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We well ii iir mmri'ii'iiiiiwinmw •AVw- •v. WOMAN'S APPAREL LI 1 1 -Christmas Stocks Are Ready At rhLs department affords tin opportuni ty lo select a handsome as well as a us iit, at a price saving dial is not Special reduction in to be overlooked. price of Coats, Suils and Dresses for holiday selling. Chiffon and Lingerie Waists A handsome line of new novelties, in dainty styles, at attractive prices. LINENS FOR GIFTS Handsome Irish embroideried lunch cloths, and center pieces and doilies, ine Damask sets, cloth and napkins lo match, table Damask by the yard with napkins to match, small doilies for table decorations, dresser scarfs, guest towels, Cluny lace edged table covers, and many other pretty articles in linens that make ideal eifts. HANDKERCHIEFS A. splendid showing of dainty Handkerchiefs for gifts. Initial handkerchiefs for Men and Women pretty em broideried handkerchiefs for women small boxed hand kerchiefs for children plain hem-stitched handkerchiefs in all grades, from 5 cents up. No trouble to make a selection here, and get good values for your money. DRESS GOODS Our splendid line of dress goods allows the selection of a handsome as well as useful gift, always acceptable. NOW IS THE TIME to select your Christmas presents WE HAVE Waicher in ('.old, Hold Filled and Nickel cases, $I.OO and up. Diamonds Loose and Mounted. Diamond Kings $10.00 to $ S50.00. Solid Gold l.avalieres set with Diamond. Pearls and precious slones $1-1.00 and up. Solid' Coiri Cuff I.inks $!..-»« 1 *20.00 IU.antil'iil eParl and Diamond I'.rooches Six Solid Silver Tea Spoons Six lingers Silver Plate il Teaspoons .... I mi: r. -lias, (Janes, Fountain Pens. Parisian and Oriental Ivory. Curio Copper and Karnak Brass, Dc.-l Sets, .lardiniers, Clocks, Toilet Articles, etc. Hand Illumined Hooks, liooklets, Calendars. Mottoes, Xmas and New \oats l.ctti rs and Cards, Xmas Stationery, Kodaks, and Supplies. -v We court comparison of Prices and Quality No Matter What You Want If it is in .lewolry. Hooks or Drug Kino. See l'?. We Want ami Appreciate Your Trade. Our Record—!!•"i years serving this community with reliable grinds. -. Scallin Bros. Co* Druggists, Jewelers, Booksellers, Opticians Ryes Examined Free The Rexall Store, Subscribe for the Repuhlicaii iv cannot emphasize too strongly the wisdom of shopping early. Our large stock ol useful as as pretty goods, suitable for Christmas gifts offers especial attractions to buyers. "i •f wm 1 .$7.00 anil up. S$:l.'r0. $ f.'25 7 li- M- v. Jr- FINE FURS A doll Aii early visit to our store will greatly acilital your Christmas shopping and prove both pleas ant and profitable HD BUTTERFIELD, The Store of Good Values' For those who buy 1' urs for Christmas gifts we offer a splendid selection of handsome furs in all the leading styles, 6, at popular prices. Rich Mink, soft fluf fy Fox sets, black and brown pretty Jap Minks, natural i'ox, Russian Mink, brown and black Martin, and many oth ers. You can select any fur and have it laid away, so as to be sure df getting what you want. GLOVES HOSIERY FOR CHRISTMAS An ideal gift, handsome silk hosi ery, put up in boxes or by the single pair, in black and colors, a splendid assortment of lisle and cotton hos iery in all the leading colors. Hand some boxed hosiery for men. A choice line of chic neckwear, al ways an acceptable gift, Jabbots, Lace Collars, Sets, Bows, and long lies—a nice range to select from. VV tyLjO 1 IVVy I jL/ jilai si riiiv.MK COIKT. Washington. I). (.'.--The supremo! court of the Puked Stales vesterdayj violative of the Slier cancelled as •Jt cancel man anli which tiie railroad owned coal com panics in the Pennsylvania anthra- ho con i. ct.-' Attorney General Wickersham in his statement last night expressed th belief that the "decision will so coin jiplculy destroy the combination I which now controls the price of an thracite that it must result in a [•distinct measure of relief to ii public. [i The court also ordered the dissolu tion of the railroad control in 1S9S and by which moxopolising, schemes could be pui into execution! railroads in the transportation and fi sale of anthracite coal and of pre v,Tting the sale of the output of in dependent operation in competition with the defendants' coal. The com bination,' it was alleged, transported per cent of the anthracite coal I moving from th mine.', controlled over ST per cent of till the anthra cite in the ground, and produced C.0 1 per cent and marketed 70 per cent of Ihe annual output. The lower court wtis unanimous in holding that to vole. Shop Birlyje«.in the Month Early in the DOLLS ikes any child a happy gift. of doll. offers a wide field for selection. Week and Early in the Day of dressed dolls in grerat variety at $1.25 and $1.50, much better than you usually see at this price. Char acter dolls in the popular make for this season kid body dolls at 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. FANCY GOODS SAYS COAL TRUST A wide range of fancy goods and novelties, suitable for gifts, at popular prices. ivirwA/ nFsTRnYFn' A large line of kid and fabric gloves, always popular as a gift. Long gloves for evening wear Black, white and colors. II you don't know the size, you can buy a glove certificate and the gloves can be selected later. Our large line A special line I t.Yiere existed no general conibina Ition in violation of law. 0 1 I E S I \TT UX1\Y GKXKUA WLCKKIT-j the "railroad" coal companies agreed SIIA.M SO COXSTUL'KS YKS- I(' th "independents forever (T. TEU DAY'S DECISION ISY THE 1 •ite Held had purchased the output TIIE\ IIST Itl-j CAUEI-CL TO lor all time of "independent" mines.- BLO( I'OLI I 14 IAXS E I I 11 :-r.<p></p>TAKE handily in the future. ITUOOI'S AUK OX d'Alil) AT LIS In its suit, the government charg- BOX AXI SHII'S IX HAHltOI! AUK CLI:AUI:I I OU led first, the existence of a general 11 combination in violation of the Sher man anti-trust law, and then charg ed that several smaller combinations within the big one were not. only in violation of tlie law, themselves but constituted evidence of a general of tlie army is supposed to be iill combination. ,-yS plicated. The cabinet was in session To Throttle Competition. all night. The troops were, kept under The general combination was alleg-jarms and this morning (he warships ed to have for its object the endingjin the harbor were cleared for act of competition among the defendant 1 THESES TILINGS COM- eit of in the suit ivus the system of "Oil per cent contracts" wherob.v I I 1 1 E O 0 N A N E W Ycrk harbor. The lower court held these contracts did not violate the law. WILSON ISSUES NOTE OF WARNING TELLS PEOPLE OF NEW .IEUSEY I'KAXS. Trenton. N. J.—Woodrow Wilson 'returned lo the slate house today in a fighting spirit and issued a warning jto Ihe voters of Ihe state against the tf,,, I politicians who opposed his progres sive policies and who he said would again seek to control the state gov of the a reinpTe iron Tompnnv'by'"which the governorship. Wilson urged that their principal railroads and their coal soon as lie steps from the a 1 companies were found to have I T-»* °Y-vT r,-,,-. strangled a project to build a com-j LEARN PLOT lO peting road into the anthracite fields nnnTi %.<p></p>PORTUGAL ACTION". ion. -o- BRdDKlTTC "UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN." Isaiah ix, 1-7—Dec. 22. Tn/o ua a Child ta horn unto us t/ivrii."—V. I 6'. ODAY'S study relates to a suli jeet which has thrilled (hecivi lined world fur centuries a subject which shall to all eler niiy be a theme of angels and men 'i'lie birth of .lestis must lie considered 'from the standpoint if a (lift of l.ove Divine. The world was under senleiiic -of death. Cod bad pitied humanity from the first, and bad purposely ar ranged | it would require I he death of a perfect man lo redeem Allans and I be race which lo*t life in biin. Hod from Ihe beginning! thai no stu man could be I cause ull men wen and bad a share in I. In* slurk of A'ta: lti'\ Imperfection a condemnation. The Divine Plan con- 1 teniplated that the Only Hegotleii of the Father, the ac tlve agent of 1 i vinitv in the work of Creation, should IK a I TIN great privilege of being luali's Kc I deemer and there I by securing a great reward Ihe Divine nature, through a resurrection from the dead. Tlr who teas rirh ft,• our mil:-'* Or i-ainr. puuv." The First Step of Redemption. ..7 The priniary step in man's recovery necessarily was that the hogos should be made flesh and dwell amongst us and taste dealh, by the grace of tiod. for every man (.1 ohu i. 14 Hebrews ii. !.) It. is this first slop that wo cele brate at this season of the year—the birth of Jesus. "lie who was rich, for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might" lie" reclaimed, Today's sludy points out that those .lews who weie I hen supposed to be In greatest darkness would see the great l.ight of Divine Truth, as rep I resented in .lesus and His ministry, This bad a primary fulfilment in (lali lee. when the major portion of I lie inighlv works of .lesus were perform ed. Hut ils real 1'ullllment lies in the future, when the great •'Sun of Right eousness shall ariso with healing in its beams." ltefore that glorious Sun. sor row and sighing will tlee away ignor nnce anil superstition will vanish: sin and darkness will be no more, .lesus is the great Center of that Sun of Kigliteousncss. but as lie points out. the I'.rido class, in process of selection during this Age. is to sit with Hint in Ilis Tin-one: they will shine forth with tin I'.ridegrooin to heal earth's sor rows and scatter earth's night. (Mat thew xiii. 411.) All Ibis will come be cause "unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given:" because "the Govern ment shall rest upon His shoulders:" because "Ilis name shall be called Wonderful. Counselor, the Mighty. (Mighty One. the Kverlasling l-'albj-r. the Prince of Peace." The Fall of Babylon. We are to understand verses I! to 5 as referring, mil to Natural Israel, but to Spiritual Israel —nominal. The holy nation lias phenomenally increased without increasing the joy. There are ninny false children in tin nominal family or Cod: there are many "tares" iin the whcnl-licld. Hut in the Harvest time or Ibis Age there will ho a joy: the faithful "will rejoice as they that divide Ihe spoil." The burdensome yoke of the creedal superstitions will be broken, and the rod of the opprcs I sor. will be broken. Verse .r in timates the fall of Babylon, and the breaking of the yoke and the rod in the great "time of trouble." First of all. our Lord's revelation to the World will be as the Wonderful One. He will lie revealed to mankind "In llaming fire" in the time of trouble, and subsequently in the rescue work of Ilis Millennial Kingdom. He will be the world's Counselor, to give assistance, guidance, whereby they may return through Restitution into harmony with .lehovah. His 1 iile. '. I COXT1CST L'OU LIXILSI. VN'BI:. Aberdeen. S. D.—At least one election contest is scheduled for de is I a representatives. li. C. Ash of Zie bach county has filed notice of the contest of the seal of IS. 'W. Clark of Kagle Butte, who had a majority of the votes on Ihe lace of the returns. I The contest is based over a dispute ol the right of some of the Indians I'lie Mighty God. or Ighty. One. will be recog earth, as well as in Heaven—"that Him hafh God set forth to be a Prince and a Savior." The title. The Father, will apply to llim as the I.ife-giver of m» tVn'W is tlie world. But Je a is Church's everlasting Father. Ou the contrary, as SI. Peter declares, "The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ hath begotten us again to a llf" I 0 I Lisbon, Portugal.-—A plot to es-1 speedily be established, and He shall tablish a military dictatorship ii|t)e known as The Prince of Peace. Portugal discovered last night. Part.| title. The Prince of Peace, will not apply to Him at the beginning of His !reign, when He will be breaking in pieces as a potter's vessel every wrohg human system (Revelation li. 27: I'salm ii. 0), but true peace shall a terminate, at the close of the thousand years, it w'll be because He will deliver the ICiug dom over to Cod. that lie may be Ihe Great All iu All. Messiah's Kingdom is styled "the Throne of David." The name Dnvid signifies Helnred. and Mes siah. the Beloved of God, is the Anti type of David. I '2 II Neal Drink and Drug Treatment' 703 S. Summit Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. WILSON RETURNS BUT REFUSES TO TOLK OF POLITICS President- Elect Goes Quietly to Home in Princeton MESSAGE TO STATE Brought icl by Governor Covers Kvery Pkink in Piirty Platform New York City.—President-elect Wilson returned today from his va cation trip to the Bermuda on the steamship llerniudian, which carried him and his party, and docked here a few hours after o'ciock. Not tin announcement as fo politics or iiny IhiUK else did the governor have lo mt'ke on his arrival. "I'm going to devote myself fo New Jersey affairs," IK said. Alter if few hours in New York, he planned to go direct to his home in Princeton, so as to be on hand til the stale bouse in Trenton early tomorrow for the regular budget of stale business. Tin I president-elect brought with liini his 'annual message to the New Jersey is a re a a II embodies every plank iu Ihe dem ocratic platform. ... Ki:\.\TOi:S TO A 1/l'KltXATI"! AS ritKsmnxTs rito THAI Washington, D. ('. -The Senate convened at 11 and adopted a plan of designation of .Senators Gallinger and Bacon, acting alternately fort nightly, as presidents pro lem. Chairman Clapp, of the campaign contribution investigating committee announced that William It. Hearst probably will be Ihe lirsl wilness when the committee resumes its hear ing Tuesday. The Senate began consideration of the Kheppard-Kcnyori liquor traffic bill. The court, of impeachment re sumed the Archbald hearing at one ihiriy. The House convened at. noon and considered miscellaneous bills on the unanimous consent calendar. Repre sentative Deforest introduced a joint resolution proposing a constitution al amendment to make the terms of congressmen lour years. Represen tative Berger introduced a resolution providing the government should condemn and buy the New York, New Haven tt Hartford railroad proper ies. Mc 'I'Mlil'jlt \IJKS IX l-'AYOIt TIIK "liltY STA'TK IIIIX" Washington, D. C.—Speaking in favor of ihe Kenyon-Slu--ppard dry stale bill, today, Senator McCumber of North Dakota declared it would help Ihe state oflicials to enforce the laws against "blind piggism" and boot leggers. "State laws are ineffective as long as there is no means of getting nt: the source of supply outside the state," lie declared. lie said attempts to give the state oflicials power to seize liquor as soon as shipped into a "dry" state prob ably would be held unconstitutional by the supreme court, hut he believed congress has the power lo prevent interstate shipments. BUT ONE BALLOT FOR U. S. SENATOR THIS IS I'KOSI'IOCT AT IMIIItlMO, TIIOI Gil (JAMIJIiK'S KltlKNDS AUK XOT AVITHOl'T HOI'K Pierre, S. D.—If reports which come drifting this way are not b-idly muddled before they get this far, Senator H. J. Gamble has not yet giv en up the idea that. Ihe "Gamble Luck" which has attended him so far in his political career, is yet working for him, and he is not allowing that luck to do all the working, btit is quietly boosting it along himself if lie feels that a boost will help any at, any time. At least, it is claimed by those who are abroad in the land that the senator is bilsy in his efforts to build up anti-Sterling sentiment aga. inst the time when the members of the legislature get the last guess as to just who is to be the senator from this state for the next, six years. And while Gamble is busy along that line there are others, and they are not al lowing things to go by default in case there should come a break away from Sterling when the balloting be gins and if there should be a break candidates will be plenty to step into the breach which will be made in the party breastworks about that time, and stop (lie onrush of the enemy, and Gamble will not be alone in such a breach. Of course the backers of Tlios. Sterling as the primary selection are not conceding an inch outside of their claim that they will have plenty of votes to seat him, on the very first, ballot, and it will either be the first or not at all. While all the indications are that Sterling will have a clear majority when it comes to the vote, ind with the safe majority he will get other votes which are willing to vote for him so long as he is a certain winner, but which would go to some other candidate if such move would assure the defeat of Sterling. The The position of members of the state board of charities and correct ions appear to be an active one, as tlie applications filed for that place before the recent meeting at this city were \V. S. Bowen, Huron Prank Goddard, lift.on 'H. E. ton Dr. O. \V. O. R. Wright, Huron. Besides these others known or alleged candidates^ a O W a S ings: (). C. Olsen, Herreid Alberts N'orby. Fori Pierre Dr. .G. Kcd lield. Rapid City: Dr. M. H. Walton, Huron Mrs. I.ydia B. Johnson, I'Virt Pierre. g-, ABERDEEN OPENS FARMING SCHOOL I'Acn.TY or MM:II:I AS PIJO \II»KI KOIt COI'ltSK WHICH W il l. IM TllliOt'GII THIS *v"" illume uiiviMioa !»•*/••••»«.»• surface chances, certainly look as if .,n departments than ever be the Vermillion man has the situation well in hand with the primary back ing which ho secured, even though it was only a plurality backing, and that there will but one ballot cast for that position. Dawes, Ful Phelps, Lemraon Dr. wi-i.K.: is... Aberdeen, S. 1). T: Souili Dakota Better farming short couive. which started this morning here and will last, through the week already prom ises lo prove a gernt success .nidging from the atlendance ol farmers and the interest shown. TI.e course is being carried on under ihe auspicc-s of ihe South Dakota Belter Panning association, organized nearly a year ago by Aberdeen business men and nearby farmers, for the purpose of promoting an interest in heller meth ods of farming in South Dakota and it has so grown in popular interest thai numbers of county blanches have already been formed and the services of Hie director and manager, have grown in demand so greatlv that it is impossible for him HI fulfill all Ihe calls upon him. The Better Farming course now under waj' includes instruction in crop roiafion, in the proper prepara tion of Ihe soil, in livestock raising, in corn growing, poultry on Ihe farm, alfalfa production, in judging live stock and seed grain, and domestic, science subjects for women and girls. The program includes lectures on various- subjects of interest lo the farmer, by experts in their different lines. The faculty for the course in cludes H. P. Patterson, 1. W. iCllis, M. h. Wilson, F. I.. Marsh, W. 15.. Taylor, A. V. I„indberg, A. N. Smith, 11. M. Harden, J. C. Hane-y, Alex. Much, F\ Fraser, W. McKee, W. O. Hull, A. W. Palm, C. B. Waldron, Dan Bierwagen, Alfred Weir/., Hugh J. Hughes and Professor A. N. Hume. The program opened this morning at 10 o'clock, with a general meeting of all men and boys attending the course, on the second 'floor of the International Harvester company building, when the work for the week was outlined by Mr. Patterson. At 1 o'clock the subject discussed will lie, "What is the best car of corn for seed? 'Will the corn yield? ICIeven questions about, each ear of corn will be asked, and the students will he asked, with these eleven points in mind, to pick out four ears that they consider best, for seed corn. At. 2:110 p. m., the second section of the school will have the same program, and at 4 o'clock a geenraTdiscussion of Ihe day's work will be held, and the subject, "Beat ing the Drought," or dry land farm ing, will be discussed. HILL IS AGAIN HEAD OF FAIR MITCIIKLIi MAX I'ISI'ISIIMOXT Or ItOAltl).—$12,000 iMAIK BY STATIC IX 101 a. mz Huron, S. 1J. —Secretary C. N. Mcllvaine of the South Dakota state fair association has just, returned from Chicago, where li(» has been for some weeks attending the meeting of the American Association of States Fairs and Expositions, which is held every year at the time the Live Stock show is going on. Besides Mr. Mc-_« llvaine, W. S Hill, Isaac Lincoln, W. C: G. Faulkner and M. L. Tobin of lhe:V South Dakota board were present. The time of holding the various fairs was not changed, South si 1 1 1 coming the next week after the Nebraska and Minnesota expositions. Mr. Mcllvaine calls this the best* position held bv any stale fair. The fair dates for next year -w111 be Sep tember 0 to 13, and the Sioux City live stock fair will be the week fal lowing. The meeting was the most suc cessful ever held by the American Association and the most productive of good results, in the opinion of Mr. Mcllvaine, the utmost harmony.^ prevailing throughout the meeting. From the reports of the delegates nresent nearly all the fairs in flit country made money during the last year, and but very few reported small crowds- or bad weather. The South Dakota fair realized an approx imate -profit in 1912 of $13,000, and the association owes less than $1,000 at the present time, and has funds coming in to cover this amount. In the past six years the manage ment of the South Dakota exposition has added $30,000 worth of improve fents to the grounds in this city, in buildings, fixtures and general iin provements. The election of officers of the South Dakota board resulted as fol lows: W. S. Hill, Mitchell, president Isaac Lincoln, Aberdeen, vice presi dent J. E. Piatt, Clark, Treasurer C. N. Mcllvaine, Huron, secretary for next two years. It was concedcd i.t the Chicago meeting that the machinery and trac tion exhibit at the South Dakota fair was far ahead of any other lair in the world. There were 2 6 different traction engines here last fall, the nearest to this record being 17 at the Oklahoma fair. Mr. Mcllvaine is very appreciative of the manner in which th managers ot the western fairs are working together, and stated that the success of the South Dakota fair was attributable In considerable measure to the assistance and aid giv en it, by the managers of the Nebras ka. Iowa, and Minnesota fairs. The South Dakota state fair will 'make larger offerings in the premium fore, this being particularly true i» the educational, agriculture atid live stock departments. The motion pic tures made on the grounds during the last fair will lie on display in a short time, and will -be shown in every motion picture house state. In the Want Ads Pay