Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME XII. 1 Turner County Herald. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. PUBLISHED BY W. C. BROWN. MBMBSR OF SOUTH DAKOTA FBKSS ASSOCIATION. tKRMS $1.50 JPKR "VICAR. In Advance. CHURCH DIRECTORY CATHOLC—Services on tlie 1st aud 3rd Sundays •of each mouth at 10:30 a. m. Christ lar. doc trine ctass at 12:00 m.t and Vespers and Benediction at 7:30 p. m., daily Mass at 8:C0 a. m. Services are held at Ccntreville on the 2nd Sundry of cacli month and at Beresford on the tth Sunday. Very He v. Dean Sheehan. pastor. ilrraoDiBT EPISCOPAL Services every Sun day »t 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.j Sunday ichool after inornine services prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. J. Kaye, pastor. HUltLEY LODGK NO. 75,1. O. O. F. Meets every Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock In I. O. O, F. hall. Visltinc brothers are most earnestly requested to attend. J. H. FABNSWORTH, N. t, I. E. THOMPSON, B. S. A 4 JOPPA LOOGB A. F. & A. M. Meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the Tuesday evening on or before the full of the moon. All Uasoiss in good standing cordially invited to STTELL D. F. S. VAVOHAN, W. M. t. B. WiwJAMS, Secretary. B.8. M'COOK POST, NO. 31, O. A. E. uMt Saturday evening preceding the full in eMhwouthit Tp.m.. lu G. A. K. hall. TRAINS GOINGEAST. Pawenser No. 6 2.00 i\ Freight No. 24 -C" M. v' 2:30 P. TRAINS GOING WEST. Passenger N°. 12:47 M* Freight No. 25 11:05 A. M. Make through connection for Chicago and Sioux City. Yankton trains connect at Centreville with sotli morning and evening passenger. W. A THRALL. Gen'l Ticket Agent. H. K. WKBSTBR. Agent. HURLEY MARKKTS. CORRECTED EVERY THURSDAY.' Wheat—No. I Northern—62 Wheat—No. 2 Northern—17e. Oats-No. 3 White—33c. Corn—56c. Flax seed—81.20 Top hogs bring 84.00 today. Cattle bring from 82.00 to 84.00 They repaired to the falls ot the Slonx, There was nothing else for them to dioux But what they had done, For they wished, who were one, .'. To be with all expedition made tioux. —Detroit Tribune. PERSONAL. John A. Sargent was over .from Lin coln county Tuesday. Al. Smith was up from Vermillion the latter part of last week. G. B. Kimberly drove to Yankton Saturday, returning Tuesday, Mrs. Erwin Benson and her sister, Miss Pugslev. went to Parker Satur- day- v. *. is Agent Webster of the Northwestern has been at Elk Point on business this week. Very Rev. Dean Sheehan went to JJeresford yesterday and returned this afternoon. ,' Rev. Dean Sheehan goes to Canistota on Friday where he will hold services on Saturday forenoon. Hey. J. J. Mclntire passed through Hurley Saturday on his way home to Spencer from a visit in eastern Iowa. Mrs. Dr. Sheehan who has spent the past few days visiting friends here re turned to her home at Centerville yes terday. *•«'"", 0 Postmaster Ilasmusseii and family were visiting at the hospitable home of Cari AndersoD, near Center Point, last Sunday. Miss Fay Fessenden, who has been staying at Dr. Graves' for the past month, returned to her home in Spring Valley Tuesday. Rev. F. A. Burdick, who 'was at one time a resident of Parker, and now lives at Aberdeen, was a pleasant caller at the Herald office Monday. Dr. Robert Martin was down from Parker Tuesday afternoon and was a caller at the Herald office. There not not many men of the doctors age over 78 years—who can get around as spry as he does. -is ."-a® NOTICE. I am prepared to pasture 25 head of horses and colts this coming season at 83.50 per bead for season, best pasture in Turner county, tame grass, plenty ot water and salt, good shade, miles Northeast of Hurley. Fee must be paid before horses leave pasture. This pasture will feed about one month longer than ordinary pastures. .Leave order at Pioneer Drug Store. f'-. E. BRACJCII. TAKE NOTICE. Horses pastured 7 months for 83, or kept 12 months for 89. For particulars call at once on E. JJRAUCII. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt .Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all SKin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund fid. Price 25 cents per box. For sale hy E. Brauch, druggist. Zano cures mental, nervous and sexu al debiliiy of men and restores lost manhood. Zano cures mental and sexu al debility of men. Sold by E. Brauch Don't forget to call and renew your subscription to the Herald and Inter Ocean, Remember 81.50 for both pa pers for a year. *^V According to a law passed by the late legislature assessors will take the census of their districts this year. They are required to meet with the connty ^®aTdon Saturday, April 27, to receive papers and instructions. Other wise _the county board is empowed to substitutes^ LOCAL MENTION. It was muddy mud. Box elder trees will soon be in leaf. Best grade of Tycoon tea at Fergu son's. The gooseberry trees appear quite green. The bikes got a resS while the mud lasted. -'j Men's arctics 81.15 and 81.25 at Ho gan's old stand. Number of strangers are seen about town these days. The fire department was out practic ing tast Friday evening. There are some business trades on which may mature soon. Mr. Piper now occupies the Palmer building with his repair shop. Farm loans continued to be made at_ Turner County Bank. No delay. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers is a positive remedy for a gray beard. Daily services are being held in the Catholic church commencing at 8:30 a. m. By direction of Gov. Sheldon tomor row will be Arbor day in South Da kota. Dr. Graves' wife i* very much better, and the doctor bas again resumed his practice, gg & Rev. Babcock will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. Steamship tickets are cheap now, send for your friends across the sea. Allen's Agency. For rent—Ttie Swan farm 2 miles north of Hurley. Speak quick if you want it. Allen's Agency. The section force on the railroad has been inci eased at this point and the track is being looked alter. Mrs. S. D. White, Winfleld Scott, flenry Arnett and Chas. Bartle are sporting new bicycles this week Rev. Gaynor preached an Eester ser mon to a fair-sized audience at the Episcopal church Sunday afternoon. Insure your farm property, we will take your note due next fall—best com panies—low rates. Allen's Agency. Commencing May 1st, I will sell meat for cash or produce only. This means just what it says. C. C. Skin ner. Now that the gardens are being planted, the chickens should be kept where they cannot harm your neigh bors. As everybody is liable to derange ments of the stomach and bowels, the need of Aver's Pills is universal. They are the best cathartic. Call on yonr druggist for a free sam ple of Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure. After trying it you will always keep it in your family. Sold by Emiel Branch. Fayette County, Tennessee! Sweet potatoes and a!l kinds of fruit. Do you want to go there? We can put you onto a snap if you do. Allen's Agency- All members of the Hurley fire de partment are requested to meet at E. Brauch's clothing store Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired. G. C. Gehon says the furniture for the Commercial house is on the way here, and he expects to be equipped throughout for business the latter part of next week. The Baptist Sunday School will ob serve Chapel day next Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. An interesting pro gram has been prepared. All are in vited to be present. The Easter exercises at the Presby terian church by the members of the Sabbath school were carried out in a very interesting manner, and were en joyed by all present. Folks with time to throw away should never try to trade it off in the work rooms of a printing office. No real workman wants to talk with you there in business hours. A glorious sizzling, drizzling rain visited this portion of the universe this week, starting in early Monday morning and continuing during the day and nearly all night. The Chicago & Northwestesn Rail way Company have promulgated an order that no conductor who uses in toxicating liquor can remain in their employ. The order went into effect April 1st. When in need of job work or printed stationery remember that the Herald office carries one of the most complete stocks to be found in the county, and that prices are low while the quality of stock used is of the best. Do not neglect to take advantage of the offer by which you can get the Weekly Inter-Ocean free tor one year. Those who renew their subscriptions to the Herald and lay down the cash, as well as all new cash subscribers, are included in this offer. 81,50 pays for both papers. Judge W. F. Eldridge of Yankton died last Saturday, aged 73 years and 2 months. Mr. Eldridge was a veteran of the clvel war, having served In the 14th Wisconsin. lie came to Yankton in 1869, where he has since resided. He was father of Mrs. II. B. Vinton, for merly a resident of Hurley. The Very liev. Father Sheehan will hold Catholic services in St. Anthony's new church at Davis on Sunday next at 9 a. m. and in St. Joachim's church in Hurley at 11 a. m. There will be evening devotions in the. latter church also, commencing at 7:30. Interested parties will please note hour of servi- CPS. The Viborg Times (all home print) dated April 13 contains an account of Hay ward's sentence, testimony of the principal witnesses in the Taylor in vestigation, an account of the capture of Taylor in Mexico, and other late news. Unfortunately not many of the country publishers home print" editions* home print rv,.^ .c*?•+ 5v vir* J-h'-"»f,*1 Subscribe for the Herald. Insure with Allen's Agency. "Coin" only 25c at Herald office. The prairies are taking on their sum mer hue. Best line of stationery at Pioneer drugstore. A span of young mules for sale cheap by E. E. Berry. The nicest line of confectionery at Pioneer drug stored. Fifty cent packages of "Coin" at the Herald office for 25 cents. The Yankton cement Works havll stated up with a full force. A full-blooil Jersey cow and caf for sale. Apply at Herald Citizens of Sioux Falls are organiz ing to fight the Standard Oil Co. Great snap in men's boots, and Ger man socks, at Hogan's old stand. Young women, who complain of lan guor and loss of appetite, need Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 D, W. Fairchild has purchased of John Ivingery the house which he (.Fairchild) is now occupying, and the ten acres of land surrounding the same. The many friends of Mrs. Graves will be rejoiced to learn that she is much better, and that nnless some thing unlooked for occurs her recovery is assured. Pleasant, safe, harmless, invigorat ing, restoring, healing and curative, is what ladies will find Dr. Sawyer's Pas tilles are. Try a sample package. Sold by Emiel Brauch. The town board had an opportunity this week to discover what cross walks need their attention, and immediate attention should be given to the one between the Herald office and Pioneer Drug Store. Have you been to Mrs. Robinson's to see her stock of new millinery and fancy goods? If you haven't now is the time as she has a very pretty line. Also the Chicago waists for ladies and misses which she will keep in stock rfom now on also kid gloves. lace mits, etc. Come and see. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. The young people of the M, £. church will hold a basket sociable at the home of Mrs. C. M. Pier next Tuesday eve April 23,1895. Ladies are requested to bring a basket containing lunch for two and apiece like the dress worn on the occasion. Gentlemtn will be sup posed to buy these baskets, hunt up the lady and take her to supper. Baskets 25 cents each. •}& From good authority the Herald learns that C. H. Blakely, who several years ago lived in Hurley with his par ents, and who was an employe in the Hefald office for nearly a year, is now confined in the Iowa asylum for the in sane and that he is pronounced incur able. The case is indeed a sad one, and the many friends of the family in Hur ley and vicinity sympathize with them in the affliction which has fallen upon them. The oratorical entertainment given at Opera hall, by pupils ot the Hurley high school, under the supervision of Mrs. A. J. Smith was highly enjoyed by the large audience present. Those participating showed improvement under the instructions received, and it is evident that with sufficient training Hurley will be able to produce some orators in the near future. The musi cal portion of the program was also well rendered. As an offset for what the printer loses when a mercantile firm orders a bill of goods from a wholesale jobber and gets a thousand baking powder statements or a box of envelopes with a soap ad, on them, thrown in as a pre mium, the printers are now looking for a wholesale paper dealer who is willing to give a few pounds of sugar or a box of matches with every bill of paper. Of course, they would have to charge a little more for the paper, but we would get the sugar and that would seem like finding it. If merchants who buy of this class ot men would insist on them keeping their stationery and deducting the price from the bill of goods pur chased, they would use decent station ery, adyertising their own business oniy and not have it cost any more than the cheap stuff which is said to come free.—Ex. SCHOOL NOTES. Nora Weed is high school journalist this week. There are now 170 pupils in regular attendance. Master Roy Towsley entered the fifth grade Wednesday. The eighth grade are reviewing men suration of solids this week. Charlotte Sumner returned to school Monday after several day's absence. The sixth grade are reviewing the early settlements of the United States, The fifth grade pupils are writing stories about familiar wild animals this week. The graduating exercises of the eighth grade are to be held on the last day of May. The third grade are studying form and motions of the earth. The class has also taken up fractions. A large number of the eighth and ninth grade pupils are preparing to at tend the institute this summer. The pupils had to be dismissed from the grammar room Monday forenoon on account of a smoking stove. The extra month ot school has been assured, and will begin on the Monday following the close of this term. Several excellent imaginary journey stories have lately been written by pupils of the fourth and fifth grades. The second grade are using alphabet cards for language work. The cards have been found to awaken q,uite an interest in language. 1M** A RF YfiU Send us names and P.O. IUU ADDRESSORI17 we every .. ery Price List ill.(I If you return THIS ADD we will also send vou a catalog of Harness and on ths Free list? COUNTY CULLINGS. PARKER ITEMS. From the Press: Sheriff Stout took Chas. Grant to Yankton last Wednesday to appear be fore the Judge, his bondsmen haying turned him over to the sheriif. C. D. Gregory of Grand liapids, la., has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist cburchj and will be here next Sunday or the Sunday following. Thos, Sletten and Miss Louise Hougen of 100-52, were married at Sioux Falls on Friday of last week, and celebrated the event with a large wedding party at the home of the bride. J. McCallen has put down a 270 foot well for Lord & Clisby two and a halt miles from Marion, and got a flow that raised within 36 feet of the ground. His theory is that rivers run through the earth line veins through the body, and says that in drilling this well he found at the depth of 75 feet, water that raised 10 feet, he shut that off and at 135 feet he found a stream that raised 80 feet at 185 he found another stream that raised a little over 100, and at 220 it raised 180 feet. He had reached the soap stone formation, which he thought was the end of the water supply, however he bored down 50 feet more and the water has now come within 36 feet of the top. The stream is not a very large one but con tinuous. From the New Era: Uroderick says it was a church mem ber that gave him the "tip." Certain ly. Mr, Okken is still under the doctor's care. Mr. O. has had a hard siege and prospects of recovery not flattering. In Parker, on Monday, April 8th, Thomas Nielson and Mary Nielson both of Spring Valley, Judge Elliott officiating. On inlormation and injunctions placed in the State's Attorney's hands about two weeks ago, the papers were placed in Sheriff Stout's hands on Mon day last, and with the assistance of his deputy, Geerge Stout, a raid was made on Albee's bottling place and Cald beck's and liroderick's. Beer was found in the bottling place, but the other two places were found dry. some body haviDg given the "tip" and the liquor having been removed before the raid. From the Democrat. The "Girls" debating club was organ ized at the home of Keo King last Fri day evening by the young ladies of Parker. Gov. Sheldon has sent word to the commander of the G. A. It. at Parker that ho will be here and deliver the ad ress on memorial day. CENTERVILLE ITEMS. From the Chronicle-Index. Misses Lina and May Fletcher,living northwest of town, started for Illinois last Thursday for an extended visit with friends and relatives. We understand that Jim Haines who went from here to Tennessee only a short time ago, has had quite enough of that country and would like to re turn to South Dakota. He has written back to see if he could secure bis old farm. South Dakota is all right and those who leave it soon see their mis take and wish to come back. From the Journal. J. B. Morton and family expect to leave Centerville for their new home in Iowa next week. Messrs. Smith & Shiveley are getting their brick yard in shape for work and will soon be turning out brick. The yard is situated west of ,the fair, .---Iv. i&Sh .«§£ D.J. Hockey returned from Illinois last Monday. He has spent the winter there and in Arkansas, but came bask 1895 Having Purchased the Entire Stock of Clothing, !Furnishingr Goods, hoes, Trunks,Walises,IEt(f «.•*»• Formerly owned by HOGAN, I am now offering said S TO KNRST-C OS T: •U Am willing to sell goods on easy terms for notes, with ap proved security, on bills amounting to $20, which will be the SNAP of the season for 1895 BE SURE AND CALL ON ME BEFORE PURCHASING Yours for business, Hurley, S. D. EMIEL BRAUCH: Greatest bargains in Buggies •ess of farmers and T) ,, and Harness over ofTer'd. New will send you free 1011 \j harness $3.47. Send locts. and a weeks our Groc- oo our G40 page supply catalog. Free! containing over 107.000 cuts and prices, will le sent ex press paid. T. M. Roberts. Supply House, Minneapolis. to South Dakota on account of his health. Messrs. J. E. Tomlinson and W. E. Ege are taldin? of putting a little pleasure steamer, to carry abont thirty persons, on the river. The river is navigable for about five or six miles for a boat of that size, and it is thought it would prove a popular feature of amusement. They will put the boat on providing they are guaranteed a reas onable rate of interest on the cost for the first ye:vr by advance sales of tick ets which it is thought will be easily done. MIDDLETOS MATTERS. Middleton, S. D., April 13, 1895. Seeding about finished for this year. Good Friday was quite generally observed. The fields look green where seeding was done early. At the school meeting last night Miss Kate Alberty was chosen to teach the spring term in the Stoddard district. The baby cyclone which passed through the south part of the township kindly shunned all farm buildings but tore up fences carried away strawpiles, etc Ubbe Johnson was caught out in it and his horses taken into a wire fence and quite severely cut. Mrs. W. H. Stoddard was given a surprise party last evening by her Sun day school class, twelye young men and ladies. The evening was spent in music, games and partaking of an ex cellent lunch which the party had pre pared. It being Mrs. Stoddard's birth day, she was presented with a photo graph of the class grouped. All de clared it was a pleasant affairs. HURLEY. SOUTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 1895. NUMBER 52. fS April 16th, '95. Another fine rain yesterday. Pastuies way ahead of where they were last year at this time. E. W. Moore has not been feeling well of late. The Easter program giyen by the Sunday School and League at the Stoddard school house last Sunday eve, was very good. ABEL. April 30th will be the last day you can get one of those large water color pictures with a dozen cabinets for $3.50. Notice also that any pictures remain ing in the gallery unpaid for for more than 30 days will be destroyed May 1, 1895. M. S. BOBINSON. We expect to sell some land this spring. Do you want to sell yours? Give us your price and terms. Allen's Agency. If you wish to purchase a copy of the late session laws at the low price of 75 cents leave your order and cash at the Herald office. It May do as Much for you.. .' Mr. Free Miller of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago be began use of Electric Bit ters and found relief an once. Electric Bitters is especially adopted to cure all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50c. for large bottle. At E. Brauch's drug store. Sioux Falls Press: An old farmer and a close observer of the markets for a number of years, asks Tbe Press to extend a little advice to farmers in this vicinity, and that is to raise more po tatoes. The old gentleman says the potato crop is as sure as any other, and that for years there has been no time when a crop of potatoes was not worth three or four crops of any other stand ard product. He called the names of several potato growers over in Minne sota wh& have grown wealthy while their neighbors have merely made a good living raising corn and wheat. I 1 f'M K1 Papers best seed 25 cts Extra by mail fiA Wfl liavn .7 seeefs extra Dy mail 10 cts. -AV trt tec ¥£j" ou Center Avenue. IIUKLEY SOUTH DAKOTA. D. O. HAGGARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Hurley, South Dakota. Ofllcc one door east of Vaughan's Drug Store. Besidcnce one door east of Commercirl Hotel. J. H, GALLAGHER, iDEISTTIS T, Hurley, South Dakota. Office and residence 2d door north of Photo graph Gallery. Omce hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Chas. H. Goddard, ATTORNEY AT THE Sioux Falls Daily Press --••.IV:. r-. THE PAPER FOR South Dakota Readers. Enlarged News Service After January 15,1805.'Ihe Press will use the MERGENTHALElt LINOTYPE machines In place of hand type setting, thus enablinc it to nearly double the present amount of TELE GRAPHIC. STATE and LOCAL NEWS. The Press owns the morning franchise of the Associated Press, the largest newsgnthering or ganization in the world, and It proposes to print such a paper that no South Dakotan need take an outside paper to GET THE NEWS. 'f BEGIN THE YEAR RIGHTfp Subscribe for your local county paDer and the SIOUX FAU.S DAILY PRESS. They both work for the interests of South Dakota and thus promote jronr interests. Address, THE PRESS 3 $ fx mm Papers Best Garden Seed For 57 cts. A Quarter Century Test. For a quarter of a century Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative powers in all diseases of chest, threat and lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or the money will be refunded. It is admitted to be the most reliable for coughs and colds. Trial bottles free at E. Brauch's drug store. Large size 50c. and 31. 6 Dr. A. P. Sawyer. Sir:—After suffering four years with female weakness I was persuaded by a Iriend to try your Pastilles, and after using them one year, I can say I am entirely well. I cannot recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook, Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich. S. GRAVES M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended. Office and residence Feed Stable. KELLAR & BENSON, Proprietors. ALLEN'S: AGENCY. J. & P. ALLEN, C. J. UACII, .President. HURLEY, LAW NOTARY PUBLIC. HTJR1.EY, SOUTH DAKOTA. Office over Turner County Bank. Turner County Bank, (INCORPORATED) Hurley, Ss -a South Dakota 3TTARANTEED CAPITAL, 625,000. H. I. Robertson, Pres. A. Kenrlch, Jr., Vice Pres. W. H. llobertson. Cashier. I. Downing. Ass't Cashier. Genersl BankincBusiness Transacted. GOOD AS THE BEST Hurley, S. D: Bent and I^rcost Practical Art Magnzmo. (Hie only Art rcrinrtiwil iiwurdM^a Medal at ^IS^r-llie World's K.iii.) Vf Invaluable to all whr iei.i!i to make tJieir living by art or to maltc their homes ncantlful. U/A-i- we "Keystone" Corn Husker and Fodder Cutter, KEYSTONE Made Dy Husks the corn and outs or shreds the stalks Into the best feed known. Made !n 3 sizes, for steam or hcrse power. Hundreds are fn use by engine owners for ]o5s work, and by large and small farmers. HHCet the free book, "The Great Loak on ths Fcrm.' wm SOLD BY ELLIOTT & BACH, Hurley. Good Rigs, with or Without Drivers. CLIMAX STEAM ROLLER MILLS. All new and latest improved milling machinery. Flour and feed for sale. Custom grinding solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. THE HURLEY MILLING COMPANY, -.v Hurley, 8. PETJSR ALLEN, Cashier. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. F. M. SLAGLE & CO. -DEALERS IN- L-U-M-B-E-R. Lime, Cement, Btacco and Fence 3?osts. -Hio-liest Cash. Price- .: OPaid. for Live Stock." Dr. A. P. Sawyer:—1 have had Rheu- THE ART AMATEUR. w!" S',,"I raatism since I was 20 years old, but rlUKLci UKAl LIlNli,' since using your Family Cure have been free from it. It also cured my husband ot the same disease. Mrs. R. Con nelly, lirooklyn, Iowa. E. Brauch. ,n r()l I D(, ONE & SIOUX FALLS. S. D. f,,,y mciitioiiitiL' this R\R* I Ui ^^•pnbiieati.ui a f|.(ei- I I )l men copy, with superb color plates Ul 2 CC.BeKinners" 1'ages). v-/ (for copyiug or fraimnp) and 8 supplementary paces of designs (regular price, 35 cents). Or T7_„ we will send also"J'ainUng:for Montague Murks, 33 Union Square, N. V. jOQDOF 3 Combined, JV •REAL ESTATE, ..INSURANCE FARM LOANS, BANK OF HURLEY. ORGANIZED 1892. E„ .BltAUCll, Vice-president. 9 3 3 t-^7 .V' ti & NOTARIAL AND CONVEYANCING BUSINESS, f* Steamship Tickets and Land Surveying. HURLEY, S. v-iv I tf* &-v A A. W. 11A1JPER, Ass't' Cashier.^i^ Ms®:'lp COMBINATION PICKET AND WIRE FENCE. -~r .v ^4*-• HARD A SOFT COAL.ll- E. 8. HENRICHS, Manager. C. C. SKINNE K,, ,3rTiirleys S. D., mtORlETOR OF Turner vi:.' County D. C. WARD, Proprietor. All Orders" Promptly At attended to and GOODS CAREFULLY HANDLED. L. E. HORTON, Tossorial Artist. First door cast or Opera Hall. Hurley. South Dakota. Stv'S? SOUTH DAKOTA sgssi afpi B!Bt ,A.V, -s v£*v?''* K!b&>"• 1 [pi '"Market »r WtX AT A m-.£