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f/ ev *v few?. $ fa $ '/. 1 '5 «T*i. Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform succeaB that has at tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remarkable sures of colic and diarr hoea which it has effected in almost every neighborhood have given It a wide reputation. For sale by all deal ers. 12-15 R. J. MORRISEY Physician and Surgeon Office in Century Blk. All city and country calls prompt ly attended to. Phone Main 1403 Watertown WALTER H. SHURTLEFF Attorney at Law Practice in all Courts Room 306 Granite Block Telephone Main 362 Special attention given to pro bate matters and to mat ters involving real proper ty law. •o O DR. H. M. FREEBURQ. Physician and 8urgeon. Special Attention Given to Sur glcal Cases. Granite Block, Top Floor. Office hours, 3 to 5 p. m. io Phone,, Office Red 87, House Green I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Geo. H. Marquis Chas. Schull O \sV MARQUIS & SCH •o Attorneys & Counsellors at Law •o Rooms 1S, 16, and 17 Qoss Blook Watertown, 8outh Dakota. 0 0 0 Geo. Case Howard Case •o •. -rS. CASE & CA8E Lawyers Rooms Granite Block Watertown, S. D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. J. Bartron, M. D. Surgeon in Charge Watertown Sanitarium Office and residence in hospital. Phone Main 144. DR. f. «. 11CEB Physician and Surgeon Office and Res. Century Blk. Phone Main 408. Hours—10 to 12 a. 2 to •4 and7 to8:30 p. Lest You Forget! We do all kinds of 1 5 's TIM Air 1 PAINTING^ PAPERING, KAL80 MINING, INTERIOR DECORATING All work guaranteed. H. W. SMITH #15 First Av. S, E. Phone Green 601. Skinner's Dray J| and^Transfer Line uioJIMISKlNNER, Prop. Office: East of Grand Opera House, Kemp URICKELL CONSTRUCTION GO. Awhlt«ti Contractors, Builder* SPlana and Estimates Famished. Real Estate Bought and Sold. Office and Shops 114 First Arc. 8. W Phone Green 83. FRANK BENNETT Baggage and Dray Lme Piano and Sate Moving. EJxcavating J23 N, Maple. Phone Main 270 F. A. BUSS art Piano Tuner W* Hsm .itauui Repairer ^llJStek, Guaranteed. TermaKta sonable. Aimworth MufaieStore Pbopp red 98 Electric A. A. SI»k« Talki About Si Singletree Hix Holler, Mlssoory. Sept. the 25. Nlneteen-12. Deer Mr. Editur of the Saturday News The die air cast, the Rubby-con air crost an' Freedom squeeked when Fuzzy-cuus-co fell. The foot of the yoosurper is on our necks, so to speak, no more air we to enjoy the rites an' priveleges of free an' unadulterated sittizzinship. One of our deerest an' most important emolumence is goin' to be tuk from us. Postmaster Si Singletree has done give out notice that the Post Office air goin' to be closed on Sunday!!! No more will Jedge Finstock be able to receive—of a Sunday mornin' —his beloved Globe-Democrat! No more will Kernel J-.yon—him what runs th' Lawndry be able to re lax his tired brain—after tli' sermon— with the perooBal of the stirrin' coly ums of the Polees Gazet. No more will Squier Baskerville be able tu akkwaint himself with the stirrin events of the day—an also of the nite—as depicted in the pages of the Denved Weekly Post. No more will Doc Watson be able to secoor his weekly copies of the Saterday Blade an theShecago Ledger without which noble an upliftin peeri odlcals Sunday afternoon for the doc tor is a dreery waist. No more will Senator Southwik's darter Susie be able to git the post card what comes fer her every Sun day mornin reglar frura her feller over tu Possum Trot tu let her know he's well an hoppy an hopes she aint fergot htm sence he bid her goodbye about midnight the nite befoar. How air Pretty Often (full) Min naugh a goin to get that cirkelar what comes onst in a while from Looeyvllle a tellin him if the price up tobakker hev riz or drapped and If so how much so't he'll know just how much cabbage leaves he'll hev tu put In in order tu reelize 400 per cent profit. All the above menshuned attroktive an valyooble dockyments as well ao many others too numerous an attrac tive tu menshun air to reemain in the pozzeBlon and at the disposel uv Si Singletree an them good-fer-nothin clerks. uv hlsn til Monday mornin while th rest uv th community must git what amoosement they kin frum dog fltes, seven up, horse racin an sich. Feller Slttezens—an uthers—I ast you, is this a goin to be stood? Air we a goin tu put our necks under th foot uv the trisnt and ast him—as a favor—tu bear down hard? Air we a goin tu set quiet on our hind legs an chew our cud while one uv our most anshunt an onnerable preroga tifs is tuk away frum us an not let out as much as a ki-yi in defense uv our rites? Air that cirkelar an that postal card an that Poleece Gazet tu be aloud to molder in the Post Office or be polluted by the dirty fingers uv Si Singletree an his crew uv dead beets? Air we tu be cheeted out uv our. rites as freeborn Amerlc-can Sit tlzens? Air we tu be humbled In the dust, our proud spirits (Schlttz for mine) broken, an th sacred rites an priveleges garanteed to us by th constltushen (an By-Laws), taken frum us an scattered tu th fore uv Hevvln or the other plase? NO!!! A thousan times NO!!! We will arise In our mite, our whis kers an our cowhide boots an demand that th Post Offis shel be open. We want that clrkler an that Polese Ga zet an that poBt •i)-•: ture. card an we mean tu hev em. Were paying our good money tords th support uv this yere Post Offis de partment an servis Is what we want an servis is what were goin tu hev. Why, twarnt only a yeer ago last tater holn time thet ^th 'undersigned spent two cents fer a stamp tu. mail a letter tu Senator Doollttle a askin fer a Agricultural Report an if lie sells his sorgum sweetnin hesa- gojn to send anuther fore long. So I say and I say It out loud-in meetin: The„Rost jOffl^Jiel be §pen on Sunday]. An there ie uv&|ri: •StfSZu Skaggs. Sometimes. famjllyerly caUed "Bile" The Beadle Memorid Com' mittee to Ask for Money A meetln^vof the Beadle memorial comml8sion twa8 held at the state house jp. -#he members are" Governor Ves«»etf,' Superintendent Lawrenqe^^ M. Ramer, Doane-Rob inson alpfdcft G. Wenzlatf, of the Sprlngto^ni&rmal. AlUWe present except ttfrjaBt oamed. wl|lled that Bid efiita&tiog&l asiicwtatlon voted''that thV fita *#M$iing in the fs'ttf after pay. THE SATURDAY NEWS, WATEETOWN, S O. ask the legislature for & SuflU9ent ad ditional sum to put up build about $2,000 left, and the pl^i is to ing. It will probably requlrjp about $10,000 in all to do this. ', It was decided to meet st ^he fair at Huron with the state board of ag riculture and consider plans for get ting the matter before the legisla What Lederer the Cartoon ist Saw in S. D. and Wrote The beneficial results of the visit 10 South Dakota last summer of the mem bers of the National Press association have not been exhausted. C. A. Led erer, one of the well known cartoon ists of the country was a member of that party. A copy of the American Advance has just been received which contains one of Mr. Lederer's car toons and also an article which is bound to result in good to the state in general. Part of Mr. Lederer's article is as follows: "Ever since my visit to South Da kota last July I have been singln? its praise from one end of the country to the other—at least as far as I have gone—which is some. The trouble with ua easterners—and by easterners I mean far easterners and near east erners, and—well, every kind of eas terner, east of the south branch of the Chicago river—well, as I was go ing to say, we don't go west enough for our Ideas. We stick to the mil dewed ideas of the hoary east past. "Sioux Falls is where the state peni tentiary is situated—among other things. They don't have any trouble with the prisoners there. Why? Be cause they have the modern western method of dealing with prisoners. Likewise at Yankton they showed me the finest state insane asylum in the world, for Its size, and at Pierre, the .Capital, I was shown the no-graft million dollar capitol building—one of the noblest specimens of architecture 'la%9s Note—The ladies of Watertown vicinity are requested to send same will be published under heading. state this Fruit Cookies^ One cup butter, two cups brown sug ar, one-half cup sour milk, two eggs, one teaspoon soda, one teaepoon cin namon, one teaspoon cloves, half A nutmeg and one cup raisins chopped fine. Flour enough to handle nicely. Ginger Cookies. Mrs. Chas. Kreger, Watertown, S. D.—Two cups molasses, one cui sug ar, two-thirds cup butter, two-thirds cup lard, two teaspoons saleratuB dis solved in hot water, one tablespoon ginger, one teaspooff ground cloves. Mix all together and let come to a boil then add flour enough to roll.' Nice Cookies. Mrs, P. W| Taecker, Watertown, D.—Two eggs, one cup sugar, one half cup butter and lard mixed, three tablespoons sweet milk, two heaping teaspoons baking powder flavor to the taste..jS^. ,--i. v-"- White Cookie* Mrs. Chas:'Williams, Stony Polnti S. D.—Two cups sugar, two eggs, one: cup sour cream, one cup buttery one teaspoon soda, nutmeg to flavor, -flour to roll well. Sprinkle top of cdkies with sugar. BroWn Coolaes J' Mrs. M. Lindner, Kranzburg, S. —One cup melted lard, one cup sugar one cup molasses, one tablespoon Ise seed, one tablespoon cinnamon* one-half teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon^ soda in cup boiling water, five cups flour. Mix at night and leave stand ing until lhornlng. Oatmeal Cookies Mrs. Frank Owsley, Watertown, -SL D.~One cup sugar, two-thirds citp: butter, two eggs, -one-half cup sweet ihllk, two-'cups oatmeal, two cups' flour, one teaspoon cinnamon, one tea spoon baking powder, one cup seeded raisins chopped, one tablespoon chop ped nut meats. Drop from teasjpq&tl on buttered tin to bake.-f'' .Time-Saving Pie. CruStr'^ One cup of lard, three cupfuls'l flour, one teaspoons-salt. Rub'.^og^t^ mi =r————————————-s^r that I have ever set-eyes on. "There was one thing that Gfeorgs Schlosser, secretary of: the Commer cial club at Sioux Falls and also secretary of the National Press asso ciation could not show me, and that was a saloonless state. "I have been In over forty of the states of the union and it is my unani mous verdict that South Dakota has got more get-up-and-get, better dress ed people, more varied scenery, and more up-to-dateness in general than any other state that has ever held me in its borders. "But at that It has only half as many saloons'per thousand, compared to Illinois. And it has twice as many automobiles, compared to population as the state of Illinois. "An unpainted house, whether l.i town or on the farm, is a rarity In South Dakota." Man's Body Found In Well Was Not Missed for ^Days White Owl, Sept. 20.—Clem Mc Daniels, a young man living near Chalk Butte, fell into an old well Sun day night as he was going on his way to rejoin a threshing rig on which he worked. He was not missed at home, as it was thought that he had joined his rig as usual, and at the rig It was thought that he had remained at his home on account of sickness. As he did not show up after a couple of days, inquiry was made, when it was learned that he was missing. After a long search his body was found in the old well, having been dead sev eral hours, although signs in the well indicated that he probably lived for some time in the chilling water be fore death overcame him. McDaniels was the sole support of his widowed mother, who is heartbroken. Thjese old wells have been the cause of heavy loss of stock to their owners In the past years but so far as learned this is the first human vic tim they have claimed. D@panim@nfi Some of Watertown's Miss and Mrs. Favorite Recipes and in any recipe which they may have which will be of general interest and the three and one-half minutes in butter so hot that blue smoke rises from the center of the fat. Serve with tar ar sauce or black butter. .8 are cooked In this manner. Salmon Loaf. •fe ttemove the skin, bone and oil from can of salmon, and pick It up -with a silver fork. Beat three eggs very light, and add to them two-thirds cup of milk. Grease a small baking dish and fill with alternate layers of eggs and milk and the fish, with bits of butter betweeu tee layers Use sal mon for the. top layer. Bake one-half an hour^ and serve ait once. Fried Fish. Mrs B. George, Watert6toh', S. D. —Take a good Lake Kampeska scale salt oyer night In the morn ing rinse and dry.. Beat eggs ac cording to amount of fish pepper to taste. Roll crackers fine dip int6 eggs, then crackers. Now have nice lard about one-third inch deep in fry er good and hot put in your fish pro ceed same as for fried cakes fry nice brown on all sides never use flour or butter on fish. Set your Wor cestershire sauce on the table for those that like It. Rocks Mrs. B- .J. Frederick. Watertown. S D.—One and one-half cups brown sugar, one cup better, three eggs well beaten, two and one-half cups flour, one teaspoon soda, one teaspoon cin namon, pinch salt, three-fourths pouud raisins, one pound English walnuts chopped not too fine. Butter baking pans and drop in a dessert-spoonful at a time. Give plenty of room to spread. ... .flifff Ro«fk«^^S s|:'®55pSi Mrs'^fe.^.* Wagner,' "WatertWtff &! D.—One-half cup dark -brown sugar, one cup butter, one half cup seeded raisins, one cup English walnuts, six tablespoons cold water, one teaspoon ,soda dissolved in little hot water, one half teaspoon cinnamon, 8 er tUl thoroughly mixed set awajf tig o&e-^alf cups walnuts, Ujtle salt, ,A a cool place, tt keep any tangtW' Jjftf «fven Is necessary.,i*'^4'":4 ot time cold and dry. When7_yott 3 wish to make a'pie iise one ccp tff he mixture and wi-'little wat^.ai^ -possible to- tftake 4"1 smooth dou^jti,.^ ''".V J^adorf Fish, $Bas Part^EL inv^Oook^B Friwad.^Jf Huron, S. kind of tifeit has been ^se^from *Wn ami boit^s,' Outfit injb small pieces abffi| fo^r ln$jes^ l£n| jfnd three wli Se»soif"%e^l ..with^jatt and pepp S 'John Contey, watertown, B. One and one-half cups brown sug ,ar\ one cup butter, three cups flour Reaping, three eggs, one teaspoon soda on^ teaspoon cinnamon, one cup rais ins. one-half cup sour milk, one and ""f from.-COIR blngt. «*t modem methods. Satisfai Malt orfw* yflll t. Weekly Letter From PI Doing* Political and Otkerwi*# Report*!:! Pierre, S. D., Sept. St.—The state]possibly aldsitv.d' railway commission has received Its first two reports from two of the rail roads In the state One was flttiGt Pierre, Rapid Glty and Northwestern and the other was the Pierre and Fort Pierre Bridge Railway company. Both reports showed a heavy: falling off of business from last year, the latter road showing a deficit of $9,341.19. Their receipts were shown to be $7,000.00 lass than last year. The former road showed an excess over expenses of $45,953.26. The great re duction was due to the drought of. last year which of courst hit the rail 'V-vjr' roads hard. Johnsons Stock Going Up The meeting of the antl-Moosevelt ers at Mitchell last week has put a new phase on political history in. this state. The eyes of the eastern voters are on South Dakota, owing to the political tangle. The Taft men say they have no ticket or republican ticket to vote at the coming election. A deal that will materially affect the election of Byrne for governor and OF LOCAL INTEREST. Some People We Know, and We Will Profit by Hearing About Them. This is a purely local It. took place in Watertown^ Not in -some faraway place,^ You are asked to investigate It. Asked'to believe a citizens woro To confirm a citizen's statement. Any article that is endorsed at home li more worthy of confidence Than, one you know nothing about, Endorsed liy unknojvn .people. ,. James Travers, 115 Indiana Ave., Watertown, S. Dak., says: "I have given Doan's iKldney Pills a thorough trial and consider them the best kid ney medicine to»be had. They toned up my entire system, relieving the backache and strengthening my kid neys, pother members of my family have taken Doan's Kidney Pills and lit every instance the results have been of the best. We all consider this rem edy worthy of the highest endorse ment." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no other. 15 UNCLE EZRA 8AYS "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble-' and a little neglect of constipation* bllliouaness, indigestion or other liv er derangement will do the same, if ailing, take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, sure, and only 25 cents at all druggists.12-16 t&\ S 19, electors. Is thevj over to~~the followers have tie republican, nationally:s claim that before the that the Byrne foUoTrtp*'! strong in theirraasortloi^:t)^t| was nominated, thex 'wffin a democratic nomine^, would vote for Egan-snnd-'thnS claim that what wait: 'sa^"e ^»r th* -J] goose Is also fit sauce for lhn and they are intendlng -to^ Byrne the same kind friends intended feeding*^Mr. -:Bsan'i nomination. It Is pretty 6srtal^.rtbM after the treatment the stalwart^laim'T they were accorded try thfc In^togen^f or progressive forces after twqr h^ You Tried Chiropractic Here Is Proof. -M -^stored to fiewths after methods had U, late and control ^veryidnctiott of -nt^of *ert*«braje causes pressure diseas«5#Se sure On tiefv^a caui ^CHfROPHACTO Wh sauce hl|^ turned in and helped defeat the primary a large sU^fci 0|r'thC votes will go toward electlngJol son governor this -tall. •"'•Wti Egan on the committee of .'i^soittt! and making speeches^at llltclveil ligt On the other hand, Chairman Sher- week, we have a potltlcaVrScnunbk wood states and also shows a copy of an agreement which he says binds the electors nominated at the June primaries, to abide by the decision of the republican voters in the Novem ber election, and that the Taft men can go to the polls in November and vote for Taft. The central committee take the stand that the so called Bull Moose platform Is strictly a republi can one, declaring for protection aiid also for tariff revision. That it is far wiser, to vote for the Roosevelt elec tors and keep the state In the repub lican column, than to cast a vote for Taft and defeat. The electoral vote of South Dakota might be the very vote that would elect a democratic president If Wilson electors are elect ed. egg, at the.least.#|^J Teachers Maker Good Out of 448 applicants:.for state first grade teachers' certificates* the 'September examinations in different counties of the .state, 18T' were granted' certificates! these being state 71 first second grades and 44 third grades ,T s, seven of grades :I 6S 1 This on its face Bhows 261 f«tluHto^ but the real figures will not inafce* such a showing. A number of the applicants already held second grad$ certificates, and tried for the Jiigher ones, but failed to make tie record they desired, and as they already held the .certificates which they :#ere entitled-to under the -examlnation, no new ones were- Issued to the6e appli* cants. R. D. Cream Cake iMakes Yon Hungry to Look at It By Mr* Janet McKenzie HiU, Editor jf the Boston Cooking SchoolMagazint* When company arrives unexpectedly, this cream cake often covers-an othtt' wise embarrassing situation,- for.'U answers the place of any other dessert as it can be stirred up quickly. I Cmm Cda ig Onerhalf cup imtter 1 cap sugar yolks of 2 eggs, beaten light JH tmpt sifted JtoUr 2 level teaspoonfuls KC Baking Powder jf cup (Mi ti/aur Whites of 2 beaten, ,ry. """•'Cwam t%! hutteir add the sugar* vj ^lks^f eggtfabd -water theit-the flour, sifted three times with the baking pow fler lastly the whites of eggs. Bake in two or three layers pat these together •with cream filling, and dredge the top •with confectioner's sugar. «4 Cream Fllllm. fe ur One-fourth cup sifted.jtou\ Mix flour and salt: with a vtry little cold milk stir into the hot milk and H-. cook ten minutes add thev-cbocolate and stir until it is melted and evenly blended with the jfiour mixture, then beat in the egg mixed with the sugar, and lastly the vanilla. '1 ''Jyt. You need the (kioVs Book, ctk-:.-' taiuing this and 89 other delicious redpes—sent free upon receipt of the colored certificate-packed in every 25 cent can of Bating Powder, Send to the jAfiOHS MSG. CO., Chicago a ?e. ii® l'W