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ill --.f I la Get The o! coming to- I Get li t- 11:11 si( iu seeinii lis oflcn. I* Your Haibit store when in need of Medicines. Put mem- Ave .hiive many things for sale except drugs and and chemical: that. cansuppiy you to advantage Have j-a? received a new selection of Plckard Hand Painted Also a'large stock of new tilings in Jewelry, Watches and Mhenvnre. .We. deliglne.d to show. you. t^csu lines. ir.S 1 "s .Diehl (Ei Browrv, gr*JeweIryf£ and Book Store v••«••••» "K fnrtn is the ptns.: from which you take the nt-ccssities atiel luxuries oi' lile. What provision tire you milking i. kivp your purse full to insure a constant supply ot food, clothing, hear, livtlit, and prelection? No soil can produce constant yearly crops without an adequate supply of plant food. It is easier, and far cheaper, to maintain a icnili condition oi the soil than it is to luiilrl it up alter it is oiio: now to use. faithfully an I Manure The di ivitiLC mechanist."! of tile I I! I spreader is strong and 1 horotiyhly protecti d. The aprons, both endless and return, run on larjjo rollers. feed is positive. The manure is spread evenly, hcrhi or heavy as may be neces sary, the quantity spread never idianiiiny until the feed is changed. See the .1 IK'- local dealer sad have him show you the spreader best suited to your need-, (ict catalogues and full information from hint, or, write lafernafsonal Harvester Company of America •ilucorporatcu Sioux Falls *K-r s- V. n(Vv. jr* 11 exhausted. He wise begin Kerr.p 2Ctn Cen'.ury, Corn King, CloverJeaf, Steel Corn King, Steel Cloverleaf, Low Lift, Low Spread, Newlow Distribute stable niritiure and saturated bed ding while it is still hvsli. Mak" the i|u iutity ef manure usually siiread by the fork do twice the amount of frood by dislnbtttiiisi it with an 1 JI sprii'ader. leaving''he :.:roiHid]iiore evenly fertilized and in greatly inipfoved condition. S. Dalt Service Bureau 'l iic i»urpost? of tins is to furnish, fnv of ciiari-'.o all. the iulorinnuon obiaina'jM en hiHUT farming. If y*-n have any worthy qiirs epnci'rnintf snils. crops. Inul dr.linage, irri ion. i\-n slhu'.rs, otc., niako your inciuirn-s peci tic an.i scin! thfin to I IK" -crvicc IJuroan, Harvester liuiluinji. Chicago, US A O W A The new one you are going to get. 5 Get Our Price and Doilaurs ave Our Record: 23 years oi business history of square dealing and satisfied customers. Let us show you. C. M. St. & O. R. R. Inspectors. i* We want and appreciate your trade. SCA'.LIN BROTHERS CO., Druggist?, jewelers, Booksellers, Opticians. £yrsRK*annue0d Free China Prices Literally Slaughtered I he bottom has fallen out of prices at this store. This week only we put on this sale because we want j| more room for our Optical department. We don't want any profit on china this week.'. 1 W H. FRITZ, Jewelry and Missouri Valley Engineering 1, ENGINEERS. I 12. 1 China Co. RANDOM THOUGHTS OX THE COLONEI lli-rc an- a few random thoughts concerning the new progressive party and its candidate for president. If I were picking out a roommate 1 might prefer Mr. Tail to the Col onel. because with Mr. Tat't 1 might have a bettor chance of putting up the curtains and arranging the pic lures to suit myself. In selc-ting a president t:o up to Washington, representing my interests and coping with the shaggy wolves ot practical politics 1 prefer the colonel. The new party has singing at all of its meetings. Possibly you can re member when the crowd sane at a republican rally. If I tried to stun I in the Parties chorus I believe 1 would choke. I'p at Chicago in June they told us, very plainly: "We are point to drive him out of the party," 'I hey 'sot their wish and yet they don't seem happy. A Rood many persons, especially those who wear overshoes in the sit miner! itue object to the Colonel because he is scrappy and conset vative If the Colonel didn't hap pen to be just what he is. the sex tojis who make a business of embalm ing reformers would have laid liiin away twenty years ago. They have been trying to uet some! thing on linn ever since he bobbed tip iis a police commissioner in New York Cily. About all they have proved to date is ihat when b.- yets very he is not polite. Tile deluge which swept away the Republican congress ami undermine the Republican senate and littered I the landscape with defunct stand-: pat ters, gathered itself hile the Col- I ionel was in Africa, beyond the reach them under the table. One f.r leaned ponderously on the and tried to play t'air with the they had dealt hint. 11 is horrified friends looked in at the window and exclaimed. "Well what do you. know about that'.' After we have been warninjr him for three years to b"wat'e of tile whole out lit. The Progressive party lias had tin coili- ^e to declare promptly and with out faltering, for certain inevitable changes in our scheme of govern ment, all founded on common sense and fair play. You will seldom meet in the south an old man ready to ad mit that he favored slavery fifty years ago. Kven the free silver hosts have vanished ''rem the earth. Twenty vears from now you will have ililliculiy in spotting the man who raved against llie Progressive plat inn in 11 A good many people who admired .Mr. Wilson as a scholar and tin ora tor and high-toned genihtnan sineer ly believe he will play hoi) if he- ever succeeds in giving us a tariff for re venue onh It is true that several persons who formerly held ollice have enlisted as members of the progressive party. All sorts of people try to aMacli to a winning, cause. Itut the movene-ni is not dominated .. by professional of ficeholders and. come lo think of it, we have -,'i in our ranks iu-nrly as LITERARY Friday iifteriiooti tit t!: 1occurn-d the first inetiiii of the Kirpt Division of the LiK-rury So ?ti(»s iu MilchHl lli^h school. This dilte will, it is he lii-vcd, occupy nil iiuiiortutit hici- iu the history of the lii^li school ir, 1r murks the time of the boiiiuuiuK of systematic organized literary work iu the school, tlreut interest is mani fested. not only on tile part of the officers but bj till the members of the program romniittee deserve- com mendation for the excelletiee of this, the initial prourtttn. I.telow is .uiven the profrani in full. l'nnr nn. i' 1'iano duet. Alma l) hl, I.ucile I Bcbb. Iuatmuration of officers. 1 Recitation. "A Hallowe'en Roman ce," Frances Potter. Paper. •'Autumn in the West," Ruby CJeifter. Clarinet Solo, "Sobra Olas", Irving Garwood. Recitation. Maude Doane. Toast.' "Division One," Will Kel ley. Reading of the New Constitution. Clinton Anderson. Recitation, Ultra Kennedy. I Essay. "Origin of Hallowe'en". Frank Fitzgerald. Vocal Solo. Thelma Cass*eui. Next Friday afternoon at :j: 1 will occur the first meet ins of the Sec ond division. A cordial invitation is extended tile public to attend any or all of these meetings. 59 RATTLERS ARE KILLED BY HUNTER Rapid city, S. It. C. C. Wise of 'Chicago. 111., who is at Wasta on a hunting trip assisted by his wife. Mrs. Charles Meyers, her daughter .lessie .and Kvereti Miller, killed -V.i full BY GEORGE ADE- !of the mail or telegraph If he went back to Africa tomorrow and remain-! sincerely believe thai cd for ten vears. the voters at home refrains troni voting would continue to repudiat it icittns whi break their Vet they say it is a om nietit. A wood many of the ill Washington used to the pol- forced promis-'-s eirecti.\ man move- coin an looki'd old regulars worked believe thatiWi realh honest man won- a white served necktie and would give two tens for except a live. The\ hate the colonel with a anils oi seethint htitred because lie is a politician, whereas, ill order to pre isene the traditions ot' the lobby, be should jirove his honesty by eiiuai iiis in ray Crane as a nuide. The Colonel's pood ship was hardly beyond Sandy llook when a little 'company ot 'sure-tliiim' operatives might have been seen bearing down on the white house. They shook hands with the new Superintendent and told them tle-y knew his brotlu-l' and then they said tle-y would show him how the uanie really was play-'d. A few moments later they 'up. cards up their holding them in their lap. iti many ex-ollici holders as tin- repub can inachine organization will have his time next year. They say the Colonel wants to li in N is W play--was made table I cinch that hand elected in phasized ti ions of 1 had a fair 1 WORK INM. H. S. not ciiauged. Winui tie- morning a ihe survey the blasted ruins once the republican pa: I want to lie kins when his follower* •egard him acts It is better to.-be a I.a'tf head of the proeursion '.ha es in lie rear. block The Wall street conception of a perfectly good, president i.s one '.villi will never make a move for-'.fear of upsittinr. a stack uf chips. Tile members of the new party may be traitors and out here in the middle west, th. are so serene in tin ir infamy that mine of them are still regarded as patriotic Democrats and Republicans. Kvery non-producer, wearing an extra chin or two and sitting iu a padded chair, waiting for the turn of the ticker to give him something for nothing, is against the Colonel ami regards him as dangerous. A few days ago (he first voters of one of our Indiana colleges had a secret ballot for president and gover nor. The so-called Republican tick et named at Chicago iu June received ."-li votes iu a total of (it:!, or a little over per cent. The remaining votes were almost equally diiidid be tween Wilson and Roosevelt. lii-ve,- id.go, for Governor, received t{ •votes. Tile Democratic candidate re ceived '.11! Mites and I hi- republican candidate received votes The young men who ad and think and who look into the future, instead of brooding over the misunderstandings of the past, tire overwhelmiiiingly in favor of progressive policies and pro. gressive candidates. A good many old line republicans very man who for I lie ticket tin foxy for liartK-s and they In 1 ieve tile persons wouiild ('.uggeiiheiin endorsement he nationa ity We are now being shown a bewil dering confusion of figures to prove that Tat't was the choice of a majority of republican voters during the third week iu .I tine, llilL'. The explain ers tire perspiring freely. It will take many a sheet of paper and lead peie-il to convince the un biased spectator on the side lines that the Colonel had no claim on were put-jAN'Y of those delegates. sleeves, After tile I'ayue-Aldrich and pass-! was passed and tin it became a dead mortal Mr. Tuft could not be n- 1!I12. This fact was en.-j Mr. John Ilurget.t the congressional eicc- ttcsday from a visit to lu. Wherever the voterslat Monticello. Indi.spR. chance at the primaries! Mr. tin. Mrs. T. M. last spring it became evident that tlnC'iinied to their home at Coon Rapids weakness of Mr. Tat't. was almost Iowa. Tuesday, alter a visit with rel sp'.'et.acuiar. Ail the st ra w'vol es and at i'-'es here. it -ws|-.'::per polls and iiou-part isau Mrs. John Itliue ctinva:-'ses to this moment prove vVoousocket vis ted that the temper of the voters litis parents .Mr. and Mi get up on election and of what was ly organi/.a- tion. let no o:ie blame the iiull Moos ers. The downfall was fore-ordain ed while the Colonel was still hang ing awai at hippopotami. Mr. Tuft was deflated, third party or no third party, when the returns came in two yi at's ago. 'Ilie men really respon sible for the disruption of the party and those who will lu- found hurried in the ruins They will be in control of the premises ac cording to their desires The Pro gressives will be on a hill-top. about. two miles distant, still singing and!'' giving out. a u-mun it ion for 1!)1 4. 11' They distrust the Colonel because he won't come to their little shop! up tile alley and be measured for a! suit of livery. Somehow, it gives] li -in more confidence in a public' ot'n-ial if tiiey see him wearing on of their uniforms. li of snakes while hunting prairie chicken*. Coin -, to the Meyers ranch lie secured a stock of clubs consisting! of old rake and hoc bandies and summoning all the assistant In urn- to the dog tins slaughter of reptiles netted lis. lie turning tile next day the balance were slain. The largest sunk" was I feet long and had In rattles and sntaller ones wen- all :t H-i'l''iii 'lenut'li.! Tliev evi.leniiv had hiuernan-d for the winter but had dog holes to enjoy the sunlight NIGHT OF HORROR pick' boat "d up this morning by a police] lot which had bt en searching all 'ln LETCHER ITEMS 8 I IVeaclier. -Mrs. (He l.tirsoii and i.Mrs. P. M. lljelm left .Monday for f.:. Stranger, Nopvav. to visit their old homes after twenty years' absence. "The Hero of Paliimore" gave ten minute speech from the platform !of his special train Monday. A good si/.ed crowd of 1.etcher people anil vicinity gathered to hear the able 'speaker. Mr. Itryan did not teli much about Wilson, hut rather ran down 'Roosevelt and Tall. Mr. and Mrs. James Kinkhead and daughter irginia of Mitchell were guests tit the Alfred Metcall' home -o mil-, Saturday evening. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Will Slaugh ter on Monday October •itlt, a son Mrs. l-hlward Schliiuigen and son of Mitchell returned home Friday tit' iter attending the wending of In sister Miss Anni 1 I O because oft hose I calam Trinen to .Mr. Ro Kirkpatriek: Tues.iay evening the Chautauqua club met for the !irst meeting of lie new ar's work. Finest. Taylor is here from l.iv I ingstoti, Montana, on a visit to old friends, lie will remain during corn picking. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fleui ming on Monday, ct. 7th, a daughter. Mesdntnes Henry and John God her and children returned Ttiesdav a few weeks visit iu Iowa. Dr. Fred A, DeWolf. the osteopath has his ollice over llttrg's store and w'll lie in I.etcher, Monday's. Wed nesday's and Friday's from -1 to p. in .Mrs. Phil Hair and little Pliyess. was down from W'oonsocki a few dtivs this week. liorn te Mr. atnt .Mrs. Kd. Carter, on Sunday, Oct. nth. a son. Mrs. Chester of Mitchell, sister of .Mrs. Joe Fdwards, reiurned home Monday after a short visit. Mrs. Cites- get around now bin limps somewhat. bos.ies is in-1 Mrs. A. C. Keller and litt Abraham Port land. Ore gon, arrived oil. We liaVCjdiiy to visit tit tile J. O. of those who home. in June audi Mrs. Puttnan and sons hrough by tin oting against (diver P. Mur over the list tii- old inacliii liud one who helne.l pre-1 home l-T iday al'tet union of anything elsejat Regeni. N. D. lis private interests. Tlious-j Irene Nicholson had her ex-republicans decline to vote en Tliursdav. The .rokeii A I IMiKSilll .MOW AT i'.l i:i'lS( Ol'AI, I for 5 the prairiei" warmth ofj 1 SPENT IN WATER iu. husband from tor's daughter and her Iowa, were here also. Mi. Will Slaughter had the misfor tune to hurt his knee Tuesday, caus ed by a fall from his hic.vcle. lie is able le girl of VN'ednes .1 olinsou returned a month's visit arm hrok inemher is niecly tit this writ ing. Raymond has had anotli hack but is t.'Jinewhiit better Mrs. Prank Hand oi' liacine I II O I Mr. John (Irosheck Tor a trip to Michigan. Mrs. K. Wlii worth Washington, is here vi: ler, Mrs. Pete Welch. who litis made r.lurn to Seattle tariff bill Winona speech Wis-. aft ei sister returned home Friday several weeks visit with her Mrs. Virgil Pry. Mr. Paul Murphy returned Tues day from Chicago. Mr. Jim Davis of Laurence raska. arrived Friday and is ing old aci|iiainteiiees. Neb-, renew-, left Tuesday of Seattle, dting her sis ller mother, home here, will with her. •t ti rued his old Weil honie Campbell re- ind lit I ie son of v/i I liei grand i. MatJiisoii Wed-i nesday. Y. A. Campbell is having a cr ineiit s'dewall: laid in from of his new garage and blacksmith shop. Misses Margaret and Patriea Slran lev of Woousocket are guest-.-, of their s'.ster Mrs. F. U. Ward this week. A tcleL-.-am was received by Mrs. jl'ean. Saturday, that her husband who went to Florida for the winter, as taken iil and is cumin: home. lie is expecteil soon. The Futon Ladies Aid Society-met Tuesday afternoon at the M. I church and organi/.ed. Fighteen bul lies joined. The following officer wet- ielected: Mrs. Addie Hudson, presi iit: Mrs. Floyde Armstrong, vice esideni Mrs. Clias. Fitei, secret ary, and Mrs. Henry West moreland, treasurer. A chattel mortgage sale was held unlay of tin- goods of (). C. Prince on the Wm. McCurii'-v farm. CORNER-STONE LAID ON »:isiioi» or 11111 :r 1II IH'0 possible -ti. The first 1 SUNDAY S I I I i\iv(i.\ I I I AT I-:: M.tltv just west of the old ceremony at tending night for them. of the corner- stone was held. The mallet with which t'.te Hishop struck the stone when he consecrated it, one and CAN'T I IMl -H'RVAHvX. the stone when he consecrated Lake Charles. La.—Preariscme! «'as faMiioiied out of stone by work of examining tu'esmeii for jaryiof the workmen on the building service was refit rued in the trial ofj as later presentee' to the hi: fity-two timber workers charged jus a memento of the occasion, witt) niurrie}. Only one juror was The lornerstone contained the was seal tired Friday afternoon. The ori-1 lowing documents when glnal venire of three hundred ha- ed: Hthle, prayer-book. copy of been exhausted. Sheriff Reid and preliminary plans, postal card pic deputies sen: out to scour the parish 1 1 in tc:reh of additional talctttueii. bv architects, history of St. .Mary's Mbsion as- taken from the parish Yankton. S. I). Senator C, nibie t'( gi-ter, list of present, rector, war today nominated John W. Summers: dens, vestrymen, and building eott: of Yankton as prmeipal to take the jmittee copy of the journal of the dis examination for entrance as midship, t" ict and a program o' the Day's Ser bian to the Naval Academy at Annap-jvice. olis in June. 1 :i 1 :*. He will take the examinaiton at Sioux Falls in Febru ary, l!)1l». Sinator Uamble an other appointment as principal to make and tilso three alternates for !etich. and he invites applications from i-:- lit K: il. Kt T'.te corner-rte,ne ef the :tew -Kl.lsooimi church was laid j'- aceordiug to the stneduled program. Tin weaiher was ideal and an innm live crowd as in attendance tit the service. Right. Reverend Ceo. liiller, Jr., !!:s!:op of Sent!! lakota was i.« ent and presided at the serviies. Special music wa- rendered which as of unusual excellence. Philadelphia, i'a. .Marshall Kari Hishop Hilh |ireaehed the ser lleid. young pliiItideipli ia aviator, mon at the regular service at I I Ot) and Lieut. Commander II. C. Must in [o'clock. He took as his subject, of League Island, spent a night ofj -'eitis Christ, Himself T'.eing the horror ill Maurice river ill New Jer- First Corner-stone." Following this sey. following ihe explosion of lieii ervice the audience adjourtieil to hydroaeroplane motor They were the scene of tlie new building o:i theldrop kick .which tailed. '"e of new ehurcli, sketch of project O usiNess^™ osriiorATiis \v. liKvi.KK (steopat li. Ofllce CotniiKMcial & Savings Hank Bldg. Ollice 5'hone Res. £J{. ,1. r. ATKINSON Osteopath. Room 3o Western National Hank Building. lies, phono JSttl. Ollice S-15. lll. S5. s. I I I A )st eonaih Only Kiiksvilte (iradnate in the city. lias late tf-jears. course. Office i)--l W.-olern Natl. Bank i'hones OJl'ice, Tt'.li Ki, Dit. I A. l»e'.\o!.K Kteopat hie Physician Ills Western Nat'I Hank Hldg. I lours 1 ti a. iu. to -I p. m. Phoue lu IS K' AT 1 Sei N S AT 3jA\V. l.iuvyi'rs •11G--118-4-0-42:! Western Na tional Bank Bldg. MITCHELL, S. D. MITCHELL HIGH DEFEATS PARKER PKrisivi: KftMt!- O LIPS TAKi SCAI Oi-' XKU.'II. I O I O W N t.iio tcore of I !t-u, Mitchell ichool defeated Pt'.rkstoii Kat-j afternoon in a hard fought j. of football tit, the latter place, f' tided l!.v high it rd game ark(r wott the toss and the west goal, whic put t'.ie wind I at lis bit'.-':. Rowley kicked foi Parker's yard line. Parker made! vards iiroutid right end but iost:: 'iie ball tin next down on a fumble.! Mitchell's ball on Parker's -It) yard! Jit'.e. Nordbv makes 7 yards: Kel-i jley, 'I yards I). Smith. yards, 'Mitchell fumbled. Parker's ball Oil her ::u yard line. Parker tries a] forward pass which was blocked by! iXordby. Parker punted io MitciieU's l-i yards line. .Mitchell intiib down.-- twice. I). Smith trit drop kick which failed. iiiail on her yards line, punts. i'atker blocked by Mitchell's ball on I'arker'. line. Nordbv smashes ovi yuiviiiiAi -c A. K. HITCHCOCK Attorney at I-avv Ofllce -nil floor Commercial & Savings MITCIUCI !., S. D. Mans S I S ". ton Attorney litnv Practii:e in ull Courts. Uooms 310-: 12 Western Nat'I Bank. MITCHIOI IJ, S. D. rp.r.srox, \YA(JXKU & TYM tts- ried a I'a rUcr's Parker. Rowley. ~i yard for a •touchdown, !. Smith kicked goal. Mitchill kicked io Parker's -~i yd. itie. I'atker carries the ball to the I" yard line and t'aen punfs to Mit chell's lu yaid line, (quarter over. Second ,M)aitci-. I S a a Hie line. Mitclndl lo-CS h'.ll: Oil downs. I'.-iiker punts. I). Smith re turns punt yards. Kelly tnak I yards. M. (Ireen, 1 \ard.-, I). Smith, yards. .Mitchell tnaib- two Miiall gains and punted lo Parker": Hi yards line. Parker punts to Mit chell's -"i yard line. Salisbury make yard, M. C.nen 1 yard. Alitchc". held for downs. Parker punt.- to its lb yard line, Mitchell ca tries ball to Parker's yard lim where it lo.-: it on a ftnble. I'atker punts to it yard line. Kelly tnak 4 :rd.- S it a I S it churc',1 and Parker puis ball in play on its "0 the laying.yard line and is thrown for a less of •N yards on a fumble. Parker' punts to its 2ti yard iim-. Keiiey makes yards, Nordbv 1 varus, D. Smith 'Z yards. Half ended with the bail on Parker's Hi van! line in .Mitchell's.' hop possession. Score .Mitchell 7, l'ark-! ,er 0. fIo- Second Half. lli'.l replaced It. smith al full back. Parker kicks off to I). Smit who returns the bali 1 yards. Not'd b.v makes 1 yards. Salisbury lost 1 yard. .Mitchell punted. Parker made 1- yards and then punted. D. Sinith makes is yards on a forward pass. Nordbv makes S yards, Kel ly. I yards, b. Smith, yard. Mit chell made forward pass which t'aii jed. Parker's ball on 20 yard line. Parker punts. .Mitchell Clark, S. D.—As the result of pass- forward pass which was intercepted., ing bet we two e,f hin horses just as 'Parker fumbled. Miichellh ball on they lunged towarJ each other and Parker's 12 yard line. D. Smith one attempted' to bite the other, made 4 yards. M. Green 2 yards. Sever! Ilomnierlde. a Clark county Time up for third quarter. UNIM-'HT'A KICKS 4 W. liroadbeiil »v Company Ki' onseil ICinlialiners Store phone Kcc. 110 Call aiDi BKOADItKNT UROTHEK8 Private Ambulanco Calls promptly answered, day or night. Business office tele phono C.(ir. JebKon's livery barn, NN Broad bent resi dence 110-call 1! and 3. H. Nom,ic SON Ijicensed t'ndcrtakcrs. I'arlors Kourth Ave. Weet half block from Main street. Husijiess phone 170, Residence 2T.'i or KIO. l'I'JVATIC AM !i( !l,.\ NOB M. \ii)le iV .Son. All calls answered promptly Prone 170 Night Phone 170-3 or 7 Emergency Call 770 DK. •). T. SWFiOMiy Dentist. Koom 1. Champeny Bldg. Phone 1G8. AKCIUTKCTS. S. C. WHI-l.'tUY Arcliitecl. Ofltce "0!) Comniereiiil & Sav ings Bank Building. Phone 783 MITCHELL, S. D. MITCHELL \mi CO. Dealers In ,- Hides, Tallow, Woo!, PeHs and Furs, Mitchell, S. D. im nm fno rrith a frigltilul coti r)i atulf 3 very weak. h:ul spells when icon Id ^hardly bre.itho or r,peak.for 10to an! ("tiinttter.. My doctor eouhl notheljiB ill-.', but I was e.or:i )!:tely cured byf ECINC'8 £?8 M:::. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111." ,1 SOi lui0 $ 1.00 AT ALL DRUGGIfjTS. E. H. M4,th«r, C. E. C. H. Ellfert, C. E. Oakota Engineering Co. Givii Engineers, tifrt Mntlonat'. SitxnSf Buft&inff mttahalK S. D. [tafroia Contra/Phonw 764 Abstracts of Title Compiled by J. E. Wells cause no sorrow or worry. They are backed up by 20 years experience and a $10 000 Abstracters Bond, rs ., £. WELLS, AbHtrauta of Ttt/e and tn&ur* anco- 305 -2 Main Stre&t* Phono Tff3. MStohvtt, 5. Evans made 1" yards. 1). Smith 3.^ jKelley, Mitchell's ball on Park-' jer's 2 vurd line. Nordbv sniashedif over for another touchdown. D.'j. !Smith missed goal. .Mitchell kicked and Parker re turned to Mitchell's -lu yard line.-.- Parker punted over goal line. -Mit-h chell's hall on her 2'C yard line. Mil-.. ehell worked the ball to Parker's yard line and Nordbv took the ball-'? across. -Mitchell kii.ked to Parker's 40. jyard line. Parker punted and D. Smith returned the punt 4u vards before he was downed. The game !wtts called with the bail on Parker's 11! yard line on the second down, tried Final score, Mitchell If. Parker 0. Lineup Rowley, center: Petcrtou, -sft guard: Salisbury, left guard' Kvar.s, left end K. Green and W. .'Smith, right guard M. Green, right tackle fonyes, right end: D. Smith,