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If Jf 5 it. You Don't 1 BARN FOR ItENT preferred. Phone 3417. f- Want Ads See CHNT A WORD for each Insertion 1b the Waiul Ad. columa of The Republican. Special rate by month of 76 cents per Hue—A line will jwnally contain six words. No advertisement taken for |au than 10 cents. Advertisements may be or 4«red to run until ordered out But advertisements ord ered to run a specified num ber of times, must be pair for. HELP WANTK*. WANTED—A good strong girl Tor general house work. Phone or /call Mrs. Havens at Graham Hull. WANTED—Stenographer and book keeper. State salary and experience. Address P. 0. Box 61. WANTED—Housekeeper on farm. ^Address R23, Republican. WANTED—Girl for general house work. Mrs. C. ft. Wallls, 4115 S. Ed' munds St., phone 2307. WANTED—Two waitresses Kempton's Cafe, at once. -Automobile FOR RENT—Near university, 4 Unfurnished rooms up stairs, and one basement room suitable for house keeping. Electric lights, cistern water and garden goes with the place. Phone 3803. FOR RENT-—80 acre farm 2 miles Irom Main street 60 acres undqr plow.'AddressBox 182, Mitchell. FOR RENT-—Rooms for house keeping.—420 North Edmunds. FOR RENT—Room, 415 North Sanborn. Gentleman preferred. FOR RENT—Furnished room. 315 Pth Avenue East. FOIJ SALE. FOR SALK^-Splendid youngj. IIol •tein cow. Fresh.—W. A. Branch, 200 E. 7th Ave. GOOD SECOND HAND FURNi ture for sale, 301 E. 6th. SANDOW manure spreader, low •Sown and auto axle, at introductory prices.—Lorenzo H. Jahns. FOR SAL.E J3550. ^Two calves. Phone SANDOW cream separators, hand and power, guaranteed the most dur able and closest skimmer.—Lorenzo H. Jahns. SOFT WATER $2.50 for two. Phone 8283 Hicks. if $1.50 per tank Sam GOOD cigar case for sale.—Kemp ton's Cafe.. FOR SALE—25 Duroo Jersey brood BOWS. Phone or Write Pete Peterson, R. R. 5, Mitchell, S. D. FOR SALE—No. 1 baled hay $10. fter toil at warehouse. Walrath Bros. DELICIOUS white clover and bass Iwood honey. Elias Fox, Union Center, Wis. ^'1 SPRING VALLEY WATER by "the tank. Pfaone 2L on 683.—T. Hinders Bldvall buys boosaa, yaja Ask Bldwell. His abstracts telL 5 YEAR OLD MARE for sale. In ,Quire at Wilkin's Department store. FOR SALES—New and second-hand carom, and pocket-billiard tables, •nd bowling alleys and accessories bar fixtures of all kinds,' easy pay ment. The Brunswlck-Balke Col lander Company, 426, 428, 430 Third ^Street south, Minneapolis, Minn. »®*OR SALE—Used Hupmoblle roatdster, cheap. Phone 3627. fkV'-' /.lUSAIi ESTATE FOR SALE! """"ES. FOR SALE good loca- What You Want, Read The Republican Want Ada. at AGBNTB WAJVTSUD. $2.60 PER DAY paid one woman ©r man in each town to distribute free circulars and tako orders for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Per manent position.—J. S. Ziegier Co., Cbicago. FOB KENT FOR RENT—House at 500 South f3anborn. Dosirablo location. 160 ACRE farm for rent, one-half mile .west of university, Mitchell, S. J). Cash 6r share. Address, Clias. Arch, Letcher, S. D. FOR RENT—New 5 room cottage, 1 block from Omaha depot. $15.00 per month. C. W. Hoon. MODERN ROOM—208 E. Third. FOR RENT—Two modern rooms partly furnished, suitable for light bpusekeeping. 119 2nd avenue west. i-ROOM HOUSE for rent. 1201 S Sanborn St. Inquire First National bank. FOR RENT- *520. -Modern room. Phone FOR RENT—My new building oif South Main street, tor up-to-date res tautfalrt/nia irooans withe toilet and bath. Modem In every respect.— O. E. Cassenj. .• t.i(,n. Also farm lands in South Da kota, Minnesota mid Texas. John 1 Bruce, Western I.and and Securities Co., Office over Scull in drug store Mitchell, S. p. FOIt SALE—50 acres close to Mit chell. Address box 182, Mitchell. FOR SALE—Spring Valley farm 177 acres good land, best Improve ments, 25 'acres alfalfa, 2 good soft water springs on place, or will sell 1 spring with 17 acres separate. 3 mile north of hosiptal. Call or write T. Hinders, Route 1, Mitchell. for land bargains see Bidwsll. ARE YOU GOING TO BUY LAND* —if BO get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal first. It hau lands advertised In it from nearly every state in the union. So that you can find Just what you are look ing for. It reaches 67,000 reader each issue. Send 10 cents for three months trial subscription. It will be stopped At the end of three months if you don't renew.—Farm and Real Estato Journal, Traer, Iowa Bldwell sells houses on payments. MISCELLANEOUS, WANTED—Young lady with sever al years business experience desires position. Address W25, care Repub lican. POSITION WANTED—By young lady for hook keeper, tili Hanson st reel. WANTED —Spring sewing house cleaning. Phone ?175. THE NEW DRAY LINE, phone all orders to 2231 or 2008.—Chas. Phillips, Prop. For Insurance always see Bldwell. NATIONAL REFINING COMP any. Phone 2205 SAYS CARNEGIE NEAR TREASON IX AW OTI 1K|{ COl'NTH 1E WOULD BE ACCISUU OK IT, DECLARES SENATOR CHAM BERLAIN. Washington, 1). C.—"'if Andrew Carnegie, who continually asserts the cause of Great Britain, were the citi zen of any other nation he would bo tharged with treason," declared Sen ator Chamberlain today, in the course of the Panama tolls debate. "Ho has never hesitated to spend his millions in endeavoring to incul cate a reciprocal feeling for Great Britain in the minds o£ the people of the United States." Chamberlain's attack on Carnegie came as the climax to an hour of hot argument during which Senator Jones read, under protest, letters attacking President Wilson. SEXATORS VKC.E KANSAS 'CITY FOR NEW REGIONAL BANK Washington, D. C.—Chairm Owens and Senator Iteed of the St ate banking committee discussed wlin the president today the merits of Kansas City as a location for one of the new regional reserve banks. A1 though the members of congress have been quietly urging various cities, this is the first instance, so far as known, in which members of the banking committee have urged any particular city. It is said at the White House that no decision has been rea ched either on the federal reserve bank or on the federal reserve board. BRIGAND~LOOTS ANOTHER CITY "WHITE WOLF" .KILLS 230 IX HAB1TANTS OK LCXG CHU HITAf, DESPITE TROOPS AGAINST HIM. Peking, China—"White Wolf," the Chinese brigand, and his followers today captured and sacked the city of Lung Chu Huai, in the province of Shen Si. They killed 230 inhabit ants and wounded and captured many hundreds more. The terrible depred ations by "White AVolf" have hither to been chiefly confined to the prlv inces of Hu Peh and No Nan. Many of the Chinese regular troops are in the field against him. Best Family Laxative. Beware of Constipation. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keep well. Mrs. Charles E. Smith, of West Franklin, Me., calls them "Our fam ily laxative." Nothing better for adults or aged. Get them today, 25c. All druggists or by mail. II. E. Buck len & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. army and LOST Red woolen horse blanket. Return to Wrn. Anderson, lit) E. 11th for reward. POSITION WANTED—By lady for office or stenographer work.— 316 N. Main. Phone 3451. _• LET Earl Rowley do it. Insurance. WANTED-—Violin pupils. H. Petersen, phone 2300. Studio W. 218 West Fifth ave. Leader Gale theatre. DO IT NOW—Let me remove all filth from your cisterns, whether empty or full, and be ready for the spring rains.—Will M. Jones, phone 2203 or 22G5. Lyman county land to trade for residence and acres adjoining Mitch ell. Lock Box 180, Murdo, S. D. KODAK Uf3EIlS cut your finishing bill in half. Any size roll of film developed 15e. Any Size print or post card, 3c each. Photo Shop, Box 4 29 Bryant, S. D. rnmm AGAINST ontinuen from pu£ mation. Colonel John Seely, war sec retary, interviewed the general of ficers in command, and explained to them (hat "the officers of the Uritish army are compelled to obey orders to f.hoot only in case the order was a reasonable one under the circum stances." (Guaranty (iiven Oll'irers. The war secretary told them that no one from a general down to a private was expected to use more force than was iei|iiired to maintain order, and (he safety of life and pro perty. A digest of highly important let ters, telegrams and code messages, between the war office, and the Irish military headquarters on the sub ject of Ulster lin« last six months oc cupied many columns of all news papes today and created a sensation which promises to become the biggest of many years in the affairs of the British empire. Tersely summarized, (lie documents made public disclose officially the fact (hat the British government gave tin! officers in Ireland a written guar anty that they would not use the army to crush Ulster's political opposition to the home rule bill. The correspond ence, however, points out that, the government, retains its right, to use arms to maintain law and order. The orders issued by the war office in respect to the duties of the army in Ireland, chiefly in connection with the protection of government stores, arms and ammunition, were given very completely. 1'iigel's Instruct ions. The correspondence, however, omits a verbal .communication by General Sir Arthur Paget to the of ficers, at Curragh camp, which led to their resignations, which the gov ernment argues was the result of a "misunderstanding". That the version of General Paget's communication read by Andrew Iionar Law. of the opposition in the House of Commons, on Monday, is substantially correct, seems (dearly indicated. Law on that occasion read a letter in which Paget stated that "active operations were to begin against Ulster and that it was expected that the country would be in a blaze by Saturday." The Irish commander-in-chief wrote 1 lint, he was in close communi cation with the war office, and that ho received irist met ions from head quarters to notify his officers that those of them domiciled in Ulster would be allowed to disappear and be afterward reinstated. They must, however, give their word of honor not to fight for Ulster. APRIL COURT JURORS CHOSEN VKXIUK OF FIFTY MlOX Wil l. UK 1'OltT OX Al'KlT, 14 FOK SHOUT TKII.M OF D.WISO.V FOIWTV. Jurors for the April term of cir cuit court were drawn yesterday by Sheriff J. F. Berry, Auditor I!. A. /angle and Treasurer 11. li. Uogers. They will report for duty on April 14. It Is expected that the work of the term will be fairly brief. The list of jurymen follows: Li. II. Annis. Charles T{. Avery, W. A. Branch, llenry J. Boyts. J. W. Bed does, G.1 A. Carlow, ,T. M. Com fort, J. M. Crampton, A. W. W. Davis, O. II. Dixon, .1. li. Dotv, C. (i. Daggert, J. If. Davis, Ira. 1,. Fras er, Ira Fraser, II. II. Field, A. M: Gardner, Fred Gerken, Charles lleid elnger, Franklin Ilewett, Valentine lleinz, Jr., Charles Ilendrickson, \V. A. Hitchcock, IC. A. Johnson, J. E. Kidd. David Loviugcr, li. M. bind baugh, F. II. Marcy. C. F. .Michael William North. John Nolt, O Prince, J. .1. Piggott, J. W. Putnam, H. P. Uowley, H. H*. liowley, M. A Heeves, F. H. Scott, Gus Svenson, Frank Scheick. I,e\vis Sinister, W. Toby, Laurice Vickers. \V. 1. Wil son, Herman Wieczorek, W. H. Walk er, Howard Wilson, D. J. .McDonald, Bert Kings. ^\v Sis DIVIDEND CUT BY THE PENNSY KXTK.AOHDIXAUV K.\I'KXDITl UK CVISKI) JIV OHIO Fl,OOIKS IVKX AS TIIK UKASOX. l-hllatlelphia, Pa.—The directors of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis railway company, the Pennsyl vania lines west of Pittsburgh, to day reduced the dividend on com mon stock from 5 per cent to 3 per cent and .tho preferred stock from 5 to 4 per cent. In connection with the anounce ment, President Rea of the Pennsyl vania issued a statement in which he declared: "The annual report lor 1!)13 show ed an increase of $4,600,000 in op eration expense, which includes ex inordinary out-lays for replace ments, the repairing of'tracks and bridges and other facilities or dam aged by the floods of March, 1:) 1 :J.* REPORT REBELS BADLY BEATEN MKXICA.V COXSII, DIXl.ARKS TIIKY WKIJK COMI'IJKTKLY HKl'iriiSKI) IX ATTACK OX TOHHKOX. El Paso, Texas.—Miguel DiWold, of the Mexican federal consular ser vice said he had been officially in formed the rebels had been repulsed with heavy loss at Torreon and that many of them were driven back 20 miles. lJebels Admit Strong Kneiny. Bermijelo, Mexico.— By Courier to K1 PasoJ The wounded at Gomez Palacio and in lesser recent tights in this vicinity are beiiig"brought north in large numbers. It is officially ad mitted that the federals put up an unexpectedly strong resistance at Gomez Palacio. Terra/.as to Die Today'.' », 4 60 TO WESTERN CANADA NOW The opportunity c.i securing tree homesteads of 160 ncres each, .itid the. low priced land of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberts, \v:il .iooil --3| have passed. Canada offers a hearty welcome to the Settler, to the ma:i with a family & looking for a home: to the's son, to the tenter, to all who wish to live under better condition#.. Canada's grain yieltl in 1913 IS the talk of the world. Luxuriant Grasses ?j give cheap fodder for large herds of raising and fattening fr-i" marki.'l is a trille. The sum realized iov Beef. Untie., ,g Milk and Cheese will pay f"ty cent on the investment. )Cr Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway tes Superintendent of Jmniigratic.n Ottaw, Canada, or to Canadian |pJu^'nPuN I Government Agent. jsj J.M M3ctoch!an,Drowcrtb7. Walertown, S. D. private letter ila'ed chihuahua Mr. 2H, received hen* noon, slates that. Luis Terrazas, Jr., will be executed late today unless lie delivers tile equivalent of $2.",u,ui)o in sold to General Villa. Itumors are that an attempt to rescue l.iiu will be marie. Torreon i^lit Still On. Juarez, Mex. Roseate rumors, 'official" reports of the onward sweep of General Villa and his victorious rebels have kept Juan'z in a slate ol gratified excitement, but this optim ism was dashed somewhat by the re ceipt of an Associated Press dispatch from Chihuahua quoting an official dispatch which said that lighting still continues at Gome/. I'alacio. It was announced officially in the course of the forenoon that Gomez I'alacio. three miles from Torreon, was taken last night at 9 o'clock and that Villa had ordered supplies sent direct to that city. Next came word that General l!e liavides had captured two federal euartels in Torreon itself. General Cliao. military governor of the state of Chihuahua who is now here, re ceived a private report that I ho fed eral commander at Torreon had sur rendered Chao but accepted the re port Willi reserve and telegraphed Villa asking for a confirmation or denial. After two hours he received no reply. That the rebels under General Vil la are sweeping resistles-sly onward after their victory at Gomez I'alacio, and that they will be fighting today in the very streets of Torreon, the great objective point of the cam paign, was indicated in a telegram received hero. A message from an officer on the staff of General Benavides, to his brother here stated that llenavides had taken two euartels, or barracks, in Torreon. JUDGESHIP RACE CLOSE Jl lGK .IOXKS AXi) K. K. WAGXKli |A|{K lU .XXIXG XKCIv .VXD .XKClv IX SKCOXI). Sioux Falls, S. D. At noon today it was impossible to determine the outcome of the primary contest for nomination for judge of the Second judicial circuit. All that could be said at this hour ta that Judge Jones, the present incumbent and 15. K. Wagner, former United States district attorney are running very close. The city was carried by Judge .Tones by l!ll0 votes. All the returns in up to this hour give Jones a lead of about it'll votes. The country districts are claimed by Wagner. However, the outcome is so uncertain that nearly a complete re port from all the precincts in the district will be necessary to deter mine definitely the outcome. DESTROYS SLEEP 17 MAW MITC.'IOI.I. I'KOI'l.K TKSTI I TO THIS. You can't sleep at night With and pains of a bad back- When you have to get up from uri nary troubles. If the kidneys are at fault Se_ the in working aright Doan's Kidney Pills. Here is Mitchell proof of their merit. N. Schneider, farmer. It. F. 1). No. 4, eight miles west of Mitchell, S. D., says: "1 think my work weakened my kidneys. Sometimes my back pained me so much that I had to give up. The (cidney secretions were profuse and I had to get up often at night. was told that Doan's Kidney Pill: were good for these troubles and be gan using them. Sinse I used Doan'i Kidney Pills, I have had a better ap petite, have slept well and am free from all ailments. I strongly advise anyone who has kidney trouble to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial." Price 50c, at all dealers. Den's simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Schneider had. Foster-Mllburn Co., l'rops.. Buffalo, N. Y. Jjf. .—o MARRIAGE RIGHT, ASSERTS AUTHOR IDA TAi:iil-:iX AI.MOST 1I1NTS THAT SHE IS SOUKY THAT SHi: IS A Sl'IXSTKK. New York City.—Miss Ida Tarbell difln't exactly say yesterday that she was sorry she had never married, but she—well, this was the way of it: Miss Turboll's subject was "The Business of IJeing a 'Woman," the title of her recent book. The meeting was under the auspices of the New York Association Opposed to Woman Sulirage. Although Miss Tarbell has tA I ato, Texag. —An authoritative never said she was an ami, she in- jf 4 •, .M... timated that marriage was a woman's sphere. "Of the unmarried women in this country 20 ner cent of the popula on a it is a a ried," she said. "1 am discussing tile thing in a practical way and -so speak *177 "ul I Mtiinhi 1 it a .Miss Tarbell said that it was en-' eouraging that SO per cent of the, women had married and she was not worried because there are divorces.' Divorces, she considered, were a good, symptom showing a higher ideal in marriage. She regretted that so many married wonien were in the. "unskilled labor er" class. Men, she said, had to be somewhat skilled lest they could not hold their jobs, ami the wages of these skilled laborers were expend ed by persons in t,liu unskilled labor er class, ilieir wives. The next regular meeting of ih state pharmacy board will be held at Brookings on April 22 and 23. when candidates for registration will be examined, according to informa tion furnished The Republican bv K. ('. Bent, of Dell Kapids, s''creiar\ ot the board. MINTS BY MA\ Girl's Dress with Vest, JO to 14 years. WITH FOUR-PIECE SKIRT, ELBOW LONG SLHEVKS. Every costume that (jives the boler suggestion is tashionablc for spring. IIc-i is a girl's frock fba't'is as' pretty as c.ifi' yet perfectly simple. The blouse portio is cut away to reveal the tinder portia that gives the effect of a waistcoat. Th Sleeves that are joined at the droopin liiie mean kimono cffcct. The skirt just a simple four-piece one laid in plait and the plaits, while they take straigh lines, mean trredom for all the activ. ties that girls love. Fabrics this scaso ere unusually beautiful and unusuall Varied and there are many that are af (iropriate for this model, but nothir, Could be prettier than the wool cref illustrated with waistcoat and trimmin td charmeuse satin. Later, howcvci Washable materials can be made in th! Jyay with perfect succcss. For the 12 year size, the dress wi' Inquire 4M yds. of material 27, 3 yds. 3 44 in. wide, with I yd. 27 in. wid vest, collar and cutis or 1J4 yds. is made of trimming material. 1 I til The pattern 8177 is cut in sizes fc jflrls from 10 to 14 years of age. it \vJ be mailed to any address by theFashio Department of this paper, on receipt ten cents. t? KK Eggs, Cream, Produce: arc almost considered by-products on the farm 44 -"-and yet. many women have snug bank ras counts with us as a result of banking a cei lain amount from sales ol these nccess lties. -Oil J#- All money deposited in the form of a Sav i"gs Account earns 4 per cent interest. Snv Ki.i ings accounts may be opened with any amount. or more. First Trust & Savings Bank Affiliated with llie First National Bank Combiner! Resources. $930,000.00 The Man Who Cannot Afford to Lose should take no chances with his money, Keep your savings in the Commercial and Savings Bank at 4 per cent compound interest until you are sure you have a better use for them. That will »not be very soon if you consider saiety and lack of worry worth anything to you. Commercial and Take Notice, Only $20.95 Elgin 21 Jewels Railroad Watcli in 20 year Gold Filled case Only $11.5d, Elgin 15 jewels Thin Model in 20 year Gold tilled Case. Elgin 7 jewels, I hin Model in 20 year Gold rilled Case. Large assortment of all grades at inviting prices si:i-: oih wimiow LEARNING TO SHOOT IN ULSTER. TI-RtfMG TEOM CCA fS MOUND Ji Field Marshal Sir John French is in Dublin to inves \v• c," !„ij" King George is constantly consulting Colonel Swie.i. linitsli ScV: 4.,' Kituatioo in Ulster. Want and Appreciate Your rade SCALLIN BROS. CO. ,sts Eyes Examined Free. Jewelers, Booksellers, Opticians SIR. JOHN TBEMCH GE.NEUAU GENtERAl. tlEUTENAWT COLONE.L J. E.. "& SEELY Wholesale resignations of the officers of noted Irish regiments, »i:d even a reported mutiny of some of tho UC»)S when ordered to Ulster to suppress the impei:«i:n iv •..-«:-Somvt: agaiust home rulo-sLowed the British government the danger of a .crisis in the ariu.v. Armed police are lifting scut from Dublin into 1'lster hki'. iui.:-.-i ic The "Ulster Yclunteers" are ready to mobilize at a uiuiuei.i\ nusice. POOlDGSS. commander-in-chief in Ireland, is directing the disposition of tlM troops to preserre order. rr*V #4 f. ac- 1 Th6 Rexall store •"lis 11 ,* ofn-'ors. Slate for .War, concerning the critical jwstwl about Belfast. .lough Sir lidward Carson is advising •i