Newspaper Page Text
•SXWCXXJSX3»BS3SSS3Wre%3£MC5C^^ FOR RliNT. FOR liKN'T- Five room cottage, with furniture for sale as it stands. Bargain if taken at once. Phone :71U FOR RENT—-Fight room house, West First Ave.— Commercial and Savings Hank. FOR RENT Kerns. FOR RENT—Modern house near University—Mitchell Trust Co. FOR RENT Cheap Phone 3S36. rooms. For town "otu, Me I!!dwon tr You Don't See What You Want, Read the Republican Want Ads CE/V7 A WORD For each Inaertlon In tU Want Ad. columns of Thi Daily Republican. Special rat* by the month of 75 b*ni« per line—A line nrll.'. |U»ually contain six word*. No advertisement taken tot l«M than 10 centj. Advertisements may ha ••rted to run UDtii ordered ont, But advertisements ord •r«d to run a sped num ber of times, must b« paid for HELP WANTED. WANTED—Waitress, for Elk's con •volition, at McCarthy's cafe. MARRIED MAN—Wanted to work on a farm.—Frank Weller. A(JK\TS WANTKD. -Barn. East side. FOR RENT—8 room house, cor ner 5th and Minnesota, west. side.— Foster-Colteaux Land Co. FOR RENT—117 East 1st, store building. Barnard-Giles old stand. Inquire Winsor & Ilagar. •leeplng FOR SAIJE. FOR SALE—Three second steam engines: one second hand gas engine or will trade engines. \V. E. Rathbun, •114 Lawler street, Mitchell. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATO ICS—T. T. Snow, besemont Princess theatre, First avenue east. BREAKFASTS—Served from 6:00 to 7:30 a. in., at 404 2nd Ave. East. Price 25 cents. FOR SALE—Family horse and colt, buggy and harness.—At Wid niann Barber Shop. FOR SALE—Folding baby buggy, cheap. Phone 2450. SHORTHORN bulls, choice breed ing, for sale by W. J. Carey & Son Ellis, S. D. FOR SALE—One 10-h. p. gasoline engine in good condition. A. J. Kings FOR SALE—New and second-hand earom and pocket-billiard table#, pnd bowling alleys and accessories bar Ixtures of all kinds, easy pay ment. The Brunswick-Balke Col lander Company, 426, 428, 430 Third street south, Minneapolis. Minn, UJKAL ESTATE" DOUBLE SEATKD AUTO HACK Surrey cheap.—!i"l E. I!rd. FOR SALE—NW 'J-1 0 4 US, Brule county, 2Vz miles from Kimball, S. D. Must be sold hi I!" da vs. Price $35 per acre. Comm^'smn to agent, mak ing sale. F. Dillon, owner, Preslio, S. D. For insurance mlwnv Hid«roll. FOR SALE or 'raa« V:o. Cilua bla Hotel. See Jon. McLaughlin. FO.iSALE—Two bovneftead cains — Bidwcll, An'.c Bidwell. XIhi abstract* tell. BACK-XO-THE-IiAND S«nC today for the only magazine In the United Spates pu'untied entirely In the interesc or tin, man wno wants to get back to the land 36 pages, handsome colored covers. Subscrip tion, 40c a year 6 months, 26c. Ad. rates, 2c per word. FARM AND REAL *8TA.*2I JOURNAL. 44 Traer, IOWK FOR SALE—4 0-S 0-160-240-12 0 860 and 600 acres near Mitchell 160 320-480 and 640 acres near Plank Inton. Could use a residence or 160 acres as part pay. Frank Weller. FOR SALE—My houHe 021 South Duff 8 rooms, furnace, corner lot. If not sold by July 1st will rent. H. J. Coxa. MI8CJC J-JoAmCOll 8. WANTED call at Highland House. WANTED—To buy stock hogs, t*o,]Ia •cows and 20 weaned calvcs or I I 1 1 WANTED—All kinds of team work. Charles Phillips. Phone 3474. Taxlcab line (correct No.) correct in phone book, 2389 WANTED—To OI!!i:i! TO SHOW CAUSE OX \P PMCATIOX OF GVAKDiAX FOR ORDER OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE. State of South Dakota, County of Davison, ss. In County Court. In the matter of the estates and guardianship of Ruben Krebsbach and Florence Krebsbach. minors. it appearing to this court, from the petition this day presented and filed by II. R. Kibbee the guardian of the persons and estates of Ruben Krebs bach and Florence Krebsbach, minors 'praying for an order of sale of certain real estate belonging to his said (wards, that it is for the best inter ests of said minors and of their es tates that such real estate should be sold. It is hereby ordered that the next of kin of the said wards, and all per sons interested in the said estate, ap pear before this court on Thursday, the lOih day of July, A. D., 1'J13, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court room of said court at the court house in Mit chell, Davison county, then and there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sale of such estate. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks before the day of hearing, in the Mitchell Capital, a newspaper primed and published in said Davison county, and personally served on all parties interested, who reside in said Davi son county. S. D. Dated June :',rd, l:U3. By the court. O. C. THOMPSON, At test Judge of the County Court. S. CATTRELL, (Real) Clerk of the County Court NOTICE OF IIEA KING PETITION FOR LETTERS Ol ADMINIS TRATION. State of South Dakota, County of Davison, ss. In county court. Special June lull term, 1913. In the matter of the estate of Henry Kirfel, deceased. The state of South Dakota sends greeting to Anna Kirfel. Theressia Crainpton and Rose Kirfel, heirs at law and next of kin of Henry Kirfel, decease}!, and to all to whom these presents may come. aid petition, when and where any •ii-rson interested may appear ami how cause why the said petition Iionld not be granted. Dated at Mitchell lav of June, 191:'., Notice is hereby given, that Anna Kirfui. has filed with the judge of tliis court, a petition praying for let ters of administration of the estate of Henry Kirfel. deceased, and that Saturday the 5th day of July, lOl.'i, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, be ing a day of a regular term or this •ourt, to-wit: of the July term, 1013, it the court room of this court in he court house in the City of Mitch ell, County of Davison, has been set. London England.—London's lofti :'or hearing said petition, when andj st society is discussing the recent where any person interested may a.p-1 high stakes gambling within the sa pear and show cause why said pcti-j ered precincts of Winsor Castle des iii should not be granted. I"t Queen Mary's antipathy to gam. es of chance. S. D.. this fltlii NOTICE i' THE TIME APPOINT ED IO|{ APPKOYINt Wll.l.. ETC. State of South Dakota, County of Davison, ss. In County Court. In the matter of the estate of D. DeVioo. deceased. The state of South Dakota sends greeting to Sarah DeRoo. Lloyd De Roo and Alice Dot row, devisees, leg atees and heirs next of kin of D. De Roo. deceased. Pursuant to an order of said court, made 011 the ftth day of June. 1013, notice is hereby given that Saturday, the day of July. 1013, at 10 o' clock a. 111., of said day at the court room of court, at Mitchell in the county of Davison, have been ap pointed as the time and place for proving the will of said D. DeRoo, deceased, and for hearing the said petition for probate thereof and the issuance of letters testamentary therein, when and where any person interested may appear and contest the same. Dated at Mitchell, S. D., the 9th day of June. 1 ft 13. P,v the court, O. C. THOMPSON*. Judge of the County Court. Attest: S. CATTKBLD, Clerk of tlte Court. (Seal.) 0 MILLER HORSE WINNER IN FIRST HURON RACE Huron, S. D.—The first dey of the Corn Belt Race meet in this city was marked by a good weather, two good rac^s. and a fairly large crowd. 'I he big race of the meet is saiu to be scheduled for Thursday, the 2: IS pace. The Sheriff, owi.ed by |K. ],. Midbo of Huron, and Kitzel, Cisterns to clean, with-j owned by J. II. Dottger, of Ollie, out removing the water. Guarantee Jowa, are doped as the fastest en to take out all the dirt and smell, tries in this race. ID., to postmaster, and Albert Price, $1.50. To clean by remo\ing The first day's races were tne 2.2a Sc.hmedemann of Wisconsin, to water costs from $2.00 to $5.00. If, pace of 1:20 trot, and the 2: :i 5 trot, not satisfied, don't pay. Bunnell Bro- each for a purse of $350. In the. thers. Leave word at postoffice, or: first race, first money "was aken by ni7D|7| \x/ii cnoiM Miller, S. D. second, May Not, J. •_.„'D. Nelson. Orr. N. D. third, Sunny Wa8h ear fourth burii. Vermillion, S. D. Sabbath Day, J. B. Black- lings.—Frank Weller^ jnian. Miles City, Mon. Time 2:22. governor of Sonora, saying that thej I O I I A VALUES RAISED ON MAIN STREET liOAKI) OK K(41 \I,IZ \TI\ MAKKS SOMK ST ItTlilNti CllA\(ii:S. w„siiori.iAiiavk iu:k\ doxk J§|f SOOXKR THKV SAV. The board of equalization in ses soin last night made some 'decided changes in the value of property on Main street. The changes include the lots only however and not the buildings. The corner lots on Main street and Second and Third streets are now asesssed at $!»,()00. The in side lots on Main street between Sec ond Third and on both sides of the street are now assessed at $S,00ft. The first three lots south of the First National bank building are now assessed at $7.not). The next three to the south are assessed at $7,000, and the next four are as sessed at $«,7r.O. The lots No. S in block lit and 11 in block IS are inci eased to $ t,000.00 Beginning with the Mitchell Candy Kitchen and going north to the corner occupied by the McCornish meat market and the J: N. Crow building, the valua tions are increased in the same pro portion as those between Second and Third streets at about $1,000 per lot. —~o PAGEANT TELLS II GERMAN STORY FEATl'ItE OF TTRXFENT \T DE\ VDi: DEPICTS 11 !STOI{ I i:HMAX XATIOX AND (ii:K- MAN.AMKIiir AXS Denver, f'oio.— lntenden to be one of the chief educational features of the program. 111e allegorical pageant was today pronounced the most in structive and most impressive lesson ex en given by the North American Gymnastic. Union. Through the agen cy of 4U floats on which grouped turners costumed in keeping with the period represented, the history of the development of the German nation and the part played by German-Am ericans in founding and upbuilding the American republic, were told. The pageant, was divided into three sections. The first represents the German as the American citizen, soldier of the Revolution, student, lover of poetry, music and art: an other section contains floats to carry the imagination hack to medieval times when the Germans were strug gling naginst thRomans, and other floats represented the advance of the German nation to the present time. Another section displayed the ban ners and insignia of the Gymnastic Union with a guard of honor. The president, and officials marched in this, section. $7,500 WON BY DUKE IN GAME (•Eli.MA (a EST OF ENGLISH yi'EE.V MAKES NEAT SI IN ROYAL OAME OF llU'CAKAT. The gambling was on the last night of the Ascot race meeting and tile gaming room was the drawing room 0 O. C. THOMPSON. Judge of the County Court. Attest: S. CATTRELT-. Clerk. (Seal.) "ie suite lllotted to the Grand Duke of Meckienburg-Strelit/.. German Duke Got the .Money. The last night of the race meeting the grand duke asked half a dozen of the quests to his suite to play baccarat, after the king and queen had retired. Prince Arthur of Con naught, the king's cousin, lost $3,500 and Lord Granard, husband of Bea trice Mills of New York, lost $2,000, while the grand duke won $7,500. Queen Mary has struck all known women gamblers off the list of those receiving invitations to royal func tions. They are Turkey Trotting Too. Despite Queen Mary's dislike for the "turkey trot" and other freak dances, Airs. Martineau, sister of Viscountess Maitland, was hostess at a big tango ball last night at which many widely known social figures swayed and swung down the floor. The hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklemburg-Strelitz, who was one of the suitors for the hand of Princess Patricia of Connaught was one of the dancers at Mrs. Martineau's ball, has just learned the tango. He said the other day that he had kept away frrm the tango for some time, but, finding everybody was dancing it, finally was forced to join in and take lessons, despite the queen's object ions. Professionals, hired especially for the occasion, appeared at the ball to help out the awkward dancers and make things go with a hum. 1,000 MINERS JOIN STRIKE THAT MAXV Ql IT WORK SECOND TIME IN CA1SIN CHEEK, W. YA., DJSTKICT. Charleston, AY. Ya.—Reports from Cabin Creek announce that about 1,000 miners struck this morning. No disorders are reported and the men who refused to go to work are not being molested. A call for a general strike in the New ltiver field went out this morning, to be effective July 1. The operators ask that such action be postponed for a few days. The president's nominations today included Frank Etted of Bismark, N G. minister to Norway. o- Nervella. owned by C. E. Ericksen, Kfc.Bfc.LS WILL SUON ATTACK GUAYMAS TO RAISE VALUES OF BUSINESS LOTS CITY COl'NCif- AS BOAlil) Ol' t^i A! IZATION SO DECIDES AT MEETING LAST NIOIIT— OX I A" l'EW AIT-'ECTED. That, the. value of business lots on Main street are, too low and always have been so. on the books of the assessor was the undivided opinion of the city council, which met last night at a board of equalization and in view of that fact it was decided that the valuations of all lots, facing Main street, 011 both sides of the street between Second ,and Third streets and including till four corn ers of the latter named streets shall bo raised. The corner lots are now valued ac cording the assessors books at $8, 000. The valuation 011 these will he raised to $0,000. The present, values placed on the inside lots is $0,500. and these will be raised to $8,000. The value of these lots were already a trifle over three times what they were assessed for last year. K1 Paso, N. M.—A telegram was CAot A0AIN31 nULtlLISl- received here from Elpesnuiera, rebel I11 the 2 2 0 trot the results were: irebels at. Ortiz, yesterday succeeded Dayton, O.—Patrick Grant, 2 0 stitution, expresses the opinion that first money, Kissimmee, De Franceiin capturing a large number of fed- years old. of this city, who was car- Beresford will eventually land the Bros., Spirit Lake Iowa: second, eral soldiers, and that the federalized out of the ring unconscious in: prize. It has been decided that the Please! Baffin. J. B. Blackmail, Miles City, I army was driven back toward Guay-jlhe seventh round of his ten-round main building of the new institution Mont.: third, Marck Americus, J. mas and that the rebels would fol- battle with "Kid" Batty Friday night will cost not less than $25,000, so it I a in a is at a re re el id at S at a it re a in in a a in it a rent a barn. In-, charming Prince. Ed. Mernaugh, I pected to attack the federal out-'consciousness. There is some dispute South Dakota will be fortunate in —1^23—i~A Lnoid_at_Cuavmas liv Friday 1, ..l|Pl)ir 111 died frotp 1lie Keeiiriii^Jt. White Serge Suits A number of handsome white serge tailored suits, regular prices, $20.00 to$22.00, your choice of the lot for $12.00 a suit, no matter what they cost, you sho.uld have one for your vacation trip. A Special in White Lingerie Dresses About 20 dainty white dresses, worth from $7.50 to $15.00, just the thing for Fourth of July and summer wear. To close the line we will make the price of $5.00 each We have not considered cost on these gar ments, we must have them out of the way while the season is on, this is your chance rI he. in crease will mean about 1.8 per cent or SIS.00 per year, tax 011 each $1, 000. of value. This raise will not ef fect the buildings 011 the lots in any wnv. the council will meet again as an equalization board tonight and hopes to clear up all business at that time. Further objections to assessments were heard last, night but all action on the cases was deferred until the meeting tonight. ". O stomach, liver or kidneys Thousands say they owe their lives to this won-j tl,e OnlTsOc null $\ M. ke«^mmena^ bv Diehl Sr. Brown. YOU FINANCIAL INSTITl TIONS OF THE CITV Wll-D SHIT DOOItS AT ti:0(1 O'CliOCK OX HAYS OF CONVEXTJOX. It is announced todi'.y that all the banks of the city will close their doors at 2:00 o'clock in the after noon 011 Thursday and Friday in hon or of the Elks convention which is to be held here those two days. There will be 110 business transactions at any bank after that hour. TO BE AGREEMENT ON DISSOLUTION For the Weak and Xervons. Tired-out weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, ener getic full of life and always have a good appetite, if they would do the thing for health—-take as the location for an old people's trie Bitters. Nothing better for home, which is to be established by a GOYERXMEXT EXPECTS TO EX HORSE A PLAN FOR THE END ING OF THE IXIOX PA CIFIC MERGER. Washington, D. C.—Attorney Gen eral McReynolds, at the conclusion of a four rour conference with Rob ert S. l,ovett, chairman of the board of the Union Pacific railroad and Paul D. Cravath, anonuneed that there were good prospects of an agreement, for thed issolution of the Union Pacific merger. HEREFORD IN LINE FOR OLD FOLKS' HOME lieresford S. D.—Beresford stands a very good chance of being selected (lu To Save From $2.50 to $10.00 WE OFFER YOU A SPLENDID CHANCE TO DO SO AND GET SOMETHING WORTH WHILE AT THE SAME TIME Word comes from the Ready to Wear de partment that we have too many garments of some kinds. We want to turn them into mon ey and will do so at a saving to you of from $2.50 to $10.00 on a garment. We want to clean up stock while the sea son is on. No old stuff or junk, good season able styles of spring goods ready for immedi ate wear and just in season, for summer use. The store of good values result of a knockout blow or from overexertion and the excessive heat. The fight was ('.rant's second pugil istic encounter. BANK WILL BE CLOSED FOR ELKS ,rch organization. The home will hfi naUolla derful home remedy, i.t "j church organization -who have in vsult, of estal Center. icharge the mutter of making a selec I regard Electric I.i 11 ion of the place for the home recent be Ki-"ateM h- held a meeting at Red Wing, Min. get what. it. has don ''nesota, but. it. was decided to defer bottle jourse ant '. action on the selection of the place 1 REACHES JURY TODAYS''10 one. The officers of the I will hold a meeting in Beresford anil |take final action in the matter. Rev. y"* iiyc'r dt if tc r* hi Qnello, of Bei esford, who at- tended the meeting at lied Wing, and las )een appointed financial ag ent of the proposed new national in- I ».4'4 FOURTH OF JULY AND HOT WEATHER GOODS S S Our stock of seasonable articles for summer, or special wear, are in splendid shape to supply your needs. Parasols, Fans, Gloves, Neck Wear, Hosiery, Summer Underwear, White Goods, Thin Goods of all kinds are shown in good variety, and we can assure you of the best possible values, as well as the best styles BUTTERFIELDS -,V}5n Mitchell) oc for 1 I'ound 1c per Pound lor Kuc-li Addi tional Pound up to 11 Pounds. EXAMPLE 1 lb. .05 2 lbs. .0ft 5 0 9 11 lbs. .15 White Serge Coats A few nobby white serge spring coats, top sea son styles, not many left, they were $25.00, what is left will go at $ 1 7.50. You can afford one of them at this price for an extra wrap,'. Silk Dress Bargains Some extra values in silk costumes, about 20, or 25 handsome silk dresses, ranging in value from $ 1 0.00 to $25.00 each, that we will make the very low prices on of from $5.00 to $1 2.00 for immediate selling *«r~ *3' Elk's Decoration# The most beautiful yet inexpensive interior dec oration for Elks convention, is Dennison's White and Purple Crepe Paper Streamers, 1 and 2 inches wide, 100 feet to roll, at 10 and 15 cents each. Also have a large selection of beautiful Pennants and other decoration material. 1 Let Us Supply Your Wants i. Diehl (&. Browrv, Druggists, Jewelers, Book Sellers DRESSMAKING COLLEGE R. A. Terry of Detroit, Mich., has opened a dressmaking school over Becker's Clothing store, in Mitchell, Any lady taking a course in this school, if not satisfied, there will be no charge for the course. Apprentice girl wanted. Visitors wel come. '"r" SMEBY & NELSON, Props. fl6XXXXX3tX)6XXX3tXXXXXX36XX36XXXXS6!mi%36XSe$ XX8ee838863636Si8686«86SS6S Parcel I' Local ltntes (Itural ltoutes. PARIS GREEN, The Very Best* 4 28 and lb. lots, 25c per lb. 5 lb. lots, 30c per. lb« 2 lb. lots, 32 J/2C per lb. 1 lb. lots 35c per lb. We Want and Appreciate Your Trade SCALLfN BROS, CO. Druggists, Jewelers, Booksellers, Optician» Eyes Examined Frerf The Rexall Store