Newspaper Page Text
2W UTHERLAND TRIES 1HE OR GANIZA ixes Up Slate for Vot- rs to Approve in Primary CT10N RESENTED List Were Not Consulted About the Mow A scheme on the pari of John Sutli- eilanil, of Pierre, to dictate the iiiiin- on tbi' voters of the state this week and it was like to' so much po litical dynamite inio the fray. On 'Wednesday of this week, Mr. Sutherland began sending on I from Pierre, Til,nun copies of a circular calculated to put in office the candi dates of his personal solection. It was two or three days before some of the candidates on his list what l:e was doing and when Here is the Sutherland.J. folate'' of candidates: For I'niti-il States Senator, Tiioin.'is Sterling. For Congressman, First District, C. II. Dillon For Congressman. Second District, I. O. Curtis. For (lovernor, Frank M. Hy:ne. For Lieutenant (iovernor, A. Vail Osdel. For Secretary of Stale, Fred llep perle. when Ik- took charge of an Incipient I.a Follette boom and got himself chosen manager of the campaign in this state. When La Foletle's chances, in the presidential campaign went glimmering, Sutherland gracefully and noiselessly slid into Ihe ltoose ve 11 camp, organization, baggage and all, notwithstanding La Follette is 'lighting Roosevelt harder (ban Taft. Dillon Conspired in .laiiuary. Then Sutheo land, with two or pos sibly three, ot the candidates on his list, including Air. Dillon, concocted a scheme to settle the primary con test, in advance by telling the voters just whom they should support. The Republican believes this is the ulti mate result of a meeting held at mid night last. January ID, in room 'U of the Cataract hotel, Sioux Falls, and attended by Mr. Dillon, and a. few others, at which it was planed to or ganize a "candidates' trust." Hut at least six out of the ten candidates A1r. Sutherland has unde.i laken to nominate bv means of his circular, made hot baste to establish the fact that, they knew nothing about the scheme, that the.v were not con sulted about, it, and, furthermore, that they considered it not only wrong but an act of political idiocy. For, these candidates on Suther land's slate began at once to take tin inventory of the political assets this CANDIDATES' TRUST' At Lt'3St olX Ot I C'll Un HIS campaign entirely independent and has made no combination with anv ations to be made ai I ho South Di^jwitli forming a combination with any liota primaries. June till, was sprung oilier candidate is wholly unfounded I bey did find it out, there began one issued by our committee from Jl: long series of loud explanations. Tin* New Sutherland Ticket. tion of political boss for iie slate of I have not formed any combinations South Dakota dates back lo the timej ith other candidates and any slate- scheme of Sutherland's awarded tO p]. .^ against Wilson? them. They discovered that, whereas there wete ten candidates 011 the Sutherland slate, there were nineteen not 011 In oilier words, this means lining up nine candidates- with each one on the slate and nineteen against him. Those not on the Sutherland ticket Include three candidates for 1'nited States Senator, two for con gress in the Second, one for congress in the Kirst, two l'or governor, ono for lieutenant governor, three for sec retary of state, one for state treasurer four for railroad commissioner two for judge of the supreme court and one for national committeeman. Disecouiageil ly Move. Thus it was that most of those on the Sutherland list were thrown into despoudency by the action of the would-be political Napoleon at Pierre. The most, conservative of political ob servers agree that, the stunt pulled off by Sutherland probably will mean the defeat of some 011 his ticket who up to this time have had an excellent chance of winning. TIONOF at Hedfield, sent this telegram, through its secretary, S. \V. Clark, to the liransun committee: "Dean Sterling is conductinc his other candidate. This- committee has respected his wis'hes and has made no combination for or against Mr. Branson of any other candidate. Any statement printed or olhei wise charg ing Dean Sterling or this committee and untrue. You may give ibis tele gram the widest publicity." Lieutenant (loveinor liyriie, over the long distance telephone from Hartford, asked The Republican to make this statement: "Neither Mr. Hyrne nor his com mitte knew anything about this cir cular until it was issued and we are not in any way responsible for it. We are responsible only for what, is! headquarters a I. Hedfield." Fred llepperle of Kurr-ka, sent tliU telegram to the liranson campaign comniet tee: "I have no knowledge of any cir cular or anv combination on my part for or against Mr. Hrans.on." liranson a I'lo-iiessive. For State Treasurer, A. \V. Kwert. been working with the progressive For Kail-toad Comi.-sioner, •I.'in South Dakota ever since the niove Alurphy. I mi nt bewail. I am not taking any part] For Judge of the Supreme Court,|in the congressional contest, in thej First District, Samuel ('. 1'olley. l-'ir.-t distiict and do not. want to be For Judge of the Supreme Court, understood as giving any advice to Second district, John Howard Cutis. voters- in the First, district as how For national Coinitleenian, Thomas! they should vote on congressman. I Thorson. Suiberland's design upon the posi- Kwert, candidate, for state I A. W. my record." As elated above, others disclaimed most vehemently any part, of the scheme and iu nearly (-very case characterized the scheme* as fool- Part ieularly BRYAN DECLARES HE'S CHAMP CLARK MAN (.U'OTKh IX AIIXXKSOTA AS SAV IN' IIIS NAMK AVOX'T (iO jof his public, life, lie is far greater AVilson and his public The Rranson campaign committee of this city received prompt disavow als of any participation in the Suth erland scheme, from Sterling, Byrne, liwert and 1-Iepprele and still others took the trouble to make an elaborate explanation of the l'ac.t that they dis approved of the move although they were not willing to make public state ments far fear of involving themsel- oerats in the Mouse unanimously lie-j in his preeent distress. '.1-"- menl that 1 have done so at this time I want lo repudiate. 1 am running! Tyler, Texas.-- Dan Davis, a negro strictly upon my merits and trponiaged I, was burned at the slake in regretted by fit-lends of Mr. Hyrne, for rendered Davis to the mob. The A'r. Hyrne has maintained separate crowd then bound him to a huge pile headquarters in order not to become of wood in the public square and involved with any other candidate-and stood by while hi lias scrupulously avoided any such an es.' alliance. Some of llyrne's friends even went to far as to wonder whether Sutherland was not attempting to do feat Hyrne, because P.jrne hasn't placed his campaign in Sutherland' ha nds. RKKOItK 'OXVKXTIOX. Minneapolis, Minn.—'William .1. Hryan said today to a. prominent Alinnesota. politician in answer to the direct question "Why do you favor "Hecause," said Air. Brvan, "Cliampi 1 K'lark is an experienced legislator whose record we know or can ascet 1 of democrats at all. "Hut there is much talk that your name will go before the convention '.My name will not go before the convention. I feel that A 1 Clark will have enough votes to nominate him 011 tho first, ballot. Air. Clark can poll more votes than I can. I have too many enemies. Air. Clark is sure to win, in my judgment." and I want to s^e it,," was the way the Alinnesotan put tho next querry. 1 I slow I'll liptlU 111*.' (Ill- lliglll':t UllilV lll'lll I by an democrat since Marrh 4, lS9?,j jtlie second highest in our system of] I government, and my first duty to tlip country and the party is lo Slav 'here si in! perl'orni the functions of that great position, thereby helping expedite the public business and to continue the magnificent record a number ofj which the democratic house has been So I must depend on you ves still more. What these candidates said that was not fqr! making. inibMention would make a lot more and my other rriends to carry South! interesting reading than their formal Dakota for me, and from the hoitninj htjti-menis to the press. lot' my heart I thank yon and them for] Statements by iiiIMn1es. 'ho splendid and unselfish light' I he Sterling Senatorial 'ominittee! which you are making in my a aul liorize,-! this late- treasurer incut: "At no time have 1 say thai Mr. P.ranson is not a progressive republican and I do not say so now, as 1 know that he has "Champ Claik. JERRAULD FOR BRANSONIFIELD By FIVE TO ONE THIS IS I'lSKIHCTION maim-: Ti:it m: DKMVKits mis cam l'AI SI'KKCH IX THAT corxTv. Lane, S. D.- CI. L. liranson of .Mitchell, candidate for Congress nd dns. voters of this community yesterday at 0 0 p. m. A large number of voters were present anil a good part of the crowd were farm ers. Farmers are just finishing planting corn which prevented a large number being present. Mr. P.ranson's address was a masterly iono and his explanation of his atti tude in rcard to the control of trusts •1 corporations was heartily accept (!. His. trp cell was straight, from the shoulder, carying a sincerity ot pur S pose that was convincing. His re marks wer applauded fneiniently. 'lie has been In this town on numer ous other times, but Ibis was his first appearance here in his catn- S n.v nile- taken to' good' am a jirogressive republican, but I have made my own campaign and I I a pledged him their support. The most critical could not find a hole in the 1 knowing the man 0 believe and support him at the primaries. He will carry Jerauld county with a largp majority estiiualed at five to one. NEGRO IS BURNED IK PUBLIC SQUARE Alois AT 11VI. 11, TK.VAS, ADAIIXIS- Ti:iJS IM XISIIAIKNT I'OR TIIB S1'.XXI TIAIK IX A'KAIS. the public square here today, after he confessed lliat he had assaulted Aliss Carrie Jackson, aged 1(1, a while girl. The officer, tried lo save Ihe negro, but when a thousand men was the circular! prepa led 10 .-torm the jail, they sur •AIRES MAKES ATTACK ON WICKHEM FORCES WOltKKK KOI! .IOIIXSOX I A( TIO\ savs i'i:ttk i!i:\vs tick- i:t is iis( iti:ii'ii:n all OVKK STATI-: tain. am quite familitr with most^ .it a 0 asule from what Ins record is as a] .... ghly discredited 111 every corner of congressman are sound. AVilson arei 1 the state. It is regarded as half re not sound nor democratic. AVoodrow ..... 1 'acttonary to start with and litis dr AVtlson does not belong to my class, stroyed confidence 111 its stability by O A I I A W O I A enlisted the assistance of Charles Afc- O S O S I I O A I S A I I Huron, S. I), —Tom Ay res' of Ihe Johnson campaign forces was in llur- jon today looking after the interests of 'the Johnson-Wilson ticket, lie declar es that the battle for his candidates is won and that their pluralities will be] ample lo make both tickets safe. Com-' .-- "iinenting 011 what he regards as thej solr confionted with a discouraging' abilitv than Wood row! isituation. The Lee ticket for which utterance? he traded at Alitchell is now thoro- its frequent flops. Added to this hand icap the second Clark ticket for del egates, filed mainly as a protest against the trade made at Alitchell, is going to draw a great many votes of democrats who are for Chirk on principle and refuse to be trifled with. The old brokeu-down democrat wagon ol'1'iceied bv Howler, Kirby, em and Lyons is useless in the present emergency, and in a desperate luot resort for help, Pettigrew has Coy, his old chum ol' Waddling 'Wil- Sioux Falls, S. D.—R. K. Petti-j lie Taylor days who is wow in the gram from Washington late yester campaign. day: I McCoy was in Huron yesterday in organization "Hon R. K. Petiigrew, Sioux Falls: jan effort to call off the fight and line Regret that it is impossible to come up the AVilson delegates for Clark, to South Diikota to make speeches, al-! but he retired without making tiny though I have no doubt it would pro-Ivisiblc impression, Lorinier bi-paiti- mote my personal fortunes, but dem-jsan tactics will avail Pettigrew little HE STATE CONTEST Roi Tibbelts Has Easy Victory on Platform at Huron EVENTS ON Only Comparatively Small •M.'.' Number of Finals Have Been Pulled Oft Word was received this morning from Huron of the splendid success! Dakota 'Wesleyan this ion of contest, his subject was "America's ,, Industrial Crisis." Second place• was I awarded to Ralph ,1. oster ol A ank. ton, who spoke on 1 be Passing ol Mitchell has been exceptionally successful in the winnings made in the oratorical contests during the in the state contest. The winning of Air. Tibbelts, it is stated, will bring the inte-r-state con- jnual South Dakota Intercollegiate I'i:ksii»k\t of xk i:o kxivku- SITY AT WASHINGTON Till-: l-:i( ilTII TO RKCKIVI'l TilK 11OXO l{. Minneapolis, .Minn a vote discomfit tire of the Pettigrew-Wick hem forces, he said "Pelt igrew's campaign in Sotiili'Da-1 institution at Washington, D.. for vindication of 0 1 inany years they have been held,!- Huron, S. 'D.—Ideal weather mark, j' ed the opening of the eighteenth an-!"' lour finals resulled as follows: .Mile i'iiii Robinson, Yankton, frightened and ran away. They first 11 roil, second Nelson, (started when Thomas was in front, of Time -I: 7 -1- ings, first IWaile, .Mitchell, third. Time a 1-2. Shot Put--liritziun, P.rookings, :first Ferguson, Vermillion, second Roberts, Vermillion, third. Distance] .,n 21-0 3-2. The score stool last night at. State] t'niversity, 12 Hrookings, 10 Ilur-j 011 (1 Vault ton fi Mitchell 2. LAST OF BISHOPS IS NAMED BY CONFERENCE US more than necessary, Howard univer.-ity, a president of ..........1 ............, kola is now one personal pride, lie engaged to carry] Already the delegates have begun discuss the election of officers of a 1 cd. boards of the church. It. said that instead ot having one man at the head of the hoard of foreign missions, three with equal power will be placed there, taking the position hertofore occupied by Dr. Anna H. erhood w'as presented to the confer ence last night, by 1'ayette L. Thomp son, its secretary. The report de clared that the Alethodist brother- hood is "a rerious attempt to help grew, South Dakota manager foristate employing his usual arguments solve the man-problem in the church Tho new association will hold county of Davison, state of South Clark, received the following tele- in behalf of the I 'ettigrew-IIearst a 1 l» 1 1 isnanco of UaO Icharters in the four years since its LETCHER HEMS baseball leant iii-lli-il 11) Inns $ I 7 H. 1J \V. H. Holland has been having cement .sii'-Mv.iIk put down in front of his residence on the west side. of Woonsocket moments. which has again come to [Dakota ,,. ,, ,, I Pierre, S. D. --The stale trea.-urer Wesleyan university when its repre- MMiialiw I-rulay ni^h! won llrst place I 1 1'uml warrants, Hearing tlio in flu* intor-C'ollegiate C»: a tori rontest. Koi Tibbelts is Hie young 1 held at the Ilardnian home at clock Wednesday and at. the Elliott •liiirch at ". The remains were laid to rest iu tile Rlliott. cemetery. The sympathy of all are with the bereaved Inuhand and children. 0 0 1 1 1 a 1 man who defended the- high reputa-: (jppj- |, ii.-und dollars, Tlie taxes in March, followed by the sup-! 0 1 ,,, ,„. 1 Tibbelts Is a strong speaker, and at j''lection in April, the time of his entrance in the a I one vole. The contest it was freely predicted that U'aloon contested. 0 S 4 0 1 0 0 1 ,, S \\ar. Iietold Jalin, of Huron got for some time, as it third place and Lvivelt Smith °'jwill i-arrv until the returns come In Redtield fourth. fi on. 1 he'June call. million dollars into the nry, and this has put the state track and field meet in Ibis city yes-j I'arkston, S. I).—a .'"honias, em-] .nd, lerday. The afternoon was given over ployed on the lattn of Jens Soren-i Whereas, it stipulated in said to preliminaries iu the 100-yard, thejson, 11 farmer living in I hit slii nson 11101 tga.-te thai if default would be I 2 0-ya nl high hurdles, 2^'0-yard low county, by the merest scra.lch csca p-f made iu lu? payment, ol any poitlon hurdles ami Hie 20-yard dash. The],.,] being cut lo pieces by a disc whenjof the principal or interest promptly] the machine changing ihe levers. The Van lft 011, Quarter Alile Run Knox, llroolc- longue was 'nimedialely broken off'same shall become delitniuenl, then was burned to ash-1 'bird. Distance .",0-S. from being thrown under tbe]iflil, said mortgage with the notes Hrond Jump KiJ 111, Vermillion. (.^t to pieces. The horses secured thereby, was duly assigned first Sheeks, Vermillion, second plunged through a heavy fence, hutiby the sai-.l mortgagee to H. W. Pal- W 0 O Lead. S in Spent fish canyon wardens and special efforts are to he of made by the Rod and Clun Clubs of t]ie the Hlack Hills to put a stop to the in a few days by Sliei iff Xootian. Leonard, of New York, made secre-: pressive pomp and ceremony, marked O tary emeritus of Ihe board at the presence of four kings, four, present. session. Among the names queens, two thousand noblemen from' Copenhagen, Denmark.—With im- mentioned for these positions are .1. all over Europe, the body of tho late I""*'" e"--. H. Trimble, Storm Lake, la., and K. King Frederick AMD. was laid at rest A. Schnell, of Alt. Pelasant, la. As today In the chapel at Koslcide-. secretary of the 'board of home mis-' a a a a sions it is porbable that RoTiert Korbes, of Philadelpbia. will be elect-! as (lu ciation. The following officers wero elected: President, 'Walter Brewster a Lelcher, S. D.—Tho basket social: business of poultry taising through given for the benefit of the Letcher|out South Dakota ... n* 111 the state next winter. The purpose of the new associa tion is to create gieater interest in !poultry «K Mr. Delbert. Col was in town Frida. Miss Sylvia Urady enme up from Republican Primary Mitchell W T. to visit Miss ISIanch hom•= of her daughter, Mrs. John ll.'-rdinan .''.ii's. Kittle,-on 'waw appar ently as well as usual wh -n she retir 'i-il, hut was noon taken with a pei-u iar cough and it seemed hard for her i'lo gel lie breath. She got up anil went lo the open window. Her litis-1 Notice is hereby veu that a 1'ri-j 'band called Mi Ai aril man to sum pink. tstanding I three bun- 1 Abenlein. S. Summit will be license carried by] ,. cuiiiiled when it should have heen lion to license bad been thrown out when it should have been counted test, to .Mitchell in the course of a week or ten days, when the North I Judge McNulty ordered a recount,!cjtati of South Dakota in book 109 Dakota representatives will competeland "ouiul that tho ballc! thrown outj for inter-slate honors. [should have been counted and theL^y of December, 1910, at •. o'clock STRlTiG IjK IX ATII I.KTICS KOR ballot, counted should have beenj ^n^ 40 minutes p. m. an 1 SI'I'RKMACV AAIOXCJ fOLI,K KS I thrown out, reversing the finding ofj whereas, no action or proceeding 0 1 OIIKIM, I'lilMA |{V IUMJOTS. As provided hv section l.", Chap iter 2'.i", Session lilut'i, 1 here by report the color of the official Piiinary Hallots for the .lune Pri mary, 1 2. is a follows, to-wit: colo Democrat it Ryan over Sunday. !yellow. The Letcher friends were shocked j" Prohibition Primary to hear of the death of Mrs. 11. O.jblue. jKittleson on Monday evening, at the- Socialist Primaiv llallot, 1 opponents to 'hby 1' holding that one man, of ho would be the successful a vote in favor of license had been south Dakota, to J. .1. .Myles] cil'ications on file In Ihe county au(ii- 0 Ilnowii out, and another in opposi- ]).,i 0 I 0 0 Hallot, Primary Ballot, color, to elect their several national. 1 1 o'-jS o'clock A. M. and o'clock P. for the purpose of allowing the mem. XOTM i: TO CUKDITOIIS. hers of each politic.,1 party in the! Kstat.e of Iturzinali O'.Viealy, df- St.ate by their own separate pat :y [ceased. choose their several party 4 4 4 1 0,, .... tiotis also to nominate in the samej tnist-:• or, at Mitchell, in .„.„ i„ ,iio manner the several party candidates for tile otlice of t'nited States Sen-! iijited, .vlav llltii, 1!II2. for! next legislature of this state. Dated this IP.Mil day ol' April. l!U2. it. A. /ANOLK. I County Auditor. \VTiri-: or MouT(iA sam? 'Whereas, d-fanll 1 as been made the payment of the interest having more firsts to its credit, tban ''ision ot Judge Frank McNulty °'j \liu-hell, county of Davison, South road, beginning at. the C.. AI. & St. all other colleges put together. Alrjuie state circuit court. At the town I dry town, according lo a de-j^* (Ji-eeli's Addition to the city ofjing and ini|itovlng of six miles of. a 1 \V. Peterson, county of 1 and which mortgage was re in the office of Ihe Register .pds of the county of Davison, Alortgager, on page 371 on the 17th or otherwise have, been insti- med to recover the debt secured isaid mortgagee, or any part thereof, ie four horses ajlaehed to it became! .1 the time tho same should become due, or if default be mail.' in the pay nent of Ihe taxes at.n'ssi'il or lo be assessed on said premises, before the Itergen, Huron, second: Xjy Die plunging boises, and Thomasjhe whole sum, bolh principal and in- ".ivid his life bv catching hold of I he teres!, should at once become due, tongue-rods, lo which he clung with,and, a. death-like grip and thus saved him-! Whereas, on the 12th day of April Rallano, Mexico. After live hours of fighting between Cen. Iluerta's federals and Orozco's main army yes terday, the battle was renewed this morning. The federal artillery did deadly execution, lluerta expects to route the rebels and end the war he-i fori- night. I ,pped. Thomas wasjnier of Alitchell, Davison county, had Iv cut and bruised. [South Dakota, which assignment was n, comity auditor and marked duly recorded in ihe office of the Register of Deeds in said Davison county. South Dakota, on the 19th day of April, 10 12. in Hook 98 of Mortgages 011 page r.77 and, Whereas, default has hern made in] |Use payment of tli-» interest on the, money and also in the payment ofj part, of the principal of said money [secured by said mortgage and, 1).—Dynamiting ot 'jiii« payment of the taxes assessed on Several times recently ed at then- work and just managed and in other real property as agreed by the streams in this section, continues,,mortgagor in said mortgage despite Ihe vigilance of the gnme'jnil, I conference elected '\V. P. Thirklle'd.. mln! ism. Several times recently] whereas, the amount claimed lo heioannl bill, Willi its drastic provisions 1 1 1 1 the eighth and last of the bishops.!° ""'V ''"T*' "7" Thirty-four Dollars and Six been obtained and ofticeis will ask m.tit ), to-wit Three the governor of Montana for a requi-1 .. dollars principal and thirtv sition for a man suspected of com-1 ^,1 «l a I 0 I 0 piieity in the work in this section, est. besides- the sum ICight dollars while 01 her arrests ir« expectet! witlij I est, a oonsockct, S. D.—A number of ^mortgage will be foreclosed by a sate' ^'ti taiiff bill 'passed by the House. poultry fanciers gathered in Woon-j0f (h6 mortgaged premises therein The state department is alarmed by .. vi .1 i- v. ,1 isocket and organized what will be described, at public auction at the Tho report of the ions roth-1known LAI'IUT'/. Mil,I.Kit, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage. J. P. BKRRY, at Mitchell. South Dakota.111|,. necessary vouchers within six this '"nil day of April, I 12. months after the first publication ot i(. A. ZAN(!LK, I ibis notice, to the said exect'irix at XOTICK OK I'HIMAIIV KI.K li»N.j I Whereas, defrult has been made in! Whereas, the whole amount ofj principal and interest has become due| bv reason of such default and, ic is Hk- sum of Three! thirty 'our cents for taxes nor- essarily paid by said Alortgagee andi interstate Poultry asso-!front door of the court house In the 1 1 it a vice-president, Jesse Allen secretary, ]day or June, 1912, at 1 o'clock in the Airs. Alattie Webster treasurer, O. K. afternoon of that day. The said mort Krnst. A11 executive board also wasjgaged premises are situated in the poultry show at some central point! Dakota, and are describe! as follows, the poultry businss i-iid advance the this 23rd day of April. lf12. Z). 'W. PALAIKR a. {interest, and the cost of this fo re-!engaged coastwise trade were to Iclosure proceeding and Twenty-l'ivo1 {dollars attorney's fees as provided byjt0 given that b- viitue of the power ofj Mitchell, county of Davison, state of South Dakota, on the 8th and poultry culture, diffusel Dakota. forced his way Into the room and eui lielping information in reference to Dated at. Alitchell, South Dakota, pt ed his revolver at the president. 1 S Pv Sheriff of Davidson County, S. D. NOTK'K TO CliKltlTOItS. Estate of Nicholas Atutziger, iVe-S :ceased. Notice is hereby given by the un 'dersigned Catherine Alutziger, execu color ii-ix ol the -last iwill of Nicholas Alutz iger, deceased, to the creditors of and. color an persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit the n, with County Auditor. 1111o lesidence of said executrix, In ilCthan, In the county of Davison, S. 'i will be held at the- 11111 ry Flection will :ie Item at tin-- CATHKlMNi: All'TZIOF.R, noil the doctor and I hey administered Kulai polling pl.iies in all tin Kxr-cturix ot the last will .nd m? ., 'tig precincts ount),j lament of Nicholas Alutziger, doonue. restoratives, hut Fhe passed away in ,, ihikota, on i!ie 4th day ofi few moments. The funeral was I .lune, li'l'J, between the hours ofi ork 0 1 1 money and also in the payment of. .v., o.,tit County oninii«i if.i.' rn part of the piincipal of the s.tlit money secured \v a mortgage on Lot county up to the hour of 2 o'clock' Fifteen I in block nine I I !l) Friday, .May :t 1, 1912, for the trn.d- 1 0 vote to choose ttierr several [mriji Notice is hereby given by the tin candidates for all State, congression- dprsigned cdministriiioi of the estate judicial, legislative, and county 0 ofiices whii are to be tilled by e'ec-,||, tion at the next geucial e)tftion I,.| whi,-!! is to be filled by the 111.{AM L. O'M'HAI.Y, Hniz nab .''.Mealy decertsiyd, to the in a S 1 .,|| a ons having the. eaid deceased, to 1cxlillilt them, with the necessary vou- and precinct committeemen and Iel-,within four mouths after Mm egates to the several parly conven- 1 publication ot this notice, to the 0 Davison, '. 15. Administrator of said estate.. ?:oT!CK TO lllll)l-:its. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids, endorsed with the title of the W and addressed to the county j. i,|,'lt mortgage was dated Ry. on See. Line between sections 21 will be ncelvrd by Ihe ., „f December, 19UI, ex- and 22-1 tC'.-fi 1, thence south to 1-1 Mjichell, Davison county, South! tor's office. ot Davison :i single I cor. between sections 21 and 22-102 Davison, (i I. in accordance with plans and spe- Copies of plans and specifcations may be procured for $2.00 at. the county auditor's office Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check drawn on some- sol vent. bank in the city of Mitchell for an amount to 5 per etnt it th bid. llids must be on each mile of route and the Hoard reserves the right. t.o let contract 011 any mile of route or on as many miles as they see fit. Hoard reserves the tight to reject any or all bids. Dated at Mitchell, S. D., this 9ih day of May, 1912. 1 It. A. ZANfiLH, County Auditor. IllltS KOI I SCHOOfi HOOKS Notice- io hereby given that the hoard of education of Davison court ly, South Dakota, will receive sealed bids up to 10 o'clock a. 111. Tuesday, •lune II, 1912 for the furnishing school books to Hie pupils of a'.l the public schools In the county as pro vided! in Article 1-1, Secticti 22C, Session Laws of 1907, for a term of five years. All bids to be addressed "bids for school books." Dalwl this IGlh day of Alay, 1912. 1 It. A. ZANOLK, County Auditor. FREE USE OF CANAL FOR AMERICAN SHIPS coxfjiu-iss envi-jft thjs pkrmis- SIGN 1SV 11KOISIVK VOTK— CO.MMITTKH AGAINST WOOfj llllili. Washington, l. —The Panama mortgage at the d.ite| iH-ohiliitin^ railroads from owning or 1 controlling steamships wliiull coin- |ii't« against. I heir land lines anil granting free passage through tliP i\ty-six ci nts inter aiial lo every vessel flying the Aniei- ,lay 1 sale contained in said mortgage, and jdtily reco"ded as aforesaid, and in! 'pursuance of the statutes in such I k- jcase made and provided, the saidlon an to-wit: Lot Fifteen (l.'i) in block bers of his cabinet, and with govem N'ineteen fill). F. AL Greene's addi-!ors of the provinces, when Chang tion to the pity of Alitchell, South 1 Ping Un, C- disgruntled office-seeker O 8 lernoon. The vote was to Oil. I Washington, D. C.—American 6-hlps e'1Vfi" permission by the House use Panama canal free of tolls. Amendments giving these free prlvil- egc.B were incorporated in the Pan- a a a a a 1 4 7 12(1. *The Senate finance committee to- a strict party vote decided up- wlverse report upon the wool- a negro uprising in eaBtern Cuba and will send 500 marines from Phila delphia to Guantanamo, where two gun-boats are already stationed. A Cuban warship is on her way from. Havana with COO troops. ..?• -v. 0 1 1 Pekin, China.— President Yuan Sill Kai. of China was dining with mem- However, he missed. Yuan watched the assassin fire and never moved nor Assignee ot Mortgage, spoke. The assassin was captured. I