Newspaper Page Text
h:im t4 m® Mrs. AfcXvDtivlfoto is the jlrlenda atSlevlllo ttfls v«ek 1, Postmaster George Jailer »«a over Irom Hefcr? Tuesday. Mayor and Mr*. A tfajper at Take your mm W?rk"«Pttfe\8V Jewelry E. J. Luthy, .living northwest c& fheP •city, la havingacottage built on hlB fan^l^ BOuth" part of the citj£ ^.undergoing «r* tenBivevre^^j^^j^|ai^^S Attorney A. Sherla returnedliroiiff Sioux City Saturday, yham' hy hatf L. 3. Shaw is remodeling his. resi dence, on the no^th aide and jsrijen it is completed, It will he one'of the "finest modern homes\ln the city. Fine line ot.hand painted China at •the new Jewelry'store* 106 .Oak st- it »|Mrs. O'Connor oiMlryaat, was the tamest of -her daughtej1, Turing Mary O'Connor, of this citjr. ».?' George Dixon reports the sale of five Farquhar potato diggers so far this season. He advertised themfor •some time in the Saturday News. MIsb RhodaSnell has go he to Falr bault, Minnesota, where she will at-" Ifend St. ,Mary's Academy ftr tha somlng year. Charles Myers has sold his rest mce property on the north side and "purchased a modern residence of Ollvtf PJaqe ott,the*i»orth side,? The new Jewelry Store will give a special discount on all Bales this •week^v .14 Fred atom* •1/t'IUtm^S^W^iiSen suffering from an infected hand for some time, aud was In the city Friday laving the same treated. Guy Henry, living -south of Henry, and A. J. Lebert, near Gtover, are two Cvdlngtoii county. fsnxiGi*s i^o lave built new residehceB ott their farms this summer. ... Dr. McCarthy, the New York den tist, has purchased a flue corner lot In the W. R. Thomas' block on th? -north side and Will erect a couple of xaodern residences thereon next year. A peculiar features! all-thi arw&ts made so far this fall is that no fire arms have been found ott the persons •of the floaters. Razors, pieces' of: iron, small rocka,.. and. WhatriiHr liave Tbeen found in their posaegBloo. Five men sat in the mourners row In Judge Mjrers court Monday jnorn Ing, all charged with^bpfng plain, or dinary drunks. They each received the customary ¥5 per, which in the municipal, court is cash or board. ,: "P. White1 has closed his pool and iSlliard ~hall oh, West Kemp avenue «nd will not open again until the Barr building is completed, be having Teased the first Hobi* of that building tor a pool -and billiard hall. 'Carpenters recently started work on the Bart: building on north Oak street Ross' & Sons "have the 'con tract. The building will be one istory ^wlth full basement, and"'bnilt of solid fcrick.^%- ,* If® F. £?^%hompson, the^ran^tfhlon representative in thls' clty, is using a nice new wagon for delivery/ furnished him by the company. Mr. ^Thompson :has an ad elsewhere in the Saturday News. lu Carl Duffner arrived hoifie the, first •of the week from an extended visit In Colorado where he has been visit ing his brothers, Otto and Max Duft ner, who art engaged in the mining ^business in that state. .1. N. Oerhardt, an old soldier,y died 'day. He had been in £oor health f?r ^om» time. The funeral was held Sunday, .and wia In cha'rge lof tile Jflpal Ot. A. R. %Geo. Katancsik has- Wtunnjid- from •fit Paul where he has been employed In the 64rdon & Fefgitsou wholesale "fur manufaoturiog hoiue fpr-the past six months He will ^tttn ppeni.-hls '4(|r storedja^t^iis ftityr reduction, on Phonographs ^nd Recoi-ds at" the JNtir Jewelry store, rf8 oak-sti^' iJThe FirarNat|Wn3*ale of c|ty has been designated as of :fi61al. j^eiTOr'iiWr' shy campaign •ute t& pltfeer thtf gfepnbllcafe, demo^ cratlc or bull moose natton&l ppUtical' l?pher i^|£ Q^McFarlasd's taw offie^ itsrSstrurais: Ifotth his pareHta ani Mnttag -48jpSW»-_ ^^emus^rw^ng. Peter Powderly, who bad |na Itlnk the Pacific coast country tpr some time, arrived in the city the dtber day, hale k*nd 1 hearty 'fits brother, Ed, "who Accompanied hha on th®. trip al»o returned- wlm,-him£riuia people without stove»|,jM»acei la gailro^ls^' 5? you knew olSthe real value of rheumatic pains, you ?ould wish to bdwlthouHt BVtr'sale by alii dealers. 'I, 13. E E, *-DeGroff, late- 00 Austin, Min necota, has moved' his Jewelry stock to this city, and Is now ocoupylngithe Case building jn Oak -street, Mr DeGr^ff has had years of experience in his line of business, and extends an Invitation tb the public to eau and see his stock and get acquainted He carries a line of general-Jewelry* cut glass, etc, The five year Insurance "policy thnt goes with every "free" sewing macb. ine is a splendid feature and guaran tees you a new machine in case your old one is in any way destroyed. Matt Muller, for several years one of the popular clerks at the Banner Clothing store, has accejitetl a posl tion as traveling salesman for the P. O. Mimnaugh Cigar Company ofc this city and made his maiden trip last week. Mr Muller is a live, one and will bring home the bacotfel .Running up and down stairs, sweep ing and bending over making, beds will not make1 a woman healthy or beautiful. She tnnst get out of doora, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlains Tabletg to lmprove h«r digestion and reguWp iip^ bowels. For sale by all dealers. 14 {is. 12-15 •vT\??rh© H&ntfeti Machine Co recently sola three stickney gas engines, the .kind -which are ladvertised. weekly- in th$ Siturday News. Onej .a 7-horse poVer wa#'»old-to ithe^Fartners elc vaW at i^STey, one to an elevator at Appleby, and aaother to Nick Endree, living. three^milea northeast of the city. is' fr, and Mriti^O. B. Church of'Re-' villof and Mls'^ Lllilaf, Church, sis ter 'of Dr. Churcii, were'In the city Monday, guests roi tlfe Alex Davison family. They were on their Way to Scotland, this state,-on a short -visit Mistf i'Church is -"4a employee in the agricultural de^rtment at Washing ioui and Is-weBt on irer-^nual vaca 3iia^ypjSp Tack FffiitWrf^TSii s^edule this year, September Iff, and put itt a good, piece of w'briT for a Starter. Ice form ed on water during the'night. All although earlier" In the season it "was feared there would be a 'shortage, there Will be plenty for the use of the farmer. It toQk the^S&blhed effort* of Chief JoneB and Officer Makepeace to get one fellow' to the lockup, Tuesday morning..' The fellow had been on a three or" fdur days' celebration and was making a nuisance of himself on the street. White standing near the Owsley store, Officer 'Makepeace went up, to .him and tald him he had better go with him. This 'the fellow de- -clined to do and b'ecaine unruly." He aid at his home in thls city last S,atur- office™ no* cease his resistance of the or struggling «ith them until 'they had him In'-a cell. .^The pecuUar thlngB tha^ a'drunkea man can do "and not get Sillied is al ways a mystery to the* average per eon. For InB&nce one evening ret* eently, Chief pf Police Jbnes, walking ^q. iiie cltjr half 'ri6t|ced a fellow who, Was perched o^ the^iron railing £n front of the cit^IhSn, fast Asleep. He ar n*# was ful^ clear up "ffittie ey4s, 'and hoW in the world-he -Was uble to sit at in the position helwu.ln, wlthoiif falling-Iras oas. of thVsSS^teries thi^ 'at^ co^inod^^'the druttk. "'Sad he fallen 2afr would have struck o_n- solid cement 4ome fifteen feet below—^but 1: were un ^|fi itf«i»ing?l Jfait6xIcate4^ *h%tou8 la be« tfeW knowie&e that they had int' btted too ireely. Thj^e of the num tar'paid|£ieir fines, one who had been pHtem -htaonner "before" re- 'OtM^ of *-Me Mmber, a i^ng nniil.^lwITin ub pocketa about rx 'v'*v"i ':V $%£:* 1J SI& j»r, ty^^'ib-ftcoallort ^thirty tons of bard ceal tor jClbAk lied and City Scale $rtifi^^^jg» govern Bids to be o|«ned|ly ttftf Board of ComrniasiontfrB September 30th,',1912. .. :'"X pig& reserved to reject any o*' all bmv H'x Bsn mm I Dl¥8' g^^ji^fudltoiv Eight --ladies- have already fetal aclvantage of the Hoosler Cabinet Club at the Cozy Home thi*i.weel^. DEATH OF BABY., Died, in this city on Saturday, Sept, 14, 1912, LeeSjJames -Patterson aged "21 months and 20 days. The child had, been suffering with bowel trouble for several weeks. Tite many friends Of Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson, parents ot- the chil(J deeply sympathize with,them ia-.Jheir sad affliction. The funeral was freld Sundiay at 2:30 p. m. at the family reside Corn Contest Awards Mad^ThisJKeck That Codington county oan gnw corn, that h^r warm soils are well ad apted. to it* culture and that mpra corn can and should be grow^i Ay ^er farmers was amply dempnstrated by the :-recent contest Instituted by the Clttsetts National Bankf Of this city. Last spring this bank offered $100 to the grower of the best field ot corn of 20 or more aeres^ Twenty-two farmers entered this conteist. Three of the entrymen otherwise spring among the highest tailed to^plant^he requir ed number of acres, -^Messrs. Frank Riechling, Qeo. langensdorl!er and ]Robt. Jtfclntyre. jAll of these ^Ben had fields-that are-: In prOmislngii conditioh. Mr., Riechling selests hjfs ,own .seed jtfirn a^d has almost 9. i\iS£m perfect s'lu^L, Selection connt% $fost-of the tsom petitors. were' compelled: tot-buy- their Court Houfie Good Grttcferie* go to the right spot every time. Thi» is the right spot to go to every time for Good Groceries, and our ^pricea are Right. Fort Shelling Salmon Steak, lib flats JP, S. Boneless Codfish, 1-lb hrlck?.155 GCfpter Brand Red Salmon, 1-lb "ais asc We have Just received a shipment: Herring, 11912 catch, very fine per keg »1^)0 Imported Kippered Herring, ^2 ., .cans for ?5a Vt pound -ialUJPbk^ Saigioh^'i .155 ,Gopher Brand Full Cream Gopher Brand BrUsk Cheese ,22c Appetulost, eactf^.Vi. .. ,^-Sc PUmost, each .. .^JJc Mcloren'sjmwrlal Chees^jp Jara¥ Oopher Clde^"Vi^^ar W. -W. Vinegar .. .*4 .j4 gopher "Brand Ml^ed- Spif different va4lea««, ((kg. & ^Wy our Imported fay Rl^ Imported F. 8. Sago, pountg 'j^hported P, & Tapioca pou W«IMBwr I* tmj P«M «f City •MP w*sm -w-• 4 r«k 1 ffwMmi r, ItttMtewa. K»* Uplhfjt. yMM) MM ee, A f6W dayat'^wrk "in selecting aiid caring ^or, seed cotn^O^ dehly lepay tho feffort. That South- Pakota M-'a state and Codington as a county, should, grow more corn, not only- tor the cor&Htselt but for Cleaning the 'land and lh^reaa ing the following wheat crop, is a proposition that'has been repeatedly demonstrated by nearly all: tamers as iwetl as by'the' experiment stations. Here's^ to^more ^ad better ooni iti 4818, INSIIRANCE COMMIM^HERS"'IKI UNQUALIFIED ENSCM^MfiNT %he "National C0nwntl6a o^nsitt6 ancev Commissioners congratulates the^ M&dfertif Woodmen df .America upon sxtids taken at.4)ie me^tisg pf Head Camp la pladfttg(the jKWiety upon a permanent' basis, tod ur^etf upon all friends of'fraternal insurance thft support of the action so takett-'aucj that -all attempts to nullUSy such ab tlon or to induce' member* of said Society, or of any sociey so reratlng, to diseentinue their membership bf dic'ouraged *by informing- "tJolh* mem^ be™ and tlfe public as fully as possi- ^rank W. HardiBon Massachusetts |w. S. Emmet, New York -,v yjfames R. Young, Noyth Carolina H. Schlvely, Washington. Committee of Comditesloners ism-—rtt*» Doings of Our Neiglbors -l 'Kiuth Shoty Republican: John R. Miihaels w«ib*dly hurt -Tuesday af ternoon wh6n he fell from the^peak of his, big barn to the flcjoVj a- distance of twentyvfiv»i feet He had three ribs broken, his-head bruised and one hip badly injured. Is now under a physicians care ^Cnd unless compli cation^ set -In he 'Should be fifeov&: again in due seasott, r. 4 sSMtesj|||aii that wer«'fc|p|thfe. shoved the«IfaCt of bet-} $?tb& t«r cai^, and, pultty^u than «eighboHtA^i::)iad ,pft entered the lints, Two prop0ftl{!oo» were delljfffi^ and, certainly deinon Btrated aa '& rdlult of iiflp conte^7lst, that Codlngtoii cojwty can krbfr goqg^ corn jand ,2nd, tl»a| TO^r1e„)*ttentlos^ should be given tolthe wly .ripening ears for med ,} Work oh the foundation of the new 'i|chOe9i 'hard ware ^buildihg^ wag- commenced this week, fiarry Clark, frota Watertown, has charge of the WOfk« It 4s expect ed that thfe- "worker laying the blocks will ^commence a week froggi. Monday. The foundation'will-be'made of con crete. South Shore friends of the Thoa Callatl family will regret to hears that the 'only boy of the famly died at their home near' Fruita, Colorado, -in on the' 6th ot last month. We aid not learn the cause ot death, Castlewood ReQttbllcan: Castle wood is without, a meat market and a diet of .that sort will have to be produced at home Or else imported. Mr. Griding has given us excellent aef^ce, but high prices for stock? and labor piade the undertaking a los ing glpne. and Monday evening he closed Jhe "doors. It would 5eem that o# coi^nunity gould Support a good meprt market without starving ^ie proprietor. Henry Independent: It*- will be good |iews to our sick folks to- know that ibme are speedily on" the. road to VecoveTy. Mr. iRawllns has so far improved that il^can be- unt-^^hla ,cru}^h«» part off the ^ilfane, Mills'' 1^ nes- JElgie was able to visit at the* nelghjiotfi, .-going -over on crutchea,. and Mrs. Murphy will be able to come home from the 'Watertywn hoHpgM^ln ittrt «b«ta th» uy V&iamUt ta town^^fe Muflm. dr»oe tA* ftUvrlM. neewwary to several itttMi In tha wound ntd# fello» 1? Aw gttatst «I«NK W nicaly -(wud bC«xpected---FlQi^jj^ fM*'. «MJ ani H^!«r otiie" •^0te6tW '•pit and 6an down and one SNE^t,SOUTH M&OTA °(gkmx i»aa Manual for t&astM6 96 Sou^t'Diltaltiv The work has beMi compiled great care and la^ufah ahperlor to anything" ot the kitfi ev«f, puhiiahed As n^Sde for" toat lng to township .jwvern- herptofore. tera ment it is Invaluably. Price, Wanlla pa^ir coxen,^M full stilt doth covefa, ^. Send fl^ew to publisher#vf^t Township and Sfthool ^lltanke' S. JSMwh-—»n. Jmp. aS^afor,tune, b^t a bl^sloi^ in d^ guws lMhe discovery made W *al®? &£&&&&& crop hefe. and, becauie fheletdi irrigated' from artesian fl^lls^ Jh§ grow&^s ^ttntlltttally projlj& "Clraos hojgpefs apjmared ,tWo year's ago and cut down the yieldr On the advice experts the alfalfa of ^Agricultural iiairtnerB began to raise.turkeys, turn Ing the bird»\looae to i^hge over the. Wanted—to bjiy, small payments. AridrieM Box .v 1—l^. '•w": H. r: JonerAjS. p., coutaininC^vera of value to ytt'vftftlnjf at Ute%ipmV^ her father, m^^but -to no -one'el|e.2\ Viator will ^(tertown th^l^iefWSMW .^ptte C. |, Wvk. Walklln and wife and,J I*fE. M«4«an. Florence, S D., R, 1 Pommer autoed to ^ktertown Sua- -14»15* •*15 *W ««W-^A «pt ti CkblM tfc.f« had the not onl^ fields aHd oat .hOppe ^ired effect,' the to keeping the altalfa cl hut becoming thems^l dfarce pf revenue. iit ^ohn {toucher started, drei tu^ceys during 1911. The fowls kept 1d(wn 'damage, so that he harvested 4 full crop a\ faifti. i^ the fall he j»ld the IsemM from hfj|t flock, receiving as^htgh twelve cents a pound This year he taw tisee hundr«3l and fifty %#ifeVs1 rangitfil over 100 aicrek'%t jiMtelfa, whfoSf Vyieldl^^lrim at'jth#i».to of Insects, ^,alarge •nehun- 0%, two tons per cuttlhg 3b* has cut it? thrw times and will-get another faj( cut^ln^ ,,-Xhe tnrkej%,~he figure#, wp bring tosT a gro^B reyentae off trofit1 $550 to WW in the fallo, Statfe aliS^fa fietdit I^ittie artesian, vallffi-wlll j^Jid, tor .flfe'seas^a, high seveh tona"|ier acre, "W. Bnnyan,' Who as landlord, gets lialf the revenue. Iron^, 4t0'_&crett of this cropi wlll.get as l^ia i£e-half aa blgh as $25.00 per acre from 'some telds." This Ts clear gailr for, him, as the ten ant furnishes all.the Impleraknts and' do es al} the. wort. An article that has time become popular. That such the case with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them.. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio-Valla, Ind* writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for,roughs, colds and croup, and js mjr best seller." For sate by all dealers, 12-16 house on 271, City. .. ,„s...-4--,(rv.-»fl?P(Sggj'.. 8»'WR ^ALlS^Kainpeska.fill ing jqjfc «?t v4 1W(mted—Lady A«^ia oar ISait top' P«t«coatff Our many agenta make good Incomes. Experience «a»y, selling -bn sight to everyjfefoan Wrfte quick Jtor exctu«^3|^Mttory^ 4 ^ent to "Vfittertown today where he'^H attend" fifgfa school thl# year, Willis his We flxed on a goiM| «4tlTpi3Pteror'.^e»e»—About^iJ^igusl" 24, c^8Waand mfieitt we mlM our1'guess cheek book on Sb% Sank oi Flomuse, SpelmapJ& Co*/Chicago.!?. TUf quire of*. n« of the Mg$ aijMiS six room eott^tt IU th^i^). IS bftBd Bi«| «d WHI aUL*MAM& CQBwmtwwiM. utae® tot toning th»^pi»t,f lot a^d'Mlr^fix blocks 4tm- the' Jlbstoaoji, TU«€Mue wa| »Thy jthe owner ot thfe nny best Vumv iuu|«sr %, buy. Th«^ i« a bHck fiw plao»?' to tie coimte that coot the i)iw |W 8^#m»ent, good fitfaUajjfplaUt! 'j and the -my best of plumbing tlirtt qll^|'^li mu»t Mil U. The IWs' beautlful jnodeTA home |3»10§jj halt cash ad balance fVn? turther Wats Ibiiaulre & 3b. St. Barker 8aMraay»New* oKhce ra,s money coulC buy TW tact ot the i, |%atter i»,thl8 QQttaj&mUst seen i|1Sm' Ouernsey Bull fw Kffvtoe, Miller, SM St N, E. ~-'t -Ju-J -UlX—JU.^ rj ilwn^^ho ««e lott Olear. to t«de i& on sm*!l h^us^ well Balance monthly or annual tie* m»ttiy, ber Kelson^ AJdriiqfc,4^ hwilwhre store Phone. Sfalu 'v MM&btd ^Ito for outside brlatWiVfitigh "work,' reasonable nam and pronjpt fehlpmeat ot metal. ^••ikPilbUiUar Unotype ai^p^altlon €0, Watertown, S, S. &S>. f?v»" ®S ft^aie tS,,^aiifr2A hew XO ro^ja ihodeiTi two story house and a hal^ block fltw*^ near schoo^ma se^, ,-A^ for eaafi^taiid*''fitt' 1,^^' ior cash or trade tar "fecial' BleyMor potato'On# isommon als^Farauhar Elevator Potv to Digger, t^ three or four horse*. Call and .see theid. Oeo. DixoH. r( s. 9hW« «X. lififc- 11 r-Kff sized sstas, slsifsljil nortn side And ls a most d^sirkble- loMUon^ i5u'! for a home. ^"he )of ia aft teftced there is' a #mali bam and thickeq,11 .copp .B«at-'Cellar sto&e foundation^ *jy T-f irees," elegant brick cistern Hrtth, £& 1» capacity of 50 ?ban«ls. *phls :ls one of the WsJ bargains tn «l|r property. jjtf in the -city "of Watetto«%u' "f 'Priced $1059. 9enns 9200 cash, balance HQ- i' per moath at 6 per cent. It yoa.«an(y j', vV-1 this property you will have to hurry &:tfJ Mslt% positively a anap and will not he ok tb^'narket vi^ir-long. Voting v-* further information call «in IC. Mt '^v« Barker at the Saturday New* ---4 Our "hakflbMiier''5|b, alwfty* ,4tt aerrtce. «lfr* ATTENTION FAHMERil' Anyone desiring to have on sale thistfall will do well to arrang for tfif' date of their anct{Oneer au., sarly tin possible. 0. B. Wlllson i^f^ one o£ th^,i best #«ction«ei» in northwest and he will he at'your «rci§: v£c*?"~ihl» fall- The "Saturday N'ewi has made' arrangemeats with Mr.'WOl^p st»n to take hrdt-rsfor him at thia oflte«^! a&d gly$ 4*^ings vwhea eaa 1 Bales. 'Vtfo ate prepared to ^ptlnt yi auction bll^- at If -very /low price andJf ^rlll gftfc' you two Insertions of thaS ad in the Saturday News free. Fo» ', further intu^giation oa01«r«rlte th#fv Saturday N«iM, Wfcterfe^n, S. D. For Sale-^«e new wagon,i *U Com plete, mar was »low '1 ""1 ""J"' 11 1 'j 'Jf1 1 jMBfe Just a tni« tO the ho--""—*i coutraotor as figuws etc Watertown JSTood fc2» ^"IheJWM^Iealen itMhmar "framet-tanlll