Newspaper Page Text
y\Ah ltha W. X. Duron. CANTON saahln adrane* system, riot the patrons, and hpiow MsforthapehttiW .. prttalatngto looal OMMIIcolumn One*i«hth oolumn BnateesaOardaof AveUnesor |Loo. A*m» MM.'*11 lanatha eeooa^ieuled by tte wrtt fotpnbtteaiioabtass i** liM .. (peryepw for aach additional line, |L00. tap»AIl advertising accounts settlM monthly.?:" WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1876. WWS 'A A topdl p. HI* •n.R* Bria Hi OMX Mo.4, *.f.rit LL. Ur Communication Wednesday on or H. WLLIB, TA. •. M. OIIHBI,SECMUFY. COUNTY OFFICERS' N.V.OirnR, DMM OtMi Twu J. Twwstad, Begister of Deeds and *J- lAdoOoU^OWki H. B. DONAUMOK,TNMONV Judge of Probate. OKAMtm A. Boura, Sheriff. -'.'••i V. B. aonux. Superintendent of Rchoota. A. Ammwov, Chairman,) Wit. M-BAIX, OO. porr-omeE DIRECTORY. CSSA T&ARSSSSXS i6A.Ho Northers dally maflani»sa trmy day except Bun 'day at 5:30 A.M. Depart* every day exoept Snnday Canton and Milltownmail arrlrea SAWy Tnesday »n«l Hatnrdajr at Departs etery Monday and Riuda| tt Yermflttoa weekly xull vritei way Friday si 19 In. Departs eveiy Friday at 2 r. u. Ofioe open ftoo 0'a* m* to 9 f*« x« On Bnnoayi. IQw.tol ». if. JOHN FAIiDB, Poatmaater. TOWN AND COUNTY. WBATHBB—cloudy and windy. MASK W. BAILS? made a trip to Sioux Falls laat wcck« A comiDBBABLii'flaiaeed hat been sown by the farmers of this coonty this tipring. W. H.' ROHIHSOX has Just received a largo stock of oranges, lemons and pick 4A U/tv-£s LOCAL items are very scarce this week, as you will readilr peroeiro by glancing orer oar coltfmns. Fann Bolognfc saasages at Johnston's Meat Market Try them. We have, and prononnce them £nt clats. MBMM. Jameft 7owler and M. }. HON ris, of this place, registered ait Cataract House, Blouz Falls, last Sunday. SEVBHAL of our attorney* are at Sioux Falls thia week attending District' Court, which commenced there yesterday A OBBTUCKAH named Thompson, agri cultural implement dealer at Sibley, Iowa, was in town the\forjljMrtof ^tc weel^^ Wa leara that Ed.'Golden,'"who has been •ery ill for the put Wo or three weeks, is Tapidly improving, and hopes are. enter tained of a speedy recovery I now have on-, hand a large invoice of Driw WtU material which I will put down chcbp'for cash. 4tf. Mi»¥fiifTW. Siirttt. Rav. Y. B. CosxuMf Baptist, preached in the Congregational church last Sunday CENTEHNIAI.—Mr. and Mrs. A. York WIS. mm Jw.tjway, gender. They have wwiied hlm^'Ceuten- HBIBT C. CAITKUH, herbafier^ap comm lisLed uniiu 'U townshl tar the son of our County Superintendent, can now be found behind the counter at Wm. Robertson's store, J-W-' "WjM ALL lovers of the dance" are'respectful social hop at Keil evening, May 1' danee and topper, NEXT wiek form of our sido instead Theuncert&nty of ubrjfiis tl^ reason RKHABIKJOHHS' front If tho Meat Market by Mr. Johdston hi room tofjfep lias" maz& oi the ivited t^ attend a 1 next Friday ickets, including to change [the .1 pri^t tiidout-. as heretofore.— arriving reg- soon* imprtite hs uses for a glass front, kpleted mn Ice ns accompanied publish the real name, but as a guarantee of good faith. •»*+. *«'.««»t««aWV.. hay and some slx oir olgfet was burned last iiataidae aflwrnep|y9®kipiib«is rap: spark ^wm jwhile yet paid their subscription to Ttim Aoroi |iCAi* will not be buhflil about calling at jftwo dollars as soon posslMe. We are ON of the firm of 0. wholly unmap|H{eable. After passing bert's itow team turned eMt, ftl occupants 'of the buggy ouVnsn tiMi block in4 between the nsideB|Mt of James Simpwm tad V. J. Thonstad, took a drcle around the latter r«iMMuM ta& stopped therasolve*. MesaiWfCsrpenter abd Wintehi wen consldcrablf brtUed ty their fall from the buggy, though not seri ouslyinjured. The buggy was. lltsrally ton to pieces, and the team badly scratch *1 up. To Repabiican debtors ot Canton township held a caucus at the Court House last Monday aftornooa to- selwit delegatM to represent jthis township in the County Convention lb be holden ih Canton to^ny. The following were the del egatei chosen: :1£ -Bafif. OM MM fall Wii. are Informed that Mif. Mien 8. Tapper, quite notorious throughout Iowa for her experience in bee-cult uring, has arrived In this county and will remain with her husband during the summer.— Mr. Tupper owns a Cum near this piece, on which he has resided a long time while Mrs. Topper has been engaged AiBity ttee^ete., in Iowa #A»TT. 4 MRS.H.M.BOHD has been' engaged to teach the summer, term of school in the THE County Contention to select dele, gates to represent Lincoln county "in the Territorial Conv^ion, will be held at the Court House in this place to-day. In another .opluma will be^found the the Slopx City Wntrnakel- in their Job and book bindery departments. The Daily Journal reashes us the same day it is printed, and therefore furnishes the latest telegr^ihitf news and market re ports. to be had in this section of the coun try,pn^ is theonly medium through which our people can get the daily news the same day of their publication. The Weekly and gives a large amount of gener#l'and local aews^ and telegraph lepBrtB, Read the advertisement and see the inducements offwed in ^ook-bindiag, job work, and for furhishing' bliiSbobksf!«r county oncers. Eden News. •i.-. nai,D. T41IV BJia clalmtb be the baaoer flai tqwn ot JAaosAa eounty hundreds of acres: of thto crop have been sown ty our caier prising fittiiMrti thie springl Jt Is.r^wd entirely^ f|# thtfaced, which is gktatly mar keted at Leitlars, Iowa. One dollar^ »nd five cenjts per bushel is the con^a^t p^ce this season. It all goes to the Msakatp^ Minn. Qil Mills. It proved to be a more than wheat ^t^aaon. We hope our fanner friends will not bei dis^pointedrthis seaam' sci la ty vUMr. A dealentria acocul Ywnwmm* K. Thompson, aftenwi ^loa^gr- rinters^mi^tte Mf«tf"oSfinMw •mWi H. DeLong, Mark W. Bailey, W. M. Cuppett, a. W.Harlan, Mat. Hanson. "1, AT the County Convention held in this place to-day the followinf gentlemen were elected delegates to the Territorial Con vention: G. W. Harlan, M. E. Holter, R. R. May,' E. W. Owens, John Falde, Mark ^/Bailey, ple Hfllyig, H. H. De Long, A.O. Hubbard, C. A. South. Next week we will give a fall report of the proceedings. a ^-'ooacABi* was: j^ve|' t^ ^l^hool house in Beloit last Saturday evening by the Beloit Musical Society, under the di rection of F*of. Davies. A large number of our citizens attended the concert, but the Canton Singing Class did not take part itf th6. (Mhc^rt, as intended, they having ,Wn politely infwmed by a genUetna» qf Uw Belott clsss"that their iervices Wo-e of, emigrants from county.Minn, cooslsting of E. 8. Ingalls and famflyt R. Ptews and Wm. Leach, ar rlvedt in town Monday evening, and will settle in th« western part of .ftu county. These new comers came overland, were about two weeks on the road, and brought household goods, farming tools, stock, Ac., sufficient to begin life in their, new homes in good style. J. L. JOHNSON concluded there was lum der enough in the building formetly used by him for a hotel to make two good ten ement houses therefore, last week, he moved a part of the old building, on to a lot in his new addition to Canton, and is making a very comfortable tenement house of it The other part was left stand ing on the old hotel site, and will be fitted up in shape for another tenant THE question as to the further publica tion of the Beloit Timet now fiilly set tled, and the publishing of a paper in Be loit is among the things that were. Yes l&uay Mr. Ingham had a Anal settiesient with tho Carpenters, and the press and material have been packed up and moved to this place, when they will remain un til it settled where the pioneer editor will relocate. Mr. Ingham and family started yesterday with their hoflsehold effects for Bramble county, this Territory, where they intend to settle and vrjhereC l^r. IhCh«m will probably ship hisl.priatiag ntaourils, soon, and start aaother paper. ia thebr expecta tions A"!!' Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr. James Olin, of this towndiip, lecmtl]^ liMlt a val joable young eow by getting choked to death by a turnip, Mr.David HMm his brashereoon. Heir the peeteot ooun ty TTessurerof ieward county, Nebraska. Dav^rays he It coming up Ashing^ he w^ Touorhe mi|ht sell out to|he «%lo^r^,»»'-ffrtlT6u^^ ]th|tQ|r. ever, as it is only hear say. l,inIey tad some others have bwm ^rogpectln^ for coal a fe fetfes jAlb r"*" ntjaVbLtfb* "M»e waside ctm low-the bed of the river. while the other Whopehe has nut j»T.~ ftefe^he- the indiea4 ftari sue- J^MvSoitAsji in company,frith Messi*. O. A^ylp^ I Moore sod imp KelttMre tottk fc «r|p to Siou* Falls. Tin eowtn between this plac^. th^ FrfN ^settled, and the fine grows jjhaMieve been plarted by Jl. a. IKfoivt seen all along the route, present a very fine appearance to the pass ^v^!3|pij#'ditt»ctpri®e8 the energy ifid raterprife of the sutlers. As we only had a short time to stay In Sioux Falls, we de voted the most of it in viewing^ the beau tifol falls of the Big Sioux River at that place, and truly magnificent is the sight they present We met our friend Everett, of thB Pmtaaraph, who infoimfed us (bit business was quite good in town, and that the" people were very entttusiastio over their railroad prospects. After taking supper at the Cataract House, we bide farewell to Sioux Falls, and started home much pleased with our brief visit to our sister town. FOB the benefit of the Tankton news papcr|w'c:arc obliged to give a. short dis quisi|ion on the geography of Dakota. Lincoln county lies on the eastern boun dary of the.Tcrrltory, separated from Iowa by the Big Sioux river, and the county seat is Canton. To the westward of Un-' coin lies Turner county, whoss eounty seat is Swan Lake. The circumstances that induce us to give the above informa tion cue the facts that the Prett 6 Dakota tan has got in {he habit lately Of heading selections from Canton papers with the caption ""Ttarner County," and that theiftr ald alludes to the late journalistic venture of Skinner A Tallman by saying that "Linn must make a little better paper it new jour with the great est diffidence that we venture to correct our cotemporaries, bat we believe that the Legislature elonetis authorized to annihi late the boundaries of organized counties. —Swan Lake Era. he fxpepts to compete with the nat'of lwan Lake." It is with & 7* Legral Notices. Administrator's Notice.' KoUee la hereby gtvm that the underrignedfcaa been appoinWd and duly qualified aa Admtnlatrator of the estate of the late Kuud Xhompaon, deceased. AU persons Indebted to said estate are requested to aettb the same, immediately and all claimi agatnat said estato must be filed with the' Judge of Probate la for T.frwtiw County, Dakota Territory. Dated Oanton,D. T.. AprU 15th, 1878. JoAs FAtDE, Adminlstrafcr. Bum Qmoio. Attoniers. iiwassfjil Sheriff's Sale. HEBBITOBT OF DAKOTA, Codtrrr or tntcoLK, Bs virtue pf an execution issued out of the Clerk's o&oe of the Fir«t DlsWct Court in and for the County of Xincdtn, and to ine directed, I have levied upon and taken all right, title and interest of Frailer Oilman of and to 6$ following property, wit: Northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 27, Town. 96, Range 48, of Lincoln County, which I will offer for gale tt publio auction May 90th, 1878, at 2 o'clock p. at the front door of the Court Bosse in tho village of Canton, Lincoln County, D. T., to saUafy a judgment in favor of Michael Hoff man, amounting to $49.41, together with cost'of levy and sale. Dated April 33,1878. 0. A. SOUTH, Sheriff. os 7 Plaintiff'aAttomeya. 1-tt. ''. Si&ri&a TEBBITOBT OP AKOTA,-1 'ft if a CotrsTTO* Lmootif, By virtue of ah' execnUOn isiraed' out of the Clerks ... 'Jnand'ftp and de _. proper^ :of Frailer Oilman the following^ res) property,, to wit: Southwest quarter of "the southeast quarter of Section 23, Town. 96, Bange 48, in Ltaooln Connty,. which I w£l offer for sale to the highest cash bidder on the S6th day of Hay, 1878, at 2 o'clock p. K.,at tile frontdoor of theOoart Housein theTtnage of Can- Id county, to satisfy a judgment al favor of Kanufactming Co^ amounting to er With cost of levy and sale. April 25th, 187SI 0. A. SOUTH, BhaHff. .Banjct OOTOBD, FlainttfTs Attorneys. l-4fc SherUBTs Sale. TBBEltOBT OP DAKOTA, I offlei oV^he°FiSwteju^S2l^^^ Cont In SaTtot the County of Lincoln, and tame directed, I have levied upon and takea all right, title and inteiMt of Tracior Oflman to th& 'following real property, to witrKorthhalf ofthe ioutlrweatquarter of 8ection 98, Town. 98, Bange 48, of Lincoln County, whldl I iriil-Offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Court House in (he village of Cantos, Xineoln County, on the 90th day of Hay, 1876, at 2 o'clock r. •*4 to ttwhighest bidder for jsau, to sattsff a judg ment in favor of H. 1. Booge Co^ amounttogto IDLtt, together with coat of levy and sale, ffia Dated April 24th, 1876. U""**"S c,A. Mrjr airrcss, ... PlainttfTs Attorney. 1-tt. Sheriff's Sale.. «SU r, 3 -wr."? TKBMTOKV OF DAKOTA, I Couirrr or Uttoau.' of an exeouUon issued out of the at tfceJItst Judicial Diatriot of Iiiiooln toma-dlMcted. lhava taken all rigrht, tiUe, uid Interests of ITraaier Oilman, to the follow ing real pWpcrty toflrtt :^outhwe«t qwter of the southeast quarter, Section 23, Town. #8, Bange 48^, aituatcid In UncOln County, which I will offer for sale at public auction on. tho 30th day of Kay, 1878, to thq Ughest oash U4der, at 2 o'clock v. IL, PtdnUfTaAtMfMgr gfce We ofgiPgel^fece. Mortgage Sale: •n4Sma»Swje wire)aof the siecttte deliver to BeojMBla Hill a oertein of Township ninety-aigltt of Bange sontainiig eighty aorea, mora or lias tgrnwriunantaurvegr. Also I lot or pared of land, coirnnwwtwg at a aiztyfeetdiM west ofthe southwest oisner of forty-nine In th* village of Canton, Linooln r, rnmiiiig thence west to the southeast oorher of the northwest quarter of 8ection twenty-three, »SKS2»^SS k)W: SSMitrWBgaof Corxtngto dayof Ootob«, due,4 onegiven'for to dranr' aMerest at atn jm. if def se' secured la wliereaa the note of Five Hundred Dollars due January 15th, 1871k has not hecb paid nor any part thereof, wherefore the sum seemed by said mortgage is due, whicl mortgage duly acknowledged was filed for reoord hi the olio© of the Bflgisterof Deeds of the County of afore said, on the 5th day^oM)ctoba^W~ 'ram of Fifty Dollars attorneys' fee and whereas default has been made In t!e conditions of said mortgage In ihe payment of the sum aecured thereby and there la claimed to be due thereon at the date of Uda -notice the sum of Eleven Hundred Twenty-four and thir ty-nine one hundredths Dollars prindpal and inter and Fifty Dollara attorneys' fee and no suit or pi eeedtatfa hava beeo icRitated at law to reoorer the the aatd mortoge «fB beroreck»ed tgr he prsinlasa Bwtato. daeeribad, eras aa shell be neoeaaary to aatMy the satewdatel of mMhthereof amount due to said hitareat vidthe tioatg Boom ^^toSta^OdXfa^'ooaat^ o^tte SM dan of June, m«i aSOne tfalocttla theaflsnoMb M: BSSJAMIB H1XL, BUSINESS CARDS. J. W. CARfrEB» Attorney and Counselor at Uw, OManOKtlfyi. o. a. itw»ae. BAILEY GIFFOBD, Attorneys & Counselors at Law, CAHTOH, D. T. v'. tt. B. DONALDSON, County Treasurer, CAttTD#, tfcr. im Sfiite In tended to. Oftoe at Courf Hoi J. OBIBB HAYS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offew Ma profeeaional starlesa to SM dtiaens of Canton, Beloit, and vicinity. Bealdenos and afflea at the late residence of Bev. t. t. Snyder, aoutttwsat from the Beloit Bridge, Canton, linooln Cd, D. T. EVr.O.Addfeea, Molt, leva, &. IHU&E J. ISONITAO, Ex-Officio County Clerk, and REQI8TCR OF DEEDS, ¥m CANTOH, I4HC0I«KC0^ D.T., fe. Will pay tasea tot noMaeldents, and furnish ab atractaof title at reaao«i»ble rates. ltf. BICHABD JOHNSTON'S Meat Market All kinds of fresh aa^ aalt vesta and srenrthtag toot Main in the butcher's line itaqi in Stock. Shop St, Canton, D. T. ltf. JOHNSON HOUSE, CAHTOH, D. T. Paaaeogera on Howw ^. a Stage Line between Sioux Falls and Portlandvllle going south can get breakfast, and those going'north o*u roppffi ttis Hoaafc Splendid aooonanodations tar aB travelers, and good sublea la connection with the Houae. J. L. JOHUSOH. Proprietor. BAKERY AND RESTAURANT W. H. ROBINBON Keeps on hand and for sale for cash a large stock of bread, pies, cakes, crackers, cove oysters, canned peachee, to. also a full line of. confectionery, to* bacco, cigars, oranges, lemons, Ac. Warn meala at allhoun. In connection with the above he hae a First-Class Barber Shop. E. O. PLUMBE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CANTON, D. T. Formerly U. S. Marine Surgeon, Uesntlate In mid wifery and surgery, Hamburg Germany. Office at Keller's Drug Store. Reslde&oe over Robertson's store. Allcalla reasonable. wfll receive prompt attaatton. Chafes M. L. SYVERUD, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, And Dealer la i--' Clocks, Jewelry, &c., Pott Ctfice Building, Canton, D. T. All klnda of work In my line attended to promptly, and on ahort notice. $3&~ BirEBiaci—MT WOBK. PHCBNIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY CASH CAPITAL. $600,000,00 CASH BINIPLCS $1,352,303JB2 The oldest and most reHable oompany in the Uni ted States. Over $10,000,000 in losses have been fsuld by the Fhcsnlx JOHN FALDE. Agent, ltf. Canton,D.T. Statement of the 'Condition, NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY O* THZ 31ST DAT OR BECANCBRA, 1«7S, The name of the Company fia The Jforthwestem Mutual Life Inauranoe &>mpany. It ia Meated in lHhwnlwA. The amount of ita Capital Stock ia I The amount of its Capital Stock paid up Tn*Hm.oiiBioo»ir AKUIDUOWI. Caah on hand and In the hands of agents or other persons. 4 Beal Estate unincumbered Offloe furniture and fiztuna 60 pec cent of caah..........s...-, Bonds owned tqr the Company to-wit: U. 8. registered, par value, $380,000^30. Green Bay City a6,400J» Pope Co. Minn. S,OOOU» Amount due or not 'due to banks or other creditors... Loeaee adjuated aa IiOMK idjnitod not dM. Loaaea unadjusted. Loaseain suapeose wilting for proof) AO-other claims afalnat the Compepy raaarva,etc at the fnmtdbor of Court House In the village of Canton, in said county, to satisfy a judgment in favor of the Madison Manufacturing Company amounting to SMUGS, together with coat of and sal*. \Dated April 25th, 1876. Cit8O0TH,8h*iff. 554,»LM 496,010^7 7|^00 Total... SU,4fXU» Market value....... 98MSUT Lo^ns on Bond and Mortgage, bdng flret lien on wrinoumbend seal B» tate, worth double the am't loaned, 10^S01,468UB Debts otherwise secured, accrued in tcreet and rent 543,079.16 Ledgerbetanoe aad UUarecetvable,.. ST^nOuSS Ptliti for premium* 88i^517«18 All.other securities, prwulumnotes,.. 1,142,790.87 Total assets................ $17.1X8^0301 LIABILITIES. iue*.'.!..:.. 1 Total 170UMJ1 forproof insured in any ABQERE....^ STATE Of WISCOHAjU.. OTTRT m*7 or MawAtnatu. H. L. FAKIR*,President,f »,UWM» The greataat one risk, aenjimi vyn.....,...... TSe greatest ammmt aDowed. by the rulea of the Company to be insured inanyoneel^r,townorvfllage...... ^vf The greataat amoont allowed to aurad in any one blook........K V.* iod I taraby eerttfy &at the above and true and ccrrect exhibit of tt* flnanc the Wmthswetein Mu^asJ Lifs Inmmsies Cospsciy, of MBwsukee, Wiacaoato, as shown In Ms sworn statement now on file In this oSee. In slluisi whereof I have hsswmto sat my html and afltxed the aea(. of ryr offlee at Oi ^kSk0- ftJMra** *•D' '.-w Auditor of Subecribed and sworn befon ma, this Slat day oflfan*, 1816. [aaaa.] Wk-H. 1 WanxAa, the Nozthweatem Mutual Ufslc sr- wren iitatwnint of ItaeondWo^ oaBM) Mat day of December, A. Ik, 1878, ina riianii with ths pro vMona at ast-Aetof Uiu Lsgi»latt» Assambly of the Twriton of Dakota, relating to. Tuni wina Compa ^seTswrovedJn^ry 8th, lBflS and, «hena ou Tismliiilliia if T~ ny filed In thla Offlee, I find that tke mid Insunaoe C«t«My MMsaaedof tte nsesaaaty aaaoaait ot "j^efwa, I, A!*S^^^«^ WILLIAM ROBERTSON, i- iMfc gf FASTTRAK. Kot» FubL'r. MUwankeaCoui^WiBettitcfeu A TEBBITOBT OT DAKOTA. Aroma0*»xoB,« term, D. Tn April lrt, WTi Audttor of D*. kwaTarrtor, do herdby oerti^SksaHInsunsxse Company la dnty aathofiaed to inuiaaet the buatoaaa of Life lmnftance in said TerriMTi ftr tee, yaa* euding D«c«utier Slat, A.D^ MW, ay igentli prop ariyqnototeiL. ^V.S.BEEDICT, Agent. Is teatluiuuj whereof, haw hirwla. set hand and SeaL thiaTs* te of April, A. IK.BW. ~L SHEMplH r. 'T-. [4U1? Oat the tae md oamdk am ef the certi&eet* of: ftom Oris Office to the Insurance Company, of tha lit dqr eCApaO, A. D, 1W* *'*~2rxxm'srs$ us, [smuuI aw, P. *W J. S. BENEDICT, Agent. '5 ti ,:V Qyy Poods, if •ys4 iif» issM-i a«. »5TJ alaqaaaaartmantef tr £***$£ tzMip-'l&'it H$i ~p, i'iljl f. fit 'if" Standard Printt, Heaty Weight Otto* 7" I $ «. i, ad*, Cheviot Shirting, Shirting iliJ .i *.» "tyh 'ritfi 1 Alvl fJ'-» il1 Birtpe, Dotim and Be** A ». end Brow* Sheeting, Flannel, Ticking OingAam, Ladite1 and Gent? Hate, Bibbone, Edging, Hot&ery, and a great witty tf NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, Cmknyud Stoma, Aad.a large atoek ef GROCERIES, Vac aale at law rataa fort **1" I 5 Cash P.aid for Wheat. •J-i-." VK'fj:- 1 CAHTOH, D. T. O. A. RUDOLPH, ••I -i^i Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE Tinware, 3 PVaS'1'**? Sa«M«Wi •."j-.-.:-: ua-A.c I Mutual life Inaup WteWBstn, bafagfa' to to the Oserstary of the KorlhaesWa sacs Cos:ps=T, IBtffBttSf, Assess ly sworn, depoee and aay, that the (om beatof ttieir knowledge wd beUef a theal tnanaa let One litf. trf ntntl nifi urttttf, Vtiitad States Stodn and Bonda, or In Bondaand Mortgagee of Beal Estate, unbenmbend and worth dooMawe amount for w^hdi the aame la mo and they are the above described ofioers of suranoeOoaiiany. _f«ttfcl H. L.PALMEB, waxjmo Manan.i., Becretatfl .. !W. JW 4 TNf 5fK frSL f'« ty 'i.r-.x j. tf~r fV iuu. -Ta t,nt' fio- yf' Farming Hand Tools, jk 4 Wnt *mi f#\x,zc S S a 'l#i -'fsdMw i^4 && A «"W -1 ?v '*, ip Pumps, Qlats and Pirtty, Giins, BeTOlverSy Etc. f-y1 I Gunsmithing ZaPAIBIWG NMATL X. IsKf r-'."uv 3-^rr :-.Sk Uti'v'f ,1 ^INCQLN P0UNTY 'K-4 I.'V! ,-VFCAIL ".- & «5tart"i'U r, {S Duet, Bleaeket. »*»r„ 3 iX !.• '-r IWAj WM .Jliri! i! »W itr r»ft t» I'd 4i,ji fit mt "tf •4.^-i- AA it! hit- ]v I' iff# Mif 4» j£% *1 ^£n- 1 m&u tr.f- !.j- St u' -JTt I Canton, D. jhmj tf\. "~r. rio'.: x.P*W~p. -r •?.- fct $ $ xi -OT- I Skinner & Tallman. ij. VP .* Am Uby •. i.S 1 & •''imfy"fcl U'M .• j/. if/ A.rfifi "t« 5 booutetd by Um Fwpli, irf tt' «il -, 5 ifh §5i(^ a3r* nt? —AHIV- nw.'iwat "WJWSE rJ ',Ji i't tUfj ,/'k 5^,. JJ d'i .t 3i* iiui ii 1 niUMifWh/ v*1r ", 1- f~ 'f.Xi'l* Hi 1 )rC ,(/ -1 .£ 'f Sustained by the Business Men. '"il" itffi "liUi** m. y. la 1 I' 34^ !t V» p-.ii Mtii wfc to it WM wax?' -UIJJI.- .TF «L,T.. .V .• t-1: s.f-M ntdS^n Mpwj* X«4« o|-4 •i riwtOMs All .f,."4. ,1n£ \'.U i*s*¥hr i* tev -4' -r tye a» .-4 •ii'% -4i »»t.- ymr 'x&i 4tt# A.-* St ka i* iK+ ff t*RKS^ W W LINOOLN OdtTNT ADVOCATE taliNdLi n: Kl "X. $ ir .'v I Wltt~ ditMati' At /stewti thr'Hr pmNimnpartjj^ mi mill work fvt tts aA Gomtff. tun 9«s 'i .* nM-: j||£J Adve 6® New Goods, NewPrices, Tho ChtflPfi Cuk Storiir? Wist sf QiDafk «*H. G. GILBEBT Whi'imlim1E»taflIwlsrto •V.4sXBf SBY 000M, QB0CBBB,|~ Crockery and Gla«*waro __ Ladies' Fancy Hate, Dm* Goede, 8havle, fi& ,v nr4«r kXvh, t-fi «yy ir' -e ws* 't^r 4 il !*,• SJ t.J 'f* Li *1 tl", I mAaeto inform the pablie that ha has new stock la thaFost-oflos*-1"*— OS raSl«l «i& w? U. \y 'f Or 15 'Mi w. jjrj-fw -an amr a» r. /(©T .. ^jajSa^iaa ^4 Mis STAPLM AMtJ v^moma "SL' Is ft* jn' :.r i- S®.: & QaBti1 faniiUagOoods, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, tm: !r J- Ho. SO »*v* ST^ CAHTOH, S. T. HAHALDSOU BBUHB U" 4F^I VF, Ii"i. 3!"* A 'M&- ft" "'"i ^..1 j4«r Ut Dry Qooas litis JifrVw'-rfii Jt '-*J 9* i. 5- MS* S ,ht ,11, ,M ^rfS» HsJ- Ladies' Dress G#ods» HATS AND CAPS,t ,r: A, *Su a s*' Boots, and, Shoes, ,• ,V .J ...iJt. ir.f-ivsX+ir & ("MAW* Mlia* I J- TABLE CUTLERY, Si wi & mn6tn OMisHtm,mi 'V £3. Oroekery, Olaeeware, Stoimtara, da, .Sej,\ 4 •)BB—«—s •«=—!••»»£r|w?t ,' °', i--t irw? "--I- odi 'M f: i®: Post-Office Store.' ftTTh "*&*•' 2 JSQOK8, I t*3i UP ia drftt njbh& II ifl I :3r f- 1 A* v, Bz^iTgiroaro, TfCI & :jS»riaeaS O 1 li DIARIM8, t^aoa%Mra\ tci -asjiV J«ew ri if? Wk Hit- ViJ -'iHitr Wt ^5,^ W rtfi, 3' ben. KENNEDY W* STATIONERY! A 1 r«u»,' ft f4N€Y GROCERIES et4"' Wthe Book fttt'efc ttoHmtoff a Mltee ef tte adteol beaha vaad iBUaaateOSb, ILT*atI4« I®' CO^Jowk a®4 4 it a&TfiiStaS&S