Newspaper Page Text
•ithi awry eaeoad Wi lb Ownfl, l«wi»g. at 6 A.M. d*yats:30A.». at* fell. ft«4he #5% 1 "taau BSKKK— W.M.C«xpraT?.GI«lk'stOfcMetO««rt. :'. Taou J. Tw»»tAn, i^dir of Deede il Treasurer *od»a «t Probata Owat.M A«00Tlll 8ll8Hff/ T, a. Coma. Siip'rlntaadant qt lcwh. A. Aawnaow, Csihiaiii,) WM. X. BALL, VCO. CANTON POTT-orfice DIRECTORY. Dwitken daily null arrtvae efenr day dayatS-.AE F.M. Dmm everyday e«oeti»aadiy CSABUB FASOT of SieozCity, WHO BM many acquaintances about tbis place. Was in town Wednesday last iv KB. DiicOir, of the Dixon Hotel, has been giving his barnacoatof paint ffliich greatly adds 'to ltd appearance: It Jill y'- (YoaafD.—Russell's KeaOrt has not been this week. jinucU nf nam for 1 License Imve to lie paid'oace ar. "AKDT" WAIXB, of the flnnofiioraick A Wails, Sioux City, was in town Satur 'eay last, looking after the intursais of that fi"» p-i KB. N^THAK FORD, Jr of Tanktoi, agent for ser^ral diflerent ocgan compa .nies, ivaaa guest at tbe Johnsou HOWM day,last-WcckjjSjfeg^a''^ i--' 0{ -EriacoPAL /aarvicea -w Keller's Hall on Sunday next^ Miiy 7tl».i- Rinr.Vir.~Wi Fowler will deliver hia annual addnm. The pulv lie are Anviteii to attend. ,x Mb. J. L. oils son informs us that ser eral parties have already purchased lot| in his new. addidpn, and will pnt «p* resi dences Uiereon this season. v, LAST week closed the second volume of the ikluit Tinut aud Gantcn Edipft. and .3Ir. (ligham gave, notice that no paper would be issued from that office this w«ek* T. J. Fames keepa aa fine an aaaoru -mcnt of cloUilng and. gents' furnUhihg »w«good«a3 can bo KHIOCI in the Northwest. He may be found on Bridge street, south part of town. Riy. DM. M. HOTT, formerly an £pisco* pal clergyman of Vaakton, but now at ,. tending the daties.ot. the Bisnop iaa part Tiof this Territory,' wise in towk on business one day last iriftL "I Oao. HOBBAIH,:Ssq^BF Teirview, wae :''-i'in to seis^lh'is !.AereportB Tnimrnvn., sz&SFtas •UHfTWate ly Monday and mr TkMin at« A. M. TtoaflkatwrtiraMli au D«iM twrj Friday all f.'K. Mn. at 19 (MBee alTiC 6'i.t. «n Baadaya .4M»!TAN|»LVIOTI. WKATHBB cold and clot*!^ QOOD TO TAtt.—The Lincoln County ^"ASVOCATi, RL-T SATOROAY laat waa a ltalr nerchwta. afc One of oar cUiieae asplgaitr tbe Prsil -dentiel chair. v*J «i Tn Ji^KTm HoCBKtfl to be supplied -with new register,. A. MBW blacksmith shop hu jtist been opened in Canted."" ""a Tn railroad meeting of last Monday ereniog wu a success. ... Bcaecaisa, pay for, and aend the A» f^WOCAWI to your friends. 8 fa of white sagar given for $1.00 at Postoffice Store. ,m CAW p&id tor Lincoln'Warrant* Bailey AGifford. ,, ^V RBMKVBEB the' media jof thoJDounty Commissions next FHdk|f. "^f 1 X,$ Miuo RDBYA* returned from his claim, near Dell Kapida, Satnrdeym CALL aroand to Robinson's Restaurant and get a good glass of Lemonade. HABK W. $lHir was oat huatiag last Tuesday, and liad splendid soecess. F. ML KaV, of Beltiit, lost his-tianyby. fire, last Thursday. Contents saved. thing! ^qniet arpoid, that .U^rn, at present, bat JMJ» they an hlcsasd^ith good atom J^iihdftk^n ^eiflbdi^^'»'V4.C CASTOK is K*tty ure to have a railroad i^fbefor* next Ml. Nothing caa aaake timai ^easier for1 the fanners than to be conveik _, a'ent '''*msri»t'ft)Sr. .. Tiosa of our friends that have bees kind ^enough to aubkeribe for two or- mwre cop ^Jles of THB ADVOCATE, can have them ^mailed to any address they may desin, •Sefree of postage, by cflling^or seading word to thia olBoe» icrior HN iinnvni miu iv uv wun» to railroad vHiere ^tiaw'^ll a'gaodr CABTOK IMS as good a harases ahoy as ithere is ia the Taaiitosy., Mr, Mooing the proprietor, ts« good workman ss aa 0 veatigation of aometrf the aplendkl double hantesaes that he has tor salei, will ahow. Wvp him a naU whsa jrou want anything in that line. s, J. If .tka4^'lEsf,^fBiioj|Mgr flroaa'. Yankton, haa^oaci&dad to auke Oantoir rhis perauBMt: iMdeaee,' lad' haa taken ^ room in thoOaart Honaa with 8her 8oath,wbere beWill befosnd/Rady tq attead trany legal baslaaaa aeiut Attor- fiuoa to the iaaaing of oar tut pipeg we were asked jnst six hundred aa|«n: eaty«ee*ea timea by anxiou dttaa^^geir thep^per oat?" The word "nor* wee appenaoatia oar mtada dnriu^ia tela* aieptaat ae^ BTttii rnnia aaaatetairbv TMjr to e*tt* 'are wumip** SESs&s into the BMMfactarla* bwslnsss ei ge into the maaafaetarlag «^eiy. a of a a I W paassdlhroaghtowaMiiawesltoahiawaf Io mest &, «ho haa yea* viaitiag ^ikamlng home. .s barnvr Hovn made a trip to. Dixoa conaty^ Nebraaka, the fore part of ^ils week, lo«tklng !aftfer had, been mortg«gcd?liere and taken to' thM couaty. 4 .' }e I.. It ia rumored that the Beloit Timet and Caaloii^ BeHpt*'^to: fcr parehaaed from Mn'Ingiiam. We^ope it will only prove a ramor aa we ^alM to looae so thotvogh a newspaper man aa Mr. Ingham from thia coauaoaityr^ A graad masiciil coaeert ooadaetad Prof, Dariea, wilt be gifaa at* the achool hoaao la Beloit, Iowa on Sfitaniay even ing, May lltb. Agood time ata^ be ex pected. AdmiaaionM cents children un der It yNva id age, 16 ceata. J. L. JoxmOB, the genial proprietor of the Jofauoft JSoaac of thia place, will build a namher, of new dwelling hoosea is Caatoa tMeeeaaonl 1M oibim op our. buainess men that have capital invest it |n thia fcififf of mw»1t nowj |mn»ft»yanf •A Bcaooi. MAMI Miss Idella Ingram, aow stoppiag at the Johnson House, has secured the. achool in the Clark die trict north of (owa, where she taught laat summer aad gavagood aatiafaetion she will take charge of her school Week from next^Monday. Maaaaa. CARFBVraK, of Beloit, have made the citizeoa of Canton another prop osition on the railroad matter^ and accord ing to the worda of Janet A, if the citi Ms'of Canton won't accept it, "They are d— hogg,.'' If that ia ao, whiat ralation are the citiwns of Cantoa to citieens of Beloit Jont BAHKT haa reaignad the position as driver on Howard's smge line between this1 place and Miller'a W"*1" John has made the trip regularly for long time. Ha iateada leaving Cantoa and viaiting the East, but wa shall be greatly aurpriaed if before another six laonths roll arooad don't Had him back to Caaton. A. Hi Monniaoir and L. Hall, of Mich^ igan. CI. Billings, of Chicago, and Ch«s. G. Wlckcr, of tt§e D. S. B. R4 spent Baailay sight ia Canton. The former three,gentlemen think of porebasing an interest in the Dakota Soathera railroad, and were With Mr. Wicker looking over the line of the Pembina. They left early Monday by Howard's Stage for Portland -iS TaACxaa's IasTtTura-^-We7 have tried hard to obtaia the proceedings of the Teacher's Inatitote held ia Can^a last Saturday, hot have been aaable tb get any1 thing 'like a aatlaflMtoiy roport.4 There were quits a number in attendance and a aumbv of ippncaa|B fbr M^flcates, bat iRIBwftUw V9 |srl[ STOBKr.—May day thia jmr proved to be aboat aa atormy aad blis«aidy",aaany day dariag the the paat winter. At an early hour in the morning the s&ow eom mecced'falling Veiry radidiy, accompanied by a alight miat or rain, and the wind blow ing qUita hard from the northeast, lemind ed one of a genuine "blizzard.'*.: Snow fell most of tbe forenoon, making things look wintry like and disagreeable, but by night it had moatly diaapprared, -and left the atreeta ia a'muddv condition Immediately' after the" raiiroAd Meeting of. May 1st, held at the Court Honse in Canton, D. T.', had adjourned,' knrjther meeting waa or^uiized with M. CuppM, cminniui, and, O. 5. Gifford, aec rttify. J. M. Carpenter and F. A. Keep waa called for and addrsaaed tbe meeting in Oppoaitioo'to bonding the county to aid therroad,. and Mr^ ^flrookfe and ptiieri in fkvor thereof.' No action was takea.upon aaything. A aumber off penooa signed the petition to the coan^r Coumisvioners, during the meetiag and after adioarameat. Maatiaga^oarned^-/':ftK)t .~- O. B. Qiafoap, "-'C.' Ma P. Wnmuunnqif of Moux City, genera) agent for -the Tan Brunt Seeded '..wu in towaover SaaHlt^ laal. He tea live jolly fellow, a good Aqjcat, and thermore, represents a good machine. Chairaaaa. RailNrf Meeting. _JI adleurned raHroad asaetingwaaheld attkeOmut House, ia,Cantoa, D. T^ on Moadtyeveaiag Meylat,1978, at 8o*clockf p. M. Meeting called, to-order by Cki^frman Harlan, and Ot 8, Gifford elected a^reta ry. OLjJecr of the meeting stated Chairmaa Harlantobeto bear-tbe Report of the commiMee coiiistlag 1 of Sesen. Brooks aid BteMd^ e^io. hid b^a ap tad ata prtormosiing'|ofoonrwith .. A M:«pWfeilttiPtem- Maa (UifiMr'Cfcmparif, U» ftK^ive-prop osltione or terms of aid from Lincoln eouatviaaaaiit in ooastructinif tto road into Liacoln county,: Mr. fiiroolu, by re ^qneat,made the rqwt of the committee^ which lie did with mmropriate remarks, it a|M flrnaK 1 that when tbe committee .. City, paitiea Were there from Heloit to the coespany, aad when aad Beaedict cenfsrred tike road thsjjr ware coald noiatbly be made by a*. ThaTaatd propoaitioh 'waa ao lata than to graiis aad ne the road aad Davis, maaageta of the roaa. And that If Liaooln Cottntr eoeid not aid tin toed In a eabataathu manaer. the roaa coald sot be expected to roach oar auattg latitattfclgitit theflgmeTa the addiiBg lane amoaitdeaSdt^hroi'to in in aiding the alwagpa that the Ballroad ^Sapaay will aooeptt^e lwwb whea vowdil' jke laaartN ^jheSnttoa. Cmrted-TS^.i, **'•4 T# IHT BM, BMT4 IF Wttj aomc property thatt CmlyPiiaaft^w UrnLSa-* Untifa, Ttrritorg j-Jtm* IISMWIII, aisiaaW sei fttAH mA tiadaaflataortksal IMBSMSMIH and M,1 IKw afcatt Mtar Uaeota •om* at MM Count/ & RSHS a«* aoM tlMa ris atUaa ,lmm oanttm. torn Ma moaay aaat of a3i t*wh Coaatr, ahaB have atMNHoaafrjwmtorasovarttameat pncMwliU MM aiua» .ssM Uawla Ootn^ by war of mM rFattw or "aloagh." And an afltMaatf jM^isa OMtr ftonda ttMlty l*wvb*roe elel*»w «ant. te tanat Mraaaiua, wkenthetna •baO ba Wd tad Salr aan akaU W Maktec taSolar trtpa over idiliuaaallmoi^bili, to HTrtat «hOwa^r, wot mH aartlMUna. Aadno fottfear Owt Bigtn CBy a«d Vaaafelw Ball ieaSlafairaMiewmtegHaismii» tote loMffli yiVF Motion made to adjourn. Rejected. About aeventy 4ve persoaa from di: ent porta of the cooaty promptly thejpetitioB. Motion.made to. adjourn. JG. W, 0,8. Girroao. Secretary. iv •?, LINCOLN COUNTY. A Brief Description of its Lccation Ad* vantagea, Improvements, Towns, Ac. Lincoln County was organised by an act of the Legislature, approved December 30tb, 1807, and Canton made Uie county aeat. the Big Sioux, a clear and beaati ftil river, traversea the county from north to south, forming its eastern ,boundaiy, aad is composed of many fine water pow ers. It has aeand and gravel bottom^nd ita banks are lined with timber, consiatiag of oak, maple, elm. aad cottoawoo$. The Brule Creek, j^owa through the county from north to south, near its western bouadary. Many other streams of less niagnitude irrigate the county ia different directions. The soil ot the prairje is rich, Strong, productive and well dra^ped. The valley of the Sioux river is extfamely fer tile, ia composed}-: of rich bottoia- land, a large portion of which ia now under a high state of cultivation. FARM1JSO Basotmcm^ One of the ncbeet sections ^fanning cooaby in the west, lies in Lindolh coon ty. No greater indneementa caa. lie offer ed to Eaatern farmers tliaa thr^ae is this section. Fertile lands at modcrfl|e pnees, and being on or near the lineof a'lailroad, they must increase rapidly in ijaluation and farming can be carried on :'aa cteap a^d with as little capital here, la any other part of ihe United States. ia situated on^ Sections 14, 33, Township 98, Range 49, and ia I4£ated on the westhaak of the Sioax riftr, akfMitr miles north of Sioux City, Iowa^ and six ty-flve aortheast of Tankton, t^ Mpltal of the Territory. The territoi Sioux (Sty and (Mnton ia 4hk and as the traveler travmes through the fertile and well tilled farms thailie along the route, he Is impreaaed with the ad vancement aad enterprise visible. No towns of any importance is reached, over this route, until the traveler rounds the bluffs and beholds a handsome collection of buildings denoting eaergy and enter prise. Theae buildings compose the towns of Beloit, Iowa, and Canton, D. T. the former on the east and the latter on tho weat bank of the Sioux river. The build inga of Cantoa are principally woodea atructorea, although brlcJ? ia amnewhat used- The claps of buildings for acatneas and beauty, far surpaas many older towna The Sioux City and Pembina. Railroad, now wilt to within forty miles or Canton, will undoubtedly be puahed forward to or near this place the coming aeaaon, in time to move Urn crop thialyear. Real eatate hasgreatlyT adfiufdM M^ltl uation during the paat year, aa tt naturally moat aad from ita aituation, Outoo mut become one of the most thriving toaaa oa the Big Sioux river nwrth ot ttoux City The location of Caaton ia exceedingly handsome and the scenery around it truly beautiftil. The" town plat tt on a gently swelling prairie, rialag at the north and wjpt and gradually sloping to the rivef.^,, tMPaovBMairra. A large number oi Improvements haa*' tatt cna|rietc4 dariag the pastyear^ prin-, clple among wliicb. is a line, brick CoarL House. for the county D. Keller'a brick residence a two atory atore bnildlng by Q. Gilbert the drug store occupied bjr J.' H. Coulter ftiraitore atoie of W. S. Smith the Dixon Hotsl Adee & Lanlug^ atore boilding aad a large number of. other business bnildinga and residents. The populatioaof^toa vsowber tweea three and four handred, .^MBfMlBg a choice population, fhll of energy and enterprise, who act together ia^kannony and in all aMttars pertaining to tke gnar al intereat and welfare, are al.'a. oaita.—^ Thia laaa it ahould be la all toavaa/aod it inevitably follows by aach a policy tha matters of paUic iatsreat more or less ad vanoe every n^an's private interest Below we^vea llat ofCkatapil preaeat busiasss sstabliehments, profkmiona ckurekM, etc., «b. We have amdeavored to eaaaMMte every taraach aad variety Of baataeas carried on ia Caajtoa, bet it woald be atra^e indeed, if ire did aot ovariaoli wtattkfig ti*tloagJ«Jto,bc tathe. lkt, or coaMah aoaw alight mnwa ia n^M^lBSSiSnSS^ tagapttiagMMralStnaiaaiy. Itlatfaere awlt of coaridarabte work, aa# we -kaow that ia naln ia eorrect aad rtrea a eery: sar"'T^s' aasatf»a» MathndMi Xpiaeopal,Uaited MrTJ O JaaUac, H. G. OBlMt, Wffliaml *em taaahmHa aaancwflK T7_. ^St Rohartadat «MT T. Voadtck M0^U.XOFCT'UII J. H. Coulter. AntAai^lokMi Schulter aad W. tt Saiith, jiwnia Mowt. JKaHa/MMy—Simpeiia Kunyan. ^iffllsmVtta ij[, ^|t. MUo Ruayaa, jiaaaea impaca, J. B. CeUias tad D. B. •ulater. .-r" Carprntsrs—Benedict Hewitt, Jfm '•BUtolJ. H. Brooka,and Smith Keith. Lamptri Bailey 4 Gi8brd, R.^. Simca* aon, J. W. Carter and Geo. P. Iteeler. iBeiory-W. Roblnsoa.^t CtnfieHm#*-*. H. itobinaon, M. Keller, B. Kennedy, and 3. H. (!ouher. Mtat Jfarib#- Kchard Johostoa and Charley Aadre. f"l Land Agmit—Wm. M. Cuppef and BL H. Donaldson. Phyieiwu ami Surgeon*—E. O. Plumbe, H. Southard and J. Grier Hays.. Jloteli—Johnaon House, Dixoa Hotel, aad Msrtin House. Wagoimaktr—lL. Roaa. Millinery tad Dr*$imok4ng—Mn. Adee aad Mm J. H. Brooka. B*rber-W. H. Robinson. iB,' Lvmbtr IkiUr—J. 8. Benedict Town Keller's. L* Pottmntttr—John FalM. HmrOwa't—O. A. Rudolph. Agricultural ImpUmeiUt~:D. A. 8hermaa. il r, Keller aad Lt'e^y SksaWrFMak fei^r M ton Brbs. H* ', "^4* ll-,Qrai*':Buy«n—William, ltobertao^ J. H. Holaey and J. M. Carpenter. Re so A us ii proprietor- City Billiard Hall, Robert Lahing, prOprfetor. ^Tr:W§'':y Andrew Hand swingle. OTHMH TOW*#.- Lincoln Conner also contaias three smaller town* known as Bden, Fairview and Lincoln Center, which show consid erable entcipriae ahd thrift, and of which we shall speak further as soon as we have j.,-/ '.p?1.-':.•. *Sma fA iUbm •'.'•'...v.:?...:. ..... tl$ie tq yiait thenk Adnalnlatrato^a Notice. Xott«* to Weby given iiaat th» t»dwln«d kaa tmu:aiiimhted aodchiqr qnaiifiad Ailniimiiaiiir of Um nWe of the We Knwl Thomvaon, S»naaaad An prnomfodtMcdto aaU Matearo nqnmtodto aatne tW aamc. immcdialelTr and aD ddM 'tiOM add aatele aiadwtlklh* Xodge oT fntato la and for Llaeete Cooaty, Dafecte TanT Bmot A QtnrmtK Attorns. BherilT'aBale. TBBKXTOBT OV DAKOTA, Couim of lntooU, f By vMiu of xe sxecoMoa iaaoad oat of tke Clerk's oflce" of the Ftnt Judicial MatrtctCouit in and for tfee Cotmty of I&»oohvaMt to me diraeted and de UvenV I bare levied npoi tka property at Tmtar OUmau tha tetkftlf nal propwiy, to «tt: Boatlrweat qpttrtir oWaMBaal qmarttr at Mob SB, Tawm. SS, Baag* 4S, te Xinnte Coaaty, icfa I w|U offer for aale to the U«beetaaefc faWder ton,Inaaldowwty,taaHil a jndswwitmffcmrof Siaon Wannft*aitng• amonnttnf to tofdher with ewt of Imry Htd aak. ApHtaHh, inv. C. A. gOTTTH, Iftall. BAO** ft QIWJBB, TUntira Attorneya. I-St fikerUt'* Bale. TCKBlTOai or DAKOTA, „, Cowrr or IMDOU, ottw 'irf^^&?nSMa'|lli!5ei Coart inj ShJSSmi Dated April 32,18TO. BAIUT ormaCMfs al toe wit: Soirthaaet guarter W the nortbweat qoaitar of flection 27. TOWH. SS, Baa«a 4% of Uneoln Coonty, wbtah I viU offer for aria, alt pabHo aaeHnn May 1ST6, at I o'clock r. x., at the front door of the Coort Honaeln theviDaceof Oaaioa, Llsooln County, B. to aaMr jwnawt tn favor of Wlrhul Hoff nan, amonnUar to $«S^i, to«ether adth ooat of levy aad'aaki. C.A. SOtJTB, I Comrrroia' Lnwotir. By illaa of aa njwaaim taaaai oat of the CM?* aOtaa of tha Vint JadMal OlaMet «t Uneoin Comty, and tone Oiieutad. Iteratdnn •& right, title, aariintanaaa of fnateSttaan, to the follow tog natnrayarty to-wB: Bunthaant qnartar of the SS35d^^^^cSa£t^rt^rwbl^rfcr aaisatjatHkiapaaa aa tha ISth darof Mtq, 1STS, tothe fHatdoorof OWart atlo'doS r. st," at tha la the village of Caatoai, a jndsaMat hi Cam of the WW a Ineetin with BAILSI Oopyn Coajyy —innting la Iwy.aad aalaw C. A. SOUTH, Shanff Sheriff's Sale. iaaoad ont of the RntJadMat DMaict tend far to me dtaaeled. I !M andwhaa atatte fhaainal. aale at wddle aMtioa to tha Moripy.aad'aaK aA-apo^a, a|«rt«'t(:M|y adke efWBH Snd^DinMS^tn 'mft*UaaaSa paaaakr,an*to liliii,lhw imai «MBM Maalatow.«aaaaa*a aa^tha aaeda «r*daeh TMliaviik ^^alw am^^w MSMaa?.-!-. ,JjJwfi4haaa| id nf tgfctta ruffes LIFE INSURANCE COMPAQ ,, aaiiWBiatafs»ne. —aaaaa^isii.-: TkaaaMMaf at Oma/mn la «h* VaaaNMD Myaal^ laipainiSSfaay, tt iTteSd I. tha iaaaoaat of tta (WU Slock aaarfr ItesaaoaMafaaoSSuaawkBaMap [ZS3. ov ooatvAirr MIL HUMI. latfea iMnda otafata 4 on Hml ftft tote, worth double tlie am't loaned, 10,S01,MSJ8 Delta ulhaiwtaii aeenred, aocrned In t*«aatjMMl rant........ aaajffLM Ledger balance and billa reee)v»ble,,i vtfiWM PeM* for pranriuaaa 3MJHT.1H All othar Mtawitlaa, pramhun notea,. 4,143,780.87 Total taaata. 117,118^11.11 LIABILITIES. Anumnt dne or not due to banka or 1 Tha graaSaat amoont inanrad in any onertak, aaldomabove. W/XHM The gwataat amoont allowed by the rnlea of Ae Company to be inanrad t. inanyoaMcitr.townorvUlage, fit 09 VlftCONSIK,) JOPWTV OV*W.WAIJK*E. ... _HiL. fkxjttn, ^aaMect, anrfWn.MB»XEgaa», Secretary of the Korthweatern Hntnal Ufelnanr. aneo Company, of Milwaukee, Wiaconafa, befawdn aworn, depose and aay, ttet the foregoing is tothe baatof thair knowledge and beHef a roll, true and jwrrwt ftatemest of tie affalra or the «aid Cuuua- S,etlartactualaaldleaat tha laatiraBoe Compt^f the bona owner of at One Hnndre^Thofvand tlcA oaah aaaeta, invwted In the State aid jStatea Stocks and Bond*, or in Bonda aad Mortgagea of^eal Katato, nntoctunbwed and worth dmibt the smonnt for whioh the M»«i»moi*mged: 6*4 tiiey Me the above dsacnfced oiBeere cf T~' amanoe Company. '.SS! I lierdjy cartU^ that the abov« and foregoing ia a th«i and correct exhibit of the financial condition of the Northwestern Mntnal Life fiunaanoe Company, at Milwaukee, Wiaconeia, ae lhown iu lta awom atatement now on ale to thia oAee. In wttoeea whereof I have tiarenato aet my hand •k and affixed the aaal of my offloe at OB- WIS, 1-4L SlMriflr'a Bale-. TMRITOKT OF DAKOTA, I Coinnn o* Uuoot-s, rfsi By virtue of an esecntion iaaoad oat of thai Cleck'a offloe of the Itrat iodtoiat Diatriet Court fat and for the Ooimty of Uneoln, and to me directed, I have Mated anon and tahta all right, title and Intereet of Fraaler Oflman to the foUowiiia ml property, to vrit: Horth half of tha adnthireat qaaHer of Section 9S, Toon. 96, Bang* ««, of Uneois Comity, which I artu offer foraale at patdioaBotion st the front door of Uie Court Hovae the village of Canton, Uneoln Coturty, on the nth day of Jtfj, 1S7«, at o'clock r. J» *%_*!»• kMae» Malajinai -ffifip, te-' SSSSsSjT'm •Mot In fkvor afH. Ok Boon C«, aeeaaHaito «SLW, together with coatdTfevy aadaale. Daiad AprilMth, UrK, —tC.A.SOCTH,ehiriff. ItaanaflimaD, naariura Attone). 1-tt. BherUT'aBale. TSAARROBV OF DAKOTA, I inaceordanco with the pro •rtstotm of an Art of tho LtgWattve Aaaembly of the Torito^ of Dakota, relating to Ioaarmnoe Compa niaa. approved Jannarr «h, }g«g Mkd, whftreae, oc eaandnationof theawomrtatetoentof aaid Com ny fftsd is I ftndtlatttc sa& I&stirsocs Osmpfttjrp poMc—»d of tte BMMMT mmmat of TSUKSSSSSiftSi kots- of Life Taaiu auue in aaid Territojy, for endUg Derwnber Slat, A. Dj, ISM, by Agmte prcrp t, S. BSI^PICT, Agent, whereof I have hereonio act mt handjodSeal,tWa laa day of AptS, A. D,tt78. A. 8HEKIDAK JOT I haeby oetMy that the fomgoiagia a true and correct oopy of the oertiflcate .of authority iaaoed two thia OOce to the NutUioeakjiu Motoal Life Inauauea_ flomiMT. nf W*»ST!W, WlaccDSln*vojs the latd^r of Aprit A. D^ 1ST*. laaVaeae atamt 1 have harewuto eat my laat -.••J,' .and aSSsed tha Seal of aay oSeei at {aanul Oit«et,n. Tn the day and year above written. A. SHUODAK iOVIS, -J. AwdMor ofDahota, J. St BCNCDICT, Agent. BUSINESS CARDS. Attorney and Counselor tt Law, CASTON, D.T. o. r. oiyim BAILEY A GIFFORl, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CARTON, D. T. H. B. DONALDSON, County Treasurer, CANTON, D.T. Baal Eatate and ta» paying bnatnaea pw—ntly at. landed to. Ofltce at ConrtHonae. ltf. J. GK1EK HAYS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offina hia profraatonal aarvteaa to the ritliana of BeMt, and vieintty. tho Me raatdiince of Bev. 1. D. Snyder, lunttiawt from the lWil»Tl^BHIdg^ Canton, Uneoln Co, D. T. •P.O. ltf. IHOBE J. TQOKITAD, Ex-Officio County C'erk, and REGISTER OF DEEM, OAJJTON, LINCOLN CO, D. T, Win nagr taaaa for now waMwita, and fuaiah ab ataaeta of Mtta at waoeiatle rates. ltf. GEO. J. HKODIER, Agrieoltanl IaplsntnU, SIOIHE FALLS, D. T. RICHARD JOHNSTON'S Meat Market WILLIAM tt-i mju*m Man aad ftatwaa SO par ewt ot «aaa........ U.S. V|S0640 mmh.IT 1 wadthwi ^J'ar~r adjuatad and dne •djiuud and not due ouadjnated inotone etc... ims9&61 waiting for proof) All Company, 14,430,330.00 ToialUatiilitiea. 914^01,108^1 An^to^ofDakriin.- Snbecribed aa'd mm before aae, Ikia Sat daar of march, 19T& faaar»] nugfihlaa ltf. offTaah and aalt'i Si-**"""*: Joamaox HOCSE, CANTON, D. T. aaaaiMMS iiu aaward'a St^a line bet aiian Stowt TaBaandVintlaiidiiaii |idng ainilh eanaathaaakftat, AADTHNYGALAANOJTTEANTATAA^JTMABAAAA lair aaiRVfvnnf H.U JOa«SCM,FiuiriaH». BAKEBt AHD RIBS*AUBANT W.B.R0BIS80N yfafl^yeQaKwMc^^^ Wco, eigaaa, aaaamm, lfona, k*. WMaa anh at atthonia, & Lnam uMiia nHl thanbeewhahMn Firat-Claae Barter Mtap. K. O. PLUMBE, It. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ooiWtai. LiiVERirD, WATCHMAKER & JEWEUR Andtalarta Clocks, Jewelry, &c., „P«K QPM AUUmv, CfUe*, &T. mwpgi-.-v., Good s, sum, raa hand a large 1 i.M, t~ %S 4 I Standard Prints, Heazy WeigM (fatten. Cheviot thirting, Bhirtintf -m 1#^ A ^strife, Denime find Htatjf 4 Duck, Bleached -.i, JSLjbC1 *&$& It* "W" ty f!' ft- Brown Sheeting^ ^Flannel, Ticking Ginshpm,' -~T 7 Wm. H. FAUNHAM. m~.*eglB£L IS*T j&j^WMwanrar DA*OTA, Amttom'tOrruM, Owvatj D. T^ AprO let, 1ST*., WnxnsM, the Korthweatern Xntnal life Insur ance Company, located in the City.of Vttwaukee, and State of W1aconain, haa Sled in fUa OOce,a aworn atatiiarmit of tta condlttcp, on the Slat day of Dwaaiber, A. D^ ^I'XOTIOXS,' t.^ir Boots and Shoes, JW. ir- li CrocktfTud Auditor of Da aaldlnanranoe a^aigaataekof a GROCERIES, Tm forMlaatlowr^aafaraaah. Casli aid for Wheat. j|'S ^*TH 5-4^ -.ft WWTK-H Shelf and Heavy* r-f"' HARDWARE TttmreT', Farming Hand Tools, IRON, •-asWf!. .fteH*Qla»and-P»^ 6am. "iV Tht Quiutst Cuk Btorv Wwt sf CUeage. V- Sr/v H.G.GILBEBT. Ladles' Fancy Hats, Dreq Oofd*, Skndt, Paraeeb* Boeing, AMVsaflnikaLEanM mm WWUttBBg NOTIONS, BATS, CAPS, a&,ae. •rtsfe NO. TFCMXS 3T^ CAKT^A.'T/ SABALDS0S1 BBLKIff iommam & "wr.s. ,n rr-' tnibbon»k and Gent** Hate,Mibbont, -"3 'otierv, and a great variety 4 &3W tS' *x jiemn-mM.' J® se Erypoodif* S- 1 %J4 1 if 44 fa *14» Ladies? Dress Goods, ^HATSJtMD.CAPSa Boots and .. ..'...vV 1 1 TABLE iS Cnnkerg, 0faiaasN| PS|t.OBc^tor?. BEN. KENNEDY m« tts m- .few Books, "TC&R-TT4-J5f:TSC«S STATIONERY, '•&$ Batolww. Etc. ST-ITLM AMD FANCY GBOCEBEE8, la ho isaaha in On* BLANK BOOKS. PASS iMttt 4 I filBCESliL is—J -riss fe# EBT, luis «r, CAXXOS»S.X. 'FEPTE. %s