Newspaper Page Text
LO:AL NEWS NOTES Kroui Tli i-sd W. M. Smith in1 D.'ll. Miller were scheduled to embark iI San l-'runcheo today mi ilie steamship Manchuria loi- a three in on li con of the Oii "iU. They will visit I he Hawaiian aid Plulipitie inlands, Japan ami the prin cipal seaports Cluna belore r• I urn in- They left Mitchell a month ago. —v John Kayser, jr., Pled Fergen ami Charles M. Scliliuigeii, jr., wore rep resentatives o!' the ParUston Com mercial rlnlj at Hie Corn Palace meeting last evening. Mr. Koyser is the president of the I'arkstou club, which was organized on .Monday ev ening ol' this week. 1 torn to Mr, and Mrs. Ilalver Ol f-on, six miles southwest ol' Mitchell, on Thursday, February I'J, a son. The weiit her this ariernoon 'gave some hopes of wanner temperatures. The mercury registered degrees lie- being realized for the purchase ol' women's .dubs of the city to donate -, pictures for the schools and 'this re- Milted Mondav in the vole of lite! Twentieth Centurv club to purchase a suitable picture tor presentation.! The state board of examiners in oplomerty will hold examinations in Mitchell on March In and II. The. officers of the hoard are 1- II. Prey, of Walertown, president (1. F. Kiv ingstone, Yankton. vice-president: II. W. Knutson, Leola. secretary and treit surer. made her home for the past year. She had been ill for several mouths with heart trouble and the end had been expected for some lime. Mr. Downey and his sister, Mrs. A. L. Johnson, of Kilgar. Neb., will b'avo tomorrow with the rj'iuains for Atlanta. 111., the old home of I lie family, here they will be interred beside the grave of their father, who died nearly two years ago. Simon P. Olson, of Ml. Vernon died at 8: IU o'clock last evening, folJ lowing an illness of several weeks The deceased leaves a wife, one son ch and two daughters. The children are' Die Olson, of Mi. Vernon, ,Mrs.| J. C. Larson, of Siranquist. Minn., and Mi's. J. L. .Lennox, of ML. Yern-| on. The funeral will be held at thej N a a in S a a in a I a a a re id a rnon at o'clock that afternoon. Interment will be in the Ml. Vernon cemetery. .Mayor and Mrs. A. K. Hitchcock relumed yesierday afternoon from Chicago. Airs. Hitchcock hud i" en iM Chicago since the last of Decem ber and is now in better health. Rev isi. proving ei ation his ear clllill connected Willi the Lumber company morning for hica A. \j. liurke. roundhouse l'oieinaii for thy jMilwattkee roltul at Sanborn, la., is inspecting the engines run ning on the Iowa and Dakota divi sion out of Mitchell for the putpose of ir.vestigaling the engines running on the Iowa and Dakota division out ol Mi-tchell for the. purpose of in vestigating the economies practiced in the use of coal. Andrew J. Rasmussen, of Mitchell, and Miss Berenice Winter, of y.ason City, la., were married at the Con gergalionul parsonage yesterday af ternoon by the pastor, Kev. h. J-. Schwab. From Friday's Daily— I'. A. tollman went over to l'uliou this morning on a business rrip. I'rof. (.!. (1. Frary. or Vermillion, slate commissioner of the food anil drug deparlment, litis been invited by the Retail Merchant's association to speak in Mitchell at an early date anil explain the Working of the. pure food law of South Dakota. It is hoped to make the meeting an open one. S. K. Morris returned yesterday af ternoon from Chicago, where he had been this week on business. Mrs Ivlor ris will remain for another week and A. B. Darling, who was in Chicago with them, has gone on to New York on business. A. J. Curtis was in Sioux I'ily this week on business. The churches of the city anil the Commercial club have named a coni mittee to have general charge of the state Sunday school convention, which will be held in Mitch"! 1 in Presbyterian: Ti. national and T. niercial club, A A 1 1 1 1 0 li. !•". Tilley. of the First Hup-1 Winifred was reported to be im nicely lodny. A slight op was perofrined upon one of where an iibcess had been a source ol annoyance. for Redlield to attend th May. The members are J. W Broad bent, Uaptisi: I'rof. S. L. van Ben thuv en Methndrt: M' Cn ,*-!» 1 f\»v* '{if if Ruth, Congre Morgans, Coin- I'robably one ol' the lew men living iu .Sonili Dakota who heard Abraham Lincoln deliver his .famous Fr.ieport speech in his debute with Stephiin A. Douglas is 11. 11. liogers, county treasurer. Mr. liogers lived near Freeport at that time and travelled several miles to hear the debate. Mr. lingers also lias the unique ilistinc lion of having voted twi'.-e t'or Lin coln lor president. The tirst time was in the fall of isti'i and was the lijirst time Mr. Rogers ever cast vole. Four years later while in Carson City, Nevada. Mr. Rogers again voted for Lincoln and liis one regert is that Lincoln's assassination prevented him casting a third vote for our martyred president. From Saturday's Daily— &&K Kev. F. \V. Loose, ol' the Lutheran church returned 0 1 1 1 1 church. lcnv zero this morning. Approiuately Mrs. Flora Anderson,' ol' Ashton. two inches of ligglit, snow l'ell-dm S. It., is staying with her sifter, Mrs. ing the night, and this aflernooji. c. Downey, while Mr. Downey is Snowfall was general all over easi»ru i„ Illinois on the sad mission of South Dakota with a much lighter rying his mother. lull west of the river. The Klson art exhibit at the citv ,, Wali.-r Carharl. with hull lust week resulted in about $Jo.i W (lerma last ev- A^l'ley 1 X. D., where lie •s connected with ^usine arrived last ev- 1 0 S pie! tires lor the public schools. Supt. Homo u.i.l arc. a. the home ,,| Kev. J. W. McClinton also has asked the American ^'hart. I-or Hie pus. I 1 1 0 1 1 oncepcion, lull. I Kthe Sh,*pherd and ^'l''^e .M Dakota esleyan. The arharts will be in .Mitchell lor Tile associated charities today is-liwo or ihree \\eelis bel'ore going Mied a call lor dresses that could be CaliI'oniia lor lie' remainder ol' the made over to i'it girls eight and ten winter. They expect to remain in this years old. The bureau also is in need count at least a vear. of a woman's warm coal, about. in size. I'll one lilaT. Itoy A. Hopkins of lledfield. is vis iting tit the S. 1'. W'atkins home. Mrs. C.eorge N. Dayton returned to Minneapolis yesterday after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr.-. C. J. liliss. I'rof. S. D. van I leu I uysen. of Da kola Wesleyaii, r-polie last evening at an enthusiastic meeting of the Ueu laii Fanners' club at the home of its president, L. S. liose. Mrs. Ueo. L. Peterson is entertain ing Miss Margaret John, of Carbon dale-, III., an old friend Mrs. Fniina :r. •'-'•Downey died at. noon today at the home of her son Mrs. A. II. Smith and daughter, C. \Y. Downey, with whom she had lOvelyn, left yesterday afternoon for Ipswich to see a gralid-datighl"r of Mrs. Smith's which recently arrived at ilie home of Civile Smith. .Miss /elma liandelmau returned this morning she has been her way hone in SI. Paul ai from Chicago, win. for tlie pasl nion 1 li. On I sli" spent several day id .Minneapolis. Mrs. L. J. Disburg and Mrs Lindblait have gone to Sioux for a few days. I |son of Sioux Falls, menibe, I the slaii! board of charities and visitor today in S. A. M. \'oung, supervisor nt 111 iniJ-winter inspection and depart nient. of Indian affairs, depart-! officers of Ilie South ed for Washington. D. on officiaI aIionaI guard. business. Mr. Young expects llial 1 be will be in Washington about three v. eelis. Misses Sarah and Helen Davis, of nosh. Wis., uli.i had been in Mii- blu I'or several days on business I Kev. Joseph Mrs. C. i\l. Voiie.g. ei'iurned hoiiu^ this morning after a.| visit of weeks at I he home of 11' i- son, I'aul M. Voung. Leonard liailey, the boy who suf f' red concussion of the brain when lie was thrown from his pony on Sunday afternoon, is slowly recov ei ing consciousness at St. Joseph's hospital loila His condition is sltow in a marked improvement, and his in plel recovery is believed to be a matter of time. Davis iV.- Daniels erintendenl of the American Suudav departed lliisjsehoul union, who spent Friday will: the local missionary. C. 10. I'.orchardl, S'erniillion ''leiuufed for him hofiie al Des 'Moines oi IC. City Keese went to Platte Tomorrow lie will Congregational church v. .1. P.. morning. the ibis ihat place. .1. M. Ruiie and Woonsockei, were today in Mitchell. at .1. R. Daltoa. of business visitors ljorn to Mr. and Mr Friday. February I:',, Warren I'J. Creen, C. Redlield. of Rapid I'.akewell of Plankinlon, and rnon |, cor- reel ions, came dow from lie last evening and this morning over io Plaiiliinton lo :asjec slate industritil school. cashier of was a bus Cliarle A. I'ope, State banli, ,'ent the school of I Wot a W. I). Ilarwood and family left litis morning for Sioux City, near which city they will tnalte their home on a farm. liev. losenb Wells, disiricl sup- last evciiin Horn, to Mr. and Mrs.. Claude Saunders, six miles nortiheasi of Mitchell, on Saturday, February i. son. Sterling Tipton. representing the Lincoln Literary society, won tlf.i commit led oral ion contest a: the high school yesierday afternoon over Ilie Sirius society, which was repre sented by Chester Coleman. This is the third contest of the year. t^e lirst in debate being won by the Gilelte C.uniee society and the sec ond in declamation, by the Sirius so ciety. Next Friday the Gitchee C.umo and Irving societies will com pete and the winner of the lasi two contests will meet in a public pro' grain for the championship of the school. Hear Gladys Middleton sing at the Nnvin Cafe. Wednesday and Sunday evenings from a: 30 lo S. At. the last meeting of Canton Success. No. i, 1. O. O. F., con tnit tees wel'e appointed to make ar rangements for the seventh annual ball which will take place at the city hull on March 17. It was also ,de cided to give one-fourth of the pro ceeds to the Associated charities. The chi'.kcn pie supper given !v the Jioyul Neighbors last even ire: was well attended and was one oi the successful affairs given by that or ganization this season. One of in teresting features of the supper was the placing of tiny red hearts by each plate. Each heart was number ed and the one with the lucky num bers gave the ow tiers prizes. A- la veliere was won by the daughter of Mrs. John Giese and a box of cigars by (1. Beriiuist. Both prizes were given by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reuter slrom. Valentines were'other p' ize given away. From Monday's Daily— The Dakota Philatelic association met for its first annua! session at. 1::S0 o'clock this afternoon in the basement of the First Presbyterian church. Many of the members of the I association arc represented by proxies in the li a li 11-1 of 7. II Fn"e| \-,ho •i .' »JW, 7 *v if »*«tti!•- .»•».» rn 11 *4«• *•*»*«.. A made alT of the arrangements tor the meeting The larger part ol' the mem bership is iu the state of North Dakota. Man Mitchell business houses'are sending their freight bills io the Commercial club for audit ing.' under an arrangement recently made by thul organization with an auditing company. A charge of ."0 per cent is made on all amounts collected back on overcharge^, lor-s or damage, error in classi l'ieat ion or niisroiiting. All freight bills on which there are errors are returned. This is poriant feature of the work commercial clubs in most larger cities. Dr. C. V. llilliland lilled Ihe pit of the I'irst Uaptisi church acceptable Sunday morning and Iheining. liotli services were well ness tended. Captain M. 1.. Shade and Limits, 1»* secured a license 10 wed Mis. Charles Jones, Harold .Meyer ami F.| -^nes Scheicl' U. 'liowley departed Ibis afternoon] annual J. C. rrocior. o|)i-iied a garage 117 North Main will handle the and the new Saxon cars. no an im tlle the of Mrs. Fauna Wilson departed Sat urday lor Chicago on her annual spring buying trip. .1 ohii Wareiis, of the. citv in worth, is 111 ses asso- in attendance at the the Dakota Philatelic sions ol c-iii ion. South their the stall ed from hi Dakota guardsmen will hold al summer camp outside according to word reeeiv- Lieut. I''.. 1!. liowley from officer's school at lledfield. The camp will he held early in June and will continue for 10 days. The offic ers' school will be held for six days during the iast of May. Company will have a'ii extra drill tomorrow evening in its armory at 7::'.n o'clock, made necessary by the coming government inspection. Mrs. L. Ilerzog will entertain band No. 1 of Ilie Catholic Ladies Aliar society tomorrow afternoon. The board of trustees of the First Presbyterian church will have an im portant meeting al S o'clock this e\ eniiig at the home of Mrs. C. C. Dean till West Third avenue. Fvery mem ber of Ilie board is urged to lie on hand. Fronk M. Rood, of Philip, nom inee of th' majority republicans for secretary of stale, was a caller at The Republican office on Saturday af ternoon. Mr, Rood made his first visit lo Miichell in 1K77. before there was even a shack on the preset 1 Ilie city, lie passed over the site four times that year, driving cattle from Soul hern Minnesota to the lliack Hills. At that time li "re was only one house in what is. now Pierre. Mr. Rood is a man of aflable personality and made many friends during his visit lo the city. Dr. ami Mrs. Ray Smith visited over Sunday and today with relatives in Yankton. Oliver Crace. who is assistant iu the dry land work being carried on by the home of his parents. Mr. and (leorge (Irace. lie is now on his way to Colorado after two month spent in Washington. Mrs. I race and little daughter met him in Mit chell after a visit will) relatives in Yankton and will return with him lo Colorado. Rev. I!. F. Tilley is improving rapidly and will be out in a few days, lie has been kept al home for I he past two weeks v.ifh grip and ear trouble. -?..¥• Howard A. Kelleyi the live-months .old son of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Kelley. L. IC. llix, on died yesterday morning of acute in daiighter. digestion. Funeral services were held Ha/.'M, -r. (L|at the residence. Tin South Wiscon City, S. I i. sin street, al L' o'clock this al'ier- noon by Mrs. It. F. Tilley. owing to the illness of h' rh usband. The nianv friends of the family will sorrow with. Ilield them in their bereavement. I. of jiul very il- Ceflrge C. Willy, of Stratum. Colo. of Lilian. Another license has been issued lo ,Iose|di 1'. Hosier lo marry Miss Regina Sdieich. a sister of I he oilier lady. Uotli parties are from F.tlian. Fred Reiitersi roni. district deputy of tlie Modern Woodmen, departed this morning on a business trip to Ilie head offices of I lie order al Rock Island, 111. lie will return the last of the week. .Miss .Mabel Maynard departed this morning for Sanborn, la., where she will visit wiili friends for a lew days. John Michels. chairman of the committee appainted at the annua! Com I'alace meeting last Wednesday evening lo investigate ilie advisability of a permanent structure, this after noon issued a cai! for Ihat body lo meet, al 7 o'clock this evening. The purpose of the meeting will be lo oi gani/.e and lay plans for the investi gal ion of the mail or. The Western Land and Securities company of Vanklon. S. D.. has open ed a brunch office iu Mitchell with John K. Bruce at the local manager. This company makes a special: ol Minnesota and Texas lands, besides handling South Dakota realty. of Alexandria, has and sales room at street. Mr. I'roctor Chalmers, Maxwell The Miichell lodge of Kilts will have one ot their characteristic "big times" on Wednesday evening, with a large class of candidates will In- in itiated. Following' the ceremonies of initiation there will lie a program and lunch. Sioux City papers nounced the death of general secretary of II at Mt. Pleasant, la. and his wife were well chell. ltaviuf. for six years 'v- The Ladies I Jome Journal *1 Patterns Spring 1914 5 .1 site of O 1 yesterday an Alex Snderson lie Y. M. C. A. Mr. Anderson known In Mil- made this I heir home while Mr. Anderson was missionary for tin? American Sunday school union. Mrs. Anderson was known in Mitchell musical circles as a singer of considerable ability. Three years a| to Sioux City relary at the Mr. Anderson went to become boys' s'*c M. C. A. From Tuesday's laily Mrs. J. \V. Mt.laoy returned home hist evening from lOxcelsior Springs Mo., where she has been since October. Mrs. Melady improved in health as lier sojourn at. the springs. Hi 11. Robsahm of Wessingtou Springs, is in Mitchell attending the sessions of lhe Dakota association. .Miss Sallie UanJall, of Winona. Minn., wlto has been a guest for the, past two weeks of her niece, Mrs. J. laliej, will return IL.IIH- louioi A Ml IM rolled 1 1 I A. K. Selumiwi-bcr rHurneii 11ns moniiu I'rom Minneapolis, when* liu buwkxi with l!i" Sioux Falls loam in th» ^nicnuuioiiat Howling Hmrna nit In lie siii.ulo- events he bowled a inrk ot' ."4 7 and with Moore in (he doubles h' .I'nd^e Frank H. Smith and Yir.uil' Hoyies, court reporter. went lo Plankinlon las', evening. Tin* winter term ol' eirruit conn i'or Aurora county opened there this "morning. Lieuls. I\. 15. Knwl'.'V, Harold Me\ !r and Charles .lou"s reiurned this mornitii from KcMii'telfi, where they have D'-en in al'endanre at ih*-- mid-' winier school and inspeei.ion of the state national ,uard fommissioner officers. The Corn l-'alaee building commit tee hold an session last ev ening a! the offices of jhe ('miiiiier- cial chili and made plans lor its work. J. 11. -Marks, of Feniniore, Wis., formerly owner of considerable farm land near Mitchell, is in the city on business. Mr. Marks is now the owner of a large ranch near Oaeoina which lie is smelling now for spring fced ing. Mrs. James Ljoiis was expected to return today from Carmen. Wis., where she attended the funeral of her brother, Charles Walsh, and her In olher-in-la'v, .J. J. Collins Mr. Collins is a. broiller of Dan Collins, a. former resident, of Mitchell. lioberi A. /.angle, county auditor, went to Pierre last evening to at tend the annual meiing of the county auditors of the slate. Discussion of taxation matters for the coming year will feature Ilie session. Henry F. liunl). on the charge of failure lo support., bis family, was placed under bonds bv Judge W. M. Herbert in municipal court this morning to answer at the next term. Jiurclt, who is a carpenter, is said io have failed to provide food and clothing for his wife. Jennie H. Uurch and his daughter, Ktiby Iturch. I'.oth have been receiving aid from the country. Hy action of the directors of the Mitchell Building ami Loan associa tion. at a special meeting iast even ing. it was voted to make a change in the ni'd-hods or making' loans, to the stockholders. I'-v the change, bor rowers will lie given ten years it! which lo mature their stork and also will lie allowed lo make smaller pay ments. Heretofore the most of the loans have been for periods of 7" mouths. The action of the director? was taken io extend the usefulness of the sooiefy to the average man working oil a salary. Judge W. M. Herbert y0fiterda afternoon united in marriage .lo last' Oacaina, S. I.)., and. Miss is greatly i' Milltown, S. D. a result of Miss Arum Qunvle of Coltou, S. D., is a guest of Mrs. U. K. Hardie. The. work of. the county primary enrollment books will be finished to- Philatetiu' morrow by W. A. Branch, who litis been egaged on them for the past 'six weeks. As each of the sixteen voting precincts' iu the county re f|iireil eighl books to be compiled, dpliiales of the electors of each of lie- lour parlies. I _'N books iu all 1 HARDWARE MEN'S PROGRAM READY :I:T \II IH:\U:KS WILL Tiii.ti: \\\I \I, MI I TIN 3 slot I \LI.S \I:.\T 4*1 f¥^* iV"# r* "*i y. *J% i*. 1 ..? Ladies Tailored Suits,| Dresses And Our Rug Sale 111)1,1) .AT MONTH. Sioux Falls. S. H. One of the 1111 ponatii convent ions to be held in South Dakota- this year will be the nin"i annual convention and hard ware exposition of the South Dakota Retail Hardware association. March 1 and the program for which has just been completed. The exposi tion will be held in the auditorium, and the exhibit is expected to be the finest in the history of the stale. The convention will be called to order at l::io p. in., March b\ President C. W. Anderson of Lane. The address of welcome ill be made by Mayor liurnside or someone re presenting him. and D. i). Cross, of Yankton will make a response in be- 1 half of the association and its mem bers. Then will follow ilie annual ad dress of the president, and Secretar\ K. C. Warren of Pierre, and Treas urer li. !. Watlson of Chamberlain, will make their annual reports. Fol lowing lhe appointment of oommli lees, Fred W. Merrill, of Fargo. N. D., will make an address on "Prac tical Co-Operation." Tuesday evening the members of the association, exhibitors anil other visitors will be guests of lhe Sioux Falls commercial club. The convention will reassemble at li:-). o'clock Wednesday afternoon, March I, and will hold an executive session. During the afternoon ses sion M. D. Ilussie. of Omaha. Neb., representing the National association will make an address on the subject of "A Message from the National As sociation." Following the address the execu tive committep will submit a propos ed new constitution and by-laws, and these will come up for adoption by the convention. During the remaind er of the session matters of interest to hardware dealers will be taken up and discussed. At the closing session Thursday afternoon, March it. unfinished busi ness will be disposed of, new busi ness will be taken up and transacted, the various committees will make their reports and new officers' will be elected l'or the coining year." 11 •4 Already our apparel section is taking on the aspect of spring. Many new suits, dresses and coats are here awaiting your review. Like yourself, we are eternally in search of the new, the clever, distinctive undeniable smart things, which run like a golden thread through the many creations of ordinary merit. It is of such that this enormous stock is composed. The very newness of spring merchandise is all .aglow" from this depai'tment. New Suits—$15.00 and upwards to $35.00. New Coats—$1 0.00 and upwards to $25.00. NEW SPRING SILKS AND DRESS GOODS We are showing a wonderful line of new silks in all the late colorings and weaves. Daily we are adding to this department as each day's express brings something from Butterfields' who are in the New York markets. Come in and let us show you the new things. FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE STILL ON All winter lines of merchandise throughout the store keenly knifed and re-knifed. We are compelled to sacrifice splendid stocks at unprecedently low prices. There are no two ways about it! Losses must be taken! Its a great chance for you to transfer our losses to your gains. The selections are still ample and the prices are wonderful low. Be sure and get our prices before buying. Store »o Good Values !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiitiiii!tniiiiiiiiiiniMitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiimmiinuiiiiimumniiiimmmiiu»mimiiiiir.iKiiniiHmi)»iBimimmnniBB^, USING lilts. M\ I.Kit a LA.MJIIi Dentists. First National Bank Building. Phone 2317 Mitchell, S. D. OSTEOPATHS DR. E. W. HKriiEK Osteopath. Eleven years' successful exper ience—llady attendant. Office Commercial & Savings Bank Building. Office phone 2177. Res. 2800. BR. A. M. BRUCE. Graduate and post-graduate of KirksVille. The only lady osteo path in city. 121 W. Fifth Ave. Pboue 3121 Mitchell, 8. •, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW A. E. HITCHCOCK -f'XSS Attorney at liaw Office Second floor Commercial & Savings Bank Mitchell, South Dakota 1 LEWIS StrUSTER 4 Attorney at if S Keel Miseinlile? Out of sorts, depressed, patn in the back -Klectric Hitters renews your health and strength. A guaranteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money back if not satisfied. It completely cured Kobert Madden, of West liur iiugton, Iowa, who suffered from virulent IK er trouble for eight months. After four doctors gave hint up, he. took Klectric Hitters and isl now a well man. Get a bottle today: it. will do the same for you. Keep in the bouse for all liver and kidney complaints. Perfectly safe and de a Its results will fmrpri.^ you. jiic and $l.»u. H., 10. Iliiekleti Co Phifadelphia or SI. Louis. ***».$+-W Y*-*"- -r.T-rK-* t-»a 1 v*« J* A ii Ail inrt tfr* tm£MJi£l!| The Home of Munsing Wear 1 has all EOLL.MAN TIPTON Attorney at Law Oviir Mitchell National bank Mticneli, BuaUi DUuW FUNERAL DIRECTORS BROADBENT BROS. 1 Morticians and Funeral Direct*** W. H. liroadbent O. W. MB Phone MM1* 800S IJUXV Practice in all Court Koonus. 310-3-12 Western Natl. Bank Mitchell, South Dakota H. G. Gldditixn Charles F. Tjrai UIDDINC.S & TYM Lawyers 414-416-418 West.. Nat'l. Baak ,.«& Building 5 Mitchell, Mouth Dakota ARCHITECTS S. O. WHERRY Architect. OSloe 809 Commercl .t *. B*T lngs bank building IMiono K!N2 MiU'.helJ, H. D. Btore 2011 "2 u* BROADjBENT BRO*. Pri vate' Ainbuluee Calls promptly answered *"4 p-'a 1 frnjUt* jWW rt flMT Ki t- ytr RI'-RL,-|IV7IJ iML: ••W t'V 4 been, these «if. 4. ~l»lf 1* •*.' •i!'. -I f- si v. .to a 1«, ..J ftiiitS' 4 uo or night. Business office 2011. BOD'S 11 verj barn. BroadMat residence 360S. -f H. Noble BOB. Funeral tree torn Morticians '1 113 Fourth -West D. J. Noble, Tesldenoe vbon* 2270 H. Noble. 2S8«| 2270. Open Os| or Ungbt. PRIVATE AMNUlirOI H. NOBLE SON Calls answered promptly. day or -night 2270. "We own •our owi MUSIC MRS. WMv G. Tcavlier of Singitag. Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 2 to 4 p, Butler's Studio. House Phone 3429 wtm« mlw^jiftufcijM1- eHtVW t, i'f IV HIIACKETT \mv