Huvtict €o. pttaW. W. imowjr, Publisher. HURLEY, S. DAK. Fashion rules the largest. empire, fcnd collects her tax In gold and blood. Never throw lr^d at a thing you fon't like perhaps oth»rs may appre ciate It. Nothing can restrain the Juvenile •toind from thinking that the sultan of Hulu must be a lulu. It Is only in his matrimonial rela tions that the sultan of Sulu is re ported to resemble Solomon. The girl who can speak seven lan guages is less sought after than the girl who can hold her tongue in one. The man who returns from th* Klondike empty handed escapes con siderable annoyance at the hands of his relatives. American capitalists have just pur chased two islands off the coast of Cnba. Some people merely want the earth. Others get It. Dewey still declines to talk. When the admiral once puts an embargo on speech the interviewer needs a ready Imagination to supply the deficiency. The Washington Post sagely remarks that the reappearance of Mrs. Luetgert would make things decidedly uncom fortable for the officials who prosecuted .. lier late husband. It would seem jprobable that her position would be touch more uncomfortable than theirs. Eleven New York aldermen have teen ordered sent to Jail for contempt court, to say nothing of the little Patter of a $100 fine per alderman. When those misguided city fathers emerge from their darksome cells they will probably have a great deal more frespect for the law and the opinions of the Judiciary than has ever before l»ea the rule In any aldermanic body. The rising tide of Industrial produc tion and of business prosperity ought tu mean also an improvement in the general condition of the people. And according to Bradstreet's, during the first six months of 1899, "voluntary in crease In wages proved to be the rule rather than the exception," Involving an addition of many millions to the in come of working men and women. This is pleasanter reading than reports of the strikes, some of which have been bitterly contested. France is watching the dispute over the Alaska boundary with considerable Interest, as it bears a close resemblance to her own controversy over the New foundland shore. In both cases a col ony without power of it3 own to make ilts will respected insists on imposing Its will in the matter in dispute upon tthe country upon which it is dependent *nd upon which the burden of fighting must fall in case of war. As the frenchmen say, this position is anom alous. It is difficult to suggest a rem edy, however, unless England is pre pared to take a firm stand and place Imperial interests before colonial at the ^possible expense of losing part of her empire. v- I Germany claims that militarism Is beneficent, Inasmuch as the raw re cruit is, in his years of service in a standing army, educated, disciplined, and then returned to society and to in dustry a far more intelligent and ef fective person than he was before, or could have made himself. This, to r^teome degree, Is true. The standard of .manhood ought to be raised and Is praised by the military system but sup pose the government gave all men a training simply for industrial purposes igv^nd put them into trade schools Instead "of camps? A similar but far higher end would be attained, in such a pro ductive potentiality as has never yet 1jeea\realized and It seems as legiti mate to train men for national prosper ity as for national defense. The report of the French Millers' association on the European wheat iffrl^iarvest of 1890 Indicates that the drouth in the Odessa and Nicolaief dis­ tricts Is so disastrous that the total '^Russian wheat production of 1899 ,pmust show a falling off of 33 per cent jfrom average years, and will be as bad IAS In 1897, which was one of the worst years on record. In Germany wheat is ~c Satisfactory, although slightly less so than In 1898. In Austro-Kungary the [estimate exceeds last year's produc tion by 60,000,000 hectolitres., 'France reports from twenty one de partments show a marked increase In the wheat area, and the harvest al though injured by storms In the 'loot fortnight, will slightly exceed that of 1898, but should the present fine weath .er be succeeded by rain during the "jnext three weeks there will be a E N E W S E S E EVENTS OP THE PAST WEEK IN A CONDENSED FORM. A General Resume of the Most Im­ portant New* of the Week Prom All Parts of the Globe, Boiled Down and Arranged In Con­ venient Form for Rapid Perusal By Busy People. Fiom Waihlnctoii. The amount of gold certificates is Siied under the recent order of the sec retary of the treasury in exchange for gold coin Is $18,836,040. The war department has chartered the steamship George W. Elder at San Francisco. She lias a capacity of 600 men find is ready to sail for Manila as Boon as loaded. Cable advices received at the war department indicate that it will be im possible to save the cable ship Hooker and her cargo of supplies for the ex tension of the cable service about the Philippines. The director of posts in Porto Rico has cabled the postoffice department that the department suffered no seri ous damage during the recent hurri cane and none of its employes was in jured. Victor W. Olmstead has been ap pointed assistant director of the Cuban census, and will establish headquar ters at Santa Clara, Cuba. Col. Sanger (the director) will have bis office in Washington. The census is to be com pleted before Nov. 30. Sporltnsr. -'-i Jimmy Barry says he is going to re turn to the ring and offers to box the victor of the McGovern-Palmer affair. Joe Bernstein., the New York feather weight, is anxious to meet Jabez White of England as soon as the latter ar rives in America, Matty Matthews has offered to meet Bobby Dobbs at 135 pounds, ringside, as soon as the colored light-weight ar rices from England. Jeff Thome's backers offer to bet $500 that the Englishman will beat Kid McCoy when they meet at the Westchester Athletic club on Sept. 2. Ned Burden, who is considered! the best welter-weight in Australia, in tends to visit Yankeelandi soon for matches with crackerjacks of the class. Billy Stift of Chicago knocked out Jimmy Scanlon of Pittsburg in the sec ond round of what was scheduled to be a twenty-round fight before the Colorado Athletic association at Den ver, Colo. The bout, though short, was the most sensational exhibition oi{ scientific pugilism ever seen. Gus Ttulilin of Akron, Ohio, has been matched to fight Jack Stelzner at Den ver some time In September for a purse of $2,000. The day has not yet been decided upon, but it will likely be during the festival of mountain and plain, which begins Sept. 25. C. D. Klein of Indianapolis, a first cabin tmssenger on the steamer Barbarossa, from Bremen, died during the trip. Ilis body was brought to New York. Foreign, Report!" frfrm Samoa indicate that the early arrival of permanent officials there is needed to prevent further trouble. The Rio de Janeiro Noticia classes as baseless the rumors of a projected alliance of the South American repub lics against the United States. The Church Missionary Society of London lias received a report stating that 40,000 persons have died of fain the on tho east coast of Africa. The Russian government, according to a dispatch to the London Times from Odessa, is energetically arrang ing measures to alleviate the famine In the districts of Squth Russia. The sultan of Morocco has notified the powers that he Is destroying the native boats on the Itiff coast and is establishing a gunboat service in or der to portect foreign shipping from piracy. The Hungarian novelist, Maurice Jokai, now in his 75th year, is about to marry, according to«the Vienna cor respondent of the London Daily Mail, the Hungarian actress, Arabella Nagy, a girl of IS. The state department lias been in formed by Consul General Monaglian, at Chemnitz, Germany, that a new trade arrangement has been made be tween Uruguay and Germany by which each is guaranteed the same rights as the most favored nation, ex cept that Uruguay does not grant the special privileges given to Brazil, Ar gentina and Paraguay. :S ii/People in serl- ioua diminution. I Familiarity which oversteps good (manners lately received a gentle re tbuke at an English military bazar. An [officer, attracted by a lady at a stall, ^remarked that a certain article near •her was Tery pretty. "Yes," was her reply, "my mother sent it" "Ah,real ly," pursued the officer, determined ito discover the name of the charming saleswoman. "I think I have met your (mother. He* name Is—" "The queen of England," answered the lady. The .officer did not wait for the fancied ar ticle. Good positions secured by students of the College. Sioux Falls (S. Dak.) Business Catalogue free. r/:w, Talked About. Capt. W. A. Smith of Mount Vernon, Iowa, cashier of the Bank of Mount Vernon, died at Saratoga, N. Y. The French have revived their claim to the right of forming a settlement at Nanking, based upon the treaty of 1858. It is announced that Maurice Grau has engaged Herr Duck of Berlin, lead er of the Royal German opera, for the season at a salary of $27,000. Hon. A. H. Longlno of Washington county was nominated for governor of Mississippi by the Democratic state convention without opposition. Alexander Bradley, president of the Tradesman's National bank and toe Pittsburg Insurance company, died at Pittsburg, aged eighty-seven years. Rev. Dr. Benjamin De Costa, rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist at New York, has resigned on account of his ad vanced years. A mission of Russian engineers and their escorts were recently attacked by Chinese brigands at Kirin, on the Chiua-Russinn frontier on the main Manchuria railway, and all were mas sacred. It is expected that Russia will make reprisals. Isaac Congden, for many years su perintendent of motive power and ma chinery of the Union Pacific railway, died at his home in Omaha. He in vented numerous appliances in use on railways, several of which are in al most "universal use, and from which he received large royalties. Accidental Happenings. Lewis H. McCune and William T. Swardner of Marshfield, Ohio, were drowned while fishing at Lakeville. John Smith, aged 14, Harry Heinly, aged 12 and Roy Heinley, aged 9, were drowned while at a picnic near Byron, 111. Two children of Norman Plckrell of Syracuse, Neb., bitten by a mad dog, have been sent to Chicago for treat ment. Ole Anderson, a section band on the Chicago Great "Western railway, was instantly killed at Stillman Valley by the slipping of a crowbar holding a load of rails. Miss Dessie Garrett of Columbus, Ohio, was struck by a street car and injured so that she died within an hour. She was riding a bicycle when the accident happened. Three hundred fishing craft were caught in a gale at Frazerburg, Scot land, and only the promptness of the life saving crews averted a serious dis aster. Lieut, von Ramm, of the Fourth reg iment of Prussian guards, stationed at Berlin, and Ilerr Bergmann, a mer chant from Cliarlottesburg, were acci dentally drowned in Lake Geneva. The United States cruiser Montgom ery reports having rescued the crew of the British steamer Nettleton, Capt. Vigors, from Norfolk July 25, for Rio Janeiro, which went aground at Marice. Crimen and Criminal*. The jury inquest into the cause of the recent trolley accident at Bridge port, Conn., by which thirty people were killed, indict the motorman for criminal carelessness. Peter Louin and liis fifteen-year-old son, who were under arrest at Elec tric, near Wetumpka, AJa., charged with shooting Hall Jordan, were taken from jail by a mob of masked men and lynched. McGinnls, the train robber captured at Carlsbad, has been positively Iden tified as one of the men who held up a train near Folsom, on the Colorado & Southern railroad some weeks ago, and whose gang killed two officers in their pursuit at Cimarron. The wine and distilling plant of the Stonehill Wine company at Hermann, Mo., valued at $250,000, has been seized by the government and the pres ident of the company and his son are under arrest, charged with evading tho revenue tax. The British government has agreed to the withdrawal of the extradition proceedings in the case of Mrs. Will iam Y. Perot, charged with the ab duction of her daughter, Gladys, from Baltimore, who by mutual agreement of the interested parties, was turned over to the custody of her grandfather, William H. Perot. General. Hog cholera has appeared in Grant county, Ind. Two thousand' miners are said to have left the coal fields of West Vir ginia for the West. At Billings, Mont., a train load of 500 horses were watered after thirty hours' thirst, and half of them have died. Fourteen members of the United States canal commission have arrived at Gray-town, Nic., to study proposed canal routes. The common council of Glasgow, Scotland, by a vote of 48 to 12, has re jected the proposal to open the picture gallery Sunday. A suspected case of yellow fever at Cosainaloapam, Mex., has been report ed to the marine hospital service au thorities. The Republican state central commit tee will meet at Dubuque, Iowa, next Monday to elect a chairman to succeed Hancock. Manufacturers at New York employ ing nearly 5,000 cloakmakers accented the union scaue, ending most of the strikes. The Canadian Pacific railway earn ings for the week ended Aug. 21 were !ji5ou,0u0 same period last year, $491, 000 increase, $50,000. The striking ore handlers at the Minnesota docks at Buffalo have re turned to work. They accepted an ad vance of 11-2 cents pea- ton. The Iowa Beet Sugar Developing company has been organized in Des Moines and intends building a plant •o laud the crop from 8,000 acres. The Oriental electric works at Youngstown, Ohio, has been absorbed l),v a new company of local business men, with a capital of $100,(XX). The drivers, runners and door tend ers at the Wilson, Coalbrook and Lackawanna mines at Carbondale,Pa., struck because of a recent reduction of wages. About 500 hands are out. The directors of the Boston & Maine railroad declared a semi-annual divi dend of $1.75 per share, payable Oct. 2. This is an increase from 6 per cent to 7 per cent per annum. The directors of the Consolidated (ias Company of New York have de clared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent, a reduction of one-half per cent on the previous quarter. The Republican state campaign opened at London, Ky., in a mammoth political demonstration and barbecue. Gen. Taylor, the candidate for gov ernor, was the principal speaker. Hugh Grosvenor Currau, formerly in business in Denver as the Berlin Cloak company, lias filed a petition in bankruptcy at New York. Liabilities, $74,352 no assets. It is reported in Des Moines that the preliminary negotiations for the sale of the Central Iowa road to the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road are completed. 'J Menominee, Mich., contractors who have secured government contracts for harbor work at Kenosha. Sturgeon Bay and .Racine, are busy in the pineries getting out timber. The mayor of Portsmouth, Eng., lias received a letter from Joseph H. Choate, the United States ambassa dor, saying that an American squad ron will visit Portsmouth next year. An enterprising western man is mak ing arrangements to set up a modern American saw mill in China, where lumber is still sawed by the primitive methods of a century ago. JIHISEZ VICTOR. A Cable From Santiago, Cuba, An nounces the Government's Surren der. New York, Aug. 30.—Adriano Grul lon. the representative of the Santo Dominican revolutionists in this coun try, has received the following cable gram from Santiago de Cuba: "Revolution in capital. Government surrenders. —La Marehe." La Marehe is the representative of Jiminez, leader of the revolutionists of Santo Domingo. -r: Puerto Plata, Aug. 28. via Martin ique, Aug. 30. Although the city of Santiago de Los Caballeros has not surrendered to the revolutionists, the spirit of the townspeople is openly in opposition to the government. Hero the government forces, tinder Gen. Juan Garrldo, are entrenched on two hills about eight kilometers from the city. Many sympathizers with the up rising left the city to join the insur gents, among them Dioniccio. They were well equipped. Garrido's men are deserting. More than 100 men with arms and supplies have gone, over to the enemy. The revolution advances rapidly in Monte Christi, though with out battles as yet. The revolutionists desire to avoid the shedding of blood. The crops are flourishing and tho coun try people want the revolution to end quickly so that agriculture may not be harmed. Santiago, Cuba, Aug. 30.—Gen. Jim Inez, the revolutionary aspirant to the presidency of Santo Domingo, arrived here with his two sons by the south coast boat, but was not permitted to land. The refusal of the authorities to allow him to go ashore annoyed him excedingly and he refused to grant a newspaper interview, alleging that the press invariably misrepresented him. A large crowd of Dominican sympathizers and refugees endeavored to go aboard the steamer to salute Jiminez, but were refused 'permission. They gave free vent to their indigna tion. TROOPS CONCENTRATING. British Will Surround the Boers and Then Negotiate. London, Aug. 30. The Cape Town Correspondent of the Daily Chronicle Rays: British troops will be immediately concentrated at Laing's Neck and Makofing, and it is believed the Brit ish programme will be to surround the Transvaal and then to negotiate a new convention. According to the Daily Mail's Cape town correspondent the belief is still Entertained there that the British gov ernment is opposed to extreme meas ures, and it is said that President Kruger is so well aware of this that he has just cabled countermanding con ditional orders for large military gup plies. Although not definitely known, it is assumed here in London that Mr. Chamberlain had the reply of the transvaal government before he deliv ered the Birmingham speech. It is also believed that on the receipt of President Kruger's offer of a five-year franchise and other concessions, Mr. Chamberlain wired that they were un acceptable and suggested modifica tions. If this is so and if the reply to that suggestion that the Transvaal government adhere to its latest offer and will make no further concessions be President Kruger's final answer, the position is ominous. The importance of President Steyn's letter to Mr. Scliriener lies in the fnct than an offensive and defensive treaty exists between the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. §1® APACHES IN WAR PAINT. They Swe»r to Wreak Awful Ven Kennce on the Zunus. Jerome, A. T., Aug. 30.—Jerome was thrown into, a fever of~excitement by the sudden appearance of a band of Apaches in war paint. Leaders of the tribe stopped and purchased a large supply of ammunition and hastily left for Red Rock. The band was com posed ecxlusively of bucks. A mount ed correspondent of the Associated Press overtook the Indians a few miles from Jerome, and after considerable persuasion was permitted to accom pany them on the journey of twenty miles over the roughest country im aginable. In a canon with perpendic ular walls rising to a height of hun dreds of feet were the remains of a camp fire and near-by the wigwam. In front of the wigwam was the body of a squaw and papoose, while a few rods in front lay a buck. All three had been horribly mutilated and scalped. The hands and feet were cut off. The In dians formed a circle about the body and on the dismembered bodies swore to wreak awful vengeance. The name Kunu occurred many times. The bod ies were buried near the scene of the crime and the band took the trail to the north. Kansas Boys Re-enlisting. Lawrence,. Kan., Aug. 30.—A letter received from Col. Wilder S. Metcalf, of the Twentieth Kansas, says that many of the men are re-enKsting In other regiments, and not more than 800 will come back with the regiment, and that probably 700 will be nearer the number who will return. Celebrate Goethe's Birth. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Aug. 30. This town is gaily bedecked with flags in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Goethe, which was cele brated yesterday. The birthplace of the poet was crowded with visitors from all parts of Europe and America. Elevator Dropped. St. Etienne, Aug. 30.—While sixteen men were descending into the Couch ard mine at Haute Croix, the cable broke and they were all killed. Vessels Overdue. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 30—The schoon er Childer and M. B. Milleh and bark entine Albert Schultz, bound from this port to Baltimore, are long overdue aud it is feared they were caught in the big storm of two weeks ago. Five Men Injured. Milwaukee, Aug. 30.—While at work hoisting one of the big castings for an engine bed for the Metropolitan Street railway of New York, five men were seriously injured at the foundry of the E. P. Allis works. SOUTH DAKOTA. A new Congregational church was dedicated at Hetland last Sunday. Wolves are doing some damage to sheep in Liberty township, Brown county. The contract has been awarded for the construction of a large schoolhouse in Menno, Hutchinson county. The telephone line from Erwin to Bryant is completed, and Is expected to be completed to DeSmet this week. The business men of Hecla report that their business has ben fully 50 per cent greater so far this season than last. Tramps are causing so much trou bleat Willow Lake that a jail will be built for their especial accommoda tion. Placards bearing a warning against peddlers have been conspicuously post ed in Carthage by the State Retail Merchants' association. The town of Miller is growing so fast that it is found necessary to enlarge the school house there in order to ac commodate all the pupils. Owing to increased business on the Milwaukee line betwen Mitchell and Chamberlain, a daily freight tfain has been put on to take care of the freight. Miller Bros, have purchased the old Hand county elevator, at Miller, and will operate It this fall. It has not been in running order for Dome years. E. Schrauenbach, a miller at Freder ick, Brown county, reports the sale of forty car loads of flour to Glasgow and Liverpool firms, for September deliv ery. One year ago there were eighty va cant dwellings in Aberdeen. To-day every house is occupied, notwithstand ing the many new ones that have been built. The $20,000 bond issue of the city of Deadwood has been purchased by the American National Bank of Deadwood, the city receiving a premium of 5 1-10 per cent. The Edgerton Jockey club will hold a three-days' running meeting at Edger ton, Sept. 6, 7 and 8. A prize of $100 is offered for a ball game, and $800 for horse races. The council of Madison has passed an ordinance requiring residents on cer tain. streets to build cement sidewalks as fast as the old wooden walks be come useless. The Farley house at Fairview, which for nearly twenty years has ben con for nearly twenty years, has been leased by the owner to George H. Edge of Edgerton, Minn. Carpenters have commenced work on a fine block for J. D. Bartow, a leading Plankinton business man. The build ing will be of brick, and one of the best in that part of the state. There were about 500.000 bushels of wheat and flax marketed at Bowdle last year, and the most conservative grain experts place the estimates for this year at about 700,000 bushels. D. W. Bremer of Clear Lake has pur chased the grain elevator heretofore owned by the Farmers' Elevator com pany at Palmer. The elevator* did not prove a success under the manage, ment of the farmers. The citizens of Worthing will hold a meeting Sept. 2, to formulate plans for a grand reception to Company (the Worthing company) of the First regu ment South Dakota volunteers, upon its return from Manila. Lily is only a hamlet, but will have four grain elevators in operation this fall, and it is expected that all of them will be taxed to their utmost capacity in taking care of the great amount of grain that will be marketed there this fall. Many new buildings have been erect ed this summer in Dexter, Clark coun ty. Two new churches are being built in that vicinity, one for the St. Paul congregation in Eden township, and the other in Egelund township, Day county. An unusual number of burglaries are reported in various parts of the state. They are doubtless largely the work of transients who have entered the state during the past few weeks with the thousands of harvest hands, and who take this means of earning an easy liv ing. A county warrant issued to H. Roder schott in 1888 by the board of commis sioners of Codington county, was pre sented for payment a few days ago. Roderschott died shortly after the war rant was issued, and the widow found it while looking over some old papers recently. The officers of the new Commercial club at Miller have been elected. They ai*e: S. v. Grist, president William Healey, secretary N. Johnson, treas urer. The above, with J. P. Morrill, J. W. Coquillette, Peter Gross and C. C. Campbell, constitute the executive committee. The annual convention of the South Dakota W. G. T. U. will be held at Madison, Sept. 7 to 11. There will be a meeting of the executive committee Sept. 6 and 7. Each union is entitled to send its president, a delegate at large and one delegate for every twen ty members. R. Rosseau, a Sheyenne river ranch man and one of the pioneers of Dako ta, is gathering material for a history of Fort Pierre, which would be inter esting, as that town was one of the first in Dakota Territory, and has been the scene of many eventful and excit ing incidents. The State of South Dakota has insti tuted suit against Pennington county for the recovery of about $7,000, which is claimed to be due the state on ac count of taxes collected in the unorgan ized county of Ziebach subsequent to its beings attached to Pennington coun ty for judicial purposes. A The proprietor of a saloon recently opened at Bradley, where the senti ment is strongly against such institu tions, as a compromise, promised to let the church people of the town have the use of bis saloon building an hour 09 each Sunday for the purpose of holtt ing religious services. Last Sunday he was out of town and forgot to leave Ihe key to his building, and, according ly, there has ben turmoil In Bradley this week, one excited Individual rusn ing into print with the statement that "this is evidence that all saloonists are liars, robbers and murderers, indirect ly, if not directly/' Anew curfew ordinance has gone in to effect at Elktonl The authorities of Oldham have de cided to build a town jail. Winnor & Torgerson have purchased the Roberts grain elevator at Klltton. A valuable barn 'of J. F. Leonard, eight miles north of Britton was de stroyed by lightning. DeSmet is making arrangements for a big race meeting Sept 15 and 16. The pacing purse race will be for $400. Ed Miller's house at Watertown was struck by lightning, severely injuring Mrs. Mary A. Mitcliel and slightly In Jujring Mrs. E. Miller and Grace Mitch ell. Miss Mary Held, who has been one of Fall River county's best teachers for seme years, has been engaged to teach in the public schools at Lewiston, Idaho. William Rose of Miranda, accidental ly shot and killed himself while out hunting, dying within an hour. He is I survived by a wife a'nd three small children. Thfe final figures on all property of th® state, outside of corporate property, 1 show a raise of the state board over the county returns of $28,205,325, a general raise of 23 3-4 per cent. The Acme laundry burned at Water town. The loss is estimated at $1,500.1 Insurance, $1,000, on machinery. The building was damaged considerably. It is supposed to be incendiary. During a thunder storm at Bridge water the German Lutheran church I was struck by lightning, damaging the building to the extent of $300. Th© steeple was completely destroyed. Daniel Danielson, Sr., an aged farm- I er west of Hurley, while out gathering cream, was thrown out of the wagon by the team running away, and' his 9 head striking a tree, he was killed in- 1 stantly. 1 The annex to the hospital at the sol. filers' home at Hot Springs is now ready for use, the interior having been 1 completed. Each invalid will be given a room to himself, with steam heat, electric lights and hot and cold water. While operating an iron pump, the twelve-year-old son of Richard Earl, a farmer four miles northeast of Mil bank, was killed by lightning, which struck the pump house and passed through the boy's body into the well, 1 On complaint of Game Warden Haw-1 ley, James A. Hill, a prominent farmer of Hartford township, Minnehaha 11 county, was arrested on the charge of shooting prairie chickens out of season.' He pleaded! guilty and was heavily fined. Mrs. Anna D. Tallent of Sturgis, who ,, was the first woman to enter the Black 11 Hills, has completed her history of the I Black Hills. It is very- complete, giv ing a history of the early settlement of the country and many personal experi ences occurring years ago. The mining camp of Galena, nine' miles northwest of Deadwood, was de stroyed by fire. The fire started in the blacksmith Shop of Fred Foyer. Five dwellings and two livery stables were burned. The fire spead from the camp to the timber. A small tornado at Altamont killed Harry Wells, twenty-two years old, to tally destroying the houses and barns of Henry Wells and A. J. Lockhart, and the barn and sheep sheds of Fred Thompson. Weils was passing from I the house to the barn, when the latter: was blown upon him. It is probable that the authorities of Yankton will purchase the Forester' property, in the northwestern part of the city, and convert it into a public park. The site is most attractive and I the trees, and shrubbery are in such condition that the tract can be madei into a park with little expense. The total raise on railroad property! made by the state board of assessment over last year's valuations is $2,637, 495, a raise of 28 per cent. The roads given the highest valuations are the! Illinois Central and Sioux City & North ern at $6,000 per mile the Omaha & Sioux Falls terminal, at $5,000 per mile, and the Northwestern, at $4,344 per mile. M. Verberg, an Aurora county farm er, has been bound over in the sum of $500 to appear before the next term of circuit court in that county to answer to the charge of threatening to kill August Schmitz, a neighbor. It ap pears that Schmitz took up some cattle belonging to Verberg, who used shot gun persuasion in demanding the re lease of the cattle. Mrs. Jennie Watson drowned herself! and her four-year-old son, Bertie, in a| cistern at Pierre. There was no ons, else at home except a daughter about. seventeen years old, and the deed was not known until the young lady rose the next morning. Family troubles are supposed to be the cause of the trage dy, the mother having several times threatened to commit suicide. A new metal has been discovered in the "bottom of the Detroit & Deadwood company's mining shaft, in Two Bit,! Which thus far has puzzled the mining! experts of that city. In appearance itj is white, and resembles platinum. Itj is malleable and perfectly indestructi ble. All of the known acids have no effect upon it, although it answers the description of several well known met als. It carries some gold, and there ap pears to be large quantities of it. A peculiar ailment is reported to be troubling some of the cattle in the vi cinity of Hecla Brown county. The an imals, while In an apparently healthy and thriving condition, become totally blind. The eyes first become blood shot, then a white film covers the pu pil. This remains about two weeks, when the animal regains its eyesight. A peculiar feature is that this blihd ness attacks only one breed of cattle— the Herefords. Other breeds in the same fields apparently are not affected, The board of managers of the streel carnival, which is to be held in Mil bank, commencing about Sept. 19, are rapidly concluding arrangements for the event. Among the attractions to be presented at the carnival will be bi cycle races, etc., a band tournament,a! good sized purse being given to com peting bands. A quartette of fine sing-! ers will also be secured for the occa slon. One of the premiums to be of fered will be a large American flag,! whijL'h Will be awarded to the township in Grant county making the best dis«si »lay of cattle. yJH-- kV-