1 'V
1 -0% 5
1 4
VI. •.
i\M lr-:r^i
E' .'.
iiiffi 4s»
23,06?.' 21773,
r%c& ^^^'inf^m^ft^ar
w^UTints" JJe^rlng the following
nuj^$& £t$witrl,' (The word "to"
In' '1®#T~toltowing: enumeration 1B In
tended io.»,mean tp and ijaolndlng).
•6U tfMtS&f*
$R&2250l/ 2250^ 225t»fr to 225)8, 22510.
225X5 to 22518, 22520 to 22532, 225&6
to 22538, 22540 to 22543, 22549, 22582,
22654, 225S& to 22560, 2256ft to 22621,
22623, 22624, 22626 to 22628," 2?640 to-D.1912.'
22657, 22659, 22668 to 22684, 22686 to
"22700, 22702 to* 22705, 22707 to 22749,
.22751 to 22761, 22763! NEW SERIES.
Nos. 1 to 63, 65 to 146, 148 0» 213 and.
Whereas," the said indebtedness of
said City upon^the said interest bear
ing warrants, a jart o£ which were
issued jrior to May 1,1912/ under the
charter government of said City, am
ounts in th^aggregate td the sum of
"$26,131,32 fAce and interest in about
the sum of $1,000.00 _a,nd the said
-warrants do now constitute-** legal,
tblndlng, subsisting, valid and out
standing indebtedness against said
-City, bearing interest at the .rate Of,
Seven per cent per annum
Section 1. That tor the purpose
-j»arof refunding the^-warrant indebted
jpfness evidenced* by the warrants in the
preamble hereof enumerated, now
outstanding and registered, the said
•City of Watertown issue tt*e negoti
able bonds of and in the name, of said
iCity in an amount euaieienttarefuqji
'tbje said warrants with interest there
in at the date of such refunding, but
not exceeding, however, Jt» sum Of
Section 2. That all'of said bongs
'Shall be in denomination ot $1,000.00
«acft shall be numbered •IJfcoJW con
secutively shall bear date October 1,
1912 shall be payable to bearer at
the citizens National Bank ot Water
stown, '8outh Dakoiitj 'shall* bear in
terest at the Tate ^f live per cent
jer annum, payable annually on Oc
tober 1st of each yeai" and shall Uave
4ntere&t: coupons for such'Interest at
-tacBea that of asch teaJiTftSr&st
-three in number aggregating* 9$4H0.0
•chnii be "payable and redeemable on
or beforeitjctober J," 1817, and three
~bonds terisecttavety numbered shall
lie redeemable In the aggregate of
33,00'6.00 per year for each year there-
After, itayable on or before October
'lit of each, year thereafter for
total period ot 9 years* including the
•yetcr 1917 that all of sttch bonds and
coupons shall be signed,by the.:Mayo^
"and attested- by the City "Auditor of
"the City of Watartownji South Dakota,
and the sealj&f such City shall be si
-Brad- to each bondi Each bond shall
reMjte upon ltSs~ac«r the purpose for
whlcB tt fifisbued and each bond shall
•before being delivered to the purchas
er bepresented by the City Auditor to
the City Treasurer who shall register
-the same in a book tor that purpose
jind known as the ^Bond Register,"
,and the City Treasurer shall execute
*& certificate ot such registration upon
each" of sach bonito
Section 8, -That ttu£h bonds #nd
«conpons shall be .substanttatly^ltt. the,
Ifolipwlng form, td-wtt:
gon .OP BONiy^
^State "of Sfljftth Dakota,''
f^^Uir^en ^Thesr»reBentii:
rf Wat**town, i^ tb*
'(Clfe^brEpf c^ingt^fr. afld $
gaptil^ Hakota, "for wlue rec^iVed,
VJI? at-'to my iAJpMKKT flS»,sttto. of
pflo^dB'tin ocbefoefe^st^Sr^,
with interest th^«bt 'the rats
'glpt per' Jr^i
And-4|it^iav^as *fore«ald, the w»w^
i^i^^fies of si# Cl|y :agp#rebj
neltber the indebtedness
$ a A
the collection 'of K'aireet iwawrtM^
suQcient to pay this bon^i s^d, t5|$r
est h^reoflj as tl^e Sgjtnfe matnr^ ^g|°
'Tn -wifewrs" Wfcereof ~Uie^ Ol»n»f
Witertown by -and through its Board
of Commission's has wanted this
febnd and t^e
to be signed By^U Mayorland attest
ed' by its Cityi. Auditor and tbe seal
of such City of .Watertown affixed tg
such 1ond this iBt day of October, V"
City of Watertown, South Dakota,
Attest: m?
city' kudtebr.
(Seal ot City of Wat^town, South
No...lR.,,. '{„, -jrWsfe
On the 1st day of October, A.
19... .. The City of Watertown, S9Btb
Dakota, will pay to bearer (50.00 at
the Citizens National Bafek of Wa
tertown, South Dakota, /for interest
due on that day on its refunding bond
No. dated October 1, 1912^0
which tty* coupon 5 attached.
If the bond to which this coupdn'is
attachfed shall be called and paid be
fore njatuiity of this coupon this cou
pon shall ~be/null and void. a.
Dated this 1Ut day of October, A.
ft 1012.
,^City Auditor.
(KOIM Q^TRfiASti^^^^ttTite
State of South Dakota^
C&unty "of Codin^?n, SS,
City of WAlSrttnfrn,
Ci^r of Watertown, Sbuth Dakota,
'does hereby certifv that this ^ond
was, before the. delivery thereof to
purchaser, i^peseiited to me by the
pity Auditor of Watertown, and was
registered by m© In the book kept, in,
my office^fot sthis purpose^ and.IpM^m
as the "Bond Register."^ \t
^Witness my hand thls-^ttS. ,^ay gt
October,' A^'p. 191*4$*'
City Trtfavtet.
Section 4.- That as soon as may be
after the -^iassage ot this resolution"
tl&^fpid bonds shall be printed and
executed by 'JSSsvMayor .gnd- Auditor
of ^Jity as herein 'provldei. and
shall be sold by,the Board of Con£
missioneffi upon A'-majority/ vote of
.all members fleeted, to tlib highest
bidder or bidders, at a price-abt less
than the par value thereof and ac
.crued interest ^eren.np to Che time ot
sale, and the proceeds pt such sale
shall be applied solely to the pay
ment of the outstanding and floating
warrant'indebtedness of the City ot
W&tertown hereby ordered refunded
or such bond- may. be exchanged at
not less than par value with accrued
interest, for ^ot.fcas than an' equal
amount at par value .with accrued
intel-est of the Warrants hereby or
dered refused, but in either cata. no
bond 'so i^ned sludl. be delivered to
the ^purchaser until a: like* amount of
the warrants refunded are euawnder
ed and cancelled.
Section 5. T^fiat In order to provide
for the tf&ilection of a aiMifct annual
.tax sufficient to the intere»t on
said bpnrts as t£& fall due and afto
to pay and dIscharg^ tl»B. principal
thereof ft the Kua.'turl^ tiiereet)|J»|r^
\u berely levied upon aU (the.j^Kans
property In ttff,Clty of WatehtfW1
foUowing ^irect annual tax, to be
for" 1^ tte annual
J^e attached"lntei«i coupons
^rerslly mat«re JW»th prln-
And for the prompt
bond. bottJjprtn^Vii ye^tjlfw^cti^
a tax-sufficient
raise fl»0 for me payment of UV
Mid bond#'accruing Octal
1, l^ind tor
If^^t W&Nfj
-¥p* tficgears ft
^"iV 4^"
1 \(^Jf **,„ 4 «*,.{***
*-^f*%fSi*St *®V \**'jjfc*£k.V."^ #&
kmA mpMfyi
year lW13tt.
'th» fMt Mlfc
oo ^hMt attar
|u« Apprfised by
of ^ramis
l«th, A. O, 1««
1«th. IM*?'
Sootti Dakota Farmtrt
0HS""W!U ^ver
wks sustained in Soitth -Dakota the
present year by planting .poor seed
corn. If the loss cout& ie compnted
ft would run In n^tU^ls of bmbels.
Ask almost any farmer why jiejbas
such a poor, stand and Uey ^*111
nearly ^invariably, answer ta a
single word.r^-'Cnt-Xvonns.'^H
Well, Cutfworms have destroyed a
g^eat many acres of corn this year
but all the poorlistands can n'ot b^.
lald^ ttt hij|, doori Poor \|e«^l 'ias
probably'' ha4' as mnck to thft.
poor Btatads its bave that -#t cut
wormtf It Is -much more -sasy to
control'tfie* seed than It is to »ntrol
cut-w^rms. An article wQl wOn^' ap
pear Ui these columns -on/'Cnt-wbrms"
S'or the present I wlsji to/c^n(^terJ|,
question of good se$d cort\§^^
the first essential in securing gSod
*e«d corn is to select ears that have
ripe prioA: toJtlie average time
our first frost In the Central part
o/ the state the fU*t frost usually ob
cura about September 15th Seed
cern in that part of the Jtale .i&ould
tiferefore be setecUd prior 4o that
date.. If it 'does not Jfrorft tMll Oc
»r Utr, «nd se^d. vl^kUtg%
.^•erreTiiitU thlt iHmeJms^e^l
«?U1 be sele^AJUMit wero.^Mtt ripe at
this average-rone of the frost and the
pfttttfcblUtles are that the plants from
thMe Mrs trill ill get nipped by thO
frtwi^tke IfoWwing^ypar^^iie ten
den«|^lla. to select the!largest ears,,
Thihaxfwt ears get. ripe {«|b and if
one^- wi(tS- until after tli%fint tcost
to select hb seed corfe, if J^ost comes
thaia usual, he is Vex^Uable to
'^ave his corn trost bitten.-"^
/in 'seating l|| eay o?J|#4 coA
^rom t^e st!ilk,''re&ember tw^ all tho
coro from, that uu next yel^will re
semble very
-the ?lpracterls-
of the seiai it ii
a large stalk neartyJ jjlU^ the stalks
n^ct yeir, VriQ^be Jargft if -the ear
haft a lei|gv£h*ak, ^eUcally^all thft
shanks wiSl be lobg "test year if the
seed ear droops -on 'the stalk, a}l of
its progeny will droop. Inf short the
ci^arajcteristies of the entire plant wlll
be' reflected in next year*! Crop.
Select ah ear that is ripe, Select on
ear that is" growing on &~stalk jusjt
high enough
husk easily^ Select
'an ear th&t droops enougii to shed
v^at^r easily. Select an ear that is
filled out' well on the "tip and -butt
Th.e n«ct, and most Important stefo
of all, is to thoroughly .dry it Jo
not throw It down in & pile, to jfry
because if yon do it will h^it and its
germination will then- be poorer than
tSrib eora.*,4A good plan Iji to tie the
ears toketl^ Vfith stout1 cord atifc
nang tWn in an airy place Wheije
they will rapidly dry out. But ih t^
tog Utem car$ should b| taken thki:
thesr^ears w»ch -^ackk othef.
There are many seed eom racks on
the matket at this ttmte. .They are Ml
'gWd an^'^lei^ tlitefe'^pt#tpose a%
AJtter tb«! s^ i* fth^iuBnghly dry,
l\ slKnild never be allowed to become
damp afterward.. fn^Bzin^damp c6tn
iS'ivhat idlls'the g»$& should be
•toned for, yrivtoer. i^th^xdri^st plt^
& $b*f preitillMHi. tlpsi: freezing wt
mt injni^' p^Ffedtf 'fcr seed cook'
,.^ -V tr
«.«- 1, 11 i" ?"L» "9*
(nfr/ -sS«4, 4W «t"
%. $
t\ -4 *$ 1*^'»| %%PflPgfe«J5
«Ktse uTtU pHtii* ttWMUft «Mtl
1iitM«Betia» to What Ot* KltitiMl Qvn,:
Vabeftls, 1^ has.bseft.wt ettsbllilli^
instltntion- in Ute stats for tMNtoi
trekti ahd^fta M^ttttUott as the mm
tbiag of i^ilkind bt the World has g«m»
far sad f4le over the Satire country.
T^er# ere, ^er t^ew persons in th*
Mate today, "Who j^ve not antic tp si ted
£Mp to thU grand entertainment a^
soms Htoe or- aurMher. To' those
them who tare failed to cAftfy that
jtattdpation, '^b#, JnvluUon la «k£endj
,«d this year *ltb„the afiurance thijt
,the|:»lpfe i(ltalr ^|,be"i« otwfflp
pi expense. ,rM: '^iv
phlef (iiRong -^J.nilir'-'fiMktures
far is tile aeffcllO.OSfr Europsp:
gpp^rom«^|^ ]Hm
^ihy.:^f'.tbe ^t^lots and'hisb QIM^%
featb^ attraction obtainable. Thiii.
magniOcent show wtjJL be pMiented
twice jiaily and will bie shown oh the
newly entarged |t^4 of thr corn pal
ace building. TMT hlppodroij^e^ will
consist ot ien b|g, acts In*ld£ and
three grand -fr#«!/street attractions,
It combines the feature acts of the
best vaudeville la tbe world with stat'
performers garnered from fottr cOr^l
nera of tbe 'circus 'weirld.
The Congres# Cabaret orch^ttrt, thT
pride of Chicago, win *lso play twe
dally concerts In1-' tie 'corn palace. If
This is an aggregation ~qt musicians,
every one of whiol^is a 'S^loUt and
dtbtinct' artist .ilLlws line/ 3frie coff^
jeerts ,byjfli»"wcliestr^ y|«'be Inter
spersed wlthltlje hippodrdme show.
vThe decoration of 'the corn palace
buildihg^wityt ekcell s^ytbing thls yelMr,
^ver ftefore ?ttempt*d.! At a cosfl!jf
$5,000.00 it r{il p«s^t to &• Me.:-.
versity, vho has ^Mul oharge'-'iif the
decorating for many years pk&t bis
again been indifced to superintend t|^
•k. His design wi$':le^|4autyjmd
city ot decoratlon and.the 0%)^.
beyond lmmdng^fon to describiC^
Six silver, cornet bands from i|UNb
e^t sections of the state have been
enlaged i^d' two 'of be oi
diity every day of the w£ek. They
will me^t all jttalns and will play
dally concerts ~on .street
In addlUon to the, unusually attra«j&
lve corn piiaoe Show, the street ca?4
ftttglf section-Eas not beevoveriooked.
part oi the event be gtMfc
er and grander than ever. The "Main
Drag" will be replete with ihe
^lons rtb 'dear to the b^irt, of
ftlvil goer. Nothing has btmt Omjls
demaksd taff
space tbiit year by street attra^tioiH^
that tbe committee was enabled, to!
DMk« an wMsuallyVi^od H^oUmiy.
"The city1Of Mitchell its^U hu made'
such Improvements in the past year
triat,vtt wilj. hardly l^'recOgnis^ble.
The new cement paying on Kola St
extends from ^he liilwatScee toj-thc'
Northwestern depots and thls ls ftankrj
ed %y the new system of cluster boule
vm^ lights Which makes the finest
appealing nuOn street in the state.
Every effort has been made and
every convenience for the entertain
ment of the guests of the city corn
palace week has been provided tor.'
There wlll be plenty of shade and'
water for all and the city will be:
Ibrown open to those who come tori
the greatest week of pleasure In tha
ilristory jot tbe city. Cs?'^
Jtajure damp
are the
Vmr-tntu si «m
used to
*ore«, -ma
or cold
by local applications, a* they «wttocf
reach the disease* portion of the ear!
There Is OPly one way to cure deafness
and that is by, constitutional tgttedtafe:
Deafness Is caused by an inflsnyMl oott
dltlon of the mucons linlpgof the %as
tashian Tube. Wbsa this tube Ufafe
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
^torfect hearflict thd-' ^h«£:lt iilaa.
(dosed, deatoMf Oiiit
imlA^ the ioltifinmatto*
a out and tUs tube
^•isaal condition, hearts* will h«4M
|nvM toreter ma* cases
|»i»jWBsea hrp0ata*Tlk..^p^%Mtt
-ga 'liiiaiMd
maSmt eatiibea. J.* .:
ilye One^Huadrtd Doliais
abe^o^aitoess (eaa^.Mr
that:.f«ijpot becuredby
CWHi:- 9i|Ad tori sinahu%
K. ^r. eifMr« 36.
*i -V
:i. ... w. ,.
in,* js» £ik'
Atfit Mrfi
W. thfm d9«*k eto
etemuMii, Mttm
put and Aott 4«*ft i|
quarts Oai^njs. tw^ Aoarts* »n»a tu
cumber*, ttty «uart» Mi^U
two ^rtg peaKSt six cbejped pip-
peHb quart*"
tablespoons ^»st«fd,VA
Sd U^the mining bat| in weak salt!
^. MfillrBaker,. W^rtowSi^^'
%nsh the fta|ies holilng
«M»r W tWAi let stanlMk bolltnjr
JiOur ^he mea4in^
as to know'how^wwch vinegar to use.
(o ,«terr
Rpt-^®Br tiso
s^oon *lnm, cup sugar and a
band^jl, clov«s{ .put all thji^fejj Ift
the jp
onioinkfUMd sprinkle with cp^eni
of ,:i£lt? 'anl
drtUnFS, oke qvfl^ of vlhegar, two
Quartsf'»ater, pounds sugsr, two
ouh^'*^t^.iMMy'A^i 'Udle«i&>n*
two %N^ies allspice, two
Mnc«l «dngtor. fTrh lirfitois tilnrni 'nfpl
OWern%r'^|iM»f-or '«-«srtNli.
Alici'-ibsino! Watef^Wn, S.
D^take ^M^^fcki grew
ow th'iSE%i|(J si&nd i0v#i](Ught.
In the dniin off and chop
The eons of the ».to Chawtw I*
"mmiLve, been awarded tllevhody
father, who died on the JPa
cifld^^aet, pa$. It t^ut be brought
^cl^^^lU^ldl iait^w internment,
£^m^r,MbcA% dMtti. A^dttpute
ar^-«et*^»ii' the sonSp^mLjthe wid
o«ft seooall Wife, over dtfe4lsposal
.\3f the
Tl^e W^lil
St "v
vUtkbd, 10 a,:%0&>|
-I tS VntSV/A
A.Nervow Woman
RdldF After Ulutjr Y«u»
Women '•who suffer from cxtreifii
nervousness, often *tidur« nuch
suffering before finding any rslief.
Mrs. Daniel Kintner, of Defiance,
had such an experience, regard*
whl«h '»he'''wj|!|^,
"l tnul stomach
trouble wliwt I .ms'
•lsrhteea T«»in»-'«d::
«».t. bjgfcB #own
trnelih, and for
reua •oawsd
hwdsehe. IndlgeS
ttsa sad Mtvous
It tbii
of tta»t4a
silt and a
«reann Cpfer
4hn* jvygv
boll -this, aosk|p§
nlghtUn salt wgte/j.
uWi .wiih
Hc^u^dei^ in 'At
t),)' Grt«||f®ok.—Thrtstr pei
Sr cod |n pUA^
id- and
JOttf mu,
"WW-TBDU JH*W»~ Otmftimfa
ibem slmmeitmt no«rfli
salt and Jmer jfa»t
bu^^pd^f -iTttfiiC
S .*b?
«pe»m« cot se bsAv
Iwonki fasve them,
threeorfour times
m. week. AXUr try
nAiutod, I Mian
taking Or. KIMS'
Nerrloe, and most si^r it h#lp«d me
wosdarfunr^ bave MM Severe nerv-'
onenoaf for,seversl yw«k." ,,
li^S. T*X' KINT^iB,
at it,
pt,, 'Ufl pteaMuit
Many remedies are
forvdi«#as& o{"»»—•''i-i-
'ts j^ecause
preach tt# seat^'of the
Mil«||FN«i'iie' -has
=Jl- -^'cases io
-|o nu» wup^»t
7$ove ''iOfM'
•y aikfM$ lift#) onion
,to estn^t the Haver, tgfee^fft
iken'^th. three teassd^nft^
buttered di^:
ftt ra« pan. hak»
*o 0
r'.-'/.'» S"
H. J. MonmsiiY
niystoian and
p»4*gSfntniT BiM
aa cowmy esiia iwupgfj
pkclpe In all ,.
IUom 806 Oranite
bate matters and to "#at
ters Involving real proper
God. H. Marquls., CHas. SehwU
O O O O O O O O 0
feSrl*' it -i'Sfe
jH»Hysleltn and 8Urfledw.l|pg
Attention Qlven to^np
flcal Cases.
Granite Block, Top Wo#,
Ofllce hours, 3 to 5 p. m.
ft Phone, Office Ked 87, House Orson
a I
o:*t .«r-O e'f o.
Attorneys A Counsellors at Uw a.
'Itooms 18,1«, and 17 Ooss Blsek a
^^atertown, teuttt Dakota. "i
±$mk j§§
fl ft 0 9
Howard Case
Lawyers jZM,