Newspaper Page Text
'/r JfHF iII MiJiiPM tu«ww jTkbu« or w»w«rW!.f-a y» wjw»j2^--ly,•••:•• ••••,.r"r °r. u,*• '.' i*. i&Wiu* systsal, It iBooh tMttwfov »H« patron* and fcaow ic*»i^iwwww» from sil^Srti Of fth ^TJ CC**® i't'^TONI OJtys.vpeB .... Sthfl. s^vij WKDNESDMC, HAY a 10, AF.M- M. 'Oifi ATAA LomrHo. 4, A. F.fcA. *. iBfgn-' ta» QommanleaUou Wednesday on or Wore ths fall atoon. v! Special masting every saoond Wsdassdsy after wHiMwWw•.„-. |.j- W. M. Ovi rvrT« SeciMaiy.,.... ., COUNTY OFFICERS .-•If. M. flutuM, Oleife of DUtrlet Court. lam J. TMOWSTAP.• Baglater -:-z vt Boio Oounty Clerk. B. B. A. Aawasos, WM.M.BALLChsirman,J PMi snd *m- DOKAUMON,TnMdlK Judge of fiiMtj OaaauM A. Botnm, Bhtclff, V. B. 6o*w*. Bupeiiutsndent of ftchoals. LOT VCa. Commissioner*.,,,, DaKSl/HWOB, nJ',pWi»V0^| 'J f-'se-TH ".-ir • & 0 ICANTON POSTOFFlCE QIRBCTOIir. 0Quthern dsny mail wive* overy day e*C«rt 9mi« fay St 5:ft)' r. m. XtepMt# every day/except Sunday Northern agra»S:S»* A *.m. Canton aad MiUtown mall arrives easr? Tnssdar ud Saturday arrives1 Depart* every 6 e. M. Departs every Monday an) ItiOTMltf at 0 a. ac. ..... Vermillion weekly mail arrives orery J?iMVr$iit» Uei»rMicyery Jii(iayatS»,,^.-'s'.fWJ,. from («. «. to lUst.tolr, m. JOH^rA'3l4)Et axtfvtic KSto cWJNTY. A BMOTHBB of ,ot all tbe yi Hie Ruiiyan is visiting •*... •me: With .colon brigct and a wi(tsan*mny, itit aa ^Id^lF^ert'tltrb'bete *--J LET'S cclelMte- the Centeama! Foartji of July iu Carton. Why not* ••*.-•?: V" A fBW wirm dtys will clothing the t&e> In tiieir new sprinrf suits |ri|,» refr(-»hing kre^]ie|from-the nortii |^a%ao|ii)' -ittiiwilifcly *^ter therein. %\^|r feT)s|l^.day," b^i* lieoa'^liie gen eral Iftbtiue to tins plac« for 4he past two TimfiBrUwl of" County Conrajissk'ners were Ui p*Jijn list Friday and 8nturduy. sc pruceediaga ds^yhfre. Oim three County Coinidi84ionmw«:ri bllged to stop in C&nlon Baturdjsjpniglj a account ot Oie heavy rmija. •& |v H. A ?AH»I Wd W. L^prlng, of ,oux City, were gtuwr at the Joimton iottw Ike Jitter |ar| o('l«4 week. THiierfafp pf^firgrtkia^ftwn inthia county thi«) awaQn r*F «xf^ed», that. ${ ny previous year iu the Bounty's history. As the farmers are gutting their spring**, .work nearly., done, and Uie oinigration ii 1nci«asiag/trii»uae«a gettiu^ralOfJ' in Cautoa.' Wn 1 ir.®, •,£ V.V -r tffiM ••'fil+ttii JAJ "N, -I- 3? MR E. *tri, t*u YK8TEHJDAV, our Castcu cotemporaiy was preiieuU$'d witii au', heir. Weighty eleven pounds. Father, mother and doing well. MB. C. B. SCBMEID, traTt ling agtpt'tor Uie best daily nevvspaper in the Northwest the Sioux City, j^upbni^ i* "doing" CMt^n toUiay., :^a THB irge fields of spring grain'to be eeen in aearlr every tOwu, pi^oaea) pur recent rain. JIT. H. ro uie A' t'tti&i 4UOT 1 ^irin -Vlv cltrk» ftt«»tfee Saturday evening, alter an absence of four months iu the £a«t. fct 3. i, «?!.'-' #1?. ti r.J *"TJ* TOW •was carryiag ai W. ^ICLAUBY, hsq Attorney at Law^ 9wwti#»Mi^aMt)ii iihBimi'' Miih'laat-' let heavy rain oi 1 IT was-supposed ed a certain wfcile oft his but as he rett .eearch of an an |-THB sin jKsed of grlsijng finely PwfiDa^to. 'i iit Concfrt after they MATUBW Cltyiif-ug at'ji •lead, Wts« uf lookadafter heri Uteiiiost Bccomui' Blwkt ^"t: .T He U»' I'UOOO. .. 'f ... ints Had cajiiur- an oiptbis l^ace Le.Mars'laet week Iter w^ us^eas. thif« |lac$ com ieut|, is^pn the in«ryc^o| uf pioltaug %i|c a term kf"" 1^'P'SiUuliir Sovnk'^ from a tfip to D1XOBU'COUU1 ebraskaf reports that the farmers in Uii# cbuniy! *reliarther.adyaaced.with! the^iepeteg's while away. Ihig ia our tnlArt. We Hope ^hey Low.—A Phralrian'sPocketcaie of lo- and F. A. &eep^% fiutnl tfiifce thilea aautfl^' to*^ wAliberia. Mi WfiTrtStl' MH&fM® $SJHi ptrymr WfW $ ii a we iu- be carried by a of the jpeoplp of 4** rafAn titiv county^ POTATOBS aeeiu to bo'vtry plenty this dprthg. We tried to sell ft/?% b^h^li that jae Jjtiu.1, toil *cre onjy offered ten cents a bushel. If any of our '^Ci*eMn wfutrug _tnf'l|itering our ^B!#*tilt) the weck owr "comp." 'leenied to be engnged in ringing a very sorrowful piece. Upon inquiring the retwoa 'vjf- iils fcellng so iiid, he iiiforni'd a» that he was jjierely prac ticing apiece to sing iu thiconcert j&Be }oit next Saturday evening |||i§. In another columa w6 pahtt^l 1i4Mh. pectus of the Chicago Inter-Ocean. That popular and excellent journal has achikr ed a' succros during the lust fonr years that proves it to iw die leading lit pulilican thie%ros? j^^u« ^VWrnp W 1 ,IS,'. -»A '*re frnintifKinif th'-ir_nTTfVrr'lii|piiilinintrif young, tre(ji'fn Yranf aiid" ti?)Uii'd s:l^i*,.'liijts. t^u oi^'fstyil lA'.-tUvti' J, ex&Tupie, auJ ip a.Vtiy jew years, instead of a Weak »'A|L|L(R^Y V'hav«a .hean^fill city with plenirjr PW teciiou against winda in ,'wiifierl MR.1 8.11 WIKTBBS returned last Tharsl day. fr.oui aajexteaidud.n ip tiuroagli Illinois weeks^ *lki 'reports 'thiit prmt dwiages have Titeri iJrtiW, vieiuity, of Qjinc/, III ,'by ^ent and that many, fatn ilie^immeless. Mr. Win «»e soutii pirt of tt^ktu w»on. RjcpyBtii^A" C.\ wus —-Th Repu bhcan voters pi Can^n. %y wnsliip wtll meet- in the Court Ht)u8e oii Mouday.-tiie loth-dfty of May, ttjT.0^-at a .o'ciocl| to^elect live de{ega.tes to' attend the RepubKcai' County (.invention to ie holden iu Can ton^ th0f4^i#Meis^ -By order of the Committee, Wm. M.: Ctasesrr, Chairmaoi •ail" to-44Si&i:- Tax emigration into this county for the ^ntMinial season will probably t»e greater ti^ab^LUtihrious A QKAKtt'-Musical Conc(^|^ be giren [»iil Mswical Society and Canton tti#e |ioj^ ofvf^of.. Vli.tS. filavies A jani^asa^gntertalinoeut ^prouaised.-r TicCt^s for sale at the Beloif arid CiAnta j': WJL IOOKS $: «*-W»awr glad to^'hear^tfiat'Ott* 1t£a&& aje payinglid^pecial atteutioh to ihb planting of y(»uiigttW#'tt|is-«pviag.ii^^imited by goo«Tjudges thai over 400^000 trees have esent ana worin icountr, Stopped at the, JokaaoalHiusa,l I. U'l 1- W A Ofle0 of the Pint Judicial Diatriet Conrt tu and for im'itInrntr^i^nmhilMSmm I fT aiuraayann eHlllUat |W) ~,u'WIBf'IH-nieJ.^,... •,« v.. levied DiKm and taken an ri^tU, UUe and Interest of fSuilriuv »i't«riiooiit *-f •»A JOBT'' trial^ waS »heldjbcfore Justice frasier OOman to the following real property, U 11:»•• I" Cubne&/t^av^n''i£B,^ioii'"id'r'^ardY-i a 1 tfltw* littfaote the »uit w«» brought W. ik-kMim'UNl'iailtniiiltfi by J. the'^y Carpenter^HB^.^ftVeAt*^ l" ,P regwu a '"'•"l "nil Hhlt Mllftlli^" M.M lajJllt«SULM.{l the Vil^je of CantOii, Licoolu l'»t in ths{^ne»t.M«:,aaidn note,, Judgiuegt r. piain- •outo Mjiof ^weys •"irlii&AiEMyEIEto jud^l'W-^t^ ^W^Urter^- .defiartUnt- ready awakened in th»,licots of the writer of te sfoners. ,, --^x_.niI« wr fliiitt. IBiitinn uf 0m SaUw|^r.^tWr jalia«wt in vr j-4. aw.. es»n cer lor K'-Ou ieet ot bridge plank ^tor utte 'WB IWI i|'. TW BW% VI and^bouudfthe ^****#±1 i^ce^d.J^feettffbfy*lge the Coao^" for •yu tBoliioI^ t^i^orj. M. ahea dne "pwwttfe l«wed ,,'Oun.^olfofi' AI- /or bringing liva Vld^Pa fr •peciMtPMpOfC the Board, allowed 1 to bi|y a tew bjisU# for sctd,s pipaiq^er atiflu fat ptm^r... »..• tttMil fMl of bridge planks appropriate!) fa tbc'towA ^f Korwty. fbproilowjnf bridge materialswas approt Hlfbli«»d |o Bo«n) re-convened porsuant to adjourn- All mempers present. Petition ot Culbertson and otyers, pf Eden, for bridge mut^rial to brklge ''Tli« Pttttee," laid over,# & Hepiort of Win. oifthe Jiistrict Court, of costs of last term of Court, was on motion accepted and adopt ed as follows !i hf u_,4V •(•'tfii Wtn.'M. Cuppe'tt, wes'M 0m«4wr furnishing writing materuls, «&e, $17.10 incaso People vs. John Fickliu, f?4.2B in ease People vs. Chas. Yoges, |Q5.9^ in case People vs. J. £. Jewell, $Si.45. Bill of Mills A Co., for balance' doe on blank books, Ac., rejected. Bill of B. Kennedy, for coal,'allowed $ 8 8 1 vi If 4 .'B^ard,«djourted tor dinnerr-gi |ji|||, Met In the utternoon. All mfrabers present. f- H. On ihotioh report of County Surveyor Gillespie, ef rurvey" of county road No. 3 as changed at the session, was ae 3 it Bill of iicppvtt and Thonatstotl, lor mak itig out tax iisi for l85, i^HU.OV accepted and allowed. Bill of G. W. Hinkley for road work performed in Delaware township, 1875, laid over. Olerk orJerrd to issue an order o/i .1. H. Holney-ifor six and Ufeevl.iug.bridge pianks to briiigc Shaver Creek, where county road No. 3 crosses said Creek. The Board allowed themselves the fol lowing bilia to be drawn on County Fund: Win. II. Ball for two days and mileage, fWO. D. SIack fortwo d:iys jukI mileage, |6 bO. A. L. Arpe3ou, for two duys and mileage, $0.80. Thore J. -'Mv Thonstad, two days 'as Clerk of the Board, On motion Board adjourned Attest:', .vi year in Lincoln couo- ty's fhp^^^iU|e^y the emigrants into counted by the: huudrads:. Let 7lfreilU,:^fjfc- Wo better indacemento: can be, off«iie«l~ th^se seeking homes than the'rich and beautiful rolling praict«|^f Lincoln ©ounty,DfT. Cotfim or Lwcot-s, By virtue of an executioti tasned ontof the Clerk's of&ee of the First Judicial District Conrt in and for the Conuty of Lincoln, sud to me directed and de livered, I have jteytetLMWin .** 4he -pr.perty of FrasieirOQtn.1lh" the following real property, to wit: Southwuat quarter of the sontheaat quarter of Section 33, Town. Range 48, ID Lincoln Comity, 96, which I wjtl offer for aale to the highest cash hidder on the 30U day of Uay,1876, at! o'clock p. at the front door of the Court Bou»e in the village of Can ton, in Mid county, to satisfy a judgment in favor of the Madison Manufacturing On., nmoimtlng to together witji cost of levy and aa)e. April Hth, |«#r C. A. SOUTH, Shsriff. BaILKV ft eirrosD, T'lainf UI~ TB Attpruoys, 1-U. Sheriff'it Sale. TBBBITOBY a Cor* umt JUfpeny. By Tirtoeof «n TEBittfORTOr DAKOTA, l_ cptrwrv or UWWI.M, Be VtrMe of eseewHoa iaaaad W¥)M ft-. build BibrSdge UMhe Canton and Bioux! ttw^^tSwn. w^Kaatre w.^i^colnCoonty, OqrM wbore sai4««d erc^e. JPatteeV Hbiie tetievlili* of Oaatoo, Llneoln Ooan*rFp. iloCi^h aearO. Orstads' ^lace Four pieces 8*10 inches, 18 feet long' two pieces 8x10 MV |on| 40Q fe«5t of plankn.7 .iPba^l •djoaraed to next day. [„!.• i.vj: MAT Mb, 19T«. sine dii.. I,-, 'fa*.-,'. A. L. ABSKSON, Chairman. TUORB J. TIIOSSTAD, (.'lerk. Legal NotieeH. Adnriiilgtriitor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, has been appointed and duly qnaHHed aa Administrator of the efUie of the late Knnd Thompson, deceaaed. •AB peraoaa indebted to aaid eetatoare reqoestedto settle the same, Immediate!? and all claims' agalmit •aid Estate must'be filed with the Judge of Probate is and for Uneoln County, Dakota Territory. Dated Canton, D. T~ April lflth, 1876. JOHN FALDE, Administntor. BAJLET 9uiuiU' 'Ouila$u|8 Be. May htih, ubdc'ir OirvosD. Attorneys. SheriffN Sole. TBBBITOBY OF DAKOTA, I Cf'4" OT or LISCOLK, the County of Uneoln, and to me direetod. I have wit: North half of the southwS (marter of Section T()Wn. 96 IUngA 4^ of nbfiilsS^O^' li3ti glWii liy VYiU .ii'Sl\iJ tit wl litter for »»leat iiabjic suotiaii the irout door 'liu^rmid iaeJ^T'Ut as Uuoo^at BAILCV OirrosD, county, which I County, pn the 90th day of May, 1876, at 4 o'clock p. *. to t!re highest bidder for cash, to satisfy a judg ment in, tavo{ of 0. D, Booge fe Co., am»unttaig to •61.38, together with cost Pf levy and sale. Dated Aprfi 34th, 187S. C. A. SOCTH, SherifT. I^UftV^ttorw^^^Siw-',.»:-«-^iMt. /Sheriff's Sale. TERBITOBYOF DAKOTA, CotnTi or LWOOLS. ~f*» By viitae of an exeootioa issued oat of the Clerk's office of the First Judicial District of Lii.ooln 'Coonty, and to liia dimmed, I have taken all right, tttle, andintemstsof FrsaterOttnan, tothefoiiow- oift tnit'. ing real property to-wit: Southwest waiter of the sSutheait quartw, Hection 23, Town. 98, Range 48, Tainooln County, which 1 wiU otter foe auytuni on tbts ..IIIUi Bay of Hay, 187S, E eaafi tidder, at 2 o'clock P. S^ at the Co«ft Uouaetothe villageoftiaaton, nnr-i'fe sai4oouuty, to satisfy ajudgOMtU Infavor^of the I Itadison Miuinfactturing Company auiountiag to *L together with cost of'levy andsale. IMUM April BAILXT 'TLEREAS, C. A. SOOTH, Sheriff. COiriroBD, VMuUCs Attocaey. l-wi. •''"^ij^Mrtgage Sale. ri. vi tie.1 i«laaae J»iu t^xea JWr the saihe year hr pro-+ ^flieaame 1jb* 4 ""'I fl 4iu)«upi»t «^^Johwaxt ttid Jai O. the Beloit W$S®Wi*iNKWKlWW»i 'l John H. Holaey and Holsegr, OHI wife^, of Ute Ooon^MSt Uaookbl^riiSory of Dakota, did on the Sth tay of OctoMr7lS7B,anks, npeb^^MlWriil^SISShto^ »lt: The norta hair of tha aoathswt at»rUS of.Sae tiou twwty-threa of Township liliiiilj Hj)j|flii|i forty-uine, and containing ttlghty acraa, mora or less Bioek forty-uln«yp County. runuinielSs ir Wl- nortfi: Jorty rod», ciuotzoe t. .. lota uiir V,iwt Block fortyniille, iitlkeilSiKt oi VVTtShwlfe tor Canton -eatitilniui* tUirteeu acrsn,. more ot l«sS a». *fW^'W1l^)»«aa»» VHW'Wn§^f! Ha MV-~ fV) pay saW mortnageu Ma' lw "iftri WHrtfUStt Wganizing new accei^M!*# On motion Win. ed ini)tabteotS^B!kwa^i Tdg'-year. |iiit- .^pi»iiSi 44^afeaF^a:,^tS'l Hub 'c \vi«. foi^*i®^fe6"HunsirBd X»oiiirti du» /aaUal? 187* i. »d one given for Five Hon4r«d Forty-eix aad farti^r-nihe tmeh«ndmtth.^tttrf, bdth notCH to draw interest at ten per c3at. aad by the. terms Of satdJWrtgaK« if •Mwitf be spurts 'mn^ina'ini^rOvf'nienTsthefwuiobfloiiging, 6ear-. nor Shy part thereof, •£M5dSr^ri5£?!£ Ulwoolujtfw»sald,on ttoSthdH ofWoJ^ylfV a^S ^ckMk r.11., sod duly recorded is botik of jaoitgsgcs in pages COS, 008, snd 07 inclusive and dMsatsnaaMwlaereeiii irhOTMi —H mnrltiina fUte DoCaco *Uoru«y« fee and waeress default has bssu wfade ia the «6udltiona of aaid mMgag4Ai Uie ttle-'s«BB BSc«Md jt)Mr«lty and tkeie in tk AM tfeereon at the data of this aottes the sum of Eteven Hund :::JS$&sss£*I^. essdlaga have been instituted at law torseavsr the *skt sse—ltw said aaortaaas or aaviart-ilwaBf. SowihssvforsasttoatoSfevlr tas «T ths pswsr ofsale and in mmoanoe of the statutea In such andpnSSsd.^stW T^toMlMa tateneiMio ftpnr of HkbMl Boff nsn. wounttof to |4Ml, teiiMr ooet^^levy sM sale.' ''?§*»fflm* n«ui April PWatHPa AMd^My*. i4t ftheriff^s Sale. TEBBITOBt OF DAKOTA,» CotrifTT o» Lfifpotir, vtrtuc of ^U) Clerk of I County of "iwuaudMken »u tteht, title andUitafMteof tartrc fWlwaa to^tbe fottortn# property torwtt: One bay mUe,T or S yeani old oae bay mare 7 or 8 nut old, wtyte £ind feet aad wtkHe star in forehead. Which IM oner top eale at. pnblio aaetion to the higheat cMh Wddelr viii tfae luth day of May, M76, in front of Batt#f?6ilfra^'^ qfljen la the viui^e of Oanto», IA»ooln foonty, to satis* Ji»d«eBMio^ln favor of K« W. HkiuniVi MD OOBI Ohn barrel of pyrup.. •. i. Four keg#of iyrnp,^|~ :i«^ it, Oue barrel N. 0. eajj^^ Twwive viah tabs. u-j »Twelve water paile. Thirteeneaddyeof flak, One fanning mill. One 1,000 pound grain Four Vt buabel meaaoxea. One caae amoUng tobacco. Four 1 bushel baakete. betn« all the gooda situated in a on lot 8, block 28, ot Smith 4 Carpenter'* addition i*t the com b. BT P. O. AddreM, {Molt, lowmT lit TBOltlB J. THONSTAD, Ex-Officio County C'erk, and REGISTER OF OEEOS, CAKTDN, LINCOLN|CO^D. Tn W--. Will pay taaea fyr nm-realdeats, and furniah ab stwyjte of Utle at rw»oii«lilo jatee. ltf. GEO. J. SKINNER, ,n4 f'—Dsaiaa l-:-! DAKOTA, I MecoUoniaeaedontof TT Ute Clerk's tar-i Apieultanl Iaplnants, WBIOCX FALLS, D. T. RICHARD JOflpTON'l Meat Market AU kinds of fresh snd silt matt aad. everyOilng JOHNSON HOUSE, CANTON, d.t. ,.• Passengers oh Howud's Siage Line between Slatia Fails and Portiaivivuie gyiu^ south can get breakfast, and thoee going north can get sapper at this House. Splendid accommodations for.aH traveler*, and good statdes in conosetieawith the Hooaa. BAKERY AND RESTAURANT W.H.R0BTN80N KeepS ^'llaiidand Mr saU for dash aUTg^stock eT «&?&?& baeco, cigax«, otanafe, lsnkiua, *ci Warsa.nasals, at all hoora. In connection with the, above ha has, a 1 o. fLUMBE, m. o. PHYSICIAN ANt) SURGEON, Forme^r.S.ltsrlne.gui^e.^Ltomtatola'aiid wifert aad suieiy. BMi^aw Oenoany. 0«as at KMkr!s Dm stor^AnealS Itastilwww over W nostra prueptabaetio*. .%A "t m. WATCHMAKER JEWtLgR, Clocks, Jewelry, ac., &"'Pokt Canton, Lineotn sou yi mat corner Ofrc Building, Cunton, Uf. .:te»^-»«e*ewek« H«.8..i jiiti-fc-.' 8 VH'. rw, -vn fIRE INSURANCE COMPANY |nb^oo,ed 04111 acw^Li'B The oldeiit and mast reiiafale ooavany in the'trnt tut statMf Ovcr.ltiMMMiWm loaasa kave besn piigbyttofhtanfi •it E.W.SKINNER, fen.1 i-i .vBa. f«f ereof'is %ksSse^W?eMr Casta aaid imi^i i1 the datal •MiSha^oaa- aadthe 'Stsmasa sOMMtto fWT^ftlTTBtr^"t *T°fTiilMri Oae o'dscajsiths _• EfffHSgll MUlMhM "t! ..rft '--!«. '"v 'Wir^r 81oux Ctty.l 3£ta» "S ini.ii iwriwaftaneas-w *1 WbMBttoa iamd oat of IIm flwt Jndkial Diatitet in and for and to me directed, I have {$ iiuosnlibtf lo |9S^S together with ccxt of levy and wile.'^^^ Dated April JOd, 18TS 0 A. SOUTH, Bhertf. Buu« iiirma, FUintW Attorney. wl vsi & Hberlff'ii Sato, ..«:i .... .. TF.BBITOR7 OF DAKOTA, l_ ••rsassftsa. ISO Imahels of corn. 18 tashela of barley. let i»iu 3,000fwjt pine lanber. "i, fee Cotm* or LnMOLa. rirtaeof aa eseeattoB Jasaedoat of tlu pf CM Judicial Dtotrtct. Wand for and to me de«verM, I have levied of the-Chrt'* By virtoeof aa otftoe of SJ»n^ii and to me Wvettd, I have levied ajmn and taken fiito my poaaMrioa aa the foods of Adee Lairing, being a portion of ttie gooda held by me nuder awarpnt at granary addition and lum- to the village of Canton, exwyt b«r, which I will offer for uie at pablic anction on the ]remiN«w on which tbe gouth are located. to-Wft on lot 8, block 36, also mi lota sTvblockafc Santh Carpenter's addition to the village of Can JOT,Lincoln County, X). on the 10th day of Hay, 187t, at clock r. .and continued until said property is disposed of,to satisfy a judgment in fv vor of S. Harwood & Co., amomrting to tMM^ Su, anu ooat amountiiui to SfiCUM. Dated April Ulam87S. -C. A. SOVTH, Shsriff. BAXLCT BUSINESS CARDS. -ff,. j. W. CARTER, -py*** Attorney and Counselor at •ur- •••.: rt: ^Otv/ r" 'x*8- O Law, CAXTON, D. T. MAKE W* BAILW. fl. OIVVOIB. iiAiLCV & GiFFOiii# Attorneys & Counselors at Liw, CARTON, D. T. •.: .! H. b, DONALDSON, ,., County Treasurer, CAHTOS, D. T. Bntl state and ta* paying bnaiasss tended to. pffisf ft Conrt Qou^e. ., J. GIUBR HAYS, M. D„ P-HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional services to thr viUseas of Caaton, Betqit, sad vicinity.! Residence and office at the late residence of Bey. J. D. anydor, aonthwsat from the Beloit Bridge, Canton, Lincoln Co., D. T. -r -f .r ,v. fir 'h »rj. 'Mi a'j f/.. J.L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. it 35-1 m* it m**1 rti \u WILLIAM ROBERTSON, driB iM -Daslwi^-' -um J» ti [J1' l-S" It Dry Goods, nmm* -"-M Stiivfm «i »tr/ -nt- &*»* di'w ,3S St4» W'j I, fjtlou-*' Keeps constantly pn hand a large aaeortmsat of Standard Print*. Htaty Wtight Cotton •L lf« "1 -P K- J1 1 hK I. M'f Si 0 ado, Ckniot Shirting, E\irting S i».- DMI'M 1 atiacfament wEtcb haa mot been Strip*, 'V Ij 'tSUL 4LS 1 i.i tnd Broun Shuting', Flmnntl, Ticking Gingham Ladiet' and Oenit* liatt, Ribbon*? 'l-j .» Edging, Homry, and a gnat %ar\Ug of U" Uirrow, Plaintiff's Attorneys. l-wl. ft* Boots and Shoies, -Ui\-U, 'Hi •-•n-t-ti vlit I 't Cncksrj and Slatsir&rt, :i 4 Aadslsrga GROCERIES, Far ml* at law raise fa* asah, „tMi !f Ithn^n Cash Paid for \Vheat. ivr -CANTON, D.T. O. A. RUDOLPH, -.hi Ml Jj A, 1 1 "ItowMt .• ^5- Shelf and Heavy ilt ,rr? HARDWARE tj 3 fr'U.'W7 btV .f tr H-C.S Qth.i1 .0i I nl iw-n la-Ai'i' 14 CS! f»:p' *l «V '•r" .t\K «1«" "-tK s,I I ,11 •J-tjiv.i* i--, ,(t (jtrtir Sl 14? vnfjiiS .tii ".wbiRjr jl/Joayi Hi im'JriTjil* Sfc.-- venr: 3 .«srli .ratii 11\wirf H-.n a I *)lr j. '."i Al*( *?«.lit 1 h»4sh'u5 trtSHt .*• I :mTi er«t«fcl (TKjSX £#|.V irf Farming Hand Toob. xi*if?: .w* B?3 .iskjirn? fSt*iTX -or .*1.f* t«4 4 Mf i$S? mrt YUfvkAf' y»'« I •J. A &*< ^Whu-n^ n&f %4 mmitq i^[. js$P' 'f? Pumps, Olkss and Putty, u»r JOHN FALOE. tewrt* CMaa, D|.,T. .. 4 ,ri''' -Isk? f«" ^eTol?ent |k 1 't tt "attf jtMPAWze sB&irjw*: '«sesiT^JOQ^j^ 'i .tw #. aau^t« liW STtIK t-a, I New Goods, €M New Prices, ^Un.i«wfe II St,I WH v-*v» lift lfittwx /»rfl a£&vf*uss Mi {'3 'tmM •is -«,* Drm Good*, and -At. v,i* j. v- it iH Duck, Bloaehtd 9 Itos CO MAXir 8Ta, HABALB80H1 Dry tn *ii NOTIONS^ Croektrjf, Glattware, 8tonmuu% Sc., Ae.. ... ,. r*. -.rf- If MAIN 8T^ CANTON, D. T. ltf. ,.i Pcst-OfEce Store. i:iiuW ::JK{.'.. BEN. .KENNEDY i!ir ,1 Wtohsa to iatsna Iks pnbtte that ha hM I as* stack ia tha Tnst Mips -.w ?t "u 'i(J if, 1 UA 1 1^1 1* H, G. GILBERT,^ 4 Whalsssis and BstaO Dsate ia oooss, asocxBOs, Crockery and Glauware, Ladies* Fancy Hatsv 8\auU, Paraooii, Hotiory, :-y•. Stats' TotBiiUag^oodi, NOTIONS, BATS, CAPS, i»tj 'Mil (•'JS'V 'tiVlA *~h\ 3 CAMTOX, D. T. l~:£ "«S_ »a«l 3 j' ti* 'JtUii /ra i*lv **n3ryjt+i to i" Al ,•!„ .. ,' "ii'k. A vaww u—aea-wy t- Ki J1' .t II N Ladles* Dresis Goods, -t »i HATS AND CAPSr A s( ,r fi .'' ii w. Boots and Shoes, tV TABLE CUTLERY, tf tr fe it •»».* i-. K*0« JJiu.? t,V*lX 1 iir Books, v*. ii msn -J* "'t t. :P X'** 1 STAT|.QN'ai% :'I iM «i nhti w£ siJJi, wl 'whits*-* FANCY GROCERIES, Msbool hooha ««sd hi Unaola da, aT^sslI^w I 4 If 'i saa^Was^l a V-! -qt" ,v -v 1 -f11-!)^i |je. ft,' 'i* 'Mm PASS BOOKS, DfARIE8, a n» l«v v,** v*.. rl A »yt ., Gunsmit hing te« "•Mb*#--! t» laKjBfitw rr. ffcTf^f"'v-vT -W i*1. iT.^T7 A :,v .* 4 ivii JiBRirS" &f£ %!JMrf% Wi A ^%'^.^jife »M 'u ""-'X .J/vS* *4! fk§ ChitMlt Clflk flfawa •••w wBfPiffl VWM VPMV ^:rW»it of CUeago.^i "a ADVOCAT It .fB^uRsrj tr^ jg. "^41"u ••4 .-} h'h ft /_ i.ri wt- ....• •»..••. fA"i ,1 W r«i JJcB 1*^ Is •, Xnooangsd by tks Bafis, r* 't'j •iS'! (tf.f id[j! I 4ijjl ii.%. jei.r&i M.l 'f' •. ^w* r-%. isa a ,.jS&HS^fT^if I Wjlf'l ». $*4 +,?•&' WP»»t«V ,v vtniiu* 1^8'" 4V 0wn-* Canton. D* Taj .vi'-® s" A "'* 4, '4', 4« i^Vi r«*N MU Good,** to f«!$• •"'if I f* "t» 4«1 •1 d'lf.'l iff '-Sv,*! txn »•»/#, 3"" 1 A^ijUVU. 4 ft j'.- •h!s 1ES, r/Sf rdv'ft'U "ay -8, Jfiwri ,,f ttfte* 1'~ x( 1 pi*3^ ,Js 5* L'« -I'-ni ^qn .% Um "MM Ti to't.t /ot«i K, i.-s hiffr pi f,- .» ,•» 1 j« !^i^* •*-$-* a® «T. wir •1 *n »»4 7r mkjuw fjjOi vutm i' .'•••. '••^•••1. H" ., 'j iSij 'uaSJSHE^ Skinner & Xaltaaa*^ Wt« ^,3- «(H. I 1 'at, !«(ai 5) 4" i.«| .f i}fcti -ft ir -»,-« tufasf iiro \iii a l&x ia j«4t *v!'t• "t: ?%r ""tfuM "iihi ?UH4 Ktv' A 4V 1 'v® A wJ tsrt t» lii. V-iis ,J 'j.'tS Ax .» iaflht -kdl 9fi *f tHUSHu *i- .iUftM tj iU .aadf -pip, -f 3 S PHQtQQMAPR ALBGMaZ 1 Ifc n?a poCKMfLMDoajt !4c M4 a- #*%*p Wi 544.^5.^S 1 iwfcf'l" aayjssd M», v» js« •V'- "si it ri Mr- f" W v^5« t- $u^a!ned ty t!h^$uaNii|fp .wtmae t. R,^ 3.'.!.u STAPLE JMD% f. f-evnwj -jffifU ^JiNnA-sliMi 'hof ,Wi5vf ,:3-jfe .*: ..Wyssfci'v xtiffvr lias.. «». yvmrxs cu-ftma 4 dffc 5 -mlA AM&ftt lr to .41 rt .i|i TUy n'l. 'v yd fe ,1 £|W|. T0-,Kmf *kv -foi & JsR-8»t586{t: WMJfeJ* W ^Sr &6WKfSa "I Mi \'-~wa^.fe"%ng^»Kai'. .•• -.J.IW. uf -4.r -.••^s-a,^ -v.-.-- vl '.. 5 imtjfc M«r*»Sw ^T/ «c iiEKt-^ca: frf jaffei'lMj ...jss&u, .* se-i&ir t-J 48 sHlosBfy* -SC u' 4 1 e""*1 ''S.1 ./j, '..Ssjit &irsfu if.'.' .# W S'^lfESE a. 3? W d-rn fffiat&i) ibytuA um if ^4 &*&-%, jf/a^fe'a^iSa