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41 '%,^ cam A AdTOcO—saauts may bo or lint to ran until ordsred Mt. But adwrtfsemants ord •MA to specified num Mr of timoo Boat bo paid for. «neij» oawhui I^WAJWBD^-Oirt for hou |Mfc=W. 4th: Phone 3443. AttEMM WANUiO fXiitfi Tt •, ....... vv H! »£&>• IAMT ADS riii." j?..,*— don't see what you want, read III Republican Want Ads. VOB® (or «aoh (luMtrtioa in the Want Ad eolniniM of-Tb« Republican .• Special tat« by month of 78 onta VU line—A lino wiu '•Woolly contain six- wards. No adtsrtlssment taksa for tm tbaa 10 out*.' want a. live, re- blemsn to'handle South Dakota lation. Must bo willing to work liberal commission and to visit WiMliring julok. fltateablltty and fin I'ToapoiiaibUity.-^-Scientlftc Soil Co., Billings, Mont. Mzm. yw PDB KBIT' 1 1 fDpnH.. :in' inv iihw inn lorn lUmso —619 WooUSrd Bt an1 BNT—£it^t loom houso Jawiifc JtJpNT—burnished rooms. WfcWo'3767, ri »®f..<p></p>WN-Botob.yr-*- -Modern houSe.- 8««Tfwt zr?* NT—dRooms, board it do 'Bakson. REAL FORSALB •4? CENTRAL MINNESOTA' FARM for cent or. sale, -PoBSGRSioaiiAlarch lst.^-0, E. Browne. hl\ A to-'--" ...U- .... •FOR SALE—A bargain easy terras new house, 5 rooms and bath, oaik finish,^furnaco, .lights, full basement, 125 barrel cistern and garage, cor ner lot)/East 3rd avenue. Phone 3541 .. .... housework.- 7A&TED—Qlrl fit general bouse "bsr^MMmO' 8W3». :'1,'it1 il.r od live men at good iswees for advancement «t«*4y work. Apply at Singer Bewing |f*eyBO CO.., Mitchell. 8. D. EXCHANGE—For city property Equity one hundred sixty acres.— Address X22, care Republican, REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION—On the sealed bid plan. Bids opened at our office every Saturday at 1:30 p. in: Appraised prices are annexed as follows NE% 23-104-64@ $70 per acre NE% 21-105-73, $40 W NW%, 11-101-62, $701 E% NW %, ll-10i-62, $70 NW% NW%, 36 102-61 $70 NW%,NWi. 14-102-60 90 Stt SW. 20® $70 NMs, NW $44 Sft. 34-113-65, $35 618 1st ave. west $1400 404 4th Ave. west $4,000 619 Duff St. N. $5,900. No reservation made except right to reject any bids not u$ to prices nam ed. Terms Vi cash, & each year for three years at 6 per cent from Oct. 1st. Bid what you regard the prop worth, erty worth, whether below, at or Qh'y above prlcos named. Buy now, when cash is dear and property is cheap. All this land will b« $100 and over someday- Weller Land Co., Mitchell B. D. r.i storo roqms fae*. Kind.1 Alt3~S YOU GOING TO BUY LAND •~£§$o you should road the Farm Ifodorn on ancl Real Estato Journal. Its edi Aiso immo iisfliy furnish- tors lire authorities. They will keep ,.*M tyt^or tn^ee houses ypy informed on the possibilities in *ottt.-~-CoaiinercIal ond an sections of the country and will savb ytftt' money .and mistakes in u-i(Vj)niy publication of its Established 19 years. Send (todays AiIai/ ,n my is^fid room for rent, 1 Two furnished P^one 8479, 614 W. A now 10c for 4 months trial sub ,*• sfeMptlon or 25c for one year. It will ordered uuless you renew. Farm Real Jdurnali Box 2g Traer lo.'j'.sportly modern-—408 nvPhono 3788, Modem furnished ,t_8rd Boor First Phone 988| Hima ^°i(va Cor laud bargains see Bldwell. Bldwsll sells houses on payments. «nSCElJiA\EOC3 4- WANTOD—-One second hand gas ollno engine, ranging between 7 ,and 10 h. p.—Mueller Bros., White Lake 8. D. .... MAN with 6 years practical i,.4 f„vl! ihod, comf^table perienco wants work oh dairy or Bt0Ck uvwtuiwyro utnr farn^.—Address, L6, Republi- CaS'l'^rfx Itddorn bouse.—904 ii! i£m battt, Inquire l» HA1JI HA waurii ke. no 38S2. MAN-^Wanta work $1.00 por W (BALp-^—Victor phonograph is.^0J West 10th (»boae 'X Wyandotte flr and second-hand etrl^lliar^l tables, and accesBoriea 9« Of all kinds, easy p&y Brlinswick-Balke Col 42« 428, 430 Third jomi Mpolts, Minn. PR—DeUrer^d. it- z-r— LOST—'Hfit dozen napkins in room house, plain wrapping paper. Return to Re publican office. -Mrp. (ICEIiY fulHished modern rooms, Call Prtng water.' Phone Bfcsars Victor. fm abstracts toll coal fcase btrn* Phono *439i •~Ba' YQUNQ—Man with experience in Wholesale and retail business w.ants position. Can handle any line ot business. Good references given. Ad dress (G-6 care Republican. FOUND—^-Qentlem an watch Owner call at this office and prove property. LOST—Mesh bag between E. 2nd Ave. and hospital. Please leave at this office, j.-j. WANTED—Two or three modern furnished rooms for light house keeping-Feb. 1 or before. Give lo cation and price.. Address M3, care Republican. WANTEEf-—Job'On farm hy ex perienced young man. Address Y4 care Republican. WANTED—-A. rooitf for one man, prlvUepo ot'. prepattng Own break test. Prefers with bath room.— Address, H4, .care of Republican. WAN.TED—Family laundry work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices -are right.-—A. L. CumminB, 710 East 7 th. WANTED*—To buy, good sccond hand bicycle. Address C31,'Republi can. WANTED—Hay baling to do.—W, Kennedy, Riverside. FOUND-—Stray ca'lf 20Q^S. 'jgdmunds. —Tjrpowiit- •T^ t. Btteh auekinoa as derwood, Monarch. 9*tntngtoa and Smith «U| half prioo and rvMialilnc Company. Hartford. 8. D. vsmmmMrnt i4",SSp^Republican^JmL HCQPORC ROOSEV'EUT 6 *uys. than fioo large octavo (W art Ibia MITCHELL TEAM BOWLS STRONG LOSS #200 Pl ItSF, BY THIRTY PINH IN SPECIAL MATCH AT ABERDEEN. tl on farm, dress B-5 care Republican. ad- address. A ed at the close.. -Joe Meyer, ,1 Paperhanger. Phone .3335. Country work solicited BOARD—And Room. 4 (ft E. 3rd. HA^R—Switches 1 mads from JrtM own combings, $1.60, vfdffc guaranteed. Mrs. good Henry Zle^ler JL^t |^rl Soy^gy,vdbit.' Insurance. By a margin of 30 pins, Mitchell's bowlers lost the (special match at Aberdeen last evening to Ford's forces enterd the .city. team, of Aberdeen. A purse of $200 O tp the winning quintette attracted "i_MS one of the largest crowds that has ever .witnessed a match in Aberdeen.. A.' F. Scharnweber liyted up tp ^C his reputation as one of South Da-| kOtVs best bowlers by averaging 215 -ai good scores: The score ..flf the specijil match 'follows: Mitchell—' Branson 171 136 157 P. M. Young .. ..202 200 154 C. Boyle 186 183 164 A. F. Scharnw'r 202 247 195 II. G. Scharnw'r 213 198 168 Team total '. .2776 Ford's Team— O. L. Stroman. .-. eber. —Uaatog ,T. Shannon .... 177 168 20b O. L. Stroman. :.200 181 160 B. B. Ward 160 245 12b Otto Faul 199 236' 168 B. Bougliner .... 185 194 203 Team total 2806 In the single events of the Aber deen tourney, H. G. Scharnweber went, to the top of the list by rolling a total of 593 pins, making scores of 201, 212 and 180 pins, Paul Scharnwebers a total of ^,047 pins. In the five men events the Mitihell quintette rolled a total of 2,551 pins, winning fourth place in the tourney. The uneven approaches to the alleys in Aberdeen, caused by being worn, handicapped the Mit chell bowlers, who. were not accust omed to that condition. BOWLING In the "Duck" league last evening the Teal took two out of tlirio garates from the Red Heads. Roy Patter son rolled the high score ot 211 Pin8 and Will Spence the yigU aver age of 171 pinp A. F. Smith Nichols II PatterBon 166 142 143 482' 513 1447 "462 Tr=Orr WOdbiMENJiAVE BIG ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATE 82M BIRTHDAY WITH INITIATION OF CANDI DATES. The thirty-second anniversary o£ he founding of the Modern Wood men of America was celebrated in Mitchell Tuesday with the activities of the "Get-A-Member" campaign and the initiatory ceremonies of a class of candidates in the evening. Many new members were entllst ed as the result of an energetic cam paign, by the Woodmen of the city and a number of these initiated at the evening meeting,' which was held in the Baughman block. One of the features of the ceremonies was the drill by the forestry team under the command ot Lieut. Charles Jones, chief .forester. Following the ceremonies, A. L. Sher'fn, of Watertown, state's attor ney of Codington county and state lecturer of the order, delivered an "stag'/ 'i» taA 'lunch was serv- On Friday evening, Joe L. Loving er, past consuf, will have charge of the installation of officers. 43 SPIES WITH CANADA'S TROOPS CANADIAN ATTORNEY SAYS THIS NUMBER OK GERMANS "WAS FOUND AMONG THE ENLISTED MEN. New York City.—Charles Walter, an attorney of Toronto, Canada, an nounced today upon returning to New York from England, aboard the steamship, Minnehaha, that 43 German spies were arrested among the Canadian contingent of troops, which sailed to England last fall. Walter said he was largely Instru mental-in identifying the prisoners, and causing the arrests. All the menr he said, enlisted as Canadian troopB-. One of the 43, according to Walters, was killed by members of tho company in .which he had en listed when the charge was made tn nii.r* t)|at be. was^a German spy. The troopeirs sot i\pon this man and kill ed him before the .officers could, pre yent it, Waiter, .assorted.: The others were locked'.up, AN EPIDEMIC OF SMALLPOX YER* cnpu$ JflE^RTS BLACK JPORM OR JHSEAgE—CAR RANZA OLAIMS PUEBLA. iT VICTORY. Washington, D. C.—Black small pox has broken out at Vera Cruz and that tropical town is in the throes of an epidemic, American Consul Canada reported today to the, state department. .-lUTTr? rf.3 fimu i.see 'fliidwe)1 bii '"i'f—I.ij n'L. ri Bldwoll mis STAR WITNESS 1 pins in three games. His nearest I.. W AGNER SAA SHE Hrv«Sj-,LF opponent, U. Boughner, of Aberdeen, DOLIITED I3KOOKS KIIJJIU averted by 197 pltts. H. G. Beharn-. MENZIR. and Paul Young both' rolled 'v, 23 158 163 177 1 1H 154 1)9 472 459 4911 453 156 138 158 498 13' 156 187 R. Patterson Parcells Spence 401 211 135 167 A carload of dead and wounded from the battle of Puebla were r— brdught' in today. Canada's only D^cemfcfer, 191.4, was otaf-jpjT the information from Carranza sources six coldest months for that^eriod in the pa8t3$^yearB,- acc6™ft'g "tr6r the monthly Mport. ^f-T as .-.*11) j.. llltMjl !.i. buys housos. pan cash fsald the Vllla-Zapata troops were'normal of 15.7 degrees for the 'badly defeated.' Yesterday he re- month. ported Villa as successful. In 1886 and 1909 the months of Carranza agents* said that "Gen- December each had an average temp eral Obregon (a Carranza leader) erature of 9 degrees above wo. The is in oomplete control of Puebla warmest December was in 1SS1, when and its environs that) the entire gar- '^e average was 28 degrees abov--? rinon was* made prisoners". The re- port adds that the dead and wounded filled the streets when the Carranza Brooks 'WCj^&rfjfr-n only one count —the charge of havlhg murdered Menzie. He was indicted by the grand jury for responsibility for bath deaths and the accusation of having murdered the girl is yet undisposed' of. Brooks is at liberty now on ball. o- 1—•' CITY TO CLEAN WALKS OF SNOW WILL MAKE EXPERIMENTAL TEST THIS WINTER—MONTH LY SESSION HELD The experiment of tjleafipg walks of snow all over the city will be tried during the next month or so as an ex periment, according to the decision reached, at the monthly meeting of the city council Monday evening Mayor A. E. Hitchcock, who is now at Hinsdale, 111., haq writtsn the council,y»at the work of clearlng the walks'is oefng done in.that city with great success and that he Is anxious for the experiment to be tried here. It is believed that the tttsk of clear ing the walks can be done at a nom inal-cost, and if the expense does not prove to be too great, will be con tinued.- Teams will be hitched to several plows the'city'possesses and it is believed that'Sll ,6,f the principal sidewalks, in the city, in both the business and residence districts, can be cleared Svithin a feW" hours after every snowfall. zero- a^e if A rn 9.TATF Jln,L' r- y'F Sioux Falls, S. D.—"The report in the papers that the court refused to hear the rebuttal'witnesses for the state is incorect," said E. E. Wagner, commissioned by the attorney gener al to represent" the state in the trial of Robert Brooks, accused of the murder of W. II. Menzie and Blanche Signal at Geddes. riannb'wJ on if i* had In the 'doubles Branson and Young that he saw Brooks in the room sit rolled, a total of 1,128 pins and the ting on.the bed beside his wife, was 1 nAt net sure of his-dates when the time *ounE 145 181 2 0 0 came to testify. ^He was eubpoened 4°yJ,e to Wheeler to testify on Wednesday. Scharn but he informed me that he was un-' te£\~ tinea before the grand jury and ... i»«~i cao Young made second place by rolling stated to the state's attorney that he secom^with 538P "pins" Bo°th scores of 212, 186, and 180 pins for was employed in the hotel Padley on ^amsTefMasT evening for Aberdeen a total of 578. C. E. Boyle rolled a the nigH flf the t^gedy^d that total of 535 and A. F. Scharnweber had taken a pitcher of water to room toirnament there this eek Scores same. night. "At the conclusion of all the evi dence I entertained doubt as to whether Brooks, was in any way con nected with the 'homicide and the case was submitted to the jury with out argument under full instructions in which Judge Tripp'expressed his opinion that the(evidenco was insuf ficient to connect Brooks with the crime.' After deliberating two hours the jury returneS! a verdict of not guilty." Mr. Wagner told yesterday of a poll of the jurOrjjr which showed" di I .vision of sentiment as to whether 1442 tlie tragedy at Geddes was murder or 506 a suicide pact. Six jurors believed it 429 murder of both .'Menzie and Miss 514 three, believed it a double 'suicide and there j.vei'o hon-commit ali. Judge Tripp expressly' informed the jury that we bpurt expressed no gtwlwfift it was. ,Jl W.,JHLi£lriow, councilman from the First ward, submitted his resignation, in view of his eiection'as county com missioner from the First district. The resignation was accepted. Mr. Snow's term would! have expired in April and no effort will be made to All the tem porary vacancy. City Auditor Thomas Eastcott was authorized to' advertise for bids for the construction' of the projected alley sewers, on both slde3 of Main street between Fifth" Avenue and Railroad street. The J. F. Anderson Lumber company and if, N. Crow were both given permission by the council to connect their cistern over flows, from'the Gale'theater and.the Crow building, until the new sewers L. K. Medley appeared before the council and asked that, the Dakota Wesleypn basket balOjSAins be per mitted.,to use the clty' liill auditor ium for practice purposes, and games. The matter was referred to the city hall committee, with ,authority to uct« 1 C. H. ,Krom was awarded th ecoh tract for:^-decoratiftg:ihe offices 'of the city, engineer apfl*ioity auditor and thej i^ain' hall ph°Ure first floor of the city hall buU^'tn^! VB»- DECEMBER HAD 3^ COLD WEATHER AVERAGK tR)tPJS)k&l<l'RG 4.t DEGRnrlS BELOW NORMAL LITTLE PRECTPITATION weather bufeiu at" wai aii s^lage temjk t*fgJl60s'1ttbove, cottfp! KfcSral .. Wr«' wttii tho In 1894 and 1913, the ave: temperature was 27 degrtoj. Thirty-hundredths of an inch precipitation fell last month, was .3- of an inch below the normal. In 1902' there was a precipitation iel 2.12 inches during the moiun, wh»h is the record. It is interesting• to note that since January 1, 1'.)14,' there is, an excess of 9.04: luchea above 1 the nornial for the year. The prevailing direction of the wind was southeast, with an average hourly velocity of 10.2 miles pe'' hour. Eleven d,ays during the month were clear arid only eight were cloudy. MOOSE DEFEAT SIOUX FALLS 1 WIN OVER VISITORS TWO OUT OF THREE GAMES—NEW TYO MEN CHAMPION'S. Mr. Wagner returned from Wheel er, where the case was tried, yester- jn the best match of the season, thd .•'ah ,, 1 Mitchell Moose bowlers drubbed the t.„„ wa.s,Crowe was all in and both sides rest- fjrgt ed, the court expressed doubt as to whether the evidence sufficiently con nected the defendant with the com mission of the offense and Indicated that he ought to so adviso the jury. Hfi'Z'1 hofirnc,0Stv,oatS0U',)Wll-° Riffels, of Sioux Falls, last evening- The 561* pins."For Sioux Falls, Van Dyke between 10:30 and 11 o'clock and l°"rrlament tnere this \.eek. bcores. weber 202 152 207 H. G. Scliarn weber able to'say whether he had seen Brooks on the night of the fire 05 on another occasion and that he could not testify that he was at the hotel on .that night. We were un able to show by any other witness Growe Riffels. that Brooks was in town on that' Myers •384 356 403 426 393 1962 Slaugh ter H. G. Scharn weber 222 189 211'179 209 1010 201 235 ,1.83,.194 180 S93, 423 424 394 373 389 2003 In the "Duck" league last evenin the Wood Ducks took two out ,of three games and the matches from the Mud Hens. Scores: Wood Ducks. Boyle Newman Meisenholder 180 169 152 143 Mud Hens. Kimble Foster Wells 151 148 180 Wy." "i local quintette took the gamei i0Bt the second and came back strong enough to take the third. H. G. Scharnweber rolled the high score with a total of 604 pins and A. F. Scharnweber was second with 561 246 192 166 604 953 844 930 2727 162 166 195 162 200 185 160 168 175 178 Anderson Nolt Gilbert Van Dyke 163 510 513 53S 508 548 187 175 171 170 885 866 866 2617 .' By winning a. five game match by 41 pins from Elton McKinley and Will Spence, H. E. Slaughter and H. G. Scharnweber won the two-men championship of th» city. The losers finished strong in the last three games, McKinley getting 641 pins. Slaughter was high with 235 pins. On Friday evening, Wells and Wefi ber will take on the champions. Scores: McKin ley Spence 17 4~17 5 210 181 216 187 212 213 214 180 990 972 s- :\V 19? 506 526 530 "'J 500 441 503 141 180 501 464 489, 1444 ,195. Ml 61 171 158 111 183 156 132 144 509 404 498 527 G— 452 1 434 1411 '-ft JEALOUS SPOUSE MAILS A BOMB DYNAMITE IS SENT TO MAN HE SUSPECTS OK FAMILIARITY WITH' HIS WIFE. Chciago, II.—Tht story of a jeal ous husband .who sought revenge by sending a dynimite bomb by par cel post was revealed yesterdav by a young Italian who visited the" fed eral building with two Italian de tectives. He was Tony Costello, who :icent-, ly received the package at the Baril ca d'ltalia, 723 Forquer street, where it had been addressed to him.' Costllo took the package to hip room at 821 Frquer strtet and open ed it. It was an Infernal machine, made of pasteboard boxes, matches gunpowder and dynamite, but did not explode. Costello carried it to the police station. The package was posted from Valparaiso, Ind. The polict 1-jarned Costello had left Cleveland about •the time the wife of one of his friends in that city disappeared. They also learned the husband had visit ed Valparaiso recently. Thtn the de tectives, Riccio and Devito, took Cos tello to the federal building, where he told hiB story. He denied having given his friend cauBe for' jealousy. CITIZENS WroUT FIRE IN ELEVATORS Spencer, S. D.—Onljr the- prompt action on. the.phrt of severar'cltizens prevented 9 Serious fire in the Hub bard,& .Palmer elevator here Wednes day afternoon,' whep a can eff' gitsb-1 line exploded ii' the engine rpom.. George. Scheviebbein, thfe ehgtneer was heating the cM*tHiroter of"$heH gasoline engine jv(ith a1 flame-WhOn a can of gasoline hanging1 he'arb^ 'ebr ploded, throwing the oil over his clothing and face and about the room. He rushed out of doors wlth the upper part of his body in flames and threw himself Into a snow drift nearby to extinguish the flre. Several passersby saw the smoke pouring out of the room and gave the alarm, and began to fight the fire with snow,. By the time the chemical engine ar rived the fire was under control, The face and hands of Scheviebbein wera burded quite severely. -—nfrr—rn- Dr E. ,E. King 10t, morning on. a week's trip to-rT^s ,wh«ro 'Will.tok.Q^er l«n4. its- 2'\: -.1 Thrifty Nation 1915. #1 One of the great lessons, that come to this Nation out of the European struggle is a wonderful lesson in 1 \\f h, 'J I We have ,come to iriealize sis never before the im portance .oF "providing |^jr tHe future,"—of "being OSlc« Second floor Commercial ft Savings Bank Mltrboll. South Dakota HERBERT B. HITCHOOCB Attorney at Law Room 210, Commercial and Rav ing* Bank Building. Mitchell, Having a Savings Account,—depositing often,— t/ Irving withm one's means,—-avoiding reckless spend ingi—these are worthy habits that, sooner or later, pay excellent dividends. 1. South 11 I Dakota J. N. CROW, LAWYER Collections a Specialty Mitchell, South Dakota DR. E. V. BOBB SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted (Associated wit^ Drs. Bobb ft Bobb 1 First National Bank Bldg. I Mitchell, 8. D. HELEN POWERS. Teacher of Piano Studio 207 Main Street Phone- 3118 riv,,!'. -i" vr Open your Saivings Account—cultivate the habit of THRIFT.,One Dollar will start you. All savings deposits made before Jan. 11th will bear 4 per cent compound interest from the first of January. "H M.i 4 First Trust and Savings Bank. Affiliated with the First National usiNessr®. A. a HITCHCOCK Attorney at Law •ii? Bank 8. C. WHERRY Architect Qfflco 109 Commercial tt lngs Bank Building Phone 2382 Mitchell, 8. D. would take your prescriptions to a store, where you thought they would be put up wrong. Then why don't you bring: them to the store that is putting' the best of everything into its prescriptions, and putting them up right Our prescription work is increasing every day. Bring in yours and let us add it to our file. Truth, Quality, Service Let Us Serve You Diehl Drug Company When you get into the whirl of spending you are in great danger of being drawn down into bankruptcy or perpjetu^l debt: :..-?,.: Don't take cKance*. Steer clear df (dan ger by always preserving a margin between income and outgo and by depositing that balance in an interest-savings account at the V-,:T -7- Savings Bank ?-*r" 1 -'1 in nr '•7 l. 4 v'. Hi- BROADBENT BROS. Morticians and Funeral BlraeUm W. H. Broadbent C. W. Hnll 3601 Phone S4M Store 2011 BROADBENT BROtl Private Ambulance Calls nromptly answered day night. Business office 2011 Jeb son's livery barn BroadhMt residence 3605. H. NOBLE SOU *, Pinersl Directors—Morticlaaa 113 Fourth Ave. Wnt D. J. Noble, res. phono 21TS H. Noble 2288 office 2S70 Open Day and Night. H. Noble & 8m Calls answered promptly, rhoae day or night S270 PRIVATE AMBDUNOI 1 "We own our own ^eam. We Don't Believe You \.' 4--.- .-•M 1 ••KV .. 1 .. 0"." 1 vT Mi 1 9ij f: '.• I- 2 1 ,'4 '-J 1 •. -i- V.:X '1 -"I. 1 'I: r" v.-i -V- -r ,!.l N*. A: 1 f*r