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SPs 0f rou Don't ifj Duff street. mm Pffis. ®l'a. w: 422 ^f*t Fifth ftvisnuie WA| fBDh [401 EJ Starnei Want Ads See ^%aa0KMapt8t883taatae»3»30MM[ A WORD ir tub InMrtton In tb« wfant ad. columni of The Dally Republican. Special i-ftt* by the moatfc ot 7b MBts par line—Line* will u*ljr contain ,*orAft. M4 adv*rtU«mfn,t taken tot Iwi ttan 16 centa. S A4ventiMpneaU- 4 TIlftBE LADIES WANTED to work -lh booth In Corn Palace all next week. Address 17A, care Repub lican. WANTED—pirl for general house work. Mre. W. C. Metcnlf, 415 N. Edmunds street. AOKN4Cs wanted. WANTED—-Live men to sell the liveliest article on the market New Era ballbearing rppe making ma chine, brand new, nothing like it makes stronger and better rope out of binding twine at less than 1-4 the price you can buy it for at the store sella onaightto farmers, miners, and rope users our men are making $35 to |60 per week if you are interest ed and want a good paying proposit ion call of write Omaha Sales and Supply company, upstairs, 201 Main street, Mitchell, S, /D. CALL and'see us* make rope of all siaes and lengths on the New Era ballbearing rope making machine, upstairs, 201 Main street, Mitchell S BE INDEPENDENT—Hundreds of men arid women everywhere are mak ing $1,000. to $8,000 annually In the Mail 0?dir! Business. We show you how—Furnish you successful money making Plans and guide you in de veloping a profitable Mall Order Busi ness. Oniyi spare time needed at the start. Quick returns no convassing experience unnecessary. Send for Positive Proof and FRIEE Booklet. Pease M(k-. Ute Inc., 66 Broadway, Dept. M41„ Buffalo, N. Y. SECURE THE AGENCY for the Goldeijii Red vacuum cleaner if yop mant to make all kinds of feal'money this fall. Special inducements to real live agents and organizers. The Hugro Manufacturing Co., Chicago, 111. AG13NTS, either Sex, for article which, sells at sight. Should be in .v every -home. Particulars free.—Geo "imSrge Bartholomew, Aberdeen, S. D. MOBILE chauffeurs, repair flOO to $150 monthly. Big LttTge, new training shopa. ue free. National Automobile Ass'n, Omaha, Nebr. FORRKWT. R'EOT—"880 iiWe farm, W ^/tit l\ DnnMtc room tit 721 South Edmunds. Rooms modern- FOR RENT—Very desirable fur nished t)nd unfurnished rooms. Close in. ^hone 518. FOR RENT—Five room cottage Fulleftor. Lumber Co. FOR R10NT—Rooms on second floor of Silsby building Geo. A. Silsby FOR RENT—One store room on Secoiad avenue east.—Webber & Co. 'VORUli 11 An 5 What You Want, Read 1 he Republican Want Adm 1 »eat» may be li until ordered 6nt. Mifta to run until But |dvertiiement» ordered to 4 run specified number of tlmei, muit be paid for the number of tlmea requeated. HELP WANTED. 1'OR SALE--Gocd tecond Malleable range. 'Ill l'ourih WANTED—Girl for general house West. Phone 24•. work.—.VI s. E. E. Reamer, 512 N. WANTED—Oood girl, general housework. Mrs. L. 1.. Ness, 7 21 W. Second ave. KITCHEN HEIiP andastro[ig hoy a a WAITED—Competent girl for Rraeroff. houaew.mjf .ilra. Ronald, fED- -TWjea^glrl WA.J Stotfk, I in-f, jrpqdjotwn.j Ad dress J'or formation, 724 Third /Street, S. D. Or would sell one-half interest to active, party. TiTPE'WRlTERS—Factory rebuilt and^MBhtly need. All makes. Sold and^nted. Write for catalogue.^—B. •F. ^gwanson Co., Sioux City, la, KpR SALE—Shetland pony, sad dle, ^harness and trap, cheap.—S. H. Scallin. r.- .•(. WILL SELL my Interstate touring! 'car.- In perfect condition and com-! plet^ly equipped. A. T. Downey. FOR SALE—Nearly new! rubber tirell*%eather»,t9P single carriage and ^a»arnaaj 'fer^fBdyce. FOR'SALE—New and second-hand #i3!Jjwroln 1 and pocket-billiard tables, .'#•!!A fowling alleys, and accessories fixtures of all kinds, easy pay nent. Brunswick-Balke Col ander GOTiwny, 426 428, 430 Third *treet B^lthif jktlhnea|£11s, Minn. •%.. FOR SAL.E-—Dressers. Commodes, Sewing .Machine, Iron Bed, Box Spring, cheap.' 704 Railroad St. GOOD seven room' Itonsej, w«at Fourth Street, Small collage on /West Second. Cottage with'' barn, J?ast First in the fourth block. Office pr sleeping roornS, bank building.'d'on* mcrcial and Savings Bank. FOR. SALE—As I must chjaugf climate, will sell my "Big-4" 3 0-h. p. gasoline Tractor Farm Engine with all attachments for plowing, etc.. reasonable. Inquire of Wm. Edle man. Plankinton, S. D. FOR SALE-—Two driving tennis and top buggy. X. Main st. Fourth Ave. Sam Raymond' ffita ,'ElJ-rGlrl for r,i3 houFe work! E&nonds. ,'iJ hand Ave. KKAL BMTA'l'K HIK NAIJK EDMUNDS county farm land to ex change for horses, cattle, merchan dise or implement or hardware stock. Llghtner-McCafferty Land Co., inc., Roscoe, S. D. FOR SAIJI?—Well built cottage of flvp rooms. Al?o well located lot on Fourth avenue. Reasonable price if taken s-oon. M. Ho Ice, 704 East FOR SALE—-200 acres highly im proved near Grove City, Minn., fine fedrn (and. .For sale at a sacrifice by owner.—G. E. Derby, Grove City, Minn. SALE—A section of land, one of the best stock and grain farms in South Dakota near Mitchell and Mt.. Mernon. Inquire "J. A. P." care Re publican. FOR SALE—Bargain. Half sec tionfl well improved, all new build ings, 2 Vfc miles from Wessington Springs. Write owner, 201 west First Mitchell, S. D. FOR SALE—Three new 5-room cottages. Full cemented basement. Well and cisterns. Either cash or monthly payments. O. 13. Cassem. FOR SALE—Seven room house, barn, good well, three lots on south side. $2600. Easy terms. Inquire, Slit Fourth Ave. West. FO .«• ALK —Ask Bidwell, i'wo homestead claims FOR SALE National Bank. FOR SALE—House and lot 4 21 Bast Second street. Inquire Jacob Bujer, Tripp, S. D. FOR SALE—1G0 acres of choice Stanley, county land, 3 Vfe miles from station on main line of Northwestern railway. Has live creek flowing through it, few hills and most of it can be easily cultivated. No improve ments. Will sell for $15.00 per acre. Address R. A. J., care Republican, For town ioi», tee Bidwell. FOR SAL'li—04 0 acres choice im proved farm fi miles from Plan kin- srouldTthe" republican's control ton. Would take house in •.Mitchell, or 160 acres in Davison or Aurora county as part payment.—'Weller Land Co., Mitchell, S. D. !Hamilton, Moat. FOR SALE—Farmers, renters, in. vastors you can make no miatalte in buying FoBter county, North Dakota, grain farms safe, sure, large re turns within reach of all send for facte. Write WENDELL HUSTON, Carington, N. D. milei-yest^^lM^^n^y, :68fl ja^rea.un- FOR SALE—A house and two der ^.cultivation.—Wm. Plan^jhtoW/S'.^ Edlema'u, j0ts phone 6C2. AHE VOU GOIXG TO BUY LAND? -Young men students tojj^o farmer should think of buying a home before seeing a copy of our Journal. It has lands, city property and stockB of' goods advertised in it Tor every state in the union, so that you can find just what you wish in its columns. It reaches 60,000 readers each issue. Advertising rates, 2c per word. Send 10c for 2 months' trial subscription. It will be stopped at the end of 2 months unless you renew. FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOUR NAL, BOX 44, TRAER, IOWA. For insurance always see Bidwell. Ask Bidwell. His abstracts tell. MlSCKlJiAK ROUS. .FREI^—A genuine "Kreiieh Ostrich Plume", 7 1-2 in. IS in. not a scragley imitation, but /trlioii real French, Stylish Plume, one that re tails,at from $8.oo to J12,00. free of cost to you. WTtt'e'" hv once for 409 particulars.—F. H.+ f^,emiie^. Bond Avenue, Chicago.''' ^PRIVATE DETECTivV:'and waich man. Work solicited. Address L. B. 3«4, Mitchell, S. D. DRESSMAKING—928 E. 2nd Ave START a mailing business. In spare time. "Key" tells how. 10c. G. A. Wehrer, Junction City, Kans. STRAYED—A umck AT. Aalseth, phone 997. heifer calf. WESTERN UNION delivers notes, invitations, parcels, packages QUICK 10c. Phone 76. Holt Taxicab. Phone S9. .LOST—Gold ty-opch with small diamond setting, $2 xk gold piece attached. Return to this office r' «f DR. J. S. HOAGLAND NEW PRESIDENT TO HKAH STATE .tXTI.SAl.OON MvUil'K TIIK COMING YEAH. I{EV. It. V. HOI.S- AI'I'LE ISIMAINs SI l» eiiin'tknoent. Hi. ,T. S. lloagland pastor of the Methodist church of this city was el4^"d president of the State Anti SaJ|tKn League of Sour.h Dakota, at a Sneering of the board ci' trustees held in this city yesterday. Rev. Hotfgland will succeed A. C. Shep h:\j|& of Sioux Falls, who resigned the'sOffice to take up his future rc«i deuce in California. The meeting here yesterday was caller] to order at four o'clock. It wus the annual meeting and busi ness- fr.r the past year was reviewed. An aggressive campaign tor law en forcement Imp been outlined for t.lie coming year and an effort will be made to so arouse public sentiment tliut the proper officers will he elect ed over the state to enforce the laws already enacted. It has been decided to furnish secret service operator* to those communities 'Which express a desire for them, to secure evidence which will enable a sncct ??l'til prose cution of violators of the liquor laws. The report of the treasurer for the past year was submitted which shows that the League has assets which exceed the liabilities by $•1,54.'!.Kii. The finances for the past year have been conducted on a clos® margin as evidenced by the fact? that bank balance at the end of 'the veal's work is $4.51. The re ceipts for the year were $0,971.19 nn^ the disbursements .we,rp, $.f)06 .68, The .total subscriptions and cnsii collections booked during the year amount to $7.962.ri7. Superintendent Uolrnple made his report for the year. Among other things he said, "While we took no active part with any political party, we nevertheless endorsed many of the candidates of different parties before the primaries. Of these en dorsed by us all but two were vic torious and of those we opposed only one was nominated." The officers elected for the com ing year are as follows: President—.1. S. lloagland, Mit chell Vice-President, 11. H. Dawes of Fulton Secretary, .1. E. Booth of Ramona Treasurer, L. S. Vickers of Mitchell. Superintendent— R. X. Holsaple of Mitchell Board of Trus tees at large—H. E. Hawes of Ful ton, C. L. Mellett of Fort Pierre A. A. Powen of Parker Olaf I.ysness of Vermillion L. S. Vickers of Mit chell S. E. Morris of Mitchell, and A. Clausen of Lake Preston Trustees The Abel farm 488 of the Anti-Saloon league of A men miles north of ca, the national organization, R. Nr. Carry $20,000 Holsaple, J. S. Hoagland, both of acres Mitchell and A. A. Rowen of Parker. acres, Improved, 2 Riverside $83,000. mortgage if desired. miles north east of Loornis, improved $16,700. and terms. 1 liave the bar- ________ __ gains. S. I. Kerns, 201-2 Western PROMISE TO REVISE TARIFF DOWNWARD l'RKKIDKXT TAKT l)K('fjARRS THAT IF Itrci'lllUCAN COX ri:ss is i.kcti:i wim uk- VlSIi TAHITI lOWX\VA|{|\ FOR SALE—Exceptionally desir able orchard trpct with best varitiea move. ... «.- u-| New York City.—President Taft gave out a campr.ig" interview this afternoon in which he unequivocal ly promised a revision of the tariff downward should lie be reelected, and' hinted at an extra session of congress to bring about that revision con gress after election. The president further declared that the third party trust plan, with an unsc.ruplous man as president, niigh lead to dictator ship that only revolution could re lle denied Wilson's asser- —o~ oh'O 7ul«Oo. Stfcta of Ohio. Cllv or Lucas Couity. a*. Pranlc J. Ctien«* makes «ath that he la. senior partner of the Arm ot K. Jj Chuney Co.. -durtng buHlneaa In the City of Toledo, Cunty and State afore Mid, and that saM win oay the sum of OMR HTtTNDRRD DOLI^ARS to eitph and evers' caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H<'v Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENET nfiwom to before me and aubxc.rtheil w%y presence, thla 8th day of Decem ber. A. D., 1881. ((SEAL) A.. W. GLBASON, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internal fy, an dacts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system, grnl 'o» tosttmnnlals fr»» -o- KANSAS PLAGUE UNDER CONTROL HORKIC DISEASE THAT HAS TAK KX THOUSANDS THKRK IS ItKMKVKD WI.LI. I\ HAND NOW. Kans.-—The horse plague Topeka that has killed not less than| 20,000 horses in Central and' West-] ka, in fact, from every point where rive could find a veterinarian able to leave his local practice. In 'addition to this force there were about thirty veterinarians who CORN tt not°nearl The Corset Store Warner, Nemo, Redfern, Goss ard Corsets—Model Brssieres, Sahlen Waists. :Mi I ported in Kansas. HOG RECEIPTS commercially set. Heautifully locat- tion that the protective tariff has I yesterday sr,r, market strong and 5 .' "res. is iiniierstoou ne ed, convenient to Hamilton fine put American industries in a straight'cents higher than Tuesday's average.' l". shipping facilities. N. Kstee, Box T„ jacket. ..... jBulk of prices $8.3n rcT 8,7.". light, $7.30 (ni S.90 mixed and buteht=rs. $8.15 3 S. 9 0 lieavv |7.95 (u S.K0 rough, lieavv $7.95 8.15 vorkersj 8.80 «P 8.85 pigs $5.00 ft 8.00. SHEEP—Estimated receipts to day 44,000 market steady to ten cents lower native sheep $3.35 5i 4.40 Western sheep $3.50 (ft 4.40 yearlings $4.50 tfr 5.50 lambs $4.75 7.00 Western lambs $4.8.5 7.35 SIOI'X CITV LIVE STOCK. Sioux City. Iowa.—Cattle receipts, 1,500 market weak. Hog receipts, 2,000. Market live cents higher. Top prices. $S.bulk of prices $S.:!5 5i 8.50 sheep receipts 2.000 market steady to 10 cents lower. MITOHKMi GRAIN MARKET' Wheat No. 1 northern 77: No. 2 northern 75 No. 3 northern 71 Velvet chaff. Xo. 1, 75 No. 2. 73 Co1 6,1 i0 !ax count hut not neai iy so bad as last week. niece There are fewer ^„r fi h.-'® fflce^ ^^"P^fd.^hjay jnd ewer deaths $1-50. ern Kansas in six weeks is so well in hand now that thirty of the veterin-' MINNEAPOLIS CASH CLOSE. yrians employed by the state havej Minneapolis, Minn. —WHEAT relieved from further service. [No. I hard, 91 3-.S No. northern H- Mercer, state live stock san-|88 :*•». eiw'-MO 7-8 No. 1 northern lived in the infected counties. The TO arrive, «S 1-2 No. 4 state agricultural college had eight «7 (U ti* 1-2. men in tlie field, the government, OATS- N'o. S white oats, "0 had twelve and the state university fff ni Arrive So 1-4: No oats sent four "I believe the plague is pretty well! in hand now," said Mr. Mercer. "I' have reports today from practically! every county where the disease ap-i peared and all agree that the disease! has been checked. It is still pretty i? THE NEW FALL COATS Very smart and tempting are these new coats, and very full of interest to the woman who cares about the things she wears. Many beautiful and exclusive coats, chosen with careful dis crimination are now on view in our Coat Section. Several hun dred charmingly tailored models, oi many different cloths, are here at prices you will willingly pay. Women's Coats. $7.50 to $25.00 Girls'\ Coats, $3.50 to $12.50 it." I chaff. S!i. Federal lv*|ci-t Sent Here. (jt :,-S. Washington, I). Forage poi-! CORN--72 1-l' soning, which has caused neavy mor-| I-2 No. corn arrive tality among the horses of Kansas. Iter corn, I l-S ti 1-1. and Nebraska, is reported prevalent I OAT No. white out in South Dakota in advices to the 1-1 Standard. I 1-2 Hi department of agriculture. About jcrmhcr cats, .",2 :',-S. 200 horses arc affected in the south- \lti.EY—No. 2 barley. 71 ern part of the state, and Kovern- iuiu, 7 1 7." No. barley tnenr experts will go to the scene re.itcted Itifft 'jti. at once.i Mfr' cases have been «*e- RYlv No. 1 rye 73 IS KTKOXO AXO I Ivi MAKKDT 'K I S HI 11 Kit—t ATTIjI' slow axi hxi:i{\m.v STKADV—SHKE1" Alii. fpH STK.\I»Y TO I.OWKK. Union Stock Yards, Cliicago, 111.— HOGS-—Estimated receipts today 18,000 number left over from yes- terday 4.SH:: estimated receipts to- morrow 1(1.000 oHlcial receipts yes terday 12.U5S oilicial shipments j-ve, Ti-'ii FI.AX S1.7S. "f'5 VERY SMALL WOOLEN TARIFF IN THE PROBE dHy 16,500 market slow and gener- the reeomiiiendation that they be ally steady beeves $5.8:) iv 11.00 1 iiuesticued as to any knowledge they cows nnd iieifers $2.90 8.00 Tex as steers $4.tit) Gi 6.35 stockers and feeders $4.40 7.70 Western cat tle $6.00 9.30. Barlev, 40 ®'70: Oats, No. durum, 8 arrive III 111 OK, «1 1 If I 8:!. September wheat, Sti 3-4 ffi 7-8 Xo. yellow corn, 9 1-2 corn,! 2 7 1-U 'ii 2!) 1-2. I1AR1.KY—40« C7. KYE-« 2!T/ t4: arrive t!2 (if 04, FI.AX 1.78 Si '.-71. 9 MIIAVAl'KEK OKA1N MAIJKET Milwaukee. Wif. WHEAT—Da- kota. No northern spot buIk sripi nie fflpo fnr Mnnrtort ...i, Ho disease em'spot bulk'SWipment SS®fll Da-1 newspaper man. A vollege paper to be kot the names of former Speaker Can- llon a a ••••BATTLE—Estimated receipts to- branches of the woolen industry wit':' C.E. VERMILYEA, Butterick Patterns and Style Book.' MORE WOMEN WILL BUY COATS AND SUITS HERE NEXT WEEK THAN IN ANY WEEK OF THE YEAR. .» They know that the garments bought here are well bought. The confidence we have in our merchandise makes it a pleasure to sell it. At the time of selling a women a Coat, Dress or Suit, at whatever price, WE know that she is getting the best possible value her money can buy.—SHE finds it out and remembers it long after we have forgotten all about it. This is, we believe, the kind of service women want and it has been the thought governing the purchasing of our Fall and Winter lines. rf V*'* ft Corn Palace Visitors c\mi\\k i\qih:y wii.i. look IX TO I'ASSAOK OI' SCHI-:i» I'LK.IX I WOW KKSSION. Washington, D. C.—An invesiiga ticn to determine whether cantpiiign contributions bad anything to doi with the refusal of congress to re-: |vise the woolen schedule in the ses- fion of init and all women who take pleasure in viewing autumn apparel in its newest and best styles are earnestly invited to see our displays. Every lady in Mitchell during Corn Palace Week is cordially requested to feel perfectly free to use Vermilyea's as headquarters. This Store is heartily at your service. December wheat, KS 1-2 yellow. 7:: 1-2. Iiecein- 1 2 Ie- lned fc7:: No. 2 No. 1 northwestern flax, i, been started i.v Chairman Clapp of- the Senate com mitte on investigation of campaign ,, .. ,d to tu nnit to the tut com-. mu,ee a l,st o! Wl,np#sfs nuludmgi Itf 1're? entat ives McKiuley, ot m,nois alui XVepks of Mafsai-nui-otts, representatives of various may have as, to.campaign funds fur nished in the congressional fight, of. 19 0 8. A number of eastern men interest od in various branches of the woolen industry, particularly in the so-called "carded wcolen" industry, have been in conference with Senator Clapp. The senator declined today to say a a if in a tion relative to campaign contribu-| '.ions by woolen industries. EDUCATE GIRLS TO AVOID DISEASE! WOMEN SHOULD NOT MAItUY WITHOUT OOCTOK'S CKIl TITICATK l-KO.M (iHtX)M IS ONE OK THE HEM EDI ES. Washington, D. C.—Denouncing! sexual disease in an exhibit at the International Hygiene Congress as a! [chamber of horrors. Dr. Ira S. Wile, I of New York, today told the delegates! that education not fear is the proper method to curb immorality. "We must take the child from its 'the male is the sex aggressor. Once th .?, 1 wonien makf bid: December wheat, 89 1--I fv 1-4 ,!10* marry without a doctors, a-8: Max wheat. 94 & l-S. bid. .eertiticate trom the groom. Once all Plain that they n*rt mAn L' si I, a 1« ... a I .1 women kind resolves that, she would rather be a healthy old maid thanllj an infected wife, on that day th»?' |problem of sex hygiene will be solv 'ed. These exhibits ought to be thrown out into ihe street. Why show them| to terrify our youth into doing j* right." iX a No. northern bulk shipment,! known as "The Southern Californ- .l OUR MAN TAILORED SUITS Hundreds of beautiful models of the latest conceptions Style, Quality and Value—one equally as important as the other, are each pronounced features of the new Vermilyea Suits. The wo man who comes here to make her selection expecting full meas ure in these essentials will be highly gratified. We have nev er shown so really adequate an assortment of high-grade Suits as this fall. Itv^ I 4* O I -5" •J" Los Angeles, Calif.—The Univer sity of California has accepted the United Press offer of a leased wire report and will open a department for journalism this week, headed bv -Oakota. No. 2 north- Professor Odell Shepherd, a former: 117 If miT 7 ...} I W IX I I i+ Silk Kimonas A most unusual showing of new Silk Kimonas $2.50 to $10.00 1• Women's Suits, $12.50 to $35. Girls' Suits, $5.00 to $25.00 Sioux City Stock Yards September is lit- ino'ith w,nn the feeder b. *f itig around for hi.-- feeder cattle and sliccp. Slum City has gained a.t enviable rc ji it at ion as To **i place to come lor all kinds of stockers and feedera. A a a or a a a it in feeder division. Feeder sheep may also be limn a« our last year's business wiil show. The man would be bard I to please indeed who cannor lil! his rc-qu'renients at Sioux City and at satisfactory prices. If yon (tin come write it: for iuformat ion. Si.-f Sioux Gity Stock Yards "Unto Him That Hath It Shall be Given" This is a scientific fact and simply means that nothing succeeds like success. All business success begins with money in the bank. vc-.'- 4 per cent compounded quarterly on Savings Western National Bank The Best Yet "Their Yesterd ays By Harold Bell Wright New story of Life and Love. Honors the home and glorifies the wife and mother. Illustrated in colors. $1.30 net. Also over 500 late popular books at 50 cents each. On sale at DIEHL & BROWN, Drug, Jewelry. and ..—Book Store 1 1# 1 1X1 1 -?t* f.if-J,- Eyes That Never Grow Weary vtl 'ji'" 99 are the eyes fitted with glasses by W. H. Fritz. If you can't see, see Fritz. Thorough Examination, Up-to-date Methods. We operate a modern lens grinding plant and grind our own lenses, thus assuring accuracy and promptness. m2» Jy .A