Newspaper Page Text
I .1 i' 4 -w. 1 1 \V LOCJSL HOTES From Friday's Daily— .1 vg\'» Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Beckwitli and children arrived Wednesday even ing from their home at Fargo, N. D., to spend Thanksgiving at Hie home of his father, Louis Beckw.ith. M. K. Rowley came up.from Sioux City Wednesday and spent yesterday at the home of his parents-. Mr. .uid Mrs. Geo. M. Rowley. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hallidny, of Iroquois, S. D., were. Thanksgiving guests at the B. B. Dean home, vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Dean. Miss Grace Davis, principal of the high school at Hawarden, la., is visiting at the home of her Darents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis. T. C. Burns, William Victor, (. E. Reeves and William Victor liav£ been summoned to_ the federal court at Aberdeen, which convenes next Tuesday. They will leave for Aber deen Monday. Iroquois Chief: Wesleyan univer sity of Mitchell defeated -Huron col lege last Friday on the gridiron by a score of 10 to 0. The football sen son closes today, at which time the prediction is made that Brookings will defeat Mitchell and carry off the state championship. W. A. Branch has gone to Agar, S. D., where he afient Thanksgiving with his son, Elrie Branch. He also will visit his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Baldwin, at Faulkton, and then at tend the term of federal court at Aberdeen, where he has been sum moned as a juror. The members of the Parker ""hi eh school football team were spectators at the Wesleyan-State game yester day afternoon. In the forenoon Parker defeated Alexandria high by the score of 19 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. H."C. Kingsbury, of Hartford, S. D., were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mrs. Kings 'bjiry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Morris. 4- Frank Jensen came down with, the State college students from Brook ings yesterday and spent Thanksgiv with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Nels -Jensen. Ralph Johnston, son of Mr. and Mwh-^E^ S. Johnston, of Rapid City, was a former Mitchell boy with (he Brookings students at the game. Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Bobb and chil dren, Mrs. J. J. Haynes, Miss Anna Haynes, Mrs. E. J. Haynes and Har old Haynes, A. E. Dean and Miss Mildred Goodlad were guests at the B. O. McEwen home -in Mt. Vernon yesterday, attending a Thanksgiving reunion of the Haynes family at which twenty were present. Fred R. Smith and Warren" Smith, '.of Platte, Rev. and Mrs. Samuel W. •Marble, of Hitchcock, George Rob ertson and dlaude Smith, or Conde, Ralph Wendellsin, of Sioux Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kingsbury, or Hartford, were among the alumni and former students of Dakota Wes leyan from South' Dakota points who .attended the Wesleyan-State foot ball game yesterday. Miss Hilda Hansen spent Thanks giving with friends at Viborg, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Vvyant will leave this evening for Omaiip., Neb., where the have been called by the illness of Mr. Wyant'-s sister, Mrs. Henry Aistrope. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pier and little son, Kenneth, spent yesterday at (he home of Mr. Pier's parents at Parker^ S. D. Mr. Pier returned from Parker last evening and Mrs. Vier this afternoon. J!r. and Mrs. George Halsby spent Thanksgiving at Parker, at the home of Mt. Halsey's parents, Miss Marie Ohlman, a guest of Miss Jeanette Smith for the past two days, returned this morning to her home in Yankton. Miss Hazel Mungler, of Ki'mball underwent an operation for appendi citis Wednesday. J. H. Hale, of Glastonbury, Conn., departed for home thfs morning, fol lowing a brief visit with his daughter Mrs. F. B. Barnett. Mr.'Hale, who is chairman of the Connecticut pub ,11c utilitlas commission, has been flllinfe several speaking engagements on the Pacific coast. "the three-year-pld daughter of John G. Smldt, of Parkstou, under went an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hosnital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrc. Roy Woodwan, of Inn-wood, la., came up to spend Thanksgiving with relatives in Mit chell. Mrs. Woodman. will remain for a more extended visit. Mrs. W. C. Lindley, oT Kimball, was operated St. Joseph's hospital on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Dowdell and children, of Woonsocket, were Thanksgiving guests ot Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Grundland. Mi1 Dowdeir is the newly elected treasurer of San ,borp cottnty. Mrs. Anna E.~ Christiansori was given a decree of divorce from jU fred A. Christianson by Judge Frank B. Smith on Wednesday evening. Cruel and inhuman treatment were the grounds given for the decree. The couple were married-in Mitchell on April 1, 1912.' Mrs. S. F. Stewart, of .Minneapolis, is 'a guest at the baptist parsonage She addressed an interested group of women at the Baptist churcn Wed nesday afternoon. She leaves for Aberdeen^ and other points north and east in the ^tate Saturday afterr noon. She represents home and for eign mission work of the Baptist wo men's societies. W. T. March, manage of The •Newburys, has announced the open ing of a down-town store tomorrow ^afternoon. The store will be open ed in the Lakota. occupying the north half of the building for a space of 30 feet back. For the first time in the twenty years that The New burys have been in business in Mit cheil a down-town store will be ufeed. Cut flowers and baskets of flowers be s/mmmmi as fourth man in the singles events at the Mid-West bowling tourna ment at Sioux Falls.' The' Corn fcal* ace team was forced out of the ten leaders in the five men list. Capt. Earl B. Rowley, of Com pany F, has received a supply of ty phoid vaccine from the adjutant geenral and next Friday evening, De cember 4, has been set as the date for vaccinating the local national guardsmen. The vaccination :b not compulsory although 45 have signi ned their willingness to receive the treatment. Drill will be held in the armory this evening. From Saturday's Daily— Row and Mrs. Samuel Marble re turned yesterday afternoon to their bome at Hitchcock S. D., after spend in? Thanksgiving in Mitchell at the J. W. Davey home. Martin 'Shale, Dakota Wesleyan '13 is the coach of the high school team holding the state champion ship. By her 13 to 6 victor/ over Brookings high on Thanksgiving day, Pierre apparently has clear title to the honor. Bev. E. B. Mounpey, of Chamber lain, arrived this afternoon and wili preach at Si Mary's Episcopal church tomorrow morning and at the chor al vesper service at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Mt. Vernon News: Aleck Larson and family moved to Mitchell last Monday, where they will make their home for awhile. W. A. Wheeler has gone "to Ben son, Minn., wh^re he will speak be fore the West Central Development association of Minnesota. The or ganization is holding a thvsc-day session this week in the interest of the farmers and business men of that section. Miss Marie Brattrud, of Woonsock et, and Mrs. George McCullough, of Salem, are recovering at St. Joseph's hospital from recent operations. The county judges of South Dako ta will convene at the court hoiwe in Mitchell at 11 o'clock on the morn ing of Tuesday, December 8, accord ing to word received this morning by Judge O. C. Thompson from Judge J. A. Copeland, of Vermillion. This is the first time the date for the gathering of the judges has been definitely set. The purpoes of the meeting will be to talk over propos ed revision of the state probate laws, for submission to the legislature this winter. The meeting was called by Judge Copeland. Mrs. Herman Schultz, of Mitchell, was operated upon this morning at St. Joseph's hospital for acute ap pendicitis. Fifteen members of the committee of rural school teachers met at the court house this afternoon to ar range the schedule of prizes for the coming annual industrial .contest ofy the schools, which will bo -held in Mitchell the first week in March. Miss Lilly Patterson, county super intendent of schools, presided over the meeting. A new schedule of service for Mil- waultue trains running east and west out of Mitchell will go into ef-1 ter a- short visit feet tomorrow, as announced in The friends. Republican .a week ago. Train No. 8,' frorii the west' in -the morning, will arrive in Mitchell at. 8:50 o'clock and leave at 9 o'clock, a change or 20 minutes earlier. No 4, the train go ing east at night, will leave a*t 11:25 o'clock. The sleeper will be picked up daily at Mason City, la., except on Saturday. No. 3, the evening train from the east, will arrive at 12:25, the same time as at present, and will not .leave until 6:05 o'clock the next morning. This train now leaves, at 1.10 o'clock in the morning, a dif ference of five hours in the time of departure going west. No. 99, the way freight west, will hereafter leave at 8:50 o'clock in the morning, in stead of 7:50 o'clock. F. A. James, Fred Reuterstrom, R. E. Underhlll, Mark Harris and John Kurvink last evening were named as members of the committee of Mod ern Woodmen to have in charge th« ftee motion picture entertainment to be given at the Maynard theater on December 14'. At last evening's meeting the members contributed $7 for the case of Charles Babb, of Ken nebec, S. D., the member who has Jteen receiving treatment at St. Jos eph's hospital and lost his leg from gangrene. The head camp has is sued an appeal for aid for the unfor tunate man. Mr. and Mrs. Fraak Robertson, of Minneapolis, spent me day at the A. L. Cobb home, 519 South Wiscon sin street. M*. and Mrg.' C. W. Eeekly and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heimstra return ed this morning from Clark, S. D., where they spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. Leekly's sister, nMts, Brook. AUSS "7, Beesie Cobb returned to Ar mour, S. D., where she is teaching school, after spending the Thanks giving vacatfon at thq home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cobb. The girls df the senior class in Mitchell high ricliool last evening en tertained the members of the faculty and the senior boys in honor of the footba|l team. The affair was held in the high school gymnasium, which was decorated for the occUsion in purple and white, the hight school colors, and purple and gold, the sen ior colors. Refreshments were served and the time very enjoyably spent in gaiges and other amusements. F. W. Gerhard and H. T./Gerhard, of Redfield and S. E. Morris, of Mit chell, have acquired an Interest in the Farmers' & Citizens' State bank at Pla'nkinton. J. EJ, Morris, recently .elected state senator in Aurm-a cougty, will devote his 'time to the fire insurance bu^li^ess. T. 3v Morgans arrived home this .morning from-the Blaclf Hills, where he h^s been for the past week in the .interest of the state Panama-Pacific .exposition commission. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, of Harjcey, N. D., and their two child ren, Misses' Laura #ad Helen Fergu son, are visiting' at the eGorge Fergu son home. The two young women are teachers 6f music in the State col- vafg And DftSKCi© or iio»ctb iniDB'yptti Oarimr lO'Uamj, the concern. Funeral displays w-i)lj, j_ made /, a. o» will be featured in the displays. The D., this afternoon to spen Sunday at quest for «00 wortti of the' stamps'l^^^JSu^M^ilatned store will be used as the.oBice of home. was sent in by the bank, but the Froni Monday's Daily— Three fast bowling matches are on'the bill atth«Scharnweber al leys this afternoon and evening. At 2:30 o'clock, this afternoon, the Planklnton quintette and a picked Mitchell team engaged. At 7 o'clock this evening, Tripp and Mitchell will bowl and at 9 o'clock Planklnton and Tripp will be matched. Admis sion is free to all these matches. Misses Ruth Gregory, Eva Greg ory, Blanche Avery, of Alexandria, Margaret Skinner and Helen Gross, of Brookings, were guests yesterdav at the W. S. Hill home. Miss Ruth Gregory is a teacher in the Mt. Vernon schools and Miss Gross is a student at Dakota Wesleyan. Joe Hill returned yesterday to Brookings, where lie is a student in the State college, after spending Thanksgiving at the home of his father, W. S. Hill. He came down Thursday morning with the Brook ings contingent to the football game with Wesleyan. Wessington Springs Republican: J. M. Burchfield's sale held on Tues day, wgs attended by about 400 peo ple, the sale being a big success. Live stock sold at a good figure and Mr. Burchfield's home quarter brought $47.75 an acre, W. T..Mc-, Connell of this city being the pur chaser. The other quarter which was not improved, was purchased by Mr. Villbrandt, a neighbor^ for $36 an acre. Judge Bros. of Mitchell were the auctioneers who are as good as can be found i^ the state. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Beckwitli and two children departed last evening for their home in Fargo, N. D., after spending Thanksgiving in Mitchell at the home of Mr. Beckwith's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beckwitli. Claude Zoodsma and Miss Myrtle Pope returned this morning from Ashton, S. D., where they have been visiting. .. Mrs. Laura Kjelmyr returned Sat urday from Huron, where she spent Thanksgiving with Harry Kjelmyr, a former' Mitchell boy. H. B. Anderson, state auditor, re turned this afternoon to Pierre. .JVIr. Anderson will complete his four years of service at Pierre in another month and then will return to Mit chell to live. The coming winter Mr. Anedrson expects to take things easy, as he has not had a vacation for the past 16 years. His family moved back to Mitchell early in the fall, that the children might attend school. Miss Cora Sletten returned Sunday from DeSmet, S. D., where she spent Thanksgiving with relatives. Mrs. Martin G. Wider, wild has been a guest since Thanksgiving at the R. E. Cone home in Huron, to morrow will address the women's clubs of that city on the subject of eugenics.' J. Lewellyn Morgan, who has been on a claim in Montana for the past three years, has returned to Mitchell to make it his home. Mr. and. Mrs. George Sheeks re turned to their home in Huron, af with Mltcnell Mrs. W. I-I. Swezey, of Alexandria, spent Sunday in Mitchell with her daughter. Miss Myrtle Swezey. Charles Wharton, who lias been in a bank at Orient, fa. p., for the past six months, arrived in Mitchell this morning and will resume his studies in Dakota Wesleyan. Ladies' black cloth top gaiter' boots.—Blynn Shoe Co. Miss Delma Wilder left last eve ning to resums her duties as a teach er in the public schools at Hecla, S. D., after spenc:ng a few day's va cation at home. The executive committee of the Associated Charities will meet tomor row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Myrtle Tipton- returned to Mt. Vernon this morning and will re sume her duties in the schools near there, after spending the Thanksgiv ing vacation at her home here. Miss Mary McDonald, of Mitchell, and Chalmers N. Mendenhall", of Polk City, la., were married last Wednes day at Des Moines, la., by Rev. Mon seigneur Flavin, pastor of St, Am brose cathedral. After a short wed ding trip they will be at home at Highland Park, Des Moines. Miss Vera Brown.VpupU of Miss Dora Butler, will give a pjano recit al, assisted by Mrs. W. G. Brackett, on Thursday evening at S o'clock at the studio, 207 North Main street. Mrs. II. R. Drumj 609 East Second avenue, will entertain Band No. 6, of the Catholic Ladies' Altar society, on Wednesday afternoon. AH mem bers of the bhnd are .cordially in vited. Miss Erma Dunkin, of Ravenna, Neb,, and Miss Winjired Grace re turned to Spencer, where they teach in' the schools, after spending Thanksgiving at the James A. Grace home. Beginning with the mid-week service in I Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the regular service at the Presbyterian church will be resum ed. Plans are being made to intro duce some new and helpful features into the services of the midweek meeting and many shonld attend. An nouncements were recently made and plans are well' under way for the purchase of a complete set Of. new music for both, congregational and choir together with book racks and hymn board. Recently the pipe or gan was put in good, repair by ex perts from Minneapolis and these, improvements will add to all the services of the Church materially. Merton Smith, the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith, of Alexandria, shot himself iu^the leg with a 22 caliber rifle while shooting with some wound is n«4t regarded as serious. lege at Brookings. worm was received oy me Mitcnen ,V„* ..hii^ron had^fcean nnend Miss .Opal Barber -went to Lane, S.|National- bank' this morning. A re-'*^ —-j- —j there and all, shipping from J'Df ./he office of:the Central National that only a small-number could be" a .buslneSs trip to Marshall, Minn, out of the city. Life Insurance company in Mitchell sent from the-office of the internal "The vacancy occasioned^ by his ab H. G. Scharnwebef is still ranking for the past year, will leave this revenue collector in Aberdeen, James sence- will'be filled by P. R. Marshall. v",. aaS.' -l,. _v _, •H S r- 1 u. -.*4' h. -i 'J Coffey. Halt of the supply of stamps was exhausted before noon. 'i 'ifSb From Tuesday's Dally. Miss Hfilene Bassett, who has been a guest^of Miss Lois Anderson for several days, returned 'yesterday af ternoon to her home in, Aberdeen. .... Sioux Falls Argus-.Leadcr: Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Townsan of Mitchell were the Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vand^rcook. Mrs. Townsan will remain in the city for a brief visit with friends while her husband is absent on a trip into Kan sas E. E. Wagner of Sioux Falls, was in Mitchell yesterday ob Miss Flora Vermilyea returned last evening ffom a visit of six weeks with' relatives in Minnesota and in Mason City, la. hoy friends yesterday afternoon. Thej The lad is 12 years old and is the ^ars and articles of jewelry were grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Betts, Mrs. fit. J. Coxe will entertain the W. C. T. U. tomorrow afternoon. The subject will be the laws df South Da kota relating to the mother and the child. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.' Jesse Grim nell, three miles northeast of Mitchell 'or. Tuesday, December l,,a daughter. finished in Hr G. Scharnweber eighth place among the singles bowl- era in the Mid-West -tourney in Sioux City. Four Sioux City stars rolled" in the big tournament on Sunday and sent many of- the leadin'g. bowlers close to the bottom in the first ten. John Kingsberg, auditor of San born county, and J. H. 'Hobart, of Woonsocket, were Mitchell visitors today.. A/six-foot section to the concrete waft at the new'reservoir tat the city waterworks was poured "on Sunday night' and Monday by the contractors, Ward & Weighton of SlouX City. With favorable Weather, it is "expect ed that tne walls will be 'flftished this .week. The new federal revenue stamps, which are required for use after to morrow, proved to be in great de mand when a _• consignment of $7«- their' use" It'was claimed worth was received By the Mitchell _,_nv children had^been soend- I iN&lion&l- u&nK i.Iil» 'niOrniItg* A rtk-i- mnnAv nn thft hnAt'iia de Miller, who has had charge mand foijj.the stamps was so great! .^ A. Roium left last, evening on Construction work on: the old Gale Punch .boards, by which candy, given to persons winning certain lucky, numbers, are undjt the ban in Mitchell- acting under orders of City Attorney Lauritz Miller, Chief of Police Wood Smith had notified a dozen, scores using t6© boards to tbelr, parents .compiau^wi. -1 -'',r I Vf -f legal busi ness. Mrs. S. H. Scallin and her ritster, Mrs. Frank Wickersham, of North Yakima, Wash., left this morning for Rochester, Minn., w)iere Mrs. Wickersham. will receive' treatment. Aberdeen News: Miss Jessie Mae Witzel spent Sunday at Mellette with Miss Ivie Waterbury, a schoolmate at Dakota wesleyan at Mitchell. Miss Elsie Jjories, who has been visiting over Thanksgiving at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Jones, returned last evening to Aberdeen, where she holds a re sponsible position in the office of the Northern Casualty cdmpaUy. Miss Mabel Spry, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spry, 622 South Duff street, waa married at Sioux Falls on Monday. November 23 to Russell Armstrong, of that city. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Frank Fox, pastor of the First Con gregational church. It was decided to keep the news of the event a secret and Miss Spry returned t® Mitchell in Monday evening and re sumed her duties in the office of the Tufner Creamery company, without the members of the force being aware of the marriage. Last Satur day everimg Mr. Armstrong -came over from Sioux Falls to claim his bride and. last evening they went to Sioux Falls. Mr. Armstrong is an engineer and was with the 'G. H. Atkinson company, of Watertowh, which laid the concrete paving in Mitchell^ a and The good luck days last all the week. You can have your share I of good' luck by trading at The canvass of the "!city for the tickets to the opening benefit perfor mance in the rebuilt Gale theater will be pushed for the next'two days, ££XrUng Mrs. A. G. Berquist will entertain the Ladies' Aid Society-, of the Swed ish Lutheran church tomorrow af ternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at her home 911 East Second avenue. Members and friends of the society are cor-v dially welcome. Jack Entwhistle, Miss Anna Ent Whistle and Earl Keitapfon have, re turned from New York city, wTiere Miss Ent-wrhistle landed last week after spending the summer and fall at her former home"In England. They visited- in Chicago and DesMoiaes on their way to Mitchell. T. C. Burns,, W. C. M«tcalf, Max Nobis and W. A. Branch wore among the federal court jurors who loft yesterday afternoon for, Aberdeen, where Judge Jamf-s T. Elliott, of Sioux Falls convened court this morning. Ed M. Clianey has arrrved- home from Clay City, 111., where he attend ed the funeral of his father, 'who passed away on November 22 oh the return trip, Mr. Chaney vslted rela tives in Rlnard and Flora, 111., and bh^aha, Neb. King EagKott, known' wherever motioi: -jvint'ireB flashed on screens, w»o -'fa in some of his grea OW8 teBt character acting In "Shad- 4 The Store of Good V^lues. *1 decision reached at a meeting of the committee ta chatgft lafet evening,^Several divisions of the committee had yet not attempted to canvas their territory. The commit teb will report its progress at the Commercial clrfb on Thursday even ing. The'contract for installing water mains about the city was practically finished today by Ward & Weighton, of Sioux City. In the past four weeks 5,780 feet of mains have been laid, following closely the line of sewers put in last summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Meyers returned yesterday from Omaha where they spent Thanksgiving. Mrs. F. MeyerB, Mr. Meyers', mother, accompanied them home and will remain for an extended visit. "5 Fi-om Wednesday's Daily Mr: and Mrs. W. W Reams de parted last evening tor Tama, la., where on Friday they will be pres ent at the golden wedding celebra tion of Mr. Ream?,- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roama. 1 Mr. and M'rrf. Robert W.ard will leave tomorrow evening for Sioux City, wljfjre they will visit a day be fore leaving for Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the winter. They will visit *3* several points on the Pacific coast before returning. hown at the Gale yesterday Baggott played nine iv)les in the play and acted th^ parts in a "thrill er" of the datectlve type. The 'Uni versal "kidcies" were seen In one of their .famous juvenile comedies, "A Sear Escape." Timely war pic tures were shown in the animated weekly. Elks from the towtiB surrounding Mitchell are expected to be in "the cit.- this evening for the bg meeting planned by the local lodge, A large class of candidates are to be Initiat ed. Following the ceremonies, luuch will' be served and a musicaT' pro gram: given by the double quai'tetts- Fred WedehaSfe and Charles'. A. Roddy, wil) attetid the fifth annual meeting of the Ha'rness and Saddlery Manufacturers of South Dakot-i, in seasion at Sioux Falls on- Tuei ida.y, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Mr! Roddy Wll speak- bevfore the convention' on Tuesday 'B. E. Barnard, C. L. Scott, F. E, Moses and C. W. Giles wjil att«rid the fifteenth' annual meeting of .the Retail Implement Dealers- asro cia tion. In session the same three da yp.. The Philathea aass of the First Baptist church ^111 hold its 'rGissu ar' -business meeting and social i. A he class room tomorrow evefiu *.-. TORPEDOED BUT KEPT HIS MONEY vscistbir ^nT'HKHrlAN WAS HEAD GtTNNER ON BRITISH WARSHIP HERMES. __ Frederick Arundel, head gunner on the British warship "Hermes," destroyed by a German submarine in the English channel on November 1, is an -uncle of C. H. Arundel 202 North Main street. His story of the affair was sent to Mr. Arundel recent ly by other relatives. Their letter follows: "Have you heard how Fred had .a sea bath on Saturday mprning last? He came up from Chatham on Sun day and told me all about It and jolly glad I was to see him looking so fat and well. You know he was on the Hermes and. they-hadi gone over to Dunkirk and Friday after coaling at Dover. "However, they started for Dover and when about a third of the way across bang went a torpedo Into their stern. This blew away the propellor and made a nasty gash. Fred! was below at the time but dressed. Time, S 0 a 25 minutes and was .very tired "when picked up, but still'had on his hat and his uniform. The officers gave them whiskey and change of vests and they were landed at Dover and sent on to Chatham. His mate was picked up by another destroyer and he did not see Kim until they reached Chatham. After congratulating each other, Fred handed him "his money. His mess mate nearly fainted!" 'I'' WILL HANDLE ON FRIDAY. •_ i'-v! i- a a •ProT.'- M,' SoiM^ Dakota's dairy" an# butter- DSAHBh making interests will be well repre- rvtr Aypp «tep vM»iitefis^:-' The dairymen, who will meet tigs year for their ninth annual session, Hirtetefrate chewer ot ^wuij,'iittCit will hear the address of weicome eVcie^fv-e usef of, ithii ilfltdAl from Mayor A. E. IJJtchcock, follo^r other' drugs MttCted ing the invocation by Rev. Hefity: uities/' Bjefo'fe-,IMS''jMM Snyder. Dr. 3,- K. Kutnewsky.-'of was die«s6ver®d he ^i Redfield, will make -the response. A, H. Halls, «f Garretsoh, president of?}:in \th"e: effofrtvtd the assodatiorir will deliver his an nual address .and A. P. Ryfeer, Brookings, will conclude tb« morn ing session with his report-as.'/sec retary "treasurer. On the afternoon progra State college at Am6s, E. H. Baldwin of Clark. J. G. Winkjer, Minnesota specialist for the federal dairy de partment. The dairy cattle exhibit will be held at the lion on Thursday afternoon Second district (fourteen counties)' —C. A. Lum, Aberdeen, chairman counties, Brown, McPherson,' Camp bell, Dewey, llardlng, Armstrong, Roberts, Edmunds, Wajworih, Cori son, Perkins, Marshall and Day. Third district (thirte'eii counties). O. L. Braneon, Mitchell, Chairman counties, Daviso^,. Br\ile, Lyman,' Mellette, Hansoif, bouglaSiBennett, Aurora, Buffalo, Tripp, TOdd, Hutchp inson and Washabau^h. •. Fourth district (six :counties)—: W. H. Stokes, of Watertown, chair man counties, Codington, Clark, Brookings, Grant?, Deuel and Hani' lin. •-'r Fifth district -inTe*: Sixth district (eight cpuntles)-r-J» W. Campbell, of Huron, chairman counties, Beadle, Sanbbr'lS, Spink" Jerauld, Miner, Kingsbury, Hand and Faulk. :-kr Seevnth district (eight tio^ptles) —W. 'E. Adams, Deadwood, chair man counties, Lawrence, Butte, Pennington, Sh'inhon, Fall River, WAshabaugh and -.Cntiter ma dp. the custpdianforthe-funds.sthef CT A TP DDCmCDC funds raised by dyterent eommuni- -x SI At ts PK»'» iI/LKJ^t0 })C forwarded ,pre:2idect not later t.hftni'j DAift£!ns»f Aitri wjrofeiAiAigsRS'! HERE WEDNESDAY Aj/B" jjUfcMtmtm, THURSDAY—BRKEDER8 ing made that the fiotti:'sd!purcht be Sooth Dakota-made iwt? a. farmer by wKljm fife ts a haystack-^ ot Whom h« ^.ad 'hfii a: rest on the j,./5 V®* ry cattle exhibit jCT state sale •piTiIai^ --3i#-' ternoon. The following committees will be in charge of* the local endB of tha conventions: Pavilion and paviliop .exhibits—" P.' A. Zdliman, J. M, Erlon, Martin Gleeson, F. R. Sand, EliaB Jones.£- City' hail and exhibits therein—'^ Dick Lewallen, P. H. Kelley, J. T. Morrow, George Conrad, H. L. L. E. Williams, Peter Barth, Q. HE Watson and Dick LeWallen. The Dutch lunch given by tho Comercial club .will be" handled by. T. J. Morgans, secretary'.: 4 BELGIAN REL|EF WORK ORGANIZED BY DISTRICTS Huron, S. D.—The committee ap pointed by Governor Byrne to take charge- of the-, Belgian relief work in South Dakota, consisting qf O. L. Branson of Mitchell, W. E. Adanui of Dead wood, The ship began to settle down at the stern, but maintained an even keel. There were two Jong -planlcs aboard used for seaplanes and these were got over the side for non-swlm niers, also some hundreds of empty, petfol tins, tied together in groups as lifebuoys. While-this was. going Oh Fred noticed tho destroyers putting out from Dover to tli'eir assistance. 'He was convinced that he was go ing ashore'in ovne piece and sudden ly thought his first duty would be to telegraph to Kate to let her know he was safe when he got ashore. All his money had been handed t.o a mess-mate^'who kept it in a. cash box down below. So off he goes to get it, gets a can opener and rips tlie cash box open. Bang another torpedo This, time it was much more serious and Fred went up on deck in record time. "The noise of escaping steam and general confusion .made it impossible to hear anyone speak. The destroy ers were getting nearer however, and as Fred did. not want to be in the water longer than he could help, he remained aboard. When he saw the foremost destroyer about 400 yards Millett of Fort Pierre, chairman .? away he rolled down his chin-straps counties, Hughes, Sujly, Stanley, Pol and plunged in. He was in the water tor an Hyde. G.jA. deen, J. w. rf Bran'( son. Music t}nd Program—F. J. Herrick 4'S 4 Lirtnof Aber Boice of Sioux Falls and W. H. Stokes of Aberdeen, met at Huron and organized the state into seven districts as follows: First district (twelve counties)—» J. W. Boice of SiotiXi Fails, chair* man countieB, Minnehaha, Lake, Clay, Turner, Bon Homme, McCook, Moody, Lincoln, Union, Yankton, Charles Mix and Gregory. yM m* CountieB)*- Is The committee alsb'issivjd-' a state ni^nt in which it. is apgg)B8ted that m1*1 I he su liscWptiphs- be. made ift: and :'thafc spiiie, baiik'-'Or^bJ^s-iftber-,, V... WW, eve I held in Mitchell this week. The state,} Dolattfl, S. D.—Michael Mafn&« U-% dairymen and buttermakers will con- traUecieht laborer who was aamtriiK vene at -the city hall auditorium, to- as the resnlt of setting .fire morrow morning for a tWo day# wrong haystack on a. session and the Holstein-Fresian ae- .jarm, has .been adJitdged-iQHW^n sociation will meet on Friday. ordered sent to the' slate KaAfeiqiI gM lrt 1