Newspaper Page Text
I I Turner County Herald. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. PUBLISHED BY W. C. BROWN. MKMUKR OF SOUTH DAKOTA FKESS ASSOCIATION. TERMS |l.M I*KB YJCAK. In Adruce. ItUItLItr LODOK NO. 75, t. o. o. p. Meets every Saturday evening at R:30 o'clock. In Allen's halt. Visiting brothers are most earti •«tly requested to attend. B. 8. UKAVKM, K. S K. c. a. M'COOK WARD, X. U. rosT, yo. 31, o. A. K. Meet first and third Saturday ol each month at p. m., In G. A. B. hall. CHURCH DIRECTORY. FZHST BAPTIST—Services every Sunday at 3:00 p.m.: Sunday .school «t 2:00 p. in. iiraver meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. G. 1C. fils by, pastor. METHODIST EpincorAi. Services every Sun (L.'-V at 11:00 a. 111. ami 7:30 p. 111. Sunday school after ninrofne services: prayer meeting Thtirsday evening at 7:30. Alexander licnnctt, pastor. PKOTKSTAMT EPISCOPAL—Services at 11:00 a. ra.. Sunday school at 10,00a. in. E.T.Simpson, rector. ruK*»\TKi!iAif-Servlccscvery Sunday at 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school after morn ing service prayev iiii rtiiie Wednesday even ing at 7:30. (5. A. White l'astor. THE CHICAGO AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. TRAINS GOING EAST. Passenger No. 6 1:44 P.M. freight No. 24 2:38 TRAIN'S GOING WEST. Passenger No. 5 12:36 P. M. Freight No. 12:12 P. M. Make through connection for Chicago and lloux City. Yanhton trains connect at Centrevilie with jsth morning and evemnc passenger. W. A. THBALL, Gen'l Ticket Agent. F. l'HINNY. Agent. HUIU.EY MAHKKTS. CORRECTED EVERY THURSDAY. Wheat—No. 1 Northern—63c. Wheat—No. 2 Northern—48c. Oats—No. 2 White—22c. Oats—No. 3 White—20c. Corn—25c. Flax see J—800. rEKSUNAL. JL. B. Allen was spending the front part of the week in Hurley, going south Tuesday. Rev. A. G. Bennett has gone to Shel don, Iowa, to partake of Thauksgiving feast with relatives. Geo. Warner arrived from the north Tuesday, and will spend a few days with Hurley friends, Mrs, F. M. Brown and daughters came down from Carthage Tuesday, and are stopping with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. ffui. Harneis. F. M. Brown and L. A. Bailey ar rived Monday evening from Carthage, by the overland route. They took the train Tuesday for Iowa points and may continue their journey into Kan sua. To Whom It May Concern. Notice is hereby given that parties using my meadow lying east of Mr. Kingery's for a highway will here garded as trespassers and such trespass is forbidden. Nov. 2, 1892. LAURA ALDERMAN. Notice to .School Officer* nnd Patrons. The undersigned is in l'arker on the first Monday in each month for the pnrpose of attending to any school matters that may be brought before him. Iiespect fully, JOHN* MCATHIE. C'haiiiljcrtitiu'i, Kvn and Skin Ointment. A certain -u for Chronic Sure Ey-s. Tetter, Salt. 1:1. Scald Head, Old Chronic- Soivs, Fc\ i-r Sores, lvzi nia, itch, I'rairie Scratches, ijore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. It is put up in 25 and 50 c^nt boxes. An honest Swede tells his story in plain but unmistakable language for the benefit of the public. "One of my children took a severe cold and got the croup. I gave her a teaspoonful of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and in five minutes later I gave her one more. By this time she had to cough up the gathering in her throat. Then she -vent to sleep and slept good for fifteen minutes. Then she got up and vomited then she went bacK to bed and slept good the remainder of the night. She got the croup the second night and 1 gave her the same remedy with the pamegood results. 1 write this because I thought there might be some one in fhe same need and not know the true merits of this wonderful medicine." Charles A. Thomsen, Des Moines, Iowa. f!5 and 50 cent bottles for saje by Emiel Brauch. Mrs. Harriaon'itL lut Work. Mrs. Harrisoo could uot have left a wore loving inempnto to the women of America than the work she did for them before her last sickness. It is a magnificent work ot art, a bunch of orchids, painted by hep in the White House, from an orrhid raised in the White House. It is lovingly dedicated to the mothers, wives, and daughters pf America and the reproductions are so perfect, that last August, when a roof was submitted to Mrs. Harrison Loon Lake, for her approval, she thought it'\vas her own original paint ing. Demorcst's Family Magazine has the honor of being the medium through whieh these valuable pictures (12x15 Inches) were presented to the women Qt America. They are not for sale but we will now send one to any mother, -Wifr, or daughter Mfho will enclose three 2-ceqt stamps to pay for trans portation, packing, etc. These exquis* ite mementos, hearing Mrs. Harrison's autpgraph and portrait, will soon bo gS^jbsyond price, and should be secured at Iggwice. Address Demorest's Family ^llfMaspzine, 15 East 14th Street, New if?0*. CROP REPORTS. Last season the Herald began publish ing: crop reports as soon as threshing commenced, and kept it up during the fall. Many of these reports were re published in the state papers, and in newspapers outside of the state, as well as in pamphlets and circulars issued by railway oompanies, and they doubtless were of benefit to Turner county and South Dakota. This year we propose to follow the same plan, and ask all who are Interested in advertising this, the best county in the state, to report to the Herald all yields, giving such statements as they would be willing to verify by oath. Now, that these reports may be of benefit to the county and state, it is necessary that they should be circula ted among the farmers and business men of other states, and to aid in spreading "the good tidings" the Her ald will be furnished—to be sent out of the state—until December 1st for 25 CENTS. .business men and farmers, vou all have eastern friends to whom you could with profit send copies of the paper. Hand in your list and 25 cents for each name. We will all reap a benefit in the near future. LOCAL MENTION. Pure maple syrup at Ira G. Fergu son's. Watch for Pioneer Drug Store holi day ad. Prof. Rich. Devere at Opera Hall this evening. If you want a first-class sewing ma chine cheap call at the Herald otlk-e at once. Geo. Duryee has moved his familj to Centrevilie, where he is engaged in buying stock. G. C. Gehon has been in Sioux City for the past two weeks under the doctor's care. Jiev. Father Leonard will hold mass at the Catholic church Hurley, Sunday, Nov. 27,1892. A. A. Basye has the frame up tor his new house on the land recently pur chased of John Kingery. Will trade a high grade bicycle for a light horse or pony. Enquire of A. W. Harper, Bank of Hurley, Hurley. S. D. Sell Smith brought in 141 hogs Mon day, for which H. H. ftundell paid him 31995.50. Yes, there is a little money in hogs this year. Devere's Carnival of Novelties is billed for Opera Hall this evening and will give a refined entertainment con sirting of mind-reading, magic, leger demain, etc. John Boterman, six miles southeast of Hurley, reports 15 acres ol wheat at 20,^ bushels, 38 of oats at 31 bushels, 33 of barley at 30 bushels and 11 of flax at 17 bushels. There will be a shooting match this afternoon, under the management of II. H. Rundell, which everybody is in vited to attend. There will turkey, target and black-bird shooting. Last Sunday is one of those kind of days we do not wish to see very often but then it is the "gentle zephyrs" that purify the air and make the Da kotas the healthiest states in the Union. Sunday morning, 11KX) o'clock, at the Methodist church, will be a special ser vice of praise. At 7:30 p. m., the pastor will deliver the third discourse in the series ot "Young People of the Scrip tures." Many old soldiers, who contracted chiouif di.-ir: :io*-u while in tin service, have since iieen permanently rnn-d of it by Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by E. Brauch. Many people suffer for years from troublesome and repulsive sores, boils, and eruptions, without ever testing the marvelous curative properties of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The experiment is cer tainly worth trying. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. Austin Austinsen's team took a run from Slagle's lumber yard Monday afternoon. In attempting to turn the corner at Frick's store the Wiigon was capsized and the rear wheels and the lumber left there. The horses found it easier running. They were finally stopped without any serious damage. For Sale or Exchange—A thorough bred Poland-China boar—Crusader, No. 14052—which I cannot use any more 3 years old Dec. 28. and weighs about 600 pounds. Price 825. Also have some young boars and sows for sale, Also 100 tons of hay one mile north of Hurley. J. H. Griffin, 4 miles east of Parker. While riding on the train from Hur ley to Aberdeen last week, the editor of the Herald overheard a gentleman informing the expert who is to se cure samples of South Dakota soil to exhibit at the world's fair, that the best soil to be found in the state was In Middleton township, Turner Co., just east of Hurley. The South Dakota demoorats are backing Maris Taylor, surveyor gen eral under Cleveland former adminis. tration, for the position of commission er of the general land office. There is no state in the Union more interest ed than South Dakota in the manage ment of this department of our govern^ ment, and there is no man in South Dakota more entitled to. or better qualified to fill that office than Mr. Taylor. His democracy is of the kind that hsis never been questioned, and the editor of this paper personally knows his fighting and staying qual ities when he had hardly a corporal's guard at his back. 1 VOLUME X. HURLEY, SOUTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1892. Hurley is to have mill. Read Brauch's bill of fare. Building and loan dues Saturday, F. C. Frederickson has built a stable for hts driving team. Union Thanksgiving seryice at the Baptist church at 11:00 a. m. No need of sending away for carpets, as Kimberly now keeps a stock. C. C. Skinner will occupy the Sar gent house, on Park Boulevard. Two girls to learn dressmaking wanted at Kathle Connor's, Hurley. For Sale—A good team. Horses or mares, as you prefer. John Iloppmann. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newer restores the hair to its natural color. if good weather continues the Odd Fellow's building will be nearly com pleted next week. The new baking powder at Breier's is catching everybody who sees it. Have you tried it? E. T. Langley's lecture at Opera hall Tuesday evening was delivered to an appreciative audience. If you have any pictures you want framed, go to Jos. Frick's and get any style of moulding you want. The commissioners proceedings and Thanksgiving story occupy the greater portion of our space this week. You will find that celebrated Tycoon tea, which cannot be surpassed for flavor, at Rasinussen & Jacobsen'8. For Sale—A good 5-yr-old mare, weighs about 1100 pounds, top buggy, harness, etc. Enquire of Sib. Welch. The question for debate tor the Good Templars next Tuesday evening is, Re solved that Napoleon was a great man. Buy your reserved seat tickets at Pioneer Drug Store, for Devere's Car nival of Novelties. Prices 15,25 and 35 cents. Traveling men are unanimous in saying that Hurley appears to be the most prospepous and wide-awake town in the state. The question for debate next Friday evening at the Council is, Resolved that Hamilton was a greater man than Washington. Mrs. Conklin has moved to her farm east of the depot, Rev. Carhart having moved to Hudson, S. D„ where he will be stationed during the coming year. Geo. B. Kimberly is closing out his present stock of goods at very low figures so as to move as few goods as possible to his new store in Odd Fellows building. Thns. l'aige had over 830 stolen from his pocket last Saturday while he was in bed at his boarding house. There are circumstances which lead him to suspect a certain party. The leap year dance given by the Hurley ladies last Friday was a grand success, as is everything which the ladies undertake. The gentlemen en joyed themselves so well that they con template holding a series of club dances this winter. The smallest "cat-boil" is large enough to show that the blood needs purifying—a warning which, if un heeded, may result, not in more boils," but in something very much worse. Avert the danger in time by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Cured others, will cure you. For lame back there is nothing better than to saturate a flannel cloth with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on the affected parts. Try it and you will he surprised at the prompt relief it affords. The same treatment will cure rheumatism. For sale by Emiel Brauch. Dr. Louis Smith a prominent astron omer. predicts that on Sunday evening next, the 27th inst., there will he a rain of fire which wii! be remembered for years. This meteoric shower is said to be caused by the near approach to the earth ot Biela's comet. Probably many of our readers remember a sim ilar occurrence in 18(36. The best place to buy shoes is at Breier's. For the Ladle.. We are prepared to give you almost everything in the line of New Winter Millinery, is we have just received a large invoice of new goods. Call,at once if you wish to get something pretty. Yours to please, MRS. M. S. ROBINSON. The largest box of baking powder in town for 25 cents at Cheap John's. Of course nearly all of our lady read ers intend purchasing a jacket, cloaK, or some other kind of outside wrap this fall, and by calling at Kimberly's in Opera Hall block, they will find a fine line to select Irom, and at prices as low as the same grade of goods can be purchased at in the cities. That immense stock of dry goods at Breier's is a surprise to all who have seen it, and is selling like hot cakes. Short term insurance policies writ ten on grain in stack, crib or granary, at very low rates, Allen's Agency, The Saturday Blade Is the greatest newspaper wonder ot the age. It is four years old and has a circulation of over a quarter million copies a week. The latest sensations and the most mavelous events are written up in the best style and fully illustrated. Subscriptions are received at 92 per year, 81 for six months, or 50 cents for three months. Boys every are making big money selling the Blade on the streets. Write for par ticulars, Address the publisher, W. D. Boyce, 113« 115 and 117 Fifth avenue, Chicago. Money to loan on real estate or chat tel security. Enquire at Herald office. BOLD BURGLARY. J. T. Bopn'i Store Kntered and Robbed, Last Sunday night the clothing store of J. T. Hogan was robbed by a gang of burglars who secured an entrance by a rear window. It is evident that the parties were not strangers in the town, as they broke into A. A. Basye's carpenter shop and secured the tools with which to open the window. In the store they showed their famil iarity with the surroundings by secur ing the better class of goods and not molesting the others. The value of the goods taken amounts to between two and three hundred dollars as near as can be estimated, although it is Im possible to make a correct inventory of the articles taken. No clue as to who the parties are has been secured up to this time. Last Call. Having disposed of our meat market, we wish all persons owing us on ac count to call and settle, as we need every cent due us. Don't neglect to give this your prompt attention. Respectfully, E. E. BERRY & Co. NOTICE. To members of Hurley Lodge No. 75, 1. O. O. F: Your subscriptions for I. O. O. F. Hall will now be acceptable the sooner the better. E. BRAUCH, Solicitor. Life insurance to be cheap must be reliable. If you are thinking of invest ing in a life policy, look up the record and plans ot the Equitable Life and Endowment Association of Water loo, Iowa. M. S. ROBINSON, Agent. There is an opportunity tor a few more Turner county citizens to get in on the ground floor in the South Da kota World's Fair hotel enterprise. For particulars, call at the Herald office. O CD 7s ffi •jj J3 CO GO TO T+ rt- CD i2 02 C" Cb 3 p* 00 ft) c+- sr 02 Our Underwear is going fast. Only 25c. OQ A Bill Of Fare For Thanksgiving! 0 CZ2 09 8$ S^03[Xt3UIAV0ft[ 'S^OXO UI Q.U0 The Golden Harvest AT PIONEER DRUG STORE. Choice Apples, Malaga Grapes, Cranberries, Bananas, Lemons, Oranges, Dates, Figs, Standard Bulk Oysters. Leave your orders early. Respectfully yours for trade, EMIEL BRAUCH. S. Advice:—Stuff your turkey with oysters and yourself with cranberries. E. B. J. H. QUEAL & GO'S -KOR- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Fence Lath, Adamant, and all Material in their Line. They have Prices that cad't be beat, and Grades to correspond with their Prices Come and look at the lumber and get pri ces, it will cost you nothing. S. VATJGHL^Isr, e+ o4 0 CD CD CD P- 3 ux CTQ 1 CD 50 C+- O 0 c+- 3 5=1 CD U1 CD ts c* a a 4 IB NOW OPEN In order to close out my entire Btock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, And make room for Fall and Winter Goods, I will offer the same Regardless Of Cost! While others quote prices, an examination of my stock and prices will convince you that THE PLACE TO GET BARGAINS Is at my Store A fine line of Clothing has been added to the Stock and prices are as low as the lowest. Butter and Eggs taken at the highest market price. frgf Come in and I will save you money and guarantee satisfaction. Hurley, S. D. EDW. J. BREIER. hcj W CD t—'• O CP? tf e+ O 4 0*2 CD CD O P- CD CO AT EDW. J. BREIER'S. LJ hH W ui a CD CP? 4 hd CD PS 2 U1 ui r. O VJ O 0 hd We also have a and see them, "WE ARE STILL ON EARTH -WITH— ACarlord of Jackson Wagons. tl Champion Binders and Mowers, Stuoghton Wagons and Buggies, Plows, Cultivators, Etc., Etc. -HARDWARE,- Farm Machinery, Tinware, Oils, Paints, AND WINDOW GLASS. Also a New and Complete line of Cooking and Heating Stoves. In our Tin Shop we manufacture all kinds of new goods and do Repairing* HURLEY, SOUTH DAKOTA. J. T. HOGAN Has Received a Portion of his Fall Stock of Fashionable Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Etc. And feels Confident that he can Fit and Suit you. WE ARE THE: Leaders in these Goodsl. -(X)- Money will be returned if Goods are' not Satisfactory. RASMUSSEN & JACOBSEN. IRA G. FERGUSON, -BEJUiEn-IK- Dry Goods, Notions,. Ladies'and Gent Furnishing Goods, Boots, Slioes, NUMBER 31. Owen's Fanning Mills, Gliddden Barb wire. Moline and Bradley Plows, Carload of BUGGIES on the road. Wait Hespectfullyr ELLIOTT & BACH. T. J. HILL, DEALER IN and Gr roeeries. -c-y- You will find it to your advantage not to make purchases before calling and examining my stock and getting prices. E. TC. BERRY & CO., rropnetor Hurley Meat Market Fresh and Hnoked Meat Always on Hand. Highest Prices Paid for Lire Stock, Hides and Fitrs DAKOTA