Newspaper Page Text
.1: fc-i BOUND FOR USE' A''V ut- o?i. »iVXr iv"i' 1M'\. i:' n* .1 1 *, Frr the e^Hc-i ,- far vhen .fvcry Trne h? bnvy tb circulation of boolis at the ilbr.i: .- luj boc-n finite unusual, oaa it lias".' net been" nil The first, -biennial ruport of the e(rclr« p-ir nhnniri f" The masttKineo (bus added are: ARC. Tho. proportion of five-to-one is be fairly eonseryivtivq, because- of the large number of men of, eligible BKO jvlio do not register i. for votlnif. Ordinarily, population is estimated on a basis of 2% in popu lation for every person In a city dl .. rectory. The next government census will not be taken until 1920. According to the figures compiled by Mr. Zan'gle, Mt. Vernon, Including tho city and township,' has a popula tion of 1,355. Ethan on tho same i)a8ir, has a population of 1,040. The number oi registered voters in each. precinct follows: Rome, 208 Tobln, 100 Halter, 73 Prosper, 104 Lis bon, 89 Union, 90 Mitchell, 105 Beaulali, 110 Mt. Vernon, 271 Pery, 87 Badger, 126 Blendon, 107 First, Second, Third and Fourth wards, Mitchell, 2,368 The total number of registered vnaer3 Is 3,852. -o r- .' ,. .j COMMERCIAL spacious dining room ot the club was t0 ^rnte ,he e^d '^IjOndqn.yEngland.—A Reuter dis patch froniPetrograd says an order has been issued there prohibiting the sale Of all: alcoholic drinks in the pity, including beer. -This order ap plies even .to the clubs and higlf grade restaurants. Early in the War an imperial de cree was issued prohibiting the sale of Vodka'and other spirited liquors throughout "Rusila. Traffic in lighter •j alcoholic drinks such as beer and •light winft,however, lias been permit ted hjtherto. NKAV COKPOUATIONS. Pierre, S, D.—Articles of incorpor ation have been Hied for the Jackson.. •i County Land and Loan Company at, JCadoka, capital $5,000. Incorporat-j oi*8, C. L. Martin, J. F. Broyles, Stam lord: E. T. Nellor, Kadoka. The Avenue dumber and Manufac .* ituring company, Huron. Capital $25-j 000 Incorporators, Frank Jaehn, 11.! H. Jaelin, J. M. Jonason. The GoskiU Torrence Company, fo deal in farm products at Colome. Cap ital §10,000. Incorporators, L. D. Oasklll. Ona O, GaskUl, C. C. Tor ,-. rence, George Torrence. 'Jhe Torrence Sperb Company, to $.deali In fnrm products at Burke. Cap "ittal J$l,5,000. Inoorporatora, C. Q. Tor peace, George Torrence, Louis Sperb. si -Fiwt National Bank ti«b, n» i-'-j vk Adopts Fmger Print Method Greatest Known Safeguard ami In ronn Against Eland Firc Say Ott'icials. storSr. books, for (lie reference work iM,,al3 of Mt-ntiflciidon Endorsed by hati been heavy. Three hundred and sixty-thrco books wire drawn out, an-average of 72 a day. of which 20. per .cent. wore classed books, with history as tho most popular class, ami •25,,-iior cent wero juvenile. Oi:o hundred and sixty-seven people were In the read ing ami roferajreo rooms, many morn children than usual being seen in the children's room. 1——'•— 1 Atlanta monthly, volumes 10!), 110 jna™® Century, volumes 8(1-87 ('raftsman, volumes 24-25 Current opinion, ,, volumoo 54-55 Harper's volumes POVULATION OF 2(),0«() IX DAVI SON COUNTY, ACCORDING TO JjATKHT ESTIM \TK, \mci-irun Drinker-,' Association Because of Ks Ccrtainity. Does Away uitli Witnesses fur l!litcrn(e Depositors. Fi'iitets Hie A(•(••)unl.s of Children anil rea(l,v Facilitate* .Work nl' RiiiikiOfficials. By the adoption of the Finger Prinb Method o1' Identification, the Ifirst National Hank of Mitchell has proved its right to a place among the aSSSSssEBr wrsraufc-R A a a A so at on a t7 i!'ly endorsed the Finger Print Metli nrmiQ'Tl anrb K' )J° 0 l"1orui, d' iic ^,°d and is urging its use. Fully alive i.j I I lie possibilities of the method, lie First. Nalionai has purchased a "V r«.r^ ?5rty'ir«™ T° -1" l'e and E" Kinger Print Outfit from The tlifv lm-n hi, a'.1 they have been out. of circulation, they are received as new books, and In tholr new covers look the pari. The children's liooks especially, have of 54 volumes'of bound° magazhie" |teci.H absolutely .an Mitchell Publishing Co., of this city, T, Me,|K.(1 j* i,"inKCr Print !10t MeUu un ited to -inv one lf' not l"1'1"-11affordsU1prolec- to "1,f! class of depositors. It tion and convenience to all. It .pro ai sl foreigner who cannot even write his This method of identification is !Bini|)'it and efficient, being based on ,lht ,, 127-8: Independent.. 77-78 Living °1xiict,:,,Uu'. 278-270-280-281 Nation 97-DS, »km icl t"al 110 lv N a 2 4 parts 1-2 Outlook, 104-105-106 Re- "0| change In chaiacttr irom in .• ... I (, r.M arm Jf a Cllt OT UUVU be iconieH even more Impossible to eoun- view of Reviews, volume 48 St. !fancy p.iipplenient, 74'-7C-7U-77 Scrlbners,1 11,840 PEOPLE NOW IN MITCHELL Mitchell has a population of nearly This shows tho kind of impression 12,000 souls antf iliere is a popula-.that is quickly secured with the new tion of approximately 20,000 people outfit purchased by the First National In Davlsoln county, according to an flank. No two prints in tho whole estimate prepared this afternoon oil world are alike the number of registered voters. Tliei The Finger Print System of Tdenti llst of registered voters wa$ compiled ncat.lon in use by Police Departments by H. A. Zangje, county audtlor, for and Prisons all over the world, is his semt-ainiual submission to tho haned on tills fact. clerk of courts. Tho figures In the auditor's office show that, there are 2,.'lfi8 voters reg istered 111 the city of Mitchell and a total of 2,852 In the county. Using a ratio of five in population to every roglsterod voter, there are 11,840 people in Mitchell and 19,200 in Dav ison couuty, pl Inot change In ,0 0,(1 af",r Nicholas, volumes S9-40. parts 1. tItxavt-K a scar, the linger print Scientific American, Volumes 107-, .. •'108-30a-U0 Scientfflc American!'''f'6 11 no "'"VL a,lme n,B ,NF,EL'T a,.\, 18 sk'" ,lclt bea, a 51-52-53-54 Survey, 20-27-29-31 lugs as tlie old. Wot'ld'o Work, 215 and 2 7. Uf itleally the same m.nk- Showing the three fingers of which impressions are made. For Illiterates and Children. There are a good many persons in every city who'cannot write the Eng lish language, and to them this new method will indeed be a boon. Under the old regime, the depositor must make his mark, and that mark must be witnessed by two persons known to tho bank. Such witnesses are not y-,i |q H/irCTIMP always easy to obtain. The resulting V/JLwD lVllliti 1 delay is aggrevating to all parties concerned. ANNUAL SEHSION WlIX BE HELD ON NIOHT OF JANUAltY 11. |on a card, on tho other hand, requires but. a half minute, including the re r- -The annual meeting'of the Mlt-'nioval of ink from tlie fingers. ohell Commercial club, one of the big Many customers of the First Na evont.s of the year for the city's busi- tional liavo come to this country nesa and profession^ men, will be fr0ln foreign countries during recent teld at the city hall auditorium on years and still sign their names ac the night of January 11. This was cording ',o the customs of their re deckled Rt a meeting of the of direc- tors Wednesday evening, when the To make a finger print impression spectivc cannot business for the year was cleaned up. depositors the Fltiger Print Method The annual meeting, which is held .vju in connection with a dinner com-1 |,'ur several reasons this method mencing. at 6:30 clock, was held last yedr at the Elk club. The wjji han more than overflowing on that oc-, nmrer mints nev«sr change If a a an it a a en0UBh t0 At the eorning meeting, reports will count isoiH-ne'l.Uierecan benoques be given of the work during the past year and officers will be cUosen for tini#. 1915. NOT EVEN BEER NOW §OLD IN PETROGRAD 0,1 less fatherlands. Many others vrite at all. For this class of bp used alnlost exclusively, ije very popular in the case of cilil(jren. Children's signatures often completely in a year or two, 1 Uors are taken°at tC time the'ac- about the identitj at anj tutu The index, middle and right Ang ers of the right hand are placed upon the inked steel plate. The accompanying illustrations will show how easy arid expeditious is the method. The outfit is ontained in a mahogany finished case and in cludes a light polished steel plate, which is inked with a rubber roller. The ink is specially prepared and is evenly distributed always. It is made in such a way that it dries very quickly. The depositor places the index, middle and third fingers of the right hand upon the inked steel plate. The fingers are quickly redrawn and pressed gently on the signature card. The operation takes time than the telling of it. Depositors in other cities where the Finger Print method is in use have taken very kindly to it, and it seems (certain, that the First National depositors .will feel the same, jvay. Nt, NEW PLAN ON HARVEST LABGP MCR.I! I:KI: MADE I'ISKSIIM-:? I Gxr/.\TI-x FO I\KE l',\T Nl'Clf ,AS LAST SUMMED. Com- Pierre, S. IV--Immigration missioner McCafi'ree nas returned, Hesides the local slate organiza tions the organization will probably work through centrally located points piobably Kansas City, where tlio Mis souri Free Labor bureau will handle Ihe work, and at Sioux City where some arrangement will be perfected Couron was arresieil by ^lierili Luy 11,08, of Douglas county, lie is charg ed in Douglas county with deserting his wife and child and pending his trial will be kept in the Yankton county jail for safe-keeping. Cour on's troubles are due to his eloping with a married woman named How ell. The husband of the woman traced them to Sioux Falls and caus ed their arrest, and afterward ap peared as Ihe principal witnesr against them. The escapade ere a "sensation at the time, as all those implicated and affected were prom inent in their community. HEIR OF IUIAI" ESTATE WIM USE THIS PL AX TO REI»1 I THE HERD NEAR I'OH I I'lEKRE. mi Pierre, S. D.—Stanley Philip, one of the heirs of tlie Philip estate has figured out another plan for dispos ing of the buffalo herd which has become a burden upon the estate. Otiier plans of sale having failed, and a few head being taken for com mercial meat purposes about the holidays, his plan is to slaughter the animals and can the meat in tins of different weights and place it upon the market. This will allow the dis tribution to a greater extent than where attempts are rn^de to dispose of a whole carcass. It will also keep tlie heads and hides for sale by the estate, as they arc a valuable por tion ot the buffalo. William Hild of Pierre canning company lias gone to the Philip ranch to put up several hundred tins of the meat for trial orders. 6500 CARS ARE SOLD IN STATE UI 1ST UATION UECOKD SHOWS AT LEAST S*»t,0H,0«K» INVEST ED IX AUTOMOBILES Dl'lt- IX(i YEAH 1914.- Pierre, S. D.—The automobile reg istration for South Dakota for 1914 shows a material increase over that of 1913. ,The record of the compara tive years is: 1914 1913^ Auto licenses 20,929 ,t 14,4i2 Dealers licenses -491' 298 Motorcycle licenses 1,733 1,-1^. This'increase shows that (he peo ple of the state made a heavy in vestment in motor vehicles for the year regardless of any talk of hard times. The increase of 6,500 automo biles indicates an investment of at least $4,000,000. $350,000 IN ABERDEEN BUILDINGS IN 1914 Aberdeen. S. IV—The record for ihe year 1914 shows that over sixty new" dwelling houses were built in Aberdeen during the year. Other improvements include a sewage dis I posal plant at a cost of $150,000 a new city hall at a cost of $100,000 Dakota Produce company building, $50,000 an addition to St. Luke's iiospyal,.$40,000, and many mlmai improvements. ,. FIND MOTIVE FOR MENZIE MURDER rKOSECi HON' Wll.ll.. SHOW THAT* lE':T..\ 1)1 \T gTVMKi: I.!.lit WITI1 MENZ'E r, ou' from his trip to Kansas City where Wheeler, S. 1).—The Dial ol Itob at a meeting of immigration officials |ert Brooks lor the murder ot \\. IL of other western slates, an organi- inlo South llakota Meveral wnekSjhad be"!i no relations between Men ahead of the harve.-J. anil into HlaU's^io ami Misa Signal, wiiieii miKlit. farther south alter the. harvest work have anted ai* a mothe for a suicide was done. Many of these men were pact. landed at locations where no labor! Frank Humphry, yard man for the was to be had at the time of their ar- lumber company, occupied the stand rival, and comintr without lands to during the greater pprt of the after earry them any farther, the act was• noon. He described the positions an imposition not only upon tho men|„f Uu The details of the handling of men! hr,:'. not yet been arranged, and this laborers and of ihe farmers, at a ]_v" committed meeting which has been called 'gunmen, who left the scene of the Omaha for February 1st, where Ihe labor or immigration officers: ol dil- fereni western y-tates and civic^ and busineas organizations from Texas tior-th to the national boundary line will meet lo consider the problem. They will expect lo work with the Nationo'l bureau of labor, which the past year did wliai was possible to get laboring men ou! of Ihe crowded east and inlo Ihe west where they might be wanted, but for lack of de tailed organization landed nun in to keep the stream of labor moving from points where their work is fin- ELOPER AGAIN IN THE TOILS DOUOliAK COl'XTV MAX IS UH XRRKSTI'.I) AS HE STKPS I'ltO.M THE l*K\ITKNTJAHY. Sioux Falls, S. D.—As he stepped from /the doors of the Sioux Falls penitentiary after serving -a term for a. statutory offense, which grew lTj,ir(]t,,- a!1 a A- ished to the points where they are terday, made tho opening statement needed and at the limes they are needed to keep in line with liarvst conditions. my fanil0r out ol his eloping to Sioux l-ulls ]um^el.lllun j. j. Harrington Bijou a woman other than his wile, Lo,lis O !jg|! BUFFALO MEAT TO BE CANNED V- (H lilt L.MOl I. 1 l!ursdaj 3 Daili Men!5, and iMlss Blftnclle Sis!Ilal ttt zaiion was formed, to he known (as' ,, tile National farm Labor Exchange, April began yesterday •and Mr. McCaffrec was selected as! With lim statement of the prosecu prcsiden! of tlie organization. In tion. A jury was Secured late last upeakiiis of the alum and desires of night. Dr. Kyle, who saw the bodies this organization, Mr. McT'affree said shortly alter their removal from the that the general purposes are to pre- burned office, was the first witness vent, such movements^)!' labor as called. Dr. Kyle's evidence was in- 1l0aies who desired to work, but upon the.(WO hammers and the re\olver communities in which thev wore, near the bodies. landed. .1 It is apparent the slate will Irv to and the rinding of the show conspiracy 0n ju, and premeditation part f)f various Interests and work is lo be planned in detail •". individuals in this pari of the conn-: directly affected cure both for the best interests of alu| |]lilt u,e automobile shortly 1'toi: the alarm was given and the Illmber ofrice f0lmd j„ flames and that a false alibi was constructed lo prove that, he was in Niobrara the night of tlie' murder. Wheeler. S. 1). ,\ motive for tlie murder of W. II. Mr-ir/.ie, former manager of the Farmers' Co-Oper ative- I.umber company, and Blanche Signal, bookkeeper in tlie1 office of the company, on April 1' locations wh^re no labor was to be produced at the trial ol I^o')_ osfablisb.ed and aii'in had, while there were openings at other locations in other states. ert. F. Brooks, charged with the double murder, according to State's Attorney A. D. Heck.' Attorneys con nected with the prosecution go far ther and say evidence of a conspiracy wiili develop iirforlving several per sons and interests well known in South Dakota, and that the murder was carefullv planned and an alibi framed in advance. Heck, stales attorney. es- to-t,lie jury. Beck is assisted by E. E.I Wagner of Sioux Falls, representing the attorney general's office. D. ff.' Sullivan, of Sioux City and John1 Tipton of Cedilcs, are attorneys for Brooks. A jury was completed seven after, court convened. The men who will decide the case are: Robert Mil ler, Wagner, farmer John Linkhart, Wagner, farmer: C. D. Gilreatli, Lake Andes, banker: Frank Gale. ,lohn Fuclis. Wagner, tarmer Joe Matonaha, W ag-1 XK AL ner, farmer: (\mllict ing Testiiuony. tanilPr Joc Matonaha, Wag- CHOLERA 7T' I C\t- T- Witnesses will teat.ify (hat short- l:aarges that t,.. ly before the lire was discovered central comm.l*j •.«» u^^c&irii which consumed the buildings of the Ppst ohiceu ui oo.-ui f.)_koia to lumber company, two automobiles were seen to leave the place, and lhai Brooks, the defendant, was laler seen in Platte, a short distance away. The bodies of Menzie and Miss iiess Signal were found in the ruins. The ated'heads of both had been crushed by 'bllows with a hammer and a bullet wound was found in Menzie's skull. Both'bodies were bound willi wire. A revolver, one chamber of which had been firefl was found near Men- j, zie. The latters hands were free Sioux City friends are known to have contributed money for Brooks' defense. Charles Mix county is seriously aroused by (he case and feeling is so bitter that timid ones hesitate to voice opinions, even privately. Mem bers of the reform element are strong ly ih sympathy with tho prosecution, citizens who favor a wide open town arc opposed to Attorney Beck's fight on general principles. W. C. Kinser, proprietor of the Padley hotel, and those about him are outspokenly hostile to tlie prose cution of Brooks. Kinser was indicted l'or bootlegging through Beck's activ ity. Kinser also is under indictment in the United States court, at Sioux Falls on a white slave charge, due to transporting waitresses from Sioux City. Geddes is running "wide open" now, except for the gambling layouts. The hotel is overflowing with guesU with guests, attracted by the trial Wheeler -is very cramped for hotel room and strings of automobiles leave Geddes each morning bearing court visitors. 1 o- GETTYSBURG WOMAN -W DIES FROM BURNS Gettysburg, S. D.- Mrs. Joseph Wienert died Wednesday eveniii! from the effects of burns receive' while she was starting a tire in thi kitchen stove. Kerosene was used tr hassen the fire and an e::piosio:i re suited sstting Mrs. Wienert's cloth ing on lire. In attemjjting 'o.put ih fire !6uf* vpt,,u ,f and rorled in the snow but before it, 1 the prosecution claims he freed them by struggling. The defense claims proof that Brooks was in Niobrara, Neb., on the night of the murder. Menzie. who was a radical reform- as a result of Menzie's activities ... N{* .' Lived in Sioux City. Mrs. Birdie Brooks at one time "a waitress in the Padley hotel herein recently stay oil at the Arcade hoi el in Sioux City, where Brooks lived with her. The state will try to prove that Brooks spent money lavish l.v in Sioux City alter the crime, ex plaining that lie had inherited it from a relative. if an si 17-YEAR OLD BCf¥ SENTENCE AS mnifruM rrmrrtT' .72b: was extinguished r.lie wpr- lerrioiy R/jJTTvtJT5'r ~'-t iA*T" burned. Medical v.'^u or once .1' ^"-'i *.?M once summour hut attar hom-.-. oi'.snt.-e? in« the «ni'ortu:uite v.'0'.}:_ifi away. Niles, who was osf« of tho tbreejio that of last year when men were sent tended principally lo show that there -'ks.had be'ei no relations between Men-/ 'l'veis, nii.'nt a,:,! oi est autnoritip on ed many or t.v- pr.nsO- of tne cvadsci-• to uro?e only A!' .• .u HC "nurt ya^u lion campaign tnc country around llll3 liu v. the soruiii .c.liol'rra tfcSf- j, nient a,:.l one .'I-- r::tiutry'r, Mucheil yestcrriay in company wl- Dr. S. .M. S'.oiUi, inspec'or in charge of the work in this comity. must certainly \e son coualy," fiehi has be ly and I rosul'.s. I vva l.iie farnievf., who are tho ones' tnost his pari of the coun- .ifrectly affected by our-, vcorlf, a JSy..1 murder was actual- in sympaiuy with the campaign and Brooks and oihoY aro now cooperating -to .ie! uillest: copi1i L.«^. '•&>• *1* perali extent. "Alihoush ihe po'leco A. \v:isr. i- itf" S"? it .\ i. tevei!... sfc0 from IW'UI fifteen stin which tho go meat ir. carrying on ho eliolcra ^icaiion are not r, knew 11::.' ih« wo Dakota will compare with the others. 1 air. csjyieelnlly pleased wi'.h ill* noo::::rn.1icu given by slat# author:!k'fi. lh live stock sanitary board a"::.l. the Dr. Niles inapeeted ll1''!'" of farms on which cjuut 'la. 'd while on his brief s'.f I turned to Ames last even ———o MARTIN BACyl TO HIS DUT!EI~ AJ'TKU A YEA It's K,LXt-:K,''.'TD5 TMin!) DtsTUiCT cnxGs t:fts fJi,'.^MAX HiC'SlMtXr TO tiEAT AT WASIlINGTtJX i. ea:'wood, S. I).—After over a ear's absence, .due to his physical' breakdown. Congressman .Jioen AV. hours ,,f UK' ,hi!" district, is now on wav 'Wcvu ington wiiere he will avvvo out the balance of his term until MardJ. lie did not seek reelection ana win auccuc"od b' Academy, farmer Joseph Hines, .7, Wagner, teamster: .1. W. Kirkpatriek rt Vv Platte, farmer: George Bnrne, AVag- r'KB A ner. farmer P. O. Peterson, \Va«?-[ nor farmer Newton Gillings, Acad .. SAYS L. .1. Vt KIA", 'S lumberman J. J. Harrington BIJOU iTiC a v- K.-* It was ti r« X" tc-t* '.'cy aeni 'fl tfT *.. .ft iv i- nigiiest bidders absolytely fal?o toanv bv :s ,. 1 wriueii to .Postjuani .• B'--/' son. iai'or'.iiuig liiip. that the plttir.n were given in the 1 1) one instance, it Was charged th".t Dr. ot AOC-i dee.l, ,s. '. .i, ina:, had writtch- .m 1 .i, Oregon-.' offering to app-ji-jt iu»s sister, 1 ur t. tb 1 o- at tin old settler's picnic. several The Dell Rap'rts office, wit-xl months prior to the crime. :.-:i:d by ""Senator 'Pcuii-'tev. have.l Menzie also acquired some active been said, will not hu-.-o a enemies in a bitter legal fight against until 1 »l«„ "d that tlio I'-ntton of- j' the so-called South Dakota lumber, lice, concerniu! which iimiiar .j ii..i.r,lH.jva.SS?rt£.i trust. Several persons of wealth charge was made, wiit. .ii.ed over a, co were heavily fined in the state courts oT 1 over t' TH t»» -. cUei. This charge, ssid tlch, v.-is wholly without foundation. IJO Jc er. is said to have quarreled with clareci tlu-.t be did no(. iielieve Brooks over a gambling layout, postmaster'.-, ber» at Grer,ery wou d| j}1? which Brooks ran on the streets here be vacant before Uce.eiiibor, cciti: »yo v,tU lC^0u f, W(ril„v si nd or r. and lion 4 ri IV- I H' ad t, or. *5 liody were bound 1 vear ago. ,",0d I.-.rj.j,. It is reported that Ik Huron, for c:usl, cansidcraticn. |fp 1 -t. hc.V -..evilor c-i' had become .uausiiaH.'r m:t!- 0 i.i lor-| ,lheiii?i reting out a'l"fi od -r-'ft t~ o" upon "the discovery that he wen doing traveled political work for li. o. •fOeluvda, oi O shoe. He at once pleaded tiUiIt.j, an'i waived examination :n:d v. as taken before Judge William: .'.i ui .tho af ternoon to rec/ivc h»3 puU-.:C8. Latei lie was sentenced to 0 d..rt in ja'.l only owing to his oxtiuiue .joaih. 1" being only 17 years ol age. The 5^' was restored to the o\.i- :, ., MoUt-lte county settler who, with otiivi" freighters, was sleeping in the office of the livery barn where this h:-y worked. He had $50 ill biils.but on'j $20 was Jaken. ... •. i.-.* STANDING ROCK \y»LL BE. OPENED II: S^RIXC- •Vb^rdeon, S. to aiuof-, rumors in eircot.on mr tho optjUiing of the S.andm. liocl. j|cc_ of the Aberdeen Comnierc .^ 1 &he rushed from the houst TWO wrote to United, ?.r^ a 1 .'rvat on will h.D c".f -•erne line :0": .apr. ut tnc date.has not beei ii'.ed. A Pierre, S.. D.—Cov-rno:" Byrr» has, on recomr.icnla( a hardon bonrd pritnl-e 1 cm- j* I.1 Ions to Jsnies Gar!-:..-s-oU.ja. frsu. Minnehaha county tor Iffe- ^a. a .K'.np'e. a: tuard^r: v.ixt .u iloy jiihit 'elt, sen, t,"jw «w bureiary.charge. 'T, •V, I'-'*'' of TOT.rf H. 'V' !ne c!,ot'Tv" Tlio federal ffivornmoni': cvi- Ci Ci- F.,i lajM't' po~l '.esn-'' P'.tign for !l i-.i'MoiiUlh' (i .u. lie co t, y. j4. .1 tf TJ: n, ciioiera in Caviiton co'.tiijy,.. v?- Mgnal, 11.e. "ur«.•%! perimont tor the state of South' |)a- .'(a alr-j W prs^'o the* kola, "ia proce-dinR anusu.'li vell. v.:c" an o'llr-d according to Dr! W: n'. Nllcs, o:,, I \rues, l:i., in :'h.*:rr 0 oT* ''.:movent-'! f: eostipyry ment's £enn:i jlavt at t.'.o Sta .c oi tlie f.rst av?*vc- r. ihe# pcma college. .1 tJi: inraber. .yarl •sire I&tt Aorit ar-'l'j oi 'Aeix nu«ct b'urv of 1. ,• jec:, viev.--.ij If ,, MOila „{r. ,,,, '.'eve *, i: *t Pvt-ool-.s ,y •N»S nhmllK to ms, %sTv. -r^ »j/Jr '.'H here. in. Su-.tth1 woi^sj* *"i i'" 'are very fayorab':. .,Te':r yr r. raid -ff.1 *. "1 know is and then struck, a ri.1V"* Sjtif 'eft of hia.Jiesd. AJfarVX-r Kerrr-'d of the r-:olx s** !mve been ee^ci. ., by -C low v'-li --ii.'hammer .* A revolve:-' 3"^ -I'TS. fotind-in ihe wrevk d-ved in e-.-ir"'m ,n -iffi.! iied that .csanunation snowea- -.H' weapon l'-.",.i. be*'U lu' 1 "'i (ii,i- -r nli\. CI .v' fliU Xu 11 r~) o/.c.ii-frac J-Oj-*' "5 r'-t." t»r a,:'. 3 c5?' ol .' -e'e itv ,j. Welch, treasurer of the committee. Mr. Welch v/ii'., m.owu a e.SiJUiC.... fioin Huron n*.i 'he (1 against, the or.-v'-i-a'acn. -. I1 •. "i* •!o a *tf is-1'" e' t.{l Ssviti' Vt -i •-fa ?.* V» Hi-A" Vi,-. f• V" ». ,S. i.-. ^4* i^U"* ..esT «'i it 7 ill r,t. V, '.n ii*1.'. cc.v\ ncjl it i SI. ..or .:.te ini?lieu, .".ilu." i. 'i.i .y A'/i ir '-7 vy antiv- TVJJJiy -s o'n i,c -l.V -1 mi1"1: friiy one small tavern ./tli I AV1T 'vTurdo, S. I).—G .j-1'Ut, a new tr)1i fUl'ly btt .veci- C' .os a'l comer and a mere boy, was a:ret,te. eler. yesterday raorni::-- i--e,l v, it grand larceny and wa.i t-e'.rolled City Marsha'. .Ich:-, n, v,Lo tonne fl DF.EDS Di./ the missinii $20 in li m-liic NOT mED ST4f.-? !Ii -r "UOi" *1 j IX^s El. X TfG\ Ss1'""' Ml'-'.snlH"-. In instances where property f'."ii"i'erred ar, a gift. In .he, cafie of narents to their ch.ildrt ^. tn-.i efrme'-t will not require -ihat -a riw enu* tamn'be '.ff-,xed, In all otli HO "1 13 Jl-l ITC C3 r.-g "Tfideraiion. prustfcutlor '.i nnss:bic i'.ecause of an attempt to }'traud'tur gor em nicct. A. Crm of l'wvyers .whs hM." d-re" icv'O.J rcfi. iu to btrvsvojit re if i' tU( 001 lf -eservaiion, H. C. CColc.', —frwir. ..j^e "i ,-i-ni ef -i-en-1 Van '-p a fl -h I if 1 ,,, 0] rhonias Sterling to.- i.".'crniat .ou. yrjji \o tbc-jH-:c:.or o". :nte n:i I A1"' rT v, Senator Sterling replic'l i' i',=-1pj, ,,t y.-r fou-h Tliko^i "ad if LeiCl"':.' I I 1 1 ti. Ii"'d br UK :C and a"fo ,011,' vblrti 'v.fa "o'ev'der'it'.on. '.",1 state tin: vpf'ister it el! Pip -'"ne c"\ l.i A *1 'Hi', tn isvord •N'l dei 0 r. W .bo ii O i"'e .if, c' J.' e? la.jvl vt •J-J l't}» "c 4s i*r ills l- Sv.s. c£w~ S ir jUm U0P i, 1 1 eu v'en:' nuilariy '.'*«•* i5i (Ue- eanda .-» fre^ painrrl from Uuir t' 1 that key? v.ere .found tie-r St. u/ie, 'liii zio's revolver rot- en :::o"i ::"ll.v leadM -and that it was-kept la v'e.i u"i Valid' -1 r. 1 vt" tesi,iic: ef pa-»t ii-e i» ber rr'"0 »t.. 3:15 oeioe.c oil ihs nip hi oi mo (li Tle .C j,. .' ?VP(S J1 panv 8 u I S.H't" .-i-' 'V 1 Jt 5 r- vx-n «. p,- V-*-. or r1 n'ljiv •t\ oi he N.. -r tf". j"'.'- i. r, (ir-erl v.''• We a*.i\i or .3l (V cpa'-ty vvl ich is c. 3 net '1 v.*t\ 1, .'j.' c\ :i ib vi sj .ptcd fcr «cuiuea4ary staitit la. Xljr '1ZL k" ac c. -ri R-I .U.- iHir-a! 1-oil Vin: niVJiUVlt.iRl ns'7 ?,-'V. Ih" I V" "ill-1- do im- us n' jn-i'it tllv \U f:re ?-r -ti 1 *~Lt 1 1 1 I L' t:c t\ •ll'rf•' «1 Is IL' -tUf' lb of: dv OI 1 ll, 1 itt^ (. 1 4 IV lie *j", '11' u•!-i lU7.' v\ \v Lirh l.r.aK': a v. 'It.s :01 t'Ol! 4 u—--t" 1 'J 'JIC t_, -V 1 Tfu I I I 1 ^i\ ,\ de -k VI i,' -1 iVT.ri© Pi lr WO 1 *.• u! S :l\\n i"- 1 O rT arm 0 JX't (V ,-,7 0 1 trr* Vf.- S 1 ii ClKntitrt-on:- r7 '"'I Vi tA 'v.1.' .1 -'V- xxfy} ns th i' ci en i'crv .• reg«i2id f5t*nl,jHI, Ir... II. ar but SUB .Vy •n.'.-t Bi. it "i i, to 1c he 1 (I or a ilu CO rei h' it W'. "y 1 IhvO'.'Sjl d'.:Ci"i X.10W iu'i'ls. v.-oa1 her, to hear the 1...-.1, 'i.u- of ro 'r" 8 -L ^et1 tr.u.."^ 5^ 'kl Ti ft JT ui*. i£. f^t- *r W*. fc e-rsnXr *.v( cm VfS* t'^iva SiV. V-r*'-\ \j, I 1 fWft- -r Ce"o..g ..--i'j IT IV." f'R (t(M,UTdc i. ttx \TJCV 1 -r 5 s"'r 1 '11 •icy T- r» ucird. r.- iti i. In' .. could r.a ii 'uns-'iif 'l t-'o Wl'.C'l tr ML VR 1. },-kf I 1 t'e lf p-' lh» co 'c'ers'lo*. *'io Mi"i r' «-i X\ ii!-ih:n.5 f(j'.-r Th?v v.-'tit* to V. aahjii^ro-i' ana rc- refe 1.-r'e,- n,i II --e-r .. rt: -. ,ct that a deed, 'noirjjmjjsr 1 .ell tuJ-v tn a»i Oi VW« ,/ t* I ncin-"- 1" de rA !). li t" :o a.,d c? 'steep. tlia '.' "TeCuM"i:-:i i' i'—i! '-o-i thf jiiijaui -cisj t\- ^loi'Lo t-i.^d ui id the v^h '''C'l r.-f-- 1 m- ft j.i it 'lie 1 v,i en fU"" once got- smsfced. f'o ho do-mo.-l Hlr, I' •iot'",h rrm to Ui" wiitji i.! end an .otapti.o t.c jjiastr. end went a own into the lobbv n.'"-j c.u wo vlee-.x!^/ raHie iK,tj vhc be 'l-iwncd nnr.n: Hie r« ih-* 1 PIC' v. »=t!. f-n« 'c, "Cffc J-'lf"'', a, T,e cp hrbegan to c.j "Knp inr.e-niOK':3f Y&v CLAIMS iBiiGEsFo?. MAF.RLVRR.Z T? STATE! ..•V.'Uite-w/jod. 8. T5.—Th'tt towii: ciainrd Ihe i-ecord in the state fc-ri ''a*' %e pnfrlc |:3ny.. eincr 'i. lonuci 'ir. Sou ttt ihikara.. ere y, end "it' I 7. 'Philin- O are SG years rid respectively 1-\1 [V 'T, ,,|M- ,1 F-t (,'! •'!£•,, Still another counle here has baeni ^Jmuried o* cr (0 yeai-, and "Grae.3 «ia*:. Van Wart of this p'.ace, -vrno w. :.iT tuo- tffceond oldest person- in Uic.Klack Hills. a LEAD 1 PAPER PLT-LICATICTM' '. QUf f,i| ij —v 'i ne".\ ir there were cbaages-i.') 'lie local news-?, •ener «titnaUoa. .fchn Stanley of ''R.,a ^vl•er«lu iiw »mp?" i'-'. '-oh ..on t,f t.i^ Led ''aw Vili v,Wi he j, .t.l. cl iri ii'it trtna -*ti II 1 iir-. G. ho hi'-f cone cd 1« f-,j- j)ecojaj)v.r i!). Wi tii.i.^-tpsai. ^eveu vee.f. He uia" no"- matlf eais^u 1 1 1 ii- *. "ii re t, I ni ir- "."in ",^ ,6.. -'fc-ia-n 'v 4.. e'a. TI-L cc ", -ig£ T3"!l.. .' I T1!z1 -a 1 -in iinos"!1 ti tt 4. ".If'Tpf. ef 'nis »tj ~1' t-. .... -eft .e n ,ir, v,-*" .j. I' is 1 te '1 .,10* AO ye" b£l- ip "ei.1 ill ,1 *cl-~%h,r aiv r'trfniny'i- v,-U a,' otud'A he ri^atr.pla -3r -v.- JL '^ivx CHy. ^cad rkTas. ol' ih! .'-rn, Lrj vn ooc'ica.