VALUABLE FORMULA WELL-KNOWN AUTHC"ITYCLAIMS IT 18 MOST EFFECTIVE. Says It Will Break Up a Cold in 24 Hours and Cure Any Cough That In Curable—Inexpensive. A noted authority on diseases of the throat and lungs, who established a camp for consumptives in the Pine Woods of Maine, and whose remark able cures there have attracted great attention from the medical world, says that his entire treatment consisted of fresh air, nourishing food and the Pure Virgin Oil of the White Pine Trees mixed with Whisky and Glycerine, in the following proportions: 0sM Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure)..%oz. Glycerine 2 Good Whisky 8 Used in teaspoonful doses every four hours. It is claimed that the above mixture will heal and strengthen the lungs, break up a cold in twenty-four hours, and cure any cough that is curable. The ingredients can be secured from any good prescription druggist at small cost and can be easily mixed In your own home. Inquiry at the prescription depart ment of a leading local pharmacy elicited the information that Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is put up only in half-ounce vials for dispensing. Each vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case with engraved wrapper with the name—Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30, 1906. Pre pared only hy Leach Chemical Co., Cin cinnati, O.—plainly printed thereon. Only the cheaper Oils are sold in bulk, but these produce nausea, and never effect the desired results. His Experience. "After all," said the philosopher, "the real joy of a thing is in the an ticipation of it." "Well,"' replied Henpeclc, "if there's any joy in matrimony that must be it." In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smart ing, nervous feet and ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Accept no sub stitute. Trial package, FREE. Ad dress A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. ,/v .rr A Relative. During our last election I listened to a colored man who was trying to swear in his vote. He had a friend aong as a witness. "Is this man related to you?" asked the judge. "In what way is he relate to you?" continued the judge. "His wife do ma washln', sah." HIS DELAYED MESSAGE. Tenant Had Taken the Matter Into His Own Hands. The tenant faced the landlord with a determined look. "The man you let into the vacant suite last week," he said, "plays the flute." "Does he play much?" "No he only plays a little. He plays a great deal of the time, but he only plays a little." "You mean that he's a poor player." "I mean that he's a player with poor taste. Any flutist that gets up at 2 o'clock in the morning and tootles out scales and things isn't much on taste, to my way of thinking.' "I'll have to have a talk with him," •laid the landlord. "It's no use," sighed the tenant. "He won't listen to you." "We'll soon flnd out about that," said the landlord, as he reached for his bat. "It's no use, I tell you," responded the tenant. "Him and me had a fight last night an' I broke his flute an' he moved out this morning. That's what I came in to tell you." Cleveland '''lain Dealer. THE WHOLE FAMILY. Mother Finds a Food for Grown-Ups and Children as Well. Food that can be eaten with relish end benefit by the children as well as the older members of the family, makes a pleasant household commod .... ity. Such a food is Grape-Nuts. It not only agrees with and builds up chil dren, but older persons who, from bad habits of eating, have become dyspep tic. A Phila. lady, after being benefited herself persuaded her husband to try Grape-NutB for stomach trouble. She writes: "About eight years ago I had a se vere attack of congestion of stomach and bowels. From that time on, I had to be careful about eating, as nearly eve.-y kind of food then known to me, seemed to cause pain. "Four years ago I commenced to use Grape-Nuts. I grew stronger and better, and from that time I seldom have been without it have gained in health and strength and am now heav ier than I ever was. •••... "My husband was also in a bad con dition—his stomach became so weak that he could eat hardly anything with 5 comfort. I got him to try Grape nuts, and he soon found his stomach h-^trouble had disappeared. v. "My girl and boy, 3 and 9 years old, do not want anything else for break /ast but Grape-Nuts, and more healthy 4 ^..children cannot be found." Name \given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, •I'SMich. Read the little booklet, "The sRoad to Wellvllle," in pkgs. ?There'« reason." IT''*, S^i 6 W tiffin 1 The legislative session, which just closed its work, started as a reform body, and has devoted a great deal of attention to laws curbing corpora tions, and placing them under more stringent legal control. The work of the session will stand out probably for years to come, as the session which took more advanced grounds than any other legislative session ever held in the state in re gard to reform laws. Even the Popu list legislature did not approach it in the advanced ground taken, and the Populist legislators were looked upon as revolutionary in their day. First in this line is railway legisla tion, the bills passed in that line be ing to reduce railway passenger rates to two and a half cents a mile under order of the railway commission au thorizing the commission to investi gate the conditions in the state with the assistance of exiiert assistance, and secure the actual value of the roads in the state, on which to base a new scale of freight and passenger rates preventing the paralleling of railways within eight miles, unless by consent of the railway commis sion limiting the working hours of railway employes requiring connect ing tracks to ibe put in at junction •joints of railroads providing for collection of double damages from railways in case of loss of live stock from accidents on the track, where the company refuses to settle out of court, the same provisions for loss from fires set by carelessness of rail way employes providing for taxation of railway property other than mile age, and the anti-pass law. These last two apply to telegraphs, tele phones, express and sleeping car com panies as well as to railroads. The anti-lobby law also has aimed as much at the railways as at any oth er proposition, as they have been looked upon as the most active in that line of work. State to Control Telephones. The telephones have been placed under control of the railway commis sion through one bill, and under con trol of a state telephone commission iiy another measure, which provides for a commission to be composed of state officers and a competent tele phone man, but as the senate has re fused to pass the bill providing for tho salary of the telephone man on the commission, that law likely will noi be effective for the present. The political laws passed have been the primary election bill a bill to re ijuire candidates for office to file elec tion expense accounts with the proper jfficials, and a measure prohibiuni campaign contributions from corpora tions. In the lines of legislation regarding morals, the saloon question was at tne lead, the referendum being in voked to firing about a vote on county local option, and laws being enacted to prevent the establishment of a sa loon within 300 feet of a church or school to prevent saloons within Dne-third of a mile of any university 3r academy allowing city councils to establish saloon limits, and pre venting more than one saloon to 3f0 inhabitants in a town. Other bills in that line are to prevent Sunday thea ters, or games and sports on Sunday where an admission fee is charged to prevent gambling, making the act a misdemeanor, and making the own er of a place where gambling is car ried on legally liable for any losses sustained. Galve9ion Plan Adopted. Among the general bills of impor tance are the one providing for con trol of cities by commission \inder what is known as the Galveston plan the educational bill, which is a com plete revision of the educational laws, prepared by a commission ap pointed by Gov. EI rod for that pur pose and the divorce bill, which is expected to wipe out the divorce colo nies which have been located in the btate ever since its organize Hon Many other bills of general local im portance have been enacted, over 150 new laws being added, many them passed as emergency measures, and in effect at the present time. At the same time Vbi 11 which were considered important have been de feated, among them «a road law wip ing out road labor and requiring all road taxes to be paid in cash the county local option bill the bill to apply the provisions of the Carey act' in this state the game bill prepared by the anti-cigarette law, and the equal suftffrage amendment to the constitution. Foil Divorce Law. Contrary to expectations, the di vorce industry of Sioux Falls and South Dakota has not received its im mediate deathblow as the result the state legislature's enacting a law raising the period of residence from NEW DEPOT OFFERED. The new Great Northern station and freight depot at Aberdeen has been turned over to the railroad, and trains now are running in and out of the building. The road plans putting on a new line of coaches to the Twin Cities and makine other improve ments in the service. The new sta tions is a handsome structure, and makes a splendid terminal for the road. BREAK RECORD AS REFORMERS South DaKota Legislators, Especially in Corporation Curbing,Outdo Even Popvlists—Increase "Lid" Laws—Saloon and Gambling Restrictions Are Multiplied. jr six months to one year and compell ing absolute publicity in divorce pro ceedings. Those interested in the in dustry have decided upon sensational coup, which will prevent the new law's going into effect for at least nearly two years. The referendum amendment to the state constitution, which was adopted in 1899, and which is a relic of the Populist administration of state at fairs, is the weapon which will pre vent the new divorce law's going into effect at the time expected by those who pushed the measure through the legislature. Had the new divorce lay contained an emergency clause the referendum could not have been invoked. Work Already Begun.' It was officially announced that the referendum amendment will be in voked, and this will prev°ut the new divorce law's going into effect until after it has been submitted to the voters of the state and receives a majority of the votes cast. It cannot be submitted to the voters of South Dakota until the next general elec tion, to be in November, 1908, and in the meantime the present law requir ing onl ysix months' residence will be in effect. Knowledge cf this is expected ui cause a great revival in the divorce industry, pending the result of the vote upon the new law at the election a year from next fall. In order to invoke the referendum it is necessary to file a petition con taining the signatures of 5 per cent of the qualified voters of the state asking that the law be submitted to a vote. These petitions already have been prepared, and will be circulated immediately for signatures,, and will be filed before the expiration of nine ty days from the passage of the new divorce law as required by the refer endum amendment to the state con stitution. Oppose Sunday Law. It is also officiall announced that the referendum will be invoked in the case of the new law prohibiting Sun day amusements ill South Dakota, such as theatrical performances and baseball games. LAWMAKERS SHAKEN IN WRECK. ,-ive South Dakota Solons in Smash Up—No Lives Are Lost. Five stal legislators and other pas sengers on the west-bound Milwaukee rain had narrow escapes from serious -iijury and possible death eleven miles west of Aberdeen. The train, with a loijble header, crashed into a freight tain going in the same direction, and the pasaengets got a severe shaking up. A high wind, which blew- the loose .snow in clouds, prevented Engineer Slater on the front engine of the pas senger train from seeing the freight train, and the 'only warning he had was a flag thrown through his win dow by the brakeman of the freight train, who had run back to stop the passenger train. Slater applied the air brake, and both engines were thrown off the track after demolishing the caboose and a freight car. The engine crew jumped, Slater hurting his hip badly and Fireman Rittenberg sustaining body bruises. Several passengers were thrown from their seats. The wreck happened a few feet fiom a deep ravine, the scene of a re cent freight wreck. Had not warning been given it is believed the wreck would have resulted in the loss of many lives. The legislators on the train wore Representatives Parmley of Edmunds county and family. Foncannon of McPherson and Bibelheimer of Wal worth and Senator Overholzer and wife of Walworth and Hepperlee of McPherson. They were on their way home from the capital. FARMERS GET LIBRARY. Women's Clubs Circulate Reading in Couritry. The newly organized Aberdeen Fed eration of Women's clubs has estab lished a traveling library to supply the surrounding country with books and periodicals where access to circu lating libraries is denied. Boxes of books and periodicals are being shipped out into the country. A del uge „of applications are being received from all parts of the county. A campaign against dandelions and weeds will be actively carried on by the clubs as soon as the necessity' arises for it in the summer The plan is to have, small boys pick dandelions, roots and all, for a stipu lated sum per bushel and to pull the weeds, roots and all, for so much a sheaf. It is expected that the work will be a great success in beautifying the city. Jkr" Vf State Bank Organized. The Farmers' State B&nk of Tolstoy with ?5,000 capital, has just been or ganized, with H. E. Hegnes of Brent ford and Thomas A. Way and J. Holmes of Aberdeeu as incorporators Tolstoy is twenty miles south ol Bowdle and is a new town. Pure Food Troubles. "Did your discomfort result from eating too much preserved fruit?" "No, I felt all right until I accident ally read the confessions on the label Vv *r if A /M' There was a time, and that notmo*e than thirty or thirty-five years ago, when the idea was very prevalent in the older Eastern states that the prai ries of Dakota were not adapted to permanent, successful farming, and that no amount of improvement would ever make them profitable to the till er of the soil. The devastating prairie fires seemed always to swoop down upon the ven turesome liomeseeker who should at tempt to wrest a livelihood from the soil, and greedily devour all that hard labor had accomplished. In the win ter the wind blew an icy blast, and in the summer its hot breath parched the soil and ruined the crops. The rainfall was frequently scanty and al ways uncertain, pure drinking water was often not obtainable, the soil, though apparently rich, had not the sustaining qualities of that of a tim ber country, hardships faced the set tler at every turn, and if ever he did succeed in raising a good crop he was so far from the markets that he could not dispose of it favorably. Such a discouraging picture as this could have few attractions for the farmers of the Bast, and settlers did not come In large numbers Into the territory, which Is now the state or South Dakota, until 1880-1883, al though several of the eastern counties had a fair population and a few strip ling cities before that time. Railroads Bring Settlers. The coming of the railroads in tL^ '70s, during the time of the rush of goldseekers to the Black Hills, inau gurated a great homestead boom over the' entire eastern section, and set tlers came in large numbers. Then followed the inevitable period of disaster, because these homestead ers did not understand the nature of the soil and the climatic conditions. Many of them were without means as well as without experience, and were obliged to run in debt for their farm ing machinery, seed, horses, cattle, and the necessities of the household. The majority placed their sole reli ance upon wheat, and when the crop failed, as it did on many occasions, it meant the loss of their entire in come. Hundreds gave up in despair and sought homes elsewhere, for it verily seemed as if all the tales of the un kindly elements in the prairie country, which had been circulated in the earlier days, were entirely true. Those who remained gradually learned through bitter experience that It was best to divide their farming, interests and plant other grains as well as wheat and give attention to the rais ing of cattle, sheep and hogs to their poultry products, and to dairying. Bet ter farming machinery was manufac tured, and great care was taken to Improve farming methods. The re sults can be seen in the marvelous prosperity of the past ten years or so. Diversity of Interests. Even yet there is room for vast improvement, as it is very probable that even the best farmers do not get the fullest returns from the soil that it is capable of yielding, for tJouth Dakota soil is marvelously fer tile. In the portion of the state east of the Missouri river the soil is almost entirely glaciated, and has proved itself to be well adapted to the cultivation of wheat, corn, oats, barley and flax. Mixed farming is generally practiced throughout this region, although there are also large ranches devoted to the raising of live stock for market, and also finally equipped dairy farms. A good example of the diversity of agricultural interests and the general prosperity to be found In South Da kota cities and towns is to be seen in Moody county. It lies on the east ern side of the state, in the region which received the first settlers. His tory records that in the spring of 1857 hardy pioneers found their way into the valley of the Sioux river and es tablished themselves in little settle ments between the Medary, in Brook ings county, near the northern boun dary of Moody county, and the site of Sioux Falls to-day. The population grew slowly until the homestead boom of 1880-1883, and then large numbers of settlers rame into the county. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul crossed the county from east to west, and also built along the Sioux river from Sioux Falls Junction south, so that gives the county excellent rail road facilities, thus enabling the fnrm ers to market their produce readily. Population Growin,g. According to the census of 1900 the population of Moody county numbered 8,326, but during the six intervening years there have been many who have taken advantage of the excellent opportunities which it offered to those who desired to purchase fine fanning land at very reasonable prices. There Masons to Celebrate In Easter week the Scottish Rite bodies of Aberdeen will have a four days' ceremonial and initiatory ses sion. It is expected that many visiting Masons will be in the city during the week. The work of conferring the de grees wilt begin on the evening of March 25, and the work will wind up on the evening of March 28, with the Maundy Thursday banquet and the beautiful ceremony of extinguishing the lights. A large class of candi dates already has made application and many more are coming in. •r.imWf-: C00D FARMS IN SOUTH DAKOTA Diversity of Interests Fovnd—Mixed Farming Is Generally Practiced—L^rge Ranches Devoted to Stock Raising— Well Equipped Dairies Yield Good Profits. are still uany choice tracts to be se cured at figures which seem to be ridiculously cheap to those who are accustomed to prices in the older states. While a large part of the school lands in the county have already been sold, there remain yet many rich acres which will at some future day be of fered for sale to the highest bidder, and fortunate will be the man who obtains them. Flandreau is the seat of the county government, and its citizens number about 1,500. It is considered one of the important cities of the Sioux val ley, and well deserves the distinction, a site is progressive, and its business enterprises and well financially, in creasing in extent and influence each year. It has good schools, and there are several religious denominations represented In its churches. The homes are pretty, comfortable and at tractive, and city ^building lota are to be purchased at prices which place them within the reach of ambitious young men who wish to own their homes while establishing themselves in business. Flandreau offers excel lent opportunities for investment of capita] in either wholesale or retail lines, for the demand for merchandise of all kinds is steadily growing throughout the state, and the large cities of the eastern counties will na turally become the distributing cen ters for the country districts. One of the schools which the gov ernment maintains for the higher education of the Indians is located at Flandreau. Country Well Watered. Moody county is watered by numer ous small tributary streams of the Sioux river, which flows from north to south, dividing it into almost equal portions. The government figures, taken at Flandreau, for the rainfall in this portion of the valley from April to August, 1905, inclusive, give 22.69 inches, the highest amount reached in this part of the state. Crops are excellent throughout the county, cattle raising is carried on to a considerable extent, and dairy ing yields fine returns. At the annual meeting of the Flandreau Co-operative creamery, held last month, the re ports showed that the business was in a first-class financial condition. The creamery, which is established at Egan, also had a very prosperous year during 1906. The aggregate amount of cream purchased was 259,233 pounds, for which the farmers re ceived $15,343. Prosperity is general throughout the county, and the farm houses are com fortable and often supplied with many of the modern equipments to lighten the labor of the housewife. There are extensive lines of rural free de livery of mail which keeps those who live on farms distant from the towns in touch with the outside world. PROVED HIMSELF HERO. Son of Ranchman Rescues Drowning Boy From Missouri River. Ernest Senechal, son of Capt. Ed. Senechal, a well-known Missouri river steamboatman of Fort Pierre, proved himself a hero and saved the life of a young son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lebidee of this place. The boy was playing about a log raft in the edge of the Missouri river when he lost his balance and fell into that treacher ous stream. The high water, swollen greatly from the recent melting of snow, was running like a mill race, and in a minute more the boy would have been carried beyond all human aid. Ernest Senechal chanced to be near at hand, and, hearing the cries of the drowning boy, rushed to his assist ance. Young Senechal was In a skiff, and by a few strong strokes rowed the boat below the floating boy, catching him as he was swept along by the current. By this time the boy had become unconscious, and young Sene chal had to exert all his strength to haul the limp body Into the boat. Aid was summoned when the boy had been taken to shore, and by the hard est kind of work he was brought back to consciousness. Many narrow escapes from drown ing have been recorded at this place, hut none more narrow than in this instance. The number of births and deaths in Beadle county during the month of February, as shown by the vital sta tistics report, was less than hereto fore. Only four deaths occurred, and there were but twelve births, seven males and live females. Six marriages were solemnized. Intention to be come citizens of the United States was made by three foreigners. No divorces were ganted duing the month. Some surprise was caused by the arrest of E. A. Caldwell, a well-known Fairfax business man, on the charge of selling liquor to minors. As the result of his preliminary examination the defendant was held for trial dur ing the next term of state circuit court in Gregory county. STOCK LOSSES OF 40 PER CENT. Not for Twenty Years Has Rapid City Country Had So Severe a Winter. It is estimated that the loss to cat tlemen north and east of Rapid City will be in the neighborhood of 40 per cent. The winter has been the most severe in twenty years, and had it not been for the fact that the rail roads buiMing west were in a posi tion to haul feed to the cattlemen, the loss would have been much greater. GENERAL BREAKDOWN 4 Condition Which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, the Great Blood Tonic, Have Been Curing for Years. There is no more perplexing trouble tor a physician to treat than debility cases, especially in women, in which there is no a ue disease but in which the patient every day sinks lower and lower despite changes of medicine and similar experiments. That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills win restore ho-lth under these conditions Is no spec mtion but the fact has been proved in hundreds of cases similar to that of Mrs. Sarah Ramsey, of 1008 St. John St., Litchfield, 111. She says "I never felt well after my first child was born. I had a gnawing pain In my stomach and could not ho3d any food down. My head ached a great deal and sometimes the pain went all through my body. I had dizzy spells so that I could not stand and seemed to be half blinded with pain. These spells would often last for over an hour. My blood seemed to be in a very poor condition and my hands and feet were like ice. I seemed to be growing weaker and weaker and could not get around to do my work in the house. I was extremely nervous and the least excitement would bring on a dizzy spell. "For a number of years I was under a doctor's care but seemed to get no better. I had heard about Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills and I began to take them. I soon felt better and gained in weight and strength. My nerves are strong now and I am a well woman in every way." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or will he sent, post paid, on receipt of price. 50 cents per box, six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenec tady, N, Y. A booklet of valuable in formation, entitled "Plain Talks to Women," sent free on request. aSVii j: His Greatest Fear. Good Man—And do you think, for one moment., my good man, that stuff is going to quench your thirst? Old Soaker—Heaven forbid! A MID WINTER VERDICT "Bright Sunshine All Winter," Is What a Western Canada Lady Says. ,8 Maidstone, Sask., Canada, Feb. 4, 1907. C. J. Broughton, Esq., Canadian Government Agent, Chicago, 111. Dear Sir: Being so well pleased "with Canada we wish my father and brother to come here. Will you please send them reading matter on Canada. We have been here nearly a year and are delighted with this country. We have lived in Illinois, Iowa, and Michigan and we find Canada away ahead of any of them. We have had bright sunshine all winter so far, only two nice, easy snow storms. If it was not All right you know I would not want my father and brother to come here, but we think it is grand. V&a Yours truly, (Signed) MRS. ED. TROUPE. The pesfelmist derives a lot of pleas tire from his efforts to spoil the pleas ure of others. CA8E OF ECZEMA IN 80UTH. 8uffered Three Years—Hands and Ey» Most Affected—Now Well and Is Grateful to Cuticura. "My wife was taken badly with eo zema for three years, and she em ployed a doctor with no effect at all .r until she employed Cuticura Soap and Ointment. One of her hands and her left eye were badly affected, and when she would stop using Cu ticura Soap and Ointment the eczema came back, but very slightly but it did her a sight of good. Then we complied with the instructions in us lng the entire set of Cuticura Reme edies and my wife is entirely recov ered. She thanks Cuticura very much and will recommend it highly in our locality and in every nook and cor ner of our parish. God bless you for the sake of suffering humanity. I. US. Robert, Hydropolls, La., Jan. 5 and Sept 1, 1906." An old bachelor wants to know what life without love Is if it isn't married life, vftstf Important to Mothers. ."i(/ Examine csrefslly every bottle of CASTORIA, a tare and enre remedy for infanta and children, and see that it "k*- Bearathe Signature of Dae For Over 80 Yeara. %•, Xhs Kind Too Have Alwigi Bwfhl A girl with a swanlike neck may bes:^. all right in a novel, but she doesn'tsilSli show up so well in real life. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Sold by DrusstoM, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. m* /-C- &, !3i with LOCAL tb«ycannotreMh the Beat of the disease. Catarrh a blood or constl tutlonal disease, and In order to cure It yoo must take .*rv-£ Internal remedies. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken teroAlly. and acta directly on the blood .and mucous surface*. Hall's Catarrh Core la not a quack medl- with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the&fcjta mucous surfaces. Tbc perfect combination of tbe^#r I I a eults In curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F.J CHENEY CO., Propt., Tolado O.'i One of the best, things out is a de cayed tooth. Especially worthy of notice ia Garfield Tea, Nature's remedy for constipation,1 sick-headache, liver and kidney derange ments. It is made wholly qf Herbs. Character is the only absolutely in dispensable capital. ,-ir "Panthers and Grizzly Bears. Ship Fura, Hides, Pelts McMillan Fur A4 Wool Co.. Minneapolis. Writ* -for prices. c' VkT 1 &