OCR Interpretation

Saturday news. (Watertown, S.D.) 19??-19??, June 28, 1917, Image 7

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn2001063549/1917-06-28/ed-1/seq-7/

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», -T-—P
Local Happenings.
Mrs, Cail JS, Johnston and son War
ry, visited friefnds in Clark last week.
acCQmpanied by Ms
Lakes guest? theater part of last
has leased
*tteafe building for the Duroosp nf
•establishing a .confecUonefy
Kreger left the first of Thi»
Dakota0 nn10/1*fFallS
dnd other
^im.v rftv rS",AV
Dakota points for a few days' visit.
Mrs. C. J. Church of Osage, la re
turned to her home after a visit here
with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Rog
«ioux City, la., last week, in response
to a telegram announcing the serious
illness of their daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Quddal returned
home _last week from their wedding
tnip, having spent sdme vieeks in
Iowa and neighboring states.-
The town and the state go "dry"
Saturday night at 9 o'clock. Unless
you have a few "nips" in the cellar,
it may be along time between drinks.
Mrs.' Robert O'Hearn, accompanied
Ty her niece, Miss Olive Swift, of
-Castlpwood, departed Monday tor a
vistt with friends at Grand Rapids,
EA Pauli8'
of the
Paulis Dry
Goods Co., returned last week from
eastern points where he had been
looking over the market situation and
selecting goods for the fall and win
ter trade
C. G. Sherwood has suspend­
ed sentence in the case of Ernest
Hemp, who pleaded guilty to placing
obstructions on the South Dakota
Central track. The court appointed
*C. A. Neill guardian.
The Watertown and Clark haseball
teams crossed bats at the Out%t ball
park last Sunday, the local team win
ning by a score of 7 to' 3. Baseball
•faas say it vtas a fine game, showing
exhibition of real ball playing.
ME. and Mrs. G. Koenig and
family, accompanied by Mrs. G. S.
Ubelle, here with her husband from
Tacoma, Wash., tor a visit, made an
auto trip to White last week to visit
Dr. Glenn Yeamans and M. R. Bas
Tcerville drove to- Enemy Swim Lake
last week for a fejr days' fishing,
which is reported to be excellent in
this body of water. The lake
cated near Waubay, and is said to be
exceptionally deep, and the water ex
ceptionally cool—in f&ct, almost cold.-
Steady work wanted by young man.
Prefer working in town. I. L. Cutler,
Athol, S. D. Box 113. 2-4
The little son of Mif. and Mrs. Thos.
Tellekson died last Friday, due to
cerebral meningitis. The little one
was four years nine months and sev
enteen days of age. Interment took
place from the Scandinavian Lutheran
church," R6V. O. X-Edwards conduot
lug the funeral. 7?
Miss Margaret Olson, formerly with
the Watertown Light and Power Go.,
•arrived in the city last week for a
%rie£ visit with friends, who qfte le
gion. She was accompanied by her
cousin, Miss Clara. Olson, whom she
had been visiting for a few days at
Geo. H. Marquis, Lawyer. (Ex-Judge
circuit court.) Heegaard, Block. 2#tf
Miss Martha Qualle of Kenyon, Min
nesota, was united in marriage last
"week Wednesday to Prof. R. Fraads
flxose of the. Watertown high school,
the ceremony taking place at the
"bride's home. Sir. ana Mrs. Grpse
will be at home to their friends'in
Watertown after September 1. ji
Miss Edna "Burma and C. N. Maroon
were united in marriage last Thurs
day afternoon, Rev. C. J. Ghristlan
son, paator of the Congregational
ohurch, officiating. The ceremony
took place at the home »f the bside's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Burns. The
young couple, who have a host mt
friends in the vicinity will make their
home in Watertown.
The wide circle of friends of Mias
Grace, Clegg, daughter ef Mr. and
Mrs. John Clegg, will be pained to
learn of her death, which occurred
Wednesday -evening of last week, as a
result of a surgical operation. Miss
Clegg had just concluded a term of
school west ®f Lake Kampeska. The
many friends of the family extend
tcf Mr. and Mrs. Cleg£ and the two
surviving Bisters, Ruth and. ,:-Lena,
their heartfelt -sympathy.
Dr. A# Storlie
v^Nevy J^agna Building?'
Phone 2165^5' Watertown, S. O.
Wge» and
snunont pnyides
in a»
It's Good it it Comet from Malbkaf*
Chas. F. Halblit
Jeweler and Scientific Optician
Watch Inspector for Pour Railroads
Bert K. Preston of Aberdeen was a
guest for a few days at the D. L.
Craven home.
Did you get those Chautauqua tick-,
ets? Because, if you didn't you've
missed something.
Mr.,and Mrs. D. C. Noonan left yes
terday for Sioux Falls to visit with
friend^ for a few days.,
Miv and Mrs. Hetaryfe/Haan, of
Kranzburg, were guests At the P. H.
Kluckman home Monday.
County Commissioner J. R. Mich
aels and wife departed last week for
a brief pleasure trip to the Black Hills
Miss Ida Mulholland returned last
week from Blackfoot, Idaho, where
she visited her Bister, Mrs. H. D.
Mrs. J. A. Sheffield, of Lincoln, Neb.
arrived in the city last week for a
visit at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Lester Klein.
Estrayed—One 3 year old bay mare,
small star in forehead. Finder please
notify John Jutting, Castlewood, S. D.
and receive reward. 3*
Lake Kampeska lots for safe' at
East Yahota. Inquire of Mrs. Frances
P. Hopkins, S25 E. Kemp Ave., or
phone 3420. 50tf
The Chautauqua tent was erected
on the vacant space south of the
Methodist church, the site it occu
pied some years ago.
E. W. Sykes, who is superintend
ing the completion of some contract
ing work at Henry, was in town over
Sunday with his family.
Center your attention upon the
chautauqua this week and up to and
including Monday night. After that
it will Jte proper to think about the
Mrs. JB H. White, accompanied by
her daughter,- Miss Marjorie, were up
from Castlewood last week for a visit
at the home of Mrs. White's sister,
Mrs. JVJ. Bennett.
/Miss Ella Johnson and her broth
er, Hardwick Johnson, of New Rich
mond, Minn., arrived in the city last
week lor a visit at the home of their
brother, S. K. Johnson.
Miss Alta ttnryee returned last
week from St. Louis, Mo., where Bhe,
has been teaching. She will spend
the summer vacation with her par
ents, Mr.- and Mrs. A. H. Duryee.-
Mrs. W. Waffell and daughter, Le
ona, of Dalton, 111., who were guests
at the J. W. Balsiger home, have re
tmrned to their Illinois home, going
by way of Minneapolis, where they
visited -friends.
Jolm'fr. OggTof the postoftoe force,
has received word of a paralytic
stroke sustained by his father, living
in Idaho. Mr. Ogg may be summoned
to his father's bedside unless a turn
in indicated for the better within a
few days.
"Martin BeVille, of Waverly, was
in the city yesterday shopping," says
a contemporary. Fact is, Mr. De
ViUe was redccing himself half a man,
and the worster half at that, since his
special mission in town was getting a
"better half.'
Mrs. J. B. Bird, while visiting at
Sibley, la., the other day, had the
pleasure of meetiasg Mrs. Z. A. Mill
ion, who, her husband and son,
waa a ne* neighbor of the tanily
of the editor of Tfte Saturday News
in ®olorado some years
Minton hopes to visit Watertown in
the near fttttare.
hope has beea revived in this
fooality concerning the location of
ihe army cantonment, it having been
reported that ariHy engineers in
charge of the preliminary work at
D?s Moines having reached the con*
ctvsiOB that the site selected at Des
Moines is not adapted to the pur
pose But this is a matter of con
jecture, to
extfent. tSince tfce
selection of the Iowa capital was held
in abeyance.^pending further investi
gation, and tb» selection has since
been confirmed.
One "Veribest" hat conformatori^
several hundred feet
Must sell yoor price.
State Bank Deposits Now
Guaranteed By Law,
Lee Stover, Trustee.
to avail yourself of the advaa-
tbi« la*rt
ft®® ^*1. '1
Your State wm,..
neam of abeolutefy protectin#
Attorney M.J.Russell 1? up from
Haytl yesterday
Mm. J. (J. Bennett t«rent
wood yesterday to vi^iit tri'
J. E. Underwood return®
days since from Texas Wh£re
the winter.
Mr and Mrs. P. G. Bush leftWester
day for an automobile trip through
Minnesota and Iowa. fe
Colonel C. H. Mero' of Minneapolis,
is in the city, a guest at the home
of his brother-in-law, H. S. Fletcher.
After a britef visit at the A. °M.
Johnson home, Mrs. E. C, Rebuck. re
turned yesterday to her hQ^me at Red
Mrs. Howard C. Bronson caSe* op
from Sioux Falls yesterday to v^sit
for a few days at the F. C. Bronaon
Miss Lillian Case went to Redwood
Falls, Minn., the first of the week, to
attend a house party in honor of a
schoolmate at Stanley Hall.
Professor A. W. Palm is at Brook
ings this week, looking after the
interests of the Codington count boys
encamped there at the State College.
Miss Augusta Sasse returned, yes
terday from Mineapolis, Minn., where
she had been at the bedside of her
sister, Mrs. Rand, who is 'now im
Mr. and Mrs. JLester Klein and fam
ily departed yesterday for Lincoln,
Neb., where they will visit friends
during Mr. Krein's vactlon from the
Schaller department store.
After an over-Sunday visit at the
home of Mrs. Pickard's sister, Mrs.
W. W. Kane, Mr. arid Mrs. R. W.
Pickard departed Monday for their
home at Breckenridge, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brayton are en
Joying a visit bjj Mi". Bratfton'a
moth#, Mrs/ E. K. Brayton, and his
sister. Miss Fannie E. Brayton, of
Seattle, Wash. They are guests at
the W. N. Mclntyre home.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Kjos have re
turned from Marshall, Minn., whith
er they were summoned on account of
the illness of Mrs. Kjos' father, who,
their- friends will be glad to learn,
has perceptibly improved.
Closing Out Sale
and Summer Hats
Preaching services will berhBld^t
the, Taecker-School, hoosf^northeiast
..^Finest grad« baccn In ft t» &-pouM
The South Shore Republican sus
pended publication last week, Editor
E. R. Little, it 1b understood, having
arranged to remove his plant to
point in Minnesota. Whether South
Shore will be repitteented by a news
paper or whether it will be, newspa
perless 1b a matter that does not seem
to have been dellnjltely settled as yet.
Former Govefnor F. B. Willis had
just got nicely Btarted last evening
at the chautauqua grounds when the
oncoming rain caused him to halt and
ask the chautauqua manager wheth
er the program better ^be closed. The
audience was at oace d|smiBBed and
the greater portion of. the large gath
ering present managed to get home
or nearly so before the rain set in.
Miss Lydia Born arrived from Pied
mont, S. D., the first of the week, her
brother,- Paul B. F. Born, having
driven over for her last Sunday. She
will remain in the city until some
time in August, visiting her brothers,
Louis and Paul 'Born, and will pro
ceed thence to the twin cities for a
few weeks' sojourn before returning
to her home at Piedmont
Colonel G. H. Morgan, of the fed
eral army, and Adjutant General W.
A. Morris, of the South Dakota Na
tional Guard, were in the city last
Friday to muster in that portion of
the cavalry which had not previously
been mustered. At the conclusion of
the ceremonies, Colonel Morgan and
General Morris were guests of Colo*
nel C. H. Edgiesby at the officers'
training camp at the lake.
Home made cottage cheese, 20c a
pound. West 8itfe Grocery. Phone
2443. 1
Mr. and lArs/lE. jp) Walsh, of "Ite
gipa, Saskatchewan,, who were in the
city last week, guests at the home
of their son, Colter Walsh, and their
daughter Mq(- Andrew EtelbjJ, de
parted for eastern points. They are
making the extended trip by automo
bile, stopping here and there on the
Way, as the mood takes them. They
""In order to close out my entire stock of Spring and Siitnmflr
flats I am offering them at special bargain prices. I want to dis
pose of them before reoeiving my Fall and Winter supply.
1iS South Broadway Waterfovmr^b.
After Saturday night you'll not get
any more" liquor advertisements by
mail, as a law goes into effect July
1 whereby the sending of such ad
vertising matter through tJncle Sam's
postal channels is prohibited.
Mrs. Chas, H. Bnglesby of this elty
was appointed grand marshal oI the
Eastern Star grand lodge of South
Dakota at the recent grand lodge ses
sion in the Black Hills. Mrs. Bngles
by is the Worthy Matron of the local
©arrett Dolliver, a nephew of the
late Senator Dolliver of Iowa, lias ac
cepted a position with €la& O. Car
penter in the latter's law office. The
young man is preparing himself far
the profession of law. Until recent
ly he was the private secretary te
Senator W. S.-Kenyon.
Clerk of Courts Ralph H. Horswili
issued two'marriage iioenses yester
day to the fiollowirig parties: Edmund
Lifebbsch of Arlington and Miss Sena
Nelson of the same place Fred Ab
raham of Summit and Miss Adelia
Quitsch of South Shoqe.
Mrs. H. ft. Brown and children, who
were guests at the home of Mrs.
Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Loucks, returned last week to Bsook
ings, where Dr. Brown, of the State
Collece, had been pining ior their
return for several days.
The numerous friends of Miss Leoia
Sykes, now Mrs. B. L. Miller, of Bell*
vue, Colo., will be iriterjpted in learn
ing that she became the mother ef a
fine son last week, and that both
One fireproof safe, medium size.' mother and son afe getting along
0«e Cl,:«slst« (ISMJO
0»e No.
White pine, oak faced shelving,
Miller home to gtve the young^
^une, 3'
W. probably Jlot' reach tfiSir
dian liome until about harvest time.
The pupils of Miss '"MabeNe Pfeif
fer gave a delightful reoital at the
j0oandlnavian I^utheran church laitt
S^ti^rday evening. Those taking
part were the following: Ade Belle
Wilson, Kathiyn Bonesteel, Mazing
Heintz, Thora Johnson, Mhel Nelson,
Lucille Argo. Mjr. W.. 3. Adams ren
dered a vocal solo and Mr.' Btmer
Bdwards a cornet solp. The program
throughout was markfed by exception
al merit.
Hoy Ebert, who lor many years was
the lfnotype operator for. the daily
payer, but who left five or tlx years
ago to accept a position with a prcui
nent publishing house in St. Is
in the city for a brief vacation, lie
is spending a portion of the time with
his sidt«kr-in-law, Mrs. Ge». "Whiting,:
of' Tankton, who is camping at the
lake. Mr^Bbert has a host of friends
in Watertown and vtoilhity, whene he
spent the greater portion of his Ife
up to the time of bis removal to the
Minnesota capital.
dig Overaas of this city and Miss
Mary Daley of I»ake B£nton, Mmn..
were married at the home of the
bride yesterday afternoon. The groom
is associated '.with the Gslmenaba
Clothing company and eajoys the
friendship of a wide circle of friends
in the city and vicinity. The bride
is oine of the poular and highly re
spected young women of Lake Itea
ton. The young coppto are expected
to reach Watertown.the latter part 6f
this week, and it iB needles to add
that jMrs, Overaas will be eordially
welcomed to Watertown.
Charles R. Fuller,has opened up the
bath house on Bitter Medicine ^ake
and lias it now ready for tljie, nunraer
throngs. Mr. Fuller expects fey an
other season-16 have a large number
.of at eel lockers erected in* a both
Ne#/Machinery5 and Btnetl^Saiut^,
Prompt attention fiiven all shipment
10 lbs. Corn: Meal
10 lbs. jQrahwn
10 lbs. Beet
10 lbs. Prunes, good stock
10 lbs. Peaches {evaporated)
10 lbs. Guatemala'Coffee
TV., 1—5 ...
Did you say a ^l.i)0 6rd«r vni'1
at one time?. We think this is os|e •ttdwlll
endeavor to give yon our ra»Qi to
needs of more than one day maylii wrderftnd vOtix 'f -r.if .*
a little forethought the honsewife inay consolidate the motif 31
needs for two or more day», ttuaeby saving the ex^ese of extra 4
el iv vi pa in
though it may be a little itaore ojonveahokt \2nd.
yo^r neighbor may combine your orders and hor*
©red at one house.' This will aid in cntting down the deUv«
expense. 3rd. We feel confident that we can save you
sufficient amount on your purchase* to pay you to patironiM
the Cash Grocery. To prove this we qtiotfc the following prioeet
4 cans Cbndensed
1 case Milk, 72 cans ,.
lOO lbs. Granulated .j^garkL,
10 lbs. Pure Lard vyt-*1
10 lbs. Compound
Cudahy's Picnic Ham, per ponjjd JC..
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Krlesel and Mr.
We dellvar «e a«i#^irt ef th# C#|p,
r*»*Ness of the amount «f purchase.
West Side arooeiry. ihoii*a44g.
•y*\M W .• 1.-
6 Libby's Blackberries, No. '2
6 Hominy, Nq. 3 cans ..... .990
6 Pumpkin, No, 3 cans
6 Corn
6 Pink
3 pkgs. Yeast Foam
2 pkgs. SeedeU 'Raisins
1 lb. Bulk Cocoa
1 lb. Navy Beans, best hand
2 cans Campbell's Soup
1 pkg. Bird's Eye Matches (8 boxes)
3 lbB. Bulk Rice, full head
1 can Oedney's Dill Piekjes, No. 3 «a
.jpiUon Karo Syrup
Palmolive Toilet ftoap ..»t, ....
3 pk^s. Dakomin Soda
3 pkgs. Flavo Jell (any flavor) J"
3 pkgs. Mason Fruit Jar Rubbers
3ik^. E._C.CoTO Flakes
Fresh Fruit always on sale.
Hna mAi^A nnnnvfunilv 4-r^. a' A
One moi'e opportunity to purehaae Sed^-Flake rlUi
GryBtal White, Bob White, or
1 can S Stripe Sardines in Tomato
Fruit Jara, per dozen
1-pt. Mason Fruit Jars, per dozen
2 qt. Mason Fruit Jars, per dozen
Mason Fruit Jfer,Coyers
%at«h for the Ca«h Grooery Ad. Next Wwk.
dTJY H. McCrOLLVM, Proprietor,
hoi*m of conriderable proportions,
since the lake is fas£ becoming noted
far "and wide for its' medicinal prop
erties. Contrary to the belief of
many, its bed is. not composed of mud,
but said instead. IMre a^ie two
points on the lake shore-where the
shorn is well adapted to bathing—
the «Ktneme southenj and the ex
treme western spots/*:r
Miss BHizabeth 'Sensing, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Wensing, re
siding ast 316 Maple 9t. & B., was
is^teS Is rnarrioge Tuesday moming
at 9 o'^eck at immaculate Concep
tion etewrch, Rev. W. S. O'Meara of*
iciating, with Mr .Martin J. DeVille,
son of Mr. and, Mrs. A. DeVille,. of
Btourth St.. £. IS.' Only relatives and
immediate friends were present to
witness the ceremony. Both young
people haife lived In (Sodlngton coud
ty from almost infancy and enio^r the
esteem a very large circle of
friends, end are conceded to be ftmpng
the moet: popular and efficient ypung
people of the county. After August
1 Mr. and Mrs. DeVille will he "at
iMtne'- to their friends at Waverly,
9- B.j where the groom ft farming,:
Bacon, full slab, per pound
Bologna/ per pound
Summer Sausage, per pound
Our Famous H. T. Blend Coffee (best yet), per pound ^,.260 J? *, iy\
Mrs. S. T. Rorei', who delivered an
address on behalf of the chautaMua
ye^prday afternoon, is a woman who
has been in1 the' public eve for the
past ifty ears. She added to her
reputation when she befoflp the chief
of a department In the todies'
meat, however, ate inclined to reply
that while meat may npt be abao
lut^y necessary, it tastes, like the
Kentucky colonel's whisky, mightr
godd. The Kentucky colonel, you.*A:
knew, siaid that all whisky is good,
only some brands are better ^thiui
others. All-meat, according to the
meat eater, is good, if properly pre- &
pared, dnly ^ome is better tban dth- f-
a most delightful time and a most,
enjoyable trip. Amon« their cs*ch
were silver anji UJ^ck ba^s, pike and hi
OcHfresnos P. B. Willis had Jtost fife'
tebea his prelkoinary story-teHCng last
pickerel, and perch. It reported
although the wmor Is not ttacehble^Bairf, he sailed upon a certain
directly to them, that they also %nd
ed a shark (or maybe it was a gar)
asd narrowly missed a whafe. Since
there is a dispute Whether a whale is'
a flak or 4n aiimal they declined to
allow anything of this doubtful cttar*
acter to nibble at their!bait, aad
that's the only, reason they retutjded
home wl\aleless. They declare they
are going again some of these bright
mornings, and if by that time fthe
matter of the classification of a whale
shall hare been settled they're going
t« bring one home, whether ifs an
mimal or a fish. As herelsdHJfore
stated tbe only (dccuse they oflkr
for'not hauling one in is that they
object to hooking a thing unless they
$bd* What it ta.
XWOMMMMH Kill 11 till ji »|y $
Bur EnteiiainmeBls at tke
if I
v. -'i ..• .:
ad picke4
A Jt
•Vl A
Journal She la a ehef at intefiu- Jl
tional note, It may eeent strange' to
^ome people who think that tttejr
dannot get along withootf a meat «let
to learn that Mrs. Rorer has not eat-wr
en meat for nearly halt a century,
and since she ia be pas''
eighty years of age, and still strong
jwd vigorous, she thinks people couid
Vho happened to be away from 4
home. He learned that bis opponent t»'^
bad visited the same^ place ttie pr#
vious week, aati so, not. to be out
done. he attempted to make himself
especially agreeable. He gave the
little daughter a flovs#r, wi^ the jt$
mark tjiat he'd bet Mr, So and 'So
hadn't gixon her one nearly as nice.
She sait^B had .presented .her with,
a Ug booVnt. Then he offered the
little one a dime, a brand new dime,
saying tijat hed bet the other man
hadn't given ker such a nice present
It appeared the other fellow had given
her a brand new quarter. Then he
took the little girl upon his lip anft
pressed upon her velvety cheek a nice
kiss, 'observing that he'd feet thf oth
er man hadn't kissed her so xiloe^r.
*"^1, no," i^ie admitted^ "jut lie
kissed mamma." Gevejrnor Willis sal*
he lost jths*

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