Newspaper Page Text
fi i&i W» J*# GREAT NORTHERN Going South Freight, except Sat 10:30pm PasB., except Sunday 7:05pm Going North Pass., except Sunday 8:50am Freight, except Sunday 11:30am SOUTH DAKOTA CENTRAL R. R. Going South Passenger 6:20am Freight 8:00am Arlve From the South Freight .....6:40pm Passenger 8:15 a ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM Going East Freight to Ellsworth 7:10 a Passenger to Chicago 10:15 a Arrive From East Passenger 3:20pm Freight 5:45pm MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. R. Going East Freight to Morton 7:00 a Pass, to Twin Cities 9:00 am Pass, to Twin Cities 10:45 pm Going West Pass, to Aberdeen 7:00 am Freight 2:00 pm CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN Going East Acommodation to Tracy 6:00 a in Passenger to Tracy 9:15am Passenger to Tracy 9:40pm Going South Acommodation to Brookings. .3:30 Passenger to Brookings ...o:45am Going West Pass, to Pierre and Oakes...7:55am Acommodation 11:15 a Pass, to RedfieldAberdeen. .8:45 Chicago & North Western A satisfactory route tor the exten sion of the Northwesern railroad from Its present terminus In Wyom ing to the Pacific coast is the aim of the surveyors who have been busy for several weeks In the interior of Wy omlng, according to reports reaching Aberdeen from the Plnedale and Eden |,i -r territory. The surveyors are laying out a line -west from Lander through South PaSs and the Eden valley, crossing the Union Pacific in the vicinity of Gran ger and thence running west Nebraska and South Dakota offl ciala of the Northwestern-profess ig norance of any Buch move,' which -would presumably be handled direct from the Chicago headquarters in any fpffefak#. The "story isTStfen credence "be "cause of continued reports of new trtefflo arrangements oil transconti nental business, thereby the North western 1B being displaced in Union Pacific favor by the Milwaukee. It -was recently announced that tho Njorthwesteiro and Northern Pacific "were considering a plan for an Inter change of business through Billings, Mont. Railroad men figure such an interchange could be made a tern-: porary means of breaking with the Union Pacific, pending the completion,: «f the Northwestern's own line ^Jrhe Northwestern railroad exhibit w: the South Dakota state fair probab ly drew mjbre attention than any other exhibit in the fair grounds. At all times of day mtmy people ..were to l» seen watching the miniature trains SB they made their way around the •circular track. The entire system Was operated and lighted by elec tricity. Minneapolis, gepit* 14—TJhat' the .-year 1913 will witness great activity in railroad operations in South Da kota cannot be denied' when official annouftcfementls made, by the several rtrnnk Uses entering the state as to the amount of Improvements to be done -during the year. The splendid erop condition liFthe •I^tats has had much to do'in bring ing about ttM decision on the part of the railroads, but a still greater fac-i tor- which baa assured the proposed extensions "and improvements is the i'' trie&dl^feellng which exists between .-the'i-alfroadg.and the people of South tMs„tl«n^ Ifl It tt'lfe Northwesit- tiwlvthey' alone, $ on/e 2*0 seed grain *r atm^r'seed wfa^ at,'*{fttoe pact# It road haul' Siowg that RAILROAD RAMBLES From the Different Railroads state at reduced rates. Then too, tho people of the state hive, iu a largo measure, come to realize that the rail roads are a valuable asset to the stats md are a potent factor in the develop ment of the state, la short, it is a case of the people and the railroads getting together on common ground for the purpose of giving each other a square deal. New Extensions. Information obtained from officials of the several roads revteal that among the many improvements plan ned, the following are assured: North western railroad extension of the line from Iroquois with the Doland and Groton branch at Doland, (ths right-of-way for this line has already been purchased,^ The proposed line from Hitchcock to Onida will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible, as a large amount of ma terial is already on the ground. An other important extension by the Northwestern railroad, is a line ruu nlng from Norfolk, Neb., to Winner. S. D. This line will be extended through to connect with the North western line at Newell. The Milwaukee railroad is already engaged in the work of double track ing their main line road to the coast from St. Paul to the Missouri river. This work will cost several millions cf dollars, the bulk of which will be expended in South Dakota. The Mil waukee will also extend its Armour line to connect with its Rfesjcoe^ Orient line at Orient, thus tapping one of the richest agricultural sec tions of the state and also affording a valuable feeder for its coast line busi ness at Roscoe. A new bridge across the Missouri river at a point south of Chamberlain Is also assured. St. Louis Active. The M. & St. L. have already sur veyed several routes by which they will extend tfieir line from South Da kota Into Canada. Although several routes are being considered, the one north from Watertown seems the most likely to be agreed upon, as It will traverse a very rich agricultural section which at the present time is far distant from railway connections. It has been stated upon the highest authority that this railroad will build a line from Aberdeen to Pierre, the right-of-way for which was deeded to them and the grade for same estab lished some years ago. Thus it appears that South Dakota will come in for her share of railroad building next year and that these op erations will inark a new era In tho upbuilding of what & already a great agricultural state. Paul Hovey of Watertown is in the city today with a gang of men of the bridge and building department, mak inga few repairs^ about the ideal sta tion.—Aberdeen News, Sept. 13. A crew of Great Northern carpen ters and painters are fixing up the company's property in town this Week. The' depot and oar houses have been painted a shade of creamy gray with green trimmings and the water tank and windmill tower a dark green.— South Shore Republican. A Great Northern bridge crew which- has been stationed here for fl^yeral weeks departed on Wednes day. 'Arthur Offiey went along with them aB one of the mechanics.—South Shore Republican. The Great Northern sold 86ft' tick eta to the state fair last week. ..At Willow Ijakesi. on Willow Lakes day, 498 tickets were sold for the special train whlcii ran from that city to the state fair on, that day. WlUow Lakes Tuesday night, fire destroyed a. flat ear and a box cse^ belonging to the Great tforthern and also burned a coal -shedbelonging tov one of tk& fuel concerns of that place. ELL A586 WEST THIS FALL Is 1 1 IJOWIJPNE COLONIST FARE 'l^ilyJi^pmi^Septtemli^ 25 tb^Oot •bej§ 10, 1912/ inc.,. oneway second Colonist tickets will be on sale fce prlMipal\polrita in (klfewula and the Nwth Pacific Coast via the phlrt&gQ etoa? Northwestern' Xiao imjjwtant points in .dtofo* of ronton. PavorabW litonoveri JdvflKes, '^ef^tt ^he North Ws over 800 cars ^he-Cb.}-, I railroad «i,atrMC are thinfclftg 'ot wxm&m wilt «n4 a 'at the new Jewlry y, Avs Iw-iff®« .DAYLIGHT Sy A CK LONDON Author of'Th* CaUofthe WOO," "Whit* Fang," "Marti* Eden." tic. Illustrations by Dearborn Melvill t.. cpyright, igro, by tha New York Hflrald Cr {Copyright, igio. br UM HacMUlw Com parr "Then re go on urging like Sam Scratch," he said quickly. "Because, you see, I've always noticed that folks that Incline to anything are much more open to hearing the case stated. But If you did have that other season up your sleeve, If you didn't want to know me. If—if, well, if you thought my feelings oughtn't to be hurt Just because you had a good Job with me. ." Here, his calm consideration of a possibility was swamped by the fear that It was an actuality, and he lost the thread of his reasoning. "Well, anyway, all you have to do Is to Bay the word and I'll clear out. And with no hard feelings it would be just a case of bad luck for me. So be honest. Miss Mason, please, and tell me If that's the reason—1 almost got a hunch that It Is." "Oh, but that Isn't fair," she cried. "You give me the choice of lying to you and hurting you In order to pro tect myself by getting rid of you, or of throwing away my protection by telling you the truth, for then you, as you said yourself, would stay and urge." Daylight smiled grimly with satis faction. "I'm real glad, Miss Mason, real glad for those words." "But they won't serve you," she went on hastily. "They can't serve you. I refuse to let them. This la our last ride, and here Is the sate." Ranging her mare alongside, she bent, slid the catch, and followed the opening gate. "No please, no," she said, as Day light started to follow. Humbly acquiescent, he pulled Bob Back, and the gate swung shut be tween them. But there was more to say, and she did not ride on. "Listen, Miss Mason," he said, in a low voice that shook with sincerity "I want to assure you of one thing. I'm not Just trying to fool around with you. I like you, I want you, and I was never more earnest In my life. There's nothing wrong In my Inten tions or anything like that What I mean Is strictly honorable—" But the expression of her face made! him stop. She was angry, and she' was laughing at the same time. Dede Mason had' quick, birdlike ways, almost flitting from mood' to mood and she was all contrition on the Instant "forgive 'me for laughing," she said across-the gate. 'It wasn't really laughter. I was surprised oft my guard, and hurt, too. You .see, Mr. Harnish, I've not been She paused. In sudden fear of com pleting the thought into which her birdlike precipitancy had betrayed her. .. :''v "What you mean is. that you've not been used to such sort of proposing," 'I "I Like You, I Want You and I Never Was More Earnest In My Life." Daylight said "a sort of 'on-therun, 'Howdy, glad-to-make-your-acqualnt ance,: won't-you-he-mine' proposition." She nodded and broke into laughte^. In which he Joined, and which served t« pus the awkwardness11 away, Ms ^gaUiered neart at Siis, and. Went -on Slead greater confidence wttk eool% an! toHg&SL,^ r.9smctexc!S'' "There, you see yon prove my cass. ^ott've -had experience In each mat tera. ,1 don't,doubt,you've had slath ers ol "proposals. Well, I haven't, and like a' fish pal of water. Beside* this alnt a proposal, it's a pMlar sittiatton, tU^'Bll, attd Pfii ltx neV. Pve got enough pU& horse 'sesaa to know a mui aint supposed .to «stte.f«prtagft «irlas a.r«f son 'tor. getting acquainted .with her »And there itrUerm^I was ia hole?'Number I get ao* Jfj*'tittalnted with mittfthe offic*. 1Nu». ber two, you eay^Sbu won't s«s' me oflt of the office to give num chance.- Mumber your reM»«"'ls .tbat tolta will talk..because yoa^rorfcjijjr' Set o« to,.»ee ttet mean allr»^t. NumberthereyOn a£|j md. "h WATERTOWN, on one side the gate getting ready to go, and me here on the other side the gate pretty desperate and bound to say something to make you recon sider. Number six, I said It. And now and finally, I Just do want you to I reconsider." He was such a boy, this big giant of a millionaire who had half the rich I men of San Francisco afraid of him. Such a boy! She had never Imagined this side of his nature. "How do folks get marriedV he was saying. "Why, number one, they meet: number two, like each other's looks number three, get acquainted and number four, get married or not, according to how they like each other after getting acquainted. But how In thunder we're to have a chance to find out whether we like each other enough Is beyond my sawee, unless we make that chance ourselves. I'd come to see you, call on you, only I know you're Just rooming or boarding, and that won't do." "It's getting late now, anyway," Daylight hurried on, "and we've set tled nothing at all. Just one more Sunday, anyway—that's not asking much—to settle It In." She gathered the reins Into her hand preliminary to starting. "Good night," she said, "and—'' "Yes." he whispered, with Just the faintest touch of Imperativeness. "Yes," she said, her voice low but distinct. At the same moment she put the mare into a canter and went down the road without a backward glance, In tent on an analysis of her own feel ings. CHAPTER XV. Life at the office went on much the way it had always gone. In spite of their high resolve, there was a very measurable degree of the furtive In their meetings. In essence, these meetings were stolen. They did not ride out brazenly together in the face of the world. On the contrary, they met always unobserved, she rid ing across the many-gated backroad from Berkeley to meet.him halfway. Nor did they ride on any save unfre quented roads, preferring to cross the second range of hills and travel among a church-going farmer folk who would scarcely have recognized even Day light from his newspaper photographs. Rt found Dede a good horsewoman— good not merely In riding, but in en durance. There were days when they covered sixty, seventy, and even eighty miles nor did Dede ever claim any day too long, nor—another strong recommendation to Daylight—did the hardest day ever see the slightest chafe of the chestnut sorrel's hick. "A sure enough hummer," was Day light's stereotyped but ever enthusias tic verdict to himself. His lifelong fear of woman had orig inated out of nonunderstandlng and had also prevented him from reaching any understanding, Dede. on horse back, Dede gatheHng popples on a: summer hillside, Dede. taking down» dictation In her/ swift shorthand" strokes—4ll this was comprehensible to him.. But he did not know the Dede who so quickly changed from mood to mod, the Dede who refused steadfastly to ride with him and then suddenly consented, the Dede in wliose eyes the golden glow forever' inixed and waned and whispered .ts and messages that were not for ears. In alt such things- he saw glimmering profundities of sex, iknowledged tlieir lure,: and- acqept them as Incomprehensible. But through It an ran the golden read of love. At first he had been 'i«ratent just to ride with Dede and .to: fie on comradely termR with her but tile desire and .the need tor her In creased. The more he knew of her. higher was hlsf appraisaL Had been reserved dud haughty with him,- or been merely* a giggling, sim pering creature of a'rwoman. lt would, liave .-been different. Instead, she| amazed him with her simplicity and wholesbmeness, with her great store of comradelineBS. The latter was the Unexpected. He had nevjsr looked npen,woman in that way. Woman, the toy woman, the harpy woman, t^te-necessary wife and mother of the race's offspring—all this had been his expectation and understanding of woman. But woman, the comrade and playfellow and Joyfellow—this was what Dede had surprised him In. And) the more she became worth while, the more ardently his love burned, Un Consciously Bhading hls voice with, caresses and with equal unconsdous ness.flarlng up signal fires In Us eyes. Nor was she blind to It, yet^ like many women before her, she thought to play with the pretty fire and escape the, consequent conflagration." "Winter will soon be coming on," She said regretfully, and with provoca tlon, one day, "'and then' there wont be anymore riding.'* "But I must see you la the winter: Just Ute same," he eried hastily, __ She a|«0k her head. -r'5' J' "£ve been pretty good hed«9l#red "I leave lj to •you tt Ifeaven't: If* been '^fetty narJ, too, I caftleTl you.' You JUSt think it over. Not onoe bave I sald word about- love to yoo, and' me loving you all the time. Tbafs golng tsome'jfor, a man th%ty utod ft* having his em way. ^^ft'.eomejrbtt-, of a riuhei Men It comes to travel ing. ^reckoil I'd rush God Almlghtly, if it came to A rape nvfer the lce. And yetrfejlldn't phv,j[pu. guess thto farf »-an Indication ofliow mndlt I do want yo& lo, .e.i'^avfc bi|en qte(i|t. and good, tnisdeiaealck at tliM, quiet,' Jt havent tmkmMk W -e. -fm not asking bi wet^ei^idja lAf 3# A" He shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know, and 1 aint going to take chances on it now. You've got to know for sure whether you think you could get along with me or not, and I'm playing a slow conservative game. I ain't a-golng to lose for overlooking my hand." '. 4 This was love-making of a sort be yond Dedels experience. Nor had she ever heard of anything like It. "So you see," he urged, "Just for a square deal we've got to see some more of each other this winter. Most likely your mind ain't made'up yet—" "But it is," 'She interrupted. "I wouldn't dare permit myself to care for you. Happiness, for me, would not lie that way. I like you, Mr. Harnlsn, and all that, but It can never be more than that." "It's because you -don't like my way of living," he charged, thinking in his own mind of the sensational Joy-rides and general profligacy with which the newspapers had credited him—think-' ing this, and wondering whether or] not, In maiden modesty, she would disclaim knowledge of It. To his surprise, her answer was flat: and uncompromising. "No I don't" "I know I've been brasb on some of* those rides that got Into the papers,"] he began his defence, "and that I've been traveling with a lively crowd—" 'I don't- mean that," she said, "though I know about It, too, and: can't say that I like It But It Is your I life in general, your business.. There!, are women In the world who could marry a man like you and be happy, but I couldn't And the more cared! tor such a man, the more unhappy I' should be. You see, my unhapplness,. In turn, would tend to make him un happy. I should make a mistake, ar.d he would make an equal-mistake, though his would not be BO bard on' him because he would still have his business." Business!" Daylight gasped. 'What's wrong with my business? I play fair and square. There's noth ing underhand about it, which can't be said of most businesses, whether of the big corporations or of the cheat ing, lying, little corner-grocery men I play the straight rules of the game, md: I don't have to lie or cheat or ireak my word." Don't you see," he went on, "the "hole game Is a gamble. Everybody gambles In one way or another. The farmer gambles against the' weather and. the market on his crops. So does, the United StateB Steel Corporation The business of lots of men is straight robbery of the poor people. But I've never made that my business. You know that I've always gone after the robbers." "I missed my point," she admitted. "Wait a minute." And for a spaoe they rode In si lence. ••..A "I see It more clearly than I can state-It, but It's something like this. There in legtlmate "Work, and there's work that—well, that- isn't legltlmater The farmer works the soil and pro duces grain. He's making something that Is good for humanity. He actual-' ly, in a way, creates, something, the grain that will fill the moutha of the hungry." "And then the railroads and market riggers and the rest proceed to rob him of that same grain,'.*- Daylight broke in. •"There ain't much difference be tween playing halfway robber like the railroad hauling tUat farmer's wheat to market, and playing all rob ber and robbing the robbers' like' I do. And, besides, halfway robbery is' too: slow a game tor me to sit In. You don't win' quick enough for me." "But what do you want to win for?" Dede demanded. "You have millions and -millions, already why can't you do good, with all your money Daylight laughed. "Doing good with your money I Aint it tunny, to go arpund with brass knucKles and a big club breaking' folks' heads and taking their money away from them until I've got a vile, and then, repenting of my ways, going around and bandaging up the heads, the other robbers are breaking? I leave it tQ you. That's what doing good: with money amounts to. Every once1-, In a .while some robber turns soft hearted: and takes to driving an am bulance. That's what Carnegie did. He smashed heads In pitched battles at Homestead, regular wholesale head breaker he was, held up the suckers for a few hundred million, and now he goes around dribbling it back to them. Funny? I leave It to you." .- He rolled a cigarette- and watched her half curiously, half amusedfc Hlsi replies and harsh generalisations of a harsh school were disconcerting, add she came back to'her earlier position. "I can't argue _with you, and yon know that. No matter how right a -toman is, men have-supb-a way about them—weU, what they,'say sounds' tnelst convincing, and yet thg .woman Is still certain they are^v^t#. Btft .therevlfjvone thing, t^e'"'weative Joy and it's a higgler $y tbad" uk&Oani-: bllng,-- Haven't you ever'ntllrwfiis 3 ourSelf—a" log eaten up1 trifle Vbu ,kon, or a canoe, or'niftf of soptttttag^ And don't you -remeitJber "satuH fled yon were. "ba%}. goo& Mp felt while ,y,ou were dding Stter yod Obad it 4oneIT vpofce^fcls 'Inisir-wltiSfdie nssedatl^i ^'tecalV i.ed. He M# the. '-desert# iflil|.on rbrif beaj^'by Oie -i| 4V 0»« log dabtntf wareboi spring up, and aU structi ,WMS6ber't ,tN» But, a** Jmm M? Do yon ii ow th®» »upv- iw OfWS-«»e a&^od pasture of a 4 1 JIA IID V& '"f Northern Paclfic Ry, One- Way Fall Cotbnlst Tic*#* Round-Trip Homntttktr* Tickitwtn Mioaoota. Dakota. ao4BritWi_ fiOB !raukee,_ 8t. Louis, Kansas City,8tPaial, Minnfpollt. Direct connections from Duluth-Buperior. Ask far free Ut«nitiin about the Northwest Land of Fortune sad ftill particular*. L. P. Gellerman, District PassV Aflent^v. Fourth and Broadway. Stsq St. Pwl, Minn, BEER will greatly add to the pleasure of touring Include a case in your equipment "Leads Them AIV* Iheo. Hamm Brewing Co., Si. Paul, Mi«. Acencies Everywhere SOUTH DAKOTANS^Jj ET THE PEOPLE AULFERV^ In the interent of the State, vote "YES"' for the proposed .Party. Pri mary Law in November. Jt cleans up the official spoils,system. .It makes principles Instead,of persons the la suc. It provides heavy penalties for buyUg votes. It iglves yen ,a popular vote on party endorsement of PoBt Masters.- It makes {or majority rule. It limits the use -of 'money ^,by the candidates^ nit gives the poor man a show. It provides a conservative party recall. It establishes represen tative and popular party, goy^rMaeni. Don'tiiall to It vplll appear first on ^he'baltot. CaetpoaMfromdnSiim myefe. mootk, are miss -'M vuti '-.rliAfrgfit.:® u«Maa& orK moose- iVH eyee u- efTfy Worlil READ PiCTURES 18STEA& vWtilfE 200 CarioMn Tell MoreW lHaa 200 fohaattM The Worid'sBcstEach Mpilifl