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iV' '''■*• N • W-* • ' ms A cream of tartarbiking powder. Higheatot an n leaveaißg strength U. 8. Governmen Report, Aug. 17, \m. Royal Powder Co., ICti Wall Street, New Yoak. Bargain Store. The Cheapest place in the city for Lamps, Glassware, ♦NOTIONS,* Paints, Wall Paper. Etc. 1 am exclusive agent for KURIKO, a peerless blood purifier, and OLE-OlL),an excellent liniment. CHRISTIAN HANSON. (Successor to O. Carlson.) STOP AT THE NEW JORDAN HOUSE! W. F. JORDAN, Prop. This new brick hotel is the largest, most comfortable and best arranged house in the city. Every thing is strictly first-class. Large, pleasant rooms, elegant furniture, and the best service. WALL PLASTER YOUMANS BROS. & HODGUN3’ WILL L. RULE. Agent. North-Western THE DIRECT THROUGH LINE TO CHICAGO AND ALL OTHER POINTS ISF*!* no operated ae to meet the re qairements of through and local travel, providing fast through train* with cloaa connection* for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Den ver, San Francisco, Oregon, AND ALL POINTS IN Montana, Wasnington, Oregon, California, British Columbia. ——MM. _ £V*Palaco Sleeping and Dining Cara •re ran on all throngh trains. Colonial Sleeping Cara on overlan raina to Cali fornia and Oregon. Free Chair Cbm on the Denver Limited. For time of traina, tieketa, and all information, anply to Bta Uoa Agent* of the Chicago & North wcet •rn .‘Railway, or the General Agent at Chicago. W. A. THRALL, - Gen, Paaa, A't« W. H. NEWMAH, - - Third Vice-Prea. J.*.WHITMAN - - - General Man ■ a &AkiH 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. CALL AND SEE ;_the— ADAMANT —AT - LUMBER OFFICE. THE CHICAGO anj> RAILWAY. fSS Commissioners Proceedings. Special Session, Nov. 17,1890. (Continued from last week.) A A Pool, deputy sheriff foes, 14 10 Mattice & Mattice, md* , 25 00 M Fishback, insurance on poor farm, 52 50 Geo D Barnard & Co., blanks, 680 A A Pool, livery, 0 00 W H Harvey, fuel for court house, 200 00 W H Rod die, hardware, 25 2U WE & H A Whiting,station ery, 8 50 II V Hicks, per diem and mileage Co. Com., 8 00 Allen Smith, per diem and mileage Co. Coin., 10 70 J E Woodard, livery, 1 25 Jas F Brooke, atty’a fees, 20 00 Philo Hall, atty’s fees, 10 CK) V W Norton, carpenter work, 100 T Meyer X Co., mdse for Jos. Gregor, 20 38 Mrs A E Keniey, cleaning in judge’s office, 2 00 Caldwell & Bliss, blanks for clerk of court, 2 50 Steen & Oyloe, chairs for judges office, 7 55 Con O Leary, mileage bring ing election returns, 2 30 Albert Easton, same, 5u Lars Lenning, same, 1 00 Geo Metcalf, same, 1 00 Christoffer Halvorsen, same, 2 00 A M Hall, same, . 70 Willet Tolies, same, 1 00 R M Crawford, same, 1 00 A E Kinney, same, 2 00 P McGinnes, same, 2 50 John W Bennett, same, 2 (X) J II Raneage, same, 2 00 W Crune, same, 1 20 P »V Jackson, same, 1 80 J H Simmons, same, 1 80 • W H Bly, same, 80 Ed Ilillestad, same. 1 00 Henrv Heintz, same, 2 00 Lentz & Odegard, flour for Mrs. Stengrin Johnson, 2 85 Lentz & Odegard, brooms for court house, 1 50 Stella Winslow,stenographer fees, 79 50 Ole Thompson, mileage and bringing election returns, 1 10 James McVey, mileage and bringing election returns, 220 P J Knudson, mileage and bring election returns, 2 60 Lake Hendricks civil twp. treas. cash paid for board and care of J. Wood (poor) 75 00 Brown & Saenger, books, 48 00 Geo W Hurd, witness fees, circuit court, 4 00 Knud J Dokken, fuel for Mrs. Stengrin Johnson, 2 00 Joe McDonald, papering of fice of circuit judge, 12 10 I) L Palmer, boarding prison ers O’Brien, 7 50 Augustus Davis, fuel for Mrs. Swartz, 6 50 J A Owen, house rent for Mrs. Stengrin Johnscn, 8 00 J A Owen, house rent for Mrs. Stengrin Johnson, 12 00 Thrond E My fire, board ami care of Mrs. Thom My hi e and cash for railroad ticket to Minnesota, 31 00 J L Pratt, printing, 18 00 L M Whiting, clerk hire, 65 (X) WITNESS FEES, OUCTTIT COURT, SEP TEMBER TERM, ’B9O. N E Camiiie, 2 20 Ed Davis, 2 20 J F Habei, 2 80 Ole Knutson, J 10 M O Mehl, 2 60 David Stapleton, 5 10 A J Strom ine, 1 80 A H Wintermute, 4 10 Ole Knutson, 1 10 JURORS FEES, CIRCUIT COURT, SEP TEMBER TERM, 1890, Arthur Howell, 3 70 Oluf M Olson, 8 80 Oluf J Panlb, 8 80 Win P Biggar, 7 80 F A Pond, 5 40 T Q Loveland, 4 10 M L Palmer, 10 10 Ole P Simonson, 15 (X) Geo G Rudge, 4 10 Andrew Caine, 10 10 G F Aldrich, 7 80 Chas. Ask, 5 30 Andrew Colliton, (J 40 Allen Smith, 5 70 H S Porter, 4 7() G J Sanderson, 4 70 J Winters, 6 (X) B E Pay, 4 10 8 B Stott, 2 00 M E Donohue, 15 30 Peter Clarin, 7 (X) James Nelson, ]fl 80 Louis Peterson, 19 fg) David Stewart, 15 60 Gottfried Neltshi, 13 20 J P Johnson, 14 20 Michael Culhane, 15 901 Mp Iver E Steen, 16 80 Helga Bonnes*, 14 00 Joseph Brooks, 4 10 Horace Bray ton, 7 80 Paige Downing, 14 10 Joel M Eastwood, 3 00 D L Day, 12 20 A H Wintermute* 2 00 HEGudehus, 12 10 P W Jackson, 3 80 Helga Bortness, 3 (X) V W Norton, J 4 00 Hans E Steen, 5 50 H V Hicks, 4 10 do 81(X G G Rude, 2 00 Chris Adams, 14 20 H V Hicks presented his bond as overseer of the juior farm and the same w&s approved by the board and filed with the auditor. Board, on motion, decided to re. ceive bids at the January session for «* a physician for the poor house. The following claims were reject ed: Theo & Maggie Christian, wit ness fees in circuit court, 20 80 Nugent & Brown, blank book, 12 (X) On motion adjourned sine die. Allen* Smith, Attest: Chairman. W. H. Cornell, Co. Auditor. The Century For December. The December Century is mote 44 Christmasv ” than is usual with that magazine, there being a Christmas story by Joel Chandler Harris, and a Christmas poem by President Henry Morton, of Stephens Institute, while the editor in 44 Some Christmas reflec tions’'says that perhaps the readers may find as much of the true Chris tian feeling in Dr. Abbott's article “Can a Nation Have a Religion?” and 111 the article on “Record of Vir tue,” as in the more ostensibly Christmas “features” of this number of the Century. The frontispiece is a striking head, “Dahne,” by Geo. W. Maynard in the “Century Series of American Pictures,' and the opening paper is General Bid well’s account of 44 Life in California Before toe Gold . Dis covery.” Here is also published “ Ranch and Mission Days in Alta California:” these two a» tides showing with what thoroughness the Century’s new and important series is being carried out. After the Autobiography of Jeffer son, the famotyt comedian, it is inter esting tc read in this number the views on acting by Tommaso Sulviiia, the greatest of living tragedians. Other illustrated papers are Mr. Maclay’s “ Laurels of the American Tar in 1812,” and the second of Mr. Rockhill’s series on Tibet, this 01 e being called “The Borderland of China.” Further topics treated are 44 Trees in America,” •* The Railway Zone- Tariff of Hungary,” and k 4 Higher Education: a Word to Women,” the latter an open letter by Miss Joseph ine Lazarus. Children Are always liable to sudden am! severe colds, to croup, sore throat, lung fever, etc. Remedies, to-be effective, must be admin istered without delay. Nothing is tetter adapted for sucli emergencies limn Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. It soothes the inflamed membrane, promotes expectoration, relieve* coughing, and induces sleep. The prompt uso of tins medicine has saved innumerable lives, both of young and old. “ One of my children had croup. The case was atteuded by our physician, and was sop. posed to lie well under coiilrol. One night I was startled by the child’s hard breathing and on goiug to it found it It had nearly ceased to breathe. Realizing that the child’s alarming condition had be come possible in spite of the medicine It had taken, I reasoned that such remedies would he of no avail. Having a part of a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave the child three doses, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child** breathing grew easier, and in a short time It was sleep ing quietly and breathing naturally. Th« child is alive and well to-day, and l do not hesitate to say that Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral saved its Ufe.”-C J. Wooldridge, Wortham Texas. trip- For colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and the early stages of consumption, take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, DB. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Maaa. Sold by all Druggfcta. PHce $1; six bottle., $6. Htjiftumh Moisture; intense itching and stinging: most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to contlnu tumors fonn, which often Meed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swine's Ointment atop* the Itching and blooding, hen!* ulceration, and in most case* remove* the tumor* v J ' c i . Strangling. mtCPAICKD BT P*U»I Piles! Ichtfi'j a >f -nil 1 1 KjßlHfl 7 * B**4 for Drouth Suflhrurn. Wawiinoton. Dec. H.—As h result ol a number of letters on the subject re* ceived by Sensors Henderson, Ingalls and others, Senator Ingalls Introduced a joint resolution to appropriate a sum of money (not named) to purchase seed to bo distributed among the citizens of Kansas and Nebraska suffering from the recent drouth. To Vnwiil Twvnty-two. Concord, N. H„ Dec. B.—The house judiciary committee has voted unani mously to recommend that the names of twentv-two members—twelve Demo crats auu ten Republicans—be stricken from the roll of th»* Advices from ruzerouiu are to the effect that the Armenian insurgents in Silicia have obtained several successes against thp Turkish troops. The insur gents are mountaineers who bad main tained their independence of the sultan for centuries, and until within about twenty years, when a Turkish garrisou was established among them. A betrothal is being arranged lie tween the 10-year-old Wilhelinitte of Holland, and the hereditary prince of Nassau. William, heir to the duchy of Luxembourg, who is now years old. The object of the alliance is to prevent Luxembourg from falliugintothe hands of Germany, and to preserve it as a part of the kingdom of Holland, as it was before the death of the late King William. Congressman Haugen lias agreed to allow the contest for the River Ralls, Wis., postofitce to be decided by a bul let of Republicans. Saturday, Dec. tt. The candidates are Charles Ellis, Will iam E».-*ign, Olaf Halls and (ieorge Reed. The present incumbent, Rod McGregor, is a Democrat, but as he is very popular he is allowed to enter the contest, and if bo receives a majority of the votes cast will la? recommended. Mr. Parnell's manifesto is received with general surprise us being irrele vent to the issue, and a mere burst of self-glorification. Interviews with sev eral protniuent Liberals at the cluba reveals tlie belief that Mr. Parnell has played his last card, and alienated him self forever from the English Liberals, with whom no alliance c*m ever agaiu bo a for l»y him. They regard him as perfect egotist and a sneak. It it, stated that Mr. Gladstone is preparing a reply to Mr. Par nil. The president has amxmited a com mission to select a sight tor a govern ment dry dock at some jtoint on the Gulf of Mexico. The commission con sists of Capt. F. M. Dunce. U. S. N., president; (’ol. O. D. Comstock, corps of engineers. U. 8. A.; Sidney Per ham, of Maine; David T. Little,* of Illinois: Lieut. R. M. G. Drown, U. 8. N. PETER M. OIEN.E MERCHANT TAILOR. UP STAIRS IN THE ALLISON BUILDBN Good Stock of Piece Goods. Fine Line of fcieaa , able Goods * . „ i -i, . *>&■ WE GUARANTEE FIRST-GLASS WCRK AND REASONABLE PRICES- Brookings, - - S.J GRAND PREMIUM OFFER! WORKS OF CHARLES 111® In Twelve Large Valumest S» b r ‘‘ bTumf* tillage in wW J * 3 <’n\fiLE« dicki ns. „ 4 . t , ()f pii-kfiti’ works «Wf '" bw «tjf premium t<» our suVcrlber* in handsomely print. d froai entirely n*w P»J% n | lic fc iip Tlw tvelra Tdlnmei eontAh the following world-famous works, e»cb <^ oUl tubed C'+rv lefC' uitcha’igt'd, ami absolutely unauridge l: DAVID COPPERFIELD, BARNABY RUDCE AND CHRI MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT. STORIES, rnEAT EX# NICHOLAS NICKELBY. OLIVER TWIST AND CBEAI DOMBEY AND SON TATIONS, , TY SHOP ** BLEAK HOUSE, TI tme%JOOMMERcTaLTRA^S LITTLE DORRiT, A T TALE OF TWO CITIES. HAj OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, A viMes AND THE MYS teR PICKWICK PAPERS, g/wiN DROOD. * The nlmvo are without question the nuwt lamuns novtle that were rv. r J worffl* r £!\r tl,ry ‘l,* 7 ,mv 2 h<wn ‘Hobmtml in every nook awl u.?. .V « ! «•«•*» t »WMWMto»| homes in America n-t yet supplied 1 , r , t ill l , 8 V l C T t ~f ,lm ,MM ’krf preventing people in moderate riivnmsi* all ,i» ! ,fU w i‘ mv * n to tim iiso of modern improved prmjlu*. ‘'JJ, w the b; in.mhineiy, tho extremely low price of white paper, ami tin great *.<*» 1 , aruoualbllml to offer to our subscriber* and reader* a «‘‘t i,f ‘ with a ’lw which all can aff ml to pay. Every homo iu the laud tuny m>w he «»PI •f tlm great luitlir’* work*. 7 " THE BROOKINGS COUNTY SENTINEI ANI) THIS COMPLETE.SET OF WOBKS FOB J 2.15- ‘ A ... ■ .‘yJdji ;* * •' '. !*!”**■' ' “ S Aft'-!' • "•» ' fW.iP ; A. SET OF THE 4 waoe Hampton Zj h Tk« South i ; •«! fcjr HU ] Columbus, 8. c v '****•l “ gram received here J Wade Hampton *&*** | J ington conuty, Mis* Jy hih McDujJ g lc^3 son, it seem h, shot towaHu 9 pounded him in . #hot diking his eye Juft . f v fr, are not belied it is not thought likelv ***3 | locality where few years ago lost onejf uf 5 j rrr- !°UTHoS Solid Trains ; , »etwxw I ,3t vfcgfcJ»gß?*e«!H»**] Through Sleepers” and Ctei | BF.TWKHX A7B AS CITY, MIHHEAIULIBU,»k ZOHIA, CEDAR RAPIDS AND SIOUX Ji CHICACO AND CEDAR Dam V l» the F* JnouiXll>*rtl*»i(2j^ THE SHORT UN *~tf> SPIRIT l-tNUfI Tho Great lowa 6umni«r|J For RaJlway and Hotel Rita w Pamphlets an.l allinformaS. S Oeu'l Tlcjfot and PtflamwTfrf FOR CHEAP HOME l Oa Mae of this road In NorthvMd j >'>»rtheuatem Mlnnesot*. and CcntndM T bare drought and crop fffinwl! I thousands of choice acres of land mb Local Excursion rates (riven. For Ml matlon as to prices of land md i addressUenlTicketands mSSll All of the Passenger Trains oo it f 5 of this Hallway ar o heatedby s-4ah engine and the Main Lino DsyTa are llirhUHl with tho Eloctrtclißfc’* Maps, TLmo Tal deg. Through mtte vA formation furnished on apiUimion tail 1 iotects on sale over this route at aflat! points in the Union, and by its Aiwa pivrM of tho United States and Oaota. 1 *a*ror announcements of Excunm] and local matters of interest, pfcesK the local columns of this paper. ,VEB « <l. l. HANNtU 1 r**’t AGta'iUup-t. OealTtUh CEDAR fiaßlOa. IOWA. r i a