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I 1 s'vv'-'- 7% 1 5 V, 1 t. J. A -1 "DUi by THI, HIIXLE AR £\v I^rr.IEilS Yd) COiVlPiv, yf THE HEROld DEFENCE OF THE TOWN i)F 1 ^HEATLEy HERtStTLt VOLLWEK^, WE«E R16WT A swimininK'uml diving tournament is to be a feature at flic bif sportsmen's show, to lie .held at MaJisor. Square,Carden, ^e|^vf \oik, during the week of January 2 to 0, and ineludbs a list of the star performer*. •Src'i «f the taul^ as MeAIMnan, Wheat ley, N'erich, Ut hro!is. lieili.v, Downes, Ivnecht und olmcr have aire'idv nt i-i '.ben eritiy blunlws.' "Lhiuley" Itubnl, fonneil.v Amencaii swiinming champion and holder of all records fieri HJO yaidu uiile befcfio the od\ent of Daniels, will be 111 charge of the water sports. Ruber I is thoroughly familiar with the spovt,. wjiich lrtsuies an liitei-caiin^ programme or events. It will be the flrsr appcaranre of Arthur Alc lAleenan since early spting, when ho won tile national iow iKiard diving championship. Since then the NY A mem ber has been busy with his studies at Yale, but is now rounding into good form again aud will be a strong f«cter in itlie diving events at the tiardeu. SCOOP, THE CUB REPORTED Not the ROYAL GAMt PRESERVE A Wi OFF mb BRI9HK NICE 3\JSL BEAR. WE&T- Si:* ./»• 4.* 'K v*--? I 1 1 W JTJ IX til GrEE:-XfA HO^E^R, SH00TVST- V^HUTS "W' OF ON ME rn\'C56B OF QETTlNGr FRESH lb VfU'- •'ft ft,. .Jf± A stirring account of the terrible struggle around Dixwude for the possession of the village WHS given a fe'.v days ago by a correspondent of the London Times, who, by cuurte.i, •f tne French authorities, was allowed actually to visit the fighting lines in Flanders. His description of the splendid defence of Dixmude-in the face of overwhelming odds "by the ltrcloi parities under Admiral Iton.irc'h is here quoted:—"The defence of Dixmude wns undertaken by Admiral Itonarc'h, who had undei^ liis command seven thousand of those magnificent Itretoi aarines whose fame as a corps was firmly established in 1S70. For weeks I hey/held at bay no less than two German army corps. It would be difficult to decide where the heroism whicl uspired this epic defence originated, whether the commuuders inspired the men or the men their leaders. Down at'Dixmude the seven thousand marines of Admirai Krumre'h were fighting "ijrencbes up to their waists in water. They were in their elcmeent, as General Jof/re remarked, and they fought with the superb heroism of the seaman. One night, sifter day upon day in th i,jenches,,file tlermans, driving some half dozen prisoners before them, crept up to the French lines. Ilnman endura'nee has its limits. Suddenly one of the sleeping officers was awakened: 'Jiseerned the advancing mass tile weary sailors found the strength to fire: the attack was repulsed. I it the morning among the dead in front of the French trenches was found the body lie ruptured French sailor who. driven on by the Germans in front of their ait.T k. h'd m! the warning. Behind him there had evidently been a Genual! soldier instructed to kill liiij flioukl he utter a word of warning, for the French sailor had lied not llm: :g!i a liui .. ..i -i, :n the trenches in fr'ont, but from an assassin's thrust from behind." The scene picture* hove is from a drawing by l'nui Thinat, special artist for this newspaper, the Ni.-.v Vorl: I i: the London Sphere. The Incident Was drawn from a full description supplied hy a v-: t^sl 11 It •y I BY A SMALL BRETON FORCE. rf& HAMLIN COURT HOUSE PLANNED VOTERS T(» PASS UPON ilATTIjlll I WHICH WOlI.l) •HIITXIjE I COUNTY SKAT Ql'llS ?IQX, it, Hayti, S. n.—rThe county commis sioners ol Hamlin countv have au thorized the calling ol a special elec tion, to bo held January 2G next, when tiie proposition ot voting bonds erection ot a permanent countv court house and jail will be submitted to" the voters. It is expected thai. $U0, 000 wiill be ample for the purposes stated, and this amount of bonds win ue voted upon. At the general election in Novem ber Hayti captured the county seat* troni Ca.stllewood, after the county seat had been a bone ot contention between various aspiring towns lor a. period o[ about, thirty years, and this movement to have a permanent, courthouse erected is preliminary to the county seat location ueing settled for all time to come, as it would be difficult to a^ain move the countv seat alter a costly county building is erected. Rfal I .nails arirJ Insurance A. B. HAGER A largo list of Farm and City Prop erty of Hi0 choicest selections. Easy Terms Modern: Method A CrUN 15 A ANTIQUE: FOR. -5HOOTlN'££6\tfSW ODERH WARFARE! IN' '"it- FROM THE MHEgIL FOOD ECONOMY ON IN GERMANY IMPKRIAli GOV 10ItN'.MK\T VROK8 CITIZK.NS TO |JK CARKl^l Ol'1 VICTUALS. Coperihagen—(Correspondence of the Associated Press).—An official edict being distributed throughout] Germany urges the necessity lor ec onomy in food, and gives the follow-i ln?,w,sVUCl'CWo lo lor the purchase ot ground and the ,,«? potatoes in tluir bkins. Give animals no bread or corn, but save them the scraps B0U8®*I°S* Respect your daily brbad then you will always havo it, no matter lio.v long the war las:s Eat. war-tread, l:no\v letter 'K it :s as satisfaetor nourisiiing as other kind SALESMEN CHEW AT PENCIL ENDS UHOOMi: ESSAYISTS 15 THE THOlHAM, COMPETING KOR STi DliilARKU PRIZES. 1 le [tubh L.UCUCS ana saays ln a eompoUUon for Bears Scores: Gray Ducks: ,..hich The contest already embraces more than 1,00 0 men, with excellent pros pects cf three times as many en trants before the lists close and the work of the judges is begun. WHUr 25c at.your Druggist. OPPOSES MORE BOARD STOP OV Detroit, Mich.-—From Maine to Pierre, S. D.—In tho report of th California, and from the prairies of state board of charities and correc I KoHh Dakota to the sunny- savan- tions, the securing of a penitentiary r.ahs of Flouda, men are gnawing at farm on which honor convicts are al- of their pencils and writing lowed to get out of door employment is ex is coramBnded ivs one pectod to develop more hard facts cial features of that institution. -The in scientific salesmanship than have report also recomends that at the been recorded by all the cumulative close of the presen contract with olToits ol ten seasons automobile the Sterling Manufacturing company merchandising "How to feoL a StuUebakor* is tl»o nlargcd to meet tho needs of the subject a&signrd the essay.5,l* v. ho men who have been employed in the aio all memot-r.-j ol the Held lorcc of ahirt factory. The average annual tlie Studebaker corporation of Amor-! output of the twin© factory*is given ica. at three million pounds, with the The event ia a sweepstakes, as far state using annually fifteen million as the cash prizes are cor.oerncd, pounds,'giving the factory plenty Of with a special division and prize for opportunity for expansion. baker reputation as a veteran manu- fact urer, the obvious beauty of the themselves, their records for durability, the full floating roar axle with which they are ail equip ped—these and, perhaps four hundred others: some of our sales men maintain there aro as many as 472. "But just such elements are the ones that really count most wo do not know wjo can only gpesat "The competition is our effort to llnd out. It will serve not only to establish definite standards, tested and found successful by hundreds and thousands of salesmen but. may also give us a definite line of ap proach, applicable to the general run ol' prospective buyers. It should al ro enable our salesmen to avoid much loss of valuable time—their oftn time and that of the buyers." The essays will be judged by Vice Presidents Benson and Haslet, and Advertising Manager Willtnan of the Studebaker organization, assisted by W. Robbins of the Wagner Electric company and E. A. Walton of the Burroughs Adding Machine company. Winning productions will be publish ed in "The Studebaker Salesman." BOWLING In a special match, Weber's Colts, with a •35-pin handicap on each game, won two out .of three games and by total pins from the Moose quintette. In the "Duck" league, the Spoon. Billg took two out pf three from the Gray Ducks. The Blue Bills •\and Canvas Backs will meet tonight. rtuth 124 1S1 167 472 Darling i,- 1G3 IIS 189 470 ^Miclieia 154 213 188 555 each of the Studebaker branchus au.l The indeterminate sentence act is' Oistributing districts. It is. of courso commended as one of benefit to the.', open only 10 members of the organ- state and of the prisoners at the pen-, ization. Every state and virtually itentiary, but the recommendation is every trading center in the country that it be carried further, and that is represented with from one to sev- all fixed sentences be done away with.,' oral score of contestants. except in cases of murder or treason, The contest is t'ne idea of Sales an dthat when a prisoner is sent to Manager 1-. J. Oilier, of the Stiule- the penitentiary a record of his trial baker organization, who explains his wjth purpose in :i thoroughly logical way. judge, the prosecuting attorney, the "Something sells the Studebaker attorney fo rthe defense, and the jur oni," declares Mr. Oilier. "That ors something is probably a combination i, witnesses sworn at the trial. This! of various merits such as the Stude- with is 441 512 554 1507 Spoon Bills: Dingier 179 159 191 529 Rhodes 113 136 125 374 Sctaarnweber 181 225 168 574 473 520 484 1477 Moose: Branson PJ:'' 178 168 201 547 Boylo VJ 154 211 171 536 Scliarnweber 155 181 168 504 Young 182 170 202 554 Scliarnweber 184 182 155 521 853 912 897 2662 Webbets Colts II Patterson 197 173 185 555 Webber 173 155 •if. 3 48S Wells 193 108 170 531 Anderson 203 107 187. /Be? Slaughter 174 146 172 492 Han' .up 35 35 35 105 975 844 909 2728 THE LlVICii KKC.UIiATES THI BOl)V A SLUGGISH JilVEK \EEDS CARE. I Someone has said that people with Chronic Liver Complaint should be completing the new $35,000 storm I shut up away from humanity, for ^. -mental states depend upon physical *'le °»tlet for .the c'ty J"*' by the states. Biliousness, Headaches, Diz-' because ry and ziness and Constipation disappear af-, stream, a sewage disposal plMt was ter usiug Dr. King's New Life Pills. of the benefl- for the m&ulacture of shirla at the penitentiary, on the 10th day of March 1915, no renewal of the con tracts be made, nor that any other sUcli contract be signed with any com pany, but that the twine plant be DRAWN FOR THE REPUBLICAN BY HOP 4 the names of the presiding be attached, along with those of. all other possible information desired to be filed, the board hold- ing that "with all due respect to the courts of our state, we are thoroughly" convinced that, there are many men,, who have and are now serving time in ttye state penitentiary who are un justly punished by so doing. A great many of the people sent to the pen itentiary aro those who are non residents of the state or of the com munity in which the crime for which they are punished, was committed." The equipment for care of the boys and girls at the state training BChool is declared to be inefficient, and a request is made for an appropriation to provide equipment to give the boys and girls training which will help .them after they leave the insti tution. The report of the state parole of-, i.eer indicates that in his opinion the parents are to blame for many of the boys going to the stato training school, and step-fathers dnd mothers are included in his list o»f causes. He shows that from Jiine 21, 1913, to July 1, 1914, forty-five had been paroled from the penitentiary, of which three w.ere returned to the in stitution, and two had broken parole and are still at large. For the train ing school twenty had been paroled two had been returned to that In stitution, and one had broken fiaroFe and had not.- been located. MURDO A DIVISION. POINT ON MILWAUKEE Murdo, S. D.—The Chicago and Milwaukee railroad put its new time •ard into operation yesterday, rpak ng Murdo the division point. The -ain leaves Mitchell in the morn-4 ng takes dinner at Murdo and re urns to Mitchell that same day. A. combination leaves Rapid City thot ?ame day, being a combination train"? Vsslstant Supt. Anderson .was in' Murdo directing the change in sched lle of trains. The Farmers Institute under the supervision of Dr. Stoner of Brook ings Agricultural callege is being held along the Milwaukee line last week and this week. Two days ses sion is in progress at Murdo, with '.arge attendance at the afternoon and night meetings. H. E.'Dawes of Tulton, W. R. Woods of Custer and '5rof. Sutherland of the Eureka'. Experiment station and Mrs., Welch Highmore are the instructors and ilso act as judges of ej&ibtts made, ^arge charts are used which can easily be read' 100 ft. while.statistics from actual experiments makOB-the work interesting and instructive. INJUNCTION BROUGHT TO STOP STORM SEWER Aberdeen, S. D.—A number of property owners have secured a tem porary injunction from Judge Thom as L. Bouck of the state circuit court enjoingin the city of Aberdeen and tlle contractor, L. W. Schruth, from er Il°Jv bo they are pessimists and see through letting the sewer outlet in Moccasin a "glass darkly." Why? Because CHARITIES WOULD therefrom, which will prevent per CONTRACT WORK AT sons from residing on lands .near the THE PENITENTIARY. Moeca3in, woned by the pilalntlffs. con5^^VC* cfeok- iiELUZdHk' Moccasin creek was formerly of the lac bullt at a ^, 5 coft, of ?20°,0°0. Proper ty owners asking for tho injunction claim tho storm sewer emptying in- to the Moccasin will bring about con ditions which will damage their ClHIPT Alf IlMr* property, owing to "noxious, often 1 sjve an(j poisonous vapors, aud noi- some and offensive smells." arising 8 to bo dr«i(!ed« ailment*. Fever It Icttd& to Mriooi niimt'niii Indi|Mti,OBi HUcii Sick HeaditoliQ, Poisoned 8yat«m mmd a aooro ol oilier troable* follow* noo*t let Constipation lAr^. Rcop your Ridaoys» Liver aba Bowels hoaltbyand aotivo. Rid yoar lystoai of fermented* ga««y food*. Nothiajl better than Dr. King's NewLifePiils All Dru([fSists 25 cents SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK S"lE6rE 3*UN DISTANCE OF f\T LE^TITAIEWY, MILES» 1.^ VJ I1W- 5-Ni»'_BA_"ro mum, W'- I?" Vi -fe