 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St.. New York M. H. WARD, AUCTIONEER, Will cry your sales for you Terms reasonable. See him oi' call at the Farmer's Sheds for dates. E. F. Winsor, INSURANCE Oflice Over Kershaw's Meat Market IMItolaell, South Dakota E.D.BEST, 9 GLASSES FITTED, All desea^os of the EYE treat wj, OPKHATIONS l»crr«rm. m,d iATKKACT UUASOVF» 4*irupU*iit ARHf«tjmtH. If Kyca lllur, "Hl'ItN,'' ure In JlaiMod or me. l'KICKS TIIEUVVK^T 403 Nicollet Avenue, MINNEAPOLIS, JLINN", R-I-P-A-N-S GIVES ONK HEL1BF. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time. £old by druggists. a*iaiHi»iaianfgg HELD UP. By ROBERT BARR. [Copyright, ISM, by the Author.] This is not my story, and I have real ly no business to write it. It belongs to the railway manager. He ought' to tell it, but ,ho won't. A railway manager •will not admit in print that trains are ever "held up" on his road, whatever may happen on the opposition line. Thus it comes that I have to set down the story, who should not. Besides I oannot write it down in such a way as to indicate tho snap and go of the nar rative told us by the railway manager, for he was drunk at the time, and no sober man, with a pen in his hand, can emulate the eloquence of a railway managor when the champagne flows. Of course a sober railway manager would not tell an incident that might frighten traffic away from his road, so you liavo to learn these" things from them when "IVhat's the rom heir?" they are half seas over. The stcry is strictly true, because I related it to the manager next day (he was suffering from headache), and he admitted its ac curacy. He implored me not to tell the story, and I will not. I merely write it. Hang man who won't keep his pledged word with even a railway manager! The railway runs through a wild part of North Carolina, and Tompkins had been manager of it for some years. It is a picturosquo line and gets itself tan gled up among tho mountains in tho most bewildering way. The train puffs and staggers up awful grades, winds and twists and doubles 011 itself in the most confusiug fashion, goes round and round cupliko depressions, and seems, in general, not to know where it is go ing but, like the person in the song, it 'gets there just the same. Tho road passes through some pretty rough settlements, but there are civiliza tion and wealth at each end of the line, and these enable tho railway to pay a good salary to tho manager, although I never heard that it so far forgot itself to pay any dividends to the share holders. Well, one day there wero a lot of na bobs going east, and as tho manager was also traveling in that direction he ordered his private car hitched to the noon express, and away they went. A private car, the manager tells me, differs from an ordinary coach and is superior in some respects even to the aristocratic Pullman. A good deal, of course, depends on tho manager. If tho manager is a prohibition man—but, then, what is the use of discussing tho improbable? Tompkins knows them all and he says a railway manager is con tent if the engine drivers and trainmen are teetotalers without carrying the temperance fad to extremes. By ex tremes Tompkins means the rear end of the train, where the manager's private car is coupled. Anyhow I am given to understand that tho interior decorations of a manager's car are very fino and ex pensive, including artistic effects in Burgundy, dry champagne, fine, deli cato brands of old Kentucky, cigars from Havana and things of that sort. The time of this memorable trip was a few days before Christmas, and peo pie were going east to see their folks, many of the travelers having considera ble amounts of money on them. Besides this there was $400,000 in the safe of tho express car going through to- New York. This fact made the manager trifle anxious, and it was one of the causes that were bringing him east. However, the train would be out of the mountains while it was still daylight, BO the manager felt no real anxiety. All the nabobs who amounted to any thing were in his private car, and they were enjoying themselves, as people should during that festive season, but not, if I understood Tompkins aright, entirely by admiring tho scenery, al though doubtless that added to their pleasure. Just as they were in the roughest part of the mountains there was a wild shriek of the whistle, a sudden scrunt of the airbrakes, and the train, with an abruptness that was just short of an ac cident, stopped. "What's up?" cried everybody. "I don't know," said the manager, getting a little pale around tho gills. "You all stay here, and I'll go out and see.'' It need hardly be said that none of the passengers knew of the money in tho express car. The manager stepped down from hia private coach at tho rear, and the mo ment he looked toward the front of the train he saw his worst fears were real ized. Just ahead of the locomotive, on tho rails, was a huge pile of logs and railway ties. Standing around the en gine and the express car was a group of the most villainous looking mountain eers the manager had ever seen, deter mined and desperate men, who could put r. bullet in a man half a mile away. All wero armed with their long rifles, and two had their weapons at their shoulders, while the trembling express messenger and the engineer stood with their hands above their heads. "What's wrong?" cried a nabob who had followed the manager out. "Everything's wrong. We're hold up, that's what's wrong. Go back and toll tho rest to conceal their valuables. know what they're after. There's nearly $500,000 in gold on board. I'll go forward and parley with them as long as possible, so as to givo you time, imagine that if they break open the ,fe they'll be in a big hurry to get away and will leave the passengers alone. Still, I don't know, so warn ev erybody. There is no question but the manager •was a brave man. He went briskly for ard, as if nothing particular was rong and it was all a little mistake that could be explained away in a few words. As he walked tho length of the train ho mado up his mind to sacrifice the $400,000 if by so doing ho could pre vent bloodshed and further robbery. What's tho row here?" ho cried cheerfully as ho approached tho gloomy group of mountaineers. "Who are you, anyhow?" asked the man who was "covering" the express messenger. "Who am I? I'm tho manager of this railroad. What do you fellows mean by stopping one of my trains?" The man lowered his rifle and looked at tho manager. "What's the matter with you?" add ed Tompkins. The matter's just this, Mr. Mana ger. You run the gol darndest railroad in all creation. That's what's the mat ter, an wo ain't a-goin to stand it no longer. I don't mind your trainmen throwin coal at my dog, I don't mind em sassing my wifo an makin fun of my clothes, but when it comes to moil keying with my whisky I'm dod gasted if I'm a-goin to stand it. The other mountaineers nodded their approval of these sentiments. "Monkeying with your whisky? What do you mean?" cried tho bewil dered manager. I mean just what I say. They can throw coal at my dog, they can sa=s my"— "Yes, yes, but I don't understand about tho whisky. What have my men to do with your whisky?" "Why, don't you know, and you manager of the road? Well, moonshine whisky's all right enough ordinary days, but we alius has good old Ken tucky for Christmas. Day before yester day I gavo your man in this here kyar a jug an .$2 to bring me some prime Kentucky from town fur Christmas. Yesterday bang through goes your train, jug an whisky an all, an never stops. Now, wo ain't a-goin to stand that from no road that ever tooted a whistle to scare the steers. I said I'd bet my boots next train'd stop, an she has. I don't allow no man to monkey with my liltker. He kin sass my wife an chuck coal"— "See here," said tho manager to the expressman, "did you take his $2?" 'Twan't me," said the messenger. Must have been Bill Simmons on No. 9, and she must have gone through with out stopping yesterday.'' "Then all you want is your whisky?" asked tho manager, with a sigh of re lief. "Fair's fair, boss. 'Tisn't Christian like to drink moonshine this time of tho year. Besides he's got my $2 an the jug-" "That's all right," cried the mana ger. "Have we got a jug on the train?" "Here's one," said the mountaineer, taking a jug from behind a log. They had been refreshing themselves while waiting for the train. The manager grasped it by the han dle, turned it upside down and let the remains of the 'moonshine'' gurgle out, to tho. horror of the mountaineers. Then he started through the train, shouting: "Here, you men with flasks! I want half your stock! Pour it in here and bo glad to get off so cheaply!" Every man who had a bottle produced it, and before Tompkins had gone through two cars the jug was brimming full. He went back to the leader, who now allowed tne engineer ana express man to hold down their hands. "Taste that," said Tompkins. The mountaineer smacked his lips aft er sampling the contents. "That's a good blend,'' he said, with solemn rev erence. "Blend? You bet it's a blend. I've blended it myself. There's a sample of every known brand in the States there. Now, tomorrow I give you my word I I rv want half your stock." that No. 9 stops and unships your jug, or there'll be a row. Ia that all right?" "It's all right, boss, said the leader, who had given the word. Thereupon his lank company had flung the old ties and tree trunks clear of the track. "You're a white man, if you are the manager of this road. An your men oan make fun of my clothes an sass my wife all they've a-mind to an heave the company's coal at my dog as Ions they know you ain't a-goin to let 'em mcakey with my whisky." TIIE UNIX $10.65 confiden Observation 'CUT RATTLE AX THE LARGEST PIECE OF GOOD TOBACCO EVER* 50 LD TOR 10 CENTS PLUG N 1 I For further information address BIG PROFITS small Investments. Returning prosperity will make man) ieh. lint nowhere can they make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in (.riiin l'rovi.sic.ns and Stock. FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECULATION. originated by us. All succos^ttl speculators operate on regular system. It is a well known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the United States who, by systematic trading through Cliiratgo brokers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few thousand dollars for the man who invests a hundred or two hundred dollars up to S50,t)00 to 100,000 or more by those who invest a few thousand. It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively small investments on this plan are persons who live away from Chicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly un derstand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but covers both sides so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady prolit that piles up enormously In a short time. WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS also our Manual on successful speculation and our Dally Market Report, full of money-making pointers. ALL FREE. Our Manual explains margin trading fully. Highest references in regard to our standing and success, O A S & O an an 8asaBB3B&B&@E«a IIH 241-242 Rialto Building, GMIGAGO, ILL DR. HAT HAW AY & CO. The RELIABLE SPECIALISTS /tegular Graduate? in, Authorized by the Slate. Six National Banks for Financial Reference, thousands of Cured Patients all over the United as to our professional ability. All business conducted on a strictly professional basis and strictly ntiat* Consultation Free at office or by mail. Treatment sent everywhere fne from No interference with business white usins medicines. I Take no chances ai IHONESTY, Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility (Spermatorrhea and Impotency) caused by youthful follies and excesses, producing nervousness, losses, pimples and blotches on the face, rushes of blood to the head, pains in the back, confused ideas and forgetful* ness. bashfulness. aversion to society, loss of sexual power, loss of man hood, etc.. cured for life. 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One dose gives relief a few doses remove fever and pain in joints—a cure is bound to take place. Send statement of case. RnALr both sexes, C-i pages, with full description of above diseases, the effects and cure, UUUlt sealed in plain wrapper free. Read this little book and send for Symptom Blank. No. 1 for Men Wo. 2 for Women: No. 3 for Skin Diseases No. 4 for Catarrh. Take no chances and Obtain (he best by consulting the Leading Specialists in the United States. DR?H ATH AWAY & CO. I Cor. 4th & Nebraska Sts. SIOUX CITY, la. discov- SKILL CGARMENTS KEPT IN REPAIR FOR 1V2 YEARS FREE LATEST £•29 ANN ST.. ONE DOOR WEST OF NASSAU! NEW YORK CITY. MADE OF FOREIGN' WOOLENS FROM THE FAMOUS MILLS OF LEEDS, HUD DERSFIEI.D, CLIVEDEN', WEST.MINT/rilli, RAXN'OCKBURN AND GALASHIELS, COMPRISING TIIE LATEST COLORINGS AND DESIGN'S IN' CLAY DIAGONALS, WHIPCORDS, CASSIMERES, WORSTEDS, BEDFORD CORDS, TWEEDS, SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, PLAIN" AND MIXED VICUNAS AND ALL OTHER FASHIONABLE GOODS. ALL SEAMS SEWED WITH SILK, EDGES CORDED, FLAT BRAIDED OR COIO STITCH. OUR CELEBRATED CYLINDEIi-FITTED TROUSERS, WHICH 13 ALSO A GUARANTEE AGAINST BAGGING AT THE KNEE, WILL CONSTITL'TE ONE O? THE FEATURES OF THE DUSKAVES Sl'IT. THE LININGS AND TRIMMINGS OF THE ENTIRE SUIT ARE FIRST-CLASS. OUR BOOK OF STYLES AND SELF-MEASUREMENT BLANK, EXPLAINING IN A SIMPLE WAV HOW TO MEASURE YOURSELF, TOGETHER WITH SW'LES FO° WARDED UPON APPLICATION.