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VOLUME XXXI. WEB PKBGfn, MIES AWARDED TG STATEJKISIOH Judge Willard Author izes 2 1-2 Cent Fare in S. D. AFFIRMS MASTER Federal Judge Approves Re port Made by Releree in Noted Case. Washington, D. .--Five bills to carry out the president ti list incs ~uge in'*-' being completed congiess today. The bill: will embrace tin billowing: Prclnbition ot interlocking iluec torates in interstate coi poi a'.:Oiis railroads aiul banks. Knipowering tHo interstate (.0111 merce commission to regulate I In 1 fore adjournment. 1 Senator Newlands, chairman ol the '•'committee which will have ch the. legislation 111 the Senate ih'iirinan lavioit and Kepresvnta Carliu and Floyd ol the House .'•.••judiciarv sub -committee 011 trust leg- 'islation. were in eonlerence with the president AIRSHIPS LOOK 1 1 twins OF HIM lb suanc* ol railroad slocks and bonds Sherman law do till it 1011 a bill which will detine specilicall) what corn-litutes a conspiracy lesuaini nl trade. A general trades relations meas ure. seeking lo eliminate cul throat" compel itive business, which would provide puiiishnient tor indi viduals instead ol loi business and make it possible lor linns or indi viduals injured by unlawful busi ness restraint to avail themselves 01 iindi'iirs against eombinations and lo institute suits 111 equit) loi leliet. Following a conference last nielli at I ho While House, members oi the Jlotise judiciarv and Senate interstate commerce committees went to the capitol with the program as outlined in mind and a revision ol tentative drafts ol the measures ahead) pie jii.ri'd wore undertaken. -coml)pr mesiiiiKii should be taken jior 'than ever beiore, not up. he would be satisfied it, beside. AN'XIOI S '11 AD.JOl l{N OM. UKSK HV MAIttU 1 IKS I". Washington, I). (*.--Congress oiinht to adjouru March 1, Hi the op inion of Uuderwoou, democratic liottse leader, who discussed the leg islative program ot the session toda) with the president. The desire ol the congressional leadeis. also ol Wilson, is for an earlv adjournment. Man members arc eager lo get back to their distrivts and participate 111 the ]iriinarv, and the tall elect 1011 0 the. regular appi0|i iatio.1 ol bills .,. i,„l ilireateiunp London's anil the Alaskan question, legislation ..jti FOR SUBMARINE si:\i kal iiii.m i.i,a\j rou wiirriiSAM) iav 111:it 1-: ItlUTlSM KSSKL \M.NI DOWN. Plymouth, England—( Bulletin The submarine "A-7" was locaud late todav on the bottom at a depth of L'OO feet in Plymouth sound. Plymouth. England. The sei uce.^ ol a limber ol aviators have been en listed 111 the search lor the Iitilish submarine "A-7 v. Inch, with its* crew of eleven, disappeared on January 1U, during maneuvers 111 Whitesand ha v. Several hydroaei o-j planes attached to the hiitish na\) left for Whiiesand bay to assist in the search for the missing submarine. DAVIS' PISTOLS TO DAUGHTER YVIvYPONS 'I'AKI'.N I-'IIOM (ONI KD I'.HATIO PKKSIDKNT KKsTOKKII TO FAMILY l$Y WAR DK- PAUTMIONI. A\ a^hington, i-). C. .lelleisoii Davis' two duelling pistols, an.I double barrelled pistol and appurtai! ces, seized by union troops near tie dose of the civil ar, which hii\ej been in the custody 01 the wai partment lor nearly fill) eui.-., will be returned to Joseph A. Hayes 01 Colorado, wliore wile is the eldest daughter of lhe former president 01 (be confederacy. This w:i: announced .tuiliiv. FIRST STRAW HAT OF 1914 SEEN IN MOBILE Mobile, Ala. -The hrst straw lint of 1 111 appeared here toda), vitn the springlike weather prevailing Straw hats usually are not worn here .until March 1. ••—o O. Lelaud yesterday returned from Pierre, where he purchased th Christenson studio. He intends to consolidate the work ot the Mitchell and Pierre studios under one pro febsional management., tins urix 1 r»1:1 1 BK1T1SII I IN.\\ 11.15 S.Wh m:\rv law maki-.s iiii.- COl ViltV I A TOK IN WOULD TODAY. London. KukIuikI.- jherb .! make tla b.-iln' ^row (\. en\ citip. lie' l.,o:: ice it waticle! 1 ADVANTAGE TO S. The UK""' voar 1M1in the commercial world acciM'diiiK Sir Kelix Schuster, gov ernor of the t'liion of London and Tlio iiresidcnt indicated today thai must have lar reaching v. inh! he liojie.. that as nuiti) as po.-.-. ,. «p,| Smith*! liank, 011 his Keneral review of the linancial and trade outlook, read at the annual meeting here. The review 111 part, slated. These c»s, svblo which he recojumended in his ited States a more tormidable, J) lor th«*v have made the ]. .^ards international coni- I 1 could be enncled 011 rural credits 111 Uiiid addition to tlio points which lie em-, |,- ,i ddinred 111 the discus phasixed in yesterday meshage, '^"'sion that he held 110 doubt that eom- tho center of internation n'orce would be greatl) these enactments. oa st 1 ill ulated bv FOUR DEAD IN EXPLOSION Di:sTIU I*H»N Ol' I A I LION A'l OTT\WA IIAI'I S11 ION ALSO KILLS MICH I1LOODDKD STtK'h. Ottawa Out.- Four are known dead and a number serious injured 'n an explosion lliat wiecked tin llowick Pavilion, a liujie cement and ste-l structure at. the exhibition tair 'grounds where Ottawa winter is beiiiK held In the contusion tolowing lhe ex plosion it is impossible qtuckl) lo cscertaiu the number ot dead and injured It is teaied some wile bin ied in the debris. Many prize horses and cattle were killed. The 1 uild ing caught lire after the explosion. The accident was caused by the e\ plosion ol the heating plant. Fortunately the disaster oecurreo before the torenoon crowds began tc flock to the show, else the lo.~s ot life would have been heavier. Li\. stock attendants were the only per sons in the building at the tune Three ot them met death. -u LINER COULD PASS CANAL is so 1 ah ompli ti- alki-ady that ssi 1" tu.1 hrni. t?ui i:mv W I BWIWWII OUTLAW TAKEN iii. m:\\ U. S. BY LAWS BY REPORTERS TO WIN STRIKE vcitk I uiti.'d Stales tariff act. and the currency bill passed by the American cont re.-s were ill'.' most important events of sin.Kii .i ai:d» IU akusi.I IIOMK ioit 1 im: uorits ai tkii 1111 "t'A1 Tl'llli." awl lie. N". Kdward heard ley, the hautauqua count) who tor over a week has ilehtd th efforts ot Sheriff Anderson and 1 pos=*e of deputies to arrest him, lo- •, was nine cot ld noyy tiiiiok it. Panama railroad steamer through tin canal 111 April HOW TO BEAT MONTE CARLO London. England. Dr. Krnest 11 liers Appleby, formerly lecturer at the I niversnv ol Mitim-sota, astonish ed the court of the king's bench wltii the storws ol his successes at Monte Carlo- lie was giving evidence in the I suit brought b.v l'.iiu to rei ovei S'Jtl. oo from the lJaroness May De Pall-1 |j Appleby, whose wife died in 190.! left St- Paul in 11109 and has since resided in London. 1 MITCHELL, SOUTH DAKOTA. TtyVJKSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1914 TO af-T WB1.E WORK OUT or J' THE CLERKS AND GOOD FOR TWO 3^52 6 FOR A WC,K iiiMcimI of trvnm In ii:tuo hv as raiiu'lv. y.hiu' aaMniis I): v.ii.s al..ii.l to lt-.n home l:» while the Iii^s was how quickly a shipment could reach him aial Imw ... ^e at. 111.) •t inn if phauta 11 11 se lltho'uih the newspapermen were ae- thought, ol giving 111. tive in the capture. Hackus whr. was. Street said that it is apparent that, apointed a deputy sherili, etUcted the citizens oi th the capture 111 keeping with a plan sympathy with strike because most agreed upon between him and Beard- ot them 111 a measure are dependent lev yesterdav. The outlaw was 1ak- upon the mining companies. en lo the hotel lor breaktast and 10 The tact that the strikers had held a barber shop, and then walked to out so long 111 the law of this the sheriff's office where he tormally hostility, he said, indicated thai the) gave himself into the custody of the would remain steadtasl. As soon as! 111 he has visited all the locals in tIn a 11 (1 and the sale ot autograph post card bv posing for photographers moving picture men. heardsley shot Putnam as the lat ter about to take the outUiw children to a county institution. He barricaded his farmhouse and kept the sheritt and his posse ol J.r at bay bv threatening to use his children as a shield against then bullets. BOARD MAY TRY OTHER SYSTEM IHSCI'SSKS PLAN TO l»l\ 1DK )M YIISSIONKISS' WOliK UY CO.Yl mitti:i:s. Division ol the work ot the boa.d 1 county commissioners by conunit ees is a possible change to be made that, body at Us next meeting Panama.—The Panama canal lui reached such a ondition of comple-1 py^j^t,)- work, it has tended to Hon that a large ocean liner 1ould The committee plan is 111 use b) joards of supervisors and coianus loners 111 nearly every state and liar, been found to expedite business con -iderablv. P.y placing one member 011 he board 111 charge of one blanch ol a jfy ,. a now pass through, avoiding to I ol. particular line and added to the tloetlials. t.oethals plans to send a I .^.neral nsel'iilness of the board 1 .... 1 «.l. I \. .. .t 1 ...1 ",,h member as an expert 111 I'he late session of tin.' hoard last night was necessitated by the non-.i. rival of surety bonds Irom banks des ignated at depositaries at Kihau and Mt Vernon. Late 111 llie'atternoon the banks were reached by telephone and the bonds reached the city 011 the night trains Ironi the east and south. The board gave its formal approv al of the. surety bonds lor $15,(Kin furnished bv each of the. loin banks of Mitchell and of the $l(UHJU bonds given by each ol the two banks in Ml Vernon and Ktlian. The Mitchell Instil ulioiis heretofore have given 0 a :uid an Ainenciin whose liinnly lives ||, reduction was made becaufi in Chicago. Appleby who was the husband ol the late Caruelia Day Wilder Appleby of St. Paul, Minn., and also a rela tive or the Duke ol Clarendon, said he had "invested" at Monte Carlo, always winning, but he defused to disclose his system, lie said In one year 1ns profltB were over $50,000. the sum of $20,U0 annually of the fact that their deposits rarely exceeded more than $10,000 each. THE WEATHER Iowa: Cien-erally fair tonight and Thursday. Slightly colder in the east portion'tonight. North and South Dakota Gener ally fair toiuglit and Thursday. Not tnucli change in temperature. 10 MILK FLOW 10 DOUBLE THE BuSY BEE'S OUTPUT h!.nli ?iiul nvsl tn«:i! lo |ir«»lui iwro :tmi l»eM(T nn!k. sii'MTsstn! o.vpiM'i.r.eul.s li iv-.4 invn ninth* nt tlu'Njo :o»i i«v will til" nilKv M'.pnlv »l i:i IMMl'lv fl'Hihctl. The 11cy. nf this new e\ir-i product ie-i cocoas \vsi ts-i I.I ..rf Hie wire l.ofore tli«A»w serum was discussed 111 every hciiseh..lil 111 A men.-a 11ml Us possibilities nut «ml.v dis.-u.sse4 but cnlarirod ujmii Tl- hen was MK.csi.-d a* -i good f.n- lvi:i! Aimihcr |ir..pee«l (lie f|i-:i'.iii- I lowers Willi the senim thai iloublc output e! h'Uie.v unslit be -i'cui-e.1 li.uu lhe a]uar 'I'll!' an\io"s luu-scv. it'e was ea'uer for a •••imp that s'ie micln iet it out ..a tlie l.l'-li\ rl.-cd eak. Tile ,lappy luolher was woiideriu.u: it ten (Imps a day Used almi with the catiii lea u'l.ii EXPECTS MEN I IMON Oi I K'IAL SAYS IIII. an ization wills ay ii 11 oriMCIt 5IIMKIIS Id nil. KM). un-ial W 3 He is charged with assault, the copper district, Street will proceed met his death in first degree for shooting Overseer ol to Indianapolis to make 1 lepoit 011 opinion ot man) lhe Poor Putnam. For eight da)s which he expects the United Mine heardsley was barricaded 111 his farm Workers will decide to extend then house and remained 111 open defiance lmfiancial help, 'lhe latter bod) has of the law. The situation tinally none but coal miners 111 its member dwindled into a burlesque with the ship llhe metal workers make 1111 outlaw in 1I10 principal role. He iin membership ot the Wentei.i Ked turned his notoriety into money b) oration ol Miners with which the cop per country locals are affiliated. ,. LlilMCa HIS PAN EHMELOF ui'hw where llicre a cooper leiners probably will have tlie Milium .11 i.osiuuu llotlglllolC Mich.— I'he rikinn probably will ha\e tin „,• 1 1 1 0 the.u to *1 holt 1 111 tins illage and "Labor needs to win tln.- si like. liter was locked 111 jail and Shi 111 An dtfrson and posse maintained their S 1 in uard lor live hours altei the "cap- doterniineil than the sliikeis .it Calu ture" occurred. .met. 'Iheir lannlie-. ale being will heardslev actually gave hitnseh up .red lor by their union and the) do to liackns. a local hotel man. not appear. *. 'tha ..sligh-tes' ilis'tri'ct are not 1 0,1 ••'ebriiary ti. The matter was iliscusii •d at length at an extended session leld before the board adjourned at 1 2 :J0 o'clock last evening. 1 O MYSTERY MAN WORTH FORTUNE i.t 1 u11. according to Lelor. I it41nl'O. nai-iee that 1 ii the acar .'it.'irc when a man is obscned iR.indy iiutJ-^ ...i: j.uu •--r will whiK know ni^'lv alio (III. NOTED SHERIFF DIES IN DUTY WILLIAM MOSKS O! hi I IH COl .M V. I'AMOI S I Ol Ul Sl 'Ll support, of the I nited Mine I William Moses ol A 1 .ltS, dnriiiK the re- received here will ti^h,, eorl-1 Ki*et. as tew men ^.J were MLLI.D UY I OKMLK I KlIAll. l.ielle Kourche, S. 1). News of the 4 dav gave himself up to a party ot ,1,^/^1 ^. Workers 10 inves-1 .Moses. Moses was tliree times shenft under oat li charges mad. beloi newspaper men. lie accoinpann .| fiituation. 1 mrcot. and 1 believe it will 1 never seen men mole So successful was lie in rounding up horsellneves all over the west anil making notable arrests 111 dilll- cult, cases, that he was retained "Morgans secretary ot the hotel bar 111 voilat.iou ol the state Commercial club will speak tomor-, prohibition law and paid frequent row evening at Fullon at a massj lines. Since he appeared beiore the meeting, when the advisability ot or-j committee last June, lie has gone 111 ganizing a commercial club will be to tin drug business and taken out discussed. a lederal liquor license. fyrrdo OuJL f,.SL, *44 ~trr» THE BJ.-SRDiMG HOUSE KEEPER. 8RIMGS JOV TO HER. BOARD"EJR5 !c ol (.\irsiel! nm-nvrri'i] for !"ar he would come hack and I1111I the liahv had been serunied nilo tuius. And 'v on hw lauuinu help the lured hands re vrciidennK II it would work on ,|icn ]iay 1 killing at liosebud, Mont., of Sheriff witness cited to appear today in the. that county, wan resuniption of the so-called John with widespread re- Doe inquiry into political graft, es- 111 Unite county better known than "hilly" 1 101' hutte county and for wars was. niter his removal as governo! ag,,in,-.l the Western .Stockman's association as special detective and continued his brilliant -areer. He was known as an ollicer ol iron nerve, tare courage and a crack shot, who vow ed he would never be shot when fae- ... ,1,,, m... ing an opponen'. He was still in m. years west ot the Mis eniplov of the stock men when lie! In veil rs ihat. "the rustlers will get Jlilly Moses vet. but according to tele graph advices he was shot bv a loi mer last friend when attempting to arrest I11111. Moses was a son-in-law of Han Koberls, a well known local citizen Ills bod\- will be brought here tor burial and the luneral will lie made a. public occasion. NORTH DAKOTA MAN REJECTED 11111 DAKOTAN SAYS UK IS .1 \. CAI.IlWKfL, WHO DISAP PFAItKD I 1JOM IIOMI". si.vkn ai:s \.o. otto my i:k*s nomination ah Si Paul. Minn." ".I. li-.' hu| KK.11)("l'KD UY SDNATII »l- man ot invsler\. who could not re member his name. cm aped from the Itochcsier hospital, and m'.v is at an Oak Forest, Illinois, lnlirio arv i^ -lav Allen Caldwell, ol Taylor |i in the opinion ol Adam l.eloi. of Tavlor D.. here today. Let or knew him from his boyhood, lie dis appeared seven ago anil .j worth 1 HK( Kl\ 1:1: AT DICKINSON MITTI'.i:. Washington, D. 'I lie Senate public lands committee today oled to IO J1 I /1 II ,11 1 I'll niiinuii, N I)., 10 be receiver ol public mon-!- ,vs at Dickin-on. 1 States, appeared against .\lvers. li was charged that Mver conducted a /WJZ- tJZifiCsO Ti TADS IT ^oor fok:. Hi5 CORH h.U tlio 1111Ul rvcl row r.i.tili U»'l I lltMCS si'li'litil It! SULZER ASKED TO TELL STORY IS ITKD TODAY' TO IKLL DIS 'J'lilCT A'l l'OhNKY WHAT IIIO KNOWS AHOl'T TAMMANY. New York City.-—-l'ornier Covemor Sulzer. now asscnihlyman, is the. chief pecially as concerning stale road con- htruction. Sul/.er is asked lo lelale recognized as one ot the most eft 1-1 'I'aiumany hall. It is nuclei-stood that cient peace oificers in the northwest,. Dist net Attorney Whitman insisted being particularly well-posted on the I thai Sulzer should sign a wai\ei "f cattle-rustling then so prevalent, in iiniiiunity beiore taking the st ::id. country arjacent to the the nev city. and V" ARTESIAN MAN BUYS RANCH GRANT DI'.W ITT SlOvMlL.-i I HANK STANTON I'HOI'KHTV. NKAIJ ISAI'lI) ITY H)l! («i7,Ot(. a Hapid City. S. I). -One ol the hug. 1 1 1 a Montana and In thcl"l a tanner 01 in this section, his'Artesian, this state purchased the I Frank Stanton ranch near here lor hooiing could be traced to enmity, had incurred in this work. Fori ¥C0.»bO The ranch ,s located 01 it has been openly ass.-rlecl Sprint? Creek, .10 miles southeast ol here uiiu is regarded as line land The new owner wil take charge a: once and commence modern improve ment MRS. GIFFIN IS ON TRIAL .WOMAN' A( 'Cl'SliD Oh Mll'J)l l{ I OF II l')K III SIIAND WILL MA KM CLAIM OF SI'.LI' DF.I FNSlv. Ipswich, S. I). Court opened here vesierdav imuning with Judge J. 11. hottum presiding. The hrst case of importance taken up. lolowing the reading ol the calendar, was Ihat ol State, vs. Clarence Johnson ot Aber deen, charged with robbing the report adversely on the. nornina-j Farmers State bank ol Mina. J0I111 ,11 of Otto li- Mver of Dickinson, ^0" pleaded guilty to lie chaige in 1 1 Ik'* iN-« 1 Former (lovernor Kurke of North to character so as to assist the couit Dakota now terasurer of the United deterniining the extent ol i-omb, attoine) foi he .dolense, introduced testimony as sen- teiice Sentence will be prono'inced at the conclusion ot the tiittin case, probably Friday. The case ol State vs. Maud !llfm of Leola, charged with the killnK of her husband, was called, and the balance of the day spent in securing talesmen. At the hour ot adjourn ment last evening only tour jurois had been inipannolled. From the questions being put. to the jurors lit the course ot examination it ap pears the delense will put. up a case ol sell delense. States Attorney S. S. Acker ol Leola, McPherson county, is being isslsled bv Judge A. W. Campbell in the prosecution, while L. T. Van Clyke of Aberdeen, h. C. igler of Leola and M. l'llli heebo ol Ips wich are appealing for the deliuse. L- Uartlett of"Leola, it. is 111.iler stood, will also take part 111 the prosecution. RECOVERS SPEECH AS RESULT OF OPERATION Hapid City, S. I. .After liavin been 'echless lor a. period ot lour years, John Plait, a. well known citi zen of Jtapid City, suddenly recover ed his speech. Four years ago he suf fered a stroke of paralysis, which af fected his vocal chords in such away that he lost the power of speech. Ke- onlly it was discovered that Uih lo^s,tQ of speech was due to a displacement of the vertefra at some part of the spine, and an operation was perform ed, with the result that Mr. Piatt again is able to converse with lits friends as freely as before he was I'tritfcred ejieecUk's^, yea^.qgp 1 r, NUMBER 16 FIVE BILLS READY IK CONGES FOR TRUST^PROERAM Measures Embody Sug gestions Made by the President. LEADERS CONFER .: rw.V'-Nru ... i. ••••:-.•••- ______ Go Over Tentative Drafts of Measures With the Pres ldent, Sioux Kails. S. It. Judge Willard today tiled 111 the lederal court, her,! Ins decision in which he holds that a., •Z Vj cent passenger rate is valid and shall go into eltert in South Dakota.: II.' holds unconstitutional the action taken hv the state to put into elfect a J-cent rale, holding lint a 2-cent tare would he comiscatorv This is the lust judiual decision upon litigation which already h, bix^ years old. Two sucicsmwi legiblatur-i'. es passed laws reducing the rate ot liassmiger fare 111 this state It was llrst lixed at 1 '/_• cents, and, alter that was lied up by the uulroad\ through the lederal courts the lcgiblaluiu passed another law naming 2 cents arf the tare. The nasi? remamid dormant until iIk.' Minnesota i.ite 1 asefa went through tin ulled states supremo court and ns these were won by Min nesota, it was bolie\od that the state would secure at least a 2Y cent tare. The questions ol l.ut mused by the case were ret erred lo Special Master iJates, now a member of the btate. supreme court. '1'lie presentation was 111 charge ol P. \V Dougheity, attor ney lor the railroad commission. The 1 Hiding ol dates 1U1 tluit 1 It Vj cent fine would not. be rontih^atory ami should be established, hut that a cent (are would be too low. Tills dim ension has now been (onlirmed bv Judge Willard, who came into th", cpse during the tempoiar) viuatuy caused by the promotioii ol Judge arland to the lnteistale conimeiC! court. II the railroad lonipnniei uppeal to the circuit court, ol ap|jpals and thou to the United Slate, supreme couri. as is probable, the u-o will be tied up lor several 111011 \eais EUGENICS LAW W isconsin !v HELD INVALID cruet it contT ]i CLAI{i:s IT CONFIilCTS WITH KKLIlilOl S LIHKKTV AND HALTS MAIUtl \K. i? Madison. Wis. At toi ney-Oeneral Owen fodav issued an order authoriz ing District Attornev Yockey of Mil waukee to take an appeal to the bu preine court from Judge lischweiler's ruling ol vesterdav in which he de clared unconstitutional the Wisconsin eugenic law. Milwaukee. Wis '1 lie W Ibconsin eugenic law, regulating the lssuain ol marriage licenses, was held uncon stitutional bv Ciicnit Court Judge Eschweiler. Among other tilings the court says the law which provides lor a physician's reiutiraie of health including the W'assei ni.111 test is vio late ol the rights seemed by the con stiluuon and conllhts with leligious liberty because 11 tends to halt mai nage. The court hi ld that if a sta'e wishes lo exercise the iglil of pre venting undesirables irom marriage it should assume the bui den ot weed ing 0111 the until theicbv and not casl upon the tit an untair demand and thus niateriallv nupjii an. luallen able right. TI11 court held it a legis lative right to demand tests from men only and not trom women The supreme couit, It is expected, will be asked tor a final rulihg on the constitutlonalitv ol the ineas-i ure. 'lhe case was taken to the collits? bv Alfred Peterson who was re-V I used a marriage lncnse without a" lie,alth certihcate 011 Janudry 2 Tlie decision will enable him to bPcuie., a marriage linnse without a medi cal examination LIQUOR MEN OF STATE CONVENE '.•.V MIOJOTINti AT Di AD WOOD TODAY Ji.VPHCTlCD TO XAKK HTEl'S AtJAINST "WOMAN Sl'l'. I.'RA K. Deadwood, S 1*)—Willi l,eurly 011c hundred delegutes present, tlio South Dakota Liquoi dealers associa tion convenes lieie today 111 annual session. Some Chicago and Wiscon sin liquor men also are present. Every eltort to prevent publicity lias been used, few knowing there was .. J.. 1.1. Ucull UftCU. icw nno auy conventlon until the dele- gates arrived this moruing. It Is believed that secret, and drastic ac tion looking to the defeat of woman suffrage in South Dakota will be taken., Active co-operatmn will be given by the national liquor dealers prgauuatioii aloug this lii^q. 1 ~*-\s VlU'J euj)