Newspaper Page Text
OENT A WORD bhi KUiF WAHISOt WANTED—At permanent, 'and chell. FOR ROOM Myi .'bni yq Newbi -The board* and room. Joe manager, r' FOR REtfT Pbone 2056.' 8279. .gr*' NO You Donf Sea What You Want, Read! the Republican Want Ada For each Insertion Jm tk: West Ad, column* ot Th* Daily Republican. Special themonth ot 76 Mrttelby «r -lie—A 1J:» will BMSlly eoatalnaix words. Mo •drertlaamant tftke% ftM (Ml than 10 ce~« 1. 5 idTertlsementa mar ho to rtin until ordered Bat advertiMmenta ord to ran A apeci. ^d hr el time*, once second cook, second cook helper for Corn Palace- week^—JIotcl MORE fIMPL10S or black heads, lmuerjul ''disappear. ^ruined' by for sale FOR brindle aon. Cream makes tliem Dov't let your .urtng avenue well located phone 2397. num- uuet be »|td (or 8KS&*KKXX»C3(SSSMIKK3» Mit WANTED—A-'e' experienced young man to do stenographic and clerical work. Address M-i*.'5 care Republican. I WANTED—Dining room and kit chen help Corn Pplace week. McCar thy'a Cafe. WANTED—Delivery boy, also can use two extra men for a while. The Newburys. AGENTS WANTED. «Qfl KKHI!r. KOR HKNT—'-^l modern furnish. eH room. 5lT Eas^ Second street. FOR REN'r-^urnislied room modern lionSe.'Pljbtie 231)5. In riliNTtpr-FurniBhed room ladies preferred.- ..405 Phone 327oi East First. ,t 7 em house Phono Will ring bell management? for rent. 2220.- -'AlttiS."ROOM--Columbia BOARD -for dinner again. Old the Head. Open for McLuughlin, -Modern i*' VOR REtrtT-fMo-dern'room in Bid well Flats. 'Phone 3536. won 8AJLB. -ft- HARD COAL In good HEATER \vi(.h 'oven. condltlo'n Call 2nd ave. .'. :.i •. it! BURlf Anderson,' at 600 East SWIINQ WATER—Win xltf- dust Elev'^nthlf jPhone skin ,be 1 tions that ojify Ohio, worthless prepara 1 lon. to ,w reck your complex- Write .AAlax for full particultirB American.Specialty Co., Fost.orla, and how uo get as «uiooth and cluait as a baby's FOR '^ftecond SALE OR RENT.—Now and harta"'typewriters. Rebuilt imachines, aA^gOlbd as make.— The Company, FOR .Mea. new. in every Mitchell Publishing Confplete Office Outfitters. JKltohell, S. B» foil*. •. ROOMING HOUSE FURNITURE fiMiittjre for 20 rooms. House modern 1606 N. Main. SALE^—Trick dogs and pup- Three' South birds, one stag old. Two miles sale. Ia Wells. American wonder ,liound, nine months north of Alltehell. SECOND HAND E. M. F. 30 for first class shape. Miller & SALE—^Good watch bull dbg. Address 708 FOR Rood raw quarter's 4 FOR etreeTaoutb, $§ For 1 50x174 ft. for dog Han- FOR SALE—Two frame buildings at Catholic Academy SALE. .OR TRADE—Bulck automobile in FOR good running condition Address 351, Mitchell S. D. SALB. ,OR EXCHANGE— S half sections 3 sections all tillable.—P. J. Miller, S. D. N. Miller Alk BldWolL Hb abatracta tell. Bldwell buys, houses, paya cash. SALE—-New and second-hand carom and iiocket-billiard tables, end bowling alleys and accessories bar fixture* Of all kinds, easy pay- Jmt. The Bruhswlck-Balke Col. lender Company, 426, 428, 430 Third Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE—^Victor typewriters, best in thtt world, -at only $5.00 per month.— The •Mitchell Publishing Company,^ State Sales Agents, Mlt Cbel, S. D. i', ... insurauce "always see Bidwell. nuuinun von uui EXCHANGE!—Improved farm' for Mitchell residence, o. E. Browne. A BARGAIN in a choice quarter section, Brule county: Land near Kimball, well ^improved, plenty of good wateV ahel near school. Rey nolds Bros., Kimball, S. D. FQJt SALE OR TRADE—-A good quarter section,"4 miles from Presho, Lyman county. Would trade for Mit chell residence property. Address lock box 185, Presho, S. D. 1TQR SALE—Lptg OD west Fourth men Tele BACK-TO-TIIE- LA N!) Send today for the only magazine In the United States published entirely in the Interest of the man vho wants! to get back to the land 3ti pages,) handsome colored covers. Stibscrlp.' tion, 40c a year months, 25c Ad.l rates, 2c per word. FARM AND HEAT, EHTAT» JOURNAL. I 44 Truer, Iowa. FOR SALE—40-80-160-240-320-i 300 and O O a re a it 1 0 0 3 2 0 4 8 0 a 6 4 0 a re a a ton. Con Id use a residence or 160 acres as part pay. Frank Weller. KLgOKMiAXVO "It. WANTED- .1 MADAME VIODA liOliX, clairvoy im and medium, rends your life like an open book. Price 50 cents. Ray mond hotel. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES re sharpened, i()c per dozen, guaranteed h'. 11. Sharpe, Luvcrne, Minn. 1 EI ST IS DRESSMAKING School •For booklet and terms address Mrs. L. E. Gee, manager, third floor new Koch flats, WANTED— Places for students es pecially girls, to work. Phone IU1S. LOST—A young blood hound pup female. Return to Western Union or phono 11633. Reward. LOST IJiack coal. Sept. 13. Find er leave at Republican office. LOST—A medium sized watch in gold case. Reward at Republican of fice. LOST- Grand Army pin. to E. McKinley for reward. rooms. Return DAKOTA WESLEY AN STUDENTS ENROLL SCHOOL YEAR FORMALLY OPENS W I'll I SPEC! AI, Xi K' IS KS WEDNESDAY. At 2 o'clqck this afternoon the doors of Dakota Wesleyun university swung open, the'enrolling of stu dents, prefacing what is believed to b'j one of the greatest years in the history of the Methodist institution. The formal opening services lor the semester will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. According to the announcement made tljjis noon Eft Dr. W. G. Seaman, president.of the university, students have been pouring into Mitchell for several-days in unexpected numbers. Despite unfavorable crop conditions in a few portions of the state, it is believed that heavy attendance rec. orda of the past years will be equal led, if not surpassed. Registrar L. A. Stout, with his corps of assistants, will be busy for the most of the week e'nrolliug new and old students. One of the features of the student enrollment, this fall will be the num ber of high school graduates who will matriculate at Wesleyan. Many of the larger high schools of South Dakota are, sending good contingents of stu dents. Classes in the special courses offered by the university also will be heavy. The principal addresses of the op ening exercises on Wednesday morn ing will be delivered by Rev. G. W. Rosenberry. of Sioux Falls, superin tendent of the Sioux Fulls district. Dh Rosenberry is said to be one of the most scholarly and gifted speak ers in the conference. The following new members of the faculty also will be introduced: Prof. Clyde Tull. Eng lish: Prof. .1. Manley Phelps, public speaking: Prof. 11. P. Patterson, dean of education: Prof. Harold Tupper' Mead, animal history und genetics: Mrs. Helen Hunt Meade, art: Prof. P. W. Ivey, economics, business law and social science Miss Minu linger, in. structor in voice: Herbert A. Hardv, director of athletics, and Miss I'.dla Laurson. librarian. O SERVIANS SLAY 200 ALBANIANS FIERCE RATTLE OKiUT IN DIS 1'CTE OYER TERRITORY OC &S TIMED BY TCICKS Belgrade, Servia.—The Servian fortifications ot' the town of Dibru, Albania, were captured by a force of 20,000 well-armed Albanians accord ing to a report here. Servian re-in forcements were hastily dispatched to the assistance of the garrison. Vienna. Austria.— In a fierce battle between Servian troops and Albanians ton tha Now Albianlan frontier, two hundred Albanians were killed and |a large number wounded. Dispatch es to the local paper says the light ing occurred between Dibra and Jak. ova, where many battles between the Servians and Turks were fought in the Balkan war. The encounter was brought about, by an attempt bv sev eral thousand Albanians to penetrate the territory captured by the Ser vians from the Turks. They were re pulsed. The Servians lost one cap tain and a. considerable number of TARIFF BILL WILL GO TO PRESIDENT BY END OF WEEK This Is Prediction of Chairman Simmons Today. TREATIES TO STAND Democrats to Make Trade! Concessions In Addition mm to Cuts in Duties. For land bargains Bee Bidwell. Washlugton. D. That Hie tnrii'f 1 bill will lie in the hands of the pres Bid well sells houses on payments.! A second hand base Ad dress Sos First Av- burner heater enue Eiist. dent by Saturday nigh', vis piedici 'eil by Senator Simmon-. itn the cotifcreiicu committee ill ir.etiibers' old Davison are optimistic. jend of the Washington. 1). The inter- log national aspects of tariff revision Tin' deeoration -.if tin drew the attention of the tariff, emphasize tin* fact that conferees again today, when further consideration was niven to the plan I to supplement the tariff bill A nil a special congressional resolution as- 'lav Saturday prec'editur jsuring foreign nations that existing colebra ion and all of that we'd an trade relations will he continued ursred to briim *in the ... r» 11 11 iI Fear Tariff Penalties. While the tariff law would ivo the president, authority to negotiate trade und recinrocitv Iron lies, it would also require him to apply spec ial penalty rales against any euiin trv discriminating against .the Ujuted States. .: DOCTORS MEET AT ELKS CLUB The idea of medical inspection by competent physicians for the public schools was the theme a discus- mander sion held at the regular meeting of the Mitchell District Medical socio at tiie Elks club last evening. The discussion followed a pane: 1 read In Dr. F. Troon of Chamberlain on ike subject, "School Sanitation and Physical Development." The discus sion brought out the fact that in the states in which medical inspection Of the schools is required by law, of which there are twenty, the patrons of the schools are till hwa'-tly in fa vor of the idea und those opposed to It at the start are nearly always won over. The paper was well written and the discussion was interesting and enthusiastic. Twenty physicians from Mitchell jatul many surrounding towns were present at the meeting. Dr. F. AY. Freyberg of Aberdeen, president of the society presided at, the Elks home, and also at the banquet given at live Navin hotel following the meeting and here the discussion was continu. ed. Drs. Wm. Rail and R. A. ttobb of this city read interesting reports of unusual cases durin.j the course of the meeting. MERCHANT FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL BODY WITH RCI.LET IIOI.E DIS COYKlllvl) IN ROOM OF SALES. i. MAN AT INDIANAPOLIS Indianapolis, Ind.—The body of Joseph Schlanky. a merchant, was found late last night in a room of a hotel which had been occupied by a young man registered as "W. R. An. derson, Louisville, Ky." Loulsv-1 He, A strong string was tied around Ision" act does rot the merchant's throat and lie had (oris been shot through the head. Atuler so.i is said to have told he was a .... l\y.-~--The believed iv the Louisville police to be oii! of a series of,cr 1 rji''••• alleged to have be.-n committed recstitly ir. eastern and middle western cities Joceph Ellis. alias Robert Duncan son or a i-arpet manufacturer, 01 Richmond. Va. Tsvo frobberies her last week were chai'gi-.l to young Ellis by «lie police alul DAVISON COUNTY CORN EXHIBIT Ull.l, I J.IM ii (IMII "I"| I (,\ V!• \M wili. (ink IK.CIIST EYI:R "mi Washington, D. ('. ApnrHicnsiou that the democratic tariff bill will lead foreign nations to impose tariff penalties against the United Stales as soon as the new law goes into effect caused administration and Sen ates leaders to plan the introduction of joint resolution in congress mak ing specific provisions for the con tinuation of existing relations with all countries until President Wilson to fi:0(i p. 111 has time to negotiate' new trade S-vPnepstnke's—~-p.est ten ears agreements. |corn.on exhibit:• Cash $1 o.i'iu The- seriousness of the situation liest In ears yellow dent: (hat will confront the ndministra-1 l'iuI, S-.on: 3rd. Sl.'Mt. tion was impressed upon Chairman Rest I" ears white dent: Simmons of the Senate liuance com- $ L'nd, 2.00 3rd, SI.en. milieu today by state department ofl'i-j nest 10 oars demy other than ciab It was pointed out that the trade relations established by President Tafl's proclamation under the. Payne Aldricli law of 11)09 would termin ate as soon as the new law becomes effective and iliat. the I'nited Staie then would face the possibility of having higher tariff applied against its exports by nitnv countries. Every Davison cp^Uty. farmer,, urged lo make at jeast one. entry ten ears of corti.:,. MILNAI V|. •A 1 bloody su!' of clothes be sold to second-hand dealer is being held, Ellis was identi I'ied fro ma photograph, as a mat, who recently committed during Jiole robberies at Pittsburgh, coi,. I.ECTED HERE. That the Davison county exhibit o!' corn which will feature the boot! of this county at the, coming core palace exposition will be the bikes' lliing of its kind "ver o!!ec(ed lien is the iiounc(.nieut of A. Wheel er today. The exhibit is featui the growing of corn in litis count and will be in keeping '.villi the sen eral idea of the corn" whos primary purpose is the advertisiti Soul It Dakota as a corn prod stein,. stat". The exhibit will occtipy lli- couiity stitod on the eas lirst floor of the build boot ii wtl corn, cat tie, ho^s. silos, iilf'.ilfa ,nd dairyiii. are fealures of Davison county. Til booth will be In charge of some on 111 four months while President- Wilson (exhibits on Saturday or by Monday and Secretary llryan undertake t.oi""Oii sure. A call will be issued ]'. negotiate new treaties. (Mr. Wheeler to every farmer in th- Senalor Simmons, chairman of the joint tariff conference committee, is confident, the foreign powers will not undertake any tariff reprisals against the United States. In al most every instance further advan tage to foreign merchandise will lie given bv the terms of the new tariff bill. The purpose of the joint res olution, il is said, is to proved I he automatic application of higher tariff rates by countries thai have the maximum and minimum tariff. county to bring in a-tvu-ear samide of everv kind of c.or.n be .grows for the e.vhibil, and be states thai he believes every good farmer will answer the call. I 1 a 1 1 nni exhibit in a d: He rent class: Iu* 1 1 1 I5«»si urn. ^. The following prizes are offered by the orn I alace rommiltee for llieji„ n, -is of 0 :i ."S JUSTICE SENT TO JAIL CELL OFFICIAL IS SENT. lvN I I) 'I'Olt IMPROPER \T- gxcij VTIONS TO LITTLE ili.,s. Milwaukee, Wis.-—Caiptain Fran cis O. Piorchnrdt. ii justice of the peace, well known in National Guard circles throughout Wisconsin was sentenced Saturday afternoon to nine INTERESTING l)IS( SSION IS HELD OX THE IDEA OF MED ICAL INSPECTION IN PI'R- months imprisonment at the house of| residents of V#' Lie SCHOOLS. I correction by Judge Page of the dis- al'ternoi 11 rid court on a charge of contribut ing to the delinquency ot' a minor. Captain Uorcliardl was formerly com. of the Kosciusko guards. He sentence caused a sensation. Uorcli ardl. pale and excited, yet showing an attempt to withstand Hie ordeal pleaded guilty to the charge. Four girls of tender age were nature were made by the, girls to Dis. jtrict Attorney Edward Yoekey. They said that Borchadt made improper .advances to them and that they visit led a bathroom in his home in his I presence. Frequently they sat upon his lap, they said, and they also ap peared nude before In in. No criminal attack had been made upou any of them. LAW FORCES DOCKAGE FOR DIRT IN GRAIN Pierre. S. D. Attorney General Johnson, lipids on inquiry that the provisions of Chapter 30S. of the laws of las! session in regard to weights and measures, may not be ignored ip regard to dockage of grain for "dirt, foul seed" or like mixtures, by agreement between the buyer and seller as it is a general measure of public protection, lint he. also holds that, this does not neces-! sa.rily apply to tl-e difference in! a salesman, and culled at Schlansky sapplication for benefits under the store yesterday and asked him to go tad. to his room, where he had good. io' You Need Deposit S *. »,. jNEW BRIDGE IS READY FOR USE "ST. Ill In years past Davison foitniv, luts hml a general exhibit and the idea „.. ,ar the PA I "I," 'TRAINS SOON WILL N OYER I NI'.,H i: STRI AT .MADRID. "7"°- "ridge over Ll.e Des .Moines river than the rest ol the county exhibits' be open to travel about Oct. 1. ..i with be anticinated onhusiasm W Inch is being completed bv the St. 1 1 A I a a Ol II,e best corn exhibit ever shown. ,. .. ten ears and must be entered at the count ry. It cost Sl.onn.noo to Davison county booth in the Corn I build. Palace betore 1 I a, m. Monday] The structure was made necessary September 11111. Entries will Lie re-[to complete the work of double ceived on Saturday from S:0(i u. m,: I racking begun by the St. Paul ,| through Iowa about 1 St. The 1st, vel-, low or white:, $3.0(1 2nd, $2.00 3rd, S3.(ii). liest ,1 (i ears flint $2.uu ::rd. SI.(in. 1st, $3.(in 2nd, .Madrid and Woodward „, a a a .- pproacl .w I 1 1 best corn raised in Davison conti 1 y. disiiaction «f iieing the highest ,„ »Mitry insist consist of,double lr u*k milroa1 hriilKe in 111i 1 1 MEMORIAL FOR MRS. SHERRARD TA LET 'N VEILED AND ACCEPTANCE MADE RY GOV. Pierre, S. is one of the best- known Polish ci. presided, with the address of presen. linens iji Milwaukee. His arrest andjtution by .Mrs. Carrie- ||. Albee. of Mellette, president ot the Radle AT PIERRE SPEECSf 15YKNE. D. A large number of Pierre gathered yesler noon at the state bouse for the ceremonies of acceptance of the tablet, in memory of Mrs. Sherrard for her work among homeless child ren of the state. Donne Robinson. Fund committee of tlte state W. C. T. 1'., with a short acceptance talk by |Governor llyrne. .Mr. Robinson giving in! a concise stall men! as to the reasons court and ready to te-tity against, thejior the placing of the tablet. The ad lawyer but were not called upon in- dress of the occasion bv Dr. Otter asmueh as a plea of guilty had beenibein Smith of this citv covered entered. Statements of a revolting the advance in this country of. care for homeless children. A selected choir sung t.lie favorite both Mrs. Sherrard, and rard. The tablet is placed nel on lie south side ot tin ridor on I he main floor of weight ot corn when lirst harvested frontier life. It. depicts a cowboy and later in the season on account of'astride an outlaw broncho and is re tlle moisture contained in grain hen markably lifelike in pose. The de picked. In such case ho takes lie tail in the reproduction from the nri view that such difference might be giual lias been well preserved by the adjusted between the buyer and sell-j decorator iu his use of the corn. er. I He holds that the "mothers peu- make any provis- l'or payment for services of the person appointed to make the prelim- examination and report on the snow him. When Schlansky tailed to WILSON GOES TO VOTE -5v ambition to work without fear of return lust night, the police were no- Princeton, N. J,—President Wil- pain. Mr. John Howling of San Fran ,'Av ... t'uniiKg horm for the (Jay to vutejotsro. writes: "(JruUtmle for iht? won nought Olio or CriiiM' Sori/s. I in the Xcsv Jersey primaries, reachrd deri'ul effect of Klertric Bitturs murder at here on a special train shortly before when all else failed." Good for the Indianapolis last night of .Joseph one o'clock, A great crowd of univer- liver as well. Nothinir hett Sohlai)hk, a meuh.uit. lured to a sity students pave him a lioisv wel. digest ion hotel room by E. Anderson." is 'onie. IV\\UV\VMVWWWVMW»N\\X«V\«%VWM\\N\.VVWW\ VNwvwvWVWN If you access (o pari ot signs on ,.- two years ago. f,( Grades and curves were eliminated I from the main line by the new sur vey and great tills were closed were closed up. bridge is a pajri of the general scheme to shorten the line and re duce grades. One approach to the bridge required a lill of lo l'eet. The bridge cuis off two miles from former eight mile stretch and il lustrates expense which the road encountered to get the kinks out of its iino through that state. The new bridge is said to be' one of the great est. pieies of modern bridge engineer ing ill til* entire world. No speed limit is put on the struct lire. It is filled in and ballasted like an ordin ary pi"ce of roadbed and so far a" 11:• roadbed itself is concerned it will appear no different to the tray, jeler thaii any part of the main line. thieves them First Interest paid quarterly Checking Accounts given Harmony Talcum Powders -Perfumes and Toilet Articles Please People Who Know hi mtis of Mr. Slier-i in a pan-1 west cor-j the build- ilig. and is suggestive of the work of "Mother Sherrard."' FAMOUS STATUE ON PALACE TOWER Frederick Remington's famous statue in bronze. "The 1'roncho liust er," is being reproduced by Dr. Floyd D. Gillis for the deeoration on the main tower of the Corn Palace. This is the. most pretentious panel ev( attempted in the decoration of the Palace. Tile statue, which was made fam our ar the time a replU-a was pre sented to Col. Theoniore Roosevelt by the Rough Riders, will be easiiv recognized by people familiar with Remington's sketches of western o- Stlengthen Weak Kidneys. Don't, stiller long with weak kid neys. You can get prompt relief by taking Electric Hitters, that wonder, ful remedy praised by women every where. Start with a bottle today, you will soon feel like a new woman with J.,IU\ or vate for ni- bihousness. Price 50r Uiehl Drown. ui' at were suddenly obliged to have quick certain private documents, could you go to j'our one safe place and find them all there? Or would it be necessary to look in sev eral places, perhaps before finding just the right one? If you had a private safe deposit box at the First "National Bank and make it a treasure box for all your valuables, there would be 110 per ploxinri hunt on your par There would, however. or The National -Mitchell, S. D. Commercial and Savings Bank H. no lor any one of them. a baffling hunt on the meddlers who mitrht have de-: Boxes rent for as low as $1.00 a year. R. Kibbee, President J. T. Morrow, V.-Pres. J. W. Bryant, Cashier h. A. Loonier, A.-Cash. Bank Money Orders, foreign and domestic. Savings Deposits. ittention. Customer's Safely Deposit Boxes in (ire-proof uilts. DELIGHTFUL REFRESHING LASTING Harmony Trailing Arbutus Just Try It. Talcum Our large assortment of Perfumes and 1 alrum Powders, Toilet rcquis ites, is large. Give will please you. We preciate your trade. SC ALLIN BROS. CO. Druggists, Jewelers, Booksellers, Optician# F.yes Examined Free The Rexal! lill, Policies and Other impor tant Papers are insured against destruction by fire or loss througJi theft by keeping them in your pri box in the SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT of this bank. Boxes rent for $1.00 per year—can you afford to take chances with your important papers when such an opportunity is offered? The MitcHeM Trust Co. I Convertible Into Cash One of the small investor's pitfalls is the difficulty of realizing in cash promptly, or indeed at all, on many of the investment pro jects offered him. I A Mitchell National certificate of deposit is immediately convertible into cash at par. at any time before or after due and draws a liberal rate of interest at maturity. It is an ideal investment for surplus funds not immediately needed in business. Mitchell National Bank 5 I 3 us a trial, want and We ap- 8 Store d! «v I *V'