Newspaper Page Text
OEMS LOOK HI FOB FEDERAL JOBS IN STATE Pieniv oi Candidates Appearing For Big PilHTlS. E IN I E Sioux Fa!!? Man IVVit enai i- Fed! ma ti V. s. JY trici Attorney. Aberdeen. S. it. The scrap I'd of!i:s among ho democrats v.a:.- 1 5 warm and ronri:-es 10 t: velcp in to a lirst ciars light, even before tlx le president takes his seat, Sevcr at candidates have already appeared for 11:c• position of I'niled .States Ai torncy but the situation is likely to simmer down to a contest anions I'. S. Cherry of Sioux l-'.tiis, T. i.. .\ut. ef Huron an:! Dudley of Hot Spring? Ti lie Chiles of Frith ami Mark Sheafe of W'a 1i-ri own won id like tc be I'. S. .Marshall and so would .Mat Pluiiketl of lieadwooii, Inn it is no, imp! i.liable thai I.. Camiibcil ol .-ionx Kali:- and .Major lioyd Marri-it of Aberdeen will have something say. For ml it or of l!io ipartment. W. S, Klder has has .Mr. George bi. Interior 1 le nt' I lead wood ii favorably mentioned and so A. Stransky of Pukwana. A. 1 {.11.-st-11 of Alierdeeii and Handall of Hapid City ai suggested us good men for ill ion el' National Hank Kxtimiiu-' which rarrios with a If tin po. if not nr.!!k offered tc him, if. hany U'ent/.y of iiio pt il. Ij'ci !ary itn :y tl won Rapid City Some cf the eondklat.s li'Vc ready liiod their tipplicnlions with t'* ]iarty state chairnitiu. national rom mii.teemei! and individual members of t!:e •tate eoniittee in antici]iation of 'h Hie hares pr:ni..ry .aw guiii?, ii. to effcct label' ."it'll. The democratic committee v, ii' have look (i i.! scon. :ei mi here, this \vi ek ti niatter and fnrtlii.r :ay be looked fc" into :pmcn tlliS. coi'.l'Fe ill ra.l patron: Sos'.rctarv ire distribution ire of State Chair try of C'e democrat ii centtol committee and Naticn 'Uinit,le'c:iian will li: cor.siilcrei' by tile members of that body as being entiiied io ihe fir?! hoiee for er. dorsetr.ent. to appointments to be ttwarded by the incoming adminis rat ion in view of their labors for the party without pay. !l CO HANG INDIAN AFTER CONCERT MAM' Pi.AYS l-'OK Itr.l) CO.NVIC or coMPi.YI\' \v: ii ins om.y wish. San Quintin, Calif. Williams an Indian, ti fe 7 inches fall, wa: hanged here today afttr the pfisot band hat! given a three hour concert in tlie death chamber lor his benefit:. Williams munli red his consort. Inez Mrooks, anil shot several other persons in a drunken frenzy. lie bad been rf prieved several times and a tit..' or so ago announced that lie tlid not. want any more reprieves- that he wirle-d to be hanged promptly, if tc all. I.ast night Warden John Hoyle and Col. Dennis iitiffy, president of llu: California state board of prison di reeiors. went to see Williams up in the top loft of the old San Quentin furnilure factory where he sat gossip llie death watch in his cage with of flats. "T here like in only one thing I'd he told Warden lloyle. hat's too much u'oublt to have.' 1 guess "and I'd like to have the band play." The prison orchestra was sent for and huddled through the gallows room to cell where it gave a con cert. SAYS NEW PRIMARY DOESN'T APPLY SKCIiKTAKY OF STATK HOI,!f ST.V, O.M tlJ ITKK IS NOT TO i:\DOHSK ''AND! DAI KS I-'Olt A pa'Ol N "I'M KN'TS. Pierre, S. D. W of state holds that the the liiehards primary law. so far ast if applies to endorsements for appli cants for appointment by the gover nor. is not in force until December I'.il-!, the applications are coming in to the department. Kdward Van Hus eheti of While Make tiles his appliea-. tion for appointment as a member ot the state board of charities and cor rections: and Guy M. St.okes, ol Mc:-' 1 ti tosh, files bis application for ap pointment to either the position ot inspector, or inspector of oils. OFFICIALS IN STANLEY TO GET LESS PAY Pierre, S. D.—The late election in Stanley county did not make the showing of two years ago in the num ber of votes cast, and as a result the salaries of several officers are reduc ed by the showing. The county judge is reduced from $1,800 to Sld't'd the state's attorney from $l,5uo to Stl.hOO: and the trensnvnr from 1 oi'to to SI.5(10. The county has called in its first issue of bonds ot tweni., years ago amounting lo but by voie of the people has ready to issue -S15u.oUU of new bonds for the taking up of flouting indebtedness, STERLING SURE OF MAJORITY j.Ai oliDING To his SI PPOItTKItS So o| or 1 Hi I |,K( |S|. |'l i: HI: IM.I.IK I:I ni HIM. Pierre, s. I').— While jh(to is a great ileal ill' discussion of the soil-'. :iiori:il situation in this state, am! tin I ringing jo I he front of names of Ii11.ti-iit men oi' jn'oitiiii-n• who arc |iii forward lis "real republican" ean eidates. the Sterling headquarters ilo iiol appear to lie in the least worried. I'hey base 'heir calm on their claim Ol Ml pledged members oul o|" the I I 1 Likeiy ami on thai base claim their a: iSiir.iiKv of election on the first hallo:. I In- balance of the membership is composed of twenty-one democrats mid forty-live republicans not pledged ote lor Sterling, iind even if they. all be combined upon one op nt to Sterling their '.ote would minii y, if tic claims of iho p'-ople are sustained by lite Id ("•ould pom lie a :i SlorlillE ti'-uia! voting rest the session. -o— ASK INCREASE IN THE BUDGE" Hid dam between St.. 1'aul and .Min ion polis. THREE BISHOPS NAMED BY POPE KT. I I: A I ST IV POWI.IM. I —'t\sivroi:v is sn:fa. 1 .vrr pi COST or III \M\ C.o*, MKVI' ST'-MlCl.^.tltl I!!t on m:.\t ykaii. :i:\. WasiiinsA»r:u, 11. It will eo-t SN-.i, 1 1 5, !:. f, to conduct tile alfairs of the govot anient for the fi-cal year ending lithe 1 !i I I. ao ording to the estimates of the various part nients submitted today to the Speak er "1 Ihe louse- ay the Secretary o. t.he Treasury. This amount, which does net. in provision for postal sor (di is expected to lie st.'lf-sup is tin increase of $ 7l' .0 7 I,:! I appi cpriat ions m:uli lor tin year by ihe lasi session of 10 elude any jvire, port itifr ••iT 111 irescnt An increase of $2S, e-^liiiates of tl Navy 1U :i. IJll.e llio increase asked by the no 111 ,n a.ipi urnii ion. 'UK and (Hiip]ii!ia new vessi Wash inston, I). Kst in: reiiatitiK .$ a ti.T t! for cuts to river anil harbor hroughout. the country ditrin next fiscal year were submit out:ress. today in the annual report if C.eneral i'.ixby. chief engineer of lie army. This is $ 11l' great er than was appropriated for the last. •'Veal year for tile sa'im purpose of the total $-.S J'.'.nl n, including ••?25p.uihi for examinations, surveys and com inpenoies of rivers and li ar bors for which there may no sm il apprcjirittt ion submit ted, is lo be u'ovided for in the regular rivers a::i harbots a ppropria ion bill ,-it this r:.a. iion of cotiKresK lo be appropriated in he sundry civil appropriation bill, iie estimates for improvements iti jide the Mississippi river to Minnea oiis 1.r11.ti0(» and for a hi.ali lock p.!: I- Home, I talv.- -The |iope jodav odi- I (oliowitu preltttes: Dennis .1. O'Conneil, as limcnd. Uight lirv sltop of Hi'.', at Hev liishoti of Patrick A. .YicGovern. C'teyenne. Austin Howling, as Might I'ev siiop of He Moinr-". auxiliary ittv. !-:dward .1. I latin bop of Htin Francisco. ce-'sisierv vrir l'ebt liv the none, which the red hat. was placed on 'ic heads ef tie- severn' prelate? w' o. 'i. Arch-bishop Farley of Nc York and Arclt-i'ishoji O'Conttrll of Ho.-ton, were on November 'J7I.1'. a I looking very well and his voice was quite -Iror.g. ANTI-MONOP~GLY ACT IS UPHELD! si PMi-'Aii: oi i:t oi mtkp STATUS TODAY SISTAINS ONSTITl Tl\A!,ITA Ol SOt III DAKOTA IMKASlltK, Washington. D. ('. -The constitu tionality of the South Dakota anti •nonopoly act of lliu7 was upheld to day by the Supreme Court. The ac' make.- it. a crime to sell with intent to ruin competition a commodity ir r- "er:'t to--- to a de-i'ers in one pltic at a. lower rate than to another the secretary dealet- in a different place within provisions of: tho state. The law was attacked by the Central Lumber company, con victed of violating its- provisions. LIBRARIES FOR FARM PEOPLE I-'KHKItATION OF WOMKVS !.t !S AlVO 'ATKS TI!.\YKUN COMS.KCThtNS OK ItlHAL COMMFMTIKS Aberdeen, S. D. Tile South Da kota Federation of Women's clubs, or at least a number of the women's clubs over the state affiliated with the organization, have started an agi tation for the establishment bv the next. South Dakota legislature of. traveling libraries for rural coinmuni- IS HELD VOID By Union Pac ific Combine Unlawful. W I E IS S O E Conn Will 5 :'ohibii SuiltiKT!! a liiiilL.ia I OOU (I 111. loioo il wi'.s id l'acilic 'Ollibl I nil in S"ii lie: i! a 1 i: a. iI ic 1 merger K. di- I'acilic iJir, imlicatcil ili^^oU^ iiijiiucl course, ami Vel'V large. I and Southern Voting Pacific Stoci hv a il. .— l:., el, 1 la in flit I Iiit-li In .i dec i[ rciiM .il iiv liie S ci'iimi a: 1 ill oil Mon as CilM', in live llu onilii':- ii:iti the opinion, would eiilcr a decree to tile coioliiuat ion ami aNo an il to prcvcni he I nion I*n- 111 I 111 i'.tci- ic I 1111 voting I lii fic -lock. The limit lieli! that the I nioii a ci'ic I'aili oail Company, b\ aciiiiivi tion nl ihe stock in the Souiliei'ii l'a cilic hail etVectci] a comhiuat ion in violation ol' C'e Sh"iiiian anti-tvii-t law. TliN coiiiliiiie wa- pel lect. il In the late !II. It.u i'iman. PA -'..lie appear Secretary of PER RAILROAD THROUGH DAVISON l.M I\T IP .\15TK I.I S OK oki'oi \Tlo\ !'. II'TI COAST !'i:uoi if vrn 111:s.i •ove-l I ierre, S. D.—A move which may work let' may not. mean somothhiE: in rai' the '"nil circles comes in the nmcne .,1 to ni tit to the articles of incorporation ef the CiiictiKo. Simp: alls ami Pa cific railway company today. The company was originally incorporated in under that name to extend from Sioux Falls to the west line of the state, a distance of four hundred 'nil es. and was incorporated with a capital cf SK.Ot'U.uu. The amend- et.av rirtit i: te S (H111 ti t'otit Chicagi 'e. f! et'.ge. 'Viiitesides ?f CPttten o:i. Ttiniii •o:t, Welirjer. Vista, Clay, O' 1 Ceek and Hi kalb, !.( in llliaoi the counties!' Cedar. .1 tines. I.inn. I'-en Grnndy. fiardin, lfami 1 Pochal'iei ttis.. Mttena irien. .Sieux and I.yon in Iowa ie counties of .Minnehaha 'McCook. Han«on, Douglas, Aurora Davison, Charles Mix, P.rule, Greg cry. Tripit, .Mellette,' 'Washabangli, Washington, Stanley. CttMpr ti'K' Ptrnnington in South Dakota thei ceitnt ies of AYeston, Ceii\erse. -lohr-i •sen. Mig lici'n. Natrona, and i'intnli in Wyoming: the counties, of Fre-: mont, Mi'.igham. I'.'aine, Cu?ter.! Lemhi, Itialio, f.nd Ner. Pcrce. Idaho' the counties el Asotin, fiarfleltl. Co! iitmbia, Walla Walla, Franklin I lYakinin, King tmd Pierce to the city! 'of t-Y'lllle. •I Another set. of amended articles j'i'ed was thai changing ihe name of tie Midland Cont itcita 1 Hailv ttyl !"onipany to thai of the Midland Con-i nental Httilwav company of South I Dakota. Ueducing Hie capital ock I I s-ti Iiiiii.eaa to r, fttn'i.den land cltangiug from ti general lin-e I from Winnipeg to the gulf to a line! changing Winnipc Fdglcy. N. li. :.'f this state in ing !ii' count ie jfrom line cros I Sev I 1 1 designated as cardinal oral hundred Americans were pres ent at. tile (crcliiony. The pope was I 1 to C'e i-ottj Gregory county of McPh'.r-on ICtlmunds. Fauik, Hand Mttffalr Untie. Charles Mix and Gregory. BANQUET DATE 1 SET FORWARD:,:: mvixt TO OTIIFIi I'tlM'' II i:\ i:\ts iati: to honok hit. SI-:.\ MAN CIIA.Vt.KI) TO i)i:t'. id H. I It was announced today tb I ing to other conflicting events, jtlale of H.e banquet to be given I Seaman of tile university by 1 Commercial club and citizens of ,v icily has bet changed to Monday, I December !l, instead of Tuesday as first announced. The affair will occur tit the city hall at ti::0 o'clock. It has been estimated that tilt auditor ium will seal comfortably, at tables :'.5u people and the sale of tickets will 'be limited to that amount. The price per ticket, will be seventy-live cents and a committee of which F. J. Iier rick is chairman will solicit the sale I of them. In addition to the stile by committee, a part of the tickets will be left tit each of th" drug stores in the city for sale. Women as well as men are invited .and it is probable about as many of tht-in will be present. The seat sale will absolutely close on the Saturday I night proceeding the banquet, in or der that, tile caterer will have ample time to make all arrangements. The banquet will be served by the mana gement of the Navin hotel. The menu for the occasion 'is as follows I Tomato Bisque Curled Celery Olives Salted nuts Praised tenderloin of beef with mush rooms. itice croquets Mrown potatoes Cheese and Pimento Salad. Mince pie Cream cheese 'ol'fee. BEEBE SENDS BOYS tics. The originators of the movement. contend that only or In per cent of the population of the state reside where die libraries are obtainable. nnd urge Mie legislature to provide) Aberdeen. S. D.--M. P. Jieebe of for traveling libraries to be sent to! Ipswich, S. D., banker, lias agreed to different communities for a certain pay all the expenses of twenty-five length of time," and then passed on '-""dtuutids (eituly boys, to attend the to other communities. In a number Metter Farming Short Course at Ai of states where the plan is in force it erdeen ['.(•(•ember Ili-Ill. Much ill is said to work admirably. terest. is manifested in the short industries here. TO FARMING SCHOOL I hi.1 attenda! TOWN TO BUILD OWN RAILROAD tiisks or w.mtim kohi link \\ii so it \isi:s i:s- sio\. \'eblen. S. Ii \t ier many years of ait ins, the t:nv:i of Voli!o i, in Mar. shtiil coiinty, is finally to secure a (•railroad. The local promoters of th" jenterprise have closed oiilr:iet Willi .1. ilosliool', of Fai• (Ma'-re. W'is., ja banker and railroad 111i1!.:••r, who 'has a::reed to build the line, and litis 'disposed of ill bonds ra sed by tie. company to finance i.lie project". The new line will lie built, from Veblen to I- a:riaoTit, .'s. 1).. where connect ions can he made with th" Milwaukee the Soo and the Croat Northern. Mr. Uoshouli built Uie railrotui into Hill [City, .Minn., known as tin iliil Ciiy, :srfis: ip ,i i'„ Wcs.ero, and lias hail iinteh \|c. rieijee tilons ill,"it line. Vi'blen .s ti lively town of several 'hundred inhabitants, and lor years lias been trying to induce one of tlo hi systems to build a bram to the Itiwn. l.ate last summer tile peoph of the town concluded their onlv v. a\ point aien Hieli a rds come to tinges lie eai.tta :c 'itf to Se- and starts ittd extends tin cooniier to build it on thi' Ivor! plan was to 1'.. which is bin on tiie I was decid- to fret a railroad was themselves, and started of raisin.i.', funds. Their build to White Hock, S. o:t the Milwaukee road. advice of .Mr. lioshoolt. it •'d to build to Fairmont.. line making contpr tit ion road's builders. I he for liret FEEDS CORN SHREDDER AND LOSES AN ARM Cartliatve, S. 11. 1,. ||. I.ucas .Cartilage went out in the country to see Hen Mill ton, a farmer, on busi ness. Mutton was operating his corn shrtdib r, and l.ueas stood watehini. it. Presently he was seized with a de sire jo run the machine himself. II secured permission and started feed liie corn into the shredder, got too close, and his left arm drawn into the machine up to should"!- and crushed to a pulp. right arm was also cut and bruised it was neci ssar.v to take oul the rol ill the machine before the injur man could cover. ti bit wa h, Hi lie released, lie will i\ -o- Pl.Y I'tli! Pl.ACKS. S. I).— Applications for under the provisions ol Primary law continue he secretary of state. Pierre, IP tl latest applications being Ceorge i-VicClt Hand of l.ead for the posilio of state mine inspector: .loltti 1 Waisli of Huron for chairman of t' (state board of embnlmers and Go O. (irant of Isabel, wants applieatic blanks lor endorsement for a I'eder appointment under thai. law. $10,565 TO STATE FROM TIMBER SALE tie statt •iieral go I'ierr::. S. I). acK. and that was the record price a hat time. -o— RAPID CITY PAIR w- the Dr. the tile IN AN ELOPEMENT Hapid City. S. 1). An elopement which is causing considerable com ment because of the prominence o: the parties was pulled oil' Saturday, night. Frank Goldie, fort man of th Journal job department, and Miss Hazel Gossage, niece of Joseph ii. Gossage proprietor of the Journal left I on the Omaha train. .Miss Gossagt was discovered by her uncle last spring through an advertisement in a newspaper. Investigation proved hot to be the daughter of Albert Gossage a brother, who left the Hills twenty tive years ago and had not been heard of since. As a result Mr. Jos eph M. Gossage visited his niece ill Texas and not only found her and two sisters very beautiful girls, but also his brother. Having no children Mr. Gossage brought Mi-s Hazel to Hapid City and she was given em ployment in the Journal ojlice. COOLEY IS SECRETARY OF ABERDEEN CLUB Aberdeen, S. D.--*!he Aberdeen Commercial club, at. it.- meeting yes terday, agreed lo engage H. O. Cool ey of IS -lie Fourche as industrial scc hf'tary on a three years' contract. Mr. Cocley's contract with t.he Melle Fourche Commercial club does not expire until .March K. but the lot-all' organization will endeavor to in-j duct Melle Fourche to release him be- 1'riends fore that date. Negotiations be-l tween the Aberdeen club and Mr. Ccoley have been pending for some time. The committee of the club which is engaged in trying to raise a budget fund of a year is meeting with satisfactory progress in its work and but little doubt is experienced over the raising of the amount, which will be utilized in advc-rtsiir Aber deen and South Dakota, nnd in the. encouragement of the location of new- PUGILIST JOHNSON GETS LICENSE 10 Says It Mo Villi. witvrss ti:i,i.s lite, re- •'ornmet: (•i'-ived from the a. draft for 31 tl.5tiri.UG, which is :!T per cent, of receipt:: from sales timber on the forest reserves, wliie! goes into the school and road ftin of the counties within the dtlferei reserves. The fund is divided amo: "lie different forests in the amoun of: Black Hills rest Harney reserve Sioux reserve. I've $'!, int. IN 4 ru 1 Total $ 1 0,5 li a. 0 —o— HANSON COUNTY LAND BRIWGS $111 AN ACR" \!e:andriti. S. I). A quarter set jtiou of fanning land one-half mil north of Alexandria. S. D.. has ju. been sold by George Kyiiuru to Ma: Kits for SI 1.5(1 an acre. This is sat to be the record price for purely far. land in lianscr •attnt ., i'or so large tract. Ten years ago. a uuarter sit a!'i 1"xan,ir 1 «al,! ,0,r «no 11 FBecause Thev Love Each Other. CASE WILL STAND Piciui ierl 11 Wi!i $.".( hi lures of Wi av FCT jdinu". il'O o. III. .1 ark .lob uson, tie declai't this morning lo lo marry Miss i.mile Cam 1'.i-year old Minneapolis girt ('b iea pugil isl, planned eron, th whose mother caused his arrest, on serious charges. The marriage will not affect Ihe case before the federal court. According lo Johnson's attorneys the pugilist said a motion picturi concern had agreed 'o pay him $a. •iuii, to make a film of the wedding which is .scheduled to take place t.l he home of his mother. Johnson tui tion tie.-il he had arranged with II. A {olierts, a negro preacher lo perform he ceremony. The wedding will be a 111 titled by a few intimate friends ind relatives, according to Johnson "I had a long talk with Miss Cani ron yesterday ami we decided to'In .tarried tonight," said Johnson. "I xplaincd I had been blamed for ill real ing her and that we might as .veil in' married right awa\. She iloiie ill the world now. Her mother '(its lell her and her stepfather i. ,noted as saying he wants to liavt otliing more to do with her. We low at other and I si no nnson why should not be married. W'e witi "iitl our honeymoon near Chicago, at we will not leave the state." Johnson later obtained a license to -itirry Miss Cameron. The license lerk first refused to grant tin- li •fiise because the girl was under I •'ears and was not present, but John oil appealed to the county clerk anil was granted. A hooting crowd fol owed the negro from the building. MONEY USED TO DEFEAT A BILL or spi-:mh\.: t../ wC )l t\ -Ol il t.\ KoT.t f.K( isi,atst:i: .UJAIN'ST 'iV'. Pi, i\T St. Louis. Mo. Thar as agent lot lie International Harvester company le spent Si',(it) or $5tlt) in l'.iu:! to kill bill pending in Ihe South Dakota .egislatitre \vhich would have autli irized the manufacture of binding twine in the state penitentiary, was 'estified to today by Mich:'"l II. Lamb .Mission. Texas, til the opening ses. ion ol the St. Louis hearing in the 'overntin-n- si! to dissolve' the inter at it.i-a 1 Harvester company. Testi tiony was taken before Special Kx iminer ltobt rt Taylor of Dulitth. Lit nib. .viio was formerly a general tgcitl of the McCormick Harvestei .j.npany and later of tile Intern it nal, testified that wloti the bill nine up he consulted John 11. Mow :r, former warden of Ihe peniti uli ry, and being told Hint it would take aonev to defeat tile bill, he so wrote Henry L. Daniel, general manager lie lnt crnai iona I. "A dny'b iater I received a package of $20 bills with im-truetions turn the money over to Howler," amb declared. lie explained lm hought ihe money was a conl.ribu ion, not a bribe. He also paid $5') .$100 to a reporter to write an edi irial against the passage of the wine bill. Lamb testified. Although not subpoenaed as a wit. tess. John W. Mowler. former war ien of the South Dakota penitentiary ippeared in the room during the hear ng "to protect his interests," lie said Ie admitted having received $:i(tn rout Lamb. but. said the money, with .fail received from the Hetail Imple ment dealers asocial ion. was expend •d in paying the expenses of the asso ciation's legislative committee of which lie was ti member. Government •ounse] said lie would not be put on hu stand for the government. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES WORK iKVKNTY hi him ho it: oi INIMVIDVAhS II Klil'KI) N KKI— DONA- ACKNO\\ I,K1 ((.KS TIONS. It is estimated that seventy dividuals have been benefitted through the liiinistra'ions the Associated Charities. 1 1 in-.itui/.ai ion. These eases were inves tigated and help given promptly. It was deemed best to report some cases to lie county commissioners who gave the necessary relief. The committee appreciates the unions of money given the Chari ties by .Mr. Milne and Canton Success No. .'! and also the articles of furni ture, clothing both new and second hand, and provisions donated by oth er organizations, and individuals which have enabled the charities to aid the deserving poor in a systema tic maimer. We have furnished groceries or clothing to some I's families and some cases more than once. Ktnploy ment lias been found for eight men ami eight women. Homes were sec ured for seven children, 7a calls were made by tile committee in interests of the association. Tl" ir aim litis been to cultivate seif respect, of the people visited and give the assistance nect s sary to tide them over the situation as found. The committee through the generosity of our citizens have gi\eti to the poor groceries to the amount of Al! 11 pairs of new shoes. 1 pair new overshoes, ii boys' suits, L' night shirts, I ladies waist, 1 ladies dress skirl, .1 undersuit, la pairs of stockings, girls' dresses, L' ties, liu lU'lerga rnietit s. -1 sheets, -1 pillow eases, 1 pairs blankets, 4 night gowns, ti girls aprons, !!fi infants gar ments, iiiic. yards cloth, il yards rib. iion. 1 cap, 1 pair mittens, 1 adhesive ulasl'T. 1 pound medicated cotton. Second hand clothing distributed as follows: ladies suils, 4 ladies dress es, I ladies coat, :i ladies waists, ti men's overcoats, il men's suils, S tun's shirts. In men's pants, 7 boys' ivercoats, 4 boys' shirts, 11! boys' pants, 11 boys' .vaists, ti boys' caps, I! ,iairs mittens, ft 1 pairs stockings, 1 pair blankets, 1! pillow slips, girls' •oats, 14 children's dresses, ti child ren's underskirts. 1 .'1 pairs shoes, 1^ neckties, 14 handkerchiefs, .'! dick eys. Provisions as follows: '2 sticks flour fl.UO sugar, 7 lbs bacon, dozen eggs, '•_. dozen lemons, I! etuis mince .neat. 11 glasses jelly, ft pints fruit, IS loves broad, 1 basket eatables, 'l' !)ti. potatoes, pickles, several meals ami fi lunches. Money was raised by •ollection to send a sixteen year old boy to where he could get work and ttve a home. In some cases where men spent all their money lor liquor ml failed to pro\i(lo for their I'arnili •s the facts were reported to tile proper authorities and such men were ut on the black list. It is the lit on ion of the Charities to work at all times with the churches, schools,, fraternal organizations, city and county olliciah ill (tiring for those in distress. The committee is very grateful for this cooperation shown in the past es pecially on the part of our city and county ollieials whose courtesy and willingness to aid us at all times have removed the obstacles that al most prevented us from coming to the rest-it" of some in sore need. OLICE WILL CLOSE in di- of As it is "more blessed to give than to receivf" think of the ilium astir able good done indirectly. The com mittee comes before the public at this time to extend thanks for liberality and cooperation in this work of aid ing the industrious poor promptly and systematically with the means at baud, and to solicit your confidence ability to go on with this good let us take hold of this make it a success. Funds a are needed so long as aid is required. The Associated Charities would ask donations of money, clothing or pro visions from the churches, fraternal iorganigations, .'Mid individuals to carry on this relief work.—Mrs. A. J. Curtis, Secretary. The Associated Charities of Mit chell n.speclfully submit the follow ing report of the work done by the Hoard from Feb. 1 ti 1 Ii to Sept. l!il^. Appeals for aid began to come to I the members immediately following RAPID CITY RESORT Hapitl City, S. D. -In the wave of noral reform which lias struck Hapid ii one of the famous resorts of the lilack Hills will be legislated out of a a a 1 1 1 A the instigation of the board of com missioners dive keepers on "Coney Island" have been notified to leave with tin new year. "Coney Island" takes its name from its big eastern rival and is formed by a division of Hapid Creek which encloses a couple of acres of land about a mile below thi! city. At. the last purity campaign all illegal resorts were segregated on jibe island. Several gilded palaces •were erected and have been running I for a little more than a year under •a system of fines paid into the city treasury. As a niatter of fact fines collected from the island sorts about paid the salary of mayor and commissioners and police part incut. the re the the Taxpayers winked at this method iwhile open depriciat ing it. Now they 'are setting up and taking notice. Mayor Hugg who gave ordt rs 1o clean i.p the island is backed by till of the members of the board of eommission ers, EXCITING CHASE AFTER A THIEF PA PI I CITY MAX (WIGHT KOIt m\ KNI'ltKSS OMP.WY IS A l)KI IS FAMILY IN AT- TK.MPT TO KSCAPT. Hapid City, S. I). Willis Lippen eoll, who resigned as chief of police recently, closed his career as tin offi cer Saturday night by catching a thief who has been systematically robbing the American Kxpress comp any for several months. Lippencott and Arthur Hose agent for the company were secreted near the platform of the Northwestern sta tion on which stood a truck loaded with express parcels awaiting the train for Omaha. The watchers were rewarded just as the whistle sounded announcing the approach of the train by hceing Jimmy Tiautniaii, a porter and somewhat of a sport stealthily approach the truck and filch a ptick i.age, then sneak into the shadow of the depot. Both Lippencott and Hose met Trainman at the west end of the depot and the former poking a gun 'into his face placed him under ar rest Slipping a pair of handcuffs on the prisoner lie was escorted to his home where a search of the premises .was instituted. While this was go ing on Trautman and his family, con sisting of a wife and two grown dau ghters were weeping and trying ap parently to comfort the husband and father. Suddenly Trautman made a break for the door followed by his family. He plunged outside and in stead of following him Mrs. Trainman and her .laughters turned at the door and barred the egress of Hoss. Unable to force Mrs. Trautman from the door and with lier daughters clinging to liei' neck Hose dealt Mrs. Train man a blow on the mouth which floored her and took several front teeth. Then shaking himself clear of the girls he started after Trautman with drawn revolver. Catching a glimpse of the fleeing man as he sped under a street 1 light Rose lired ami continued emptying his gun In the direction of Trautman. While this was going on Lippencott was having a pitched battle in the house with the daughters over the prostrate body of the mother. In the search Lippencott had carried a kerosene lamp. When Trainman bolted the policeman also jstarted in pursuit but found his way blocked by the girls and himself tampered by the lamp. Tossing it over the heads of the women out of doors lie pulled his gun anil threatening Jto shoot demanded that the way lie cleared. Just thru Moss began shoot ing and the screaming women clear oil the doorway. Trautman was caught in a lumber .yard hiding behind a pile, of shingles. I None of the shots fired by Hose bad jltit him. The search of Trainman's home .revealed a miscellaneous collection of goods covering everything from chewing gum to women's underwear land including, bams, cases of eggs, tobacco, whiskey, boots ami shoes, 'lard and school books. The losses to the American Kxpress Co.. and local merchant,a is estimated at, $ 1 .(tun, FOUR UNION MEN GIVEN DISMISSAL I -. •, GO\ IHN.MKNT ANNOIM T-S TI'iK HXiUiCS A \!NST TH KM OS H\ N AMI I F. CONSI'IK.'.CY A I!K NOT SI'ST.VIN Kl -J ianapolis, Intl. Four of lorty-IH'e defendants in the "dyna mite conspiracy" tiial wen discharg ed ioday by the government on Ihe gtour.u ihtit the charges against them had not been sustained. The (1 ism issti 1 of these cases leaves forty-one labor union officials still on trial. It came wlu ii Charles W. .Mil ler, I niied States Distiict Attorney, announced that ti.e governments evi a a I a a government icsted its case. Miller then moved the dismissal cl de It ndnnts as follows: iiiir.m K. Itenson, Fast Galloway, N, Y., former Prosid'.nt ol the De io.t Federation of Labor. •xcitIIon H. Davis, West. Chester, a., former member of the executive hoard of the International Associa ..eti of liriilge and Structural 11 on 'York( rs. Jo mi H. Carroll, Syracuse, N. V., former official of tae local Iron Worker's I'nioti. Spurgeon P. Meadows. Indianapol is, nd., business agent, ol the local council of the International Mrothcr iocd of Carpenters ami Joiners. Indianapolis, Ind. Herbert Hoc-k in, named by witnesses its the man who organized the "dynamite crew" and later became a spy in the ranks of the union against the dynamiters, today resigned as secretary-treasurer of the International association ol M'idge and Structural Iron Workers. John McClory of Cleveland was ap -poiat tl his successor. WOULD HURRY MONEY INQUIRY It KPIt KSKN'TATI YK I.IMHSFKO HAItlJKS I HAT rOMMITTKH IIASN'I TltlKI) TO I INI) ItKMKDY. Washington, D. C. A resolution •'ailing for early action by the bank ing and currency in its nv.'stigat ion of the so-called inom-v trust was introduced today in the tOtise by Hepresenlative Lindberg, ,if Minnesota, author ol tile original 'money trust" inquiry resolution. The resolution, in a voluninons pre amble sets forth that in the "many months" since the investigation was authorized, "the committee seems not. to have considered the. investigation from the standpoint, of securing lacts to aitl in the early future work ot framing remedial legislation, but. seems rather to have been planning an investigation as if for an indict ment anl in such purpose is blocked by those who have offended against the honest and impartial rules of business, and by government ofbetals who deem the personal privileges of banks so sa''rcd that, their business shall not be investigated than for the benefit: of the public weitare." Tlie resolution argues that while the committee may not have the pow er to onlain certified information, it should proceed immediately to se cure "till the practical information and data that may reasonably be had in relation to the influence exercised by the money trust, in the control of the banks and of money and credits as the tame enter into commerce. business and speculation and with {reasonable promptness report to the I House from time to time." Lindberg said he would await, acl ion by the committee for at least sev oral (lavs before pressing the mea sure.. MONSTER TRAINS OVER MILWAUKEE K.\f»f\KS TAGING IT* TO S2 l.OAD KP. AltS ON THK IM'GKT SOl.NI) LINK. Aberdeen. S. D.—The Milwaukeo: railroad is new handling extremely' !oug freight, trains between Miibank and M..-bridge on tliir, division of the road, and presumably along the en tire route from Seattle and Olynipia. to Chicago. Conductor Hurt. Sui-! I cliff went, cut of the Miibank yards tlio other day with his engineer pull ing eighty-two loaded freight cars, •and similar trainloads are by no means uncommon. Hailroad men say Ml' the Milwaukee did not make up such heavy trains it would be utter ly impossible l'or it to handle the traffic in this section at. this time of the year without having to light a threatened l.dockade of freight trains almcst daily. CAI.L 1'Olt HANK STATKMENT, Washington, D. €.—ComptroPer cf currency today i: sued a call for a statement of the condition of till the National banks in the Fluted S'tates at the close of business Tuesday, No vember 20, ,. *.JL '-4' T'yr£i ~i£ I I 1 fi?ll§St|S' SSi 00t$Sl --v IllSlSl' J] yt'V 't'l ..-V '-h li'- fsftffSSIsf-s'Si