Newspaper Page Text
•pgr 'r iV" Lincoln ^ounig Jpcoratt PUBLIMSD RAN WKMUOA* TH» AT Canton, Lincoln County, D. T. TERMS OR BTJ B8CBIPTION: On* eopy, one year $2.00 six months 1.00 three months— 50 Pgr We tiro adopted the CMh in idntM system, believing It much better for the patrons, and know ing it to be more desirable for the publisher. OMAR. A. SOUTH. CBAt. X. XABTIM. SOUTH & MARTIN, Editors ud PuMishen. A. F. I A. M. IllTn liu Looaa Ho. 4, A. P. A. K. IU rifiiiiilWrtHtw WMhwlif on os before the (GN, Special meMnf every seoond Wednesday after theBwtd*r. W. H. MILLER, Sb. W. M. W. M- Oumii, Secretary. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. W. OABTM, District Attorney. W. M. CPPBTT Clerk of District Court. THOSECJ. THOKSTAD, Register of Deeds and Ex •fldo County Clerk. H. B. DOMAMMON,TreMurer A Judge of Probate. OBABI.WI A. SOUTH, Sheriff. V. B. COKILIB, Superintendent of Schools. A. Amnion, Chairman,) VK. M. BALI., VCo. Commissioners. DAJHU. BUCK,• CANTON POST-OFFICE DIRECTORY^ Bostkern daily mail arrives every day except Sun day at p. x. Depart* every day except Sunday att A.•:*0 x. Northern daily mail arrivea every day except Sun day at 5:30 A. at x. Departs every day except Sunday 6 P.x. Canton and MiUtown mail arriven eaery Tuesday and Saturday at p. K. Departs ever Monday and Thursday at 6 A. M. Vermillion weekly mail arrives every Saturday at 6 P. if. Departs every Monday at 7 A. M. Office open from 6 A. M. from 12 1 r. x. to 8 p. x. Ou Sundays JOHN FALDE, Postmaster. Local Items. Go forth in haste, with bills and paste Proclaim to all creation The men are wise who advertize In tbe present generation. PLOWING is in an advanced stage. THERE seems to be a States, "corner" OWT of 05 48 Wu. J. KEITH on kero. sene oil in this burg. GOOD Lunches at all hours, at the Res taurant down town. German dailies in the United support Ilayes & Miss Jennie Bertrand's school 175 Drug Store. T. J. FOCDICK, left last week for Deui- son, Iowa, to spend the winter. Has. A. MOORE and family leaves next Monday for Vermont to reside. Patent fruit jars for sale very cheap at Coulter's drug store, Beloit, Iowa. FRED BAKROW is daily receiving addi tions to his already large stock of lumber. MATTHEW KELLER lost a cow to-day from the effects of having too free access to somebody's cornfield. THE best brands of Cigars in town you will find at the new Restaurant and Billard Hall, Bridge Street, Lower Cauton. A. F. RCDOLPH has opened his fine stock of clothing, which would surprise jrou know how cheap he sells. NEVBR in the history of Lincoln coun ty, has money been so scarce. But few farmers have marketed their grain. BARTON BROS., have sold their Livery •Uble to J. M. Carpenter who is refitting it prrparatoiy to doing a Livery weather has been fine and dry for tbe past 10 days but some of the Wanted 50,000 LUMBER—all kinds seed." E. WKNDT, IJU loit, has recently time rather cool. OTARD BRANDY! Medford Rum! De Kuyper Gin for medical purposes, at Keller's city Drug Store. Bushels of good wheat, for which the highest cash price will be paid. Apply to, I. N. MARTIN, ABOUT one half of THE maius yet to be done. threshing re- S -ven bushels per acre is about the average yield. MB. D. S. GDINTBR has leased and will move into the building formerly occupied by Mrs. Moore. F. M. ROWLEY, of Belo't, IF Mon day last, for the East to replenish his stock of goods. "Kale grocery nv. rc.hsnt of Be MIVACL IIW family and stock of goods into the building formerly occupied by Hood & Coulter. HIOSRST price paid for wheat, oats and barley on accounts. Friends call early and let us settle up and commence a-new. DR. H. SOUTHARD. MB. BTBAV, from Bremer county, Iowa, who brought a nice lot of horses and mulea out here to sell, disposed of about til of them and has returned home. HABALUKKI is greatly helping the ap- ^peiirance FLAG of his store building by remov tfaftfarplm dirt from around the build- 'lnglato the atom*. A PAST of the matter hat appears in this issue,.waa famished and set up ^WEEK, bat eur publication CMtMqnently rt T: VOL. I. COLORADO gives Wheeler. in the Nichols district, closed la9t Saturday. THK proceedings of the Sunday School Conrention will appear in our next usue. KEROSENE, fire test, business. JACK frost is beginning to make its ap pearance quite regular and fire feels very comfortable. $ V.. A«OOD Second Hand Wagon for sale or trade J, Prescriptions carefully compounded, any hour day or night at Keller's city Drug Rtore. An experienced physician always in attendance. TnK old addagc of "What is more un certain than the verdict of a Petit Jury," has been solved by O. E. Rea. He says it is "running a newspaper in Lincoln coun ty." Correct, brother Rea, go to the head. J. S. BRNEDICT is always found at his store and ready to oblige his numerous customers, fie buys everything and with his full line of staples he can com pete wiili the best. IF you want a good, cool and refreshing drink of A. Gleed's XXX battled Ale or Porter call at Fred. Barrow's "Restaurant Stock Ale end St. Paul Beer cn draught. TAKE a copy of our paper. We hope it will be interesting, and the minutes you devote to locking at it will not be mis spent. Tell your neighbor to call on us for a copy, as we want all to to read it and becomc acquainted with us. WB earnestly soiicity correspondence from every part of tlu county. Had we ihc wavs and means and time to apare, to go out amongst you and glean the new*, we would not ask this fav so give us some help friends, in order that we may make this paper what it really should be —a county newspaper. r,., also a good young milch cow. Knquire of James Simpson or at his shop in Canton, D. T. HURRAH for the Independent Ticket! A b«tter ticket was never but iu nomina tion in Lincoln countv. Not th° least speck on any of their characters and all men of ability. 2,000 MESSRS. at Keller's city has just received a large invoice of new goods. THOSE Key City's at Barrow's are splen did. republican ma jority, again of 1,200 in two years and elects the entire State ticket. She also elects two Senators this winter and elect oral votes for Hayes & Wheeler whose prospects are brightening every day. JOKDBN L. SMITH, Qlines and Lattin have gone with their families for the Niobrara river country to locate also Joseph Estep who accompanies them, has bought an interest in a saw mill on that river. LET every man resolve himself into a committee to see that our prairies are not burned off this fall. If the old grass ia left till spring it may be of great service in exterminating grasshopppers as well• to prevent the snw from drifting, and also is a very g»od fertilizer. How pleasant it is to ride twenty miles on a cold but beautiful moon-liglit nigln enwrapped in the sweet consoling thought and fond expectation (but not too great an amount of clothing), of seeing a host of dear people brought to the fold of temper ance. J. H. Coulter's drugstore is now located in Nelson's block, Beloit, Iowa, where drugs, liquors, ciears, toilet articles Ac. can be purchased as cheap as in Sioux City. He keep* a pure quality of lari oil for machinery th-it he is selling for 35 centa per gallon. Give him a call. Bsx- KENNEDY has closed out ais stock of groceries at the Po3tolfice store to John Falde, and starts next Monday to go through a course of studies in the Iowa State University. May prosperity be with you, Ben., and when you graduate come back and set up in business again. MARRIED—At the residence of T. Ilogofjoom, Springdale, by the Rev. Malthewb, of LuVci ue, ill. Plaice to liis. Durvea all ol Mi.inehaha county. Mr P., was granted a divorce at our last term of court here, from his wife who left about one year ago and went to Illinois, refusing to ever live with him agaim. A and grades at Lc- Mars prices, freight added, at F. Barrow's, Bridge street, Canton. H. MURPHY, of Elk Point, one of the best collectors in the Territory ha3 been in to several days fixing matters here. WR chanced to see one lone grasshopper perambulating around, the other day, but he looked rather sick. C. H. SOCIAL Dance will be given at Killer's Hall, Friday evening gloves VANALSTINE has purchased the residence formerly occupied by WM. J. Keith. ALL persons knowing themselves in debted t« this office, on subscription, are requested to come up with their next for dance. MARK ATTENTION FARM Kits.— Tiiis ip Tickets $1.00 dance and sup per. $2.0(). Prof.T. Ponieroy, of Sioux Falls, will fur niaii the "music. All ye that would trip the light tic toe," are requested to be present.fantas Aj-thur Rudolph has just received an immence stock of Clothing for men and boys, gents f'irnishing goods, hats, &c. W. caps His prices are so low THAT every man and boy can purchase an outfit so cheap that they will be astonished. He wants everybody to call and be con vinced. BAILEY started far the Cen tennial Tuesday morning by the Sioux Palls stage. It is rumored that oo his re turn he will not be a single man, but the reverse. So mote it be. Mark lias our best and sincere wishes for his future hap piness and hope that his pathway o'er life's dusty plains may be strewn witli posies and TM honey moon last a life time. OWTNO to the peculiar manipulations of the ADVOCATE office, it Las been obliged to miss two issues The editor of the Nem thought that one paper would not do his business »o not want or have no use for, S last was delayed tome of the items may seem bra little old. THB latest election retnrai from Ohio •nd Indiana gives Ohio Republican ma- JLSTFTJ Of 8,000, with a gain of TFCTO.INDIAAA OF4,epO U»e r*z A fetSftv tongress- has a democratic minority republicans GAIF 6OO/^X -do J. L. DAHX/S black mare?, that he pur chased of Mr. Byram, ratlier got the start of him last Sunday morning and took a lively little spin up through town, John being unable to manage them as tbe bit on the near mare was broken. No bones fractured nor no pajgj.yilar damage dene, except to a Jjjfriy WD I *. IN assuming charge of the ADVOCATR office after A propose temporary suspension, we to send as usual to our numerous subscribers. We are in no way responsi ble for this suspension. Tne truth of it is, that the Canton ring m-tde a little cor ner on us and the very complexed stute of affairs mule it necessary for the office to take a little rest. However, we are again survived and propose to use every earw3t endeavor to make the paper worth what it costs, and a welc m: visitor in every fam ily. We don't expect to ike a very great figure as journalis but what we lack in ability we expect to make up in attention to business and devotion to the interest of Lincoln county where we intend lo make our home for some time to come. We shall serve all alike and see nothing but the best interests of the county.above all other thing* do nothiug that will dispar age aoy body's business i!' it is legitimate. A JUOOTINO AFFKAY.—John Knurr, was shot by one Luft, and dangerously woun ded on the 13th inst. There appears to have been some difficulty existing between the parties for some time past we will not give any particulars in regard to that. While Luft was going to Knarr's house, lie was ordered off the premis es, but on refus ing to go, Mr. Knarr started toward him with his pitchfork which he was usini: at the time both parties advanced to meet each other, and when very close logetiwr, Lufl discharged his siiol gua at ivi*rr which took et!':ct in the side of his knee the whole charge entering his leg, making a »ery painful and dangerous wound which will probably maim him for life. He has good uvdical attendance. A war rant was issued and placed iu the hands of Deputy Sheriff Pt rcival, for the arrert of Mr. Knarr who is claimed to be the assault ing party but Mr. K. was so dangerously wounded, he could not be moved for some tune. Luft has not been arrested yet. Notice this pic ture and see you how HI.c tie outlook: For Couacil from Lincoln county, M. W. Bailey, a lawyer Turner couniy, same office C. D. Valentine, a lawyer Minne haha county, R. F. Peiligrew, a lawyor Uniou couniy, A. J. Wallace, a lawyer Clay county, Capt. Miner, a lawyer Yankton county. Dr. Burleigh, a lawyer also one more lawyer l'rom Yankton coun ty, whose name we hav? forgotten. This gives the legal profession 7 out of 13 mem bers »f the .Vouuoil. We asR~ you in whose hands arc your interests better pro. tected than iu your owu while it is as serted by a prominent maehiu.' agent that $30,QUO is ready to by the L'gislatur tiiis wiuierto repeal the exemption law. Who has more interest to this than a man .tith his safe fall of notes? As we know these parties have considered this mat tcr vveil. ir A his not been on a drunk as reason of its non-appearance we were ready last week to issue, but Coronor Hawn came down with an arm full of ug ly looking papers which caused us to sus pend for a short time but we are still in possession and for a full explanation, we will refer you to our next issue, if we should be so fortunate as to be ieft alone that long. The whiskey ring has exerted every effort to suppress this paper and if some of the prominent "ring" members don't corrupt their honor in this effort to suppress the ADV'CATE, then we are badly mistaken. For deliberate ma licious prosecution the ring takes the lead. The truth is they snow that with any oppo sition, Mark W. Bailey canuot be elected to the Council from this county. THERE is a great mania here for news pnpers everybody wants one, and it is really amusing to see the various means used to tliat end. They produce old mort gages and demand our office on claims that have already been liquidated and which have oticu fraudulently transferred to other parties to collect. Constable Pe terson cam-! into the offi to a nd demanded the press and all material under the mort gage that It id O ICJ been pai 1: and said lie would have it, if it cost him his life but he yet lives and did not got the office either. THE Pianos and Organs manufactured by Couiisli, Winter & Co., of Washington, New Jersey, are acknowledged by the most expert musicians to be second to none in regard to superiority. They probably ure not advertised so extensively as those manufactured by the most prominent and leaning houses, as they have heretofore been hardly able to supply their home trade, but with new facilities they are now enabled to increase their trade, and now they are prepared to fill promptly any or- dor that may be sent them. See tlieir ad vertisement in anojjicr column. Address Cornish, Winter &"Co., Jersey. there are bought the ADVOCATE, which did not prove to be a very profit able investment. Arthur you should not try to make a corner on newspapers in election tiroes. Jjlon't buy what you not paid ley -Si' jdffrtn S3.* ,, RAW* & 9 & if" Washington, A sailor passing through SAW CASES Gift'ord. NOW 12-ihn. on one of the tombstones,a'Igmveyard stil live.' This was too much for ack, who shifting his quid,ejaculated: 'Well, I've beard say in which but if A I was man may lie, dead I'd own il.' Notice. Having sold out my stock of merchan dise at the PostolHce store to John Falde, I am compelled to collect all my out standing accounts in the next 'Hew to the Line, Let the Chips Fall Where They May." National Republican Ticket* FOR PRESIDENT, KUTHEKFOKD B. HAYES, or Ohio. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, WILLIAM A. WHEELER, Of New York. Republican Territorial Tickets FOR DELEOATB TO CONORETS, HON. JEFFERSON P. K1DQER, of GUy Couniy. FOB 8UPEH1STESDEXT OF T. J.LEAVITT, of Lincoln County. (I *i \Y. H. HAUlUdO.N", of Turuer County. Independent Republican County Ticket. FOR SHERIFF, AVDllEW P. DIXON, of Canton. FOR ASSS80R T. H. LARSON, of Township 98, Range SI. FOR JUDGE or OCR PA8TOU. In Canton, D. T., SEPT. B. of bands ple to 5)0days. All my accounts and notes will be left with John Falde. for 30 days, after which, if will pass into the hands of Bai I hope those whom I accommodated before and during harvest, will call on John Falde and settle all their accounts and save cost 3. Respectfully, BEN. KENNEDY. Canton, Oct. 11th, 1876. X: AUCTION'SALE! I Household Goods too nimerout to men tion at the residence of J. QRIER HAYS, CANTON, D. A" owpbv M.1870. W DAT OF tAUt CANTON, D. T., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18,1876. NO. 22. IMMIOBAIIOS, 1'llEl). J. CROSS, of Minnehaha. FOB COUKIBSIOXEK OF IKMIG2AT10H, JAMES HOLES, of Cass. FOE 8CPEBIKTESDEST OF PUBLIC INGXBUCTIOX, W. E. CATOU, of Uuion. F03 TEaaiTOHIAI.AUDITOB, JOHN 8. SANDS, of Lincoln. FOB TERRITORIAL TREASURER, E. A. SHERMAN, of Minnehaha. Independent Legislative Ticket. FIFTH Council, AND FOB HKI-I'.EBKKTITE DISTRICT, COUXCIL— SILAS UOHE, of Lincoln County. P. II. TUBXEIt, of Turner County. FOR AS3EJCBI.r— PROBATE, ISAAC COLES, of Cmton, FOR TREASURER, JOHN BLUNDELL, of Lincgln Township FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, FOR COUNT SURVEYOR, J. B. TORBKHT, of Cauton. FOR OO-SOtTER, Dr.. F,. 0. TLUSIBE, of auton. FOlt DISTRICT ATTOBXET, J. W. CAUrUK, of Canton. FOR SUPKRIKTESDANT OF SCHOOLS, PROF. JACOBS, of Townnhip 99, Range SO. FOR COVNTT COMMMIONEM, 1st District, J. A. W ARNER, of F.den. 2d District, A. OPS A I., of Linn Tp. 3d District, JOHN ISAACSON, of Dayton. FOR JVSTTCiai OF THE MUCK— iJ. F. BENJAMIN, D. B. BL'ii'tCK, OLE HF.LYIO, WM. BEDFOllD, FOR CO:iSXA^I.23— AUSTIN OLSEN, I. N. TU'/XER, W. S. BONIKE, 8TILWELL. 0i«d. 20lh, Rev. Morriao'I, age M. V. 1 :ii ye.trs. Who of us, will ever forget him? From whose III'IIU.JFY will ever, ever kind, benignant FNDE, tliat smile? Wao will cease to hear the echo of our pastor voice, which alill linger* ia our EAR. and reminds us of those once loved tones? His work ia done and with kindred spirits he now the knee at the Father's throne, and humbly receives his crown of glory. Fare, well! dear pastor. Farewell! FT [From tho Sioux Falls Independent.] Mr. Morrison was in hts 35 year. He was a natire of Ohio. Bid father was killed in the Hexiean war. His mother died when h» was but 2 years old. Hs lived with strangers until the Rebellion broke out when he enlisted and remained in the army for four years. Eighteen months of hts service were spent in Libby Prisou. The sufferings of this year and a hilf ware terrible, and so completely ruined his con stitution that he never recovered. He beoome a Christian about ten yearn ago, and turned his at tention toward the ministry. He has bean a faithful student and worker, atui WM highly esteemed by all who knew him, ot what ever name or belief. A week before lUs death his-vital organs oeetssd to perform tneir work, and after a few days of lntens eet Buffering he quietly and confidently died. He left a widow and four childrea with butlittleof this world's goods. For what he was as a man, a Chris tian and a p*troit, his bereaved family deserve our sympathy and prayers. JAMBS CLARK. In Bsloit, Iowa, Sept. 26th, 1876, of Typhoid fever, after a brief illness of of eight days, James Clark aged twenty four years. The deceased came from Prince Edward's Island about four years ago, where his parents now live,mostof the time since in Lincoln Town ship, Dakota Terri tory. His sudden death produced a shock in the community, and carried grief to many a saddened heart. Mr. Clark was a young man of promise, of a pure christian morality, devoted piely, and A rare exam the young of whom he had many warm friends, who seemed deeply impress ed by this 8tiddeu visit of the de.ith angle. During his illness he was favored with the services, of DR. .M. M. Clark, a cousin of his, and Mte kind ministrations of friends. A large concourse of friends and neighbors gathered in the large and cem modions school building in Beloit on the 28tli ult., where the funeral services were held. An able and consoling sermon by Rev. Ohase, from 1st, Thes., 4th chap. 4th verse. The lifeund example of the deceased oohfinns the hope of his friends that he is of those referred to in the text, '-asleep in Jesus." Let all accept the admonition this solemn providenee brings. Be ye also ready for in such an house as y« think not, the Ion of man coueth. a .«,V»l-3«-* .»• VS&K*? y.lft Pcst-Office Store. BEN. KENNEDr Wi«he* to Inform tha public that he has opened up a new atock in tbe Poat-offlce buildiug, consisting of Books, STATIONERY, STAPLE AND FAXCY GROCERIES. In the Book line can be fonnd a full line of the school books uaed in Lincoln Co., D. T., and Lyon Co., Iowa. Also BLANK BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, DIARIES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, POCKET LEDGER, &C. In tha grocery line will be found a large stock of everything kept in a first-class grocery store. Having packed a quantity of pork I am prepared to furnish choice pork at reasonable rates. Being con fident that I can make it to the interest of the jjeoplo to deal with me, I solicit a share of the public patron age. O. A. RUDOLPH, -DBALZB xar— Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE S Tinware, Iron, Farming Hand Tools, PUMPS, GLASS AND PVTTY Guns, Revolvers, Etc. Gunsmithing —ANT)— REPAIRING NEATLT DONE. (SfA liberal discount to those ordering largely. CANTOS, D. T. EA8ALDS0H & BESLP& —p4L«ma iw— Dry Goods, ii Ladies' Dress Goods, HATS AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes, TABLE CUTLERY, Cr ciur-i, Glattware, Stoneware, dc., lc., MAIN ST., CANTON, D. T. ltf. My stock of Dry Goods OonBlsts of CALICOS, DRESS GOODS, GRASS CLOTH, LINENS, SHEETINGS, tC. .1 -iW- Ii And in fact everything fcept in & first class store. I alao have a job lot of XV.^T RRK" I. L. MOORE, MAWUFAOTCBKB or KARNESg Saddles, Bridles, -AMD- collars. Nothing but the Best Pennsylva nia Oak Tanned Leather used. Shop oppociU the Hardware Store, CANTON, T. Wheat! Wheat! WANTED. 40,000 Bushels of Good Milling Wheat! If or which the Highett Cash Price will be paid at Helyerson's Warehouse, BELOIT. IOWA. 5SPI :v S. Illingworth. United States Land Offioe Sioux Falls D. T. I September 19th 1876. OLIN G. GBIDEB,—You are hereby notified that the Honorable Commissioner of the General Land Office..iu a !i tter dated Auirast 19th 1876 has adjudged your O. S. No. 4502, upon South Eaat quarter Sec tion 33 Townghlp Vn Itange 49 forfeited. You are al lowed sixty days from the service of notioe in which to appeal from said decision. B. F. CAMPBBLL,Register. J. M. W ASZBU Tar Paper, tk », Kaoetver. United Statea Land Offloe Sioux Falls D. T. I September 18th, 1878. Complaint having been entered at this OfBoe by Peter Schmitz against Edward Garvey for abandoning his homosUhd Entry, o. 3890, dated June 5th, 1874 upon the South We«t quarter Section 1, Township 99, Kango 51, iu Lincoln County Dakota Ty. witl^. view to the cancellation of said entry: the said part ies are hereby summoned to appear at thin Oftoe on the 24th day of October, 1876, at 2 o'clock P. M-, to respond and furnish testimony concerning said al ledged abandonment. B. F. CAMPBELL, Beglater. J. M. W ASHDUBN Becelvar. Piano and Parlor Organ INSTRUCTOR. Containing the elements of music, with easy and progressive exercises to perfect the player in the art of manic, (either Pinuo or Organ) to which is added over sixty Waltzes, Polka3f Marchos, Gallop's tic Melodies, Dances, etc., by DANIEL F. BKATTY.opera Washington, N. J. one cf the best work of its kind ever introduced* should be in the of every Pia no and Organ player. Sent Podt paid to any part of the United States or Canada for only seventy-fire cents. Address, DANIEL I\ BE ATT 7, Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. Great Reduction in Prices -OF— PINE LUMBER, Sash, Doors, Etc. Having bonght my fall stock of lnmber at lower prices than ever before, I am now offering the same at prices that defy competition. Have also greatly reduced prices on Doors, Windows, Blinds, Build i:K Paper, so. I make a few quotations, as follows: Siding, $ M.. .312 to$30 I Tar felt (beat), $3.15 per Flooring 22 to 33 100 lba. Finish's lumber, -Ji to 45 1 Windows, 75 centa and Common 14 to 191 upwards. Drop siding 25 to SO Doors, wedged, $1.00 and oluiigies iu upwards. tilth 3.25 I Blinds, $1.95 upwards. Buying my lumber in the log and having it manu factured myself, 1 am enabled to save ONE PROFIT TO^THE CUSTOMERS, And at the same time give better grade* than ever before. The Centennial 4th Has Passed, But T.W.HOOD Has a large stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, which be must get rid of tome way. M. W. SHEAFE, Jr. Elk Point, Angiut, 1876. YOUNG MEN. Baylies' (treat Mercantile College, Eeokok, Iowa, on the Mississippi. Nineteenth year. About sixty dollars pay all expenses, for Membership, Board and Stationery. Book-keepers, Penmen, Reporters, Operators, Architects, Surveyors and Teachers thoroughly fitted. Railroad fair reduced. Good Situations. No vacations. Dont fail to address Prof. Miller Keokuk, Iowa. My Stock of Groceries Consists of SUGARS, TEAS, SYRUP, COFFEE, DRIED FRUIT\ Spices of all kindt, MILLINERY GOODS, 3 4* sv-T-ui -.' itfvY TbMllehMp. r.Uk- Please Call and Examine Goods and Prices. 'r'* I' Cash or Trade" Paid for Grain, 'K?j& ADVERTISING R£TK& Business Cards ofsix ll»eaorlaa*,$S.OO Business Cards. UUV.BAIUT. J. w. CABTEK, Attorney and Counselor at Law, CANTON, D.T. F. /. ATCBKAT. PLYMOUTH HOTEL, POBTI.AMDVXX.LS, IOWA. •gjr- The best of accommodations for men and teams. J. P. KENDALL, Proprietor. WM, M, CUPPETT,' Real Estate and Abstract Office,- Will pay taxes for non-resident*. Oflee at tha Court House, Cantou, D. X. H. B. DONALDSON, County Treasurer^ CAUTON, D.T. Real Estate and tax paying business promptly aU landed to. Office at Court House. ltf. M. M. CLARK, M. D.t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON —And— U. S. Examining Surgeon for P«n»ioni, BELOIT, IOWA. JOHNSON HOUSE, CANTOX, D.T. Passengers on Howard,s Stage Line between fton Falls and Fortlandville going south can get breakfast, and those going north can get supper at this Hon—. Splendid accommodations for all travelers, and good stables ia connection with the House. Restaurant| Refreshment Room*, BRIDGE STBKET, LOWER CANTOK, good luncheon with the beat Dubuque St. Paul beer may be had at all hours, at the prices. All kinds of Canned Fruit, Hah, tionery, Tobacco asd Cigars, also i?pt constantly hand. F. BABItOW, Proprietor. H. L. SYVERUD, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, And Dealer In Clocks, Jewelry,. &c., at Gilbert't Store, Canton, D. All kirLds of work in my line attended to auu uti aiiuri uulictw tar KtraiENOE—MY WOEK, PHCENIX FIRE INSURANCE CASII CAPITAL HI' months. 4 tso'ntitt.' Oaa yMr Onaeolumn $26.00 |4M0 One4ialf column.. 15.00 On»4durth column 9.09 One^lghth column &00. #.00 l'\ "1 K- a STL) FLIP per yaarT for each additional line,' $1.00. Legal advertisement* inserted at hpl nHb «t ^-Alladvertiaing aeooanU settledmonthly. .r- Correspondence. J, Correspondence solicited from sU parts of fee county, on any matters pertaining to local news. AH communications must be accompanied by Ills will er's nam*, not neoeaaarily for publication, tatMl guarantee of good faith. JOB PRINTING. Order* for all kinds of Job'Printing promptly at* tended to, quickly Ailed, and aatljfactlon gnenntiei.^ o.*.amoa*., BAILEY GIF FOOD, Attorneys & Counselors at Law* CANTON, D. T. r. k. UV, MURRAY & KEEP, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT UV, AND COLLECTING AGENTS. Beloit, Lyon Cmwty, Iovea '. Will practice In the courts of lows and OtkoU, W1U boy Mill sell Isad, auk* oollcotiOBi Beat of rtfarances given. H. SOUTHARD, M. D., Stthfu!!!Canton, Lincoln Co., D.T, CONSULTATION FRE2. NEW LUMBER YARD, POBTLAMMIAB, IOWA. Will keep constantly on hand a complete stock of pine lumber, which I will sell at Sioux City price*. Ttf O. E. HARDY, Proprietor. J. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. THOBE J. THONSTAD, Ex-Officio Courity Clerk, and REGISTER OF DEEDS, CANTON, LISCOLN CO., J). T,.... Will pay taxes for non-residents, and furnish sb* •tracts of title at reasonable rates. ltf. R1CHAR1 JOHNSTON'S Meat Market All kinds of fresh and salt meats and everything in the butcher's line always in stock. Shop of Main St., Canton, D. T. ltf. BAKERY AN1 BESTAUKANT W. J'I. ROBINSON Keeps on hand and for sale for cash a buge stock of bread, pies, cakes, crackers, cove oysters, canned peaches, Ac. also a foil line of confectionery, baccc, clg a, sc. also a ruu line 01 eoniecaouery, cigars, oranges, lemons, fee. Warm meals at all hours. In connection vrith the above he has a First-Clam Barber Shop» NEW BILLIARD HALL^ COMPANY $900,000,06 CASH SCBPLUS |1^12,308.8i The oldest and most reliable company in Hie TTnl ted States. Over $10,000,090 iu losses have bee*, paid by the Phcenix JOHN FALDE, Agent, ltf. Canton, £. TV Illinois Central K. IL Shortest Route to Chicago* Sioux City to Chicago Without Change of Car. Sleeping oars run through from Sioax OHytft Freeport. Passongan west. tt9:X p. m., via the Illinois Central railroad, will aixlva qt Sioux City tbe next day at 4:10 A.*. An aooommodation train will leave Shmx Oily daily, except Saturday* at B:30 p. x., conneotiqg with through passenger train at Foit Dodg*. '•-M». sengers leaving Chicago M9SK ^.]tnaniveat Sioux City at 7KK) A. x. Trains going epat coaneet at Chieago wtth «U trains for Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Talfe Pittaburv, Philadelphia, Baltimora. New York, Boston and all parts of the East. This train connects at Waterloo with the Cedar Falls and Minnesota Bra Waterloo at 12:90 A. X-, and arriving at eonnectirg wtth the Milwaukee and Sfa v., W O O 0 Acfoe & Lanings old standi Lower Catnon. IPS 38 vf.. ,* ,1 J4" CotAa^cSsg Dee. 8th, ISii. A daily express passenger bain will leave Hon Cliy, Sundays excepted, on arrival of train Mfc Yankton. Leave Sionx City at 1:40 p. ifc, Mad M* rive at Chicago at 3:40 P. K. PI Vait railroad trains, and arriving at St. Paul at6dt w, M. and UiuneapoOii at 8t90 p. x. Ooausctions are matte ai fmjmt sift Mai ai the Illinois Central main line, leaving Fiaaaiut at 0:47 p. arriving at OafestMM at 4:41 P. K. rla,6:00p. x. Burlington at IsVhwa land at 6:30 r. x., Quiney at 9fl0 p.! 7:1S a. x., aud Cairo at 4:13 A. X. Cairo irith trains for Memphis, Kaak^ M^fle,' New Orieaoa said aH Comteetlona are made at Frasoosi vM