OCR Interpretation

Saturday news. (Watertown, S.D.) 19??-19??, May 28, 1909, Image 10

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2001063549/1909-05-28/ed-1/seq-10/

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—in the baking
that is where "Calumet
Bakiiv* I'owdcr proves
its superiority its
wonderful raising power its never-failing ability
to produce the must delicious baking and its
economy. In the baking that is the only way
you can successfully test it and compare it with 'he
hi pricc kinds. You cannot discredit these
statements until you have tried
the only high grade baking powder schin^ at a moderate
cost. S1,(M)O.OU offered to anyone finding the ieait
truce of impurity, i:s the baking, ranged by t.alume'
JIC your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet*
Received Highest Award World'* Pure
Food Exposition, Chicago, 1907.
It Will Pay You to Ad=
vertise in the News
Remember, When
You Need Livery
UR specialty is first-class
livery in every respect. Just
call up J. J. Ballou, Bur
lington Barn, phone main
Hack day or night. Phone orders
promptly attended to. Next time you
need livery give me a trial and I will see
that you are perfectly satisfied. That's
my business.
Jas. J. Ballou
Burlington Barn Phone Main 597
Watertown Feed Mill
Whole and Ground Feed
at Wholesale and Retail
A complete line of feed—all kinds—best to be found
in Watertown. Orders promptly filled aud deliv
ered to any part of the city.
farmers, we want your Oats, Barley
and Speltz. Highest Market Prices.
Geci£ C. Ostrander
Second St. N. E. Phone Main 637
Veterinary Surgeon.
Treats all Diseases ot.Animals. Horse
Dentisiru a Specialty.
lone Green 348,
I It rained Friday!
Local Happenings.
I P. N. Larson of Florence was a
live city visitor Friday.
9 room house at 210 5th st. n. e.
for sale. Lee Stover. -18-50
Mrs. E.E. Cooper attended the
May Festival at Mitchell last week.
Do you want a homestead along
the new line of the & St. L. R.
R7 We can locate you where the
•water is good and no waiting for
the lottery, first choice now. 50c
per acre when you prove up. We
can locate you close to the railway
line on the best land west of the
river. If you wish to get in on
this you will have to hurry. Le-
Beau Land and Loan Co., LeBeau,
S. D. (.46-49)
C.T. King of Brookings was a
live city business visitor Friday.
1 Paul Hanson of Sioux Falls was
the city Firdav
on business.
Cottages for sale on monthly
payments. Lee Stover. 48-50
Supt. G. VV. Nash of the city
schools of Aberdeen was in the city
Friday last.
Miss O'Laughlin who teaches
school at Hayti visited with Wa
tertown friends over Sundav.
We cure appendicitis without the P'^e
knife. Drs. Schoolcraft, Osteo-
Thursday evening last for Seattle,
Wash., where they will visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Daley left
Friday for a six weeks trip in the
east. While away they will visit
Niagara Falls and the great lakes.
Dean,who's Dean?, Dean is the
people's painter. Just give him
a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone No. red 406. 48tf.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stutenroth
left Saturday for Aberdeen to at
tend the May festival held in that
city, and also to visit their son
Carl who is in business there.
Mrs. Chas. Fischer of Glencoe,
Wis., is in the city visiting at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. E.E.
Fischer. She is Dr. Fischer's
Arthur Kelley commenced his
new duties as brakeman on the St.
Louis Friday. He resigned his
position at Schaller's some few
days ago.
Wanted horses and cattle to pas
ture—Horses $3.00 cattle $1.50 per
season. Good pasture with running
water. 7 miles east of Watertown
on the J. W. Martin farm. W.J.
Korth. (47-49)
Harry Dickenson, who has been
spending part of his vacation with
friends here, left Friday for Balla
ton, Minn,where he will spend the
remainder of his vacation with his
The Y. W. C. A. social held in
the parlors of the Methodist church
last Wednesday evening was an en
joyable affair, and in spite of the
rain, was attended. by a large
Adjt. Gen. Englesby went to St.
Paul last week end to consult with
the commander-in-chief at Fort
Snelling, making arrangements
for the coming of the regulars to
Camp Roosevelt next July.
Mrs. D. F. Condon of Denver,
Col., and little son,are in the city
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. T. Dunn. They.will re
main here several weeks.
Dunn is Mrs. Condon's aunt.
South Dakota farmers haven't
much to kick about, now that the
dry season prophesied by the
weather prophet has busted up.
Last Friday didn't look much like
a dry season. It looked like a
day out of a tropical wet season.
Father Twohig of Lennox, S n..
arrived here Friday last where
he will spend a few days the guest
of Fr. O'Meara. Rev. Twohig
preached in the Catholic church
Sunday morning, taking for his
theme the work and object of the
of C*
a couple of cars to thrown into
the ditch. The train arrived here
two o'clock Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spencer have
-'ft California on their way home,
after spending the winter atEngle
wood and Long Beach, Cal. They:
will visit at Salt Lake City and!
Denver on their return journey, I
and expect to arrive in this city
this week sometime.
Miss Essie Bates, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates of this
city who, is taking vocal work in
Minneapolis, has received much
favorable comment from Minnea
poiis critics on the occasion of a
recent recital in which she sang
a number. Her many friends here!
proud of her success.
The Modern Brotherhood of!
America at their regular meeting
!ast Friday took in eight new ap
plications the, result of Deputy'
Burt's work for the order in this
city. A special meeting will be
neld shortly, at which the new
members will be adopted and ini
tiated. The prospects for the M.
1!.A. look very bright.
Tom Davis often known as
"Lord" Davis,because of his royal
descent and dignified bearing and
W'.B. Cannon had a big haul of
le a as
They cau
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Clapp left'holding a parish in the southern
T. C. Murphy, J. H. Conley and is of the opinion that the live city
Nick Steichen went to Bristol
Friday to assist in the installation
of a court of the Catholic order of
Foresters in that city.
TheS. 'Central «as delayed
about ten hours Thursday last by a
freight wreck three miles north
of Sinai. The wreck, was caused
by a broken wheel, which caused
ht 33
paths. 43tf small. This is the bigarest haul
,, ithis season Mr.Davis used the
Contractor Gray has commenced hath as a storage reservoir until
work on the excavations for the, catch was distributed among
foundations of the new high school, i,
P' e, large and
For Sale—Rich black dirt, 50 Father Lauer formerly pastor of
cents per load. L. h. Archer, |1(? Immaculate Conception Church
phone Red 46o. 48-ol.
live city, but who has been
part of the state for several years,
has accepted a call at Waverly this
county and and will have charge!
of the parish at that place. Fath-!
er Lauer has hosts of friends in
Codington county who will heartily!
welcome his return.
Fred M. Bronson wili open aj
wholesale jewelry house in this!
city inside of a month. He has
made the necessary arrangements
in regard to capital and stock and
presents a fine field for such a bus
iness. Mr. Bronson for the pres
ent will open a general repair shop
at once on Midway, in the store
recently occupied by Ed Troeh.
Later he will move into more com
modious quarters.
F. E. Burk of New Richland,
Minn., will take the place of R.
H. C. Hodgson as manager of the
Atlas elvator company of this city.
Mr. Hodgson has not yet decided
what he will do. He says he has
several good offers, but hardly
knows which one to choose. In the
meantime he will think it over,
take it easy and rest up a little.
He says collecting coal bills in
summer is strenuous work.
The U. S. regulars who will go
into camp this summer at the lake
will march from their present
quarters at Fort Snelling to the
camp, making a walk of 200 miles,
about a ten days tramp. This is
part of the training required by
the authorities, to better fit the
men for active service, should such
be required. The men will return
to Fort Snelling by rail. Tne men
will carry the equipment they
should wear if they were actually
on the warpath.
Wm. Honeywell arrived in the
city last week from McPhearson
county, the Big Meadow Country,
near Lemmon where he and his
family have ..been holding down
a claim for the past year. Mrs.
Honeywell and little daughter are
still residing on the claim. Mr.
Honeywell sold his residence pro
perty on the north side this spring
and will build in this city again as
soon as he can find a lot that suits
The band concert was Kelci Thurs
day evening instead of Friday
this week, and was attended by a
big crowd The boys gave one of
the finest programs they have ever
presented, and by special request
again played the "Maritana Over
ture." There is one thing that
detracts from the pleasure of the
concerts, and that is the behavior
of lot of hoodlums and half fledged
gazoos who think the thing to do
at a band concert is to whoop it up,
make all the noise possible and
generally interfere with the pleas
ure of those who come to the con
cert to hear the music. If the"po
lice would see to it that this kind
.of thing is put a stop to, it would
be better. The city pays for the
music and the proper officials
should see that these hoodlums
keep the peace,
Bottled Only at the
St. Louis, U. S. A.
be punished for
their bad behavior. If an example
were ^ade of one or two it would
.soon put an end to the!" nuisance.
"That's the Reason They Feel So Fine"
Look at them Those young men of America! Every limb
muscle pulsing with strength and vigor—the red sap of life bounding
through their veins in a flood of surging health and power. Are
these the type of the coming time—the men who shall rule the future
—are not these also the type who know the charm and cheer
social and dietetic value of
The King of All Bottled Beers
Every glass of it is a source of health and power. It satisfies the ..w,
thirst, it brightens the mind, it develops energy and gives vigor to ||g
every organ of the body. For ages the tonic properties of barley and
hop beer have been known, and its absolute wholesomeness has
given strength to countless generations of the most victorious nations.
The Most Popular Beer in the World
Security National Bank
Watertown, South Dakota
Nationalized Four Years Ago
4 per cent interest on savings accounts
and certificates.
Our business has steadily increased until
we now have deposits of
Quarter of a Million Dollars
and 750 Depositors
Are you one of them
to be.
ED. LAMM, Pres.
W. B. RYALLS, Cash.
There is an occasional drug store
,,,,, where the trade of which is so ex
tensive as to require that the stock
of drugs and medicines be wholly
complete. This store is of that kind,
and hence a good store to go to
is needed.
Distributor «•.•-.
Watertown, S. D.
If not, you ought
Safety deposit boxes for rent. Protected
by the American Bank Protection Co.'s
burglar alarm.
H. M. FINNEHUD, V. Pres.
H. M. HANTEN, Asst. Cash
When it Comes to
Printing try the
If It Is^Drugs!
anything in drugs
We have what id wMit
ing the newest remedies that phy
sicians prescribe and the quality
and freshness of everything is as
Bentson's Drug Store

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