v. & TWimWSDXtAT ntpn, i-i»»cof»* Cotmty,~D T. iMHMlb If fcW.CAU.1 SSSinBB T^lHikK, WEDKI68DAY, MAT 8, 187:*. is "^jai ''•1 ", epObmcan national conven 3 ,.. TON.. -».^F The nest TTakm' BspahUcaa {rational Oonvsntion ffiTlti amsiiiattntu ttf nniUfatrii for President and VHi fiwMirt of thSPtdtad States wM b« held in ths city of Ctitftonati, on Wsdnesdsy, the 14th day •f fans MIS, at 19 o'clock, noon, asid will eonaiet of Msgtiss from sssh Ststo squsMo twicetbs nnrober af Hsne«lnissnilBa|siasi1atiTH in Congress and «f tin Siligatr ir-*- organised Territory ud tha District of Columbia. Ia a/Utg eonTMtfeat for ttotlection of delegates tha: somiaBtMS of vtW wiwl atstss h» recom maadsdto Invito sil-sptiblloeii electon, and *11 ether votes,witboat regard topast politicaldlfrer. am or prevtoua put afllllstiona, who are oppoMd toicyMagssettooal lesasa, sad Mire to promote friendly fesliag «ad ww—wt harmony thoughout ths esaatry by aiataiaising and enforcing all consti 'tottonstrightsof men dfassa*tnoinSng thefull tnd free wiwtw of Hi* light of suffrage, without tntimtdatioa sad wttfcoat (Ml who in In ftyrorof Um rraliaasrt. |ii usstalliai sad punishment of /all sMettMshoasbty, sad of an ecoooealoal admlnls •..trsHoa-of the-government- by hottuti'fiithf-al, ana Mitble officers who an In tovor of making such refonaa lath# nwwwat as experience may from time to taas saggsstt who an opposed- to Impairing Um credit of ttepMoiaUiitf any of iU obligations, and to farorof en Staining to every way tha national faith and Itoiwhl honor who hold thattho «wmwiw»afhool system la the nurseqr of American liberty, iBd :skauld be.mslntainedalbao hrtely free from aertariaa control wlo .believe that for tae proarwtiro qf theee enda the direction of the government ahonld continue to be toonftaed to those who adhere to tbeprinciplM' of 1771, who support then as taeo rperat ed to the constitution and laws, an! whoareto faror of iweganlriee and strength* aniag thefaadamsutal priadpisof the national uni ty In thia Centennial AnniTeriary of the Republic. E. D. MOKOANT Chairman Bepnbllcan NaUaoal Committee. .•..-.WH. B.Oatum.ta, Becretary. *. REPUBLICAN TlHRiTORSAL I*™*# VEMflOM. r-- .• 'fenaji'Sa:c "t tJ iff a KepabUoao Territorial ConvenUon la baNby called to m«et In the city of Yankton, on Wbdnudat, HAT mo, of aelectliM two regular and two delegatea to the Natloaal Bcpablican Cou •«utlon, to be held in the city of Cincinnati, June 14th, 18TV. The ratio of nprcoBntiUlvoa for «Mb county in the TenMoty wm bo aa. followa: k,~ ,r* Hanaen...' \x Armstrong... .c' 1 ..l A* Bon Homme ....„.«..4 A Hutchlaon..' T.ak* 3tinoeh*liB ibina.. 0|chland.. Stutaman. «nlly Brooktofa ^..1 Buffalo ....vi:.«..l ItariMM {,.1 Burleigtu... BruK?::.r ci f'' "f Caaa.JvJ. Clay. Canton. ,.i j.. (.S ajMirrtngOaW. Maiware... 1 rafcvfew^.... Jbtoooto. a Brooklyn. ..t Dayton Sorwayw. •t 55', mJ "The Republicans of. California James O. Blaise for President «1 Orders hive beea»4ssued to the com •,}p- mandiog officer St Port^^triunie to as far as possible protect tiffi&iZta *bWw£&t that appoint aqd Custer' City li is fcrce is ^inadequateto the taskiothn'than o#Mion "t^jiUcouting parties. Serious tbWle i'sap %tiprehended from sm^ll b^ds of roviiig ^4 *w Indiana, who will nolosrttadi large,-well armed parties. .?§Ji .J ..a a1 •SC.-Meuant... ..a W.IUn.ST, Chairman County Committee. The National Bank of the State ol New ^York has resumed business. want .The United Btatea Qeiitennial Commie slos have decided to close the Exposition grounds entirely on Sunday, llie Republicans of Arkansas sift in State Conventipn on the. 27th ins!.. They & declared that Oliver- Ri Morton was the jf choice ofjthat State for Pr«»ident.y VV#S- J.,.,- On the evening of the^!4th in^t.^iNMt ^•^ers oound -freight train on tlie -Canada Southern railway ran into the Wetland S^Canal, killing the engineer and fireman.' %f-lt Is supposed that the engineer was asleep the signal* were up-that tjie bridge w|a was.open. \m A difpatch "received byftfeh. on the 27th ult, from GenI Crook ^yifthe ,Indians at Red'Cloud are ^%-ttte verge of starvation, on to -the neglect!ih'ferwarding I supplies, and thatunle*a immediate siepi are taken to supply them they all leave the "'ftl reservation, and fears are entertained that' frb^ their present temperJ^r^Will 'mkke raid on the whitee. .-•an-'r The Fargo Timet says ^he, frtno#ji&g good W^rds concerning our Congrfesman: Jut^e Kidder is rendering the people of this Tmitoiy mqfX valuable aid in our national legislature. Ever alert and indus trious, and always on the look-out for the Interests of-his cnostituents, Mr. Kidder is the niost infiuential and able repwsenta !ti*e JWkota has ever had in Washington. Qw'fiWPie cannot do better than to retain .•im'inthe postioa liesof ablyfillsT^i' That's a fact. •ummm The following la a statement of lie debt up to May 1st, 1876: DlSIIIIM phiisi sfcii sftcphb- SSSifSS?**1. .:. Fractionalniuunii.-........ Coto oatifleatea Total without totetoat. 1 W S I S 14^00,000 8,414,370 40,SRO,OK AW smiths TT,eos^as Ireis^ eoto„ :. ... •.. S,M1,1SS vr: A «m and daughter of Utr. L. F. Phr-( flfeek Profeasor of the. Iowa State ig«fesp4cttvely! 15 and 13, ip*. & with their firther and his nlase-and ^^Nftastorf ,lisWTSscasd..f.aa-wsscnMt 'wmmit# tojiai^mk MinncsoU Leglnlaturc, and Uie other by the Wisconsin. E«ch on only nhargv fbrrhtfe frost the i!de of the riter wbejwe c«m« its Jhrtnw People, tn smuslo* tbeim^hres tqr ri4||g|ifi|Vn on oneboi^ffM ||slmi|tar lisiinner fi'bQyi'pwhspeitfe snhof wliere Ihc mugh comes In. At «U events, meanwhile they are making money oat of pncltet.—Dubuque Telegraph. In this piper will be found the call of the chairman of County Central Commit tee, Mark Yf. Bailey, for a meeting of the BcpubUcan electors of this county, to mee^ ^n .eonventian at Canton »n the 17th day of May. The object of this meeting is to select 10 delegates to represent Lin ciili'icounty: in'the Tc'rritbriitl Convention which convenes at Yankton on the 94th tatf.' Local committees in the dillerent townBh jis shpulfi ^ee jhAjqaflf., art issued for town' caucuses, 'ind a^Iegates elected to represent the townships in this county on the 24th of May.——= Dm Pedro played a rich joke on the .enthusiastic people of Oakland, Culifor nia, last week, by having, ii is car detached from tbe regular train and put behind an other engine aud ranhing over the nad half an hour ahead of the Overland train. Theo^jWtwas to aTOidanydMmpnsuSion on UM arriyal of himself antP^vty- The fH*rty passed: through Oakland without at tracting attention, hastened to Pleasanton, and proceeded to a:hotel without half a 'dosts peep's Rowing tiiey had arrived. On the arrival of the regular, train at Oak land, a gry»t crowd was in attendance with bands playing and colors flying,* while Doib Pedro was already in rooms at the Palace.Hotel, at Pleasanton. •. Ki •.•''•s..' *i 1 .........10 ...... K.l ..I 11 Baviaon. 1 Turner.................. .4 Traiii....... :.....h::i Dnton.r.. .11 Yankton fOTka.iKv-v..iv.8 Grant 1 ..............11 ...w.Y'..... All who lore thoee grmod principles ofeqiial and exact jueflce'toalL of SdeMty to a union of States one and Inseparable, who recognize the paramount neoeeelty that the veorie who saved the country in the late war, should, in^xeferenoe to thoee who rais od the hand of treason to destroy it, be entrusted S wc with lta administration, Who deplore aectional strife vmj-ma ooodeaa treaeonaUe utteranoea North and South who would purge the public, eervice of dis honeat offidala wherever to be found, and encouiw ra|eaffair* an eooooaoical and honest administration of pub Be thioughont the whole country: and all who desire to aid the twrpetuity of those Vital prin ... :.«ip!eaof liberty and loyalty,as promulgated through the BepabUcan party, we cordially invite to unite ^uo^ of the Territory, in Ml*" to Kpnoent then in tbe conren Oco. fi. HAND, CluJ^nan, H} ,-i D. r. Pooaa, Secretary, ^AIBX- Hcohm, .. fit. H. taomTuwv, W Vt •i, 1 County in the fcJS2X N. SDMiniDa, Jon L. JOLLIT. I'." REPUBLIOAN CO. CONVENTION. County Convention for' Lincoln hereby called to meet at the Court Honse ie of Canton on Wedneaday, the 17th day W, at one o'clook v. M., for the purpose [tan dslegatea to the Bepublioan Tcrrlto- rial Oonvsntlon to be held in the «ty Jt Yankton, jMarMth,lsra. Tha ratio of, Bepreeen Mta| preetoet in tbe County will be at follows itaUon for each Town or it! wl Eden The ffi^nds of Senator Morton express thcmscivc9 conddent t|iaf he is able fully to. meet the recent charg8S:i^ainst his in UirHt^'in connection witJi1 the *250,000 he j*ceiycd l'r(»in the govemment iu the spring Of this tunouut he expended as Oo«orat»r, in behalf of the State, tfi,'for military pu.ptises,' for wliiclt ue State settled «v*itli liiiu and this amount was paiJ b'ack to oLe governineul by the setting off of alike amount from the en tire sum due to iudiana for advances male ihe government iu the beginning of the war. The balauee of the he did not use, but returned it to the government Morton's settlement was entirely closed with the .government November 18, 1805. Governor Bevcridge has issued a proc lamation recommending to the people of the State, of Illinois, U»at prompt nuasures be taken in eachcounty and town for the selection and appointment, in such man ner as may be deemed best, of one or more persons who shall prepare, as suggested in the resolution, complete, thorough and ac curate testimonial sketches of eacu comi­ ty, city, towu or village from the date of its tirst settemeut to the present time.— Gov. Bevuridgo further levommcudi thdt the greatest care be taken in the prepara tion of these sketches that they muy gar nerthe Intefeaiting facts c«Au«niMd witn the esrUeir days of the Suae, the kuo*l edge of which, are recorded only in the memories of our older citizens. A large number of prominent citizens of Mew York City, members of the Republi can party, have organized a reform club with the following declaration of prin ciples: 1. Resumption' of specie piayments, to ward which there should be a certain and steady advance. 2. A thorough non-partisan civil service honesty, capacity and fidelity should con stitute the only valid claims to public em ployment. 3. Retrenchment and reduction in pub lic expense^ near to tlie anti-war stand ard as is possible" under the changed cir cuihstanccs .and increased population of the country. 'To siguaiLso the bpcuiug of the new century of our national existence by aav Ing nominated by the- Republiean party for Presidents not a mere political partisan, but a statesman of tried character,' and in Sympathy with the best sentiments ot the ^people on all public questions conversant with''the affairs bf tho_ government dis criminating and independent in the choice of publlc Hervautk olie swho will thor- tiriiighly reformthe public service, and whose name alone will be a guarantee of official .integrity wise and prudent ad mi^lsU^ation, and of a fearless enforcement of the laws. i. The Belknap impeachment trial began in the Senate on the 27th ult., when Mr. Lord submitted a motion that the evidence relating to the question of jurisdiction of the Senate be given before the argument relating thereto/and if such plea is over ruled that the defendant be required to an swer, the articles of impeachment within two days and the House reply, if, they deem- it necessary, within two days, and. that the trial proceed'the next day. After tl joining of the issue Carpenter, of the Counsel for tlie accused, moved that the trial be postponed» tilt th^ fir^~ Monu day in December n^xt, and asked mat the time for discussing this motion day- rbe fixed at two hours for each side. The request was granted. After discussing the matter awhile, .the ^Senate adjourned, until next rJr&yi On Friday, Mr. Ferry announced that the several orders had been agreed upon as follows: It is hereby ordered that the Senate pro. ceed first to hear and determine the ques* tion whether. Belknap is amenable to trial by impeachment fur acts done as Secreta ry of war, notwithstanding his resignation of Said office, and that the managers and. rtnmael :in *tic1r/arguments discuss the question whether the issues of fact are material and whether the matters in sup. port of jurisdiction alleKed »by the House of-j^cprasentativps in the pleadings sub- sequent to the articles of impeachment can be those nlleged, if the same are not ftrertad ui saidarticles. ..vtSM^nd. It is ordered that, the hearing proceed on the ^h of .May that the open Isg Md.lhs close of the argument be giv: fen to flte respondent that the three man agers may be heard in such )»rder as may be agreea on bctween Uiemselves, and that ich time be alldwed for argument as' the COUSKInay a^iiv. argnment Hoar sad toaitof Oi'Mooday ttM emirt of iaipeachaeat MINO YOUR OWN BUtlNKM, Ithasbeen wid that the reason some people never mind their own business, is because they have no business of their own to attend Id. This saying wt think was thoroughly verified in this place at the Milroad meetiag last Mondsy evening. The eitlanis of Canfon and a number ifcom tiie different pyts of the county, had gathered at the citurt House for tho pur pose of talking over, and coming to seme conclusion as to the amount and the best way to raise that amount .to be given in aid of the Pembina railroad. The fort part of the meetiug passed oil' pliuangtly, adtl would undoubtMlly hare ujjjurual without having had any unpleasant or na frlendly remarks, had not cltiioris of tin loit tiiken upon themsdlves the position tii% did, and which coul not help hut to prove that that was the only object in Kt tarSII hii tvlta/f Ia mMit thl) (•l(l90tlfl inn I .« .* nil «w »a of Canton will be glad to meet the citizens of Bcloit on matters wherein the interests of both towns are at stake or are perfect ly willing and glad to have citizens from out side the county attend our public meetings, if they will just "mind their own business." The assualt made upon Mr. Braoks by one of their party was no more or less than a gross insult, and a disgrace to the pe petrator and'we are pleased to aay,'that Mr. Brooks showed himself too respectful to notice the matter. There is so doubt but that Beloit feels mad, very^ mad over the Canton's prospects to secure the railroad that it wanted so badly. Canton or Lincoln county is not to blame because you could not raise money to build 18 miles of the road. You made the company a proposition 'hat you were unable to Ufill and now because Lincoln county hits made a proposition which it can fulfill, is it not attending to that which is "none of your business," for you to come on this side the river and try to deceive our people relation to this road, and the aid proposedf We think if you look at the matter in the right light, you will see it as we do, and atone for pa6t actions by "minding your own business" in the future. Communication from Commissioner A jV-,,:,'4' "sson. EbirroBS ADVOCATE Allow me through your columns to answer an article of County Commissioner W. H. Ball which appeared in the Hew* of the 13th ult., as fothws: "Wm. H. Ball claimed that the Chair man bad no right to ask the adoption of a resolution that no motion was before the Board whes the Cliairmatf demanded the yeas and nays, that there was no second and voted no under protest." Mr. Ball refers to the resolution adopted at the last session of the County Commis sioners in regard to the Court House. In reply 1 desite to state a few facts so the public may know the standing of each of us. Mr. Ball wanted in the first place hia n« "V.i T^rv C'JinplrHf eviiic'.iic" of his Mr. Ball has beca v.*ry decided in his prevent us from taking any action in the matter. It appears that sport is more im portant to some men than business. After the result was known there was a cry heard throughout tlie county (especial ly the Western and southwestern parts) that we were wasting the public money, and now I expect that something similar will he heard about accepting the Deed of the :Court House. .„. People of Lincoln county I' I want to make an estimate for you and see if I.don't put down the right figures. Suppose the Court House is used for county offices* court room, &c., for a period of four years at least, there being no great show for'the county seat being moved before that time, and in my judgment it seems that it will riot be moved in eight yetfs if ever. Now tbe law requires us to furnish office rooms for the 'respective cohuty oncers, and at present tiiree rooms will answtr besides the court room. After the let of next January, four or .fiye rooms. ,will be necessaiy. Let us say five rooms itt $8.00 a month will make $40 a month or $180 a year for two yean $960, and so on. This is for the use of the Court House only,: and the vault must be worth something to the county. A majority of the people know how the County records have been kept heretofore, in bui dings where fire could destroy this valuable property to several times the cost of the vault, besides it would be impossible to renew all Ute re cords if destroyed by fire.1 Mr. Ball and others may answer that J. M. Carpenter made jusi as good as offer to the county—the use of office rooms for five yews and of a safe for one year with out .charge. But it would have been rath er unsafe to keep only half a dozen records in the safe and not provide for the teat If we then had bought a couple of safes fit for the purpose, it would have coet shout these times as much as the vault and would sot answer the purpose so well astte vault, sn? after the explntion of five years the county #ould haye to build Court House it its ow| expense just as wdl,aa if should happen that Qaoton Is sot tha Conner seat aavw or elglrt yean henoa. If 1 kad besn wlllicg to appcuprlats money helongl^ to Lineolb eounty to buy •d o* |«vato proper^, wouldhavebeen imn satiaikctoiy to parties, but as long as I am (striated to do business for Lincoln county, I do not want to work as a tool tn be used by men whose hearts art hardened enough to work to the detriment of the poor farmers of tbl» counts I wiU oooclurie this article' bf saying that j|| thkse ftaiiy^ld— fell as in ill' Kh«jj», I haw always worked fbr the best Interests of the county. I never did any of this business is secret or work, ed for cliques or political rings, and will at all times be ready to an^er in regard Umy ofBcial acta. Youn very, respectfully, ,l i/j 1 A. L. AKXSSOK. THE PEMBINA ROAO. ff Messrs. A. H. Mori-won, L. Hull and C. Billings, eastern capitalists, asd 0. G. and J. U. Wicker, of the Dakota Southern road, returned last evening by the 7 o'clock Portlandvlllfi twin from their visit %sSEZ£$£!J5J&i wv«vv mj iv dawn til* Big Sioux YalWy to Portlandville, the preaeut term inna of the Sioux City and rail. mbina, thence on by These gentlemen have been looking over the country with a view to taking hold of and extending the Pembina road from Portlandville to Sioux Falls. They ex press themselves highly pleased with the country and its prospects, and, although thdy have not yet definitely decided to take hold of that enterprise, there is, however, a fitfr probability they WiU do so at an ear ly day. Lincoln county stands ready to givJi $75,000 in bonds for the extension of the road on. Dakota side of the Big Siojix River, and the people all along the mute are at feter heat to secure railroad facilities. The gentlemen referred to above are men of means, and if they decide to pick up the enterprise where it has been temporarily dropped and push it along to completion, connecting Sioux Falls with Sioux City byfthe iron rail, they will, we hope, find "millions in it!" They are abundantly able to do the work, and it looks now as plough they might be pre vailed upon to complete that road, ina» much as they are naturally inclining that way. So far as the selling oi an interest of the Dakota Southern road to A. H. Morrison is concerned, we are assured that no such sale has yet taken place, nor will it take plaee at present Messrs. Morrison, Hull and Billings leaves for the east to-day.— Siow City Jvurwl, May 2d. CONFESSION OP QUILT. The movement on the part of Gen. Bel knap's counsel for the postponement of his" trial until December is not calculated to improve the public estimate of the ex Secnslary's case. The impression natur ally follows that the defense desire to de fer the trial until public attention shall have been withdraws from the case, whan the chances for acquittal would be im proved. Time would blunt the perception of the wrong done, and sympathy for the accused would be given full sway. Then the date named would carry the ease be yond the Presidential election, tnd justice in politics would be expected to be less stern than in the campaign days. If Gen. lknap isgnilty, he should be pun ished, as a matter of justice, and only of justice, and not at all in the way of maa ufacturing party capital. If he is inno cent, he should not be punished, though the motives of Hepnblicans might be ao article made a part »i' the miuutes, al- impeitcbed a ta lead to the defeat of tor that session, and he then handed tl»« t» I* seen taat the heat of politics complt sam to the Clerk to have it printed. 1 d*» catesi the tristl up»u botti sides, and it is not know whetker he done this through rea^l^ }a "''deiitoiwl Uint the likeli *»oud .yf wwhg to the accused is much ignorance, or malice, let that be as it may. I cannot see it in any other light th*i he more likely to occur than under other cir cumstances, when no demand for a victim want* the""people of Lincoln coanty ti» Gtu. Belknap has been prejudged lieve that Mr. Slack and myself aetid ill* •amnocence "vvvv gaily ih the adoption of the rosoiuti to. wilt -be required to. cb:.ng. the popular accept the Court H»use.- I acted uud.*r verdict. If hi i* gnilly, the Republican good advice sad knew the transaction was P^'y cailnot ailoYd to stand InrtWccu him legal and that it was not necessary to it aVe a motion for the adoption of the resolu tion, and the million not being necessary the second could not be. He says further more that he voted 'no' under protest. Is any person obliged to vote'no' under pro test* opposition in this .matter "from the becio' »i»g wtajL,. s'iii vault in the Court Houso was before the feet faiih'ja his-'ability,.no matter'how nn 'Board last summer, he refused to do any. j.jowavd tho, circr.mstari^ 4, prore rhai thing. Wo adjourned for dinner and 1 I'world.' The .. Senate did'jutttly hv itself ant» the Dt'SDlf took pa.na to specially inform him to be j,, d^a/the. ni .tlmj and t.at it woSd present in the afternoon as we would decide do orherwiH-', vw t'tij t..: shsulow tlie quesiiou, but Mr. Bail, went to Bdoit!l,f the counsel '{. defendant ©.mid to play base ball, probably thinking to 4 ?,U,^'i,ad and a speedy trial .and if he is innocent he has done himself and- :-i? friends re newed injustice by seeking the postpone, meut tndicati.d. The first and most ur gent demand of an innocent man would be for the speediest and most thorough trial. He would not stop to consider that the time was inopiiortuae that Ihcpufilie. m.nd was-oft its balance that he was liite ly to b?c^me involved in tlu1 ax-grinding »f pcluical parties asd heuvcen theus '.t)? expectation tlul the postp-uemeni would be granted, and thai the motion was but one in its order looking to such delay as may by such means be procured, then, in that case, it can only be suggested tbat Gen. Belknap's counsel have no hope In Gen. Belknap's case, for they could not have made a move more calculated to con firm the public mind in its verdict of guilty. Gen. Belknap denies that he made confession of guilt when first confronted .with the charges upon which the against him is based. It will now devolve upon him to deny that his counsel have made confession, if he did not Siow OiU Journal. h*vu UaJ- M'il is St »bwe was no E.W. SKINNER, 1 1* i,i a I if 'i'~ j«.w -^WHO(.aS4U1tBAUB Ol— 6- t,' W' -. ft" K/'' I jf$' •{ti it iff, Implements, .SfcK 1. Of siooxCltyilowa. fl LINCOLN COUNTY' jm v. St ADVOCATE! 1 ^obUahadsi Canton, D. T., -BY— Skinner & Tallmaii. luenngid by the People, -AMU—,• Sustained by the Business ADVERTISING BATES.,'*- a months, months, uneyear. Oneoolnnm....... $26.00 fi$Mt $90M One-half column.. 14JM 9UW lfU)0 Oae-fourth colunui tUX) iu» a&oo One-eighth column (UM 8JI0 luo' Bnatoeas Caida of flvsttoes or less, $u0 per year for eaoh additional line, $1.00. IV All advestlslng aceonnta settled monthly. A, if. «, V, -1"' ,, TEBMg or BUBBCBIPTION OBScopy,one year six months... three months. to be more desirable pubUahen. Correspondence solicited from sU parts of tbe oounty, on any matters pertaining to local news. «T* V,~-\ r' v.-° Wt$~ ».• -.'/yi- r.-...- 2. .-. 1 Witt the iterefa df iXe 11 pHbltcan party, md w'B work for Me ad eSSf**" improvement tf Lineotm in At IrerM. ftWff MAGAZIN I' otrate?d. KOTICKS nv TOB 1int. abould caaaeila ooudoctor* to retard it wit* jurtidaUe coupiaoency. Tke Hanane haa done aa* not evU all tbe days of iteltfe.—Baoow.** Eaols* Homo ot the moat popular of modem novels have flrat appeared aa aerials tn tola Mazarine. In all re specta, It ia on excellaiit periodioal^nd tally deserves lta gnat aucoeaa.—Pau.ADCi.rai4 Lniuuk 1 TESMHiij. tt*g»fne to all *ub«eriberi in the Uni (edtftiite 1. Hater's Xagaxine, one year, $4.00 which includes prepayment of United Siaitea poataee by the publish ers. Subaeriptiona to Harper's Magaalno, Weekly and Banr, to one addresa for oue year, $10.00 or two of Harper's Periodicals, to one addreaa for one year, gun, postage free. An extra copy of either tbe Ifagaalne, Weekly, or Bazar w!15be supplied gratis for every dub of fire ambecribers at |4Jbo each, in one remittance or copies for |20.(I0, of by mi MOTICKS or T» .$940 L00 i!?*w0rforthe Patrons, and know- Harper's Weekly is tlte ablest and ino^t powerfA illuntrated peruxlitiit publietud in tins ootntry. Its editorials are seholany and convindng, aud carry much weight. Its illiMtrntipiia of currcut events are full and fresh, aiid are prepared by" V* -JH'' ALVOCA'JB LINCOLN COUNTT- rms V-Jh. AdverttelngSoiiated. i» (^i'afertr van*. dNtUoMoa of tMS woeflaat monthly |roiv«a its aoutiuaed adaptation dsiMaUnctda. to popnltf indeed, wUea we think into kow jMiy hou«a It peiiefaat** erery monto. we mutcon tflder aaoneof the educators as well a* mtertam of UMpubllc. -Uosro* Qu)**. tka chMMter wbieh the MMa*lne poMcatea for alx without extra copy poatage frae. Back cumbers can be aoppUed at any time. A complete set Harper's Magazine, now com­ prising 61 volumes, in neat doth biudfc&, wi& be sent A Completa Analytical Index to the ftrst Fifty Volumes of Harper's Magazine has just been pub lished, rendering available for reference the vaat and varied wealth lof Information wMeh oonaHtntes thi* periodical a pc^fect illustrated literary cyclopedia, 8vo. doth, $3,ap half calf, $6.35. Sent poatage prepaid. A series of pipers under the ttUe of "The First Century of the fiepnbUe," contributed by the moat eminent American publicists, ia now being pnbllxhed in Harper's Magaape. Thia aeries of over twenty papers gives a oobprebenslve review of progreaa during the century Vow closing, to every department of our national Ilfel Newapapera are dpt to earn WEE thia advertieemont without the expnaa ^der of Haner Brothers. Address HAWK* ft BBOTlttas, Sew York. "A Complete Pictokial Bietory of the Timet. The but, eheaput, and mott tueeett /ul Jfamtli Paper in the Ion." Illustrated. our beet dMign era. With a drvalatlon of 1M,0U0, tho Weekly is read by at least hsU a milllbn jwrs6nB,'ana its iiifln euco as an organ of opinion is iiiiMply trameudous. Tho Weakly maintain* a po*itkn, end e*prmes ut cided views on political wd aoclal proliteuiv.—l^oinii VILLK COCBlBtt-JoUnfAI.. Its articles sr^ modela of higlt-touwl diitcumiou audits pictorial illustrations are often corroborative argniumta of ao small force.-N. ¥. ExAuiKca AND CHltOKIOXJb GO. Us papers upou ealat«ut iiueatiorig aud Uk iuirniU .. able canoous nelp to mould tho «eutuneuta of tho tho coantry.—VITWBUUUH OOXMKKOIAL. Harper'* \Vetklj stands aitiiy head' of Illustrated journal* iu tho Ouittd blaUw, iu viruuiaiiac, eoitonai ability, ant. ^clonal iliuKlrtttioi^.—Haro«i TOBI,Cmcluafctlf-'! '"-V 1 iU fi %,-aX 1 E It Ma the Pottage fi' tul ijuhrcriptiOnM in Unite- stateti Haiptc's Weekly, oue year, $^u0 which includes prapeyuMiit of: Uiaited St±tK pest-ge by the pub lishera. BuliscrlpUons to Harper's Msgaiine, Weekly and Bassr, to one addreaa lor one year, $Mj00 or two of HarperV r«riotfiesls, to one sddnss lor one year, $7j00 postage free. An extra oepy of sither the Magaaine, Weekiy or Bssar wffl ha implied gratis to rmy aab of five subscribers at $ii», in one remlUaiace or six eotdea for $3048^ wMhoot extra copy roi|sge fwisZ'yy.. Back nuaibers can be supjdtod at any ttasaiv The sanual vohnnes of Hsrp »'s Weekly.innoa binding, will be stat in express, fNs of expense, km each. A oompMe aet, eomprWng ntoetacot •ohuMS, SMt on receipt of caah at ike rate of $S.» per voluaae, freight st exptase of purchaser. Prominent stueitiaii will be given in Esrper's Weekly to the iltastntion of the Centennial Interna (km) Kijmtiinii wiUwuuK«ti»*aa,10t 10 Uti* l^vS'ttae,nent Brother*. "355*] KB Bl SM8, Ksw'Vork. "A Jiepoiitory „f Fethion, Pleature, and Inetruetion." HARPER'S limi Th« Bsssr Is efflted with aiweattostlsaoftost aad Mia ny Jewsl todHs Jotunsl «Mtf is tbe otgaa of the grsat wortd of fSsWoa.—Boaflos TaAvaixaa. •^vuto^ftoSe p^maSr^T^ riow An Itaiaf Is salTssmli if awidspogsdsittyforthe. as a pMtqr aad s«aibo, Its —CmoMo IMIM Iqcuu. 'fJ •, TERMS.: jf- Pottage free to ail J&iihtlf® United 8tste*. war wttt hssBBn Two ReriarkabU Seria) Stori«t IWtW»lii| asw sanilato to mu hands, ........1 •,. v: "UABltlKL COHliOl'," «vV "ByiiwIiBABiW' Bans In the HL t«Kan«iilu. fMsto.Hs. wortu.. TbesosaeeaM* eba«_ turn ehoaen toom hta tomnto painted wltHdhereotsstettowt* •ally sad win run f« 'a tnt eateaiMr wUeh the author »o»t DM Ill« ttat lisa yaS SMSSNA. alas bap. t|^ «Ma«y ihor, "PHttlP KOLAM*8 FRIENDS Or Shew Tour Passports," }*w f. T'\ W1'.«jff BT EDWABDIVIIITTHALE. 4W. if n« acsM of this atory la laid to the Sonthwestern torttory, now forate the Stotaa of XMlalana and Texas, at the time of Aana BWa twaauu. The characters Uved in a srotion whteh ts now now rreneli and now Spanish, and thia record of their adventuroua Una makes a story of intense and unflagging interest thwghont, A Second "Farmer*! Vacation." »Wtv 1 •6tKm«6 v^33T COL. GEO. S. WABIXO, ia. 1 JK -"V" f"S CoL Waring ia now to Europe, visiting, In a row boat ride ot two hundred and Si ty milee, one of the most ttifUln and tntriisatliig of the wins gMioIng val leys of Europe*. TUs aeeond series of papers prom isee to be evau mow tototeeitog than that with whfcfa «w iaaaers are slrewly fkMihar. ®I8 UfiSmiilAL LfillfilU, .-I-•'•••:.• Edltsd by JOHN VANCE CHXX£Y. vk ,*4 j" *%*1 i'' A rare collection of ihmli^lmai7 tetta«, mainly from stores ia the hinfti of desoaadsata of Goi. Joseph Ward. TheyaraMlof interest, and will be read with a rare raMab to eeeaectton with the Oen t«snia2 etieSsatiOB of |iu w. .*2 BILUAMTLT ILLVBTMAXKD ARTICLES OK Antericaa Collegee, s/f: r«, br.tSdr Maoda, win appMr Written: daring Ihe year. Tfie iwrtved tahnst & college life makes these paper eapecUUy timely, and will secure lor them auusual attention, Taoiwtf OLD NEW YO!|K.' Ehapnttr mastwtod srtMea OW »aw Tort, by lohsr. waea, wUiappasrstoiMKi, and will attract the attention of aB, jit city and country, who nuurli wtta latinoriiiii wiweietpnimi at ttm gw** -«3iropo lis, and affectionately maknahsr the uualnt ueunliari tieaof MsoMkaithM. Every uniaber ia profusely illuatrstad, thus ena bllag as to give to oar descriptive sad oanatftro artl des an lnlereat aad perauoeot value never attained in a noa-iSastntsd MriodicaL Coder its aoous tomed maasgeaient the magasine will In the future be devoted, as it haa bean in the past, to agnod Ut«r ajMuw'aadffrtstlSat nrqgrsjs. .CVt ..r The Editorial Departments, I M-'t*-- .. 1 over tweuty psges Of each'naiabsr and aouaod's vigoraas aud ttoady editorials, reviews of tbaMast WorkstoArt, Utera iiotonoe. oceapj^m ountaiuiir. as vsOkan tur* an^Sci persoa iSswS^lp TERMSt p&. a ysv, in sidvance 39 ctl^lk'(lumber* The volsieomplsto, Nov. 1870, to Ost. 1875, bound In maroon tiofh, $10 bound to half moroceo, $30. Vols. iHtpn in NovemW aad Vi&- ..£sj of tbe earlier volutins (t So VII) will be sappllod separately to parties wio Wish them to eosSpMe seta at this rate, 1. e., ditib, $2JS0 h^ morooM, $340. BookasilersVaad pnstmiateni wilt Ss sn»Bed si •tea that wil\ enaSla tbsaato fill say of tfc above offers. 8nbscribsra Wjdsaas tsaiH^to y. O. Honey Or ders, or to Ba^k C&ssfcsor Drafts, or bp registered Mtors. Xoaey tnistters Bbtn«i*iend, at sendsr's I. SCUBli»|iOO^TMiTSSBroadwagr,V.X. A Pint Art Magasine fir tin Yo«itf 1ST. IICB0LA8 lOB ine. lMer two yssrs of 'lofjavenileilitasi icMuolldatedwMlitaalfaii tbenabllabww Sad Ihisasiihss to ayssMoa Ise thst tbs Third Tehaaai WUeh begun number for WovessbsrTtSTS, shall, to Its "ssttons for glris and boys, aarpasa evwithe vohuaeS. In sHtlw to coDtribntkms Flrct Writar^of America, sndskstohssby somsof aSSbssa. Anangaaaeats a vs»T liitewsstog sariaa of sor Castle, OliTFFANT the (MM IMS Of suocsssful OHBI wm cqatriboto toths LOUISA WIS witte 'OCSJoirtS's abort stortos. Borne srticlss on Imve bssa yrossissd by BICHABD Thus wffl bsa oooltowd By BATABO Ia tbs November voiusss was begtoi aa "TUB BOY •yHOA* of Ufa la-Isalsad YUM. UAXtU^i "TALKS WIT* hfWkats «f :'AwrleM: Ktatorr, WMbsgSmflHiim «*)ivS9i f-apa****