Newspaper Page Text
WH!'. if S f. V. •J" 1 -1. ak-lvA\A If. V*-- I 0. 3* fl ?, LOCAL NEWS NOTES J*'rom ThursdayV. Daily O. L. Branson will deliver the Mem »nal day address at hito Lake on -Monday, May 31 Mrs. .7. c. Palmer, ol White T.aKo, i" visiting at the home ol" her daugh ter, Mrs. J. J, Stephens. Fo'rty-hundrecftlis of an inch or 111111 lel1 in the downpour which start ed at noon yesterday and continued incrvaU during the night. Mrs. J. \V. Avers and little daugh ter came down from Loomis lor a short visit with Mitchell relatives. I' riday and Saturday afternoons, hot ween the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock the annual ex-liibition of art, sewiu manual training and other work of [he Seventh and Eighth grades will 8'ven at the Central school build ing. All patrons of the school and others interested are extended a cor dial invitation to call and see the work. Only persons now living in Mit chell are to he included in the "Mit chell's Most. Prominent Men" con test now heing conducted by The Re publican. This statement is made be cause of the misapprehension in the minds of some readers, that tlie list of fifteen includes pioneer residents ol tlio city who are not living in Mit chell now. Ten members will be in the gradu ating class ol' the Woonsocket high M'liool, to receive their diplomas at the M. 10 church in that city on the night o! I« riday. May 2N. Rev. Charles R. Miller will deliver the class ad dress "When Education Rings True." Prof. 1). J. Woodbury will present the diplomas. The members of the class are Helen White, Marian I'earce. Mntirine Moore,, Lulu Tucker, I* crn (.'ox, Ruth llallityiy, Forenee I'enduxter, March Cook, Lynn Ben nett, and Stacy. Conlractor A. C. Miles has started "work on the addition to be built by C. I loon to his store building at 2"- East Third avenue. The addition will be of brick, two stories high and will cost approximately $7,000. The first floor will be used for store pur poses and the second lloor for apart ments. l)r. Mark llalphide, a well known resident' of Mitchell, was married this morning to Mrs. Dora K. Dailey. Rev. T. H. Hagen. of Huron, per formed the ceremony. The bride groom is S2 years of age and the trido is 45. Building permits have been issued t" Mrs. J. Powers, for the raising ol Hie residence al 2 2D West Sixllt ave nue arid putting in a basement, at a tost of $700. and to John Petersdorf lor the construction of a four-room house at 520 South Kimball street. Because of the weather, the band concert scheduled for last evening was not given. If possible it will be given at the court house at 7:.'i0 o clock on 1''rid ay evening. For the third time during the past week, the Mitchell baseball team has been forced to cancel a game because of the weather. Plankinton was soiled tiled for a game this afternoon a Hitchcock park, but it is likely that another game will he engaged within the next week. George Hefner, of Sioux City, has •lieen visiting at the home of his sis tor, Mrs. Anna II. Scott. Mrs. R. G. Douglas, of Menno, S. D.. is visiting at the W. A. Branch home. Mrs. Douglas is a sister-in law of Mrs. J. II. Bingham of Faulk ton, who is at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Branch. Oscar Johnson was fined $75 in municipal court this morning by •Judge. W. M. Herbert for an assault Tuesday night, on the person of Axel .Uosengrin. Evidence given at the trial this morning showed that John son, Rosengrin, W. Hamilton and Sam Jones, a colored porter from the Widmann hotel, were al the Rosen grin home on Kast llanson street that evening and' alter drinking a considerable quantity of liquor, the "party" broke up In a row between Johnson -and Rosengrin. Uosengrin appeared in court with his face puff ed and scratched from the encounter villi Johnson. 4 From Friday's Daily— Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. P.en Watkins of Loomis ,nii Tuesday, May 18, a son. J. .11. Baldwin has arrived from Faulkton in response to a message announcing that his little, daughter is soriously ill at the home of her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Branch. Frances Anderson, the 10-year-old daughter of James F. Anderson, 521 South Edmunds slreet, is recovering nicely from a recent operation at St. Joseph's hospital. PJanktinto Mail: L. .J. Eggleslon T. C. DeJcan and Dick Gibson were numbered anions'tlie visitors to Mit chell iij attendance at the Odd Fel lows convention yesterday. Mr. De Jean Was the delegate from the local lodge, and Jiggleston and Gibbs went alohgfto see that he behaved himself. Mrs. Morris Carlson's lather, t'harles Tahslund, died at his home in Bloomlngton, 111., according to a telegram reeived by her. Mrs. Carl son left at once to attend the funer al'. There will be a union meeting of Hie Swedish Lutheran church at the new Hope church, nine miles south of Mitchell. ne*t|.Snu4WtV There \y-iM he a class for cpnflrnia^ifta. J4$y, lav Rydquist is pastor. The Baptist Young People's union will enjoy a social time at the home of Miss Christine Rowley tonight, be ginning at 7:30 o'clock. Friends and members are invited to be present. Mr. aud Mrs. O. E. Anderson are at Mitchell this week visiting with the John Skog family. Mr. Anderson is taking treatments there, he has been feeling badly lately, having lost about two pounds in weight in a few days time. A call has been issued for the sec ond quarterly convention of the •Farmers' Educational and Co-Oper ative Union of America, to he held at |lt« Oilil Follow* hall in Mitchell oil LJ !i» 'H I1' Ji'ij 'i. 'i- •Sv= Tuesday, June 1. Much business of importance will be considered and every union member is urged to be present. Mrs. H. B. Rogers has returned from a visit at Yankton with her son Earl Rogers, and family. Jack Berry left last evening for Cedar Rapids, la., where he will sjtart working during the summer vacation lor the Keith Vawter summer Chau tauqua system. Fulton Advocate: A Spencer high school boy, Clem Files, is gaining some notoriety through a story he re cently write. Prin Thompson sent the story to Prof. Tull. of Dakota Wes leyan, to criticise, and the professor handed it to the senior claSfe- in ling lish at the university. The class is making a study of the stofy this week A. N. Bjodstrup, of the Pioneer Bridge company, arrived home yes terday from Howard, where he se cured contracts lor $tl.000 in bridge construction in Miner county for this summer. Two of the bridges will be across the line between Miner and Lake counties and the remainder will be in Miner county. B. H. Barnard received a message announcing the death this morning of I'hilip Lucas, who has been at the ovornnient .sanitarium at. Hot Springs. The remains will be ship ped to the former home in Mitchell and the funeral services held next Tuesday. The CI. A R., ol! which the deceased had been a member for many years, will have charge. Mr. Lucas and his wife, who died a num ber of years ago and is burieil al Craceland cemetery, lived in Mit chell for many years. The deceased was a member of Company A, Eighty Second Indiana infantry, in the Civil war. In the state high school contest, at Brookings last, evening, Miss Lenore Markahui, of Lead, was given first in the declamatory class, and Howard C. Wheeler, of Deadwood, won the committed orations event. Miss Hazel Clark, of Armour, won second place in the declamatory contest. Jlobart Brown was Mitchell high's repre sentative, having won the district, di vision contests. Supt. J. W. Mc Clinton, president of the state or ganization. presided at the contest. Miss Ada llenney, of Iroquois, is visiting as a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie B. Dean. The books and office equipment of tlie J. F. Anderson Lumber com pany today were moved to the Met ropolitan theater block, where the company will occupy the entire third lloor suite of offices. The former lo cation was oil the fourth lloor of the Western National bank. The rniversily of Wisconsin First Regiment band is seeking an engage ment in Mitchell for June 17. The band is making a trip' to the exposi tion at San Francisco and wants to play in Mitchell on its way west next, month. The propositon may be taken up by resident alumni of the Wis consin institution. Prof. II. I. Jones delivered the commencement address- before the graduating class of the Kimball high school Thursday evening. Mayor A. E. Hitchcock will leave tomorrow for Chicago, where he will transact legal business and return the last of next week with Mrs. Hitch cock. who has made a great improve ment in health durirg her stay in the east. They will resume their resi dence at their home at 223 West Third avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Clem C. Miller have moved from the A. E. Hitchcock resi dence, where they lived during the summer. While their new home is being completed this summer, they expect to occupy the W. S. Hill resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will make their home on the Hill farm near Alexandria during the summer months. Past Grand Master Zina Rieliey, of Yankton, who lias been a prom inent figure at the grand lodge I. O. O. F. session, this week, lias attend ed every grand lodge session since I he first in 1N75. lie is also the oiliest past grand master in South Dakota. Dr. A. .1. Buffalo returned this morning from Sioux: Falls, where he had been attending the state medi cal society lneet.'iig. Drs. C. S. Bobb and F. I). Gillis ar rived home this morning from at tending the stale medical society meeting at Sioux Falls. Miss Norma Odoll, tfho has been visiting as the yuost of Miss Marjorie Ford, rol urned to her home at Klnux Falls this morning. Miss Odoll was a student, in the school of music at Da kota Wesleyan earlier in tile school year. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Yerinilyea, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Darling, Misses Vio let Vermilyea aud Lucile Bobb re turned by train last evening from Siour Fails. Because of the impass able roads, Mr. Vermilyea was forc ed to leave his machine at Sioux Falls Mrs. M. L. Nobis left this morning for Palding, O., where she will make an extended visit at the home of her son, 'W. L. Nobis. The J. H. Eschman circus passed through Mitchell at. 2 o'clock this morning on its way from Bridgewater to Kimball, where it showed today. The circus was traveling in a spec ial train of five cars and will make the^5uutry west of the Missouri river. Drizzling rain fell all night long between Rapid City and the eastern state line. Flurries of snow were re ported in a few spots at Scenic and near Tripp. Bridge No. 922 0 ntlie Milwaukee line, a half mile east of the city, has been. rebiiTt?'1^iu6fe''tHe fife two weks ago a temporary bridge structure has been used. (From Saturday's Daily) Mr. aud Mrs. F. E. Porteous will leave this evening for Long Beach,, Calif., to join the A. E. Porteous fam ily for a short visit. Mrs. C. H. Gall and little daughter returned yesterday to her home at AVessington Springs, after a visit of t\vo weeks at the home of her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. G. T. Notson. On Friday evening, May 28, Prof. S. D. van Benthuysen, of Dakota Wes leyan, will deliver the address at Hurley for the high school graduating class, The following Friday, .Tune IlltKlliKl J:ii '1! i' 4, Prof. Ernest Ward Bitrch will deliver a similar address at Boresford Plankinton Mail: The friends here, of Mi's. Al. Otterson. former resident of Aurora county will be shocked aud grieved to learn of her death last Fri day iit the family home in Mitchell. She had been ill but a short time. Tlie Otterson family resided last year on the W. E. Irwin farm just east of Plankinton and moved to MitcMioll last March. The bereaved husband and two little ones have the sympathy of the community in their loss. The Dqkota Wesleyan baseball team has been scheduled to play tlie Columbus college team at Chamber lain at the barlK'cue and celebration on American island a week from to day. Wessington Springs Review*: Miss Jennie Williamson of Mitchell, is the new stenographer at the First Na tional Bank. She comes from Dakota Wesleyan. Supt. J. W. MeClinton, Miss Mary E. Walters, teacher of public speaking at tlie Mitchell high school, and Ho bart Brown. Mitchell's representative in tile state contest at Brookings Thursday evening, arrived home this morning. Mr. Brown won third place in the cominitted orations conies', being awarded a bronze medal. Miss Anna Laura Saul, who has been supervisor this 'year of music in the Plankinton public schools, di reeled the high school concert in that city on Thursday evening. Num bers were given by the girls' glee club, the high school chorus ami solo ists. At the commencement exer cises last evening, the address of I he occasion was delivered by Dr. J. S. Hoagland of this city. The Metropolitan theater is closing its vaudeville program this week with the best, bill seen since the house was opened. Commencing next week, only motion pictures will be shown. Dun can and Holt, burnt cork coniined iaus. keep their audiences in a roar of laughter and were brought back by repeated applause. George Dixon presents a musical act that is unique in every feature. The remains of Philip Lucas, who died at the national sanitarium at Hot Springs. S. D.. Friday morning, are expected to arrive in Mitchell Sun day evening. Rev. Henry Snyder will conduct the services on Tuesday af ternoon at the Noble undertaking parlors. The G. A. R. will be in charge. The deceased would have been 71 years old next August. Lel us show you the thin model .Hamilton and Howard watches. Woel lel the Jeweler. Somewhat damaged, the Ford au tomobile belonging to John P. Nolan was found this morning by Mr. Nol an and Sheriff 15. E. Owens oil the bank of the Firesteel creek oil the road east of Mitchell. The car was stolen from in front of the Cominer Qial and Savings bank about, 11 o'clock last evening, it is believed by boys. The indications were thai the parties taking the car could not turn on the lights aud that in tlie dark ness they ran off tiie grade approach ing the Firesteel bridge. 1!. F. Carrol, of Des Moines, for mer governor of Iowa, was in the city for several hours today oil his way to Pierre. Tlie ox-governor of the Hawkeye state was born within two miles of the birthplace of A. T. Downey, and the two had an inter esting visit today. Mrs. C. I'. Farnsworth was elected president of the Parent-Teachers' circle of the Lincoln school at its an nual meeting Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles W. Giles was named vice president, Mrs. j'nmes P. Mullen, sec retary, and Mrs. Will II. Gapp. treas urer. In the social hour following the meeting, Mrs. W. W. Reams sang and Mrs. H. I. Snow gave a reading. Refreshments were served. L. T. Jarnuth. cashier of the First State bank of St. Lawrence, S. 1)., returned home this morning after at tending the 1. O. O. F. sessions here this week. Mrs. Jarnuth drove a new car home, purchased in Mitchell. Mrs. Mollie Fralich, of Syracuse, N. V., arrived yesterday afternoon for a visit at the home of her niece,. Mrs. A. 15. Darling. W. 1!. Gorniley will commence work as a pharmacist ill the J. II. Ferris drug store Monday morning. Mr. Goruiloy has recently completed the course in a pharmacy Kchool at Minneapolis and passed the state ex it initial ion. The Woman's Relief Corps and Grand Army of the Republic win meet in their headquarters at 7: H0 o'clock tomorrow evening. They will march in a body to the First Methodist Episcopal church, where Dr. J. S. Hoagland will preach the annual- Memorial address. Myron K. Rowley arrived last evening from Sioux City fro a visit over Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr. «uid Mrs. George M. Rowley. The track team of Yankton col lege arrived last evening from the down state city for its dual meet with Dakota Wesleyan on the college field this afternoon. The Methodists were confident, from their previous showing this year, of carrying oil' first honors. Miss Grace Mumniert ol Sioux City, arrived last evening from Sioux City and will be a guest for several days at the Geo. M. Rowley home. From Monday's Daily.— W. Wright, of Cmicago, is 1 visiting his brother, Gage Lawson in Mitchell P. Wright. Miss HaYriet Holt and Miss Maud Fuller left Saturday night for Sioux City, where they will spend a few days with the former's sister, Mrs. \V. C. Van Dusen. The North Side Home department of the M. E. church w'ill meet Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. P. J. Pooley, 817 North Wisconsin street. Al Furchner, of Plankinton, form erly of the Sioux City and Cincinnati baseball clubs, is now playing base ball with the Storm Lake, la., club. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mailer have ioved into the new residence recent t,:?O t' Yc\ J? 4 :..!•!:i v'X :u 1 1 1^- Wi 1 1 ,r,.V' Mrs. L. E. Stair, Miss Emily Kings :ind Miss Mary Liko departed this morning for Rapid City, where they will represent the Degree of Honor of Mitchell at the state A. O. I'. W. convention there Tuesday and Wed nesday. John F. Smith is the delegate from the Mitchell Workmen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPlieo and ha b\ departed today for a visit of a mouth Willi relatives at Marshall, Mill n. Mr. and Mrs. William Koch and grand-daughter, Miss Irene Go&clie, arrived home Saturday from Bartow, Fla., where they spent the winter. As Mr. Koch this year has purchased a residence in Bartow, it is expected that the family will hereafter spend the winter in Florida. W. H. Broadbent wtll go over this evening to Sioux Falls, where the eighteenth annual convention of the South Dakota Funeral Directors' as sociation will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. Broadbent is the. secretary of the state organization. D. J. Noble' probably will go over tomor row evening. Through the efforts of the police. Miss Elsie lteeintsma, the daughter of Henry Reemtsina, of Marion Junc tion, was found visiting at the home of friends in Mitchell. The girl, who is 1C years old, disappeared from home last, week and much anxiety was occasioned by her departure. The girl declared that she had slipped away for a visit. Five members of Company al ready have qualified for experts in the practice on the ritle range north of the city, and one of them has a sharpshooter. The conivany will meet for drill at 7:30 o'clock i.n the armory tonight, and every Monday evening hereafter until the summer rncamp ment. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler and baby and Mrs. Leo Reihsen left this morning for a visit with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fowler, at Pomona, Calif. Knroute they will make stops at Omaha and Denver. While in California they will visit the fairs at San Diego and California. They will be gone twtj itibnths. The remains of Phillip Lucas arriv ed this morning from Hot Springs. S. D., where' the deceased passed away at the federal sanitarium last Thursday night. Funeral services, in charge of the G. A. R., will be held at. 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Noble undertaking establish ment. Rev. Henry Snyder will offi ciate. Supt. K. N. Ilolsaple has returned l'rom an extensive trip around the state in the interests of the Anti Saloon league. Including stops at Lemmon, Aberdeen, Watertown, Tor onto, and Beresford. At Lemmon he conducted a-John Doe examination of witnesses, securing evidence for the illegal sale of liquor against A. G. Macoinher, a druggist, his clerl and ,1 in Hi "V* ,« tJ. Dm ly completed by F. A. Bidwell oil West. First avenue, west of his home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry .P. Beckwith, of Fiii'go, N. 1)., arrived yesterday morning. Mr. Beckwith left last even ing on a business trip tjj. Nebraska and Mrs. Beckwith will remain for •a few days at tll'e'lionie of her par ents Mr. and Mrsl- Louis Beckwith. Dr. W. G. Seaman, Dr. J. P. Jenk ins and Dr. G. T. Notson, of Dakota Wesleyan. were speakers in north western Iowa cities yesterday in be half of the Morning Side college cam paign for a $l!75,00) endowment. Dr. Seaman was at Storm Lake. Dr. Jenkins at. Sentry and Dr. Notson al Whiting. the proprietor of llie Green hotel. At Murdo the same proceeding brought out evidence against J. W. Koehier and his clerk. At Beresford the evidence showed that F. D. Kribs and Bruehler & Bruehler, two drug firms, have been selling liquor il legally. The partie?s Jiave been ar restee and the cases brought into court. Mrs. Maebelle Anderson has rent ed the store room in the Beck wit li block formerly occupied by the L. II. Morris piano store and moved her mil linory stock to that location. Fift of rain fell on Sunday, The down pour stiirted shortly after daybreak and continued at intervals through out the day. While ilit} forenoon to day was cloudy, the sun came out af| ter noon to clear off conditions lor the remainder of the day. Cecil W. Bierce. of South Haven, Minn., and Mrs. Mabel Hanson, of Mt. Vernon, and Geo. 11. Drew, of' Monticelo, Minn., and Mrs. Elma L. S.vkes, of Mitchell, have secured li cense to marry. Mrs. E. F. Schwab and Mrs. F. L. Ransom left this afternoon for Ked lield, where the state Congregational conference will open with a session for tiio women in the forenoon. Dr. Schwab and Mr. Ransom will go up tomorrow for the formal opening that evening. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Raw son, oil Sunday, May 2!!, a daughter. Mrs. A. C. Myers, of Ethan, was operated at St. Joseph's hospital on Saturday. Miss Mary Lynn, of Lane, underwent an operation for appendi citis the same day. Mrs. J. A. Rogan and daughter, Miss Opal Rogan, returned to Conde, S. 1)., Satuiday afternoon with Charles Conklin in his automobile and will visit friends in that city. Mr. Conklin was in the city last week attending the I. O. O. F. grand lodge meeting. Mrs. Ralph M. Douglas and chil dren have returned from a visit at Madison with Mr. Douglas, who is engaged in the life insurance business tliere. Mrs. F. S. Justnian. of Plankinton was operated upon for acute appen dicitis yesterday at St. Joseph's hos pital. The Letcher baseball team will play Mitchell at Hitchcock park'at 3: HO o'clock on Thursday afternoon. The game will be one of the events of the meeting of the bankers of Group Four. Dr. C. P. Farnsworth arrived home Saturday evening from Rochester, Minn., and Chicago, where lie attend ed surgical clinics. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Meisenholder and little son spent Sunday with rela tives at Parkston. Regular meeting of the. Degree of Honor Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A good attendance is desired at the hall in the Baugliman block. Fred Eberhart. of Yankton, is vis iting college friends. Members of Company qualifying for marksmen and sharpshooters will be presented with their trophies and badges at the meeting of the com pany tonight. Parent-Teachers' circle of the West sit'e schools will meet at 3:45 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Central building. Dr. M. W. Myler will speak and there will be election of officers AH parents and friends are urged to attend. The Knights of Pythias will meet l| 'J T+* «.«»» I I. 5" -J I t»' iI tt.r 1 tt' 1'~" Tailor Made Suits and Coats Bargains For the Thrifty Buyer It is nearing the end of the season, and in order to make room for our summer garments, we will make a reduction on all suits and coats of one third off from our regular popular prices of the season, which makes this kn/ .. exceptional buying opportunity. While the assortment is not large, there is a good variety of the season's best styles to choose from.. If you have not bought that coat or suit, now is your time to save money on it. One-third off from our regular popular prices means a bargain, no in flated values put on the garments, just a clean 1 -3 reduction from our regu-iJ lar marked price. All goods marked in plain figures, and you can tell the/ amount saved by a glance at the price ticket. The suits are made of the leading materials of the season,. Serges, Gab-'r ardines, Poplins and Silks. The coats of Chinchilla, Gabardines, Fancy 'Corduroy, and Novelty Worsteds, and in the shops of New York's best mak ers, and eveiy one a bargain. Get yours while the assortment is good SKIRTS FOR SUMMER We have just received a nice line of light weight Dress Skirts for summer wear, in Serges, Palm Beach cloths, and Linens, Extra good values, ranging r. -!'. price, frqrp._$2.25 to $3.0.0. each] your selection while the line is fresh. I ___ v:* ^'V/, vvayv. "•.UV' "The Store of Good Values" -live-hundredths of an inch From Tuesday's Daily— Edwin Anderson departed for Ab erdeen and Minneapolis for a visit ywith friends. On the way home he will visit al Mason City, Lake Okobo ji and Spencer, la. Charles H. Roddy and T. J. Mor gans, secretary of the Commercial club left this morning for Sioux Falls where the retail harness dealers of the state opened their convention to day. Dr. E. F. Schwab and F. L. Ran som departed this afternoon for Red field. The state Congregational con ference opens in that city this even ing. Mrs. Frank W. Samson was elected president ol' the Twentieth Century (dub at its annual meeting last even ing. Other officers named were Mrs. 'A. B. Darling, vice president: Mrs. S. llall, secretary: Mrs. Geo. M. Rowley, treasurer Mrs. O. W. Cour sey, press correspondent, and Mrs. •W. S. Hill, historian. The course of study was left for the program com mittee to outline. Frank \V. Mitchell is visiting in Sioux City at the home of his par ents. Lauritz Miller was in Gettysburg, S. D., on legal business Monday and today. Mrs. J. E. Whiting, of Woonsocket, was a .Mitchell shopper today. John M. Siberz left this afternoon for a business trip of ten days to Gettysburg, S. D. W. C. Cook, of Sioux Falls, was a Mictliell visitor today. ilrs. L. C. Thomas, of Northfield, Minn:, who has been visiting friends at her former home here for the past week, left this afternoon for a stay with relatives at Artesian. Mrs. Harry P. Beckwith, of Fargo, N. D., left this morning for a visit at Elk Point, S. D. She will later join Mr. Beckwith, who is in Ne braska on a business trip. Charles Alexander is relieving Frank Brainerd as a passenger con ductor on trains No. 1 and 8. Melvin Chase and June Cass, of Dakota Wesleyan. will leave tomor row for Grand Forks, N. D., where the tri-state track meet will be held on Thursday. Chase will enter the hammer throw, allot put and broad jump and Cass the 100 and 220-yard dashes. In„the hammer event, Chase holds the rccord of 127 feet and 6 inches and is expected to break that mark, as he has been .throwing the weight close to 150 feet. South Da kota state college, Carleton college, of Northfield, Minn., and North Da kota university are expected to be the strongest contenders for points in the meet. Rev. Henry Snyder, who last Sun day closed a four year pastorate in the Presbyterian church, will leave this evening over the Omaha road with his family for Waukesha, Wis., where he will visit at the bome of iij .ill® It "k- 1 1 1 I *,ri 1 special rank work and refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnes and daughter, Miss Mabel Barnes, return ed to their home at White Lake to day, after spending three weeks iti Mitchell. Mr. Barnes has been taking medical treatment. J. G. Love, of Chicago, general freight agent of the Milwaukee sys tem, was in Mitchell Saturday even ing to meet his family, who were on their way home from a trip to their ranch near Chamberlain. Miss Audrn Barber, of Lane, is visiting her sister, Miss Opal Barber. his father. They will make a short visit and then go to theh- new hamo at. Parish, a suburb of Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. O. E. Smith and Mrs. O. Tobin will entertain Band No. 6 of the Catholic. Ladies'. Altar society, tomorrow afternoon at. 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Tobin. Carpenters today commenced the work of building a new corner en trance for the Theater pharmacy in the Champeny building. The present entrance also will be remodeled aud arranged on the north side of the front to correspond with tlie corner. New interior furnishings will be in stalled and other improvements made in the equipment o£ the store in the near future. Funeral services for the Philip Lucas were held at the Noble under taking parlors at. 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, Kev. Henry Snyder offi ciating, The pall-bearers were Al Cooper, S. W. Ballard. Thos. John son, Dan Tenney, Theodore Snow and S. Cattrell. M. Boice, commander and II. Noll, chaplain, had charge of the services for the G. A. R. at Grace land cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Crosmer have returned from Hot Springs, S. D., where they spent the past year at the old soldiers' home, and have re sumed their residence at 317 South Edmunds street. United States Marshal Tom W. Taubmann was in the city yesterday afternoon with Charles Derserva, an Indian 20 years old whom he was taking to the state training school at Plankinton. Deserva was guilty of breaking into the postofl'ice at Wood, an inland town near Deadwood In Lawrence county. K. Paeth and family of Groton, S. D., are visiting at the home of Ills brother-in-law Paul Lier, 608 West First avenue, also brother, Ernest Lier, and family, of Blue Earth, Minn Tlie family groups today celebrated the birthday of Mr. Lier, who was 4 4 years old. ——o From Wednesday's Daily- Miss Adah Tenney, of Redwood Falls, Minn., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,B. B. Dean, return ed home yesterday afternoon.,".' Mr. and Mrs.Dennis Fotter, of St. Paul, who have been visiting at the Joe Micliels home, .left yesterday af ternoon for Redfield, where they will be guests at the-home of Dr. G. W. Potter. Mr. Potter will return to St. Paul Saturday evening and Mrs. Pot ter will come back to Mitchell for further visit. Rev. A. N. Brutjvig, pastor of the Norwegian Lutheran church, and Mrs. Brudvig left last evening for San Francisco where they, will visit the Panama-Pacific exposition and at tend the national conference of the church the first week in June. Kimball Graphic: Frank Holzer of Gann Valley died at tlie Mitchell hospital a week ago yesterday. He, was one of the pioneers of BuKalo county and had many friends and Ac quaintances in Kimball who 'learned with extreme sorrow of his death. He'leaves a wife and four children. Plankinton Heirald: The anntfal state trap shoot is to be held at Mit chell June 1, and 3, and a large number of contestants are expected there. Plankinton will endeavor,*" carry off some of the honors aud t_„, local members ot the gun club hiking proven themselves well lit for th« match. At least two will enter an$ it is at he in a down, mm 'V 1 A Co« C,