Newspaper Page Text
*3$^ BVairf Wf**a*»A* A* 1 5 1 5 CMilon, I4neol« Conhfy, D. T. jfc. iW»t''i(b. .•':*.£ LjUrfSjl OM aopTi on* yaw. .v.4-.'«fXvi. .*.»«. ii 1 1 0 0 ?,:••••• W* have adapted a« aaah in attvaaaa «yatem, MieviiNt It MMFfof Utt! NtMM, and know tag It to be •OfaaMirabie for tha piMMer. 1 «BA*. A. WWI. OHM. B. MABTM. SOUTH ft MARTIN, *1t4Hw« 4»yiW«WHI»r •V'-' A. P. A. M. "'." (ATM TAB LOMI KO. 4, A. F. A. M. WrdHMMM*!* Vitetak o«o*, baton MM •wr mh fiiMbr til* W. H. MILLKB, 8a. W. M. CB»WW», Secretary COUNTY OFFICERS. 1. W. OiMvnUfMAttoinn, "CIWntt, Clerk of Diatrict Court. VWjMwmr W.ILCIW fkM }.VMnuii, li|Mtt 4f Deed* wd Ei- SttioMV, Trearorer Jtidge of hoM 0*U»J*A.8onm,Sheriff. ...... •. B. Superintendent of School*. A. Aanaao*, Chairman,) Vs Vn. *. Ball, VCo. CommiaaiOtt*M. pStntt^x, j" STON p6»T-6FFICE DIRECTORY. prathwa Miy mail arriv** Ovary dayoxeept fla* m. Depart* every d*yetc*|t Saaday •Mttw daBy mall arrive* every d*^«aeopt'ato 4*y at B:M A.M. Depart* every day except Sunday a it Canton and Mitltown mail arrive* eACry Toeadav tM Datutday Depart* ev*ry Monday £3 ^Vanafl&on Weekly maharrivee every Saturday at 6 r. IC- Depart* evety Monday at 7 A. OSm open from I m. A.a. ftoat 19 •. to u, to 8 r. a. On Sunday* JOHN FALDE, Poatmaatcr. Local Items. Ur «h^ goea-^we meaa fraak Kellers MW l,ivt:ry tMra on Muin Street. W^CAll attcntiou tp I. L. .Moorp4*'my •dvertiaeuiept iu anulber 'coluni n., ^, Lb KAKS Bologna oa baud *11 tho tiine at Fffd's rusfsuranl down totni. ^j&iiirr Ioh^s o'rWliMi left ilirtin'8'wkrei Ko&ie Mt«ri(!i»y'fa6rfilnK f!r Si:»ux C'itj. ST! J: TadWnW MldeAce flnKhed^i). Also^ Darwin'Roller liasfhe masons at w»rk piaatering lii« honw. KMOSEXK, 175 Are test, at ttallet's cify DroRStaw. 1- 0* ffasrstT* Iv you .want ,jt) .be l*ppy tuo world C*puet.Tp|,e tltf: Liidt)|»cu(l»nt tiukut. For firat ciasa Luncheon eall at tlio new new RMtaornnl Lower canton. LoMBGuj liiioe, and Cvi»l for Mlo al F. Barrowa, for the lowbst pricey. DR. Hays is about to close out liis busii ne«9 lieffe its you ^ill cee by his Auction doiicein thir issue.-: r-• ''OcRharhess'maxer hai baea i:ntr)vin£ the froat of itr» b&ildla^ by puLtiag down sidewalk' tiritl# 1 wFbko UaRUQW wi«lH8».t(» ini'orin the liquor A party from l'.)»rer pari^oMown a pleasure trip to Sioux Falls on Sunday laat. Hopie thoy had a god .tiine. OTAWB BKANDV MediVird r-Ruawl., Oe JEwper. (iia for.uiwlical purposes,.at Xoller'a city Drug Store. ^Bto»icr Wii| aft bp Vif^jrllild:, '^Heria Bow.aelliug clieapL'r I'licala^ eVer ^or GASH ilt wins AT. f^rrtifer bt^ diM%tti9^^$ieMt)lf by raising $igbUUlle |)i^a o!r« -to tyyr littr-ary eUoi ts. 'w ...Thb best brands of will Aim) at tlie new Ru Mali, Bridge StWe*y Lt little5 birds''croh are singing' in •,,Thb best .brands of Citpn in town vou will flud iit ttie new RestkuntUt and BllStM Mali Bridge Stit»ev,*L»»#et" C%ntoiK S'.Tk*of rai»e the low prices of clotliing at A. Uudolpli opposite tha Dmg st rs.«l|W^7^.fki«MU W' rata,.«JU para prices, freight addfed. at F. Barrow's, j^|C stmt, Cantoii :Vm Itee sot many' inquiring wef the interests of the ADVOCATE. Head for' a specimen cop we *tU be y.Q|»r friend yAymi •%Tke dance at B?llef^8 Hall Friday eve* iting, waa a very pleasiinf tff^ir. aad every body in atteadanee. reaUy enjoyed .them .'• flelverff .v BiOHKST price paid for wheat, oats and barley on accounts. Frichus call early aad Id u« aettle up and commence a-new. Da. H.SOUTHARD. ^"^Mraj'A: P. Dixon.returned Uotmoi Sji 'Jibky fasti'firon^.lier two weeks visit in Min «iaata. Tlie l*nf)rt^ everrtiiiaie ia' ahun 4aace where she lias been, uvqn to/««^.. A GOOD Recond H»nd Wagm ibf .^le. or trade a!so a good young m'lch, co'w. Xaquirp of JAme'^ Simpson or at liis shop hti ,»r: ,,•• -j ^Piworiptioba carefully, compotihtted, any hburday or nig »|»tKelli!K's city Drug Store. An ezBeckHC^l plivsiclan always in attendanM.^. A 1 go of a if re is in dHnk of A Qlf^d'l JCXX bottled! Alolor Porter call at Pred. Barrow-s l^fitaurviL .-.j? Maple Grove, D. T.—Send me a copy of the ADynCyt^tt. 'Siiice. your paper has »t| ban atonipra we 'db^t bear5 ab£thin^ of "*Wt wfcal is going?'(&! Mnd enclbsiM'$i.OO.: t-t its •., .z:.. A. P. &.: "RolUnson ^keeps^j*8and a goo«f ^tpply «f nuts, cauf«cti'*n^'.rtappld*«''?jfcc1. *r^VHe also'bal in conneCtirt®iifWiiis rtsF tt awor a first cfOTr Sarh^r^uopf^ncu'jrba* 7f#iintlihiVSoQi ^ltfVe, d&iMttr t«w THE straights are im sirlatViifr''Snd tbeyTtaWttteiWonM their 5 mp* ind Mark Has tAkk%e Held Hr)wv. I ,!W iMm.','ln^epebd«tttft «taifd'totyonr post! f^tteietyrayou gpiiWf ltl In the fall it cn^ were ftWre^'^ne'day:'ln^*'"'^ek -1 with a visit from Mr. ff n.Banrifl^S!'3^. "^TjSwali'L^^thli'^dtdyte bh'tbe i^oplea ..•••-ij! 'ticket' for llfcpresan'titive from Tutncr f* uffMd* •dt.^rou waftt .ibepj p»do jshould cidi^ pa A. I*. Hu "«m Hia priwt are Jow enoug^^|ar- I «A|tor. o^ JfciMt sent vfo$ A._ i' jXI?' I lod icb i-fhtt'fM Btrntm!*w "DA*H tM fUturai" ware th« very r»%? pnwlble wovds me* by Mirk W. B+Uey» whm aak«d' ..t»'«0Me out aad^ •pccflhia hforofthe !«(taigUt »icket,il,iro! attljU^aa.apgffs^ilih^ tMire wai afutHMfor hiov. Hi*«n»wer wii|^*««jipUt|ng •t- d»A|»Ot l^Trr^^tbO We cataoot {BotiatrtD* lus wtjdj iu wj ot|» er wajr thaa fry suffice ..A TOBW^ftafitw, ,top, do^a in ^he rapt^m p^t tj|^c^pty, that Ball's term as CotniuUsioner six^n b$0ut,.aa4iMie! Uiey, :wo.ul^,fje3t a man |h|i tbejr. cqiild im, ^if ^must, b» berather ft»tterlnlt„toi man, who tiipy .^jop^.^.^lect 'in^'tially ha a a is it Well we will try ti» ,sw tiiiit you d.ia't elect Ball's successor. 8|mb difficulty liningAari^pi|H between Win. H. MQler. Jf-, and Rev. i(r. G^tljop, tistiQii^pcrsaasiop frctfjind'tjg&l in as ^'i^H^m^iiod of Srbl^wii^ a&d the affair iias rather ao uufi'rtuhate termi nation. It appears irom tlie'fiiiit Informii tloB. that Mr. Slilier^affhedf'M^. GfHlffip witIitbniideMbijVi(dence. tfr/^'betrig in ^feeble heal&i','' wiis urii&t^ hitbself ')iS!Wiw4' Vent'j'v^d' trjai j' ibJ iiits becn cbiiflbcd to hH lk^iever 8ince. s^,D^^ Soutiiard wiis called bn-ui theat iiltn,' and pronounced lilm in^a vety critWaf 'condl tion/at^l thntiiis recoverv wall ••'tirty'doubt fal. Mr. XHldr awore out wd/tant for t!te arresrt of Mr. Gallop, but-it was not It'ia csrtaiuly avitry oofoctunate kSkir wr'ipw iifajwia vl:t UnrOM county, waAts AgrAder aird'ditch er. Wa wlil reot tbetn' the ediior of ttie Sioux Valley Sfe*H wc «au't: te^(hi mtjnd him as grader or ditcher, b^t be is an ex cellant dugmfar aod a good iiaklto throw dirt he would haive^ to bo tseptfilear where there i« plenty of fluid,. f'tr.jus.'js. a-, very thirsty-man, Ml wiUf^H!l?& bim ,sick' We tbink lie will cwm out aii Muak.v •faff*.figure SOIQ# for He ^si-^sea candidates $1C a head that ,i». j|l6d his promisft tp go .to,, the. Legislature chief clerk, (wliich prpiniwi J|e '|i per day, $320 he is doing wcll flnancially but his candidate*hadbytter give him #10 apeaoetokeephis otfi^ejciaf^L^bj.*,^ he reconiqenda a m§n, pw*» .wU^rn lw Uriss to ^or. t,yiie|ft4e: pwtA|«H ii^ wpnli^e,^ aliLvj^g prna^e|i^i^|| l^g- qAKTpy caae'veiy^j h^pg ft flrst- claas coullaguiioa ou JH blewutlijpf,tpfi»4ju^ ihim^fKi raa.^p ^i^bertspns store. Plenty of. assistancs .was snbp pn hand, but theflw cpuld n?t l^cjb^k^JmtMb.qi). til it itad rwieiied the mid. Ttie wind was blowing hard /irom the souths and jf it had gotten across the r^ati^ at 'tfeat point? there was,nothing to pre»e«t i' fr^m biirn ing the entire towni. We1 hope wii^'wray prove a waning to niafiy. Jfo '^perif..n should, at this tiuie o^ Vlii ^fekrj put but fir« at any event tiie peaiiifk's are''severe, and^otfld ^bt! epfoijued g^prv, lectiou! For the benefit' of the coinin^m I /iV j, |ft 7| wealth, it cost one liyt yea?, oror tlOO in damages fof a little fire lie set out on bis own place, but it got the upper hand pfhimanu^ rain tlirougl^fiVi neigtibir* farm, doing great dimago. It 6ertVinf|^ly^A5 in eaica&blc& &u£! ts bnr^!^t!l?^ifrie- Is'iT^I4il^t^J^iW:^«ir!l, ,|^ct8(Aad iftgt^es, tiiat.$e byihflti«Sce,rCapt. .25- ebn'miai' «M is a^lalitai^'.tiiir kwiratii fliilaiaUff }Aj4_ «vrr SMi!r:-, '4m .. 4^,, j^inTO -aftm-i (irft fcotftfert Jawf tfcBiMmiffo Imtolmw mm- mtn^K ?4» SafcroStf, adl !jS }?fts ii aoqn vteiihtua Vi ,m&i vt\ W&i ni dg±* 1 ••/•VI-.T .Hhmf mmhnu! W ItMtf 'WB MA -'"".J.. •.'"•••• —r ty- a mi »w'l»• tat the iWy Wfigff nfr b» yi ti!,»! TfrifiM ft/,, ,rf »r fct f,.^, __ _••• Joniwtr'jffSmith/r c»u!t7SjrailiiW tliat itgnliiflt^phAiY .'a? '.«•£/•:•. ,-'3n.m« »n? '•.» siSflpith: ea»ifR»i^l|.:][oar sklfif (/TltatitiMrcan wo^M^jtlHJre ia noioih WMuetlO v. In^ftliMrgariiers^er.but' 6fnineion gre*sn&en in lmiiausl, ohfcmgii tt^e vote at «arg«i for-goVata.-..v««i .4,000 IdemKjiirt ic majrtrity but the ra^ubl icans jj* the State M*« gaiopd^hthatnliie-aiKM^angttide' could expect, and witir.,alike gainf at the' November election*, by the powar of him who'Vul^s ofi 'higfirMil '^pect that thv ^rifling maj^Hy br4,0» iSitr breaks, knd b'»^nr«^!rift Vmt ari^jf ,^.^'.^..,,,1,.. «ah.» „.!,a» protectedfroti the flr^d^ft!Ma*««, 4,hiu^ayevenin*.T':T1iie present were C.i. Joiley and Capt. HbfSes'^Tlie house was^lijQHe^ wi^Mr9tt^tt«e au dienpe. ^olo9e) Jolley wpene^: tha es^er cises with artmg,aud able..argtiajLeut on ^4^«a,§PRla^a w^ ^puld. th^k tlwt his sentimfnta wart f^ly end^'raiul bjr the' meftopf towards th(Tlett()cra^s t&'ay were' very attentive'Iisten^ra.' WiJM.. n-. fat Hughes fbilbwed th'e bblbiiAl f& ia klibit but very poinjbd speech. 'Oapt's" healtlt being poor owfiig^dii sev«rt'vCAldf: a painful effort, lr biffi^o spMk at Hilt b4)trjhi»etM htHi^iin kijejt,ao ?™Fi* $***•« fd$bt jxp*t oCthimt li^a toihiniMi^ the jC^mogr^ a^ip. is a poor one to toke, passage in. I^^jrannl his "argum^1 alt" bq-: (Same.«© .^nwrap^l a^eiitipq, were sortjy when l^e closed. Caj)t. is 'mgbr ly esk^emed here and has a host' off friends and at some future time ir$x-\tVR' eirprcsg thttjiasiat'h» IadepehdtatTiokei-ii« r^T Oeiwd: KvetybAdy concedes' the^H &(• neea of tAentwiaees bothlocaUy^iaeatal, ly aadioiorvliy that the l^gi»lativ«H part kiPfde vp of the right nuteri^lt *0^ invite th& eloseet scrutiny of ^vw^t. one of the caadidatf^. la, apy. way you may wish aad we are ratisCed that after snchl in«»«tlgatio* yodT -*111 r-be pleae^d tkttreifat/.' Bohr tMl bafM!ar*i known torM atAM of abiliffasd efUie-%tr?«eat Integrity, 'tmmt* aad AAnboa aw fullf nliimd hy A. p. Diiorf, fw RberM^ eoaM »ot hawe j!ls.#reo«Mi|r- At*"' f' ""|-1 1 *£TI ^Vft Wn Bfdyfi8l ti^nttyiir^rrfliiwM •apjp^taAwr^ heiiiiiyi endo^wd by«til Mf|hlM.'i(tW«iM w«li' AartiflM 'tinv hd entmiick^caa Md will! be elected all we ASfel* for^Acir m«bto |oM« poilsr abdf vrttennJufirtsiidly nftUrregwi* to the melru' offaafnlrmau We anra'«aref Uw facrthfU vitne aro strlckly for Hm ttraigM noiminatkOlis, btit tte athtfght nickeled*)** notmeebtha wisbei oftheiai Owity of tbe people, and *ould have been ditfer)Mit had the convention been condutHed in fairness. tfitttUKR' Jbbes to furmer-Soikb: J^i m\ .-."Ob, but tbertf 'is another t^ckfit. the %ld^jiiid ypu notsee tbcli^Apr^ATK V? «^Whyiio|:I^iaga| ,j^i^,^ .GiKird hHd.tlwt.t^U^' r.iilrMteWrr, f'^ot tHUcb yjM di^'t^p »a" rlh.a Co^cii'»121TS.Tr* "tSilas Kohr^ attd.I tell vou Jopes, that 8ilas Ifohr. la jttst ^ie rn^a we want, I bfiye.kni^wn liiin for a long"time, and Sila* never," goes ^ack on' tti1} friends. (?%nh ybi^)prnpnk n^a r*~~" ^.pWh'iB» fanner#' '1 aI!d a:gbo3 bbfe "iti'an^ Hb'^iHourtie rest of W tndepc'adent tlcket."{»^«» 'tike ia jnat the best nitlB^n ttfrit tWil-: fliere "8r in the: cbiirityj and evety townsfiip BAi'srt'me offlfetr th^r don't all live in Canion '1^ fc* taisf nd ^nt&.of Vi«t« RtlT-fua. av^jflaftK'! dtsappointud us last night, lint *wir* fuWlI!Tiis appointment to morrow ^RSHi8|%a6 jjivea as tempefabcelPct' ini Ihe' tJobgregatrrtAal church, fie ltfCtnres iriB'j'0™lI'tiv-tiieilt. i': Trf$ Befiiit iiitr'Mry"'Sbc^Aly'is^ij^kiifr^in Van'tfing b#di*r niVet-i every* Tuwtfaycven^ 'fnf!£t the icHfiVft hb'tse W ^'AftW tiih W»*ek WcJ'slit* 11:publish (Tfe 'nhf&ntes rtf -*.i--*? terfiftrii ?'"1'rtilS^ifAin'^hirtvib'wiAfiMtiefs1 attd'Cnri i^cyt^b^MTeiinyorie^air^lowuindniy !f%# «drand mjr det^rmiiiation ia Jo rtu-ase* Cash or wheat must accompany 'ilieiifilFrj11 "lu J-. 'S.' Brj^kw6t.'' nf t^'fepubfic -i» polftifcnT can VS9M liaen c'bS^Acfedwith ^fel? ii6t#minkl&n'!&ri' eftfte to carry off the prize rif ^^t raftie And ^lf#hightat hbarir itf thV Phited State.?.— fndlana for ^he past tttontli Kas had' ptib Ti6'r»ii«ksSi^ ffblm evSry'iflimp In 'the 1^19ll i^itra» W4' eiitbnSiaian^ that rtumab hatiil^^W^lsukfcptittle tiifcp ?«Bfd intoi activity? ated- as 4i nlwardlfor tMeirlal«»«t3tli(lffeii6blteanflhi*vJ»gAUiered fwlfl mt?ii,irrffc(W'fi'.m lie tfvised «bd' Ihai^tiA cle?t th'c Arh »le",?btfsnftlftf}Of if an re W it el er, re^enchiiien«flnd We^m^ssarjiif' rfiie ffllfe Tri- 'day ^nlbi Tiit. Wjfic' tt(rcr i»f IVttnWer. -Iifef li^'and^ irtSArtyvfcnd' twny Irhtis 'beeii' abiibt 2f? daWn«itic9 they's left Diadwiod City,F^ Tbey 1 Am6ri6an Moti^ &i^rbeli«fTif^U. "Pt6m tlM?^iirlii M/^a^^Qi^erid iWcrfedlble 'hardsh^ps^the-most of the 'tihae beihg n«.^ ^taliid ttfMHlf* ffcmt (HM^ftar^ «Sci^«lfrtA^^0*tt4nfUt» #Jtti s*»t« '^ik miiai ratl^f4*- ia dad's ttarf/at.| feliWA^e'shOBld'tfy'to'gettotheluiuse 'fsrettywOWKFKfij "I Vr'-: ,ft-'-iy 3^it^ ArEilen.Mpnday, (M. ^Otfa,M o'c1Kk p. m. 'at'QintoA, Oc'f. if I o'clock ar^ly An^liefp tovvra faae.^twhatls there irbM1 UWMhnd«w pine, and woadera leicfer BeOiy hsk wAraiHed suicide o^ *7*^, »4. lny1^d ida''iwiTVAll iLsereb'to dbia to get tl lot »RM|i p^eoCfc»saoc%. ajfaaw wd bruab. WJM ja ,cash,a, set, of nsAlhMt nerva»"ttea there wflp ntmbietmuMe itlrtaiayA awpa|par tkn thaw "shia- Bkg up AdMtt«k H»U ft Ai Wm ra.' quitSraaurprlse br-alh l?»r none^ expe&e-i^ lliMfco Oeorga is'thr rsafl** ol 1* sixpaoiceJ' aod:ntelBht*iifUlyr^^tdt| by*^tlu^sty of fHuads^ Wjo'd .vf ^tfi boy's *. -7'4aiv w? to*mcifriMiwm«rs tm-tr ?*nr *nc! Jte" ot Vmonf -t& fOB TftllliTOaLU. ADDttba, •m fca ''ioa TKBBnOBlAIi E. A. 8HEBXAM, *'#i ft -m wfaneAakau 4tm9l' -i}- indapandarii Legislative Ticket. Firm Coosoil im llnuiBwn DmnioT. Wa'iibiJadii.— •*B SILAS ttOHB, of Lboela OMBtyw V. H. "tUaNEB, of T«rn?r -rrt,Coa»ty. OJLBTEB, cvofCkMM. 4. i'Mi Kfiwniinufi «i«eaooui r*mi"i ?«op. MsCOB®, •»OB /IT»ticbi o*'taa'»EAca— accounts and save cost).. 1 Lm^^' •••fltSS'Ji III n.11^ ,rii,ii,iiir« ||T» ,—-T-ys. National RepuhUcai» Tick#!., •jidfiiibiab Otwwwt toriaf TMkiftw *9* »wJ«AT •Air»:-f»,.ew*aaa*«, F.KIODfH, a# CwUft. 'w°t f« '^0». ^1°* kh*'Ugr mu- -v JAMF.SMOtES, :fj v*fip roa imHimsBit ot rd^id' w.C. C4TOS, .•-..•',' i«P»rw $iw lfh -rQfL/tSSKlULT— ,.. ft,\ "*.. LE AVITT, of 'U&efc'tttaalsr."' 5 6 1 to W. if. HARBISON, ot Twpet Ciaal. ^^-,1 J.H1- '"KLa-OJ'-T, IMCS »n» «mmw. AWDB®WP.DIXO*,'' iwjtsa 0-r?f te^^r of Caoioa. ,rm »OB AMC80B 4% -l of Towoablp 98, Baiif* Bt. 1 I jpiqwwift'j wrc^-s^ vliMk»lx ,, toniuuj*.or: raoBAia, ISA AO COLES, -'rLtf'l "rtki'VS*-?- of Caaton, rjj 'ii'jf roa saaABtaia, -nf A ht 3 JOHJt BLTODBIX, wj c4 Us!. aooi ooSrntvcQiuiwimf!1**' ssB gl -, .1# DipSrict, jr., /UWABKUIU of EJen. TilataU «f TJna fn. 4d Dlntrict, A. OJBl.i^., of Una fp. :ili'!ju*tiiitt torn arf t» ifwi' fnfNQ Mf nfr myi?h \Z'L "WM. BSDFOM&, MO, W*1 Kutmtoml W'fIi-JJi.*0£t|EB, Vl H'l'lIiWEljlii ... i- -i AU^TiQN SALE!! to, AH^rg^men. 0. T* na Wehnstilay, Votcmber, 1876. H*i5?iitg stoc^ of merchan disc ftt jlV?, pl(st .tt1^ 8tof€ito JohD Faide, art cbthpelle^ fb collect all my Ont 'kWiinirtji 'iir frilllitiiiltflfci- iiexi atidays. -'All rtiv ac»bHnto ilR^b^-wiU ,bft left with .^oliQ^^a^.fbr^M'i^k (rfier whjch..if ,noi paid will nasylrttp the mods of &i-J ley"i'flF7'GIIIPraf''vIt'h«ipp' those whow' I acnotnm dated ^KfAfe kmij^luring harwat. W5.!iW twftk. aspcli qt t&a laoivMr^Ul^ali oiv Ji»hn Falde and their .OHnot, but look^ugj^they.^ i^ulr pleti! Rrsjwf}tfnHv, Ml, 1878, B«w. knrkkDr. Uanton^OcU' 1 Itll^ 1878. K)»JW«.(tfld .Qreaaa -manufactured 'mn^t-T^ptfrt nAiistcians to be secot^dlonono lJ|» ^egstrdi t«V superiority^ They,pi5Blxtbly andjiie'fiinft, »ld. A gnat, jut n^adyerM^cd so eiiensively thosfr bf (ft, I® vffs 3- HOeSlm«iifi nimn&tiiSMMmAn ^auy afe le^vfag l»r the, winter,_whil§ ^trajsre b^^fdoa'r *eem to bo vefv much, d.issaiisfiwl tjip Mljii, and are g^ing in t|ie mandfactored by flie mnst' prominent and les^in^'-hbases A9.-.tbqr: have (nesetofom jbc«a lt^n% able to supply the^ home tr^ide, btit vyitli new facilities, they arc now Enabled to increase ihctr tradej and lftow thej^afC^repared! to €11 "promptty iany or der thatsmay be^ept :them. -Ste .their ad ^iMmeKiftNiMother.^oHlpip, 4ri$resa Cornreti, WintcrAOo., WasbiflgtOn. New of ttm «r»» inim^nVs $ liPTcbbtayr 1fov.WtS,a»a deU«Ki|Mn4 aittaJrtiaMa ii tit tegs^j'g&szstsiigsi aCth,'l8Ti 7/ !?i fit'-* fSA :•, JdeASYTPayee aeainat.Bei^toto^.Vatifa,6 AiMjttttr w^pSn'tSa^fc iwlil ffM 1 '"ttfaMti' Slbmn«r' *v» 1 *4*/ i\\ '?r tTWiE!D^Dji^:pT0^^^1876. NO. 2»», '!•.a'/-r Pcst-Office Store. bfonf' taw id *U (rnr*: s%*t j#, $,r to M«M«f alarpkbMe tbaitokae opnedap MW^^oafc l» U» Vn^oiacelniiuaac ooori«Un« pf .,!• opci ,.Jr 'j Books, $$*4 Mf: !, f- -.h -. .. "rr 1 S A I O N E S A E Shelf awd ,(j Towaahip A FOB BIOiaTIB OF n*n«, tnsvtr -en?* •iu Sr3i. .po ta if roa cocifrT su«v*rom, 7? TO J.'B. TOMB£BTt 'WifV*5W ''I? {§•$*•'_ '"of Cantaa. fe (tt&zs ^-ooso,,^ *.' unitj»rf J»*l DB. Lft tLDMBB/.f.! ,:iy mft!? of Caaton. haiffii'0"MM"'" ATTOtoMT, MI8 W ifj.-rf •a I'V.f 1 fan«¥ ORoi^itiEs.fWlieatl ,»Wheat! I 'ja.tke BOTk Hbv ean tw fomrf a MD ltne of the Llncola dtf, IX T., aud Lypn w?* "I aptftsC 1# fli tn&&4 BLANKBOOKS, jjj5?7 BOOKS, MAttlES,8iTf^ PHQimiiApa AJJil HS, 'J POCKET WDGRR, &C. "t« tie^roeSrj'tl»^ w$Q a lirgo Atoek of •wjW(ii:WM''lt«M«HlNaiy atom. HaTtngpyA«da ^uantltj- ofttork I an prepared to farnbh itatoS port «t revionabbrMteK. fkMieatm." Bdeutthatt ^wwiaJte it to the Intern* of the people to deal «Ml a^,'I arifctf a •!»*«,«f dl^p^t Hepetron- ,,0. A. ItlUOLl'H, .. Mr: etmm ?+nx jiisijswi t/t nm guv icQn^Ffubing t:t PWXPS, GLASS ASH PUTTY, Gaiisv UevQlvore, Etc '(-U 4 "tGunsmithiag •. HBrAf RIX&tXEA TL DONE. ',v Ub*rpl diuo^inc t»,*J»oae owdoijn* l«fg*iy.v hiftmsggi BASAIDSOK & -$^/«6J*hauaa* fiija&st Tf iwtj" fist» -Ml. liUBfc w\}8 Ladles' Djce^e, ftiKKls, r_ t$ifM «"jpHi* Vjg» .v» 1 v.»^12-3m. ahd Shoes^ .-'•-••I'v yi:^y -Aim •,*.m at '^aanr**--'" u» Chattel Sale. €n^m r,I U'jumven^Sivfiertotitfjfa.i-. 4tq$ vrz\"t Ifei ana ex -j"rf i^9^( V? IjPSSfr &4«kV. W$t *. (i&ASS JfNJS#Sj SHMHTI£m^bGzm^m '5 Sptmjfyti kM&f S 1 &t. %i lr $» .. Jf I 10 W :t 5,^, i*( ,t ,'l J- f,./ ,, ,v(. W ^1, L. MOORE, tCAacVAoTvaas o» pi -k :ir' 1 .*iit WANTED^ 4 ,%4] •t:. 40,000 Bushels of Good AfiUiiiff si iwmpijtlft t'orxrh ieh the Iliyfott flat A Price will be' fl' firtid" at f[tlt}frnn?*y WareKovtte, S. Iltiiigfworth. '-1 '"g-'-- CaHMtAtatealaad OflSeeSion* faOal. Ti te« September 13th 187«. .{ OLt* O. estMl,—You are h«oby notlfl*l1fiat the Honorable Commimioner of the Oenenl T^nir Oaee„in a 1 t:er dated Angoat 19th JS70baaadjnd«ri your D. 8. No. 46 «, oj»on South Eaet quarter Seo Uon S3 Township S9-Bange *9 forfeited. Yoa are al eisty day# from the aerrice ot notice in which to appeal from uld deeiateu.- Caitod State* Land OSee Bloox FaOs D. T. I v'-''"1-' 8ci«temborMh, Mil. Complaint having been entered at thi* Office by Pot^r Sehmit: agtinut Edward Oarreyfor aKanionlna hw homwiwad tuti7, So. SSBOAIalea IGTi npon the South Veet quarter SiMtlon 1, Township »9, BaagoM, iu tinootn Conaty Da*a Tyi with a view to the cancellation of aaid entry the said part lea art1 hereby snmmoned to appear at thia' OSlce oa tfce 34th day ofOctober, 187«, aio'ctockP.ft, to reepond and furnish t«*timonx ooncefftin2 aaid at iedgedabwidonmnit. B. T. Civrm.i, K^lpater. 'v.' .•... *•. Wampw,• BaMiKKi^'ly, Bt?Anv^TT^v ,p'Anbani *?$ i&rjhee, 0mBop'« ppef*. tic Melodlea, ttaie&i, etc., by Rijintt F. TOiTTT, wpfwf0*wcrti, t^llifhe hand* of ^very Pia *?-d WeVea* JP»t paid to«ayi»rt of •we volted Filate§ or Cftaada for only tfeveuty-ftr« oeute, AddreM, :?m W**-' oj...' sv JjJMrj 1 JiE^rTY.Jn *1"'» ~7j VaAhington, Sew Jaraey. U. S. A. '.••-• ••.- r.-ru,:-.. ,.j•••'&* Qfeit Reduction in Prices I N E E lSll,f E 1# My^ w» Joor»„ •. Tar Paper, ffeft mimv-mjm *r n.fc^l 4,r- I n\ 4% pricee 'Kt r»idtK^ pjfie?* ou IfeoM, WinctQws, Blind*, Build-, fag Paper, «v I matte a few ^notation*, follow*:-" 1*'^. *1' Tar fait par vi»» eliding, ¥M...«iat.i$an Flooftnjt...:.... tfl to 83 Finish's lumber, 'M to 4S Drop aiding 35 to 30 BhingtaR 2 to 4 '. Buying my lnmbo' In the log aud liaving ft mauo •fAotnn*! aiyiadf. lAnt'euaUed tb sve .9XE, PROFIT TO ^^l^a^^itfinagtw. better 0Cadee than trJf' •f- Eli roiist, Att jmt, 1878, One^Mk oohma «AX .4S(N*»" ^'"U a*a HARNESS, Bridl VV^-. «.jj Hotliihft l»nt the Best Psnn^lvo* 1 nix Onk THuned i^eatlsoi' :v. U,e fttop,«pi0*mae Harlwar»f«W(^-.. til &>$•. !.. CAXYOSjDi?. .^iMlafefrtlaaipspt* ioaerted at lagaf aeeouat* aeltliilliMW^^-E... ootmty, wi any nM -iw^fltwep ••xtokl jM}( Order* for all tended to, tnieldy to llMtMW*. AS ar'a namy.Bgt^maMaaWift talMHMtaa.taaiaa» a a a nzmr ~?rr rmrr- BmaneSSfard#. -Sic••»• ifi/i*. sMsv«iwni BAfLBY ««IFrOMIf Attorn«y§ & CouiWon jtl L«w, ».-vxs^nlJMrooK,••»**« .ii, rfiU'g tlfV V\VWUPJtWl!M!ltltUUUSl0" a^k»#v |v tofjl^y.and Counselorat t*w, &*• -*ms1o»ittoi* HiN 'itffH.i #. ». j*«9*aLtTa.- vv, .W* iu warn* ... HURRAY & KGE?, ATTOWf^TS. ASP. q#iirSEl^f# tkW, AJjjD C^LECTINO AaiSTTB.^^ fleivit.rLy#* Cp^Uy^ Xma WI11 prsetteate «he.«caWfa «t,.I«ai.}nt„Mak' 80UTHAKI M. «., Oor, ktfU COXStJLTAI^^f FBEE^ IfiW LTM0E» ¥AaVU^ UW* OBTMIWVlb«-a l)WA4 l^ potMiaaUry.haad a rnrtniWIs ti pine lumber, whictt I will ae! Ttf ,1 ,0,Rir,B|AB% PfiYMo^TiKtoW -fev ]&•'>* HTThi beat of accommodationa for]a Real Estate and AifStrafct OfftC€. '#ft'Wt^e. fj^^feai -g6aat Ita Cnrt Bonae, Canton, D. T. r, Pa lor Oi^gait MMAAA A .»«r INSTRUCTOR.* Containing tlio cVawntn of m'isic,-witb eaay and progrensixc exerctew to perfect the player Jn ths art of Htwie} dSlu»r Piano or fftrfan to Whlcit in added ah "•..)!(•! i'^rSE, M'te.l'iv TRauE -re t*£w ,mm 1 3 Bajrltoa^Great MBRMnttte Cofiq^ jMoj m,1uW*, on the Bliaaiaeippi. Sineteetith year. About idxty expen«Mr for Vtei^ereHti, Bo«f& ^•noftots-ai'Ma «•, •ii**-.,f .i'^' '.i- '. j: Architflcft, -v^viw ma«* avaxaitaa Tbe penteiiniai 4th Has Passed"' BuL ottv •srsS'no :tx 'Mmsmwwm mmw** My aloek of .•'• tyBteA*? i', -y .T: JX. ill. B. I)ONALli80!lS| CASTOS, D.TL Beal Eataie »^S^g^'i*6eB#itiaMak' •MM to ^jac*:at^(^^oua«w,j.J}i., ~^fm. M. »I. CLABK,^ D4«» ^sibiAMJ^p"8Ul5^H T.- ^JSt T0 "Vkytmii' J*)JHSSPS, HOVSE,jJ..* ,.B.T. Ex-Officio Cotfrity^Cterk, end ifon WT'.&IM -grflidr1 toiiaai \rn HaMid)' 'l wAB UCkitonilKlTJ^ w» •»KW Bl^UAW) r. ^^W|g®S|iS|gppjrtr cwwr oiri«UK$.. 6A*O ttmevct TW ted 81 «itfr fto YOUNG MEN. initios m&x* ot^j T.»«B VT i- .-HUr I' Siodx City toChlefts^l im. 0$=r 1 mm0r: Without 4 GOODS' Zff%7 AdkjU-e^a^:,, S it a a a f^eat dSaicagoa»«:40% ^Slwylag wgi ran 1 I, •anger* leairiug Cliie^o it3Sr. tu, aMHMM^I Ctty. a* "rtO A. m. '.ri fi «itawg. 4**3 r*T iKespa^^uitf'atid tor *i»wVwira1waa» pSA a aU iKHinu lu connection wit bofs lw ii'11 Tiiiiip ... M. kSYliaWA W^f€HMAKi#& a€W6iEI^ -•ImaTiLji^aJUw .r- r'li" ar«. 1 Window*, 75 enta and upward*.' Doora, wedged, |LL00 and upwards." ifiUtuJa, SL36 fe upward#. ,PSif •J^Sfes ot.rGi&rSiqtatt, £(,g Ion non imm» -^-inP- —iL