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s. $& ^.o *, itji r^s /M. I* ft K' p-fel is*--:k 'fc *4*" gf jvt irfW*te.. try? r•'' I***'4 Vftnrarr' Wrtt,c»it why weT'booM jhave an In dependent ticket at all, ia' that there is a wide spread" dl*tjtflgtation£with*the nom inationa made at'Uii» rwere'^rorth J-r & ?•. h- &3f sK. #i T. J. LM1VITT, of Liacola county, for Representative, is resident of Oahkosh township, a farmer •ff j«ife*jon afiolid republican, a man of ipattire judgment,,a good reasoner, a deep thinker and^ahfird worker, whose weird is a good -as' his bond qttiet, unasuming, .spotless integrity and all who are acquainted' with him will rote for him. 5 it 18W 'Vi ta patUng^efore the public tbe lode pudM^HepU^HoftatlckM, itffteome* ow duty to of w^m w£ propose to', honor with. o|ti. the reispna why that took*ticket baa been put ou! rteeuw conTentions ^^^ejjnB j»Q4ucted ia the most unfair Tiiiwr S-*1- ~"""r of tnrekalnnah of the Central Committee, UD THUTT^MRY *HAITTIUW OAS ITERATES hadsonore choice in the organizing ef tMfcdntontibn than the spectators. In nil delegafe cowreBtlona the delegates should cogy^Mt.the deliberation!1 of -the body wid not the spectators who did rote in the tem p9imy organisation. And all motions and the houso were either over nfkd^rrotyl flown by allowing the spec titofi IO Vote. Motions for a division of the house retailed in the' chairman refus iu§im eeparatethe delegates from the out-' aider*. T£* dclegatisfor the negative aep&ited thamselVck from the audiencc the aflbOAtiTe'reihaining with the audi, e^l^.wtfe CQbfted together, spectators awl^lil Aid furtherxause of complaint, is^that there was a very unfair distribu Ifon of.offices throughout the covlnty.: All t^t having, were either in this village or in the township. The Independent Ticket is headed with BILAS BO Kit, fer, Councilman. He a resident of Pleae ant townahip, a former by profession, an old resident of the Territory and a gentle- man iireveiy sense of the term. He makes fQlpretenUons as an orator, but 'is, a man of.abUityr and represented Union county in the Legislature four year? ago. He was put up 9S a republican against Waahing ton £ellogg, a democrat, in a largely dein oe^Uic district, aid was fleeted to the Leg UlaLure, being the only republican in. the Legislatniie from'that county. As to his Itarecan be no question and Uioss who know him best, respect him most.— UejdSjO has an honorable army record, a ajMilou integrity, and is a true blue repub lican «n4 will c,ver be fottnctsolid for Lin coto-county and Ler interests, H. TDR5EB, for Councilman from Turner county. We have the pleasure of but limited ac quainlance with Mr. Turner, but havo been very favorably impressed with his appear ance, and know that he is very highly es (fiemed by all persons throughout his tottnty and has been put in nomination by the paople of Turner county, and from OUtlimited. acquaintance we are satisfied that h^wiil Ailly and truly represent them to the Legislature in an able and efficient aumer, BABBISOVt who haa been nominated by the people of Tnrner connty, for the Assembly, is anian respected by the citizens of his feo£htjr a farmer by .occupation and con ceded ito be the rif ht man for the place. "V JO*H Buropftix, of Lincoln township,, for county Treasur ttT .'.He is a farmer, thoroughly compe I^ 411 the office, a good citizen, an old the county, and if elected Will fiyftJiniyersal satisfaction to all. JL P. DIXON, As nominee for Sheriff, is a resident of Canton, tod proprietor of the Dixon "Whererer he is known he needs no recommandation he is integrity per sonified j» fully identified with the inter •ata of coun^r, has inreated largely in this eeunlfy, is a gentleman of ability, agreeable aa^obliging, and is the man forthat office. FRL T. X. LASAOIR wHli mafce a good Assessor he is the choice of.the. Qkandinaviens isa farmer and a feitdeat of township 98, range 51 and is toJBjr, qualified for the position. Has been .town clerk of Delaware for some time, it careftili and accurate and all property will %rproperly assessed by him. I,'- -uk ,v: PROF. JACOBS, if .a man well qualified for the office of School Superintendent. Although he has ppl long been a resident of the county, is highly recommended by those who know bin^jw thoroughly cultivated and of the strictest integrity. J. w. CARTER, the candidate for District Attorney, is a county, is a lawyer by profession,'has served the county ably and faithfully'during.the short period he has Jtoji with, us, and is highly recommended J#.a lawyer and a gentleman. RE'T1' DB. O. PLUHBE, *'$• %e 6ffer as candidate for Coroner. Mr. JlMabe is a late resident, a physician of, ability and a citizen of Canton. 1 ISAAC COLE, jbr^odge of Probate, is too well known in tbie-coahty to need comment he is a resi 4rat -jot CMHoh -tdwaahip and one of the ,jiw#ill(fcteen^ ^citizens... 1 A fiw Coanly Commissioner, is a resident of Sden township. 31 r. Warner haa served the'^ocnty as Commissioner before, and is w«H qnaliSed to perftytn the very respons as such officer, with perfect ... '.** i.-'Ay opeAt, •. Illt &aNiiUfciMfr of the 9nd, district Kr. resident of Linn Township is ^p^ftir^h^kaowBamonghUneigh alTorwigian j^r birth/a fartner A, itttfUiimember^fthl^toWn. an) hi^ly ^»grc- his Wlow citiaens. mfecay I# to discharge th« responiblo Comnis|Maer, and will gpj^|eineiitand-wlH ,w i«Adifc»+Kw» f!a JOHlf ISAAC80V, (for Commissioner, third district, is a resi lient of Dayton tovmskip, a farmer by profession, a Norwegian by birth, is a gentleman o^mbiliMu ^.itft^leascnt ad-, dress highly b^alrthat knW him hon«st asjthe ^day *is l^n^ and un. Swerving h|s devqtion' td ihiirests of Lincoln county. All candidates on the regular ticket whose places have not been supplied on the Independent Ticket we expect to sup port, if no other person'snamc cones up whom we could more consistently sup port.'. Republican Meetings! r? Th* (oU«wiar htm bean made -fo*!- .HQN: J. P. KIDDER, t' CaadlilUte for r»«laction t» DELEGATE TO CONGRESS. HON. JOHN L. PBNNINGTON, GOVERNOR or DAKOTA. At Bon Home, Oot. Wth, at 1% Springfield, SootUwl, Bill of M. T. Hogoboom for furnishing house for election, 1875, on motion allow ed for $3.00 On motion 300 feet of bridge planks Ap propriated for road district No. 4, High land township. Adjourned for dinner. Met in the afternoon—all members of the Board present. Bill of Arthur Linn for printing, on motion, allowed as follows: Publishing notice of regular session three weeks •6 .80 publishing notice of election two weeks, $10.58 total, $30.36. Excise bond of Fredrick Barrow with A. S. Steele and A. M. Ross as sureties was, on motion, accepted, and licence or dered issued for thr£e months from July 25th, (the time of payment of revenue to county Treasurer,) to Oct. 25,1878. Bill of O. B. Rea and W. D. Percival for cleaning court room and jury rooms, getting stove and chairs, &c., was, an mo tion, allowed for $8.00. A petition for erecting a bridge across Saddle Creek at-the northeast corner of the southeast quarter, section 23, town 97, range 50, was, on motion, granted and the following materials appropriated: 12 planks 2x10 in., 20 feet long 430 feet of planks, 12 feet long 2 sticks 14 feet long, (mud sills) 8 sticks 4 feet long, 1x8 in. (posts). On motion, R. R. May, Esq., was ap pointed to take charge of the order for said materials and see that the. road dis trict got the materials Sad build the bridge as soon as possible, and without any other expense to the county than the costs of tbe said material. On motion the Board adjourned till 9 o'clock next day. OCT. 3RD.—Convened in the forenoon all members Board present. The following bills accepted, examined, and on motion, allowed as follows: T. J. Thonstad, for services as (7lerk of the county for the quarter ending Sept. 30th, $75.00, to be drawn on the county fund! Express charges paid by T. J. Thonstad on three packages of blank book? and blanks for the county, $4.80, to be drawn drawn on interest and penalty fund. Wm. Robertson for 1 cord of wood $7.50. A. L. Syverud for 1 dozen ballot boxes 30 cents. $3.40. 0. A. Rudolph for sundry goods fur nished to the county, $15.23, to be drawn on interest ar.d penalty fund. C. A. South, by Chas. E. Martin, for printing 7 squares of proceedings of Board of Commissioners, 33%c $2.35. On motion, the Board adjourned for dinner. Convened in the afternoon—all mem bers present. Notice received from Territorial Audit or that the Territorial Board of Equal iza. tion had fixed the Territorial tax for this year to he levied at the rate of four (4) mills on' the dollar of the assessed valua tion of property, which, on motion, was adopted by the Board. The Board after some consideration on motion, decided that the other county, taxes for the year 1876, shall, be levied at the rates, to-wit: County fund, three (8) mills on the dollar county sinking fund, four (4) mills on the dollar road fund, two (2) mills on the dollar school fund, two (2) mills vbridge 4* fund, one (1) mill poor fund, one*(l) mill. Bill of E. L. Rowe for care of insane person 20 weeks, $2.50 'per week, was OB motidO, allowed for? $65.00, to be drawn on couatjrfuria. ''r*i.\?tr 1 o'clock, p. m. 17th, at 7'/, Mb, at 3 IStt, at 7H Utfe,at3 19th, at 1% 31»t, ata 31st, at Ottnt, Boekport, Mlltown, 8 wan. Lake, Ftnlay, Siotu Fall*. Oanto^ KtkPolni Yankton, Vermillion, V/t NOT. lit, at7/, 3nd, atT4 3rd,' at 1% 4th, at 7Vi 6th, at 7 ft All p«nona lntenat»d in the walfue of the terrio ry are reipeotfully invited to attend these meeclogt. (Republican Rally) Everybody Turn out and hoar the following Speakers at Canton, THU38DAT, OCT. mh,ATl O'CLOCK P. M. Hon. ALEX. HUGHES, Hon. JOHN L.JOLLEY, and Hon. GEO. 11. HAND. It will do you good and stir your patriotic blood. BT ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. Proceedings of the Regular Session of the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County, D. T. The regular session of the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln coun ty, D. T., convened pursuant to statute, at the Court House, Canton, D. T., Oct. 2nd, 1876 A. L. Arneson and D. Slack, Com missioners and the Clerk present. Bill of T. H. Larson for furnishing room for election, 1875, on motion, allow ed for $2.00. 5 1 On motion, the Board allowed them selves the following bills: A. L. Arneson. far three days service and mileage, $0.60. D. Slack for three days service and mileage, $JO.0O Wm. Ball. ifor .2%. days service and mileage, $10.50. T. J. Thonstad for three days service as Clttk oftttf Board, $0.00. .• A. L. ABKBSOWT wtow ®^Kk /wwA1 ELECTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday next' after the first Monday in November (the 7th day of l^Wrembe%}(8T«) next, an election will bejleld in tWrs^vetal^towns ^election precmctaof Liraoln Comity, D. 1%»stoll#ta. jf Mj[ for Ed(5h Township: at uulbertson's Store'Bujlding.^: A,, Norway At of T. A -twedt. Pleasant Robert Pierce. Brooklyn W. W. Palmer. Fairvlew Allen Spencer. Highland J. O. Steusland. Lincoln at the School house at Lincoln Center. Delaware at the house of S. R. Keller, Canton at the Court House' at Cafiton, Linn. house of house of R. C. Morse, Town 98 Rage 51 H. A/^kje. Dayton -Township .school house near Nichols -OshkosU""at the house of R. Walters. Town 99 Range 51 house of D. S. Waldo. township 100 Range W^ 60 and all of Range 51 at the house of Ira Houle, which election will, be held for the following Territorial, District and Co. Officers viz TERRITORIAL OFFICERS. One Delegate to Congress One Superintendent of Public of Instruc tion One Treasurer One Auditor One Superintendent of Imm igration, One Commissioner of Immigration. Oilicers of the 5th council and Reprsen tative District (Said District comprising Lincoln and Turner counties) Two members of the Council and Three members of the House of Representatives. COUNTY OFFICERS Three County Commissioners One Register of Deeds, who shall be Ex-OlHcio County Clerk. One Sheriff One Assessor, One Judge of Probate, One County Treasurer, One County Surveyor, One Coroner, One District Attorney, One Superintendent of Public Schools, Four justices of the Peace, and, four Constables. Also the following proposition will be submitted to the people to vote upon at the same time and place viz: Whereas, at an adjourned session of the Board of County Commissioners of Lin coln county, Dakota Territory held at the Court House in Canton in said county on the 22nd day ot'July 187(5, it was ordered by said Board, that a proposition be sub mitted to the people of Lincoln County, D. T. whether said county will aid in repair ing and keeping in repair the Bridge andthe approaches tiiereto now construc ted across the Bte Sioux River between Canton, D.T. and Beloit, Iowa Tiiereto rc in pursuance of said order and of the provisions contained in Sec tions 18,19,20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, of chap ter 27, of the General Laws of the Territo ry of Dakota, passed at thfi Eleventh ses sion of the Legislative Asse nibly and ap proved January 12th, 1875. The following question is hereby sub milted to the people of said Lincoln Co. D. T. to be voted upon at the next regular election to be held in said county ou the Seventh day of November A- D. 187(j whether the said county of Lincoln will aid in the repairing and keeping in repair the Bridge and its approaches now built across the Big Sioux River between Can ton, Lincoln Co. Dakota Territory, and Beloit State of Iowa, by laying a tax of "One mill" on the Dollar,' of the assessed valuation of the property, subject to tax ation in said county, as shown by the as sessment roll for the year 1876. Said tax, if laid, to be applied and exp ended in said repairs upon said bridge and its approaches, by aud under the directi ons «f the chairman of the Board of Co. Commissioners of Lincoln county, D. T. and E. E. Carpenter of Beloit, Iowa, as they may be il irected by the said Boaru of County Commissioners of Lincoln County Dakota Territory: Provided, and upon the express condit ion that said E. E. Carpenter, the present lesoe of said bridge or his heirs or assigns shall keep open and unobstructed the ap proaches^ and the said bridge, for the free use and benefit of the travelling public of Lincoln comity D. T. for the period of "Thiwfe years" And provided said Carpenter shall be fore any money shall be expanded upon said Bridge or its approches, Enter into an agreement so to do in such manner as the Board of Countv Commissioners of Lincoln county D. T. may direct. Also whether said tax of "One milV as above specified if votcit, and if said Carp enter shall enter into an agreement as above described,-shall be levied upon the property subject to taxation in addition to the usual taxes for the year 187*, and to be collected in the same"manner that other County taxes are to be collected- And the said Board of County Commis sioners further provide that all persons de sirous of voting upon the proposition above submited, shall use a printed or writ ten ballot with the words printed or writ ten'thereon as follows: "For the bridge tax and for the levy of the same "or, "Againit the bridge tax and against the levv of the same." Said election will be opened at nine o' clock in the morning aud will continue open uutil four o'clock in the afternoon of tlie same day." Dated this 20th day of September A. D, 1870. THORE J. THONSTAD, Register of Deeds. COLORADO. CHICAGO, Oct. 4.—The following dis patch was received early this morning: DBNVEB,COL. Oot. 4. To James P. Boot, Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago: Our entire State ticket is elected. The Legislature is secured, with the electoral vote for Hayes and Wheeler, and two United States Senators, and the member of Congress. J. C. WILSON, Chairman Republican State Ceii. Com. To the Western Associated Press: DKNVBKj Col., Oct. 4.—The official fig ures are coming in and show still heavier Republican gains and majorities than last niglit's dispatches indicated. Arapahoe county gives the Republicans 420 majori ty Boulder county 419 majority Repub lican gain in the two counties, 1,142, The Democratic loss in Los Animas county, their atringesl cbQiit^r, wiii be So per cent. more than before estimated, and they lose a member of the Legislature in that coun ty. The Democrats concede the State to the Republicans, who claiift 2,000* mii^ori. ty. The Legislature will be two-thirds Republican in each House. LAITGER MAJORITIES. CHICAGO, Oct 4—The following dis patch was received this afternoon by the Hon. James P. Root., at the Republican headquarters in this city: DBNVEB, Col., Oct. 4. Returns indicate that our majorities will be much larger than we had ever anticipa ted. We will elect fully two-thirds of all the members of the Legislature, and the entire State ticket. J. C. WILSON, "i QJiairmaii Ctntml. Ow/mittee. 'BETTER fITILL There is no longer any doubt that the .Republicans have carried this State by a majority approximating 2,000, and the of ficial figures show.a ralio of gains which if susthined in sectioiis hot yet heard from, j! must increase tke majority to 2,500. Los Animas, the strongest Democratic change, iagentawanted, countv in the State, and which was con- ceded by ,ti,e most sanguine Republicans u„ °.— hr*—l" afe Democratic by 500, gives ISO Repubii can gain oa the majority of 1674,228. :.i V« "'rro •in •,» «t^I 1 HArt ilbl ll -u Statement V,,(/t H*Jw V^ ivy fa V' of the Condition TO*— NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL: LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY '"ass lUf. In^nffjCo^anr. taflMrfV iamoantof ttaCnMdStoek.l«. I punlr anMunt %t tta C^Ml Stook pail op mutual. or TBI COMPANY ABB AS FOLLOWS. Cash on ISadandlnthe handa of agrata or other persons 4 Beat Estate unincumbered Office furniture and fixture* 60 per cent of caah Bonds owned by the Company to-wit: U. 8. registered, gar Talue, JWO,00(MIO Oraen Bay City M,400.00 Pope Co'Minn. 8,000.00 Total 811,400.00 Market value,-. Loans on Bond and Mortgage, being first lien on unincumbered Seal Es tate, worth double theaaa't toMtad, Debta otherwise feaauMd/ accrued tereata^)'*W..0iv. tv.'ii..V'' 1 Ledger balance and faflla tasalvabu... pebta for COUNT*or MILWAUKU. [SEAL.] $14,591,3S8.01 Total ilabfliUM The greateat amotot teamed In one ritk, seldom above The gteatat Ytttant allowed by the rnlee of the Company to be inrnrnd in any one city, town.or village. The greateat amount allowed to be in suredinany oneMock.... STATE OF WISCONSIN, I In testimony whereof, I havo hereunto set my hand and Seal, this 1st day of April, A. A. SHERIDAN JONES, [SEAL.] D., 1376, r*™p 'V 30,090.00 J" H. L. FAIHH, President, and Wix.LABDMnBii.L, BecreUry of .the Jf.orthFeitern Vatual Life Insur ance Company, of MUw»ukec, WUoonaln, being du ly sworn, depose and say, that the foregoing is to the best of their knowledge-and belief a full, true and correct statement of the affairs of the said Compa ny, that the said Insurance' Company is the bona fide owner of at least One Hundred Thousand Dol lars, of actual cash ssseta, invested in the Btate and United States Stocks and Bonds, or in Bonds and Mortgages of Real Estate, unincumbered and worth double the amount for which the same ia mortgaged and they are the above described officers of said In surance Company. H.L. PALMER, President. WILLABD Xuuu, Secretary. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct exhibit of the financial condition of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, WJsconain, aa shown in ita sworn statement now on file in this office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at OU- [SEAL.] vet, D. T., this 1st day of April, A. D. 1876. A. 8HEBIDAN JONES, Auditor of Dakota. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 21st day of Iferch, W76. [SEAL.] WM. H. FARNHAM. Notary Public, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. TERRITORY OF DAKOTA, AUDITOR'S OvrioE, OLIVET, D. T., April let, VTlflWUIUI OTA, »i it, 1878. WHEBEAS, the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Company, located in the City of MUwaukee, and State of Wisconsin* has filed in this Office, a sworn statement of ita. condition, on the 31st day of December, A. D., 187S, in aocordanoe with the pro visions of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota, relating to Insurance Compa nies, approved January 8th, 1888 and, whereas, on examination of the swum statement of said Compa ny filed in this Office, I find that the aaid Insurance Company is possessed of the necessary amount of capital invested as requlred by law Therefore, I, A. Sheridan Jones, Auditor of Da kota Territory, do hereby certify that said Insurance Company is duly authorized to transact the business of Life said Territory, for the year ending December 31st, A. D., 1X76, by Agents prop erly appointed. J. 8. BENEDICT, Agent. Auditor. I hereby cerity that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the certificate of authority issued from this Offico to the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on the 1st day of April, A. D., 1878. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of my office, at [SEAL.] Olivet, D. T., the (lay and year above written. A. SHEBIDAN JONES, Auditor of Dakota. J. S.BENEDICT, Agent. CANTON. D. T. PIANO! Grand Square and Upright This instrument is the most handsome and beet Piano ever before manufactured in this country or Europe, having the greatest possible depth, riches and volume of tone, combined with a rare brilliancy, clearness aud perfect evenness throughout the entire sc^ie, and above all a surprising duration of sound, the power and sympathetic quality of which never changes under the most delicate or powerful touch. Space forbids a full description of this magnificent instrument.' Agebta dlacount given whan I have no agents. Remember you take no risk in purchasing one of these CELEBKATED INSTRUMENTS. If after (5) five days test trial it proves unsatisfactory the money you have paid will be refunded upon re turn of instrument and freight charges paid by me both ways. Pianos warranted lor six years. Address, DANIEL F. BEAT IT, Washington, New Jersey, U. 8. A, Now is the time to Subscribe for THE LINCOLN COUNTY ADVOCATE. tta Offiey Couity Piptr. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS, —AND— NEUTRAL IN NOTHING BMTm PARLOR ORGANS*, figtnbHslied 18S& The beef and moat lasting parlor organ now In uae No other parlor organ haa ever attained the same popularity. It has been tested by thousands, many of them competent judges, and givea universal satisfaction to ail. The music is adapted to the-hu man voioey ranging from the softest Jhite-ttke note to a volume of sound unsurpassed by any. inatru ment This inatrument baa all tte latest improve- caaaa, wMAndU-not CKACK oa.WABP,'- anlfotii^ e99W i||f liberal di^ flrea. tod. UwSa'lia'miBBl gi^ii »kait "5 V* u\ rf* it*. *&• 4-f ative-Bepnblioan SM.3IAM 480,010.87 7,(004)0 S81,»L1T 1M0M«U» 843,070.18 67,810.89 tm MU17.M 4,10,780^7 Total assets £17,118^13.11 LIABILITIES. Amount due or not' dua to banks or othprcredttora...V ... Losses adjusted and due Losses adjusted and not' due Losses una^Jttfted..?. ... 170.9!&81 Losses in auapenae waiting for proof) All other claima against the Company, reserve, etc-.«. .•,.......... 14,420,830.00 ••.fl,-""Egr- *«K The Inter-Ocean. THREE EDITIONS: Weekly, 'Semi-Wei^j^^.jDiify* Established leaa than four y«an ago as a.repweent- paper, pledged to maintain and de- fend the principles and organisation of the National party, the InterOoean was early pushed to the forefront of journalism and achieved a success unprecedented in the history of such enterprises. By unKrsraal aasent ii has been assigned position of the Lttdiag Bepsblieaa Paper IS THE NORTHWEST. Hot alone on ita political character doea the Inter^ Ooaan Miat tta claima to favor. It aims at tents, and in the hicheat excellence in all departments, ana wis jm'M pN|rMatve JournaUsm aaptraa to position ^tEflnter-Ooeau makes eapedal claim as A Family Newspaper. Its columns are carefully guarded against objec tionable matter, and every effort is made to render It a pleasant and profitable companion to the home fireside. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMEMT is conducted with great care, and everything possi ble is done to make the MARKET REPORTS Such as the farmers and business men of the North west can rely upon. The AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT is carefully edited by gentlemen of ability and expe rience. In Literature, Local and General News, For eign and Domestic Correspondence, and everything that goes to make a First-Olass Newspaper, it is not excelled by any publication in the country. The In ter-Ocean ia a National Newspaper, one that will be found useful and interesting to Americana in every part of the globe. Whfle it es pecially represents the great interests of the North west, it is National in its views and comprehensive in its news gatherings. Firm in its political faith, it is not bigoted, and in all discussions aims to-ba candid, dignified, and above personal abuse. The Inter-Ocean has the largest aggregate circula tioaof any newspaper published in the Northwest. It is'sent to more than 7,000 PoBt-offlces, distributed in every State and Territory in the. United States, in all the British Provinces, and numerous foreign States aud countries. TEBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY. By mail (payable in advance), per year, postpaid, $10 By mall (payable in Mlvance), 3 months, $2.50 SEMI-WEKKLV. By mail, per year (in advance), postpaid 8 3.50 By mail, club of four (in advance), postpaid... 12.20 By maU, club of six (in advance), postpaid 17.80 By maU, club of ten (in advance), postpaid 28.00 One free copy with every club of ten.. By mail, per year (in advance), postpaid Club of four (in advance), postpain Club of ten (hi advance), postpaid.. Club of 1.65 fi.60 13.TO twenty (in advance), postpaid 23.00 One free copy with erery club of twenty. DOCTA/^C The new postage law took ef O I HVJ C. "feet the 1st day of January, A 1. 1875. Under this law the postage on newspapers must be paid at the office where they are mailed. Money can be sent by draft, money-order, express, or registered letters, at our risk. Special arrange ments made with country publishers for clubbing with their publications. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address INTER-OCEAN, 119 Lake St., Chicago. THE COBSISB, WIRIER & CO. PIANOS. Those instruments are noted for tluir pure quali ty of tone, aud superiority of articulation. There is no "breaking down." The Treble is developed by tho Agraffe one of the greatest improvements fcuov,-: in the construction of the Piauo, UH the wires instead of running over a wooden bridge, pass through mot al, giving it the pnre3t tone, aud tho greatest brillira cy. No trouble or expense is spared to produce an in strument of the most superior (quality and to rendt-r it one of the most perfect in the world. By a Judi cious application of all the late inventions in wood working machinery together with an entirely .orig inal system of distributing tho labor oa different parte bare'enabled ua to produce all instrument* THAT IS FIRST-CLASS in every respect, at Prices Below all Competition. They are furnished with the Improved French Grand Action, the very beat ia us. ^*Jhe Keys and lyory are. also of the Most Superior Quality* Heavily Strung WITH THE BEST IMFORTED WIRE. The Cases and Plato being mado very strong to bear the strain. The Organs. In regard to these instruments we will say, all our inatruments are Fully /Warranted .., FOR THE TERM OP FIVE YEARS. This we can safely do, as nothing in their construc tions has been slighted. Every fostrument is thor oughly inspected -by 1 our Superintendent, (MB. ROBERT HOBNBAKER,)Jwfore It ia allowed, to be mnvedfrnm thn Finishlna Room,- In connection with this allow us to stategfcat our auperintendeht, Mr. Hombaker, has been engaged for over fifteen consecutive years in our Factory, and is thoroughly their superior reputation, and a reward for his faith ful performances of Ws duties la the promotion of our business, and rendering our instruments second to none, we have styled our Organs, Th» Hornbabet Orgaij^ MR. EZRA MORGAN, suyx/rlnlenderit of our tun ned experience of over twenty years and is pro nounced one oftha beat iu the oountrv. COgNISH, WINTER *Oo, J- We give you aa reference, the fallowing persons. tamr mere could be added, but we deernitunned1 James H. Groff, Mayor, and Vioe-Prestdent lat Nat'i Bank P.H.Haan, OaahlerlutNat'l Bank Bev. M. B. E3hson, Paatorjif lat ME Cburcb Bev! 8. E, Webster Pastor 1st hk Au«h Bev. t, B. Kflgler. Paetor 1st Pres. church, NfW.Hampton, N. HleV. A, M. Jelly, Baitimors Md., Stomas 3«n- asf nlkh» Wtaterlf^ $.?*} VVfW»3?W«i3 •i*.. m&% 1 PIANO. Grand Square awljl right. From the Hom "South- "We ihavc rwoireif fromthe mail u^Murer, Daniel F. Bea^, one ofhia square pian*. Ittta thtegof beauty, but not more exfflfjalte lah of is workmanshipTth^n ctiumingio the ear the the sweetness of its melody. The piano cbmbinea the highest excllence, to which all »«t class nunufae turors of musical instrument# aim. To all who wiah to invest in a first-class piano we have no hesitancy in advising them to aend the money directly to Mr. Beatty. Wo apeak from actual experiment, and Furnishes better ancUnore reliable telegraph reports than the citizens of This Boction can secure through any other medium which reaches them'in time to be called "late." Its general news departments, partic ularly those referring to the Northwest, are unsur IMMMCda THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Is carefully compiled from the mattar of six issues of the daily, and is the most complete, mirror of tho times, especially in thei Northwest, that is offered. TERMS: Daily, one year $10.00 Weokly, one year, in advance 2.00 Blank Books. In connection with the Journal establishment is one of the most complete Blank Book Manufactories in the West. The work is warranted first-clasB, and the stock used is the celebrated Byron Weston Led ger Pspers. Books made of any pattern for any kind of business. County work a speciality. Book Bintliug. To the binding of Magazines, Music, Newspapers, and all publications in numbers, particulars attention is paid. BooUa rebound in the best possible manner at reasonable rates Sample-Boxes and Boards made to order. Pictures mounted, on lanvaa or boards, ready for framing. Job Printing1. In all its branches attendod to neatly and promptly, at rates which are .incomparably cheap. Send for .price list. Stock Blanks. The Journal establishment carries a full line of official and conveyancing blanks, and is prepared to supply them according to the most approved forms used in Iowa, Dakota. Nebraska, or Minnesota. County Supplies. Everything needed in a county office, from a lead pencil to a' letter-press, furnished at the-lowest fig ures and of the beet quality. Address OEO. D. PEBEINS, Siouk City, Iowa. 9 fl Celebrated Golden Tongue Parlor Organ. FACTORY ESTABLISHED IN 1866. BUSINESS TESTIMONIALS. We the undersigned, citizcns of Washington, New JeTsey, take pleasure in statiug that we have been personally acquainted with Daniel F. Beatty for a number of years, and are confident that ho is strict ly honest, upright and a perpectly responsible man, and that his instruments are what he will represent them to be. James H. Groff, Mayor, and Vico-PrcBident First Na tional Bank. Judge 1. H. Hsnn, Cashier of First National Bank. J. V. Carter, Teller of First National Bank. Hon. Jos. 13. CorniBli, (State Senator), Merchant. In order to banish any doubt in regard to my re sponsibility, I have given you the names and occu pations of a few of. the many persons who have ten dered me their names as reference. I could add many more, but it is unnecessary, and in conclusion will say you can refer to any of tliem and I will not designate any particular one. Money refunded upon return of instrument, and freight charges paid by me both ways if in, any way unsatisfactory after five days test trial. Beat offer ever given now ready. Address, The First Writers of Amertca( there will be atoriee,'poenia, and sketches by aome tit the most prominent English author*. Arrangements have been made for a very interesting aerie* of pa person W incisor Castle By MRS. OLIPHANT, treating of ita histoiy and the child4ife of successful Royal generations. CHRISTINA O. KOS8ETTI will contribute to the new volume. LOUISA M. ALCOTT will write "Majorie'a Birthday Gifts," anjl othei short stories. Some articles on Astronomy (or Young People have been promised by the popular English Astrono mer, RICHARD PROCTOR. There will be a continued stoty of Life in fceland By BAYARD TAYLOB. .,t In the November number, the opening of the volume was begun an American SerialSlory, "THE BOY IMMIORAXT^" By NOAH BROOKS, giving-the adventures of a party of boys In the Call fornia gold mines in the early days of the gold fever J. T. TROWBRIDGE, Author of the "Jack Hacard" stories, will contribut some highly interesting sketches of an adventure at "Bass Cove." ''TALKS WITH GIRLS," by leading authors, will be a new volume, MARY J1APE8 DODGE, And no effortB will be Bpared ri it ia with pleasure we give this evidenco of the reliabil ity of Mr. Boatty and his instruments." Best offer over given. Money refunded upon re turn of Piano and freight charges paid by me(Daniel Beatty) both ways if unsatisfactory after a trial test of five days. Pianos warranted for six years. Agents wanted. Send for catalouge. Address, DANIEL F, yEATVY, Washington, New Jersey, C. 8. A. TH*. ui 5V Daily and Weekly. SIOUX CITY, IOWA. THE DAILY JOURNAL VILLB S^f5fCS5Bf9!f^ Ilarper'M Magaziiier JibLIMWUIKD*.. t-i-i* i': totM eye is the to- ytmtui to ftfcrtafaj ," The ever-increaaing circulation of this Coc by editor and publish ers to maintain and increase the attxatione and vahie of the magazine. Subscription price, per year $3.00 Single numbers.... Bound volume^,each. ....„ 4j)o All newsdealers and booksellers .will receive sub ^arlptionsi and supply volumes at the above rates. SCBIBNER CO., 74»and 748 Broadways NVTT. DASBL Ji riaaos oe 0ggaa^ e^imow.T^T&erepiifitjqBi kin«[Wtni all Mil ^**aus, have inducs^ some tinprin- s@5: WEB-JOURNAL. TOBY, -DANIEL F. BFATTY, Washington, New Jersey, V. S. A. A Fine Art Magazine for the Young. ST. Cinciimati. FOB 1376. mmus After two years of prosperity unexampled in the annals of juvenile literature, during which St. Nich olas has consolidated wdtli itself all its strougest com petitors, the publishers find themselves -in a position to promise that the Third Volume, which begun wiih the number for November, 1875, shall, in its uriual .".ttrftotioiia for girls aud boys, surpass oven the procediztg volume#. In addition to contrlbfitlbus from Harper's feature of the will also be given to Incidents of American History, With spirit pictorial Ulqstrations.' The various departments, "Jack-in-tke-PuInit," "The Rlddl&-Box," and "Letter-Box,and the nun for "Very' Little Folks," are to be more attractive than ever.. Tbe French. Latin and German stories, for translation, which' have provisd so popular, will be frequent in the new volume. 8ome of the finest works of greatest painters of the century have been' engraved expressly for St. Nicholas, and tbe firat ar tists of. the day will contribute freaiiaud orifrfnat drawings for this Fine Art Magazine for the founii Definite announcements ot many. inteiesUng aM novel features will be made in the December num4 ber. St. Nicholar will continue under the successful authorship of IMM monthly proves ita conMuneftadaptettm-lo poyadar deelres and needs. Indoed, when we ttaiah into how many homattt (HMetnttea e?Wyj«Mtl£mramet oao sidcr it aa one of the educator* aa well aa entertain-, era of the public.—BOSTOB OLOBK. !j The character, which the Mseastne.ppeeeaeea Mr variety, enterprise, artictlc wealth, aad iiterMy atir turb that has pibO With, if It &»• tot (be Mod and not evil all the days of ita li^ BfcdOterfw' EaOLX. ... Aii'1 Some of the moat popular of modem novels haft first appeared as serials til thii Magaaiae. Ia al rf spects, it l^on excellent periodicaI,and fwayWeenW" iu great mgoqHfrPjpppqyy tkh%rs:: Pottageffet tomrsmvmmtwvsrvm en. Subscriptions to Harper's Bazar, to one adaresB for ond yetr/| to one address for'i $7.00, poaU re An extra copy oi either the Hagano* weelp^itt. copies for ®20.ot), without extra copy poetage fra*. Itaclt numbers can be siippUed ti any time. ~r A complete aet of Harptir'* Magazine, now ads* prising 51 volumes, in neat cloth htmBngt wtll ba a0A by express, freight at expetUe of pmlMMt tBt #ii.a8 a volume. 8ingle volum«B, by mail,. Clotti cases, tot btnding, MBta^i A Complete Analytical Index to the I Volnmes of Harper's Hagaxiue haa just bWa^Rb lished, rendcriug available for reference the vaat.aftd varied wealth of information wbion eaaMWii tMa Svo. cloth, $3.1)0 half calf, | Bent postal prepaid, A series of papers under the tltfc of "Tbe 1 Century of the Republic," contributed, by I eminent American pubUdsts, is nvw Hemgff la Harper's Ma«axine. This s«fes of bvttf 1 papers gives a comprehensive review of during the century now closing, in every of our national lire. Newspapers are not to copy this edve!ttBe#t!pf without the express order of Harper ft BntlnMk Address HARPER & BROTHEltK SeW Ydtti' PIANO. Grand Square and Uprigbt. Endorsed by the highest mtaafcftt aathoritUa throughout the world as iigh THEBB^'T. From D. S. Bodine, 8tock5ori, N. after iiMt ing a $500 Beatty Piano, says: "Not only myself and family. But every one who has seen it is satisfied in regard to Its superior qwaU- From B. H. Oormony, Esq., Chamberebiuy, "The Beatty Piano came to hand One Mt lM, la good order. It has thus far given entire' satMw tion." H. Holtzburgnr .Tyrone, Pa., says: "The Piano came at hand in good order, aad proves satisfactory, both in tone snd fkniah." Agents wanted, male or female. Send for pata. louge. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washizurton, New Jersey, C* 8. A* S "A Complete Pictorial Hi»tory oftiu Timffc The best, cheapest, and mo$t qiccett- Jul Family Paper in (At Union.". •*••, C- Harper's Weeliiy. ILLUSTRATED.,. wwcwor IMM,' iii ill Harper's Weekly is the ablest and most pywsffid illuotrated p«srlodfTal published in thli boantrtf. 'Ms editorials- are scholarly and convincing,- and cany much weight. Its illustrations of current events aire full and fresh, and are prepared by our beetdwrfgn ers. With a circulation of 150,000, the Weeklyte read by at least half a million persons, ami its WM1- ence as an organ of opinion is simper tremendous. The Weokly maintains a position, and expreMeM- de cided views on political and social problems.—Lovia- Its articles are models of h%h-toned dincusatoB and its pictorial illustrations are often corroboratlTa argumants of no small force.—N. Y^ Kxuuitt AMD CEKOSICLE. .Its papers upon existent questions and tta inimit able cartoons help to. mould the sentiments of tiv* the country.—PITTSBUHOH CoKMeScm..' 1 Harper's Weekly stands at tbe head of Illuatnted Journals in the United States-, in e&cdatiota, sdMwilia ability, and-pictorial illustration.—LAmxa'' ttiBTfM*- TERMS: Postage free to all Subscriptions in tkt United States.' Harper's Weekly, one year, $.400 which IndoiUa jpr^payinont of United States poatage. by 8ub«criptions to Htrper's Magazine, Weekiy M£ Bazar, to one addresser one year. 10,CO or two of Harper's. Periodicals/ to one addnsi for oae jmU, $7.00 postage free. An extra copy of either the Magaidne, We«l^ oc Bazar will be supplied gratia to evecy ciub of At* subscribers at $4.00,in one'ifemittance or six eopiaa for $20.00, without extra ooiy- pw^gefree. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The annual volumes of ilaiper*a WMMKIIMat binding, .will be sent by express, free of wjwiji,fa $7.t)0 ifich. A complete Met oomp valtimea, aeat on receipt of caah at ta per volume, freight at expense of poi Prominent attciitkm will bw OIVSB-IB JlaBsr'a Weekly to the illustrAfo'n of the CmtMnlu'l&GK* tionnl-Exposition. Newspapers are not to copy this adverttMMoll without the express order of Harper tr Br0tHnaio Address HARPER ft BlM)THEU*8,:New^Yafk. SlAT'fV^^- PARLOR ORCAMSi' 9 KHtnbliHhM lSBO. Bcliuving it to be BY FAR the beat Parlor, and Orchestral Orgata manufactured, we- challeaifir manfacturar to eijual them. The celebvated QoidSli Toitgue Reeds in this organ lb conltmctlon'wM' taa Perfected Reed Boards produee sweet, .pwef |M powerful tones. Superb cases of new and elegant designs. Minteters. teacheirs, chnrcUM, s^ola, lodges, etc., should send for price list and diacounta. ijcillery will find it to thelt advantage ^to fefiSBi this ingttument. It has improyemeuta* foted in no other. Correspondence solibited.' Best oner ever giveu. Money reiiuided upon re turn of organ and freight charges paid b^ineratalel fj ^'Wtintli ways If unaaUafacteir, after ,if iset trial of live d»yp.. Organs warranted foraix years. Agents disconnt giveo everywhei^ 1' tUv#'nb"'aA. ,f Agents wanted. Address, ,, ent. DANIEL F. BEATTY Waahlngtbn^New Jeraay,: "A Repository of Fsshtoti, Pleasuri, an4 TnMttofs.tinn.jy rx Instruction," •f f.(d- ILLCSIATED^ NOIIOXSornrnm, The Baaaris edited with a eombinattoa of i«t «id talent that we seldom find ln any'Jouhial ukiEe Journal iteelf is organ of the gr««»r-»ortJ of fashion.—BOSTONthe TBAVKF,LXG. The Bazar commends itself tb every insMliH Ol tka as vi wtmyi household—to the children by droll and mttrA tures, to the youiia tadies by ita iUtaatefol design for embroidered aUprtnaBdlu^ rlous dressing gowns* But the reading-matter of tMa Bazar Is uniformly of greet esoeDeeto, Tbetoiiir menti 1^ it— I".—J .UU. 1. worthy as a fashioti i» •uinm ana «MH,IB poetry and squibs, are all invigorating to In^its way there is nothing i^/L^reshjuadteMi- —CKICAOO EvENijio JOURNAL. fpw&fff mL TERMS,' Pottage free to nil Svbtcriben^in like United S^fte-f, ,^gslss?'#ei3gsij»" Subscriptions to Harper's Mairastnni WcaUtMl Bazar,' to. one address for one TW. Ilo!oil' or two of An 'extra^OOT^ eitJuflhhe Back liumbors'tam^si The amuil votemeaiof Hia^CiMiifflkMafc Prmnineiit stteutioo wffl W- glVeS-to- HartWfa Baaar to sash illustrations of th« fisifasM later 1 Newspapers are not to copy ttda 1 wjUrowthpBgin* order et&rnK<* TfftW received ftajCw "We vmm